Ninja Texting Scam & PewDiePie Banned In China - H3 Podcast #151

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Im so disgusted that theyve been swatted multiple times

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/SheilaMichele1971 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Zack looked like a completely different person before his weight loss

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/MetallicMongoose 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

The Community Texting platform is so sketchy. Crazy how number farming like this is legal all under the guise of "opt in" marketing. This company is gonna get rich by selling "active profiles" while these celebrities likely get a royalty check. Selling out is so easy today smh

Edit:I hope Ethan makes a full video exposing this scam

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/wogs94 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think it'd be cool if Ethan picked up doing a work out class of some sorts and making funny videos of it, like Zumba one week, kick-boxing the next, hot-yoga the next, indoor rock-climbing the next, "Ethan and Hila run a 5k"

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/i_hav_queeestionz 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Teddy Fresh should hire that disney land girl & give her a wholesome modeling campaign

Fuck that fucking scumbag dude

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/AXXXXXXXXA 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

TBH I feel bad for those girls who got their hopes up and were stringed along by Ian on this dating show. He should have never agreed to it in the first place.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/tjbeast666 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I don't get why there is a rush to get back from break if the podcast isn't live anymore?

Almost every episode Ethan is winded from running back from the bathroom.

Can't they just start and stop cameras or edit out anything?

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Rosstafarians 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man that video of the Brazilian singer was soul crushing

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/TheUsernameProblem 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

The bach3lor saga has been the best part of the podcast so far for me. I love the dynamic it’s created with everyone, dan ian+Zack included

