The Dumbest Way to Die is... (Board AF)

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- Assuming that we're not talking about a juvenile great white shark, those things are like 800 pounds! - Unless it was a short king? - Unless he's a short king. - What's-- (Laughing) - I don't know if that exists in the great white world. (Dramatic Music) - Stupid Deaths! - I've already got one. - I mean I sort of did, I was born, I was born silent. - There we go that's what it was. - Oh My God! - Sorry, I shouldn't have gotten so excited about it. - I had the cord wrapped around my neck. - Oh my too. Cord babies. - Oh my God, you've been, you guys have been through a lot. - Yeah - So Stupid Deaths is a fun game about stupid deaths. In this game, we do what we do everyday when we wake up, which is trying to outrun death. - This is Stupid Deaths. One at a time, a reader will read a Stupid Death card and the rest of the group will individually whether they think it's true or false. If they vote correctly, they move ahead one space. If they vote incorrectly, the Grim Reaper moves one space towards the players on the board. If no one guesses correctly, the reader gets to move forward 2 spaces. Now, if at any time the Grim Reaper catches up to, or passes a player on the board, the player is now dead. First player to reach the red space or just be the last one standing wins! - You're piece is the gray piece, we go, we go, red, brown, white, yellow, orange, Grey's Anatomy! - Gray! You guys are gray. - How are we going to decide who goes first? - Uh it's whoever is oldest. - All right well, Ian. - Whoever's closest to death. - That'd be, that'd be me. I'm closest to death. - Wow! (Clapping) - This is a story of Eleazar Avaran. - Nice. - Birthdate unknown. Died 162 BC. According to the Old Testament, Eleazar was fighting in the Jewish rebellion, when he saw a heavily protected elephant carrying the enemy king. Running under the animal, he thrusts his spear (elephant noise) into its belly which killed the elephant and the king, but also himself as the beast toppled onto him. True or False, lock in your answer. - Lock in your answer. - I already put my vote down. - I did too. - I'm ready I know this. - I have a just strong case for my choice. (crosstalk) - Sorry could you read it one more time, just, just - Eleazar done poked elephant in tummy during Jewish rebellion, with sticky spike stick, it fell down, go boom on him too. - And when he did it, it killed the elephant and the king. You know the gamers would call that a triple kill - Multi kill. - Triple Kill. - All right our votes locked in, chat voted true! - Wow - Okay. - Let's go around opinions. - I'm not really sure on this one. I put false, but, I'll be completely honest, I don't know with it being such an old story. - I also put false, because an elephant's skin is very thick, and if you stab him, does he die right away and just squish him right there? Also, how does the king die from that? Elephants, I've ridden an elephant before, - [Ify] It's the same thing - And I feel like if I fell off, I might like get a little hurt, but not like die. - I put false, because the bible, doesn't list dates as if it's a history book, nor does it talk about side characters in great detail like that. Like that's a, that's a co-star role character, and the bible don't really showcase those. Also, there's so many iterations of the bible, that anything could be considered false. Did King James just add that because he wanted to have another wife? - Well this is Old, this is Old Testament. - Old Testament - Well right yeah, the King James Bible still, - Yeah - Altered stuff. - I said true, and I'll tell you why. I've seen Lord of The Rings. I know you can battle an elephant I know you can die from falling off of it, - Lord of the Rings! - And I know it can fall on you. It's a big deal. - But it still only counts as one. - It still only counts as one. I'm going to say its true, for the sake of this fun time. - According to the Old Testament, this is True. - Wow - Come on Chat it's just you and me! - I would also find this very hard to believe cause how the hell do you kill - like that must have been a sharp ass spear, he must have split that whole dang belly open or something. (laughing) - Elephants skin is like a rotten pumpkin, you poke it and it just (sound effect). - So since 4 of us voted, we did the wrong guess, the death guy has moved forward. - Okay, I have a tale to regale my friendos with. This is about a man named Roger. Birthdate unknown, died 1316 spoiler alert. A resident of Tidworth in the West of England, known to history only as Roger. Became the first -and, and it is believed only person to be executed for playing golf. King Edward the second had banned the sport in his domain 2 years earlier. Though why Roger was chosen as an example is unclear. - Hard to believe that golf existed in - Yeah - In the 1300's - Also yeah, they, they, they be messing with Cricket way more out there. - They probably just called it like hitty sticky with a bally - They'd never been to Bali in Scotland at the time. - I voted true, because I think it's just weird enough to be true. They would execute people for just about anything back then. So I think it's possible. - I