Damien Lost HOW Much in Dogecoin? (What're Those?!)

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- We should come up with this new currency and it's called let's all put in for a tank. - Yes-- - Yeah! Dang! - Yeah, put everything. - Tank? - Tank! - A physical tank like the gun weapon. (continuous beeping) - Money isn't real! Hey everybody, welcome back to a very special edition of What Are Those? Today we are dealing with stonks. (loud boing) Just kidding, it's cryptocurrency. Because that's trending right now and click on this! (laughing) Give us your views. (mumbling) energy drinks, I stopped taking care of myself again (burping). (laughing) So I hope you're all doing well. That's right, everything today has to do with cryptocurrency. NFT stuff. Stonks, whatever, nothing's real anyway, let's talk about it. But joining us are three very unfortunate contestants, including Saige. - Oh, hi! (loud clapping) - You should tell us about yourself, thank you. - Hi, I was not told (loud cheering) that I had to know anything about cryptocurrency. (laughing) - A deadly mistake. All the way from Liberia, we got Noah S. Grossman? - Oh. - Yes, S. (loud clapping) - All right. - It stands for (mumbling). (loud cheering) - Liberia, the shitty-- - The Pokemon? - Yes. - You guys are great. Ian! - Hi. - You're all the way from Mozambique. - Oh. - Tell us about that! - Former French colony? (loud buzzing) - Like I said, this is a game of (laughing) What Are Those? And this is a very special edition where we are playing one specific type of round for three rounds. So today, we're gonna be playing a little game called How Much in the World Money is it Dollars Does it Cost? It is not the Price is Right, it's a new game that we made up. And you can purchase a T-shirt. (loud yelling) - How did these get on? - How did these get on us? - Submit to chaos. So basically what we do today is I'm gonna show you three different items and you're gonna guess How Much in the World Money is it Dollars Does it Cost without going over, that's the twist, that's the part that with made up that makes it special. So today's, yes, Ethan? (loud smacking) - Did you burp 'cause I... Is that a Red Bull burp? - Are you smelling? Ian, if you're smelling a Red Bull burp, I think it only can come from one place (laughing). (laughing) I'm not gonna say I did or I didn't, but you just, you should trust your senses. - It's like Red Bull and bologna. - Then, why do I smell fear? (laughing) (mumbling) about your fear? And I had no bologna, we had the same lunch, thank you. There was no bologna, it was Mediterranean, which is worse. (laughing) (loud beeping) First item today is stonks. (loud gasping) So for background context, Game Stop at its height got up to about 375 American dollars, (loud dinging) up from when it was like literally nothing. It was a whole crazy thing, look it up. My question is, as of today, and I'm gonna move my mouth and have the editors put in like March 29th like what is the-- - [Narrator] April 1st, 2021. - Um, how much of the world is it for one Game Stop stonk? - Currently? - Currently, yeah, today, right now, in this moment, Noah. - 'Cause it did crash. - Well, don't tell Noah-- - I'm sorry. - Well, I want to say I think-- (mumbling) doesn't matter but I think it did cross 42069 at one point. (laughing) - He gets what everyone was setting their limit at-- - That's pretty funny. - What is it right now? - What'd you say? What's yours? - What, Noah? - [Noah] I'm not telling you. - I'm so sorry, bro. - You're like, you're like my mom ordering off a menu. - Uh, uh. - What do you, you can't look-- - What is it right now? - There's no peeksies. - And you can't go over? Okay, okay, okay, okay, right now. - You have been on the show more than anyone. - Right now, I know but I like being right. - He's got a little stock ticker in his glasses. - It's called a stonk tonker. - Sorry. - (upbeat music) Ethan, go ahead and how much in the world money (mumbling) cost? - I said $230.69. (loud dinging) - Nice. - 'Cause I think it took a big ole dive and then, some people were like-- - And back up. (mumbling) - Some people bought the dip. - That's the worst answer I ever heard. Saige, can you redeem this bullet train to heck-- - I went very low. I went $42.36. (loud dinging) - Hilarious. - I go real low (loud clapping) in hopes to not go over and win by accident. - Smart, that's called (mumbling). - I forgot about the don't go over. - Yeah. - Ian, it's the thing that makes our show different from all others. - Yeah, yeah. (laughing) - Please respect what we've come up with here today. - Okay. - Look down it, sure. - Noah, (laughing) what's your number? - Like Saige, I was scared of going over, so I guessed $189.79. (loud dinging) (loud gasping) - Okay. - Okay, okay, okay. - So this is gonna be an interesting one. I've never been more disappointed in my life. Because Noah gets the point. (loud cheering) - What is