Darts Showdown in Smosh Vegas!

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(upbeat music) (all laughing) - This is gonna be the dumbest video we've ever made. (all laughing) - Darts. - You can't even hit the circle. Hello and welcome to Viva Smash Vegas. - This is where we play random games with whatever rules we want. All right before we get started in our game, go ahead and subscribe. We do a lot of these things, and this is a video you wanna watch, right? Bullseye? - Oh yeah. (all laughing) - What a mouth touchy and licky, I'm uncomfortable. Let me explain today's rules. So we're going to start with a score of 301 each of us. And then the first one to throw the darts and get to zero wins. How are you guys feeling about your dart skills Spencer? - That's bogie. - I was talking to Spencer. (all laughing) - I think you've all made a massive mistake by coming here today. (upbeat music) I'm well known in the Northern region of England and every single pub, including the Slaughtered Lamb - Sick reference. (all laughing) So I walked out at night into the Moore's. It was raining and I was attacked by a werewolf. I don't have those powers still. - What powers do werewolves have? - They can turn into a Wolf. I don't feel like. (all laughing) - Pretty obvious. - Doesn't seem like a super legitimate power. - This is one Tom Quavo. (all laughing) Oh sorry, Qua-va. (all laughing) - Hello, My name is Strengthfried. (funky music) I use the power of a muscle magic and I'm gonna blast them away. I'm gonna make all my opponents disappeared and the magic word is to die. (all laughing) - I am Egg. (upbeat sound) - [Spencer] Nice. - My name is John bullseye, I never miss. (upbeat music) Do I have to do more? - [Egg] That's it? (all laughing) (flute tootling) - Bullseye's Irish from the 2004 film, Daredevil. - You never miss, neither do I. - This is good. This is good. Cause you're grounding it. So that will shock us with your magic. - Yes, yes. Abracadaisy, abracado, I pick a bullseye for you? Okay. Alright. And sometimes you think. - That's 6 points. - Before you drink. Okay I'll just start off with the devil's number. - Here we go. - Want eggs for breakfast. - Woo aah! Do you like my technique? - I like the strength you putting into all your throws. All right. 18 times two is 36. I got 36. - 2 from? - Cause it's this, this is double triple 25, 50. Math is not your strong suite. - Darts. - Who's next? - I suppose I'll go. Good craftsmanship. Here we go. Just set up an obstacle for myself. - [Egg] How are you gonna get that bullseye? - Damn, I can do better. Oh, that's a triple boy. - Damn it. - It's too hard. That was too hard. - Yeah I know, I don't know my own strength. You got 49 there. - Those of us that blew our load in the beginning and some of us who will crescendo - Premature, - Premature edartulation. - 49, I have slain that many before. which is why was permabanned from the Burning Legion Server. Just because you're in an Alliance territory doesn't mean. (all laughing) - He will be back for shadow rounds. - Show you how it's done. - Keanu Reeves over here. - Don't know him. - That's not CDC approved. - We'll cut it in. We'll cut it in with a bullseye. - Your energy makes me nervous. (all laughing) - I don't think he should be underestimated. - Get your darts bro. You perform in Vegas. Yes I do. What do you perform? - Las Vegas, New Mexico. Through stretching and energy. I show you that all things are possible. (all laughing) Even through the ashes, you may come up, a winner. - Oh two muscly 17. I'm going to try this very unique technique. That all eggs like to do a three for one. You know, when you open up an egg, you have two yolks, try three. (all laughing) - Cause it never happened. - I guess I've gotten two yolks before, but never three - I think that's where I made my mistake. - Stiff competition. - This is the slowest game ever. - What do you play to? - To the death? - What religion are you, Spencer? I'm very interested. - Whatever religion Cuthulu is. - You good. Actually that was only 19. - You'll be punished later. - My darts. - They gave us the kids safe darts. - That's fine, I've gotten into many scraps in the McDonald's play place. I was seven, but my opponents were adults. The Russians were already keen on my skills and they tried to kidnap me. - At a McDonald's play place. - Of course. - That's where they recruit. - Seven still seems to old to be playing in a McDonald's play place. (all laughing) - Show us your skills. - I