TERRIBLE Space Elevator Traffic Needs Perfect Transit in Cities Skylines

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer here in the city of teapo thank you very much for joining me so we have some big plans for today we're gonna unlock the next monument and i asked you all to let me know in the comments of the last episode which one you would like to see and the winner was the space elevator because um everyone wanted to see how i would deal with the huge influx of tourism that normally brings to your city so we're gonna need to set up some stuff to deal with that but of course there's a few things we need to unlock uh before we get to that let's just stop following that train there we go so if we have a look on here a huge influx of tourism with our space elevator but we need to start with the grand mall and i am gonna find some nice spots to put these and build them up make them look nice before we do that we are losing a lot of money even though we're gaining at the moment uh overall our money is going down quite a lot and that is to do with our smartypants university the time has come [Music] there we go we've got like so many academic works it's unbelievable we've probably nearly got all of them um so we're gonna drop that right down to zero and see whether that helps us uh we do have the policy of uh free lunch and free education which is costing us a lot of money but we'll do that one first and we'll see what happens so let's do our search for our first edition the grand mall there we go now we did start to build over here we put central park in here last time and i know this is going to be some nice big houses in here i'm pretty sure i would like to put yeah an area in here let's just grab our zoning tool and we're gonna zone a little bit up here all the way along we're going to leave the beach sort of free and we're going to take this area down here we may do actually i'm going to go all the way i want this to be nice looking at self-sufficient housing because i love the self-sufficient housing let's just take in this road and maybe we'll stop there and do something with this bit there we go thornton district so we need a name for that let me know in the comments below what you would like to name that so we've got self-sufficient buildings yes please and this one here organic and local produce yeah go on we'll go for that as well that means it's gonna have to be small buildings and then this sort of area over here let's see what we can do there we go that should work out well so i'm gonna put let's have a look yeah i'm gonna put these all here i've left it as a four by four or four wide space in here so we get the nice big tall buildings and i want all of this around our central park to be self-sufficient housing so i'm going to pop all of that in um i may even actually just carry on down here as well yeah let's close that in we need to go a bit further with this one there we go that'll do and then we'll just make sure that this little last part here is an asymmetrical road we'll do some dedicated turning lanes and give way coming out of there we'll do the same over here as well in fact we'll take the whole of that yeah we'll spin that one around the other way that will work quite well so we'll do that here and we'll do that there there we go this one i'm not too worried about because this is the main road and then i do want all this to be the same height so let's just grab these nodes so that one there shift oh there we go should i collect that one yeah that one there what is that there we go smooth that all out that's the same height excellent so let's pop these in these last little gaps that we've got here and along there and along there yeah that should be good so let's see what we get in this area actually while these people are growing in here they're gonna need some services as well because they're so far away from everybody else so maybe let me just pop a few of these items in here too [Music] there we go that is a good start to the new area and of course you need to keep your eye on this down here because you're not going to get houses growing just because you want them to grow so we're going to need a little bit of commercial in here as well i don't want this to go absolutely mad so let's just fill that up here on the main road there we go just a little bit of that around there and we'll do this one here as well up to the junction excellent and that should take care of their needs so we'll leave that growing there so now we've got a bit of a population uh boost over here we're going to make this shots as well and that's going to be those there we go so now we've got a nice little population boost on this corner i am going to put some smaller houses perhaps around the edge here just to sort of soften that down to the coast but we'll get to that but we could certainly add the grand maul into here but we need to try and think a little bit about the transportation about i mean that's got a huge bonus over this area so we sort of went over here somewhere that would give that boost to most of those houses which would be fantastic that is what we want so let's grab this road here let's find that node up to there excellent all together now we all know what we're doing there and then we'll grab a nice tree-lined road in fact we're just coming out onto the edge over there and then is that going to fit in before those shops appear actually that'll fit in perfectly give me that on there there we go excellent oh you want to come and shop there don't you and get the nice views of the coast very good very good let's make it a bit easier for everybody to get across here let's pop in some paths and such so you can walk across there they can walk down there this has all got roads getting across so that's fine we will add some um now what do we want here we've got at the minute the access is this road to this round about all the way around which i think's okay i think i mean this might get super busy this little road here so that might end up being around about at some point but as it stands at the moment i don't think that's too bad what is the next thing on the list to add because it's going to help us perhaps build