it? - [Narrator] $191.45. (loud dinging) - Wow, okay. - It's not hilarious, it has neither a 420 or a 69 in it, (loud groaning) but it is the answer as of today. - I'll probably be right by the time this video comes out, just watch. (loud buzzing) - All right, that was round one, as you all know. Right now, Noah is at zero, everyone else is at negative one. Because you all know - Ayo. - what you did. Round two is NFTs. NFT, as we all know, say it with me, stands for non-fungible token. - Holy (beeping), I didn't expect. (mumbling) All right, great, so an NFT is basically a piece of art, some kind of digital something that works as a cryptocurrency. It can't be replicated, you can screenshot it, but the original ownership works in the same way cryptocurrency does. Look it up, I don't have enough knowledge to fully explain it to you. I'm sure the comments will tell my why I'm dumb as hell. But there is YouTuber influencer person type person called Elijah Daniel. - Ah. - Who made a bunch of, uh, almost like trading cards for YouTubers, they're like parodies, like-- - Okay. - Tana Mongeau, I feel like I made that up, but sure and they're being sold as NFTs. So, what is the current price right now for Jeffree Moon? It's not Jeffree Star, it's Jeffree Moon (laughing). - Oh and he pixelized it so people couldn't sue him for stealing a photo? - Negative $86. - I don't know. - [Ian] He has Blackmails in attack and being rich. - Being rich. We're very effective. - That's it. Yeah. - One of 10, normal type? Does Jeffree seem like a normal type to you? - [Host] Maybe a normal-- - I mean, if there's only one card, if there's, I mean, that's gotta be pretty valuable. - But also, nobody likes Jeffree Star. - [Noah] That's why you would buy it. - That's why, yeah. - Okay, everybody, time to write numbers. Don't go any over, don't you dare. - Yeah, I'm really feeling this number, like I feel like I got it exactly, so. - I will say this, though. The currency that you buy with what you buy an NFT, is currently Ethereum for this, but we translated that into money dollars of the day, so. So you can still use American coinage. (soft gasping) - Okay. - Yeah. - Yeeks. - You know, a long time ago, I had a, my brother's friend, he's like a coder, doesn't really matter, but you know, he once said to me many years ago, he said, "Listen, there's this new thing called Ethereum, you want to know what it's about?" And I said, "No, this sounds stupid." Now we know where I am today. (laughing) - Yeah. - I mean, I, still sounds stupid to me. - Yeah but see, I'd be stupid and with like 1800% more money than I have today. - What's more stupid? Being a normal person or only talking about crypto? - Noah, as the winner of the last round, Saige, you go first. (laughing) How much of the world money is it? - I said $4,200 or this many Ethereum. (loud dinging) - Oh, Play Station Ethereum, I've never been sadder. Noah, as the winner of the last round, it's your turn. - Oh, wonderful. I guessed $330,000. (loud dinging) (loud yelling) - 300 for the Jeffree Moon card. - All right, well I thought I went, I thought I went a bit under the more I thought about it, but I don't think, I think I got this one in the bag. It's $7,888. (loud dinging) - All right, here's the deal. I've never been more disappointed in my life. I am going to make a judgment call here and say that you all have to rewrite your numbers in the next 10 seconds. It is an amount of money that one of us in the room could maybe actually have on our person at this time. (loud yelling) It's. (laughing) I'll be honest, I don't have $300,000 on me. - Done. - [Host] Or in the bank. - All right. (loud thudding) - Damn. Still the same amount of Ethereum, though. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't understand what Ethereum is. - Nobody does. So Saige, you, clearly go first. - $57.00. (loud dinging) (laughing) - Yeah, all right, Ethan. - Yeah, $1,000,000. (loud dinging) (loud gasping) - You're right, you're right. And he's talking about your pockets. - And we are going to mug you after the show (laughing). - You're welcome to try but I've actually trained against three people. (laughing) - I guess $11.78. - Uh, this brings me great joy as our newest person on the show. Saige, you are closest without going over. (loud yelling) The exact number that I memorized when I wanted to check (mumbling). - Of course. - Is $127.61, (loud dinging) equaling 0.071 Ethereum. - What a steal! - Oh, my God. - That exact number in Ethereum. (mumbling) - So what you're saying is that the hype train for NFT might already be kind of-- - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - But we'll get back to that later. - Yeah, right. - So, that brings the current score total up to zero, zero, negative 1.5. - All right. (loud dinging) - All right, great. (loud clapping) For our final round, I got a little bit of a personal story. - Oh, gross. - We have, I know, so, my family, um, when I was about 16 