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/mediciii 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
- lucky you you happen to be watching the best show that has ever existed anywhere - three podcasts thank you for watching thank you for being here thank you to my beautiful co-host ela climb the the swag master got a new haircut looking fantastic your hair looks amazing you look amazing hurt it's Maybelline what are those what or the commercials back in the day where they was these shampoo that was so good it sounds like they were like zooming ah I'll have what she's having that's you is YouTube gonna deem on me cuz I said orgasm yep there they are that sensitive I'm dead serious I'm bi just constantly at war with YouTube I do - our podcasts it's impossible that I don't say something edgy like orgasm god forbid it's not my why you come here look was such bomb hair like I'm not gonna say orgasm the thirst for 30 seconds to get her a whole episode monetize you're coming out with this bomb ass hair now I'm talking about Maybelline dear fault because Herbal Essences Herbal Essence I did like Herbal Essence what about horrible life related the the multi-level lighting company they're huge they're like they've sponsor soccer teams I was surprised to see that like team Herbalife I was like do you guys know that they're like just like logging yeah don't sue me Herbalife they have a lot of money allegedly it's blood money this is a parody so when I say scam then when I say that Herbalife is a scam and a fraud and blood money I'm saying that as a parody it's a joke I'm a comedian after all guys we've got a lot to talk about here today as you could see in the title and the thumbnail it's all happening everything at once but before we get to the headlines I do want to mention my feeding window wait do you want to thank the sponsors oh [ __ ] hems and quit thank you to hems and quit for sponsoring this episode of the h3 podcast thank you for reminding me thank you thank you do you know what a feeding window is let's talk about that so I I'm just I'm on like a runaway train of fatness right now I'm just getting fatter and fatter we were at a wedding yeah weekend jaunt Ron's wedding which was beautiful and glorious I'm very happy for him Haman isn't in his new bride Dan you're screaming sponsors but I'm assuming about the old congratulations to Dan and his new wife Charlotte beautiful what did I say today you guys oh my god what is wrong with me no I've been eating a lot I always eat a lot no I think it's because we just moved there's a lot going on Lois okay I'll help you stay on track we got to talk about the wedding so that we can talk about the fitting window so the wedding was beautiful it was it was gorgeous it was nice seeing all the youtubers there I saw i dub light ups and his a wonderful girlfriend and he saw hmm I even saw Jason aka dunkey yeah and Leah there which was long gone newlywed right there's a lot of love in the air yeah and I was just I turned around I was like Jason Elliott they didn't say hi to me and I was like maybe they didn't see me but I was like what and we spent the majority of the night with hanging out with them that was a joy Sh'ma yo I mean hello friend ler Michael Gregory flew in from New York City the donkey the dunks that's how I refer to the and Jaison fluent from Wisconsin that's some real friendship yeah I just drove an hour yeah so very cool people in Israel complain when they have to drive an hour to our wedding yeah people that I ask a lot for weddings aren't they not ask a lot but like people like yeah I'm having a wedding in a the southern tip of Chile I expect you all to come and pay for your accommodation and there is a dress code of like this very specific green suit right you have to cost ten thousand dollars and you'll need to wear to attend I had a friend who invited me to a wedding and Florida that was black tux only I was like bro can you say uh I'm not coming in a different way we're a super broke that wasn't what was happening in New York and so you HOT it does it come with a budget like no yeah who make it happen he was a rich he was a very from a wealthy family and a lot of my other broke friends who went there I was like boy I'm not spending like five thousand dollars to go to this guy's wedding but I feel like um it's kind of cool you know because people live here so far from each other because it's so base but no it's kind of cool that people actually will do it for you I agree that's why they get the best friend award but I'm not I'm not doing that [ __ ] who would I do that for is there anybody I was put on the bucks and fly to Florida for I think it's just a matter of if you can afford it I mean we really couldn't afford it but it's also now that I can't afford it is there's a time restraint like I'm not yeah but if if I John's the wedding wasn't here it was in Florida with a black tux only we would have done it there's a good chance I would have done it thank you what are you talking about I'm just saying that's asking a lot yeah are one of our good friends his his he's not a rich guy he's an ordinary everyday Joe they were having a bat it wasn't even the wedding the bachelor party was in like Cuba they're like will you come down to Cuba and get Zika virus and he just had like a newborn babies like I'm gonna get my kids Iike virus to go party in Cuba like what are we gonna be doing go through that right no he didn't go cuz the doctor said you're gonna get Zika and you have a new baby yeah that's fine but he didn't want ya so he didn't want to go but the doctor gave him an out but he's like I have to go it's my cousin I was like bro I tell your cousin it's [ __ ] oh no I'm not doing that it's too much and I agree with you but it's also kind of cool I have love and appreciation for the people who saddle up and do it that being said I don't think that I'm one of those people I think you are and you don't know it okay I'll accept that because I feel like that speaks volumes to someone's character that they're willing to do that I don't think I would be willing to do that but the fact that you're gonna give me the credit without having done it I accept okay thank you you're welcome I'm having a wedding in a in the southern pole of Antarctica would you will you be attending I expect you to be attending you'll need a tote you'll need a expedition guide a licensed expedition guide and an oxygen mask hike that wasn't fade up you'll need a guard to fend off polar bears sure I'll make it RSVP yes would you like would you like whale blubber or walrus steak art Antico wildlife got it yeah we're having a wedding in the center of the Amazon rainforest so can we get to the fear at the aboriginal tribe you'll need to be you'll need shots against malaria hepatitis F it's a new one that they just discovered there you will need to divorce your wife because you literally cannot go back home to live like you're used to you cannot be be you can't be reintroduced to society unfortunately after quarantine for six months and we just have a little ask I do recommend that you get your will and a state in order before journey back to our wedding and the center Amazon yeah yeah I'll make that course how could I say no anyway that brings me to the feeding window so okay yeah the feeding window we haven't gotten there yet so there was a week well I started weeks before the wedding telling Ethan you you have nothing to wear because you do not fit through your clothing unfortunately no you need to buy and you wouldn't do it and I was getting nervous I could see ourselves like day of the wedding and you don't know what to wear so I had to buy your clothes oh and all right that you would fit and then we went to buy a shirt and we were like okay let's get extra large because you used to be large so you try on the large Dan will you go I tweeted it to jontron can you find that tweet the courrier you tried on the extra-large yeah yeah well show picture that but the clothing we ordered online the pants was an elastic waist dress pants which was so dope I didn't hear welcoming and aisle I was like whoa and Anila first was like you can't talk into an elastic waist is insane I was like you know what I'm talking and I talked and it looked pretty good yeah I had no problem with that um here oh that was quick thank you here's what the extra large looked like on me I took a picture because we were those but those are those buttons are fighting for life so the extra-large was pretty long so we're like it looks so funny on the back of like a dress super tight dress yeah I wish we got the replies okay well we had to get another size that was even longer so it's like down to my knees so eels like you can't talk on the elastic waist but the shirt looks like a skirt when I'm like I'm talking in it anyway so we found out that your to excel well when yeah I mean well on a dress shirt like that yeah I remember when you were a medium I know that's a it's a long lifetime ago and that's like three sizes ago but okay let's continue with the story what's where does it go from here um so we are at the wedding ya know we saw our friend Zach yeah oh the feeding window the feeding window yeah so the feeding window Zach was starting telling me I mean I know about intermittent fasting but Zach goes I've lost eight weights l88 eight weights God what is wrong with me stop and think before they like say every single word eight pounds bus just by doing intermittent fasting he gives himself a eight hour feeding window and so mine because I usually breakfast at 10:00 and have dinner around 5:00 so my eight hour feeding window is from 10:00 to 6:00 so that means that I can eat anything I want within that eight hour feeding window and then the rest of the day is a fast which lowers your insulin lowers our speeds up your metabolism and you are just burning calories during that outside that feeding window I just like saying feeding what I mean if you see some of the farm animal get me my crop maybe it's my feeding window shoving your face it's my feeling with the food heels are you sure you want to eat up third hamburger today they work good well here's where it works I think I'm gonna try it you don't know that it doesn't work you know that for a fact how do I get this says [ __ ] a feeding window ya know here's why it works besides that it lowers the incident Co the reason it work it's a mind game you set these rules for yourself so you say okay I'm only gonna eat between ten and six I'm a fast the rest of the day you jaw you end up eating less cow yeah you starve exactly that's how long how long are you gonna last a week I think I can live on two meals a day that's not that crazy a lot of people do that so why do you need the window why not do a he'll give yourself rules and yes stick to them and maybe I want three hamburgers during I win what however I don't eat three hamburgers as a rule that's too specific overall however I don't eat french fries period that's too specific of rule what do you want me to keep like 100 rules I'll make rules for you yeah I want one rule I can run rule to live by to rule your world like the one ring that rules them all the fede window from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. thou shalt not eat food outside the feeding window you're gonna end up wearing 3 XL by then this is feeding hours not if I stick to the fast you said it yourself I'll be starving it's so bad for you and then you'll be eating eating eating and that's what there's that Zack said he's not for a week Zack says it's good it's healthy too fast it's good to have your insulin low during those hours especially someone like me who's on the verge of being a diabetic free psychic pebbles yes the nutritionists yeah you know you know any stupid thing that someone will tell you you'll pick up except the actual good thing healthy living a lot of it you need to change your home well like rain Florence no I sound like a normal person that doesn't have a feeding window let's see what happens we'll give it a week okay we'll check I'm gonna stick to the viewing window I'm gonna stick and then today what's today Tuesday next Tuesday let's check in and let's see how what's my status I'll get away myself tonight mm-hmm which I'm frankly and not looking forward it's gonna be brutal okay and both taken the feeding window extravaganza I'm all right do you guys have any weight loss tips for me yeah work out anyone possible that doesn't make sense damn I lost 70 pounds on Kido 70 yeah I used to weigh almost 300 pounds really you were you were like a pretty big dude yeah huh yeah how's the big boy just Kido like tell me about that Kido uh it's the high fat no carbs no sugar diet and so what were you eating on a daily basis uh hamburger patties just a bunch of protein and just a nice yeah cheese that sounds so unhealthy right and that work it just did hamburger patties and cheese and you lost seven - yeah it's just without the bread I mean you're good and you just don't eat the bread and lose 70 pounds over what course period of time I lost 70 pounds in the span of six months whoa yeah that's a lot I have a picture when I was like can't we see yeah yeah sure how do I listen to this sack not the other Zac how do I see that picture well work on that Tim we're gonna get there and in the meantime right yeah Brad we're - you definitely got a cutout of bread not during the feeding window anything goes during the feeding window like today after you ate your breakfast you started snacking on bread mm-hmm because it's the fading Windom eight hours to go crazy baby what if I combine Kido with feet and oh yeah then we're really onto something special try it mm-hmm all right what else we got God smite before we get into the good stuff well this is the good stuff frankly there's a drummer that God there at a church and he's drumming his heart out first to my point he's in a little box which oh I mean I never seen such a thing it seems a little ridiculous I guess it's to make the drums less loud but I mean just let it rip dude you're playing rock and roll you know Zach what do you think about the drum box the drum box yeah well it's not that I mean it's not the craziest thing that sometimes they will put like a glass thing in front of a drum kit just to reduce noise especially a nook is small yeah then you like that it makes sense because the drums will just overpower everything else yeah so must be loud as hell in that little cube probably it's like being at a gun range in there well anyway God wasn't down with this tooth drumming because it's just neat well let you see for yourself that God just dropped the cross right on this dude like da bro [Music] gods like ah [ __ ] this man boom dude he got taken out that's like a heavy cross have you heavy falls to the cross you know what I'm saying and nobody helps him to it ok like well that's God's well nobody in the audience responds nobody on stage response hyung is literally playing the guitar he's pinned down under a rock and nobody makes a move never stop playing even in the audience nobody reacts it's like too much Jesus these guys are all I don't know I guess it was meant to be right if the cross falls on you then the rule is I think it's in the Bible that you just let them die God's like peace [ __ ] Bumi really gets taken odds a heavy cross bike so so late playing lady notices it's like okay well do we just continue I mean he's all God is obviously smite me you know that commercial back in the 90s when for dare they're like this is your brain on drugs and they crack an egg mm-hmm she wouldn't have seen that growing up really nobody remembers that no I I remember of course I'm saying helo wouldn't I've seen it I'm not asking he'll oh yeah for sure so this is your this is your brain on Jesus this is your brain on Jesus all these people are just too much Jesus we got the picture of Zach I got no problem with Jesus but too much Jesus oh we got a shirtless pic um for younger that a nice let's see what I have yeah it's when I started my weight loss turn that dude damn boy you didn't have a chin but you look yeah I mean you look you did thank you I need the key to my ass I would have never just imagine me man what I would look like with the chanyeol oh I look good huh I'm weird or not with the chat Oh what age were you here I mean how long ago I was a junior in high school so when you lost weight did you start getting like a bunch of ass I mean what was that like how do people react to it in high schools it was definitely a shock I definitely got a lot more attention if you will that's amazing you might have been like dude this is awesome you know then I started to grow my hair out oh [ __ ] we got the rock and roll here we lost the compound's did your dick grow I don't know what that means you know it does but I've heard that when you lose weight your dick gets bigger because I guess you have more blood to go circulate I swear to God when you get fat your dick shrinks really you're right I swear to God I think it's a great reason you lose the fat around the light I've never heard that the Fupa area right it looks yeah I was about to say I don't think it actually gets bigger it's that everything it's right in your portion to everything else but I think your erection quality improves is that right Zach that's also your life quality in general yeah I think yeah it does you got a veneer he's good for you Zach I'm proud of you thank you and you've kept it off for a long time yeah I've gone up and down I mean my skinniest I was like 185 which was just way too skinny for a 6-3 you got a but I'm like at two-two time right now I just maintain you know you wouldn't want on the weekends and then during the week it's uh you know back to the routine what's the routine what is it yeah we don't still a lot of protein keto still no no bread just I try and avoid bread so you eat you eat bread on the weekend yeah but you know you gotta limit yourself no bread after breakfast no I actually don't have bread with bread do you eat a loaf of bread when you finish breakfast cuz that's what I did this before like a back ed early it was like it was a little like yeah it was like did you dip it in butter no I would have if there was some around that's the best char you kidding the bread dipped in butter I died early for that [ __ ] it's so explained to even he just Kido he like you would have said that kudos [ __ ] I think it