Don't Wake Daddy Ian!

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- [Damien] You're our one viewer. - Six! - [Shayne] Spencer's the only one who gets beat up. (dramatic music) (scream) (siren whaling) - This is not fun! - When will you learn! - Dad, no! - When will you learn! (upbeat music) - What is up, everybody? Welcome to another Smosh Games video. Today we're playing a childhood classic, wake not father lest he accost ye, or as I guess regionally, some of you might know it, "Don't Wake Daddy." - Don't Wake Daddy! - Don't Wake Daddy, but we're of course playing it with a special Smosh Games twist, which I guess you'll probably just find out later unless he looked at the title of the video. (all laughing) - The twist is- - Unless you know how to read. - Unless you know how to read, but if you don't, you're gonna have a good. - Or look at images. - The twist is we're all adults. - That is true, well at heart. The doctors say I have the heart of a 55 year old. - It's Don't Wake Daddy but we are all around 30 and we have not left the house yet. We haven't moved on. So dad's really fed up with us. - He's rightfully pissed. So if you're not familiar with this game, basically we are these kids. We're in bed and we're trying to get a little midnight snack. So what we do is we flick or spin that little spinner wheel. Whatever color it is we go to. If there's a number and a symbol on it, that thing is going to be something that might wake father. But we have these cards in our hands. If a symbol on the board matches a card that we have, we're safe. We're good, I can't be woken up by this dog. I have dog affinity. This is D&D now. But if we do land on one of these, say it's like the clown with a six if we don't have that card to protect us, we got to press this thing six times. It's randomized, but each click could wake father. And if it does, you'll see the Smosh Games twists, but not unless you subscribe so subscribe below. - Yeah, you have to subscribe or else it doesn't work. - I'm going to be red. Sarah will be green. - Yes. - Spencer is yellow and Shayne is blue. - I'm blue, all right. I guess I'll go. - [Ian] I guess if you guys got it taken care of, I'm just going to go take a quick sleep. - Okay, good night! - Okay, Ian. - [Ian] I'm sure you all are- - Can you guess the twist? - Good night, daddy Ian! - [Ian] You sure you won't interrupt my sleep? - All right, here I go. - [Damien] All right. - All right. I want, I want a Twinkie. - [Damien] You don't put those in the fridge in the fridge. - In the fridge. Green. - Okay, green. Do you have a clown with a TV on it? - Oh boy, do I. - Quick sidebar, it was a TV with a clown on it. - I don't so I have to press it six times. - Wow, you better try. - [Spencer] Hope you don't wake up daddy. - [Damien] Wake not father, - One, two, three, four, five. - [Damien] Wake not father, wake not father. - Six. - Christ has watched over you. - Oh my god, I'm nervous already. - Damn, that's the highest one. - [Damien] Oh Spencer, you rascal. (spinner ticking) - [Shayne] Yellow. - Yell-er. Just like my color. I walk in upon the baby. Our sleeping babe. - Do you have a baby card? - I do! - You have the card! So when he has the card, he doesn't have to press- - He's immune to babies. - He doesn't have to press the button. - He has baby resist +3. (spinner ticking) - [Shayne] Blue. - [Damien] Blue. - Blue! Okay, I'm green baseball. - [Both] Baseball! - It's been a minute. - I don't have a baseball, so I have to press it twice. One. - [Damien] Wake not father. Oh, here he goes. Wake not father, wake not father. (all gasping) - See him jump? - Yeah. - Cause I press real hard. - He's ready. All right, blue, please give me the star. (spinner ticking) Rats, another blue-ow, I too have no baseballs. One- (scream) - Oh Jesus. - Now you're dead. Two, oh God. - Son of a. - You just killed Shayne. - Son of a. - Wait, this is scary. - It actually is scary. Imagine being a kid and being like, you were terrified of your parents. Isn't that sad? - Red. - Red. Okay, so you're blue. - Boom, I'm good. Didn't move very far, but I'm safe. (spinner ticking) - [Spencer] That was a good spin everybody. - [Sarah] Yeah it was a very good spin. That was a gamer spin. - [Damien and Shayne] Oh, red - Oh, X-Games. - [Damien] You're also safe again. - [Spencer] Which color am I? Yellow? - [Damien] Yellow. - [Shayne] Nice. - Scoot over, Shayne. - Brother Shayne. - [Shayne] Oh, nice spin Sarah. - [Spencer] Yeah, that was awful. - [Shayne] That's a push. - [Sarah] Shut up! Shut up! - [All] Green. - Oh, you're screwed. - Have ye a clown television? - [Shayne] That's going kill you. - For six, I do! - Son of a! God dang it! - It's okay, our time will come. - I feel cursed. - Our time will come. - You are cursed. - I will die now. And it is okay. (spinner ticking) No, ah, okay, so the clown television I also don't have, but I'm fine with pressing it six times. (all laughing) One, two, three, four, five, six. - You gotta be kidding! - What the frick! