Curious George 🐵 George's Flight Plan 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Cartoons For Children

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okay bird is here somewhere here it mm-hmm there's no way bird could get past this brick wall except through there I hope that's not what I think it is what I think it is steer bird to us Oh an elephant might step on it when I get there steer bird left to those bars and I'll grab her to go left George had to push the joystick left the plane is going right the joystick needs to go left [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't watch George do something huh if off was on up was down down was up then left was right and maybe right was left [Music] whoa George needed the plane to go up oh I got it George lands bird but this time so we can catch it he slides the throttle too slow huh the throttle is already on slow huh I give up luckily monkeys never ever quit it off was on up was down down was up left was right and right was left [Music] maybe fast was slow [Music] hmm any chance you can turn it off if off was on maybe on was off stellar work now to fix the remote oh I'll never be able to make the repairs in time lost blackbirds won't be able to join their friends again but George knew the remote wasn't broken it was just backwards he could launch Byrd if he did the opposite of what the book said to start the engine he hit off I'm back what is my monkey doing with your bird to go fast he slid the slider to slow he pushed the joystick down to go up he pushed the joystick right to turn left [Music] and to turn on the autopilot and activate the computer he hadn't tried that one before but if the autopilot was like everything else if you wanted to turn it on you had to turn it off thank goodness we found you some wires got crossed on the remote and everything is backwards [Music] we're receiving transmission Jorge you're a genius [Music] hey any chance I can get you to help me land bird with the flock head south for winter monkeys love things that fly [Music] especially if they're the ones who get to fly them [Laughter] [Music] but no matter how many times George looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all that a German could I see the owners of the winners over here please briskly briskly Beliebers flair maybe George didn't have to remember them all [Music] why aren't you snapping pictures because there are no dogs they had no dogs there are no dogs the winning dogs are are missing all right people stay calm don't any of you panic because that is what I do George a dog pile Hundley knew this meant trouble for someone [Music] the whole place was filled with strange dogs very strange dogs how many dogs did George have in here George wanted to know how many dogs he had two he counted [Music] but he stopped at 37 that sounded wrong [Music] and he never counted that little one at all he wanted to count every dog only once so he stucked the three small ones in his room where he knew he could see them he led the big ones under the man for the yellow Hat's room but they couldn't run around so much and the hairy ones went in the bathroom George wanted this one in with the big dogs but it was hairy enough to go with the harry's there were three big three small and three hairy dogs George I'm home what are you doing here George there are like 20 dogs in here George remembered all the dogs so where did these three and three and three nine dogs come from just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] [Applause] none of this stuff made for exhilarating monkey tub action this disappointing bath was over some of this stuff was moving on its own these were good tub toys [Music] it went down with the water so logically if he added more water it should all float back up just a second George waters backing up into the sink and I don't know why oh no I'd better call the plumber George liked it when mr. auger the plumber came over he had the best toolbox George had ever seen where's your water main shutoff valve Oh downstairs take him Hundley whew this main valve controls the water for the whole place now everyone's rudder is off until I turn it back on it's like having a superpower where'd that come from [Music] remember how to use the dishwasher first scrape the food [Music] [Applause] jawbridge being a good little monkey did just as he promised [Music] water was backing up out of the dishwasher this time why mr. auger must have missed a clock it was a good thing George had watched him closely righty-tighty shuts off the water he did everything mr. auger had done but didn't find a clog if the last clog moved to the kitchen maybe this clog had moved downstairs [Music] this was too big a job for one monkey you'd better go get the man with the yellow hat from the store being a good point George reopened the water main so everyone would have water being a monkey be for God he'd opened the taps in the apartment [Music] Hundley was relieved with George gun nothing sloppy could happen pipes should always be properly tightened George when you came to the store and wanted me to come home did it have anything to do with the water pouring off of our balcony did you call the plumber yet is something wrong I was on the roof feeding the pigeons holy hinges [Music] oh boy Vanya clog you can't