Reese's Trick Shot Challenge

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- Damien flare? - Use the Damien... (energy zapping) (laughs) - [Sarah] Did you just dab? - [Damien] Dude, are you mad at me? (music) - Hello and welcome to the Reese's shootout. (screams) - Big thanks to Reese's for sponsoring this video! (energetic music) - It's simple. It's two v two. We're gonna be throwing Reese's cups into the opponent's bags. We got Tommy as our ref. (cheers) - We're matching! What are we gonna... - Here, you go sideways and I'll... Great. So, these are the rules! The set of rules that we're doing today. Basically, we got these two teams against each other. The first rule is, when they're tossing, their little elboweries cannot go past the edge of the table. - Okay, okay. - So this is fine, but this... I'm gonna go poop poop, no no. That's rule one. Rule number two is, each team only gets one re-rack. So, once the bags are starting to disappear and we got all these little holes going on, you get one time to go, "I wanna re-rack right now." - [Courtney] Wow. - Our third rule is, each team has the opportunity to call on me for a motivational pep talk. - Only one? - Only one. You get it only once. - Each player gets it once? Or each team? - No, each team. - We're gonna have to collab on that. - Yeah. - So, you're gonna have to talk with each other about when you're the most unstable. - Yeah, okay. - What about bounces? If my candy bounces. - Well Sarah, that was my fourth... (laughs) - That was rule number four of the list of three. Keep up! - Wow Sarah. Let the man do his job, Sarah. (beep) - The fourth rule, which would've been third rule, if the Reese's cup bounces either from one bag to another, from a table into a bag, that don't count! - So, wait a minute, you're telling me, I have to get the perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate in the bag, first try? (laughs) - That's right, Damien. And, if that perfect combo hits that bag, you get to unwrap that cutie, pop it in your mouth, and let that yum yum go to your tum tum. (cheers) - We planned a lot. I'm really hoping our game plan doesn't crumble into Reese's pieces. (claps) - Oh, that's so good! - All right. Okay, teams. I'm gonna need to know what you're gonna call yourselves. We've got Damien and Shayne on one side. What is your team name? Well, much like the perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter, we've put our perfect brains together and came up with, Peamupbubber. - Peamupbubber. - All right. - I'll spell it if you want. - Okay so... - P-E-A M-U-P - M-U-P - B-U-B-B-E-R. (claps) Peamupbubber! - Peamupbubber! - There's something wrong with them. And you two. - Yo, whenever you refer to us, which will probably be the winners, you can declare us the, Chocoladies. - Chocoladies. (cheers) - It's cute! It's cute! - So, we got our team names. We've got the Pea... Peamupbubber. And the Chocoladies against each other. And we're gonna do one last thing before we get started. We have brought in some of the Smosh fam to show which teams they support. - Let's do it. - And we have Monica. (cheers) - [Courtney] Eating an apple. - Can you hold it? So, I think that Shayne is going to choke. (laughs) So, do I write my own name? - [Shayne] I may not just... - [Courtney] Draw a peanut. - Oh. - [Courtney] Yeah. (cheers) - Yo, you didn't have to just completely blame me. - Maybe 'cause we're extra sweet. - No, she said it was 'cause I was gonna choke. - [Courtney] Yeah. (tape screeching) (energetic music) - All right. - Hey, guys! (cheers) - What was even the point of this anymore? - Uh, oh, uh, oh. - [Shayne] Nancy! - Oh! - Nancy! - Thank you. Wow. - Thank you, Nancy. Representing Peamupbubber! - Peamupbubber! - Peamupbubber! - Peamupbubber! - Garrett! Get out of here! (laughs) - We have... ... one, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight points... ... supports... - [Sarah] Stars. - ... ideas, for the Chocoladies. - Yes! - And we've got one for... ... Peamupbubber! - It's so fun to say! - I demand a recount! - I wouldn't. - So, small side up for Chocoladies and large side up for the... Peamupbubber. It's a... It's not easy to say. All right, here we go. - Oh. (dramatic music) - [Damien] Large side up! Yeah! How's about it? - Damien! - So Peamupbubber get's to start. - Shayne, dude, you should do it because I'm not gonna be great. - I like how we just have our coworkers cradling bags of Reese's right now. - It's almost like we're seeing them, where this is their snack of choice. - [Shayne] All right. - Elbows. Watch those elbows, Shayne. - [Tommy] I'm looking at the elbows. - My elbow, I can even go further, couldn't I? - Eh, yes. - [Sarah] Oh. - Oh. - That's a no from you. - So, no go from bo. - You got this, Damien. - No go from bo. - [Tommy] No go from bo. - Oh! - That bounce! - Absolutely rejected! - The bounce! - [Shayne] You can't do it. - Oh! - I'm scared. - Oh yeah, I get to eat now. (laughs) - You can't. - I don't have anxiety. What are you saying? - [Damien] Look at that elbow. (cheers) - A, poop poop. For this round, we're gonna up the stakes a little bit. I want a little extra flare. I want a little... I want a little Damien to shine through in this. - [Damien] Oh. - Yeah, for everybody. - Oh, that's the, oh, good. 