said false, cause it just, there's so many things that I don't know I would believe, like is golf a thing back then, executed because of such? Why was it banned? Was the guy a really bad sport and got so mad he lost one time? I don't know. I think it's false. - I'm going with false. The reason I'm doing it, is if this a recorded history of the first dude executed for golf, we'd have his last name. - Yeah! - He wouldn't just be Roger. - I feel like unless you were super important, you didn't really have much of like a name outside of like - Your last name is usually after your- - Your job - father's job or your job. - I said false because I just don't believe that golf in it's form was invented at this point. Chat was saying golf was invented in Scotland, and someone said it was invented in the 1600s so I don't know. We'll see. - Chat also voted False, by the way. - Alright, so we then have 4 falses and 1 true. Y'all the answer is false. - Yay! - [Damien] So that means the Grim Reaper only goes forward 1 this time and that's a good thing. - Here I go. Guys, this is a story of Draco. Not Malfoy, but Draco. Born 650 BC Died 600 BC. Draco was one of the earliest and notable Greek politicians creating written laws. He was so popular and beloved, that he was smothered to death by hats and cloaks thrown upon him as a sign of affection by an adoring crowd. (crosstalk) - I've locked in my answer. - What Chat seems to be voting for is true. - True - Interesting, so Damien why don't you reveal first. - Oh I can reveal first. I'm going to say that's false, because I know, there was a Draco that made a lot of laws that's Draconian rule, but Draconian rule is specifically usually when you're like these guys are being so strict this is Draconian rule. I don't think that this person would've been smothered with affection, so I think they're doing a bait and switch. You're supposed to remember that Draco is a thing and that uh maybe he did die that way, so false! - I'm going off information that's probably totally wrong. I don't believe that hats were that popular back then. I played Assassins Creed Odyssey, I didn't see no hats! Threads were hard to come by those days you know? (Laughing) - You wouldn't just throw them! - I agree, same line of thinking. The only hats I could think of that would be heavy enough to smother you would be like ten gallon hats. - Helmets - [Ify] Yeah! - Like helmets. - I feel the same way, there weren't really hats like that used, I just don't feel like tossing hats at someone is a Greek thing. - I also voted false. Regardless of who or where, if you - if people are throwing hats and accessories, onto a person, affectionately and then, they are seeing that there is now a pile of them, and this person is not moving, this person that you care about, you wouldn't be like alright have fun, and leave and let them be under these things like - I just don't think it's possible. - And chat said true. - Interesting - So they're, we're going against them. - Which is interesting because it is true. (Yelling) - Really? - It makes me think that a lot of you chat people are probably Googling it because that was like 80% true. A very unbelievable story that I guess, happened. - That so I- okay. - Do not cheat Chat! - [Courtney] Are you cheating? Are you cheating? - You get nothing for cheating. - If you do it, you do it. - [Damien] Let's give chat their little boost forward, congratulations, and then we go, - Good job! Good Job. - I like the response - we're just smarter. (Laughing) - One, two, - We're smart we know how a lot of people died. - three, four. - Wow - Court, it's your turn. - This is a man named Peter Jones, - False, nobody's named Peter Jones. - Born 1947, died 1978. Jones lived in a very cold place- Barrow, Alaska - and it was his job to drive the snowplow. Which he did, right over the edge of a mountian pass. The 300 foot drop to the bottom killed him instantly. The accelerator had apparently frozen to the floor, and he had been unable to stop. The end. - Oh my Gosh. - Alright, what has the chat voted? True! - [Ian] Wow but just barely. - Shall we start with Shayne? - I'm saying false. Sounds like something that could very likely happen. I would say, it's a little, strange that a snow plow that this guys does regularly in Alaska, suddenly froze on this day. It's like that equipment that's designed to be working in these types of environments and sounds like it's not doing so well in that type of environment. Once again, I don't have strong reasoning, for saying this, but I'm saying it. - I'm voting false, because this you know seems like something that can truly happen, you know the ice, the driving off, it gets real snowy - it's hard to see. It seems like something that can actually happen. My new strat is voting opposite of what I think, which would be true. - A little bit of "Siblings or Dating?" logic. - Yeah that, that's actually what I was thinking in this case as well, cause I voted false, being that it's honestly kind of a boring death. (Laugh) - Boring in a way that it is so believable, except for the accelerator pedal freezing to the floor. Accelerator pedal getting stuck is so uncommon. - Okay - I too said false, and I'll tell you why. It was until the pedal sticking