Among Us, but in character

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- You guys wanna see the gun that killed my parents? - No, I got it. - Yeah. - Cause I got it, it's right here. - Why do you have that? - Why? - It's my thing. - Pretty (beep) cool. (upbeat music) - Welcome to my friends, to a collection of the strongest and smartest detectives the world has ever seen. That's right, we're going to be playing the game of Among Us, joining us today we have Among Gus and Sabrina, two delightful people. And we're going to be doing this in character the whole time. Now, you know me, my name is Thinky Jack. Yes, that's my name canonically now, but I only have one question. One question still remains, are you subscribed yet? And if not, why aren't you? - Introduce yourself, say a line. - Hey guys, I'm John Batman. (laughing) - That's it? - I'm here to, I'm here to win. - Hello everybody, my name is most of most people call me, Grandpa John. My name is John full name, Jonathan Horseknuckle. You know, I'm just playing this game cause I wanna see, you know, what my grandson's got all, you know, up in a tizzy. It's my first time playing one of these video games and, - It was supposed to be one sentence. - And who said that? - Hi, I'm Brianna. I'm here in my lounge wear. And I suck ass for charity, thank you. In my former life, my name was Spencer, but now with a burden that's great, I can no longer be categorized as human, I am The Chosen. (suspenseful music) - Eh. No, it's good, all right, hey, how you doing guys? So I hope you guys, can play a little game. Very exciting, very exciting. It's a lot of fun, no lying. All totally legit people playing this game today, so very exciting. - I trust you. I trust you. - You should. I am a very trustworthy guy. - My BrIAN Hecox, I am Ian's brother that he never talks about. Ian Hecox, you might know had founded with his best friend, Anthony. But I do have to say that Shade Top is my favorite pizza place. - Howdy boys and girls? My name is the The Skipper of this jungle cruise. I've never been on a safari before. Why do people keep asking me that? Please keep your hands and legs in the boat at all times. I'm a Sergeant Captain, I served for four years in the air force, six years in NASA, eight years on the police force, two years at Google, 45 years at Bing. Thank you for having me. - How old are you? - I don't want to disclose that information at this point in time, next question. - You're my favorite guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast. - We are all here for a bloodsport, a game stronger than any of our minds. But joining together, we will find these villains. But you can't trust anyone, even me. (laughing) I'm watching me. Yes, that's right, I delayed a little too long. - Literally as we were supposed to start the game. - Not the first time I've disconnected from the game, The Matrix. - I just have a question, just one, how do I connect the mouse to this game? - You will be the first to die. Let's hop in and mute ourselves, in three, two - Bye bye. - One. - Is this like the Halo game? - Okay, good luck everybody. Good luck. - [Jack] No more joking around. This is serious times. One question still remains, why did Sharon leave me? Is it because I smell bad when I take a doodie? Or is it that my breath is in general just real rough. Well already a death. - Shut (beep) This game is violent. - Oh too careless. - I called this meeting today, because of an immediate, super fast, ridiculously fast murder. I walked into the electrical room to fix a light. And what did I find? But a yellow bottom torso. What do you call that late? - I was in electrical and I didn't see a body. So it must've just happened, and I think this might be a little self-report - Listen, I've seen a lot of murders in my day. I am a detective. I would never kill a man so quickly. I like to take in info, stock, learn if you will give me that. - I just walked into electrical and I didn't see a body. - Pretty sure that guy I did it. - Whether there's the vent within the corner right? And then there's the two things where you fix the wiring. - I'm at the doorway. So I didn't, I just didn't see anything at the door way. - I was mid fixing lights when this happened so, - I'd like to hear other people talk, but that sounds suss as hell. - Someone left the slice of perfectly good pizza on the table in the luncheteria. And I'm pretty sure we got to eject Grandpa. - That's suss, is that how, is that the word you use for that? - We have 17 seconds left for voting. I trust not, The Chosen or Brianna Boho. - Oh, that's crazy. - I'm gonna vote on, Thinky Jack. - Vote this little Thinky Jack, cause it was- - Y'all are