Try Not to Laugh Challenge #60 - Gauntlet w/ Our Crew!

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(upbeat music playing) (murmuring) (laughing) You'll notice this about mommies? (harmonica playing) (audience laughing) ( cheering) - Hey everybody, welcome to "Try Not To Laugh", but guess what? It ain't no regular "Try Not To Laugh." It's "Try Not To Laugh" with our crew. (cheering) - Gauntlet style, of course. - That's right, that's right. So we are actually not going to be doing any of the funny hahas. - No. - We are just here to laugh, that's right. - We get to enjoy everything. - That's right. (laughing) So we got a bunch of our crews, some crew you guys haven't even seen before. - Yes. (laughing) - It is their smash debut. - I think they're all gonna do great, because they're all funnier than us. - Yeah. - But you know, you know what actually helped them, in their quest to be funny? If you subscribed. (audience cheers) - They all, they can feel the funnies. - You upgraded your TV, your smartphone, everything in your home, but life still feels obsolete. Well, Robotics Inc is about to revolutionize your life forever. Introducing new mom. (laughing) The new mom installation happens in no time. In seconds, we will quickly contain and remove your old mom. But, you won't be a mom less for a long. Once new mom has secured all entrances and exits, she will snatch a DNA sample of your skin, and bond with you forever. (harmonica plays) (laughing) New mom has been hardwired to love you with every piece of her hard plastic exterior. (laughs) With a crushing embrace and a grip unmatched by man, mom, she'll feel just like old mom but got colder. (laughing) (harmonica plays) Your old mom can barely carry the groceries up to the house, but new mom can throw a Winnebago 40 miles. (laughing) (harmonica plays) Old mom gets stuck in traffic, but new mom's turbo boosters make her so fast, she's undetectable by radar. (laughing) New mom truly is cutting edge, because she has 15 injectable knives. (laughing) Let's face it. New mom blows everything else out of the water, with heat seeking torpedoes. (laughing) Don't worry, your old mom won't be far away. Your old mom will be compressed into a nutrient rich nugget to power new mom (indistinct). (laughing) (clapping) So call today and take your mom, to the maximom. (audience applauding) - Mommy's brain, what a joy. (murmuring) - Hey guys, so, I'm trying to do a whole thing about like anime, cause I know a lot of you guys like anime. So I am the famous character, I think his name is Jojo, from "Jojo's Crazy Adventure." (laughing) (harmonica plays) So here's, you know, (laughing) hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. That's about as far as I can get with that, I'm really horrible with bits. So really, what I'm about to do, is I'm about to, rip this shirt off, (cheering) and take it off, but I can't find the hole. (laughing) Here it is! Yeah! (audience screaming) (harmonica playing) (screaming) That's right! I'm back! (mumbling) (screaming) (harmonica plays) So, this year, I'm taking, bringing back the holiday workouts. Once again, I need a bigger boy though. Bring it up, bring, Bigger Boi. - [audience] Bigger Boi! (audience cheering) So, you get yourself a bigger boy, oh like this. - Oh my God! (harmonica plays) - Then you start, squatting with Bigger Boi. (audience laughing) (mumbling) - And if that's not enough, (audience screaming) - No! - Wow! - Oh my God! - Okay, I thought it was gonna be a thong. (audience laughing) (mumbling) - So, by the way, HR is like on the other side of the screen, am I fired? - No. (audience laughing) (cheering) - I was gonna joke, when do the pants come off? Then the pants actually came off. (mumbling) - I was scared. (laughing) - Were you scared? - It's a holiday miracle. (murmuring) - Two swabs with a Duran, that's a full Duran Duran. - Oh my God. (murmuring) - There you go. (laughing) - Yeah, you can put your harmonicas down. (laughing) (harmonica plays) (laughing continues) (harmonica continues playing) (laughing) (harmonica plays) - I was supposed, okay, I was supposed to, I was supposed to come out here, but then, Lydia is supposed to be here, and she's not here (indistinct). (audience laughing) (dramatic music) - Okay. - These aren't mine. (audience laughing) - No! (laughing continues) (mumbling) (audience cheering) (harmonica plays) - Yes! (murmuring) - Are you gonna come out here and clean up you mess? - (indistinct) (audience laughing) (screaming) (harmonica plays) (audience cheering) (whip cracking) Attention! Sailors of the sassy leg navy. (harmonica plays) (audience laughing) - We are about to embark, on a sassy mission. (laughing continues) (clapping) - Oh my God! - That is all. (whip cracks) (audience cheering) - He did stanky leg. (mumbling) - The stanky leg navy. - Excuse me. (laughing) (harmonica plays) (laughing continues) This my instrument, okay. Sorry, just a second. Sorry, just one more second. Okay, I'm gonna start now, okay guys? Okay. (mumbling) (upbeat music playing) (harmonica plays) (laughing) - There's music right? (murmuring) (laughing) (murmuring continues) (laughing continues) (mumbling) (audience screams) (clapping) (mumbling) - Oh, Ian's still laughing, (indistinct) hold on. Brake, can you come dance real quick? Okay great. (mumbling) (accordion playing) (audience laughing) (mumbling) (audience cheering) - I love you. - Bye guys. (murmuring) - I had no idea Greg can move like that. - No, Megan's an athlete. - That was a deep split. (laughing) That was impressive. (laughing) - Oh, you're all here. (audience