part because if they were like, he went a little big snow-blind, the way a snowbank, sorta like blended into the background, he couldn't really tell, also like, unless you're plowing a mountian pass specifically, I don't see you like plowing a neighborhood road and then oops there's an embankment and you fall off. If the pedal does stick, you might have a few moments longer than you should, it's still in that cab of like- oh come on stop, come on it won't stop, but eventually if you see that you're not going to Austin Power's it and be like (Yells) As you like slowly drive towards a cliff. - So are you ready to hear whether this is true or false? - Yes! - Peter Jones, truthfully did die, just kidding, it's false, it was false. - What you can't do that! - I don't know why I did that. I don't know why I did that. - Good job everybody! - Except for chat, chat voted true. - [Damien] But now that means the Grim Reaper goes one as well. - Only one - You're not the only smart ones here! - [Courtney] Ify it is your turn to read - Alright. It's time for a stupid death (sinister laugh) Jackson Bernal, born 1964, died the year of Ify's birth 1988. Bernal! (Laugh) - [Ian] Bernal. - Brenal is the only person to ever be killed by a great white shark, while on dry land. Having found the beached shark on an, early morning walk in South Australia, Bernal tried to help it back into the water, only for the shark to turn and bite him, leaving him to bleed to death in the sand. True or false? - [Courtney] Loaded. - Locked in. Did it. - You want to go first? - I'd love to go first. I have written true. Although the story sounds far fetched, I, the moment you said Australia, I was like, yeah, I would believe a Kangaroo with a flipping gun could take down a man. So a beached great white, you'd be like, oh this not good, we've gotta get that back in the water there and it just goes oh you chopped me arm that sucks. And Chat said true by the way. - [Courtney] Chat said true. - Well, I think chat is wrong. I think it's false, assuming we're not talking about a juvenile, great white shark, those mother (Beep) are huge. Those things are like 800 pounds. - Unless it was a short king. - Unless he's a short king, which, I don't know if that exists in the great white world. I don't know if, one person could drag a thousand pound-- - I don't think it was in like the parking lot. I think it was like, right on the- - It's just a big wave - Boardwalk - Hey a little help - He's got sunglasses on, - He's in the T-shirt shop - He's got his own stand, he's selling wooden pipes (laughs) - He's got a bongo tied to him. I voted false as well. The way that that shark would've had to move, also, who knows how long that shark was on the beach, like I don't think it would've had the strength to, not only turn and bite him, but cause enough damage to have him also die right then and there. You know what I'm saying? And also, if this is the only, this is the only person to be killed by a shark on dry land, like I don't know, this just doesn't, this doesn't sell it for me. - I voted true, it sounds insane, I'm pretty sure I've heard this story before. - Whoa - I'm pretty sure I've heard about this - it may then, if it's false, then it's a fake tale that's I've heard before - [Ify] Urban legends maybe? - But I swear to God I've heard this story before. - [Ian] Hell Yeah! - Shayne heard from the right person, telling a lie cause it false. (Yelling) - [Shayne] Oh I think I might be dead! - We're boned dude, because we've gotta boost it 3! - And if you stay - [Damien] Shayne you're about to get murked. - Start saying your goodbyes! Start saying your goodbyes. - Start saying them. - You're guardian angel puts in overtime, it's like 3! Really? 3 Shanye? - Son of a Bitch man. - This might be the last card for some of y'all. Fortunately, this is a story, of one of the most famous people that has ever lived. This is a story of Genghis Khan. Or Genghis Khan, I don't know how you actually say it. - It's Genghis Khan I think. - Genghis? - I know how he died. - I heard, I heard some thing story and said Genghis, so I was like okay. - But you're the only one who's ever told me that. - Yeah that's true, so maybe I lied who knows. Born 1162, died 1227. Cause of death of the world's greatest ever warlord is unknown. So too is the place of his burial. Since he wanted no record of his grave's location. Anyone crossing the funeral party's path, was killed so were all those who built his tomb. And then all the soldiers who had killed the tomb builders. Is this true or false? At what point do you say okay that's enough degree's of separation? - I'm locked and loaded. - Ify, we'll start with you and we'll work our way around to Damien. - Okay I have the quickest explanation. I voted false, because I thought that Damien put true, and then I saw that he switched it, so I'm just trying to cheat off of his. (Laughs) - At least he's honest. - No that's fair - Chat said True. - [Courtney] Chat voted True - Overwhelmingly so. - All right well, guess it was true. - Um, I'm voting true, because I've heard like stories about Ancient Egypt, people would have like their tombs built and then the slaves would have to be in there and like basically be buried alive with