dump food in the dish Russia and from now on leave plumbing to the experts that would be me [Music] his plumbing days over George enjoyed a nice hot bath with his new tub toys guaranteed never to slip down the drain [Music] if one bouncing ball was fun George could hardly imagine how much fun he'd have with that many mega bouncing fun ball George wondered how far a mega bouncing ball couldn't make a bounce [Music] this is the first fun ball contest ever anywhere and whoever comes closest to guessing the number of fun balls in this rocket gets to keep them all and now your entries have to be in the gas box by five o'clock today dad don't bother entering cuz I'm gonna win oh really I've got a surefire secret number figuring formula we'll see [Music] now he had to find a container this size and shape George remembered they had a hatbox that was just the right shape a box this shape and size should hold about the same number of balls as the fun ball machine to make a good guess George had to find bigger round things to count hi George I'm heading to the thrift shop to donate these things so someone else can enjoy them collection well I've got cat's eyes agates some big Kong sized ones too these big marbles were the closest yet to fun ball size be my guest George huh were you using marbles to figure out your guests for the contest that's a pretty good idea George I estimated a fun ball to be almost as big as a golf ball I need to fill this with golf balls to help me guess where do I get that many golf balls [Music] oh hi may we borrow these golf balls we're trying to win a contest by five o'clock sure but you better hurry Thanks if we win the contest we'll split the prize George this cookie holder is about one-third the size of the fun ball machines container so how many balls would be in three containers 120 that's our number well let's go it's almost five o'clock [Music] after I win I'm gonna throw a fun ball party maybe I'll even invite you to we have a winner George and Betsy came but closest with a hundred and twenty balls Kennedy I divided red balls by green balls and multiplied by orange ones what went wrong so George's let's see how are you going to split the prize [Music] [Applause] [Music] well sure nice of you two to give everyone a fun ball wow this is even more fun than all the marbles I found in the street so George what are you gonna do with the fun ball machine you two can be my golf partners anytime yeah where's Howie's blue ribbon how we wanted a ribbon more than anything but somehow it never happened ah I've entered Howie a couple of times he always starts out eager don't you but I guess he doesn't want the ribbon bad enough to train for it do you Howie looks like we walk Halle for 30 minutes and poke him with a stick [Music] no wonder how he didn't like training [Music] how he's following your Apple oh there was a way to get a hog to move without a stick it was called an apple [Music] how he wanted to win that Blue Ribbon are right but exercising made him really hot and the mud was so cool how is exercise [Music] well he's already here let's see if they'll exercise it was much cooler inside how he felt like he could run all day if George couldn't bring how he inside where it was cool [Music] he'd have to bring the inside cool outside to Howard [Music] [Applause] if George had a wheel he could make his van turn - where could he find a wheel big George's hog exerciser fan was powered by George and how he could comfortably exercise for 30 minutes now all he needs to do is practice walking for the judges practiced walking for the judge and got an apple exercised and a bath got brushed practiced walking for the judge and got an apple where are you going with that sorry but you can't take that into the ring it's against the rules but that's how we always practice how can help me without it how he was worried his friends didn't seem to know what to do but how he knew it was always the same he exercised got bathed got brushed and now he was supposed to walk for the judges and then he get his Apple [Music] besides having a hard time keeping cool and liking apples pigs are really really smart [Music] we have a winner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] George squirrels bearing nuts and seeds not orange juice orange juice doesn't belong in the ground let me show you what belongs in the ground okay now when I was a boy this tree wasn't here i bouncy squirrel I used to watch jumpies great-grandfather various food that winter jumpies great-grandfather didn't eat that acorn then it started to grow and just kept growing this tree came from an acorn just like this now do you understand George thought he understood [Music] if an acorn could become a big tree George wondered what a rubber band would grow into [Music] or a feather [Music] George could grow the rest for him blah blahdy blah Blee Blee blah blah blah [Music] this would be the best speech ever you weren't just sitting there waiting for me the whole time [Music] when the man looked like that it meant George was about to hear a long lecture so you see seeds nuts acorns grow my socks the radio the can opener don't grow okay now we have to dig up all those things you buried okay we have to dig up my speech first unlike jumpy squirrel George didn't know how to find what he wanted everything