doesn't sound very healthy but I agreed that just try cutting our bread yeah that alone will do a lot are you allowed to eat vegetables on keto yes you say just like steak and Gino you can have you can have vegetables but you just gotta like avoid the sugar so like I don't need a lot of fruits like apples or they have a bunch of sugar in it hmm so look fruit TV Eirene occasion I'll have like an orange or I love watermelon that's food you better watch out for the watermelon yeah soupy it's got [ __ ] it's got sugar in it damn yeah it's just like you got to get yourself in a certain mindset and you just gotta say [ __ ] and do it okay I can go Kido Kido plus feeding window equals bliss keto plus feeding window would be like a huge weight loss bro epic weight loss you can do it you can do it you think I should just do keto or just feeding window try keto for two weeks see how you feel cuz I guarantee you will see results didn't I try or Acuto and I didn't lose weight or it did something I don't think you're really committed to it yeah you said you were doing keto at one point but I don't know I don't know well dude the proof is in the pudding here with Zac I'm motivated it sounds incredible yeah I'd love to get my my erection quality up it's not bad but it's like like when I was a young man my erection was like powerful it was like impressive you know just look at your dick and you're like good dude [ __ ] yeah bro no I don't do that anymore I was like I was pushing to like a 3x shirt I was like a 40-something waist like I just Lordy yeah I mean I'm far off those measurements my dude you are you don't I mean Adam she used to be 38 infants and I don't really fit in though yeah 38 to tight fit to be honest not a super touch I'm mostly upset because we used to measure clothing on Ethan too and usually on Teddy fresh we have like a fit model and we would make the samples in a size large because that's what he thin wears and we could we couldn't like try it on Ethan and try it on someone even a model like large is kind of like a lot of people were large but now you messed it all up so that's why he was upset yeah well we gotta do something about that yeah specifically my erection quality though cuz I want to go from like a sex like up to it I know I'm like thirty I don't really know what do you mean by quality like isn't it either that or not no dude quality is my quality it's like it's like come on dude quality is like it's bigger it's stronger it's harder its glorious it's like it's like it's just incredible it's this beautiful thing I don't know quality of an erection okay it's gone from like a 75% to 100% the difference between limestone and like diamond Wow you understand and see that all the guys on this stands for sure I mean my dick works let's get that straight you could it that's why I'm asking what do you mean because it it works better it's like it works better it's harder it's a little bigger so what are you waiting for I'm not waiting fraid they don't want a feeding window I'm gonna feeding window post Kido it's impossible okay just try it for two weeks I'm telling you will see results okay two weeks here we go we're in but so do I am I out of the feeding window yeah none of Saudi thank you do you do you what kind of like snacks can you eat when you're on Keita or do you just forego I I tend to have like these protein bars that are like super low in carbs protein bars yeah those sound good yeah I can give you a name but they're a lot of sugar and those I buy like the low sugar like less than one gram two grams like this some of that and you just hit those hard during the day no you got I mean like anything in life you're gonna limit yourself but I mean like that is your problem there's no easy way doing it we're in a way that you have to limit yourself its Kido no carbs lose 70 pounds all right I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the and I can't eat fruit that's crazy I like fruit you can but not to want moderation not too much fruit I mean what do you snack on now Oh meals off no what do i snack that I snack on they don't do much snacking I just eat big-ass meals like last night you was good well if there's cookies in the house or any kind of pastries or stuff like that you don't eat at all yeah either goes let's get a tally for you okay look at the menu uh chicken with a shitload of cheese on top and marinara sauce on the side some vegetables a potato a salad and i'm tara misu granted but you ate most of it yeah that's a shitload of bread so you eat everything but the bread and don't touch the throw myself don't touch the bread don't touch the tiramisu you can have with was the chicken breaded or was it just no not breaded so you can have the chicken the cheese the marinara sauce with the veggies no what about potato you know paid up no potato no potato no potato potato kind of sucks anyway what you don't mean that well when it comes as a side like with chicken kind of salt good it was like baked and it was like soaked in the Marinero it was like insane I don't care you all right let's go Quito two weeks ACK and I better look like I better loose how many pounds am I supposed to look like five pounds I mean again it's been you were losing like ten a month I was losing yeah I was and I don't think it was that healthy to drop that quickly but yeah that's pretty drastic yeah I just I was tired of like feeling sluggish all the time you were like 16 years old - right 17 17 yeah it's different at that age you know it's a lot easier agreed well it's time to take a break we didn't really talk about anything about me being fat so hopefully that was entertaining let's take a break when we come back we're gonna watch the new Star Wars trailer and lots of other stuff we're going to talk about pewdiepie ban Joker movie review in there is a drama here brewing in the podcast studio with Ian destroying the bachelor segment we're gonna conclude that and influencers giving out their phone numbers that's actually just some kind of scam and probably more about feeding windows so stay tuned guys will be R back I was shocked when I heard this did you know that 66% of men start to lose their hair by age 35 so the minute you see your hair start to thin or the Balts parts bald spots start the form you don't wait you never want to hear it's too late it's 2019 hems can't connect you to the medicine of science to help you do something about keeping that beautiful luscious hair in your head where it belongs hems is helping guys be the best versions of themselves with fda-approved products and the best part is you don't have to make that awkward in-person doctor's visit or wait in the pharmacy line just answer a few quick questions online and a licensed physician will review and determine if a prescription is right for you I recommend checking them out before it's too late and you have officially gone bald and you're just a bald dude there's two people in this world bald dudes and dudes with their which one do you want to be right ela no no maybe it's too harsh but I think balding looks distinguished but obviously some people prefer to keep their hair Wow he was saying this is off the rails let's go back to the strip right now my listeners can get started with the hems complete hair kit for just 5 dollars while supplies last go to 4 hems calm /h 3 that's 4 hams calm /h 3 now here's the disclaimer that I have to read I'm gonna read it really fast like a radio guy prescriptive subject to doctors approval and required online so call today with the physician will be determined for the prescription is appropriate see what was I for all these as a safety information was that do you think that passes prescriptions are subject to doctor approval and requires an online consultation with a physician who will determine if a prescription is appropriate C website for full details and safety information better ok thank you do you want to know what makes the ultimate toothbrush yep is it Brussels that horn your gums no is it Brussels that are soft and give love to your gums yep is it a toothbrush pulsates which dentists recommend yeah is it a non pulsating toothbrush nope exactly you know thank you he'll we're talking about quick yolks man to protect the olgerd back to do a little to cleaned your mouth to an extraordinary degree Oh for the little starting price of $25 yup you know quick sensitive vibrations with a built-in timer gentle guide brush retentive deliver stroke for dentists recommended two minutes with 30 second pulses ensuring and even cleaned quit automatically delivers brush heads to you every three months for clean new bristles right on schedule the sleek intuitive design is simple to use and comes with a treble cat that doubles as a mirror mount these thoughtful features make brushing something you actually want to do twice everyday good habits matter to live a healthier life helped formed fresh oral habits with quick quick starts at just $25 and you'll get your first refill at get quipped calm slash h3 one more time baby it's a simple way to support our show is start brushing better but you have to go to a get qu IP comm / h3 and you get your first reap help do you feel back for free yes that's right so go right now to GE t qu IP comm /h 3 to get the equip dream you're gonna put a dream tube in your mouth is gonna vibrate and pulse it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome dude welcome back to the greatest show that's ever existed out of breath just ran back from the bathroom what do you know I thought we had more time than Dan sticks his head out the door he's like I'm all the way down the hall at the bath he goes 30 seconds so I go an all-out sprint ends with me it's like storming the beaches of Normandy up there no I'm winded salt be riding the meathook this guy's salt Bay man I just I don't know why he gets all the love in our favorite Turkish chef gets gets no respect I mean this is the kind of content you can expect from salt Bay and go ahead and explain this to me if you can dude is just on a meat hook and with a knife a finger or a knife there's to be a knife nothing happened hey we're back did what lie break I was like four minutes but weird by quick hila describe to me what salt bay is doing here first of all that meat hits that corner real hard this Jackie Chan but he just stabs it and jumps off the hook like bro that this you know I stabbed the meat it's all freaking it's in a refrigerating room why are you just stabbing a carcass bro it's not cooking so epic he doesn't even take the hard turn he's a [ __ ] you see how hard that meat turned and he bailed before the hard turn which is what I wanted to see salt Bay get go for the ride of his life mm-hmm so that's the kind of high-quality content you can expect from salt Bay what is he doing instead it was off the hook off the hook thank you him yeah why didn't you say that on the mic he just muttered the owners breath I got like he's so pasty and why you got to contribute to the show if you got gaps if you got laughs if you got one-liners please you know open your mic is hit that's true kim jeong-hoon on a white horse this was pretty epic the glorious leader of North Korea the last horse left in North Korea that hasn't been named yet him John negative space on the first picture this guy is such a ding-dong bro how is this guy the glorious leader there's literally nothing glories first of all what's with the supercut nothing a $10 haircut it's like a box and then he's got two little hooks on the side yeah what is that he got so fat bro when he became the glorious leader have you seen him young no he was he he was like pretty fit kim jeong-hoon young he was like a pretty fit little spicy little twink oh no he was always chubby I'm wrong yeah I was thinking him his brother yeah he's a chubby little [ __ ] and he liked him that's him with his glorious leader dad and Mickey Mouse that's a regular dude they just wants to chill at the Disneyland you know what I'm saying this a healthy looking kid yeah you looked like a healthy guy who eats kids guy he's a fact he's just like he looks like Cartman in real life like Asian Cartman you know what I mean it doesn't make sense I thought he was all fit what the hell did I see maybe it was his brother yeah must have been his brother cuz it looks like he's always been a chubby little sucker maybe it was this I don't know regardless he's on a horse and he looks like he's LARPing or something real-life role-playing he looks like he's LARPing Skyrim he's on a mission on the next a little bunny My Little Pony role-playing girl from my strange addiction oh you think he's Pony fetish it looks like that and just reminds me also as horses like all like our fantasies fantasy she'd out till like he looks like he's on his way to slay some ogres Shadowfax but he is the ogre Shadowfax thank you Dan that's the Lord of the Rings reference for all you nerds out there [Music] this is like a legit photo shoot - I wonder this is just PR like glorious leader taking a ride - yeah they do this every so often this is like a sacred mountain in Korea that he's riding atop so it's like a Christmas card for all of Korea I don't think they have Christmas in North Korea but it could be wrong yeah that country's so [ __ ] up well there you have it glorious leader in a Scotty's a Skyrim our NPC what else we got we got a new scooter video granddad takes his daughter for the ride of her life until the friggin River do this is awesome it's full sweetness they calling her Nana - hello Nana's like please dude your life is over I was kind of hoping they would you know really take a dip in today there's a real fear in their eyes you know so what happened here exactly did she hit the handle tickets - yeah and Nana tried to correct course but it was all too late yeah bad idea what if that scooter is out for the count that looks like grandpa is that Nana mister that's just like grandpa but somebody said yeah yes I understand I thought I said someone say man yeah yeah look she's driving a Nana well maybe now's why Anna's reporting all watching fantastic telling you guys scooters were dangerous you saw what happened to Bobby Lee scooter in the wrong hands is uh can be a true danger oh this one you guys will enjoy scumbag of the decade award this is a coveted new category here on the HTTP podcast I saw this today scumbag of the decade now this is a famous Brazilian singer who came to Los Angeles for a gig went to Disneyland and the first thing he does it is and I'm gonna show you the video he posted to Instagram he goes this is what he says in Portuguese so you understand what he's saying he says just arrived at Disney bro check this out and then he points the camera at a girl you'll see and he says dear God okay so here's the video scumbag of the decade award goes to this dude here you are really not gonna like this I was floored by this this guy's like a grown-ass man and a public figure no less it's a girl with cancer we'll take care I didn't land my dudes what is wrong with you bro that's so crazy so she's looking at you to make you at least like bro like you are electric soulless he says dear God maybe I'm just trying to think like walk what could he think could that well I read I read a follow up you're wondering there's no way that this guy yeah is this heartless and trashy well he lost a lot of uh he's starting to lose shows because of this he's losing deals yeah as he should I mean come on you're a public figure but I'll have some class he he said in his defense I just thought the outfit was funny I wasn't trying to make fun of a girl with cancer but again if we look at it through that lens I'm still really not giving it a little girl she's a little girl with and she looks completely normal for a luau exactly elf it's fine the outfit is totally fine dude imagine being that guy he scored lucky he's a pop star in Brazil he's that Disneyland what does he do targets a poor young girl and makes fun of her while she's looking at mr. part of the yeah can you at least not like do it in her face so this guy is losing all of his deals and may his career may be over from this single Instagram video so um scumbag of the decade award goes to this Brazilian singer and I hope that this that this little girl Disney reaches out to and gives a lifetime pass to Disney mm-hmm that would be a magical thing when they're not unbelievable thoughts anyone have thoughts on that scumbag a decade I mean what is that if I can say yeah I'm trying to look this up to find out what his name I didn't see his name maybe you can find yeah and it lets shame him Thank You Zakir and would you like to shame today yes he deserves his word he deserves me more thank you well there you have it now guys it's time to squash the beef and this beef is on a manny sandwich he and the intern as you may all know recently was the center of a drama here on the HD podcast the greatest show ever made because we had put together an entire segment to find in true love it was the bachelor with an h3 it was inspired by our favorite show The Bachelor which actually is going to be returning next month this isn't a sponsor I'm just you know speaking my mind I do like that show and I'm looking forward to the return though I'm not a fan of Peter who they chose but that's beside the point yeah Ian we set him up we had two finalists and a third wild card I found out had approached him in the DMS he had been having a serious conversation with had been making a real connection with her and he never told us about it when I found out I said Ian you need to bring her in as a wild card to protect the sanctity of the show and he says no he refused to include her as a contestant so I said okay Ian then the show is over the integrity of the show is over you're already interested in another girl she came at you through a private eye through a DDM do you aren't she circumvented the proper channels of approaching him it's the chain of command you know you don't circumvent the chain of command that's 101 do you know that Ian you do not circumvent the chain of command don't answer that wait you'll have your turn and so we had a we had a falling-out there was huge drama and we had a falling-out I'm gonna be there was lots of memes even on the podcast which I enjoyed seeing I was happy to see that also I do want to have a HTTP podcasting meme corner so if you guys enjoy these memes keep submitting them to the HDH reproduction