'Cause, the one thing better about losing is probably being bullied. (laughs) So lets... Everybody do your Damien impressions. Ha, ha, ha. - Oh... - Oh, that, my flare is me missing. THat's what I do. Yeah! Anime probably, right? Ha ha, video games! (laughs) - Wait, is it Damien flare or like... - It's Damien flare. - I've really just wanted everyone to do their own flare, but I do like the idea of it being a Damien flare. - A Damien flare? (zapping) (laughs) - Dude, are you mad at me? Like, what, why? What are you... - 'Cause of that, I'm gonna smudge this a little bit. All right. - Okay, Damien. Um... Beetle deedle doo! (laughs) - You do say that. - I do. - You need more training. Aww... - That's copyright. You can't do that. That's mine. - You know what I will say? They had significantly more power... - That's true. - ... when they were throwing. - All right, is there any rules to this? - The rule is to do a thing, this time. - All right. Watch how, watch how high this goes. (calm piano music) (cheers) - Get over to your side! - You stay over there! - All right. Poop, poop, poop, poop. - Mm. I get a yum yum! (laughs) - I caught it! (claps) - Shayne's the coolest person I know. - Yeah, I'm not much of a joiner. (laughs) - It's fine. Fool! - Holy... - God. - I'm just gonna do non dominant hand, okay? - [Damien] Whoa. - You're gonna do your sub hand? - That's gonna be my thing. This is my sub hand. - Wait, that's... - I write left hand and my athletics' right handed. - Pole volt right handed, throwing it right handed. I'm not lying, this is real. - Usually when people aren't lying they announce that. - [Courtney] Damn it. - Mmm... - You guys are insane. - Peamupbubber! - What's your guys' Peamupbubber cheer? - Let's say it at the same time. - Yeah, let's do it. Heyo! Peamupbubber! - Heyo! Peamupbubber! It's time for... - It's time for... ... cleaning! - ... cleaning! Whoa! - Whoa! Oops! - Oops! - Everyone in here is crying right now. For this next round, we'll do your own choreographed thing that you prefer to do as a unit. - Interpretive dance for 15 seconds. - Followed by a shot. - Followed by a shot. - Sounds efficient. - [Damien] Okay. (laughs) (dramatic music) - [Girls] Watch out. (cheers) - [Shayne] Did that work! - You got it! - Shayne got one. - Just one. - Aww, I thought we both got it. - That was really close. - Wow, good job you get a little snacky. - Aa! (laughs) - We would like a re-rack please. - A what? - One... - One re-rack, please? - One re-rack? - [Damien] What are you looking for? - One little nice diamond, please. - [Damien] Diamondy. - [Tommy] I'm watching form. Okay. - This is a business throw. We're gonna shake hands... - We're gonna do a business throw. ... and we're gonna throw at the same time. - We're making deals while also getting them in. - Making deals, making shots. - That's almost as hard as interpretive dance. Go for it. - That's kinda cool but ours is (mumbles). - Business, business... - Business, business... - [Shayne] No. Can't. - Aw. No... - And the business went bankrupt. - You got this, Damien. - Imma do a little dance to help you. - Oh, poots! - You were robbed. - If it were the, hey! How big is that opening? - You were fricken robbed. - [Damien] It's good! It's pretty fine. - We were fricken robbed. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. 'Cause, bam! (cheers) - [Sarah] He's on fire! - We're such a good team! - [Sarah] He's on fine! - Wow, good job! Is it this one? - [Shayne] Together. - Get a little snacky. - Ah! - No more messing around. - Ah! - Foul? - (buzz) - [Shayne] Aww, man. You can't do it. - [Damien] Uh, oh. Elbows. - Frick... I really couldn't. - [Tommy] Gotta go light on the taunting. - Yay! - No. - It was the front one! - [Courtney] It was the back one. (gasps) - Let's see it on instant replay! (music) - The instant reply, very hard to truly depict exactly what was going on, but it's not in the bag and that's kind of how it goes, Sarah. - Question. So, we get a re-rack? - What do you want? - I think probably just a triangle. What do you think? - [Shayne] Triangle's good. (music) I honestly believe in you, Damien. - We can do this! - Oh! - Listen, you're getting real close. You're doing a lot better, buddy. - I'm hitting the bag! - No! - Dang it! It's fine. - Too powerful. - We declare one pep talk, please. - Yes. - Okay, listen. This other team is out there. And you know? They might be better than you, but you two? You're smart. You got the stuff upstairs and downstairs. If you gotta go to the bathroom, run away. But listen, right now, it's you and you, and that's it. Go out... - Yeah! I feel hyped! - I feel alive, I feel alive. - That sounded like a phone call with bad reception. (laughs) - Just go... just go out... - You... You got... Just do it. - [Damien] Go with that. The nerves have got to them. (buzz draws out speaker) - Yes! - Is it in? - That's in. - Did you see how