Animal Magnetism 🐵Curious George 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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hi guys wow you're in the wrong place that belongs in an art museum [Music] we're here to buy cool magnets to stick george's picture to the refrigerator say while you're here do you want to see our new magnatorium yeah oh were you talking to george george was in a hurry to get home and hang up his drawing but he was curious [Music] welcome to the magnatorium [Music] i think magnetism is my favorite invisible force george knew he could spend all day here but they were on a mission hmm oh right uh we'll come back another day and play with all this stuff before you go try to touch this magnet against the back of the cars [Music] now try to touch it to the front everything isn't magnetic just certain metals oh george check this out this isn't a magnet see huh but anything attracted to a magnet can be turned into a magnet by rubbing the magnet on it like this in the same direction [Music] why don't you watch the big magnet while i talk to the owner excuse me george sure loves magnets could he watch well sure now don't go anywhere is a powerful electromagnet hit that red button and watch what happens [Music] you see that turns the magnet off so we can drop stuff [Music] hit the green one [Music] hit the red button and drop her in the crusher george couldn't let his best drawing ever go into the crusher no not the lever the button [Music] chances of finding a pizza pan and all this stuff that's it and that's the exact handle i need how much do you want for it i got to give that crane man a raise [Laughter] [Music] george and the man with the yellow hat did everything they set out to do that day good night [Music] george [Music] now he'd done it all good night george careful i'll lose control flying kite's all about control sorry i can't turn over control to an inexperienced city kid this isn't as easy as i make it look i studied the beaufort wind scale for three years i never make mistakes [Music] that's never coming down [Music] for a city kid you sure can't climb a tree [Music] not a scratch thanks george as a reward i'll let you fly her bill billy coming i promised i'd help mom gut a pumpkin i won't be long [Music] you watch the kite till i get back [Music] george figured he could watch the kite even better while it flew [Music] [Laughter] george was really flying that kite now or maybe it was flying him [Music] you get it okay left without saying goodbye city folks [Music] [Applause] wow he couldn't wait boy for a city kid who never flew a kite before got her up higher than i ever did whoa [Music] [Applause] well hi bill you own binoculars sure do what's trailing behind that kite ah it's george it's george and he's got a squirrel on his head bill you call the fire department okay why i don't know they seem to know how to do everything what are you gonna do i'm going up there after him george george it was his friend the man with the yellow hang glider all right guys hang on tight we're going home george would never forget the day he was almost a bird and he added almost being a bird to the list of things squirrels don't like [Music] you're a natural kite flyer kid good work lunch is ready here's some lunch for you too jumpy it's time to bring her in george what's going on gnocchi she has been sneaking into the main room and scratching up at the seats it's a disastrous you see look what she has done can you believe a little gato a sweet little kid could do such damage yeah [Music] [Music] ah i must ban gnocchi from the restaurant oh well we saw the house you built her it's very nice grazie i plan to add a second story hey oh that is gnocchi she wants to come in i feel terrible she only wants to come in because you say she cannot oh typical cat [Music] this kitchen is in torment i suspect there will be no cannoli until this problem is sold eh back outside [Music] at the museum george was too distracted to concentrate [Music] ah professor wiseman hey guys welcome to my new exhibit it's called how great scientists got their great ideas these are portraits of some great scientists isaac newton benjamin franklin marie curie and albert einstein once you think like a scientist george you can solve almost any problem george had a problem he wanted cannoli you know scientists think about problems and get ideas to solve them they observe then collect information and if that information doesn't help solve their problem they observe more and get a different idea oh dear excuse me young man get down from there george wondered what great scientists would do if they were monkeys who had no cannoli because gnocchi had scratched the booths [Music] i say do we know for certain that she did it like the chef believes you must think about what you observed hmm george did see nookie scratch the door but could she have scratched the booth too what you observe does not support the chef's idea about gnocchi making the scratches if george could prove gnocchi was innocent chef pisghetti would be happy and george would have cannoli oh i love cannoli