subreddit cuz these are fantastic oh wait this came too early did you see that you know he's standing up right now actually getting ready to go in so here's some use today's podcast when they started talking about the bachelor Ethan in ela dreaming Zack screaming and crying and Dan what does that convey damn the cat it was just hitting the chips yeah yeah thousand points I love to see you all engaged with the podcast this is always great yeah I love that too let me get this scumbag off the TV we've got another one here there was actually a lot of powerful names here here we go the family meeting Dan momma poppa salaried employee and Ian sacred 8 Bachelor rules that's right that's right and then got there sue so vinegar oh yeah they how could I forget a Photoshop the chips in for dead man that's great and then finally we have another one here we go DM girl in h3 dating show contestant spot-on respond to this well you're gonna have to call him in yeah okay why don't you come in already in while I'm looking at these memes and here comes in the salaried employee so there's that he's made one dollar from the show and then we had our honorable mention unrelated to the drama another meme I wanted to give love to this is a meme that reference how I say nobody's listening it says nobody's listening that but what past 45 minutes Ethan impossible well that's true we're about that moment now so thank you to everyone who stuck around it there's probably nobody listening anyway about [ __ ] push on so Ian says comes to me now we found a way to squash the beef now Ian how are you feeling after our last episode level with me I'm ready for this all to be over like really bad so I've drafted up a contract that essentially requires this to be fully done and never mentioned again okay so if you want to just take a look at that I will I haven't seen this before okay but what Ian approached me with and I just want to stress that this isn't my idea and I would never propose this support young in you are so excited you jumble in it it's I mean you brought I don't I wouldn't ever put you up - I was backed into a corner a little bit I think I will not really I mean not you you did you not proposed this to me because there no I figured yes or no I had to come with something okay that you guys would accept and this seemed and we did and you did I had to it was a proposed yes you know okay you have to come up with an offer we couldn't really it had to be 10 said to me he said if you promise not to ever if you promise to drop that bachelor C season of Ian's and oh I haven't seen it yet I have a feeling I'll be making some amendments to this no we'll see you know it's yeah I don't my lawyer here I might have to afford this I think just don't even read it I think you should just start no come on anyway he says me if I eat a jar of mayonnaise will you leave this alone I said Ian and never talk about it again I said in I love you and I accept your terms already we have well we're all dying to rid this is all outlined in the contract okay and again with this tiny jar he went now Z by the way it's already set the precedent for what eating a jar of mayonnaise is on this show we have precedential we have a precedent for what a jar of mayonnaise me that's a full-sized jar so you come in with this little [ __ ] by the way best foods this is the real deal this is good man he doesn't even like off-brand okay uh-huh I'm gonna accept it because I'm gonna accept on a technicality well it is a jar it's a jar at last it's a jar but what I'm gonna tell you right now in is that if you don't finish this jar then the terms are not accepted because I'm giving you this tiny jar and you're already kind of grounds for dropping this deal already with this I think that we need to work this out through the contract yep so let me pass this to you let me okay this was your idea I just do want to stress that wow that's a lot of well it's a lot of tax no the signee of this document hereby agrees to immediately cease all discussion regarding the pilot season segment of The Bachelor and various topics related said subject matter these topics may include such designations as Australian girl Idaho girl wild card and other affiliation so can I not reference it it it I'd prefer you not to that language was pretty clear it's pretty and I will I will bring that up if I feel like do you have a remedy if I do bring it up oh I pulled the plug you just send that the show is over I have that power in the back in exchange the party I'm home been eating chips right now just curious I wish that can you grab me some set up shots where Dan's eating it than that let's watch the damn this car an exchange party in question now known as Ian the salaried employee will attempt to consume a jar of mayonnaise purchase at his own discretion this contract does not stipulate a full consumption of the jar and the contract is not invalidate it if the chart is not fully consumed but rather must be honored upon reasonable endeavor of full jar depletion now is that at my discretion the full jar for the attempt you like it so good job yes then I at my discretion I can say that the agreement has been fulfilled I think it I don't I don't trust you I think a ILA's discretion I think is you won't take four bytes you're gonna you're gonna quit after four bytes Zack Zack thinks he's Mayo hotshot now nothing on me yes I agree if I power in you you look can I trust you yeah you'll fulfill a good faith effort yes okay and we both agree that he will be the arbiter of this agreement okay deal all right so okay but rather must be hard upon okay yeah yeah yeah this contract is not dependent on stabilized devouring stabilized devouring of said mayonnaise and in the circumstance of involuntary bodily injection of substance consumed the contract is still vowed on all points must remain and here to it that's fine yes I do vomit yeah the contract stands I am fine with that okay this agreement does not require minimal ounce requirements and the size of the jar is not relevant to the request of the line you mean yes this jar is accepted do you agree to those terms yeah I'm fine with these all right well here here's a but well want one point we do need to I think go ahead in Josiah they are Dion I think like if we can reference this whole thing in retrospect not continuing the drama or inquiring further but like referring to it as something that has happened as a historical moment on the show you can say that it exists we can reference it as a historical moment on the pilot you can say there was a pilot season the pilot scene did fail here's where here's what all we cannot couldn't tell me to further elaborate any will agree to this I will not inquire about any of your relationships with Australian girl Idaho girl or card on the show or anybody no relationship yeah no I could talk about it but I won't compel you to further talk about you can't slander me on it anymore slander you what's that I mean that's I disagree with some of the you know paintings that were made of my character but like what we're not gonna this is we're done no I want to know we're I got peace I am not engaging on I'm about to eat mayonnaise okay but I avoid these I can talk about it but I can't compel you to spit I will not compel you to to speak further you can say to the extent that the segment may have failed in certain ways that you believe mm-hmm but that's it no more endure how you gonna prove slander I have to consult my lawyer these are hard to prove yes I am altering the contract in let's remember who's I mean let's remember what's what this is your idea this is our segment that you ruined that's not true but I don't even want to engage in that conversation anymore I'm out okay okay so I will not you both to sign this but hold on I need our eating I need to make a minute I don't think you well here we don't need two men we have a verbal agreement we can reference this I will not could tell you to speak about this experience or any of the girls mmm I do not agree the Nazis I know continued I will slander you know no continued drama creating its what hey we'll let it be well let yes we'll talk about it as a historical moment but I will let it be I will let it be so sorry Ethan that's my signature okay a 1022 and I'm gonna need a letter sign on the second line if you could oh thank you is this calling sense get the best part hands down I think that's that's how you know I'm serious that is my signature yes did you date no not yet it does say effective as of today do we need a do we need Oh degree yeah yeah we can get that afterwards we can have so we cannot say Australia girl Idaho no man talk about all these things but we cannot compel it further we will talk about these peoples here they're gone right yeah no no you have to make a good-faith effort can we pipe in some music or something here for the big moment this is gonna be so good that's a tiny jar bro you really fist up that useful you should really finish that entire jar like you can't take that Klaus as a [ __ ] out to not eating that whole thing I'm going to do a good faith attempt but that no I see I don't like that [ __ ] sign disagree okay just eat it you look you're the judge eat the damn man you know a greater here okay take that person that's all you in just get just jump in on cold water oh my god like a band-aid you got this hold on good he got that down that was good I love that eating mayonnaise is the benchmark of punishment on this show somehow talk to me that's [ __ ] disgusting that's awful you seem like a pretty good shape though high five oh god I can't be in here that's alright we got not for bye put the trash can over by your chair oh you did are you dance Dan you really do think for everything you're great producer thank you you're in good shape so don't even that was a big bite yeah Ethan I'm just saying he's in good shape not doing good come on okay Gil exact look yeah yeah you don't encourage him here yeah you're doing great you're right I should encourage you you're doing it [ __ ] awesome you're knocking those down you're may go no you're putting Zach to shame bro oh come on did Zach drink water we have liquid he can have water I think I need some water bring in some water stats Ya Ya Ya let's Lacroix your favorite no no my stomach is you're probably getting pretty low there but Zack you're having some real competition Zack what are you he's grabbing the water so eggy and nasty oh you're doing great man keep it up this is truly awful to watch Zack go good get back in the mic I want to hear from you we got I need Zacks opinion on my technique here does the nose pinching help I don't think so yeah okay what do you need well what do you think about this cuz he's actually making a really good I think he's got a shot of finishing the jar I'm very proud of him I feel how still queasy really after you look strong though he can't quit so hard not to puke you can't allow them to quit right how many bites are you in I think three things like three five I think you're almost done you there's like two more if you got if you scrape the sides and get just like let's get more big bites and you can just consider it you can you can move on with the wild card girl in and you can just live happily in your private life is it hit me in the bottom of the stomach I'm feeling it that's a that's a good it might throw Limon down this room out behind that [ __ ] help you're doing great this is so gross super impressed bro bite number four is Dan gonna do this to it I was just thinking I'm gonna have to do this eventually when I spoke up oh yeah this is the way to solve everything that is laughing Dan you're not eating chef Ian you're doing bite number four ian is he's getting in there by number four that was a big scoop Phil let me see what you got left it is so disgusting it hit you in the Taunton here but I mean there's definitely like three I would say 3/4 gone yeah definitely oh that smells strong what's the babies are though please make me stop well also Zack if I recall had like a big ass serving spoon which I have I ate half of the bigger one yes this is still a good this is a few sandwiches worth here yeah that's easy one more bite and can I be done no more tomorrow it's two more bites come on because if you took you said a ferret time let me just say you know can do one more bite than he can do to let's just keep going oh I'm saying if he says he's got one more bite then he's got to I'm not gonna lie to you Ian you're gonna you're gonna puke later I'm not encourage him there are like wine is the majority and then there's like another little but ELA he can do it and you can do it she seems to be accepting one body he didn't give a verdict I'm accepting one but Ron make sure it's big let's see the size it's pretty much gone okay that's which is it's a much empty well not honestly I think you ate more than is active hold on you wait this I'm I think I'm getting a okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah get that in there got in there score Falls alright don't plug your nose more than Zak I do well I gotta plug my nose I got it nope do a plug is no suck good job Ian I'm proud of you man you earned this you earned it yeah probably you earned this you earned this unbelievable the culmination of the bachelor season one pilot comes to an end with Ian eating a small jar man it who could have seen this coming folks what a nobody you never know what's gonna happen in The Bachelor you might find true love and you might find the inside of a best foods mayonnaise jar so congratulations to you we're very proud all right I can't believe I'm taking this copy how are you feeling like that's about yet so I feel really gross I feel like I feel like if you know did you have trouble with that last night that one was hitting me hit go down you're like does it stick getting like little you're gonna puke I'm tasting it so strong really yeah puke and that do you like I feel like a sandwich right now it's just slathered up on my bread and meat to me to balance your so it's really close [Music] okay I gotta go right thank you well that was amazing and thank you I appreciate this you're lucky yellow is the judge but I mean you you definitely made a good-faith effort you didn't [ __ ] up I'll give you that credit so so there you go mum's the word on The Bachelor and I want to stress to everyone who thinks I'm being cruel or let's say oh oh you're bought you're not allowed to make your employees eat mayonnaise as a punishment mm-hmm well it was his idea okay yeah I hear him coughing backstage Khamis get any updates how's he's fine it's fine yeah he's fine cool that was exciting is this the best show on earth or what do we do we always have something going on here in the issue podcast studio this is the greatest show ever made outer I'll say that every time you don't need a sound bite me Wow so you think yeah I don't think so I think that's impossible that he ate more than Zach I mean it was impressive and I give him all the credit in the world but I'm gonna have to watch Zach hit a full jar of mayonnaise with a servings but he didn't finish it no but that thing was like a quarter of the size Zach was going way more aggressive in flute to he hit like ciri was serving SIA okay Zach was shoveling this I give you in a lot of credit though yeah I'm very proud of him I guess that is still the mayonnaise champ but use the mayonnaise print what am I gonna do that I'm gonna have to eat a jar managed to make up for either u2 and Dan then man is definitely enough the manager for before the end of the year that's honestly that's gonna be exciting what's with you why are you all why why are you have your areas been so dan why are you why are you drunk good my called in here you always crank they see honestly easing in here honestly honestly that's why I'm getting on keto won't be hot all the time yeah he's running a real hot yeah I got a sweater and a beanie too yes well I like the way it looks okay did we didn't watch the new Star Wars trailer let's watch this everyone's hyped about the new Star Wars wait you gonna put it on yeah it's gonna get us dang you can't claim me for showing the [ __ ] trailer that you want everyone to watch you agree doesn't make any sense they're totally gonna dingus we'll all dispute that [ __ ] all the way to [ __ ] bail out I mean maybe I shouldn't show we can also skip it it's always something somebody's gonna claim this episode every someone always claims the episode absolutely P till I get to the main stories you want to just cut to the chase but people want to know what we think about the Star Wars trailer they do a Star Wars I'll tell you I don't care why people care about trailers so much that's what I don't get the trailer hype well in general if you there's a movie or super excited about you get a little tease there about what what it's about so it's exciting ela I like trailers let's watch so just update the last one Luke Skywalker drink some tit purple tip milk and Princess Leia went for a spacewalk it was I think it was widely held to be bad the last one can we all agree on that I mean I thought it was terrible but I think it was pretty eyes widened I don't think virtual I think like 5050 a lot of people liked it a lot let's say mixed but the third one is usually the good one it is like are we not in December I have to yes I have to say I'm gonna stop pausing a sec the Star Wars the third one is always the best one it's a weird card disagree what harshness agree I agree the third one is always the best one a star wire is the best of your eternity without a doubt Return of the Jedi no what about the charger being swung there was also one was about more than that the third one was like DISA it was good I most people do hold the third one of the prequels to be the first two were like total ass but then so I'm just saying that this one from the original three you're saying the third one everybody loves the third one Return of the Jedi that's not people's favorites of the originals no no Empire is widely considered to be the best second one yeah that's the second one that disagrees and I disagree you're overruled what does the end think he agrees with me I'm with Dan on this one Oh anyway listen to say okay whatever forget everything I said it's an instinct [Music] feeling the force brought together [Music] we're not home good people will fight if we leave them [Music] people keep telling