George Gets A Webcam 🐵 Curious George 🐵 40 Minute Compilation 🐵Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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oh that is so cool [Music] hey watch this deep from the heart of darkness comes something truly terrifying hoagy the giant hamster oh no my two-sided marker i can't see it i know let's get hoagy to find it oh yeah okay hoagie find the marker boy hey i've been looking for that [Music] george couldn't believe all the stuff under aunt margaret's couch huh stairs [Music] what's the matter george hey that looks like the alley outside outside oh no pogie's escaped and he's got professor wiseman's camera [Music] boy bicycle bicycle bicycle [Music] am i gonna find a little bitty hamster out there [Music] good thinking we can look at the computer and figure out where hoagie is yeah yeah yeah looks like he's near the dinosaur bush see it's right here on the map [Music] okay we have to split up someone has to watch the computer so we know where hoagy goes we can use my walkie-talkies to communicate [Music] hockey can fly hmm [Laughter] [Music] george had hoagie [Music] but hoagie didn't have the camera so who did [Music] i lost the world's most incredible hamster he can ride a bike and fly george could chase the camera later first he wanted to get hoagie home and he could get there without a map [Music] george hokey landed in the park [Music] [Music] now he's walking and he's got a really big tongue george do you copy george hoagy i miss you buddy oh wait if you're here who's there hey that's our door uh coming camera charkie how'd you get this hello steve oh hey professor i still have your camera for you thanks oh my well i've gotta run wait professor you have to see this my hamster can fly come on hoagie show the professor fly buddy fly uh we know you can fly i don't get it [Music] it's not every day that a monkey sees a plane writing words in the sky it says come one come all to a totally unique wind symphony be there or be square huh i have no idea what that means wind symphony one night only be there or be square but i guess we should be there i certainly don't want to be square ah um [Music] a symphony in the making and there's the maestro in charge mr zubal yep last week he made me this beautiful pocket oh [Music] ah when i heard this delicate sound i thought let's make it 20 times bigger 40 times so you want mr zubal to create a giant wind chime exactly something that makes a lot of noise when the wind blows how's it coming zuma i'm sorry but i'm an artist not a musician i don't know if i can make this work [Music] ah music to my ears i have faith in you zubal you'll think of something you have until saturday that's tomorrow hmm say george do you want to help me make a wind symphony [Music] i can state categorically that when we'll be arriving uh soon no later than wednesday wednesday oh that's no good i need wind now [Music] oh boy this is a disaster look all those people are expecting a world-class symphonic event in 23 minutes good luck maestros yeah you said it george yeesh if the wind symphony was going to work george had better go find some wind [Music] george grabbed anything that looked like he could make wind fans the vacuum cleaner the bellows from the fireplace a piece of paper oh and this looked good too [Music] this is so exciting i am one of uh the patrons did you know no i didn't congratulations attention attention please without further ado let the symphony begin hit it george [Laughter] [Music] it was working sort of [Music] this is the world's quietest wind symphony george bellowed until he could bellow no more [Music] you're in luck mr glass i was able to call in the 57th street whirlybird squadron wind is on the way [Music] my arms are about to break oh well [Music] [Music] beautiful what did i tell you maestros when glass wants wind glass gets wind [Applause] [Music] breakfast was george's favorite meal of the day along with lunch and dinner george could you pass the pepper please [Music] always made george sneeze are you all right [Music] that's some mess you made i'll go get the sponge oh except i'm late for a meeting i have to go can you clean up george thanks and make sure to vacuum up all the crumbs i saw an ant in here a few days ago no george that's a bad thing yes once ants discover food in an apartment you can never get rid of them never [Music] george had another idea maybe he could get the ants inside the trash can by filling it with food [Music] the ant trap was ready [Music] it was working the ants crawled into the can as fast as their legs would carry them [Music] wow [Music] george had to get the ants out of the apartment fast before they escaped the ants were outside problem solved except now they had a new problem where would they put them [Music] they couldn't put the ants on the sidewalk they'd get squished and they'd get even more squished on the street [Music] park the ants would love it there [Music] but he made a very