Super Smash Bros: Battle of the Spencers!

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- You may take the blade now. - Aw. (sword clangs) - You may feel its power. - We just start kissing. (both laugh) (screen beeps) - Good evening. My name is Spencer Agnew, A.K.A. The Chosen, and seated next to me is Spencer Agnew, who has edited videos for Smosh Games since, frankly, the dawn of time. Two Spencer Agnews, too much for one world, so we will (laughs) - I can't even (beep) look at you. - So we must do battle to prove who can be the true Spencer Agnew moving forward. The other must wander the wastes, like Icarus after he performed his trick. (Spencer laughs) - Hey, Dad, wanna see a trick? I'm gonna fly as high to the sun as I can. (Shayne laughs) - Yeah, what a fricking loser. Anyways, whoever becomes the true Spencer Agnew gets a trophy to prove it, the Spencer Agnew Trophy, the Chosen Trophy. How will we determine who is the true Spencer Agnew? Simple, with the original test that they did at the Olympics back in the day, "Super Smash Brothers," particularly "Super Smash Brothers Ultimate," which wouldn't be my first choice. I would prefer "Melee." - Well, you got your GameCube controller. - I do have my GameCube controller. I've trained my entire life for this moment, to prove that I am not just The Chosen, but I am the chosen Spencer. (Spencer laughs) - I don't know why I have to defend my birth name, but yeah. - We've both been around for the same amount of time. - When were you born? - I don't know. I don't wanna say that on camera. Then it's, like, out there on record. I don't want my age to be on record. - Am I being detained? - I have been required by the forces that be to tell you to like and subscribe. (mouse clicks) Do it at your own risk. I don't know if you're strong enough to like and subscribe. Who do you main? (Spencer laughs) - I usually pick, like, Mario or Samus. - Yeah, you would. (woman laughs) (Shayne laughs) - [Spencer] What maps do you like? - Well, I prefer mainly the GameCube, but the "Melee" maps 'cause they're just better. - Oh, I like the one with the balloons. - The Pokemon floats? - Yeah. - That's the worst map on the planet. - Yeah, no one likes that one. That one's fun. - That's literally the worst map ever. - We got Steve though. - We do have "Minecraft" Steve, if you're friggin' 10. (Spencer laughs) (Shayne laughs) At least, for now, we'll face off, you versus me. - Can't we play with items? - Fine. - [Girl] Wow. It's kinda like playing with bumpers at the bowling alley. (Spencer laughs) Let's play the N64 Zelda map. It's up to the right, right there next to Yoshi's Island, which was honestly a great game. All right, well, I'm not gonna go all out, so I'm gonna play as my second choice, which is Sephiroth. - [Man] Sephiroth. - My spirit animal, Sephiroth. - I'm gonna go random. I'm gonna see how I do. - Huh, bold move, I respect it. Ah, Bowser. - Oh, ho, ho, baddies. - The two greatest villains of all time. - Bowser versus, yeah, remember when Bowser killed Peach? - I do remember that. Oh, showing our moves. Check this out. - Ks, ks. - Both firebenders, impressive. Aw. Huh, huh. - Let the battle begin. - Aw (beep) - I'm no good with Bowser. - Ah. (Shayne grunts) Aw, good move. - The fact that Bowser just can dropkick someone is honestly amazing. - Ah, oh, god. - Oh, yeah, we got spirits. - Dang it, aw, dang it. Okay, congratulations. (Spencer laughs) Frickin', frickin'. - That trophy's. - Enjoy the Vulpix, you idiot. - Is that Vulpix? - That's Vulpix. - That's, like, Alolan Vulpix. - Yeah, that's right. - Oh, he got, oh. - Yeah, didn't see that coming, did you? - Didn't realize they had guns in this game. - Enjoy this bomb, idiot. Ha-ha. - The items backfire. - Come here, just get over here. Sorry, forgot we're not playing "Mortal Kombat." - You know that all the friends you hung out with when you were growing up, your mom paid them to hang out with you? - It's not true. (dramatic orchestral music) - Oh (beep) Holy moly. - Enjoy the power that is this. Dang it. Aw, good move. - Get butt stomped, bruh. - Okay. - I would love this Pokeball. - Throwing items, interesting. - I choose you. Oh (beep) I don't even have