never miss. - How many points do you have? - 294 Points. - You gat six points - Sounds like I'm in first place. - You got six points. - Oh, Danny boy. - Oh, this is awesome. - I said i never miss, the darts miss. (all laughing) - Yeeeaaah! He's seven points - Now you may all be wondering how many times my accents have changed since starting this. And the answer is. (all laughing) You wanted two, not three like this. (all laughing) - Bullseye. That was one point. - These childproof dots are pieces. - You got one again. Well balanced. (all laughing) - It's windy in here. - It's time to get serious. - Nine, and 18 DH by legally (mumbles). - Let's get this one. - It touched the middle. (all laughing) - This gonna be the dumbest video we've ever made. (all laughing) - Darts. What do you say, we spruce it up? (all laughing) - Yeah cover the bullseye. - You said against all odds. You're the winner. That's about to do some forbidden magic. When I trade brains with my tiger - Drew it as well. - I recede my offer. (all laughing) - Softer. (all laughing) - Tigers poor eyesight. - Bullseye, you wanna put your hand up there. I think it'll help me. I said Irish. - Well, that was pretty fucking lame. (all laughing) Time to get serious. - Half his points are mine, that was my magic. (all laughing) - When I say I never miss, I never say where I aim - Double threes. - How did you manage to do that? - Might I recommend aiming up. (slow music) (all laughing) - Holy shit. - That's amazing. - That's why they call me John. - My problem is I was trying to see with my eyes and not my eye of magic. - You're too strong. (all laughing) - All right guys, I'm going to get serious. I was just joking. I was just yoking around before earlier. (crowd booing) Ooh, 13, 15. Oh 24. - My favorite NBC show. (Egg laughing) - 20, exactly what I wanted. Seven, exactly what I wanted. - What do you want now? I want to know beforehand. - I'll tell you exactly what I want. Damn it. (all laughing) 27. - Bullseye, you have the energy of a feral cat. (all laughing) (upbeat music) - Who let Spencer watch boondocks things. (all laughing) - There's the power of crumping and so long. - [Egg] We'll give it to you. - This is the power of crumping. - Oh, that's a triple. - His toe over the line, toe over the line. - Eight. - Keep barely missing from ancient Mayan curse. Here we go. Counts. - As what? - 23. - This is surely the first dart game. That's a war of attrition. - It's just too dark in here. I can't see the darts. It's too dark. - You're wearing sunglasses too. - It's too dark. - Yay four. (upbeat music) - Shit. He has the tiger now. Now with scat in my ear, I met the most powerful that I've been my whole life. Good night. This next one is for you Scott. And this one forever. - Quavo. (all laughing) - 10 Exactly. I didn't need that one. - [Egg] Oh wee. - All right. 175 right behind fill-ins but now I must leash the power of strength. As it gets stronger within me. Yes. Yeah. - I could do that too. - [Bullseye] Doesn't go for that. - I was, I was two. I was two to four. - That was the same exact spot. - That was the most intense one point I've ever seen. - [Strengthfried] Strength magic. - Competition is getting stiffer. Luckily I'm incapable of feeling stressed since I play Eve online. All right, here we go. Okay. - Oh, that was pretty good though. (slow music) (all laughing) - I wish. You're so bad. - But imagine if that works. - All right, we have to get our shit together. cause Spencer's gonna win. All right. We'll count it. (flute tootling) - (mumbles) is gonna be here any second. - You won. (upbeat music) You got a shit ton of points. Congrats to Spencer for winning darts today. (clapping) - Thank you for watching me. Once again, succeed as I always will. I will be back again. But in the meantime, you'll have to quench your need for content with these videos down here. This one's probably crazy. We're probably playing some board game or eating some hot shit or something. - I mean. - We're probably doing some other things. Anyways. Good luck out there. (flute tootling) The crows will assist you today, but I can't promise they will tomorrow.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 584,202
Rating: 4.9707136 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Darts Showdown in Smosh Vegas!, darts, vegas, games, betting, characters, improv, challenge, 2020
Id: bshRKXwJVnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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