dumb as (beep) - Sounds like a self report, if not, it could be. - More like stinky Jack. - Have a magical day. - That's some bull (beep) - Oh God, we got him. No (beep) - For the second time in a row, I'm an immediate ghost. - It's so dark, this is what I imagine my final hours will be like. - What are you up to? Where are you all red? Are you some kind of communist? Well, well, well, Skipper is the murderer. Matt, how's how's about that? Very quick murders. - Yes. Who? Who? It's in the top drawer. In the top drawer. It's in the top drawer. - Good job Grandpa John. - I'd like to say that I voted for John Batman. - Oh my God, I literally was like, if it's not Thinky Boy, it's definitely Skipper. - Skipper is master of death. - I think I left the game. - I hate that lady. - If any of you would like to apologize I accept edible arrangements. - [Boho] No. - I'd like to point out that, - You made me (indistinct) my code. - John Batman, I was onto you from the start. You can't hide from me. How? Literally how? I played a perfect game. - It was flawless. - But I voted for you. - I know it was you from the day one. - Listen foul (indistinct) - I've been kicking on my tasks, I'll say that. - You will say that. - Let's try another murder party. - Good luck. Y'all better watch out, cause I brought my friends this time. - All right, our goal this time is to be not murdered, as they say. Thankfully I've got my little pet Chauncey, (indistinct) and with myself. Got another reactor meltdown. Wow another just hopping right in. With the reactor. I don't appreciate it, but I also don't understand it. Sure would be nice, if a second music, there we go. I do not trust grandpa John say man. I don't like that Gus and Sabrina are once again directly next to each other, it doesn't feel safe. I finally understand what The Chosen is talking about regarding making pee pees in this bottle, one question still remains. Why do I keep feeding my toilet, and yet it doesn't get any larger? - Oh my God, okay guys. - I would also like to say something. - Okay, well I'm the one who did it. So I'm gonna friggin, I found BadaBing, take a little juicy butt in navigation, which is the farthest right room on the map in case anybody doesn't know. The only reason I'm really good at this game is because when I was binging Elon Musk, he designed this game and he like told me all about it. - You banged Elon too? - I would like to formally accuse The Skipper yet again. They followed me in a very creepy way, and not to judge you by your past, but you have murdered everyone twice. - Well, it certainly it was not me. I'm so sorry that you feel that way, but I am actually over in electrical with Grandpa John. - I did see Skipper in there. I don't what she was doing but, she was not killing me. - What does Batman have to say? - As long as I don't pull the trigger, I'm comfortable killing Skipper. But that being said, I found Chosen - Where, why didn't you, - Why didn't you report Batman? - As it was, as Brianna was reporting the other body. Chosen, you've had your finger on the bridge of your glasses, for about two minutes straight now, do you have a thing to say for yourself? - He is dead. - He is dead. - He is who I found. - Dead men tell no tales, and if you were a true captain you would know that. - The only person I saw in the area, was Sergeant Captain. So what were you doing little guy? - Okay, first of all, I'm not a little guy. I'm actually six foot 10, so, second of all, I was hard at work. I'm pretty sure that's J Balvin down in the cafeteria hacking food at the walls or something, I'm kinda curious - We have 15 seconds, who do we vote for? - I don't trust the Skipper or any of you, or even me. - I was coming from reactor and then electrical. (speakers speaking over each other) - Can we hurry this up? - I'm skipping. I'm getting low blood sugar. - I'm skipping I'm skipping. - It skipped. - Okay, when we say skipping, do we mean Skipper? - My favorite thing about John Batman is that you can't see a lick of his ears, so he just looks like an angry bird marshmallow - Look, I've been in talk with the Zoom people, they're working on it. (warning blaring) - Little, did they know I don't actually need the oxygen, fools, deadly mistake. The skipper walked past me. Away from the oxygen. Oh wait, that's not where oxygen is. Oh, wait, Oxygen's over there. Crap, maybe The Skipper is really trying to help and I have (indistinct) Oops. That's an oops right there. I'm going to pee in this jar. And I'm going to like it. - Skipper, you called a meeting? - I did call a meeting folks. Little quick question, thank you, Jack. Why were you running away from the oxygen? I saw my task and I thought