up this area here so a stadium we do have stadiums but not the stadium which is this one yeah now that is pretty big and that has a very large noise now a stadium down here on the coast would be great somewhere along here i'm thinking so let's grab some rose perhaps and build off of here and then i mean we will put a car park okay i'm going to build this straight first and then i'm going to delete this bit that's where the stadium is going to go there yeah right on the coast and then we're going to grab this here how do i want to do this oh thank you very much still getting the old academic works even though i've um stopped the money actually that's quite good i like the look of that and then we'll go straight into there nice little cut i wanted to do something a bit different not just a straight road into here now this road here could carry on underneath let's change this a little bit let's grab our pick a pick up so that could come straight out to there and then i want it to curve under here perfect and then i want it to go into there perfect again excellent um and then what are we going to do here yeah we're going to do that and we're gonna do that so now they've got access to over here and the ferry which is there we definitely could add another ferry stop down here yeah definitely this road coming down here is looking perfect for a ferry stop for access to the rest of the city or plans coming together do you know what we haven't got a blimp depot um maybe we could have a blimp depot now that's going to be hard to build that on there so let's do a bit of land terror formation is that a real word whoa there we go and then if we put our ferry off of that no that is not what we want to do let's undo that and undo that and flood everybody this is the one i want so we're gonna get that i'm just gonna bring it out a bit okay all game calm down game calm down let's maybe take that back a spot and pop it on here oh it's going to say shoreline required problems with the water i want it here but the game's like that's the shawl oh you want it there do you game come on now do you know what i'm going to do i'm going to pop it anywhere there like that and then we'll just use the move it mod whoa i've still got all of that selected okay let's do that again and we'll just maneuver this around that's where i want it there and ctrl h the same height as that thank you we'll come back to maneuvering that again let's grab this road so if you bring that straight out and then we can line all of this up can't we that'll be good i'm sure there's a way of using the move it mod to automatically do that but i will do it myself there we go so that should be done a stop in each direction which is good and we've sort of connected up to this sand bank here we may leave it like that that's fine we'll work on that a bit good so now we've got access to over here by the ferry access to the rest of the area and we could even add what should we add what should we add i'm just thinking that this area here is going to become super busy so we've got this central park we've got the grand mall we've got the stadium we're going to end up with a lot of things in here this road needs a bit of adjustment doesn't it i'm wondering whether we could put something a little bit more substantial in here i don't really want to go for trolley buses but i'm wondering whether we could just add in a nice tram running up and down here yeah let's do that i do enjoy a good tram let's add a tram in over over here so this tram is going to come down this way to drop people off to this area it can then turn around and i will get that sorted um it can then come down into this spot this way and then where can it go could we just have it go sort of in a bit of a loop so we'll change this road here oh dear oh dear let's put that on we'll turn that off i should say collision we'll pop that there it means we're going to lose our dedicated turning lanes coming out along here but hey ho [Music] it's off to work we go and then we'll go down there and then we'll come around here and just make that a tram around them back again don't want it i don't want it to go all the way up there that's like a separate thing altogether yeah that's good then we just need to add some turning spots so which side of the road you're gonna be coming down this side of the road here okay so if we go like this and then we'll go like and then we'll go like this and then we'll go like that so you can turn around and go back again yep and then we need another turning spot do we no because that all goes in a big loop doesn't it yeah okay good oh we need to attach a tram depot to all of this can i attach it to this over here by the stadium as there's the highway here i'm going to stick it right by that yeah that'll work that'll be good and then we can just run our tram network so we're going to go which way is this going to go that way so we want this one here oh i knew there was another turning spot we needed it was down here isn't it oh let's just do that first so they're going to be coming down this side of the road to actually go in this direction right by the c would work okay yeah let's just get that all the same height as this let's get this the same height as that so then it all sort of slopes down a bit if we take that one and that one and that one and we'll do this slope objects there we go excellent and then we can add a stop over there okay so let's run this along now trying to sort of spread it away from the junctions but that's quite difficult when it sort of snaps to a point in the middle well that'll be okay i don't want one in there that's going to become super busy then we'll do this side of the road then we'll do that and then we'll loop around and go back in again yeah that should be good so let's give this a water pipe there we go fantastic in fact i'm going to take that all the way along to the end up here because we're going to be building in all of this area and then let's follow our first tram i'm just going to drop the trams down to three i think that'll be plenty and then we've got our teacup trams that we can add we've got the three car the five seven and nine um and the t port let's go for the t