me they know me [Music] and I wonders [Music] you know and stuff can fill up the insult now people I know you're coming together [Music] I'm doing and don't like trailers or typical hating you taking one last look sir my friends okay that seam is [ __ ] stupid yes II think Pele doesn't even know them his friends are Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia you know and I'm not having an emotional reaction to c-3po go and kamikaze just like bro hello you don't know these [ __ ] I hate that they're doing some emotional play on that line that you pointed out of no one no one knows me it was already so bad that was very in selling more than any insel moment in the Joker I this trailer is awful I hate it because they just show you so much and it just tells me always that the movies bad mmm I like trailers that are like cryptic like this is cryptic I don't know this is already too long in my opinion I don't think this is not I mean there's there's where they show you the entire plot of the movie yeah those are like the extreme awful ones there I think they're too don't necessarily know what's happening in this just from this trailer but that longing was just stupid it's Star Wars no like I feel like it gets a pass I don't know what just it's just Star Wars like everyone's gonna see it in love it I passed on c-3po guv Kamikaze we haven't seen the movie yet we don't know why do you keep saying he's Kamikaze him well duh that's like foreshadowing that he's dying I guess he's going to sacrifice his life to save the [ __ ] rewatching I mean obviously he's gonna die it's so other people taking one last look sir my friends obviously he's gonna die hello those aren't his friends [ __ ] are they to him well maybe that's right maybe they go through a lot during the movie I guess without it though [Music] to fear gets easy lay understand we didn't get an after day money itself in reality the or death City the saga will answer the cook method [Music] they team up like they kind of spoil that right like look they team up they team up their Palpatine goes your undoing was you coming together so they team up against Palpatine they just struck that together obvious what did I say that's what I mean this is the kind of trailer that just goes on forever with you awful oh by the way that's sound byte there's a little mangoes it's like twist cuz there they do a little uh Luke Skywalker and then they bring in Leia I think that's Leia and it's like yeah it's just a little mangled I said that sound three ways will be with you Oh sounds like a totally different situation am I wrong hard to see until we see it I guess so boy I think I mean look I think it's got a good chance of being good I think that the last one was truly and honestly and horrifically just awful the whole subplot with the band space bandit and freeing the [ __ ] space horses was truly one of the worst moments in cinematic history and I mean that and I was I was thoughtless I hated every minute of that but if we are talking about trailers and just write it as a trailer this is a very awful trailer I disagree I think it's fine says it it's not a Star Wars trailer like a typical [ __ ] I will tell you this you know the writer and director changed on this film actually it's the one who did the first one right there yeah yeah yeah so the first one I loved the second one I hated and the third one is the guy who made the first one correct so a room so yeah so that that's promising but you come I'm not talking about the movie I'm talking about the trailer I mean I'm gonna walk I'm in the middle is a basic trailer yeah it's a it's definitely not as hype as I mean I actually think the trailer I hated the last movie but I thought the trailer for the last movie was pretty good like it had me excited for it and this one I definitely feel yeah I don't know I'm seeing it we're all watching that I'm going at midnight I mean yeah come on I already have my second no I'm gonna watch it that's that's how I think this is sparking a conversation that I am personally passionate about trailers yeah I feel you on that most trailers do suck most of them suck and this is so basic for Star Wars well we saw I should have a better trailer we saw Joker what was that movie where they gave away the entire year plus it's yeah raising it's like it's like Vin Diesel was a detective who lost his whole family and then went on revenge but then found a friend had changed his life and fell in love and he got his revenge and like Oh who'sa blood blood shot looks cool actually it says it's a trailer that goes on right well but but it was just going on forever and you could tell the whole story but blood shot did give away a lot now that I think about it is that the trailer that you're talking about no it's not it was something on him he's got another one coming it gave away it wasn't necessarily Vin Diesel I was just okay but then Vin Diesel gets double-crossed by his best friend that you thought was his friend the whole time but he can't trust anybody by the last act to the film yeah that shit's crazy bro but on the topic of film we did see Joker and I would like to talk about yeah Joker hysteria um I personally first of all really liked this film I mean - I'm a fan of the Batman universe Batman is my favorite superhero and let me tell you why he's just a human being he doesn't have super powers he's just a genius and he's rich and he's got good principles and morals and he fights for justice but he's also a little twisted because he witnessed his barons being murdered Batman is real he's epic and I love Gotham and I love the whole Batman universe okay now Joker I thought I've always loved Joker - on this con its own I mean it's a great character Joker probably is one of the if not greatest comic book villains I mean most iconic even in just popular culture right Joker's is awesome and you nobody's ever really tackled a Joker origin story it's always remained a total mystery and what this movie attempts to do is tell an origin story about Joker we have to remember that this movie because it tries to take a realistic look into the life of of this man who becomes Joker it's in Gotham City we are in a comic book setting if Gotham is this just the city is in ruin it's just it's like over the top just oppressive it's just all it's like everything bad about metropolis in New York because it's really sad New York Times you know 50 it's a great depression level of poverty and I loved also had they made the city look and just it was obviously New York but you felt like you were in Gotham City which is awesome and then what was really I'm trying not to give away major spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie I think I'll try my best not to give away major spoilers but what I love the most about this film is that so it's a lot about Bruce Wayne's father Thomas Wayne and in the Batman stories we always hear about Batman's father as this great philanthropist he was trying to save the city he was like this great infallible incredible man that was murdered at the hands of a petty criminal who the very person who was trying to save and Gotham right but what we see is actually the the other side of the coin what we see is is like I'm more realistic right he's a he's a greedy arrogant businessman who looks down on the poor and the criminals in the destitute he is an upperclassman he's a snob he's power-hungry and we even get to see what's the butler's name when uh Alfred we even get to see Alfred who idolizes and protects Bruce and raises Bruce in the stead of his father who's also kind of a kind of a douche to kind of a snob they're elitist they look down on the lower classmen and Thomas Wayne is running for mayor and you see at least from the perspective of someone who's on the bottom rungs of society that this guy really really is not is really not looking out for them at least from their perspective and to me when you look at the Joker mythology and Batman he's basically a cult leader he has all these worshipers who dress up like clowns and do his bidding and get him resources and and you know they basically do his master plans and what you see is kind of an explanation for how the Joker becomes a cult-like figure with followers and worshipers who are willing to join his movement it's not even really a movement he's really a an anarchist in the film he's not political in any way he's just an anarchist who's kind of just broke he's just broke by his his upbringing by society and I thought first of all I really liked seeing all these classic tropes from a different perspective from the Batman universe and what what struck me the most is there I just kept hearing about how he's like in cell and promoting violence and I just what struck me is just how I didn't see that at all watching the film he to me strikes me as a typical antihero I mean he's just an antihero he's a violent criminal he's a murderer he's just a total lunatic um by hero or villain he's not a villain in this story he's an antihero I wouldn't consider him a villain but but mm but you can see how he became he is a slippery slope they show him kind of getting lost in the sauce as they say but but but it's not there's a relatable descent into madness which I like you want you you see how it happens and I didn't really see the film condoning his behavior I didn't see them making any political statements I certainly didn't see the insulting because there was a moment where he was involved with a woman I liked that dynamic they didn't force it they just did it enough they didn't play it up to a point where was obnoxious and then when when something happened they moved right along never was you violent towards a woman or in Sully or even mention sex or even having negative opinions about women at all I didn't get the in so vile em at all people say it's overly violent not really I mean that part I don't get it wasn't really overly violent if I'm being honest the violence was very tasteful in a very tasteful I mean I thought it was like dark and bald I guess to make a video about him but that's what I like about it I thought that was awesome but people love all the Marvel movies and there's violence and those I don't get what's the difference indiscriminate violence it was it was a part of the plot you know what I mean it wasn't just he was just indiscriminately bloody and murderous I thought it was fantastic I really enjoyed the film and something I noticed about it too is that if you go to like Metacritic or around tomato it has a very low score like 50 60 % but if you go to IMDB it's like number 15 of all time so the users the audience loves it the critics hate it which is something I noticed happening a lot more I wanted to read some of the comments from the critics because this is what I went in with the expectation of of seeing stuff like let's see New York Times we are now at the phase of the argument cycle what actual ticket buyers have a chance to see what all the fuss is about which means that it's also time for me to say my idea he says are you kidding me to be worth art this is too much it's too much The New Yorker the result is a movie of cynicism so vast and pervasive as to render the viewing experience even emptier then it's slapdash aesthetic does Joker tries to question the expert exploration of mental illness for entertainment and the consequence of society of banding its weakest members but the film is in turn exploiting mental illness and using it as an excuse for Arthur's nefarious actions this feels tone-deaf in a way where mental illness is being wrongfully linked to mass violence in the u.s. the film is aware enough to draw from great film about toxic masculinity and loneliness but not enough to critique Arthur's behavior instead of painting them as helpless alone or driven to violence by forces out of his control dude I don't see any political statement in this film at all like I think these critics are reading too deep into that's what I think too like it's just also why let's don't tell me what you think about politically tell me did you enjoy the film yeah that's what I was wrote what are you talking about it's an artistic form of art and the actor did so good I just enjoyed it I was it was an amazing performance by him I I thought that aesthetic was great I don't know what there's nothing about I enjoyed everything I don't know what Time magazine says Joker wants to be a movie about emptiness of our culture instead it's a prime example of it again I disagree we're talking about Gotham City I don't believe they're trying to make an allegory for our society in any way yeah I really don't think so I think we're talking about Gotham City I was talking about the Batman universe why are we so desperate why these critics so desperate to make this a political I didn't see it in America there's a mass shooting or attempted act of violence by a guy like Arthur practically every other week wrong I don't think that I don't think that they're saying what he did is okay by the way right and by the way what he did wasn't just a random act of mass violence either he didn't just go ran and a random movie theater and start shooting people up it was and in most cases in the first incident where he murders three people is the result of them you know in in in and his yeah but but again it's not random acts of violence it's just not at least up to the lead-up of development of his character so Zack and Ian did you guys watch it I know Dan hasn't and finally The Times Magazine I want to read this one he says he could easily be adopted as the patron saint of in cells that's so stupid and you know I feel bad for Joaquin Phoenix cuz he's ket and the director the catching [ __ ] like Joaquin Phoenix is trying to do interviews and promote the film which by the way is doing awesome it's gonna make like a billion dollars worldwide the studio I read was nervous to even fund the film they gave it a super low budget they even tried to discourage them making it and now it's made them a billion dollars and people and interviews are trying to act like a squawking Phoenix like he walked out of an interview of think you know about the stand where they were asking him about like how does he feel about does he feel like he's encouraging violence and [ __ ] like that yeah yeah why he was asked he was worried that the film might perversely end up inspiring exactly the no well it's about its justice like what do you and he walked out it's not about any people it's about why is it children with this movie people are watching so many superhero movies all the time lately what is different there's always a villain the villain is always crazy I think it's because it's the protagonist the protagonist in this that is what's interesting about this people are people are babies like they can't like they've been kind their brains have been ruined by the Marvel movies it's like if the subject of the movie isn't a good that really dark version of the x-men oh yeah the good guys on Amazon it's called the good guys right the superhero is so good yeah so great why didn't that show catch [ __ ] maybe it did I don't know but I love it we've got a little bit but I think it flew under the radar that shows me I can't wait for season yeah seriously I don't it we're talking about the Joker the most infamous criminal of all time I love I personally love my favorite types of villains are the ones that they can develop in a way that makes you sympathetic to them makes them relatable on a human level because that's what real villains are they are relatable they're not just evil for the sake of being evil they have motivations and they have justifications and they don't see themselves as the villain that's what good writing is that's what good character development is things are not black and white and that's why I love seeing it from his perspective obviously he's a violent girl he's a joker [ __ ] babies like you said that they're just babies he's the patron saint of insults he never talked about anything like that he was he was a total um he was a total uh anarchist because at the end he goes uh do you support the the protest and the rights and what's going on politically because I don't care about any of that I'm just here you know what I mean mmm-hmm he's not political and what you're saying he's a nihilist poison he's a nihilist he's an anarchist exactly there you go what did you what did you think in and Zach I thought it was one of the greatest movies I've ever seen if I was like Silence of the Lambs I enjoyed that film I did too with the music and it was just it was amazing I agree I thought it was great I I was fully satisfied by the conclusion of that film it was just it took components from different films and it just made it I don't know it was it was so good also it's it's so cool that you can take someone like the Joker and make a somewhat serious yeah a a cinema cinema from it yeah I thought Joaquin Phoenix did an amazing job you know what I thought I loved it you know you know what I'd love to see is um this be the beginning of a Batman series with what yeah Enoch says the Joker that could be cool I would love that out though unfortunately oh I want that so bad I think he he views himself as too serious of walking of an understood to do but I wonder if there's a way to continue the series in the same art artful way I mean I think that that certainly be better than the [ __ ] other DC movies that me Yes Man of Steel and all that garbage that's all hot garbage me out but in you you didn't really yes uh yeah I was just like I was all right I mean I enjoyed it I'm not like this is silence Williams greatest movie I've ever seen but like I mean I had a good time did you get n subs I don't thinks I mean he's I don't think it says in say that they're jumping to that but I think that they're being extra critical of this movie and I don't really understand why because a lot of movies do that yeah they have anti-heroes so I don't know yeah I don't I don't I really don't know why he this I that's what I didn't understand they're laying could like this super heavy criticism against this film that seems like you could say that about a lot of films and I don't know why they singled out Joker specifically it was more of a mental illness film than any fright - yeah but I'm trying to think because it's not again it's not really a man of serious comment on mental illness either it's a very