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I saw daddy gearing up on the side. - I saw daddy (beep) Santa Claus. - I saw daddy kissing Santa Claus but it was in a bathhouse. - Green! - [Damien] And it was nowhere near Christmas. - Oh, baby! - [Sarah] Damn! - [Damien] Wow! - Ian's just back there doing the Donkey Kong wind up. - Yeah, he was! (explosion) - [Man] Oh my god! (spinner ticking) - [Shayne] Good spin. - [Damien] Nice shot. - Green. - Green. - [Damien] Oh, but we know you don't have that flower. - [Sarah] You do not have flower. - Wait, Shayne. - No. - All right, how many clicks is that- - Wait, wait it's a flower? - Yeah. - It's five. - Shayne had it, five. - [Damien] Oh, here we go. Three, four, what the hell- (scream) (siren whaling) - Oh my god, no! (all screaming) - [Shayne] Spencer, you woke daddy! You woke daddy. You woke daddy, Spencer! - Which one's of you was it? - [Sarah] It was him! - [Shayne] It was Spencer. - Did you wake daddy Ian? - He's gonna break his neck. - [Ian] Did you? (smack) (Spencer gasping) (Ian screams) (all laughing) - No, too much. Please, he's already dead! Ian, no, he's already dead. - [Sarah] Are you okay? - Let that be a lesson to you all. - So we're going to keep going until we make it to the end. - And now Spencer goes back to the beginning. - Oh, god dammit. - He literally put you back to bed. - [Damien] Just to wherever, write a letter, they'll know. - So that that means she gets to jump in front of the person who is in front. That's what the star means. - So I, it's a cuckoo clock with red. I don't have that. - You better press it three times. - [Spencer] I hope dad beats your ass. - [Damien] Death becomes you. Oh, wow! - Wow! - Give me a star, I want one. (spinner ticking) - [Sarah] Oh yeah, star would be good. - I deserve it. Yeah! (all cheer) - [Sarah] You got the star! - [Shayne] Wow. - Well hear me out. What if I get a star? - I'm poppa's favorite. - You get, then you get to go in front of him. (spinner ticking) - [Spencer] Sounds like a good deal to me. - Blue. - Blue. Oh, that's nothing. - Oh, nice! - That's nothing. - Now we have to fist fight. (spinner ticking) - [Spencer] I hope I don't wake daddy. - [Shayne] Don't you wake daddy. - [Damien] Don't wake zaddy. - I think that's, I better spin again. - He's had a long night. - It's a split. - It's green. - There's no way to know. - I think it's green. - [Damien] I think it's green. - [Sarah] I think it's green. - [Shayne] Yeah, that was green, that was green. - [Damien] I think that was probably green. - Do you have clown TV? No you don't. You do not have clown TV. - [Spencer] You're watching Clown TV. - [Damien] You're our one viewer. - Six! - [Shayne] Spencer's the only one who gets beat up. (dramatic music) (scream) (siren whaling) - This is not fun! - When will you learn! - Dad, no! - When will you learn! (sad music) - Oh dad, no. (Spencer groans) - Let that be a lesson, cause next time it's gonna be painful. - Dad, dad, stop! - Oh no. It's my nails are long. - [Damien] You just do a little, whew. - You just spun three times. - Yeah, but it didn't stop. - We're the three triplets that really get along. And then Spencer was like born eight years later and he's just like that guy like, "Yeah guys, I wanna watch Clown TV too." - Oh yeah, you're back in bed. - Oh, I forgot. (spinner ticking) - [Spencer] Lights out? - Look at that, it's blue. Aw man, it's red. - Red. - Oh man, oh God, oh man, two. Oh no, but I have the painting. Therefore I will not be clicking fathers alarm bell. - You do? Show it, prove it. Prove it. Okay. (spinner ticking) - [Sarah] It's a thick arrow. - Now it's blue. - That looks blue to me. - Uh oh. - [Shayne] Six. - You have a guitar? - I do not. - Keytar? - [Damien] Honey bunch of these nuts. - [Shayne] One, two, three, four, five, six. - Ooh, wow. - It was rigged. - Spencer, don't! - Okay, hear me out. I'm not even that hungry. (all laughing) - I don't think I'm hungry. - [Sarah] I think if you do wake him, we should not. - Ah, what if he got the star? - Yellow? - You have the baby? - Once again. - Yes I do! - Yeah! - I think it's hilarious if Spencer's the only one who gets hit. - Me too. (spinner ticking) Blue. I'm green, okay. - This- - Keyboard. - This board has a blue bias for sure. - I don't have it. This is the end for me. - [Damien] Good luck, Sarah. She's