the Pokeball. - I do, ha-ha. - It's Raichu. Or, no, who is that? The (beep) is that? - Oh, you got, like, triple owned. (Spencer chuckles) - I'm mad. (Spencer barks) - Okay, cool move. All right. - Felt good. - Oh (beep) - Use it, use it. (gasps) Shovel Knight. I spit everywhere. I'm so sorry, guys. Aw. - Okay, okay, good move, Shovel Knight. All right. - Ah, I could be Spencer, there's a chance I could be Spencer. I can go- - This isn't for all the marbles. - Yeah, but I just mean I'm starting off on a good Spencer foot. (beep) me. - Ah, I wonder if he'll survive this move. (both laugh) Wonder if he'll survive. So, Earth is gone, and you're dead. (Shayne sighs) - [Man] Sephiroth. - Oh, yeah, frick yeah. (both laugh) Hold on. Frickin', ah. (Shayne grunts) Hold on. Just, frickin' (groans) Yeah, frick. Awesome. (Shayne sighs) Frick. Hold on. (Game Boy beeps) (whip cracks) (both laugh) - All right, I get to pick. It's this new map, it's called Corneria. - Aw, nice. Solid move. Hope you don't get stuck on the blasters. I will continue to be Sephiroth. - I like Nii Swordfighter, actually. - No, go ahead. (people laugh) Oh, yeah, play as (beep) (Shayne laughs) All right. Ah, yes, the classic matchup. (woman laughs) Sephiroth versus Mii. Okay. - I got counters now, though. - Oh, great. Oh, wind versus fire. Oh, cool, very cool. Don't you (beep) dare. (chicken bawks) Oh, that's fine. (Spencer bawks) I have one of my own. - Uh-oh, what the (beep) is that? Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Aw, so frickin' cheap. (audience claps) That's right. - Oh (beep) Oh (beep) me. (Shayne sighs) - Victory is sometimes painful. - Never easy. - What the frick? Don't you dare take that. What's the Mii gonna do? - Oh (beep) - Ha-ha. (Spencer laughs) No. - Oh, holy (beep) (Spencer laughs) Oh my god, I can't lose, I can't, I can't, I simply can't. - Oh (beep) I needed that. - Probably get blasted away, my guy. - Aw, okay. Cheap as (beep) Oh, oh (beep) this. (sword swishes) - No (beep) you. No, god damn it, damn it. (Spencer sighs) (Shayne sighs) You and your tricks. Thanks, Wolf. (Spencer laughs) Scizor. - Get that metal jacket. - No. - Holy (beep) - Make your decision. (beep) - [Man] Game. - I knew that was a bad one. (metal clangs) - Well, all right, this one's for all the marbles. (Shayne sighs) We're gonna go old school. Actually, you know what, you know what, Final Destination, the best movie franchise ever made. All right, time to pull out the big guns. Ganondorf time. - Really? Snake versus Ganondorf, the powers of good versus evil. - Here we go. The map is very small. - [Man] Two, one, go. - Which gives you... Ha. - No advantage, apparently. Oh my, oh (beep) I'll use my advanced mobility. Oh, and there's items on Final Destination? That's not canon. Psh. - That's right. - Yeah, this is already feeling bad. Give me the pieces of the gun. (Spencer laughs) - All right, well, not much I can do there. (characters grunt) (beep) Oh. - Aw. - Pretty brutal for you. Oh, shit. - I do not want a three stock. That would just be, frankly, embarrassing. I would like to go up there, please. - No, do not get that. (Spencer laughs) Oh, aw, I just had it. I had victory in my hands. Get over here. (Spencer grunts) (Shayne grunts) - I'm okay. (Spencer laughs) Oh (beep) - Oh, wait, it's time for my last, boom. - Oh. - Sorry, I brought out the big guns. I took no enjoyment in that, just so you know. (metal clangs) Sorry, Spencer, but I appear to now be Spencer. But I have to admit, I have a lot of respect for you. Your taste in movies and shoes is respectable. What do you say, from here on out, we team up? (dramatic music) (thunder cracks) - My hands are a little sweaty from the controllers. - Yeah, they're pretty sweaty, so are mine. How many level nines do you think we could beat at the same time? - Four? - Yeah, let's go right to four. To do any less would be a waste of time, frankly. Let's do this one. - Okay. - Let's give ourselves some more space so we can split up and take people out. All right, so. - Mm, I'll be Falcon then. - I'll be Ganondorf since I absolutely annihilate with him. (Spencer laughs) This is gonna be easy. (both sigh) I could probably play my Game Boy