big noise [Music] [Music] george and hundley set the ants free in a nice empty area of the park where no one would step on [Music] george said goodbye to each and every aunt this could take a while it had been quite a morning but the ants were gone and everything was okay george i can't believe this apartment [Music] george had forgotten to clean up his mess good job george not only did you clean the apartment you also took out the trash he did oh yeah he did of course you also shoved napkins and handkerchiefs into the wall and covered it with bandages but i'm not even gonna ask [Music] you just sit down and take it easy i'll go make us some lunch [Music] george could finally relax the apartment was clean and he'd never have to worry about ants again [Music] the men with the yellow hat love jazz [Music] george liked popping beets too [Music] popcorn oh good idea [Music] i'm howling hal continuing with our bonnie smooth marathon i love bonnie smooth and for all you bonnie smooth lovers out there now's your chance to win two free tickets to bonnie's concert tonight just be the first caller to tell me what is bonnie's favorite snack oh you make the popcorn i'll make the call [Music] there's nothing a monkey likes better than pushing buttons [Music] you have to push the buttons in the right order remember oh push the timer it's the button with the clock on it then push 2 0 0 for 2 minutes got it then push the green triangle to start [Music] hello caller so what's my smooth's favorite snack raisins come on down and get your front row tickets oh does he not realize bonnie smooth is calling in five minutes maybe george can hook up the call he can make popcorn and program the vcr a lot of steps we could draw another picture it worked last time i think it's too much to show in a picture i know we'll make a model huh done it looks uh terrible close enough the phone we forgot the phone [Music] the call wasn't coming through the phone this time what had he forgotten hal helen howe oh i thought i'd missed you how are you oh [Music] my boss always said a monkey could do my job thanks for letting me come on with my new song i wrote a special for you you know and it goes like this [Music] i'm back did i miss anything hey there's a monkey in the booth not now he's in the middle of an interview [Music] george was very proud of himself he had run an entire radio station maybe someday he could even learn how to tie his shoes or dancing down the sidewalk swinging on a breeze pretty city committee pod number seven come to order george was honored when steve asked him to be part of his pod as you know the mayor has declared today's city prettification day that's right steve pods will be fanning out all over the city to pick up litter and we'll make the city pretty right again steve later this afternoon i will pick a winner pods will be judged according to the prettiness of their streets the amount of trash they collect and their can-do spirit steve asked me to mention that the winning pod will get their picture on this pretty city poster ah can't you just see my face i mean our pod plastered all over the city good luck part seven i'll see you at three o'clock sharp for the judging i expect great critification huh finding things that went together wasn't gonna be easy the pirate ship floated on water and was made of wood the duck floated on water but it wasn't made of wood um and the heart-shaped box wouldn't float very well at all [Music] what about a collection of round things he had a lot of those [Music] but wait that meant he'd have to throw out the ship [Music] well since the boat was made of wood george decided to have a wood collection [Music] but then he'd have to give up his watch [Music] there were blue things and things that were half blue half green [Music] at last george knew just what to do [Music] okay it looks like we've weighed all the bags where's george we can't win without his [Music] um trash bag is empty [Music] um george is that the only thing that didn't fit into your collection oh there may be more trash upstairs but i think we have to go see well this is highly unorthodox but okay now i have to warn you the apartment may look a little messy so [Music] well i'll be that is beautiful george beautiful oh it's a work of art a color collection way to go george and what better way to capture the can-do spirit of pretty city day than to turn trash into something well pretty with your permission i'd like to hang this in the city art museum in fact i think that would ensure that pod seven led by steve will be on the pretty city poster i hereby declare that pod seven led by steve is the winner of the city prettification contest [Applause] isn't it great george my uh i mean our picture on a poster thanks to your work of art [Music] hey that looks like a number two carbon pencil stub nice yellow this was a good beginning of a whole new collection [Music] italian chefs have a word for perfectly cooked spaghetti al dente which means