We Cosplay as Each Other

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- [All] Three, two, one. - Five. - Gosh, Damian. - What up, y'all, I am Damian. (group laughs) - Ah, it's me, it's me. (upbeat music) - Oh no, look over there, it's Shane in the action square. - Uh, well... (crew shouting) - Start the video. - I'm starting the video now, I'm starting the video. Hey guys... (crew shouting) - (indistinct) starting the video! - Everybody, shut up. (crew shouting) - We need to shut up, we need to get to work. Hey, guys... - Find this new sweater at smosh.com. - God dang it. - Greg! - Hi, and welcome to another video. Today we're doing something very fun because obviously there's no Comic Con this year. So, we're gonna do our own little Comic Con. And we're going to cosplay as the, me into this one? (crew chatters) - Start the video! - Start the video! - I swear to (beep), I swear to God. - Start the video! - Hey, guys. - Action. - Today, we're doing something really fun. Since there's no Comic Con this year, we're going to have our own little Comic Con, and we're going to cosplay as the characters we would've cos played in San Diego, which is each other. (crew laughs) We're going to cosplay as each other and it's gonna be a great time. - Remember when we, remember when we did it before? - So we're all going to take turns, we've got a changing room behind me. We're gonna get into the whole character. - I've been doing method to learn my specific person. - You've been doing meth? - By stealing their identity. - That's great. - I've been living as them for years. - That is the type of commitment that we're looking for today. All right, so, who was assigned who? - Ian in the shape of Shayne. - Aw, (beep). - Hi, my name is Damien, I am 29 years young, from Los Angeles, California, and today I'll be cos playing as Courtney Miller. - Wow. - I am so excited to be on the next bus and I am going to be cos playing as my favorite person out of the entire group, because he is the funniest person out of the entire group, and the nicest, and the sweetest. And the funniest, and the smartest, and his name is Damien. - What? - You already win, thank you, you're very nice. - Courtney Miller, go go gadget Ian Hecox. (group exclaims) Yeah, that's gonna be weird. I don't wanna cut my hair. Can I not shave my head? - And I will be Olivia. Because I apparently didn't do it enough justice last time. (laughing) - Dude, I bet you dress up like me, you go home, see Sam, Sam will still kiss you. (crew laughs) - Let's test this theory. - Thank you, thank you for planning out my day. Who want's to go first? - Well, you're standing right there. - Oh, he got you. - Oh, okay. - You're in the action square. - Alright, I'll get into Olivia. - Yah let's get into it. - I realize this is like I am becoming Batman because I'm becoming what I fear most. - Wow. - Which is Olivia. - Love. (crew laughs) (playful piano music) - All right, should we give a countdown? - Shayne. - 29. - Shayne, you need to serve, you need to come out here and serve it, dude, show us. Commit to who you've now become. I wanna believe that this person is right in front of me. - Yes, serve. - I wanna believe that this is me. - Yeah, serve that cake, all right. - [All] Three, two, one. (crew exclaims) (crew laughs) - No, folding the arms. - If you're here, then... - Oh, got the Doritos. - Oh my god, I forgot about the sweatsuit. - Wait, but how many Doritos is he gonna eat, or she? (crew laughs) - Oh my god. - You are all my grandfather. - You dissing him everyday. - How are you feeling? - Why this? - 'Cause you do this. - So how do I poo poo? - I like how I said, something weird and then you said something weirder. (crew laughs) - You still out-Olivia'd me. - Wow this is good, dude, I think 10 out of 10. - Olivia, how did you, do you remember the time when you first met your new Smosh family? - Aye, yeah, we jumped out of a plane. And Courtney was the sun, and I became her friend. (clapping) - Okay, well answer this. What's my biggest secret? - That I am a person. (laughing) - Olivia, I think you're someone who enjoys the finer things in life. And I am always trying to try new foods. Can you describe to me a type of cuisine that maybe I just haven't had before? - Metal? (laughing) - Honestly me dressed up like this, talking about food is actually insane. If this is how I really am most of the time, I am freaked out of myself. - It's pretty good, dude. - Why are you guys my friend and why would anyone let me sign a lease or anything? (laughing) (clapping) - So do you wanna take this stool and then fake Olivia can go change? - Wait, fake I don't, what? - This is good, I forgot about the sweatsuit, man. - Yeah, that was a good, that was a good year of Olivia. (upbeat chimes) - Damien, you come out here and make us bleed. - But I'm- - [All] Three, two, one. - Five. - Gosh, Damien. - What up, yo, I am Damien. (laughing) - It's me, it's me. - It's Damien with a mullet. - This is like when you don't have- (indistinct) - She said my catchphrase. - Wow, how did she know? - Googleberries. - I love the fake cat, dude. - You're the biggest weeb here, what's your favorite anime? - Kindness, I love hugs. - Damien what was your favorite sketch you did on So Random? - The one where I was nice to Shayne. - Yes, I forgot that one. - What's the thing you hate the most about- - Oh, I don't hate anything, I love everything. - [Courtney] Oh, my god. - I don't know about that one. - Can you give me some sound financial advice? - Did you say sound? I love making sounds (imitates clucking). - That's true, that's true. - Yeah, you got me. (clapping) - Oh, my god. - All right, I will now take on the greatest role of all time. The veil is drawn. - Oh, god. (upbeat chimes) - Damien, or should I say Courtney, are you ready? - I am ready. - I told you, this is like a very comfortable state. - Okay, ready? - [All] Three, two, one. - Five, two. - Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god. (upbeat music) - Oh, my god. - Oh (beep). (gibberish) - Bro, bro, hee yaw, dude, bro. Dude, they gave me extra. I'm trying- - You have butt? - They gave me extra. - Hey, Courtney. Oh my god, what's your favorite song? - Bro, no, dude bro, I just discovered this