for a second it was oxygen, because that's where the arrow was pointing. And as you walked by me, I verbally said, "Interesting Skipper, going away from the oxygen." And as the time ticks down, I realized my dumb ass mistake, doubled back went over there, and you guys took care of it. So thank you, I will do you the solid of no longer - Thank you Jack. - What was the task you were doing right before? I was pissing in a jar and The Chosen is right, it is delightful. - How come everyone's getting all the fun piss related tasks except me, I haven't had a drop of urine on this damn ship. - I can confirm Thinky Jack, was pissing in the jar, down at the bottom. - I eat asparagus, you should all know that very well it smells. - I don't think peeing in a (indistinct) is a part of the game, I think Thinking Jack act is very, - I think Skipper took advantage of Mr. Investigator man and tried to blame him. - Thinky Jack, the arrow points exactly what direction you need to go. - That's true, I think we found the only smart boomer, and I'm going to get, skipper out of here. I don't trust you even a little bit. - I don't know if you guys know this, but she is definitely a well-known son of a gun around here too, not that that ends into her game play, but it's something to consider. - Well, there's certainly a lot of doubt being cast. We should probably pick a person. - That guy did it. - I don't know, I don't know. - I am skipping. - I think it's Skipper and (indistinct) - I really wish I voted for somebody else. - I don't have a damn clue who'd you guys vote for? - I voted for skipper but now everyone (words masked by grandpa coughing) - But it feels like it should be her though. - Again? - Oh, right everybody here. No body is out. - Oh thank God. - Let's go fuel the engines. Now, it's interesting how Skipper is standing still right now and nothing is happening. If something crazy happens on the map, we know it's Skipper. But my question is, how do maps know where you are? Before MapQuest, did people just walk around in the forest all confused? I don't trust that even a little bit. Nope, not at all. - All right, I called the meeting to check in because there's obviously one death and then the good guys lose. So good timing on that one there as usual, Gus. I mean Captain Skipper, Professor Officer. Peace Corps guy (laughs) - Which war did you fight in again? - Via Korea? - That was a good one. - Bit of a (indistinct) there. So I don't really have a lot of intel over here but I figured it'd be in our best interest to kind of reconvene, - I will say that Thinky Jack did not go back to the piss task. - I did go back to the task. I pissed in the, you got to do the gasoline piss and then you go in the Northwest piss. - You guys are (beep) tasks. - I saw Thinky Jack kind of following a Sergeant Captain via Korea man. - What? No, he came out of med bay and I was right there. I wasn't following him. - You didn't go down and fill the piss. - I did go down and fill the piss. - I didn't see the piss get filled. - You smell must've smelt- - If there's one thing I know, sir, it's piss. - I don't trust any of you. And I'm very disappointed in some of you. - I don't trust you. I don't trust you. - I'm voting Thinky Jack 'cause we have the same task, - Listen, if I were the murderer, you would know it. I Would use all of my detective reasoning skills to smithereen every one of you and Chauncey and I would celebrate and dance, dance on your lungs. - I don't know if it was Thinky Jack honestly, some of his behavior did not indicate that he was a bad guy. - Thank you, Sergeant Captain, another smart boomer. - Except when he ran away from oxygen. - But I also did that same mistake and just didn't want to call attention to it last round, so I still can't go off that bit of intel. - Batman, it's safe to vote Thinky Jack this one. - All right. - Why didn't you vote me last time, if you guys believe it, - You skipped. - We're either going to win in a little bit or lose immediately. So roll the dice. - Here we go. - Looks like we're all dead. - Darn it! - I said it. Look in the footage, I got it. - I said it before you. Said Skipper and BrIAN. - Damn Skipper, back to back. - I would have been better at this. If I didn't take my Metamucil an hour ago. And now things are really starting to work in my bowels region. - So are you just sitting in it. - How are you taking that Metamucil? - I might be sitting in it. I might be sitting in it. - You guys want to see something real cool? I got a different one too. - Scorpions have bones like that. - Yeah scorpions are actually all bone. - You guys want to see the gun that killed my parents? - No. - Yeah, yeah. - Cause I got it, it's