their master? I don't know, leader? - No it's master. - Yeah (Laughs) Someone as insane and like wild as Genghis Khan I think that it wouldn't be so far fetched. That guy was - pretty cut throat - Pretty crazy. Uh, I - Uh, I too am saying true because every story I hear about Genghis Khan is the most insane story I've ever heard. (laughs) The fact that like he apparently, uh, affected the climate of the world because of how many people he killed and stuff like that. - His genes are in like a quarter of the people in Asia. - I mean yeah it's just always insane and like he was just ruthless, and his - there were people that were ruling after him, so there was the power means to do this insane thing. - I initially put true because I thought that when you said Genghis Khan, initially I thought of the story of Attila the Hun and I got them flipped in my head. And he has a weird stupid death, so I was like Oh I know this one! He drowned in his own nose bleed. - Awe. - So I'm sure that'll come up. - Bad way to go. - So sad. - So I'm going to put false on this because, I have watched a fair amount of stuff on Genghis Khan, and he is very ruthless, but he comes from a place, originally of like wanting family, and return to family, and like getting revenge. I think killing for killing sake, that doesn't quite line up for me. It could be true, it sounds possible, I'm just going to say false. - All very good arguments, this is true. - Yay! - Dang dude. - [Damien] Yeah, so now Grim Reaper moves up 2, and that means he catches up with me, Ify and Shayne, However, we have these get out of jail free tokens, which allow us to not die in this moment, in fact, we get to move up one space in front of him. So, what I was kind of hoping for, for all of us actually, was that like everybody would get it super wrong. So he boosts up 5 and I'm like oh we just all move in front of where he is. (Groaning) - So we loose these now. No more coin for me, Ify and Shayne. - But what about for the Witcher? - I can't toss him a single thing. I will toss him off an edge of a cliff in a snow plow. - That'd be a crazy death. - All right this is a story all about - About how - Graham Parsons - I like where you're heads at. Graham Parsons, born Ingram Cecil Connor III 1948, died 1973. When rock star Parsons, overdosed, his father arranged to fly his body to Louisiana. Parsons had told friends he wished to be cremated and his ashes scattered at Joshua Tree National Park. They dressed as morticians, stole his body, drove it to Joshua Tree and ignited his coffin causing a giant explosion and alerting the police. - His casket exploded? - They lit it on fire, there was an explosion. - And they stole it from a mortuary? - Yeah they dressed as morticians. - All right we're all, we're all locked in. I can see like the heat going with the embalming like, you know chemicals can go (sound effect) and also, this sounds very, on brand for Joshua Tree, so I voted True. - It's on brand for a rock star as well. - Calling out Joshua Tree. - But it that why we should vote false? - That's true. - Going by "Siblings or Dating?" logic. - Yeah. - But I voted true. - Chat seems to have voted true as well. - I too voted true. - Oh wow! - So God, please all be wrong, because then I'll live! - Well if we all get it wrong, death moves ahead by 5 - Right, but it doesn't matter because this was true! (Cheering) - So you all move one and I'm alive. - [Ian] We all did it leaving you behind. - [Damien] That's okay, I'll be left behind. - Good Job Chat. - Thank you. - Okay. This is the tale of Marc Bourjade. Birthdate unknown, died 1982. French undertaker, Marc Bourjade, was killed when a pile of coffins in his workshop fell on top of him, crushing him to death. Fittingly, Marc was buried in one of the caskets that killed him. - And they don't know what year he was born? - No that's unknown. - Damn, mysterious. - [Courtney] What a weirdo. What a weirdo. - Mysterious guy. - Gosh this one's, this one's really though for me. This is probably the one I really don't know. - Yeah. Chat's vote is in, - Chat barely by a small margin, y'all said false. - You want to take it first? - I'll take it first. I'm gonna say false, because of the weird deaths, this sounds too normal? Also, what Costco operation was he running where there's just stacks and stacks of bulk coffins. Aren't they heavy as hell? Don't you usually keep like one in an area at a time? And also, if you were dealing with heavy coffins like that, and had them stacked, they'd be pretty secure. So I don't know, this sounds like a silly ole, silly ole silly. - Yeah if it is true, he sock red blue it. - (Laugh) (Applause) - We'll be right back. - Yeah I was thinking false, as well-- oops, I (laughs) - I was thinking false as well. - If you have coffins, that are falling, they're probably going to become so damaged in the crash, that you wouldn't be able to reuse them. So yeah , I don't think a coffin would be fit for internment. - They could fix it? - That's true, but uh, I went false, as well, just because that would be disrespectful to be buried in a coffin that I was murdered by. I think most people would think that. And if you did that, I'd haunt you, for the rest of your life. So that's why I think it's false. French people wouldn't do that. They'd think it's low brow. - [Ian] Got it. - I also put false, while I do think some weird things, where its like oh, it's low budget and life isn't super great around this place, you need to get buried in a coffin that you got murder by. But, I still the undertaker thing and the job where, the coffins would be and where it would hurt him, like it doesn't make sense to me so I say it's false. - Shayne's got this sly smirk - [Damien] You smiley boy. - Good news everyone, this is true. (Groaning) - Oh no! - Devastated. - So you move 2 spaces, - [Shayne] I'm, I don't think it matters. - But then how many is wrong? 