losing a nail today. (dramatic music) - [Sarah] Five, six. - Come on! - Hoo, says the owl. - [Spencer] Can someone just bring me back a snack? - Blue, uh hello. - Blue. - You're right, it is landing on blue quiet a bit. - Oh, thank goodness because I have that thing and I don't need to be struck. - [Shayne] Dang it. - Okay but what is it? - It's a, it's a keyboard. - There, okay, you proved it. - Yellow. - Wow, lellow. - Oh baby, I'm safe. - Spencer! - Good luck, Spencer. - [Spencer] Oh, whoops. - [Damien] Oh, I didn't know a 19 on the board. - [Spencer] Mulligan. (spinner ticking) - Yellow. - The entire Chuck E. Cheese band is in the space here? - Do you can have the broken bike? (Shayne laughing) - Spencer it's a four, it's a four. - This is hilarious. - [All] One, two. (scream) (siren whaling) - Not Spencer! - [Shayne] Daddy's got the pool noodle! - [Sarah] He's got a pool noodle! - [Shayne] He's got a pool noodle, Spencer! Spencer, look out! - I left the house because you're making so much noise. I thought I could take a nice little nap in the pool. - Dad, I'm just really hungry, okay? - Well I'm hungry for pain. (pool noodle smacking) (others laughing) - Oh, that's not as bad. That's not as bad. - Not bad? (knock) - Yeah, yeah, I kinda like that. (liquid squishing) (high pitched tone) - Father has come straight from the scrying pool. (spinner ticking) Well you're safe. - Yellow. I'm safe, wow. We all copy each other. - Guess you're a Whittle wucky. - Yeah, we do. (spinner ticking) - Oh, green. I was gonna say this blue bias is crazy. I'm the red. - [Sarah] So you're red. Do you have a fruit bowl? - Do I have a fruit bowl? No. So I will strike this four times. - [Spencer] Damien, I will give you my fruit bowl card if- - One two, three, four. I'll just take it, nah, I'm good actually. You can go, though. - [Shayne] Bye! - [Damien] I want Spencer to win this. - [Shayne] I know, he could! - Whoa! - Wow! You go in front of me. - [Sarah] So you get five. - [Spencer] Have fun barely moving. - [Sarah] Do you have the cat? - Let's see if I, I do not have the cat so I have to hit it five times. - I will give you the cat if you- - No. - [Sarah] Negotiation. - One, two, three. - Oh boy. - Four, five. - Oh, boy. (all laughing) - Guys, dad is awake. He's just waiting to come out here. - [Damien] Oh boy. (spinner ticking) Be the baby again, please, for Spencer. - Do the star. Blue, baseball. - Bases-ball. - I have bases-ball! - Thank God. - Oh man, I just got nervous. (spinner ticking) Green! - Green. - Green to green, do I have the fruit bowl? - No cause I do. I'll give you the fruit bowl if you let me go there. (scream) (siren whaling) - No! - This is the best day of my life. (Sarah screams) - [Sarah] Are you going to smother me, what's happening? - For once, not my problem. - Ah! - [Ian] Go to sleep! - Dad left you his pillow. - Aw. - See Sarah got really hit too. (all laughing) - He got her. - Dad likes me. - I'm his favorite. - I'm his favorite. - Were you your dad's favorite? Post in the comments below. - Oh man, I got the red. Oh, I got to go to the cat that gives five. I don't have a cat that gets five. - I've got a cat, I will trade you the cat. - [Damien] One, two, three, four, five. - Let's just say, but I think we've realized Spencer has all these ones that are at the end. He makes it that far. - If he gets the purple star, he might win it all. - Actually I would like that, I want that. Another red. - I think that's red. - Wait a minute, Shayne! You win! - Whoa! (applause) - I never even woke daddy. - [Ian] Proud of you son. - Thank you dad. - It's morning time. - Shut up. (all laughing) - Guys, let us know if we should try to wake daddy more. We could play this game more often and Ian, we could give Ian, you could suggest things that Ian could use. - [Ian] A gun! (all laughing) - We could do a version where everyone's dressed up like daddy, except for Spencer. - [Shayne] That's true. - It's called, "Spencer Gauntlet Revenge: Survival: Reloaded." - That's right, I hope you guys enjoyed this, but you know what? There's more videos and they're right there. - Whoa. - They appeared. - How crazy is that? - That's crazy. - That's so much, technology? What? So you can click those videos and I, but one of them wakes daddy, so don't. (Sarah screams) (all laughing) - That was like the Hawkeye aim right there.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 334,905
Rating: 4.978188 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Don't Wake Daddy Ian!, don't wake daddy, board games, nostalgia, throwback, ian hecox
Id: MtOrXq7MFsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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