Advance while we're doing this. - All right, where am I? - Um, need your help. (Spencer laughs) - A little help here. Okay, maybe. - Okay, they're frickin' being cheap. Okay, bull crap. They have Luigi on their team, which is so cracked. - Oh, you're dead already. - Yeah, they're just getting in some cheap moves on me. - Oh (beep) full of bombs. - Aw, crap. Aw, there's a trophy. Aw, we're screwed. - It's okay, they don't prioritize it. - Aw, as Wii Fit Trainer frickin' gets it. - I can't even see (beep) Here, we'll hold the line. (Spencer laughs) - Yeah. Okay, couple kills. - Okay, I threw a gun at him, and he caught the gun. - That happens. He's basically the Steven Seagal of the "Super Smash Bros" universe. Always respectable. Nice. - Holy moly. - Falcon Punch. (Spencer laughs) - I love the Falcon Punch getting interrupted. Oh (beep) That could be the key to everything. - You grab it, oh, crap. Boom, boom. - Dude, that was sick. - Thanks. - You're not so bad, kid. Oh (beep) - Honestly, respect. Nice. - There's an item over here. I don't know what it is. - No. - Oh (beep) - It's just you versus them. Focus. Nice. Okay. - Something's happening in there. - Yeah, that's not looking so good, okay. Okay. - I'm still alive. - Yeah, and, okay, but you still have another life left. - Okay. - All right, so, I think what's making this tough is, there's four of them, and there's one of you. Oh, oh, god. - Okay, watch this. - Falcon, Falcon. - [Man] Game. - Hm. (Spencer sighs) - [Spencer] You know, maybe neither of us are worthy of the Spencer name. - That's not true. Don't ever say that ever again. (both laugh) Let's show that we're at least better than... Hey, we fought 300 battles. (Spencer laughs) Yeah, let's do Final Destination, let's make short work of two computers. - Okay. - Let's get revenge. - [Man] Team battle. King K. Rool. - Nice. - Big boys? - Big boys. - Big boy hours. - Kirby and Joker? - That's not so bad. - Yeah. - [Man] Go. - Okay. - Okay, get that, get that, I'll cover. - Nice. Here we go. Bam. Oh, get him into the cloud. - Ah, here we go, here we go. Oh, hell yeah. - Take this, Kirby. Get outta here. - If we get that rocket. - They got the rocket. Okay. (gun fires) All right, I'm gonna take care of Kirby. - Oh, oh. - Dang it. - Hey, Home-Run Bat. Oh (beep) I'm dead. (beep) - God dang it. Frickin' Master Hand. Okay, so they have several trophies. (Spencer laughs) Which is some frickin bull (beep) Aw, god, Master hand. Okay. - I have no idea what's going on. (characters grunt) Just score a home run. - Okay, so it's you versus him. - [Man] You, too, player, defeated. (Kirby shouts) - You got this. (lively electronic music) Nice. - [Man] Game. - Yes. (Spencer laughs) You did it, Spencer. You frickin' did it, Spencer. - Oh my god. (Shayne grunts) - By the blade. You may take the blade now. (sword clangs) You may feel its power. - We just start kissing. (both laugh) ♪ Love is all around us ♪ ♪ It surrounds us ♪ ♪ Everywhere we go ♪ ♪ If you ♪ (trophy clatters) (beep) (screen beeps) Okay. - All right. - [Sarah] Why are you out of breath? - What do you mean? - Do we look awesome? - Do we look cool? - All right, thank you for watching this. - Click that like. - Click like, like it, and then go to and get merch. - Get the Spencer merch that we're definitely working on. - We're definitely working on The Chosen. We're gonna sell a samurai sword. No, I'm just kidding. - A working samurai sword that you can defend your own house with. - An actual sword. And then there's more videos for you to watch. The fun doesn't have to stop here. Do you wanna see more Spencer versus Spencer? What challenges do you wanna see us take on? Do you want it to be like "Final Fantasy" where it starts off with us saving a cat from a tree and ends with us fighting God himself? Let us know in the comments down below. - That's VIII, right? - Yeah, that's all of them.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 665,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Super Smash Bros: Battle of the Spencers!, characters, super smash bros, 2021, spencer agnew
Id: f68Cvsb0lYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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