exaggerated incredibly wild this this I mean the guy is really just the victim of circumstance throughout his whole life I mean like a minor spoiler here is that his mom is mentally ill well maybe I should actually this is yeah I'm not gonna go where I'm going but but I don't really see it as a serious commentary on mental illness either because then people are gonna like criticism oh well you're gonna say that mentally ill people are yeah I don't see I don't know I I loved it I don't think they were attempting at least in some level to get that point across so with the difficulty of getting right that heads and things like that in the program being shut down and all that stuff so I feel like they were trying for some sort of commentary there that's true and you know what I loved about his costume is it was so simple like there was I love his clothes yeah costume was awesome then like at the end when he don't finally Dawn's this persona of Joker yeah he just dies his hair it's a little purple they're not really purple or green I mean yeah it's like very realistic he puts on them paint I love that scene where he's painting his face and he paints his donkey yeah it's great it's great yeah it's just there wasn't any bells and whistles it was just to the point and cool roger ebert calm says as social commentary joker is prone a pernicious garbage so there you have it the critics unanimously hate it yet it's number fifteen greatest film of all time on IMDB I mean that'll go down new movies are always very inflated it'll stay on that list it'll blow yeah it'll stay high on that speaking of 15 early on it will you know it'll drop down maybe 100 or so but it'll Joker IMDB LSU or Israel let me ask you did you how would you compare it to like the Heath Ledger roll of the joke well it's so different it's like a whole different thing like eath Ledger was number 13 right now dan 8.9 very well and that's what 361 thousand points Heath Ledger's was I guess I could see Heath Ledger a continuation of Joaquin Phoenix in a way because if you kind of skip ahead 15 years from where that movie left off I can see in some ways that character being a continuation but the one criticism I did have of the film is that the Joker is supposed to be a criminal mastermind a genius I mean Batman is like they say the greatest detectives ever lived Batman isn't a genius he is an incredibly smart investigator and so this his portrayal of the Joker was really not he was not by any means a mastermind mm-hmm he was not by any means in my opinion a rival to Batman I mean the Batman that we know from the comic books would just absolutely own this guy but what they do in this film is that they set this movie about 15 years ahead of when thomas wayne was murdered and batman watched his parents die so what i think they're attempting to do is to give time for him to develop into well the Joker happy and and traditionally comes up at the same time as Batman so Batman comes up and Joker comes up at the same time look they're around the city yeah but what happens in this film is that the Joker makes his first appearance when Bruce Wayne is like 10 years old so it's a different it's a little different timeline so I I'm I'm supposing that they're saying that he's somehow going to be developing and to the Joker that we know because he has 15 years to kind of get his crime and cult down but I had a hard time imagining him as a rival about it right I had a very hard time that was my only criticism out of the film cuz I kept thinking I wish they would have made him like just have a little more genius or something because he is just kind of apathetic just apathetic slow just kind of a victim of circumstance and I don't know the Joker is definitely not any of those so that's my review baby cool y'all watch it this way yeah you definitely gotta I'm curious what you think about it I'm PewDiePie banned in China this is pretty spicy by the way [ __ ] China China is like the most sensitive bitch-ass country this president see how do you say his name Qi see G it's just X I g-g-gee he's such a sensitive little [ __ ] he can't handle being likened to Winnie the Pooh if with people who said I looked like one of the pills I was the meanest thing people said about me I'd be lucky here's some of the memes that PewDiePie showed they got him banned throughout all of China manga anime Netflix adaptations I love that that's good oh hi G Jinping lost hair can you help him find it this is much better than six is Winnie the Pooh here liberate Hong Kong the revolution of our time censored censored censored Zhi ping and Chinese newspaper it's like a jack 20 the pill Zhi ping and Hong Kong newspapers going mad on honey Jing Zhi ping ding how do you say his name Zhi ping Jie Zhi ping Jie Zhi ping I believe say that again Zhi Zhi ping but I could G is G pain in American newspapers I'm assuming that's like a missing chromosome China then built the Great Wall invented gun powered powder trained martial arts China now scared of winning the pill so true Hong Kong after 150 years of British rule Hong Kong after 22 years of Chinese rule when South Park mocks you for censoring media and so you prove them wrong by censoring them I agree this whole thing of like over censoring just makes you look so weak and pathetic if you're really strong you shouldn't be like how insecure is this guy ji ping that you're not allowed to say he looks like when a the pill which by the way it's kind of endearing yeah what's the problem we're doing in the pool I think he wants to be seen as a serious guy but I mean dude you do kind of look like went though yeah I don't know if this is racist but it but it's not a bad thing it like whenever food is kind of cute what do you push but now that he hates it now it's like the hot new meme yeah of course yeah he looks is it racist to say a Chinese person looks like Charlie Brown what what because he looks like Charlie Brown but I feel like you could say that about a lot of eight of Chinese people look he looks like Charlie Brown look at Charlie Brown doesn't really well I guarantee does let me show you look here's Charlie Brown and here's his face he literally looks like Charlie Brown hello he looks like Charlie Brown are you kidding me that's Charlie Brown as an adult not really what can anyone back me up here Thank You battle yeah right I can kinda sit thank you not growing a skin so anyway pewdiepie basically didn't even say anything like me like where I'm going like I totally agree what democracy I think democracy is so important to the survival of humanity I love democracy and freedom and I think the people of Hong Kong deserved a maxime for him I think the United States should support Hong Kong because when one country's are democratic the whole world benefits I think that Trump is a little bitch-ass [ __ ] [ __ ] coward sorry for not supporting Hong Kong he literally said China can handle their own business that's unamerican he needs to say that Hong Kong [ __ ] or rules and we will always as is in the Constitution I mean believe in the ideals of democracy and human freedom yes then hit him with the honestly Zack what are we supposed to do we're not gonna go to nobody war with China at least voice support for them yeah okay you know what I mean don't be a little coward sure that's fair honestly I mean you know I'd like to see my president having a spine and standing up for for their the ideals of freedom that defines us as a nation as a people I feel you on that I just don't know what are they gonna do I don't know and I just don't know if it's that specific to Trump I don't think Obama would have said [ __ ] either I think I think he did mmm I'll look it up there wasn't a crash going on when Obama was president in Hong Kong regardless tentacle what do you think George Bush would have said what do you don't think you would have said what about Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter is a pretty nice guy he might have said something oh he's it's about niceness now well I mean I think you're wrong I think other presidents would have said something because Trump said Trump said China should handle their business right I mean and that's yeah I mean he's isolationist he's always been like yeah other countries your problem kind of thing is his attitude so sorry and well I disagree I feel you Dan I'm agreeing with you that we should be supporting the pro-democracy how much no I'm just I'm just also on a pragmatic level what it what is it what are we supposed to do we're gonna invade China invade China what are you exactly of course we're not gonna do that so what like you should I think it's important to say it to say yes and and to be also a frank oh I'd like to see America maybe even giving a to Hong Kong support diplomatically regulation aliy I think that we have to take a stand against China is just the most it's just scary the government there it's good it's it's terrifying and if you have the option between China and Hong Kong as a player on the world stage for the betterment of humanity Hong Kong is is uh is good for the world these are these are people to believe in freedom they are productive they're powerful they're educated these are group this is a great place Hong Kong is like a beacon to the world dan I do think the United States should be supporting them in any way we can short of yes invading China dan went dropping nukes on China honestly honestly honestly anyway I do think that I would like to anyway whatever he didn't say anything like that PewDiePie he didn't say anything close to that but yet he was banned in China we're about to be - by the way I don't they care about us was there I don't that PewDiePie swag yeah what does it even mean cuz isn't like YouTube and Google is alright yeah that's what I wonder not even so what they did is basically like China's version of Google and they have their own version of YouTube so now PewDiePie is just banned off all those like they scrub the Internet of his name like you there's just no mention of them anymore he doesn't exist over there incidentally that's what they used to do in 1984 they would erase people from memory down the memory hole and people would act like they'd never heard of him before so now everyone China's gotta be like oh yeah we never heard of PewDiePie let's see they had a picture someone had a picture of what happens when you search for it here oh yeah PewDiePie joke that China took copyright of PewDiePie in 2017 without him being able to stop them look at this copyright this is so China we deal with this [ __ ] actually we're dealing with some [ __ ] like this right now look at this you see how it's written PewDiePie they make wedding dresses clothing gloves and wedding dress isn't that amazing yeah there's somebody trying to do that [ __ ] to us in China right now that we're trying to deal with but trying to kind of give him a favor in a way cuz they probably are out of business self oh this was awesome look at this someone made a gif of his face transforming in the winning of the pill and it's really good yeah I mean I would be I would be honored to be blocked in China too I don't you know oh yeah this other DJ's EDD he do you know what happened to said he had a tour plan for China he liked a South Park man did we talk about it damn we talked about this I think it happened afterwards yeah South Park made a whole episode about banned in China and they got banned in China and then this DJ Zedd who was the plan to tour in China liked one tweet from South Park and the and they banned him dude like how many people in China are sitting in the Ministry of Truth just monitoring Twitter do you know what I'm saying like that's a lot of manpower just to look at SEDs of likes that's a deep cut that's not even a pulse that's a like here's what happens when you search PewDiePie and SHINee he like this is it just says 404 Oh error 404 interesting I guess I'm a certain website although some people say that it wasn't blocked who knows being reported more widely now this whole incident so I think it is it was probably getting more articles coming out today about it it probably just took time to really scrub the Internet of them you know mm-hmm I mean I would be honored to join that list but I don't think they care about the little old age 3 podcast but I trust me I would love to be banned that would just only validate my my opinion that this is the most important not only the best but the most important show in the world I support Hong Kong and I think the US government should more support Hong Kong this is all pretty new to me this whole China versus Hong Kong situation it's pretty it's pretty what so Hong Kong was ruled by the British after when to the bridge take a 12 Hong Kong Oh early 1800s I want to say had the point the height of their empire that's crazy man they just should have lost a nice juicy piece of China Loney ilysm baby why not mm-hmm so anyway they had freedom and basically all the rights and ideals of Western society and they negotiated with China to give back Hong Kong to China like 20 years ago and so in that deal they made an agreement that China they would have an autonomous government and that they would still enjoy the certain freedoms that they've enjoyed for the past hundreds of years under British rule like for a time it's actually part of that agreement was in I want to say 20 46 in the 2040s China is supposed to fully take over Hong Kong like that's still in the cards for them really they would just sell them out like that just a full it's all you China yeah what is what are the British care so this is about all this well the British obviously cared to negotiate some terms I mean you know what motivation of the British have to give it back to China anyway their empire was crumbling and they didn't couldn't sustain it anymore well regardless this whole protest started over a new law that China mainland China could act what's the word god dead what annex no nope that you could uh when you take a criminal from Oh X Trudeau after you can extradite people from Hong Kong to mainland China right and they and I think they were afraid that that would be used to go in and arrest you know with the centers yeah yeah so it's the whole thing man but I just don't got a support freedom and democracy where it is Hong Kong is trying to separate themselves yeah that's what they're it started as this but now it's turned into something much bigger there's a movement to it and it's it's complicated not everybody there wants that a lot of people obviously do that's why there's violent clashes and everything but you know there's aspects of society there that are more friendly to China and you know just like any place there's a variety of opinions and so well there's obviously therein aliens appear like they local yes and there's a huge nesting there's a huge clashes of of Chinese or Hong Kong police I guess who are backed by China right and the more violent it gets the more people are getting crazy and China is working feverishly to censor people talking about it as we talked about last week so yeah I mean I didn't know what's gonna happen there because China is pretty crazy they just they just straight up right I don't think they have a problem just with outright violence so yeah we'll see yep it's a powder keg it's a scary situation but anyway congratulations to pewdiepie from being banned in China I command him and I hope follow suit oh here's the main story of today you guys probably seen influencers celebrities just giving out their phone number and saying hey guys I'm bored give me a call and I'll text you back and you may have thought yourself that's strange yeah why are all these celebrities giving out their phone number all the sudden even site on length Twitter news I don't know who was the celebrity I wasn't really paying attention but they it said like whatever celebrity X really wants you to call his personal number what that was trendy yeah stupid well when I first saw it I was like oh it's just some weird thing they're into I first saw ninja do it but then I started seeing all kinds of people doing this and I was like there's something going on here well it turns out there is a big company behind all this called community it's basically just an ad agency that allows influencers to text promotions and exclusive offers to their people who text them so you're basically when you text them you're enrolling yourself to get spammed by this but you're not talking to them at all also obviously that's not the real number even though everyone is like presenting it like yeah okay this is creator early you're gonna call my number literally not well stay tuned because I have a collection of all these celebrities what they say about it and it's just it's so disingenuous because they all pitch you like this is totally insane that I'm doing this but here's my number it's like [ __ ] you it even says in the small small print it's like this number was given to them by community they didn't they didn't even make the number it's literally just an ad agency that you're opting and for these celebrities to spam you will [ __ ] directly to your phone and even worse you're giving community your phone number to spam they're selling it they're scraping date uh guess what you textin injured they're like ooh again these people are into games and they opt it in now now that divisions gonna send them promotions by text yeah I can't imagine a worse thing to get on my phone like I get spam everywhere I get spammed halls now I'm getting I'm getting spam texts it's pretty awful it's awful and they're so dishonest that's the part that really ticks me off is that none of these guys are up front about it let me let me continue on community is a marketing company the Ashton Kutcher is heavily invested in they are polygons dug into their Terms of Service one section reads additionally you understand that a message sent sent by a client may appear to come from a celebrity or other famous individuals or influencers but may actually be sent to on his or her behalf by public relations or other social media representatives yeah you mean every single one the terms of use go on to say that the messages aren't even private so if you text this number they own whatever you said by the way but that the interactions are purely intended as promotions or advertising the phone numbers are also provided by community so no you cannot call