1, 2, - Chat also. 1,2,3,4,5 - It still hit's you. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - So anyone with a token still gets to hop in front of them and be safe. - And that's myself, chat, and-- do you have a token? - I have a token. - But at this point, you need everyone to guess the same thing and to get it right. - [Ify] Yeah, everyone's right there. - [Ian] And then you're yellow, right? - [Courtney] Green! Yeah! - [Ian] And then chat is gray. - [Damien] Wow you guys. This is crazy. - I think we got the-- cause now we've lowered the margin of error. Court-- - Yeah? - [Ian] You're up next to read. - Oh that's unfortunate for you. - Yeah, that sucks. (laughs) - Ugh, okay. This is the story about Bob Beading. Born 1913. Died 1968. As a statue cleaner, Bob was accustomed to heights, so working on the Statue of Liberty was nothing new. Unfortunately, his safety harness broke and Bob swung down onto one of the spikes around Liberty's head. It took almost a day for the recovery crew to get him down. - I think it's false because that's such a metal way to die that I feel like I would've heard about that. - So wait, it says he fell onto the spikes on the head? - I can't like geometrically figure out how he would've get impaled in the head. - I don't think she holds the statue that close. I think it's like-- - You would have to fall at a diagonal-- - [Ian] The spikes also aren't like upward, they're out. - They're not sharpened to a needle point. - There would also be photos of this and I would've seen it by now and read it. - Yeah I know. - Reddit would've shown me this. - I said false. - [Ian] Chat said false. - Thank God because it's false! (cheering) - It didn't happen. - I feel like I would've heard about it from like a ghost story aspect, like "did you know the Statue of Liberty is actually haunted? Because one day..." Like yeah - There would for sure be photos. - It would've been like the meme thing where they caption it like, "America." And then him dead is like, "The American citizens." (laughs) - Uh, this is the story of William-- - Shakespeare! (laughs) - Shakespeare. - William Pegg? - Born 1890. Died, our favorite year, 1919. Pegg, a villager from Norfolk, England, was wounded while serving in World War I. Brought back home to recuperate, he was still in a convalescent home when he decided to go out in a wheelchair to watch the local fox hunt. He was hit by a low-flying aircraft and killed. - Is this the lifestyle of the rich and famous? (laughs) - The Wright brothers like (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep) (laughs) - What year? - This is the first one! No one will believe you! - 1919. So aircraft was very much a thing. - And they would be low-flying. - World War I? - Yeah, they probably couldn't go very high. Yes, that's also the pandemic time. - Did they find out if it started in the U.S? - It did start in the U.S. - In Kansas yeah. - But still-- - World War I? - Yeah, World War I. - Started in Kansas? - No no no no (laughs) The Spanish Flu started in Kansas. - Oh. - Willhelm II was just sort of chillin' in Kansas. - Archduke Ferdinand was murdered in Kansas. - By the flu? - All right chat is saying pretty overwhelmingly it's false. Courtney what did you lock in? - I'm saying false, but then I wanna say it's true because it's so crazy-- yeah but you guys didn't let (mumbles) give me enough time! (groans) God I'm gonna die anyway. Okay, I'm sticking with my original answer, false, because the date and the plane is just a lot for me to take in. - So chat said false, you said false. The story is true! (cheering and groaning) - I died! I died! - Which means, I move forward two spaces. And this moves forward two spaces, yeah? - Yeah! - [Courtney] Knock us out. - [Ian] Blink. Blink. - He wins. - You win! (cheering) - You cheated death! - Ian actually made it very to the red marker. - Very close. (yelling) - That was fun. Death was cheated and people were beated. Thanks for watching. If you wanna see this live, make sure you tune in Mondays on If you wanna watch more Smosh videos right here on the YouTubes, you can just go right here or right here. It's fun! Click it. You won't be mad. - It is fun. Honestly, it's pretty fun, honestly. If I'm being honest.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 404,418
Rating: 4.9597726 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, The Dumbest Way to Die is... (Board AF), board af, dumb ways to die, stupid deaths, game play, board game
Id: RuHugUy2g8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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