george had to observe more [Music] what are you doing in here they know him he's not a monkey that guy was so wrong george showed them what he had discovered [Music] oh georgio oh i love this kid you are proving gnocchi is innocent i'm so happy i'm gonna make two trays of cannoli exactly can only put everyone on the house [Music] making enough cannoli for everyone was exhausting because though george thought like a scientist he ate like a monkey [Music] and drinking juice [Music] george had seen a lot of birds but none wearing one of those bird had seen a lot of animals but none doing that he wasn't going anywhere till he figured out what kind of animal george was [Music] george be careful out there [Music] hold on just because he came back here doesn't make this his home homing pigeons have special homes ah that's the pizza wash up george he needs to go home this just isn't a good home for pigeons if that's how it had to be then george would turn their home into a good home for pigeons [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it wasn't perfect [Music] yet compass good to see you yeah compass is an almost homing pigeon he won't admit he has a weak sense of direction george the doorman is the pigeon's friend he came to take him home to his real home [Music] everybody look who's home [Music] see he's back where he belongs [Music] i bought it for birds to sit in so you can draw them nice effort george but birds want to sit in a real tree [Music] compass look a real tree for you make yourself at home [Music] huh [Music] the pigeons still didn't know what george was but he sure made a good tree for something special you know what this morning's crying out for huh donuts [Music] hold on i i have to get dressed i can't go out like this all right all right i'm going [Music] you don't know impatient until you've been a monkey waiting for a donut how about eggs with those donuts hey count the eggs and write down how many we have [Music] ready so how many eggs do we have hmm there are no eggs well why didn't you write zero oh you don't know i thought i was teaching you everything and i forgot nothing zero alone means no eggs none at all but zero with other numbers makes the mean a lot more see if we write a zero after one that's ten [Music] write another zero that's a hundred that's a thousand ten thousand hey nice zeros you've got it whoa i'll go in here and buy eggs while you get the donuts okay one dozen donuts please we'll meet back home and be a good little monkey [Music] george was really hungry but his order only had a measly one on it huh then he remembered what the man with the yellow hat had told him about [Music] zeroes [Music] george chalky good to see you oh is that an order for your friend with the yellow hat 100 dozen our biggest daughter ever oh he must be having a giant donut party [Music] [Laughter] [Music] george realized what his zeroes had done but try explaining that to a dog [Music] george could only think of one solution to a problem this big [Music] george realized he couldn't go home because then those donut people would know where he lived [Music] so in the end george headed home with one dozen donuts there's no monkey on that dog [Music] monkey we lost him [Music] [Laughter] doorman [Music] oh what are we gonna do with them all [Music] so in the end george got one dozen donuts like he was supposed to hard-working firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left george if one car was fun imagine what you could do with two [Music] george had to show his great new car shoes to someone george couldn't wait to see the look on hundley's face [Music] that wasn't the look he expected [Music] hundley didn't want monkey hand prints all over the clean doors [Music] george didn't know how to turn around and go back [Music] i don't know we have too many roller skates now what can we do to make people more interested in skates well how about having a roller skating monkey give demonstrations and just where are we gonna find a roller skating monkey the skates are our gift to you you just skate in front of the store whenever you can george liked his new skates [Music] but what were these black things for [Music] george thought that even hundley would have to admire his skates especially since now he knew how to stop [Music] [Music] a monkey on wheels looked wrong but a proud sleek dachshund on nice wheels george knew exactly what hundley wanted to do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm no matter what george did they kept going faster and faster [Music] he couldn't imagine how they were ever going to stop then he could [Music] hundley i've been worried where have you you are a muddy mess oh looks like he's not the only one we can't have the tenant see us like this hundley i'll get a towel and get you cleaned up boy time for you to clean up too george [Music] hey wait a minute george hundley was sure if that monkey and cat hadn't been around he could have learned to skate say weren't there two pairs of skates must have been my imagination [Music] so what do you think very impressive i'm glad you liked it george oh