not too hard and not too soft tonight chef pisghetti's pasta was not al dente it was did i hear her did she come back i think something's bothering chef pisghetti it's gnocchi i cannot concentrate on my cooking because my beloved pico logato has abandoned me matty the accordion ah here we go again [Music] oh no more happy times watching her play hat or pesto now gnocchi only stays for breakfast and then poof we don't see her till bedtime why what did i do oh she used to play in the alley all the day oh look here she is on an old canvas drop cloth that someone threw out the way she clawed at it i think she was afraid of it oh and the old cardboard boxes those were always getting in her way oh those old carpets liked them but they always made her fur so dirty and there she is waiting by the old wooden door oh she scratched and scratched and scratched it wanting to go in and out so i got a new one with the cat door she can't mess this one up it's metal and i cleaned the garbage out of the alley to make it neat for her if you wanted to keep your alley cat at home maybe you needed places to scratch like the ones where she roamed [Music] but what if george found a way for gnocchi to roam at home in chef pisghetti's basement he stacked his carpet pieces like bags of rice [Music] turned his crate into a tree he set his canvas up high [Music] and his boxes became a menu board [Music] only instead of burritos it had bolognese now came the hard part waiting [Music] you think this will keep my gnocchi at home giorgio [Music] oki i have a surprise for you [Music] oh she doesn't come it is hopeless [Music] she's here she likes it she really likes it [Music] quick nettie get the accordion now that gnocchi was scratching at home soon there would be pasta al dente for everyone [Music] it's no secret that all little monkeys love to dance [Music] when george got an invitation to ally's dance party he went into dance overdrive [Music] he danced while he dried whoo go george go wow that dance is really looking good he danced while he brushed [Music] sometimes he even danced while he slept [Music] it was bill [Music] george wondered if he was going to ally's party too [Music] i'm thinking it may be moving look after my stuff will ya why the dance party that's why what did i tell you george even the rankings are practicing [Music] it's called social dancing man they're good [Music] i bet ally does that dance too it's right on her card [Music] this will probably shock you george seeing as how i'm an expert at bunnies and boat building and pretty much everything but i can't dance [Music] anyone want to go fishing [Applause] oh what's this uh our our dance map we're learning the box step oh the box stamp hey this time george placed the dance steps so they could watch each other ready sure i guess is hey bill thanks for coming to my party [Music] did you go to the dentist [Music] what are we going to do what's wrong uh my shoe is untied but it's velcro i need to tighten it okay how can we remember the dance without the map [Music] and then george saw it [Music] the box step was shaped like a box i see all we have to do is make a box with our feet [Music] uh may i have this dance why certainly sure hey that's some fancy dance oh you danced beautifully and george too i wish i knew that dance you mean you don't know it the only dance i know is this whoops your dance looks fine oh and i've got the perfect song it makes me think of you george [Music] [Applause] [Music] the george school of dance was definitely getting off on the right foot [Music] it was a great day to fly a kite with a friend kite flying friends are forever even if good weather isn't [Music] hey come back here [Music] all right [Music] [Music] i think we need a new kite [Music] we don't have enough money george oh you know you could put the kite on layaway you give us part of the money now and we'll save the kite for you until you have the rest so after we pull the weeds we'll have exactly 20 minutes to walk the dogs 25 minutes to mow the lawn etc etc which leaves us 45 minutes to pick apples at the rankings then on monday morning we get our kite but only if we finish all our jobs so we have to stick to this schedule [Music] this is a lot george they told us down at the store about you and bill wanting to buy a kite by monday morning so you're saying the weather got in your way well that's why you got to make hay while the sun shines huh that's farmer's talk means you can't fight the weather when it rains you stay inside and fix the tractor when it's sunny you go outside and mow the hay [Music] george realized that he had outside jobs and inside jobs maybe instead of fighting the weather he should just come up with a new schedule [Music] but he supposed got into him an idea most likely [Music] why won't this weather cooperate [Laughter] what are you doing here a visit isn't on the schedule stop you're getting the cards out of order george rearranged the cards into two groups inside jobs