port three and three of those and i think and we're going to change the line color as well let's go for a greeny let's go for sort of a light green there we go and let's wait for these to come out oh these are purple so these are the ones that are going back here we go look at that look at that teapot tram link i do like these i do like these a lot okay let's follow this one already people are using them that's fantastic they'll be bunched up at the minute but they will unbunch themselves not going to worry about that too much then we've got a stop down here and a nice little turn around as well oh things are growing so they're all getting on the ferry oh that's good yeah you just walk right across in the way then we're gonna head into central park nice little area we've got here very [Music] good okay so while that's going around there we could just add back in our dedicated turning lanes the giveaway should be fine yeah so let's just quickly add those back in uh that one's okay that one there and then the rest are just single lanes anyway have i accidentally put trees all over this road i have because i flipping left collision on didn't i oh it's not an episode with biffa if i don't accidentally leave collision on somewhere okay cool so that's going to help everybody get around everywhere i just want to sort this little road out here or should i pause first so everybody doesn't freak out let's just connect that up that's better there we go all right so we're starting to build up our infrastructure we've got the mass transportation coming in uh we seem to be making a bit more money which is good what is next on the list the statue of wealth well that is something that can really fit into this area what's that a modern condominium interesting the statue of wealth so i'm just thinking how big is the space elevator oh i can't even click it but i'm thinking of saving this area here for the space elevator so our statue of wealth could actually tell you what why don't we make a little something of this area here so right opposite where our our mall is let's see what we can do about this for connecting up to everything else i quite like this i'm gonna grab that node that node that node that node and that node and try our slopey slope yeah that just didn't work at all i was expecting that to line all these up nicely um yeah no okay i'll just do it by eye then don't worry game thank you very much yeah it looks alright so you can walk down there and then you can take this nice walk along the beach and then you can join in with the other area over here we could jumpy game does my nut and then we can have a little walk through the trees here as well so we sort of go like this up to there that'd be nice so that gives access to all of that from the main walking highway um yeah so lots of walking available lots of mass transit lots of stuff going on what is happening with the traffic over here so you're all trying to come off i've suddenly got distracted these guys are blocking everybody i know what we can do to fix this we're gonna say hugo there and hugo there so when you come around the corner that is where i want you to pick your lane which is what they're doing so we're going to say pick your lane coming in here and then stay in that lane all the way down and go because at the minute you're just looking at each other and you're doing a similar thing coming down here as well look so if you go there and then when you get to the end pick your lane i might end up forcing some people to go where they don't want to go but that's fine because look at all that blocking up i think it's just all getting super busy because people are traveling over here yeah okay well i'm happy with that right our statue of wealth is oh look at that space elevator nice that is oh my giddy aunt this thing is absolutely humongous right this area over here we are gonna slightly change this so i'm gonna take away this zone here for now all the way up to there we may continue that over there but that's fine but for now that's all going to go we're going to put another zone instead over here and then what i want to do here is have this as a touristy center where everyone can come and have lots of fun so that is going to be tourism leisure this one here yes spruce height so give me a name for this one and this uh where are we on the monuments is going to be right in the middle here i want it facing that way but i want it there so let me just pop a road in [Music] here okay there we go so that thing has now kicked in lots of tourism for the space elevator and then what i want to do in just this little spot here is pop a car park in so uh let me grab that oh look at all those people coming out already good grief it's almost like they're just flying out of space here they come wow that is great so correct me if i'm wrong but a space elevator you know connects to space so are these like flying from the moon on a virgin atlantic not virgin atlantic whatever it's called for going around into space and they're coming down in the space elevator and then they're arriving at my city now i could cheese this i could have all this in a park and i have to pay to come out but i'm not gonna do that but what do you notice they're doing instantly they're walking which is absolutely perfect some of them are getting in their car but most of them are walking so that is good and they're all walking over here to this stop so we obviously need to increase the frequency of those so we'll come back to that in a minute let me just finish off this oh my goodness there's so many people coming out of this that is great um i'm just wondering whether actually we could have another stop up here so it comes up picks them up and then comes round in a loop like that rather than this loop at the end here that actually might work a bit better let's give that a go so i'm going to upgrade let's turn off anarchy there that road that road that road that road and then we're gonna have that come out there and connect there so probably don't need this curly whirly bit anymore and then when it comes down here we can add a stop there so it goes round there just see where that one goes and then it goes off into the city