right here. - Why do you have that? - Why? - It's my thing. - Pretty (beep) cool. - Let's do it again. All right, this time, I'm going X games mode. - All right, what? - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - What the heck was that? - Why is it Chosen keep getting killed immediately? - Oh my God. - I can only assume that it is Skipper. - So interesting. So I was scanning my card in admin and sure enough Brianna, you just murdered in front of everybody. - Whoa. - Excuse me. - That was a group kill. You killed right in front of everybody. - You know, that's like a really like crazy that you would accused me of that because like you've been in (indistinct) this whole time. And I was literally in the mid task when I came out, the body was right fricking there. I still saw the blood splattering, and I reported it immediately. So I don't know if I just (indistinct) - I just told you, I couldn't do it because I was doing my card swipe. - She's got props. - Is that your actual ID? - It was. - How about, we do a good old fashioned chaperone. - We don't vote this time, but we give each of those lovely ladies a chaperone around the next round. - I just want to ask really quick. Sergeant Captain, you were also there. Why did you not report the body? Is it because you're the other imposter? - (indistinct) clearly you don't know what the dang hell you're talking about. I can't even, I can't refute. - [Thinky] Throwing out a lot of accusations right off the bat there. - I mean, Skipper, listen, you had me on that BrIAN line real quick there, but then you're flinging out accusations. Like I fling out dead fish, in my- - I think Brianna's your Skipper. I think that's what's happening here. - I wouldn't skip for with her, if my dang life depended on it she'd be a terrible co-captain she'd crash, (indistinct) M40 Tank that I drunk driving honestly. - I'm usually drunk, so you are correct, but this was not me guys. I literally reported as soon as I saw the blood was still flying. - You have the audacity to group kill. You have the audacity to self-report. - Listen. - I'm voting Brianna - I'm skipping, but I hate green and I hate red. I don't know what to do here. I mean, I already do hate Christmas. - Christmas must suck for you, yeah there we go. - Yes, every year I barf everyday so. - You guys are sussing the wrong bitch. - No one was ejected. - I don't trust the guy in the sorting hat. - I'm gonna chaperone. - All right, this is exactly why I always say to trust no one, not even me. Looks like it turns out the greatest mystery giver was me the whole time. Therefore, I must work together with my self and me because I can't trust my other murderous person yet. What if they murder me? I do trust them implicitly. I think they're a fantastic murderer, but I'm very concerned that they are not going to survive Sabrina's accusation. It's already onto her, she's been- (warning blaring) - I was just about to finish my task, but go off. (speakers speaking over each other) - I was working on my wiring strangely similar to my house back in Michigan, back in the 70's. It's really great, really great trustee house, built it with my hands. - Hurry up! - You know, I saw Skipper, just kind of standing there and that one room in the bottom right, sort of area. - Grandpa, if I let you finish your sentence, we're going to run out of time. Not even in the bottom right area. I'm in reactor with everybody else. But you, the reactor then suddenly went to emergency. Then you started moving almost as if- - I was the only person on the bottom of reactor and that's how it got fixed. - I was waiting at the top of reactor for quite some time. And then other people flooded in, I don't think you can say you were the only person there. - No, everybody brought it to the top hand scan for reactor. And that was at the bottom. - Yeah and I remember going down there when you were standing right next to there and the dang arrows still flashing. Now listen, the only person that I know, that doesn't immediately slap their hand on that thing. So early in the game is somebody that's obviously waiting to just sort of feather the time. And I think it's you. - Oh my God. - I think I'm trusting the glitch. - You did report the body last time. - But also- - And now you are claiming this. - I think the skipper needs to be done yeeted out yon airlock. - Listen, I don't. (speakers speaking over each other) - I would be imposter. Your Skipper would be imposter four times in a row? - Don't do it, don't do it. She's using odds against us, but really mathematically. It's an even slate every day and time. - It really is. (players laughing) - First of all, I voted Skipper. - I (indistinct) Skipper. - Very safe bet because I also encountered Brianna in electrical and she didn't do Jack crap to try to kill me. So false accusation (indistinct) I'm saying. - She's got quip lashed. - All right, it looks like the best lie ever made, done got made. I have been able to work with my friend here to save us all from murder town. I will be the murderer. (warning blaring) Here I go. No, something's wrong with the oxygen. Why, this is the first I've heard of it. Good, we're saved. Oh no, a dead body. All right, here's the thing. - BadaBing? - Here's the thing blondie. I walk into this room, right? Everything's totally cool. And there's a bottom half of a body, and you are standing there, - Give me BadaBing. - I don't trust, she did it, she did it, she did it, she did it. She did it, she did it. She did it, she did it. She did it, hear me out. Hear me out, she did it. - Wait, you are saying which body? J Bats? 'Cause I saw J bats going North. - I was coming down from the top of electrical. And I said, J Bats, (indistinct) and low BadaBing right there. - Listen, listen. No, why would it be me? I'm a totally upright citizen. - Let me talk. Because earlier when the reactor was melting down, you were, me and, Captain Sergeant. We were at the top of the reactor and you were just hanging out in that room, but not actually doing anything. - Who are you going to trust? Look at my friends, look at how (laughter muffs out BadaBing's words) - I'm just gonna go for BadaBing. - No, No. - As much as I would love to be a part of your people pasta orgie, - Sergeant Captain, what are your feelings? You're ruminating quite, quite heavily. Well, on one hand, I did feel as though Brianna was clear after the last round. But on the other hand here, that guy kind of looks like John Travolta in every film since 2003. So I just don't inherently trust that. I'm frankly feeling as though it might be, you know, Mr. Italy over here. - Oh, eh, oh. - I think it's BadaBing, I think we got Skipper and BadaBing is the other one. - I agree. - That's the thing, (indistinct) is a snake vote. - Yup. - I concur. - You guys are making a big old mistake. I'm just saying, you making- - Bada bing bada boom, let him swing let him swoon kick his ass. (indistinct) - That's a Frank Sinatra song. I used to listen to that, back with my wife, - Hey, you shut up Harry Potter sorting hat, you don't know. - Honeymoon back in Lake Michigan. - That's a terrible housing market, I don't know why I knew- - I did quite (indistinct) that. - The game continues, dear God. That means it could be any one, even me. (warning blaring) Come on Gus. Get over here, help me with the reactor. There is no time, I need some help. (Thinky laughs) - Brianna. - Freaking told you, I freaking told you. - I should have known. He didn't say a single thing that round? - Oh, he said plenty. - I feel betrayed. - I'm so sorry Skipper. That was bull crap, didn't get a single piss job, and I got a double wrong, that's bull crap. - Oh no. - I was, I thought for sure, we were dead right off the bat. When there was that Sabrina report, but Brianna you and I, we brain melded, and we magicked, and you murdered a lot. And it was good. I mean it's me, Brianna Boho. I've manipulated myself out of a lot of scandals, so, - I can't believe you guys gas lit (indistinct) like that. - Not cool, not cool. - I'm sorry. I did that to two, I did that to two people, I did that to Skipper and to BadaBing. I'm so sorry. - I am a very trustworthy person. Now I'm in my place of Zen, so it'll be okay. - I got to wash my hands after that. - It appears as though another "Who Done It" has been laid to rest. As with all of our dead friends. Thank you so much to our two murderous guests today. Gus and Sabrina Gus and Sabina where can the people find you? - You can find me on or - Just go to YouTube and type in Gus Johnson. Those are two parts of my name, and I'll find you one whole channel, that's where I am. The one last thing that we have to do is thank all of you for watching, but wait, your task is not done yet today. You have two more videos that you could be watching at the moment, one over here and yet another over here. But which one will you click? Will you go with your heart or go with your butt? - Gus how do I get you off my suggested page? - You are everywhere.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 799,078
Rating: 4.9548831 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Among Us, but in character, smosh games among us, briana boho, smosh characters, viva smosh vegas, gus johnson, abelina sabrina
Id: lRgfYbev7_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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