they could do while the weather was bad and outside jobs for when the sun was shining can stacking basement cleaning okay those are inside jobs apple picking and raking those are outside jobs [Music] so you're saying do the inside jobs now huh that's a great idea george i should have thought of that come on for the rest of that day bill and george did their inside jobs [Music] and the next day when the weather was good they finished all their outside jobs good job george good job bill and on monday morning a very tired bill and a very tired george bought their kite well well you have more than enough here's the change george and george even had enough money to give to some needy friends here you go [Laughter] so once again it was a great day for two friends to fly a kite and to take a nap [Music] some important events happen just once a year new year's eve the first day of school [Applause] and of course the annual corn roast and attic auction at endless park elementary this is really good yum taste this get your fresh roasted corn [Music] this must be what they're going to sell at the auction george was excited he had one whole dollar to spend on whatever he wanted okay so the bidding will start at one hundred dollars george [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] why isn't mr glass bidding here let me try uh did you notice these mittens have elephants [Music] and they're red and there are two of them [Music] right one for each hand or foot [Music] he's still not beating uh mr glass isn't there oh time was running out if george didn't get these mittens sold a hundred pigs were going to be very clean i look for mr glass you keep trying to sell the mittens [Music] look they're not just mittens they're earmuffs [Music] there he is mr glass [Music] excuse me you know these are hand knit mittens knitted by hands by these hands in fact [Music] um perhaps you can tell us something about your technique yes i use yarn [Music] and knitting needles [Applause] mr glass [Music] my bike [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you still want those red mittens oh absolutely i love those mittens they're unique great because george doesn't have a hundred dollars so he put them up for auction again so you could buy them and the library could get 101 only now there's only one minute of bidding time left one minute how are we gonna get to the auction in one minute um right there are two of them and the wool is from a very nice sheep named carmen let's face it no one's gonna buy those mittens stop those mittens i'll pay a hundred and one dollars sold [Music] this was great the library had 101 and george didn't have to wash a hundred pigs [Music] still he would miss his mittens don't worry george i'll need you another pair of mittens with giraffes [Music] it had been raining in the country a lot rainy days were great for vegetables and pigs but not for tractors [Music] i'm gonna need a tow truck [Music] i wish we had something fun to do huh george uh-huh whoa [Music] my toss is way off since i sprained my thumb ah some wrestling injury i really miss it sorry about your paper it's okay hey that's something fun to do we could get the paper down first we have to build an elevator oh whoa [Music] crazy huh an artist next town over made a giant sculpture of his dog hey that would be fun let's do that let's make a ginormous sculpture i wish i could make a ginormous sculpture but i've got this bum thumb hmm oh you can supervise cool so what should we make [Music] suddenly george saw the perfect thing [Applause] [Music] look it works [Music] once ali perfected her mud recipe their ginormous sculpture really started shaping up looking good the tractor is in really deep i've never seen this much mud in my life i'm telling you it was buried [Music] i wonder where all that mud went cool i like it yeah it looks great oops we look awful i'll get a hose so you can wash up [Music] there all better [Music] i want to show grandma grandpa [Music] no i just want to spend some time with my thumb [Music] so that's where all that mud went that's a good-looking thumb yep she's a beauty your thumb is gonna be famous bill people are gonna come from all over the world just to see it well if you say so what on earth excuse me we're looking for the giant sculpture of the huh no dog we don't have a dog but we have this that's something yep i'm pretty proud of it and it's an original work of mud we've been driving around all afternoon looking for that giant dog but there's no better statue than the one that you can find [Music] we should have packed a lunch i'm hungry me too we've gotta get some food somewhere thank you peanut butter [Music] this day went from being boring to way better [Music] yeah it's a great song [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 689,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: f9O9SCw5d5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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