that actually might work a bit better we'll leave this why is that one coming down going around going up there i'm gonna set let me just sort this out there we go that works much better so it comes down here stops outside loops around stops up there and i'm hoping that most people are now gonna queue up on here look at how many people are on here let's just take a look at our tram line we may need to monkey around with this a little bit so tram line six 525 five yeah loads of people there couple of hundred over there and then four hundred and something we need to add some more vehicles so yeah let's just increase that i'm gonna increase that to six and i'm actually going to change that to the five not the teacup ones yeah the five instead of the three so they're all going to disappear and all going to come out again and see whether that takes care of it all i'm also going to add in because a lot of people are walking down here and crossing in front of the cars so i'm going to have a path there let's use our posh pads posh pads because we're in a posh part of town let's put that back on again so that's going to come over there if they want to get to this stop and they don't have to walk around there and i may even stop the crossing here i think that might be a good idea just because this is going to get super busy so we'll turn not that one not that one either that one that one and that one off there we go and then it's going to take a while for these all to unbunch but give them some time so they can get there so if they want to walk out they can get there they want to cross over they can come down there they can get in and out of the car park because i put all the foot parts in there and that's being used which is fantastic so we just need to keep an eye on this and i hope we have enough trolleys whoa to pick up all of these tourists okay something tells me we're going to need a lot more uh help to deal with all of these people coming out of here and i'm wondering whether i don't want to ban cars because i know what will happen we'll bang cars here they'll walk around the corner and get their cars out there but yeah we're getting quite a little bit of traffic going on here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get rid of that i'm gonna make a road here have better access so this one here if you remember we've turned it into our tram so it means we don't have dedicated turning lanes or anything like that whereas this one here if i do that it's going to have dedicated turning lanes being um it may end up being a roundabout but that's a shorter route so hopefully they'll come around here instead of going around this way and making this busy and then also whoops if i grab that and look at line details we've got six on there so that was only got 202 on it 202 520 so it's just a case of having them unbunch a bit more which we know they will do as time goes on 160 tours car trip save 100 excellent so i think we'll leave that going for a little while and just see look already that these guys are coming down here let's just watch this a sec yeah there we go that's much better um this outside here is always going to be busy but it's all moving which is fine they're mostly taking this road here instead of coming down here and blocking up this junction so certainly that is much better i'm just thinking about adding some sort of uh path over the top of all of this so to help them get across let me just see what i can do so there we go if they want to walk over the top they can these are pretty steep we're just going to imagine that they are let's just line that up a bit better we're going to imagine that their steps going up so that's fine they can get all the way across the other side without bothering to cross over the road so that is definitely going to be helpful so all i need to think about is whether i just need to add a couple more trams on there i think i'm going to just up it by another two six seven eight and i think that will be this sorted excellent okay and then to go in here as we've made this a tourism area i'm gonna put some high density commercial which is gonna give us a load of touristy type buildings now i don't know whether this is going to overwhelm um our traffic in here but we're certainly going to see and give it a go but i want that to be all the way down this side in this section not all the way down there yeah let's have them all the way down there as well let's just check that our zone no our zone needs to go over the road to take in those there we go and then that will just be normal high density let's see what that gives us there we go so a couple of extra parts to get about i put some crossing with some lights using the node controller mod just wondering whether we could do with that anywhere else no i think we're doing okay let's just look at the traffic of just this area as it's getting pretty busy do you know what that is not too bad no traffic around there a little bit of traffic there that is going to be used a lot but i mean nothing at all so that is really really cool and look there we go we've got enough people being picked up that there's not huge crowds waiting i think that was a fantastically successful placement of our space elevator and we've getting 510 tourists last week that is hopefully going to make us a load of money our money is going up again which is great so i'm really pleased with that i like that the floating calf with a little boat and the ferry goes right through the middle i think that looks really nice [Music] well i have to say i'm pretty pleased with the way this area turned out what do you reckon let me know in the comments below be sure to subscribe and don't forget i've got oxygen not included on my other channel before play strategy so if that's your thing go and check that out i will see you all very soon for the next one take care everybody have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 131,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines monuments, cities skylines space elevator, cities skylines space elevator traffic
Id: O8rgCd6yVpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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