silent everyone was? It's 'cause they couldn't believe it. - They were like, (gasps). - And it's Courney Ruth Miller up to the free throw line. - No one ever calls me that. - She's done really bad this season. (bell rings) - Ow! My neebis! - We got your Peamupbubbers! - You got my Peamupbubber! - God, we're tied. How do we get here? - How do we get here? - Oh! - Oof. - You gotta eat a little tum tum. - Oh my god, this is my favorite. - It's like the perfect amount. - It's so good. - All right. We're going into our blank-th round. We got three versus two. How are we feeling? Do you think you're gonna win? Do you think you're gonna win? - I legitimately want to win. So, losing is not an option for me. - Losing is absolutely not an option. - Sarah's mental stability is dependent upon this win. - I need to get that arc. I need to get that arc. I need to get that arc. (cheers) - Damn. Courtney, you got trump. You got trump. - Mm. I get chocolate! - Here we go. Here we go. Here. We. Go. Shayne. Here we go. - You cannot. - I can do it. - You cannot do it. - You can't tell me what to do. - You can't do it, don't do it. - Ready? I'm gonna look at you in the eyes while I do it. Are you ready? - Yeah, do it. - Oh! - Oh! - Damien has had several times where it just, the bag is like, nope! But not like this. Boop! Dang it! - I think that was an elbow also. - This is it! - Oo. - Believe in yourself. You're the perfect bite. Be the perfect shot. (cheers) - Tommy. - Yup. - We need a pep talk. - Feeling low, boys? - Yeah. - I am. - Okay, listen. The other team's out there. They're wacko! They got stuff going on upstairs. They got it all up there. But, you guys? You got heart, you got soul, and you have a disease that I'm not telling you what it is. Shh. It's a mystery. Think about, like, a series of teams that all work against each other until eventually, there's one winner. And how exciting that could be and how hungry you'd be during that time. I want you to channel that energy and go out there... - Okay. (laughs) - All right. So, we're going into this final little cute moment. We have two and one. (cheers) - I will have the snackiest treat. - Now, I get to be the one to let us down. (laughs) - [Courtney] There he is. There's that boy. Bro, bro. - No, no. Not for audio, please. Actually, just for me. - No! (chicken squeaks) - No! - Now we have to wait 10 minutes for this to stop. - I'm so mad at you. - That's the price you pay, bro. - [Damien] I've never been mad at you. - Just a disclaimer, if I did anything wrong or I made the wrong call, I don't know why I was given this authority. Let's do it! - Here we go, this is the game winning shot. This is the moment I've been waiting my entire life. - Don't let everybody down. - And I will not let everyone down. Are you ready? (bell rings) - My... leg! - Your knee! Okay, here's the thing. Chocolate, me. Good relationship. Let's keep it consistent here. Mwa! - Okay. Boop! - [Courtney] Aw... - Oh! We win! - No! (laughs) You still have to make mine. - Keep on doing your thing. I'm proud of you no matter what. I've had a lot of fun here today. I just wanna say, thank you guys for letting me even be a part of this. It's been a great opportunity. Hoo. - You only made one this whole game. Not gonna make it. - That's fine. It was on line, but it was too much power. - Kissing it gave it a little cough. - No. (cheers) - Oh yes! - We weren't looking! We weren't looking! You gotta pay attention! - I didn't see it! - Well, Tommy did! - Okay. We're back to the thing that happened before. If the Chocoladies make it in the bag, this continues forever. If they don't, then Shayne and Damien, the Peamupbubber... - It's not that hard to say. You did it. - ... wins. - Love you, be a good boy. Aw... My depth perception's all off. It's 'cause it's my (mumbles) in my left eye. (cheers) - That was for Nancy! - Yes! - That was for Nancy! - We love you, Nancy. - No one believed in us but we did it. And thanks to peanut butter chocolate deliciousness of Reese's. - What are you? - Oh my god. We've had Courtney, fricken, Miller come out, now harbinger's out. It's happening. - [Shayne] It's a mix of all my characters. - Yeah. - [Tommy] Thank you to Reese's for sponsering this video. You gotta do one final. One final price. - Wow. - Awesome. - Mmm... - Enjoy. Also, if you wanna enjoy more Smosh videos, We've got one, right here that we have formulated and picked out just for you, if you wanna watch that. Also snack on these, that's good too. And then YouTube has picked one over there that you can also watch! - Yeah. - You can eat these at any time. - Shout out to Reese's! - Shout out to Reese's. - Ready? Open your mouth! - Oh, oh, oh. - Reese's, Reese's.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,452,360
Rating: 4.9705033 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Reese's Trick Shot Challenge, reeses, beer pong, pong, competition, challenge, sarah whittle, courtney miller, shayne topp, damien haas
Id: XdAd8XkV9RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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