or 17, a friend told me all about Dogecoin. He said, "Hey, I want to get this thing off the ground, it could be really fun. I'm going to share Dogecoin whoever wants it." He gave me 10,000 Dogecoin, which I backed up onto different hard drive, I thought. I copied all the wrong files and it no longer exists but let's think about if it were on this jump drive, and I did go through a drive for like hours and hours the other night, how much in the world money would that be worth right now? - You're gonna make me have to do math? - Yeah, quick math spree. - Uh, you said you have 10,000? - 10,000, yes. - Do you know what Dogecoin is for? - If you ask me another question, I swear to God. - You son of a bitch. - I swear to God Noah, I know how to use this. I will plug it into you and download a virus. I will update you to Windows 7. - You had 10,000 of it? - I forget the, I forget the zeros. - I'm so sorry, dude. - You know what? Filming could be a lot quicker for you, Noah, if you just record one line and then we just hit play, play every time we have a round. - You're not wrong. - You're like (mumbling). Goddamn it. - I've nothing to go off of. - Great. Remember, you can't go over, buy the shirts. - Okay Ian, you know what? It's your turn to go first. Let's make it happen. - Sure, I'm gonna say $500. (loud dinging) - Wooh, that's some spicy cash that I could've had! (laughing) Saige, what do you say? - I said $6,103.01. (loud dinging) - If only I had that much right now to my name. I have made some very bad decisions. Noah. - I just realized I added one too many zeroes when I carried my zeros. But it's fine, (mumbling) this is an extra zero than I wanted to guess. (loud dinging) - Whoa! - 112,000. - I think it would've been $11,238, but I added another zero, so this is my guess officially. Is $112,000, (loud dinging) I did add another zero. - I know I'm a broken man, but if I had missed out on that amount of money, you'd see aa lot more of that. - Well I thought it, I thought it was $11,200, but, we're gonna go with this. - Commas are hard. - I wouldn't be like whoopsie doopsie, lost my thing in the trash, oops. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, um, wow, this has never happened before. Ian is closest. - Wow! - Bringing the grand total up to a tie. Triple zero scenario, it's never happened. - Wow. (mumbling) - I agree with that. - The amount at its current price of 5.8 cents each would be $580 American dollars. - Wow, you were so close! - I know, which is still money I would've probably really liked to have. - Sure. - That's a PSP, no a PS5 and a fancy dinner. It's a PS5 and a PSP (laughing). Y'all, that was, you know what? We don't want people to have a general sense of victory here, so we're gonna have a tie breaker. The question for y'all is what is the most expensive selling price for a piece of NFT ever? What is the most expensive NFT? Without going over. And without being under. Pencils down, heads up, seven up. (mumbling) Uh (laughing). Hands up. Keep it up, keep up the good work. Quiet coyote. (loud clapping) If you remember, always clap once. If you can hear my voice, clap twice. (loud clapping) All right class, we're learning about Christopher Columbus. He sucks. - Yay! - All right Noah, money, how much, tell me. - I was feeling this number earlier, add a little bit to it, $330,069. (loud dinging) - Disappointed. Now Saige, how much in the world? - A 59 milli. (loud dinging) - Uh. (laughing) Wow. - So much money. - All right, Ian. - I believe it's the (mumbling), which if I'm using my brain correctly, $6 milli? (loud dinging) - Get it out of here, Saige wins! - Really? - Yes! (loud yelling) Exact amount of money in the world is $69.3 million. Hilarious. - Yeah, I missed the zero, I knew there was a six and a lot of zeroes. (loud cheering) - Saige is our great big winner today! (loud cheering) Great big, I'm sorry (laughing). You're a great big winner! - Okay. - Y'all, this has been the show of What Are Those? If you like the lunacy that we have presented to you today, well gosh darn, we do it all the time, why not hit that subscribe button? So that we can (loud clicking) just come to your inbox at any time and you won't even be expecting it and it'll be neat. If you want to see other videos that we've done, they're over here, they're over here. Hey, if you want to buy the shirts that they're wearing, you can't, they own those three, but if you want to buy the same type of shirt, we do have it available (laughing) at Smosh (mumbling). - Smosh.com - Smosh.com. - [Ian] Yeah. - Smosh.com/gov.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 195,412
Rating: 4.9690785 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, What're Those?! (Cryptocurrency Edition), what're those?!, crypto, cryptocurrency, nft, haul, challenge, game stop, stocks, 2021
Id: 25_tSNPhn5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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