brand new. No it's like brand new, it's like really good. - Oh, it's so hard. (beep) - It's called Cold Play, it's this brand new band. Do you guys heard of it, do you guys heard of it? - I don't listen to Cold Play. - 'Cause it's my favorite, and I just discovered it, and it's new and you guys would probably love it. - I get dragged every time we do this. - Bro. - Got questions? - Go Damien. - Oh no, please milady. - I got a question what's your... (laughing) (clapping) - Courtney, why do you burp so much? - Honestly dude, like I don't know, like I feel like I want to go to a doctor and check it out. Because it's like, I just want to make sure it's like okay. Like it's something I do and I've always done. But like, I am not like worried but I wanna check it. - It's too real. - Courtney-san. - Holy (beep). (laughing) - So, Courtney-san, what are your brother's names? - Oh my brothers, they all have the same name as me, but like a different letter, but it all begins with the same sound. So we got Curt, we got Cen we've got Carlos, we've got Cyle, we've got uh Crungeous. C-cirkpatrick. And then we've got CyleXY. - Oh my god. - Those are all 18 of my brothers. - Oh Courtney, why are we best friends? - Oh my god Olivia, no joke, like I know we're joking around right now but like I remember meeting you, and just becoming so close to you. And like so close right off the bat. Just feeling this kinship and this friendship, right? 'Cause I've had sisters, but like you're my sister. - Help! - Oh, my god. (clapping) - I created this. - Courtney, what are you getting, who are you becoming? - I am going to be transforming into Ian Hecox, the Third Esquire. - Before this video started, I paid Tim to kill one of you. (laughing) (cellphone ringing) - Hi baby. - I miss so much, oh, my God. - I miss you. I gotta go, bye, love you. - Bye, Olivia, goodbye. - You're so cute. (laughing) (upbeat chimes) - All right, count me in. - [All] Three, two, one. - Come on. - Oh my (beep) (clapping) - [Shayne] Holy (beep) - I think I, I think I did a pretty good job. (laughing) - Oh, my god. - The stance. - Hey, Ian, I just saw a really nice feel good story on Twitter about a dolphin saving an otter. What do you think about that really good sweet news? - It's a shame that that dolphin's a pedophile. (laughing) - Yeah, that's true, I guess I should've read more, huh? - Ian, what's your favorite food? - I've just been getting mailed my meals for the past few years. But you wanna get some spicy margs? Anyone want a spicy marg? - Ian, I wanna drive my car better. What are two tips that an amateur driver can do to get to your level? - Huh not own the car you're owning. (laughing) You should get an Audi or a Porsche, preferably electric blue. - Porsche. - Porsche? My Porsche. - Ian, what are you holding back with the- - Just constantly gas is just trying just to get out. And I'm just trying to suppress it. I can't do what Courtney does and bursting them out. I just keep them inside. - Yeah, tell me about your favorite childhood memory. - When I worked at Chuck E. Cheese for five minutes. (laughing) - What's your favorite coffee? - Starbucks is (beep) garbage. Starbucks, look at me I (beep) hate you. (clapping) - Great, now he gets to dress as me and take out all his rage. - All right. - Oh my god, oh my god, all right, Shayne. - [All] Three, two, one. - Oh, yeah. - That's great. - Dude. - Oh my god. - Shayne, good to see you, dude. (scream laughing) - Shayne I got a question for you. What's the best nugget of wisdom you just got from the most recent book you've read? - I mean gosh, there's just so many. I just read so many books. - What's your workout routine right now? - I mean, it's less of a routine, more like a lifestyle. - You do say that. - Remember Disney days? That's my wifoo. (scream laughing) - Oh, my God. - Why didn't you use butt cushions? - What's your favorite thing you like to say together? - [All] Three, two, one. (indistinct) - Shayne, can you give us your best scream? Can you unleash the full power? - Come on man, we're not filming right now. We're not doing, I can't get into character. - I think you should do it. - It's like, I have to get in, and I'm just gonna get a headache if I do it too much. (screams) - Can you do the old wizard, the dumpster wizard character? - Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. Hey there weary travelers. - Oh, that's really good. - So, thinking about being Shayne are you? Best watch out now, it's full of creatine and repressed childhood trauma. (clapping) And not having a real high school experience. - That's my new best friend. - Okay, Courtney. - So, oh, sorry, you go. - Me? - No. (laughing) - Okay, okay, are we good, are we good? - Go go go. - Oh my god. - Can I go? Guys we're running low on filming time. - Guys, I gotta go Twitch soon so. - I know, I'm trying to get out of here too. I have a (indistinct) at 2:00 p.m. - I have three dates in an hour. - How did everyone feel about this experience? - Autozone. - That was great, that was great, everyone did so well. - Honestly, this is rough. - This is weird. - I don't mind it. - Because being me is (beep) dope. - I actually don't know if you have repressed childhood trauma, I just figured we all did. - I mean, he did drown. - Oh, that's true. - Being Olivia is easy, 'cause I can just say whatever I want. - Exactly, being me is easy. I don't have a hard time living. - Being Ian is hard, because he's very like calculated. You're the most sober stoner, like person. - Anyways, well, thank you, guys. I hope you enjoyed this, it's been a great time. You can keep watching more videos. We have two that you can watch and they are very weird. And you can also subscribe, and go to smosh.com. - You wanna go get some spicy Margs? - (indistinct) you can fashion into sale and go to Europe. - You guys wanna go get a fancy dinner? - Yes, milady. - Oh, my god. - I'm super down.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,557,332
Rating: 4.9756737 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, We Cosplay as Each Other, cosplay, clothes swap, impressions, cosplay challenge
Id: _8rPgcIf7D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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