laughing) (harmonica plays) - I'm terrified. - Welcome to employer reviews. (audience screaming) (harmonica plays) Damien. - Yeah. (laughing) - Oh my God! - It's come to my attention, that you've been pretty late to a few meetings. (audience laughing) (clapping) - You always blame it on the fanny pack malfunction. (laughing) Weird, weird, weirder, when we found out that you call your adult diapers fanny packs? (audience jeers) (laughing) (mumbling) Shayne. - No, no. (audience cheering) - No Shayne you're doing great. It just, everyone feels really uncomfortable, when you called Ian boss daddy. (audience laughing) - Except for Ian. (laughing continues) Keith. - Oh God. (laughing) - We went through this last year, underwear goes under what you wear. (audience laughing) (harmonica plays) - Courtney. (Courtney groans) Courtney, I just, this is a reminder. Your dad doesn't work here, stop CC-ing him on e-mail. (audience laughing) Otherwise make him proud. Ian. - We could skip me, we could, we could just skip me. - Oh no. - [Audience] No! - How big is that file? - No, no, no, you're doing great, you're my boss, you're doing great. (laughing) We keep taking the sign off your office, you keep putting it back on, but when you call your office the executive restroom, it's very confusing. (audience laughing) (Ian mumbling) Kimey, hi, thank you for being so tall. (audience laughing) We do really appreciate everything you bring to the cast especially your height. - I just really want, (laughing) stop, if you can stop high-fiving all the exit signs and yelling. (laughing continues) - So hard. - I know, I know. - Need to show the height. (laughing) - Which is really expensive, very expensive to repaint. (murmuring) - Jackie, you're perfect. (audience cheering) (applauding) (laughing) - Oh my God. (laughing continues) - Oh my God. (Keith laughs) - Hi welcome, how are you? (audience laughing) (harmonica plays) (laughing) You are special. - [Courtney] You're special, cute. (harmonica playing) (laughs) - You ordered a hot dog? - Yap, yeah. (laughing) (harmonica plays) (audience laughing) (murmuring) - Nailed it. (screaming) - A drink ma'am? (laughing) (murmuring) - Fancy. - For you. (murmuring) - This is all for Jackie. (murmuring) Would you like some ketchup? - Yeah, sure. (laughing) - And for you're hands. (laughing) Will that do it? Is that all? Yeah, that's all. - Thank you. (audience laughs) (applauding) - Well done. I haven't dinned in, in a long time, that's what it's like right? - Yeah. (murmuring) - Hi, over here. I'm Yasmeen, I'm auditioning for straight man. (audience laughing) (harmonica playing) (Screaming) (laughing continues) - You got the part. - What? (laughing) This? - What is that? - No. - I don't know, you guys already laughed. (laughing) (screaming) (audience cheering) - Oh my God. You're laughing, cause I have to clean this up. (laughing continues) (murmuring) - It is my turn? - Yeah. - Oh man! Oh boy! (murmuring) - My shoes. (laughs) - My shoes. (mumbling) - You know what, Mat, Mat, you did this last year, you did this last year. It's not funny. So spit, spit, spit whatever's, spit it out. Spit it, spit. (mumbling) (laughing) (screaming) (clapping) - So many curve balls getting thrown at us. (laughing) So much audience participation. (laughs) - Oh no. (laughing) - You'll notice this about mommies, (harmonica playing) (audience laughs) - Mommy always tries to make, tries to tell me it's okay to cry. Mommy be like, cry, you can cry, it's okay. (laughing) Daddy. (laughing continues) Daddy is all, don't go in the basement. (audience laughing) - What! That's where the train sets are. (laughing) That's where my world is. (laughs) That's where I have the little village, with the little people. While mommy is all just trying to get me to cry for once, (laughing) saying its okay for boys to cry. (laughs) All right, thank you. (audience applauds) (gentle music) (laughing) (murmuring) (laughing) (harmonica plays) - Oh no. (audience laughing) (harmonica continues playing) (laughing) (harmonica plays) (laughs) (murmuring) (laughs) (audience continues laughing) (harmonica playing) (screaming) (audience applauds) - Holy frigging crap. - We have the most talented, funny, wonderful team ever. - They're this funny every day, you guys just don't get to see it. Except for this time. Man, I think this was better than the first, like round. (murmuring) Dude seriously, everyone who did the first gauntlet, I think they improved, they did better, and all the new people just crushed it. - They brought it. - Yaz means the new me. (crowd laughing) (murmuring) - That's your copy of infinite jest though, so. (laughing) But guys, everyone did so good, I'm so proud of everyone. - Yeah. - I love this team. - Good job guys. - Guys please, like, subscribe, hit that notification bell, do it for all of us. (murmuring) - Do it for Santa. - Do it for Spencer. (laughing) And guys, we have more videos, check it out, and have a wonderful holiday season. (harmonica plays) Hope, hope 2021 is great, it's, it's coming. We're almost done with this, (laughs) whatever this has been. Thank you guys, we'll see you later. - Thank you. (harmonica plays) - Bye.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 2,183,678
Rating: 4.9571071 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not to Laugh Challenge #60 - Gauntlet w/ Our Crew!, christmas, try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, tntl, crew, employees, team, improv, smosh crew
Id: c7HEM58-SC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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