up ninja and ask what he's doing for Thanksgiving you understand and acknowledge that conversations using the service are not private conversations with clients but are intended as messages sent an interaction solely for purpose of promoting and/or advertising the client and the clients products and services additionally someone on reddit speculates that they are likely farming people's numbers for later sales a list of active phone numbers can be sold for a good price they said a list of active phone numbers are already vetted to allow a certain type of fashion or lifestyle based on influencer is a lot more pricey a lot of the clothing lines would rather want the phone number of people who follow the influencer as opposed to just a random list of phone numbers to cold-call I mean a phone number lead that's a valuable thing yes our hot leads these are hot as it gets you know they could cell phone number a hot phone number lead for like $5 a piece or something like dollars on the spot that's when you add that up man that's crazy money so all these big influences I think are just getting a fat check like if you had an interest profile it just says text me and it's got his phone number in it okay in July TechCrunch reported on community formerly known as shimmer weird name so I wonder if there is earlier because it sounds like she mole mmm what does she more mean it's like a reservation or something I wouldn't be surprised as realize are all buying this [ __ ] apps yeah shitty idea not shitty but I mean like not shitty but like they're good at take the getting and making money they're good at I like how do I say predatory yes come on accept it mmm-hmm all right you know I'm right it's all bad not all bad it's great that was great turns out community is the new name of shimmer which launched in 2014 to connect social media celebrities with their fans according to TechCrunch a shimmer was meant to be a reddit like mobile app where users could create and upload content about their favorite youtubers or influencers that is until a pivot to direct message in 2018 attracted the support of Hollywood talent manager guy actuary and the sound Ventures investment partner Ashton Kutcher who jumped on board to relaunch Schumer now known as community the Santa Monica based company has raised nearly thirty five million dollars in the form of two convertible notes following a recapitalization that occurred a long sighs its rebranding earlier this year investors including the Sony Innovation Fund have valued the text marketing platform at upwards of 200 million how can these tech companies are I don't believe that when someone buys them for 200 million I don't think that I don't see it this [ __ ] is weird dude I don't see this going anywhere and they they're too aggressive with it like here's my favorite part here's all the influencers being paid to produce first let's start with that manager that you mentioned his name is really there you go oh that's funny I looked up the actual shimmer company though the founders are not Israeli so I mean it sounds like they got some Israeli letters but yeah yeah it's probably not I take back everything I said not really Ashton Kutcher so he's the first of this he says just text me it's easier and he gives out his phone number Wow incredible he's texting with his fans not you're texting into a fake number that is part of this company community to scrape your data Asha will never talk to you he only wants to spam you [ __ ] there's no disclosure there's no honesty at all they just they all I mean he may respond to like a few or maybe they even made together like a premade response that the name boss they do ever'one premade response you know but sure he responds to a few in the first hour this has a gimmick so they can like record it and use it as media yeah or just so he's not like outright lying but again the it's just totally misleading it's just so weird cuz they got like legit people as they just are doin him he's like I feel like it's just a couple managers who they talked into doing this we gave him a fat [ __ ] check to promote it and and it sounds fine you're like hey you you just have people text you but the thing is they all kind of following the same script of like just text me isn't that so crazy I'm giving you my number this is what you get when you text them Ashton here this is an auto text to let you know I got your message the rest will be from me click the link so I can respond to you I likely can't respond to everything but I'll try to be in touch dream bigger shut the [ __ ] up you'll never be in touch is that so scum easier and bigger so here you click the link and opt in I love this the whole thing seems so spamming click the link so I can respond to you I likely can't respond to everything but I'll try to be in touch hey Ashton what's going on buddy I'll try to get in touch stupid so here we go ninja I have to say ninja to me was a huge offender I mean look at this announcement video first of all he texts but yeah I think I don't want to be too harsh on everyone because they got like you have a list here Paul McCartney and he gets a pass but I'll talk about that when I come home work hard but you'll say you'll see he's you could easily tell he's not involved at all it's just some manager who signed him up for this [ __ ] but like look how ninja pitches this he tweets he tweets his number 3 1 2 5 a a 4 4 6 8 4 yes this is my number yes I will receive each and every text I'll try to reply to as many as possible this is gonna be fun long term keep texting me and it has a lot of likes because people are like oh that's crazy there's a first time I saw it like I don't know if there's just something for a stream that's supposed to be fun here is how he describes it hunger bond and this is definitely it some giving you guys my number you ready it is three one two five eight four four six eight four send me a text message right now there's gonna be a link that's gonna follow fill it out so I have your information and I'm gonna be able to contact you guys text you guys personally send you guys awesome videos messages behind the scenes of whatever event that my beautiful wife Jess and I are at or even freaking cute adorable pictures of our little puppies who are just laying on the couch right now alright send a text to that number and also I'll be texting a couple people that personally asking for your guys for net gamer tags and we're gonna hit up some Vic Roy's later on in the week alright guys so remember it is three one two the cruel five four four six eight boards Roy Roy owls bro consoling what how it starts it for bond and this is definitely if some giving you guys my number your anything hunger bond and this is definitely it some giving you guys my number you ready you ready it is three one two are you ready to let me rip this em they all play it up like this is that bit this is my real number are you ready you're not gonna believe this thing are you it's like dude it's just and paid advertisement it's stupid it's stupid and all of his fans are probably because they don't even know about they're like this is a whole brand new gimmick and everyone's like he probably got so many texts you know not knowing that they were not knowing what they were getting themselves into so that's a ninja Lele pons I mean well obviously you know this one's actually not that bad it's just some stupid Instagram pill text on my new number text me on my new number I would love to chat with you guys and I get to know you better if you can't text me it's cuz it still doesn't work outside of the United States but still put your info so when it works in other places I could text you and let you know I would love to get to know you better what did they expect to do with this day influencers because they're like still put in your info so message you know what I think it is it's just to promote their stuff yeah you can just it's like a posting on Twitter you post memes you post announcements yeah so it goes to your phone but the truth is that they don't they don't say that first of all she goes I would like to chat and get to know you better I just want to lay in bed at night late and I add text with my favorite fan yeah the best friends basically you're you're like signing up for a mailing and mailing newsletter you know to your phone that's your phone but but yeah but even beyond that is that this company community is harvesting numbers to sell the third parties that's speculation no not speculation that yes it is wait isn't that in the fine print I mean it says in the fine print yes it says in the fine print that they can share your data with third parties so it's it's here's the what I have it I have a direction but we don't actually know that 100 it says a list of active phone numbers can be okay the way Oldham says you grant community a worldwide perpetual license to host copy transmit and display your data as necessary for community to provide the service in accordance with these terms you also grant to community a royalty-free perpetual worldwide transferable sublicense sub licensable license to transfer your data to third-party services from service providers used by community and providing the service that sounds like wow I mean I'm not an expert in terms of service so they always agree with that I agree with you I do think we should say based on this statement they say you also grant to community a royalty-free perpetual worldwide transferable the sub license to license today it's transferable that means they could sell it what gives having to being I'm just I'm getting late in the show baby type if you're watching at this hour type in did a mayonnaise gag great job Ian on the mayonnaise gag of your hand great job no say this sorry say this I like that what do you you have any other ideas not that funny type Ashton Kutcher say Ashton Kutcher is a big ass ding-dong dude Ashton Kutcher can lick my salty smelly anyway they're selling your [ __ ] come on who you kidding who are you kidding they're selling your [ __ ] allegedly possibly possibly yeah it's probably it's a comedy show it's all comedies a parody 30 parody it's a parody come on oh yeah get in this isn't a new show this is a parody show and they're selling your data for sure a thousand percent I guarantee you they're selling your [ __ ] data buzz but two Pringles okay you know just all used to also gave text from Pringles and that's what it's gonna be like hey did you hear about our new Pringles flavoured a talk of flavor uh-oh dude it's like ninja send you an image of him with the Pringles taco flavor ah dude did you hear about Pringles new taco flavor oh dude it's not Will Smith did you hear about new ninja flavored Mountain Dew dude it could be some big Roy's later the only thing I'm pissed about is why didn't these [ __ ] come to me I would have sold out all you [ __ ] or like I don't know like only imagine they got a lot of money I would have told you guys down the goddamn River oh yeah they're like half a million bucks so all your fans out I'd be like hey guys huge crazy announcement here's my real number text me when you text it is only gonna instant reply yeah yeah just an auto-reply thing my text a few of them text no you did yeah that what happened the screenshot that he put up earlier the Ashton Kutcher won them did anything follow well they sent you a link and it takes you to a page where they want your email your phone number and an optic yeah I didn't necessarily want spam from Ashton cookies should be like did you hear about the new perennial when I hear about what he ate for I caught some sick Vick Roy's with ninja sometimes maybe you'll hit me up a couple you I'm gonna be hit some VicRoads with and you guys hear about the new Pringles oh ok if she has epic new chicken tenders ok did he did it so why doe again I'm giving Paul McCartney path why look it find out Paul's phone number and a new Q&A from Japan it's like he's not even able yeah it's obvious that he didn't even write this all doesn't any nope I think you and a with Paul McCartney let's see what they say I'm not gonna take it up all above criticism here no but I'm saying he's clearly not involved like some stupid manager was like they're gonna pay a million bucks in your number see even then it dude what is Paul McCartney's net worth pedo I agree I agree but again it's just next is gonna start doing cameo what I'm saying is yet Paul McCartney cameo for 25 bucks a button here and I wanted to wish you a happy birthday Thomas is a little jingle for you net worth 1.2 billion probably feels forever happy birthday Thomas that's a John song come on you know this it's a Beatles song get the [ __ ] out we're back in the year honestly honestly take feelings that I don't even think this but just to play one second thank you for correcting me like that I love when you correct me the thing is that an engine knows what he's doing okay when he puts out a video saying Oh God about to do it are you ready this is so crazy Paul McCartney's like I'm old bro like his tweet didn't even wasn't even written from him you know what I'm saying it's like he doesn't even manage it on Twitter look he got 500 likes that's Paul McCartney like the most famous person that's ever lived got 500 like I disagree I love that Photoshop what what are you disagreeing with Zak its Paul McCartney like why who would sell him out like this yeah he's gotta be shitty manager that happens all the time I'm giving him a pass I have to Diddy however you guys gonna love this but nature is a friend of the show it was a show he was on the show but just isn't on the show you don't you're just immune people gonna say a backstab ninja team Starwood he's gonna do a whole one-hour special honestly quite star game star the clown star okay let's see what PP looking for them DPP he goes well look how did he phrases it I shouldn't do this but text me I shouldn't do this y'all all right Eddie yo check this out so I'm sitting in I'm thinking I'm like you know I'm about to go into this nature just like yeah you know I'm gonna be doing a lot of positive things you know a lot of disruptive things a lot of things I really don't want everybody like everybody to know about so like everybody knows about everything you know I want a deeper connection 8 with my fans so I came up with this out there I was gonna get a special phone number and I was gonna be able to give it to my family my fans everybody does that my family image that I'm about you know sitting there movement you know bad boy you black excellence entrepreneurial ISM getting money vibration in about block inspiration like that fun one is owning this phone and also on top that I almost want to be able to be in communication with charge so when you hear when I'm in your city I'll be able to hit you directly and I think that all hiring manager yeah I know you're right 741 full no way that number X that number tell me what it says Dan you know I'm actually calling Ashton Savoy oh you're calling for real and what happens if you call it obviously know what's ringing oh good wait is that really your phone that I'm hearing yeah come on speaker great that said who leaves voice messages just text me in the knee hung up on me [ __ ] you Ashton yeah I wonder what so so text Diddy would you don't want to I'm curious what his message it was so young said to sound so I'm nine one seven seven four six one four four four he probably gets like $10 per sign up we're making did deal I'm just saying do you not know who I am why have I not been approached to sell out my fans for fur like I mean we don't have a manager you think yeah I think they'll have the same manager come on I need some of that money I want to sell you out you are all data you are almost worth about five dollars to me there we go an auto-reply its Diddy thanks for texting who's this be sure to be sure to click the link and add your contact so you hear it from me first everything else will be from here say for me direct say it's you got a praying emoji it's just it's the same as everything it just it all takes you to the same community sign up page yeah I wonder if they're getting paid per sign up though because they're all like laying it on so thick it's all like bro this is the craziest thing this is so exclusive Ram bigger I'm gonna change my mind so you better text me quick I think they're getting paid CPA dude well Ashton is definitely invested right again Ashton is invested heavily in this company it doesn't disclose that seems very questionable to me well I don't think that it's a secret how well do is people following him they don't know in this really not a secret but yeah if you don't disclosing and right seems like a conflict of interest marshmallow this one really is annoying too I'm King at it thank you you guys are quick thank you here's a marshmallow who by the way it doesn't even talk I mean dude so this is his phone number it's in the title it's in the description this is what's gonna happen if you text marshmallow you guys this Chris Rock calls in I was like four oh these guys pockets are deep as [ __ ] Chris Rock grace rock dummy a joke ever he goes hey marshmallow you ever get in touch with Lucky Charms cuz you're a marshmallow whoa really I was like Chris Rock bro you're ready to do man you don't need to do this have you I thought about working with pop rocks Chris epic marshmallow epic [ __ ] content I want to flip this goddamn came up are you teach though no I'm Shawn Mendes and Will Ferrell look at all the phone conversations and genuine and real conversations I still like by the way hey Liam its real by the way but what did i do what did i do what did i say what happened yeah whatever TI Tiesto [ __ ] that guy I don't know marshmallow these are totally cool and random conversations that you can have with me if you text my number I get a CPA I get a I get paid per acquisition yeah you could text me Oh Chris Rock states didn't me next marshmallow 505 Dan no I'm working on it he doesn't know I'm not over it whoa you just got that I'm over it every time you say I'm over it every everybody over Rosie oh I'm not over it I'm into it I'm a lobbyist love it I'm loving everybody love we're all right how long we're almost gone we've been going for a long time you know I think I might have an interest real number in my phone maybe since he's so cool all I was giving the wrong number you guys here's his real no wait yeah