smelled like dirt hey you did in a swimming pool huh oh no bill George was being a squirrel and buried my speech we can't find it well I'll help huh wait I know someone who can really help she's a great digger no speech here Oh digging a pool there I Oh George buried something in we're trying to find it well I've got a metal detector I used to find coins and such down but the legs maybe that'll help cool well my speech isn't exactly made of no maybes what you're looking for no my speech isn't made of Oh are they pirate Keys yeah could be maybe - a treasure chest no we're we're not gonna find my speech and I can't rewrite it in time I'll just have to skip the tribute [Music] George didn't have the talents of a squirrel but he did have the talents of a monkey which meant he could see really well [Music] you found the speech well that's not made of metal this is the air that inspired that wonderful speech are you planting something it's a long story that's not a peanut looks like something you buried is growing maybe you are a little bit squirrel after all [Music] bill found rare leaves the man with the yellow Hat's sketched but George didn't see anything he couldn't see at home [Music] I've got you oh no problem no problem well how do we get back up well proper procedure is to call help [Music] wait tie it to something first got it okay do you know the way back to the ranger station no problem I've got a map but we've got to get it to George I know how to make a perfect straight flying paper airplane here it comes [Music] [Music] oops these were all the places they passed so if he went past those places in backwards order they'd lead him to the ranger station that was the same craggy tree [Music] picture for turtle peek bill this is how you start a fire um bill we don't need a fire did you know many parts of a tree are edible at the next trail crossing George had a problem how could he find the beaver lodge if he couldn't see it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] could it be true [Music] beavers really did enter their homes underwater now what would he do this is bad but I can think of 56 different ways it could be worse what had my hat [Music] 57 want me to list them all one it could be rainy at the next trail crossing George had to pick a direction but all the trails looked alike [Music] George had never been this excited to see his own garbage before well hi there can I help you I gotcha I'll go get my rescue gear good work George my hat you know George brought me right to you he is quiet a tracker hiking was exciting George couldn't understand why more people didn't do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey George it looks like a great day you want to go to the park and have a picnic [Music] George loved picnics but he didn't want to get caught in the rain again and clouds meant rain but I thought okay we can eat here but there were clouds it should have been raining unless maybe only dark clouds made rain little white clouds didn't early the next morning the clouds overhead were white so now he could have that picnic [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wind that blew the leaves must have moved the clouds too George definitely needed to study wind [Music] the crickets noise was fast again it always had more to say when the weather was warm that's right and the harder the wind blows the faster the pinwheel turns you are turning into a regular weather monkey say tomorrow would you like to visit the Einstein pizza weather station they have lots of cool stuff that helps predict weather this is it the most modern weather equipment in the world how could they forecast weather here they didn't have socks or pinwheels or crayons not even a cricket radar tells us where it's raining and satellites show us earth from space so we know where all the clouds are then this computer tells us what the weather will be or it would accept that's yesterday's picture we can't find our satellite you lost your satellite well space is very big and now the mayor's coming by to see if he can play golf today he hates getting caught in the rain so did monkeys without satellite data our computer can't forecast it's just absolutely hopeless [Music] what where is he going so monkey fast I think he wants to predict the weather for you [Music] there were storm clouds in the horizon [Music] but the wind was blowing them away [Music] George checked his drawings the sky was red last night and now with the crickets fast chirps George knew it would be a warm day so will it be okay to golf hmm they say that some animals can predict the weather maybe George is one of them [Music] professors mr. Mayer what's the verdict we have it on the best authority that this afternoon will be perfect for golf [Music] splendid is it modern technology wonderful say why don't you join me [Music] one of the finest days I've ever seen you were right thank you George was right George perhaps tomorrow you could help us find our satellite George would have to think about that the sky was telling him tomorrow might be a perfect day for a picnic [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,103,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: SjF7GVeB4kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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