we should go the rocket presentation is starting soon are you coming with us george or do you want to stay here and watch the clock [Music] well if it's okay with professor wiseman it's okay with me now if you want to see the little people play again move the minute hand once around to 12. have fun how long does it take to build a clock like that oh about three years oh that reminds me huh i'll be right back george be a good little monkey exactly george wanted to see the little people again that looked like george's friend compass the almost homing pigeon because when all the other homing pigeons homed in on the statue he almost made it [Applause] [Music] it was compass all right george was happy to see his friend the pigeon he couldn't fix the minute hand and that's what made the little people play george remembered there was another way into the clock the back [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh when you take something apart it's a good idea to pay attention to what went where where could george find out how a clock's parts go together the library of course he hopes studying the big clock would show him exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] george was glad that noise had stopped whose toes are these okay and this goes there now you see [Music] what a beautiful clock did you make it [Laughter] i know everything about clocks but not one thing about understanding monkey [Music] george how did this heavy metal tool box get so [Music] george thought he could keep the bunnies company while bill was away they were so still so quiet so fuzzy bunnies bunnies bill wouldn't mind if he petted one bunny just once if he was very very careful [Music] the bunnies were so still and quiet and fast they were almost too fast to see [Music] at least they couldn't get out of the [Music] yard [Music] bill was not going to be happy about this [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the bunnies this was a big game of hide and seek which was not good for george the bunnies were too fast george would have to out-think them he counted the bulls he caught whitey spotty black ears cottontail brownie and a jumpy squirrel [Music] [Applause] um add being grabbed by a monkey to the list of surprises that squirrels really don't like not all footprints lead to cute little bunnies [Music] george had caught every bunny except herbert nininger and bill would be home soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] george had looked everywhere what he needed was a bunny expert but who knew a lot about [Music] bunnies it wasn't going to work [Music] george tried to explain this was no time to play with a fuzz ball she had to find herbert nininger this was no ordinary fuzz this was the end of herbert nininger [Music] hey george keeping the bunnies company thanks as a reward for doing that and being so patient i'm gonna let you pet one right now petting a bunny isn't easy it's all about maintaining control step one unlock latch [Music] but you want a peta bunny don't you okay you sure are one careful kid hey how about acorn get in there for famous restaurant critic sally tessio when she likes a place business booms so it's very important that everything will be perfect she has the day look at the taste you said there'd be fresh bread i don't see any bread here [Music] well her taste is delicate butter voicey not so much [Music] this hard stuff was spaghetti didn't smell like anything [Music] george wanted to replace his broken piece he'd seen the chef put the rest of it in the pot it didn't smell like much and the steam coming out was hot george had to be careful it had changed maybe maybe it wasn't just donut makers maybe all kitchens were magic here was a pot that turned crisp things into floppy things [Music] what else could it turn floppy [Music] a soft floppy egg that'd be funny good candidate for flopification [Music] if sugar were soft and floppy instead of grainy [Music] you could chew it all day like gum he put some sugar in the flopification pot it disappeared well this made no sense at all [Music] george was pretty sure the brown thing was a potato weird green vegetable bats [Music] [Music] george knew the chef would be happy with all the fun extra things he'd turned floppy [Music] who turned my plain pasta into crowded spoon soap somehow flopification didn't work on spoons i don't like this at all but it smells good she was right the longer that stuff stayed in the flopifying pot the better it smelled do you know there's a cat and a monkey in your kitchen the monkey made this do no quite good but you said you know like it if you made it it's no good but for a monkey what's his recipe well um never mind i got it maybe kitchens aren't magic maybe it's cooks who are magic okay how you can lose so many balls huh [Music] any day that starts out just smelling and ends with a cookie is a pretty great day
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 989,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: ozanp1u1GZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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