whatever and then there's Jake Paul of course who would never as we know based on the and I want everybody dude you're right ward on this Drive text me I'm gonna be replying to as many people are you it you stupid is that it wait actually text that let me see if that's a 3-1 Oh number that might actually I want before I [ __ ] on him I'm where do you think it's his real number oh no here no a litt there's what he got look at what's his number I have a I have a picture of it here hail it I got you save now my lawyers wanted me to tell you that free a message frequency will vary your what's your carrier's message and data rates may apply reply helped wait you got it yo its Jake let's text fam make sure you click the link that I sent you and add yourself to my phone so I can respond to you did he really put a disclaimer in the text one else to death okay whatever you know Jake calls in so there you have it that's the epic thing that everybody's doing so text me I want in on this money I want everybody's phone number if I make $5 per phone number and at least a hundred thousand of you [ __ ] sign up yeah was worth if I could get a hundred thousand of you [ __ ] to sign up that's half a million bucks Wow let's go where do you at Oh were you at community hooked me up with that [ __ ] I want to sell out every $5 Brad alright what else we got Trisha on x-factor who cares Trisha responded to me a [ __ ] she said hdhd slut-shame to me whatever you don't we'd actually don't need to watch it she accepted my apology which I thought was quite funny I heard the big question is she coming Friday she says yes Trish is saying she's coming Friday but I suspect a troll did anyone pay her a million dollars I told that will not happen and she accepted my apology mom Trish would be so epic if you trolled us by not coming that'd be so [ __ ] cool out of you again you've been skating with her what what's the status I emailed her I mean we have been in touch and you called her Beach whale and stuff and then she's mad and alright you're saying a wild oh yeah right I never said she was a beached whale she thinks they're putting words in my mouth down I said it looks like she just watched up on the beach that's not didn't she say that you said you said I called her a beached whale the point being I am yeah she has not responded to me as of yet oh I will let you know if that changes I am yes do you want to come on Friday she said yes but you did it with a wink face so I said I feel like you're telling me you're not gonna show up she said no I'm gonna show up for sure I said okay so right back Daniel set up accommodations she has yet to write back down so that's that takes us up to the present so we'll see we'll see I don't know how that one's gonna go I'm freezing and she's so that's that or no no we moved you guys we moved to a new house cool tell your friends tell everybody you know that we're no longer at our other address we don't live there anymore if you search my name ethan klein address that address is wrong no the one that's at the top of google that you can find easily it's not my dress anymore got it there was just a lot of shenanigans going on because my dress became public because white pages is a [ __ ] these guys are like mafia shakedown they like post your dress that they automatically take from public filings it's queer because it never happened on our old address they never did that to me but at our last address what happened before anywhere yeah even in new york but we were just renting there but anyway wasn't like a month of buying our last house it's showed up if you just type ii think line address it was right there and there was just a lot of shenanigans you can use your imagination and so we wanted to move and we did Tata should not say more seriously with that people are one you can just say at that point that we already like well among other things we kept getting swatted by people which first of all the first time it happened was terrible enough because the police show up with their guns drawn there's like multiple helicopters with their lights on the house and then they left our get the police left our gate open and shredder got out it was it was awful it was traumatizing it was absolutely awful but we thought okay let's see if it were happening once the police knew that we had a special location so they didn't need to respond with such force so once that it started happening again they still arrive with the copters and the gun is strong I mean luckily they didn't force entry because we weren't actually home but they they were they didn't force entry or anything like that but the second I mean another time it happened we were coming back from New York with Theodore and we posted an Instagram story on when we were boarding the plane and I'm pretty sure these people timed it up for when we were arriving home with Theodore mm-hmm to put him in our home two hours before we got home there was a ton of traffic so we were very late to get back to the house yeah and well I just wanted to the people I didn't want to talk about except one I didn't want to give them the satisfaction and I didn't want to give it any attention or encouragement but I will say to the people who think they're geniuses that calling and a swatting on skype or VPN or whatever that there is an FBI case opened that we have gone all the way up the chain and that you will [ __ ] go to jail dude we're not only wasting police time but for attempted murder like bro do you remember I could do seriously consider that attempted murder and by the way do you remember senators do you remember earlier in the year when somebody died that way they caught that idiot and like a day do you think the FBI can't track your [ __ ] down you are such an idiot bro like you are gonna go to jail dude and it's so epic that you're gonna go to jail and like I was uh was close to here he was in Glendale oh guy that did it and got somebody killed dude you are going to jail the guy who called that in ISM jail right now he's in jail harder so do all the geniuses the thing that's a good idea I mean there can't be many of them that's like it's real bottle on the barrel [ __ ] you're gonna you are gonna go to jail I guarantee it's only a matter of the time before you go to prison bro the same thing that happened at the genius hackers who reverse engineer my phone number bro he is we police called me up and said one of the guys is Israeli come file a police report and guess what those guys all went to prison bro the FBI arrested on all these little kids think they're so genius because they call them skyping VPNs and virtual servers I just wonder if these kids think that it's just like just a prank just say bro I don't think do they understand that someone could die and they are trying to get something to that it's that the things that they tell the police to respond is there are certain things you need to tell the police to make them respond so I'm not gonna repeat what they said because it's awful to even repeat it it really is just it's just really a graphic horrible [ __ ] like the worst thing you can think of involving whatever everything and so yeah they know what they're doing they're telling the police the most heinous [ __ ] you can imagine to get them to respond a full force and they're going to [ __ ] prison bro you should be looking over your shoulder perpetually because like the hackers that thought they were untouchable we're flaunting it those guys got arrested by the FBI and even the one in Israel who's doing it from overseas got arrested by the [ __ ] Israeli police too dude the police called me up I was chilling at a museum with the illest family we just came to visit my family they caught us they're like hey I see that your son-in-law and daughter are in Israel can I talk to him Merlin why the Israeli police got on the phone with me too like hey can you come sign up a police report cuz that hacking that happen we tracked him down he's Israeli he's your file a police report so we can go arrest him I was like great they got all your conversations dude they showed me like conversation the police showed me Skype conversations they were having you guys and if something happened to shredder the first time shredder got out and we like we heard that they were at our house we weren't home but but shredder was home and we immediately started driving back and while we were driving back we saw we were watching the cameras on the they were just walking around the house with huge guns out and helicopters and we saw them leaving the gates open and I just knew in kitchen I was gonna get out and then he did and we saw it on camera and we just saw him walk out and then we had no idea what happened was we had to drive like that home for ten minutes I thought that we will never see him again because it was late at night he's a tiny dog there's coyotes you could get run by a car and a million things but he was so scared he was just well yeah Alex and it traumatized him too because of the police they were walking on the house for a while with the walkie-talkies and it was really loud and now whenever he hears someone on the phone he's like traumatized from the noise mm-hmm so it was so horrible that drive home felt like forever and thank God one of the police guys noticed him getting out and they like walked him back in and closed the gate so he was fine but if something happened to him I would just like I don't know what to say I really don't they literally know what these people are thinking they want that they want shredder to die and to ruin your life that's why they do it they should go to jail for life honestly I agree and they're gonna go to jail they will these kids think they're so smart I'm telling you they're all going to jail it's like a big problem you know the FBI is literally uh working on that [ __ ] right now I agree that was it was terrible and the time will come back from the airport with Theodore they tried to they tried to kill her yeah B they tried to traumatize our baby they had the police to roll up on us as we were arriving home and we moved like a week later we're out of there what are they gonna say oh yeah and someone was speaking to brought up a really good point you know if shredder was a bigger dog the police probably would have just killed him because the he's if he's a big dog that's confused and it runs out and he shows any signs of aggression or if they're not having an aggression just barking you know yeah barking like if there's a random strangers in your backyard with guns and lights and little walkie-talkies a good watchdog a good family member is gonna go out and bar and bark at them and you know police are authorized to kill your dog at that point and it's a good thing shredders just too sweet the Swedes can be a little sweet little dog and he walked out to them like I think I sell from another angle from a different camera but he just sweet as could be walked out to them but on the original camera angle we couldn't see that the police were still there so we just saw him walking out of frame I love shredder he's the he's the best so um that's why we moved if you want to kill someone just go do it don't be such a coward ass [ __ ] I've got a shotgun come to my house [ __ ] and don't come to my house but I'm saying if you're gonna do it that way let's let's throw down the high noon you know what I mean let's go dude let's have a duel at least so I could see your face if you're gonna attempt to murder me like a little coward-ass [ __ ] at least give me a shot at drawing faster like a cowboy not funny so come to my house but if you do I have a shotgun by my bed that's loaded and ready I'm serious that's the reality of being a you know it's famous as we are but I think it really is for youtubers specifically it's kind of like orange streamers or kind of like I think and pull it people like I think it always happens around times when I talk about politics too I think generally speaking it's it's uh I do think that it's ant people who are driven by anti-semitism I think it's a specific kind of right-wing anti-semitic radical that's why in my gut I think is doing that those are the people that hate me that much you know that's a hunch obviously but that I just can't see anyone hating me so much they would try to murder my family like that I guess we'll find out soon huh why will we vote when they go to present now I was like well then anyway it sucks it's awful it's terrible it's the worst feeling in the world and that I mean that's that's obviously the worst of it but there was people like sending pizzas to our house and sending packages there was weird of stalked out outside our house across the street in their cars like following our our housekeeper following her home I mean there was just all these weird shenanigans do it it just wasn't cool so there you have it or do that people don't be weird I have a shotgun loaded and I don't want to shoot you but if you come to me my family I will write down yeah yeah yes honestly right either Eli's a handgun I'd be worried about her the size of the joke of course you never went Joker pulled it out that handgun in the in the Batman without Kim er he pulls out a handgun it's like it's like super long you're pulling out his pants and it's like that long that's ela like that you mean to face no it's Joker which Batman it was the one with Michael Keaton oh you just said Val Kilmer I did yeah you did oh my goodness well of course I meant Mikey that's my dad it was the worst Batman probably probably dollars Batman yeah George Clooney Oh Val Kilmer what was the one with Val Kilmer Batman Returns how come her is not a good Batman he does it's not very Bruce Wayne ish George Clooney was the one with Mr Freeze and [ __ ] though with Arnold love that is by far poison ivy yeah with poison ivy and yeah and mr. freeze I went to rewatch the one with the penguin Danny DeVito that was Val kid that was a Michael Keaton Yuki was the first to write he was like the most unlikely but loved the coolest Batman yeah because he's not macho he's not masculine he's not really cool he's kind of just like some regular guy but somehow he pulled it off as Batman so unlikely I was reading an article they were very hesitant to use him as Batman because he just made a movie called mr. mom which was a comedy and so he's gone from mr. mom freaking Batman Bruce Wayne yeah that's why I'm giving a chance to so they're casting now is Batman the guy from Twilight which one the hunk from Twilight Robert Pattinson I'll show you a picture yes and that first I was like oh come on but I don't know you got it maybe maybe it'll be great Robert Patterson Pattinson yeah whatever this guy you're getting worse and worse oh okay I could see that I mean I'm gonna give him a shot he's very young for the role of Batman so no one's like Michael Keaton what what's his age oh he's 33 oh wow he's aged that's a great age for Bruce Wayne actually that's a perfect age for Bruce Wayne there you go [Music] I'm watching any Batman movie yeah me too Batman's my spider-man 2yoon yeah yeah I love that I agree Christopher Nolan by far the greatest Batman ever portrayed on screen I mean but yeah and you're so quiet I just have a stomach full of mayonnaise about that gray I'm going to the bathroom after that No are you gonna puke or poop I just need to one word just overrode my switch it's not gonna both jump it's not gonna be fun okay yogurt poop Zach you're gonna throw up straight mayonnaise Oh Zach you look like Fred Flintstone you just have the pattern that fred is on thank you you guys don't matter [Laughter] look at this show Zach it's literally Fred Flintstone yabba do all right well let's wrap it up guys Frick well I have treasures like a three-hour episode but like yeah oh my god what I guess I had more energy than I thought I didn't know as I had that Envy today well this is the greatest show of all time I did say that this is the greatest show ever made I heard that playing on the streets yeah people are talking mm-hmm Metacritic gives it a 98% Wow number one on IMDB critics hated though critics a to audience mother Fred Flinstone yes Fred Flinstone okay well it's about to [ __ ] puke listen ride a Tricia might be here she might not who knows we'll see it's a wild cry i'll prepare just in case she doesn't show up i'll prepare for two possibilities what we keep saying friday it's gonna people are gonna see it saturday though right oh we're gonna yeah we're switching up the upload time yeah we're gonna post this tomorrow morning on Saturday in the morning we just I just found that it seems like it's less stressful for us and actually it's been a good experience for the audience to it it seems like people like the morning upload so okay so Wednesday and Saturday oh I I have a PSA as well Oh everybody been loving the suggestions for sound bites keep that up when you do it time stamp that [ __ ] please saves so much time of having to scrub through a three-hour poem I've spoken first for Dan and please keep making entry podcast memes because those are fantastic and we love them alright so we'll be back on Friday just shows Ian more like a wrap it up just will be back on Friday Dan come on you got the power don't you oh sorry we were organizing the stuff back yet it then Ian you put it on you man I mean I got a puke I got a puke so bad we'll see you guys on Saturday morning I guess is what I'm saying but we're gonna be here in on Friday we're doing it up for you guys and please text me I don't have the number yet I need to get that from community who will reach out but I'm gonna connect with them I want all your phone numbers five dollars a pop and I'm just gonna send you a bunch of crap so it'll be great thank you guys for watching we love you we appreciate you we'll see you in a little couple few days have a great week keep slamming shake your tip keep your heads up stay positive keep slam and give me your phone number I want to make money off you and I wish all the best okay have a great week Brady look that's right all right guys take care [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,523,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, th3 h3h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: rrA1Wz5o_Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 58sec (9898 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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