Curious George 🐵 Hole in The Roof 🐵Compilation 🐵 HD 🐵 Cartoons For Children

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george felt awful he'd kept the man up again okay george i'm good on my run [Music] after a cup of tea if only he had some way to quietly find the kitchen in the dark he couldn't see or hear his way maybe george could taste his way [Music] george don't eat off the floor use a sponge [Music] okay so he couldn't use taste what other senses were there want some honey in your oatmeal maybe touch if george felt honey with his feet he'd know he was going the wrong way [Music] he was so excited about his path he could hardly wait until he couldn't fall asleep to try it out [Music] the honey was working he was finding his way by touch [Music] trouble is once you step in honey it sticks to your feet [Music] before you know it it feels like it's everything [Music] george what are you do oh [Music] george needed to feel his way with something less messy maybe something soft [Music] we're going for a ride george [Music] george's soft path had to work [Music] why because the man's race was tomorrow and he needed to get some sleep oh i'm okay george's stuffed animals would tell him where the furniture was but he needed more soft things to lead him to the kitchen [Music] george sure hoped his path worked [Music] sorry so late i kept falling asleep big race tomorrow i gotta go to bed early right after something ah george didn't even have to wait until bedtime to try his soft path out [Music] he did it he'd made it to the kitchen and he didn't wake the man [Music] in fact he used his path many many many times [Music] because he was so excited about the man's race tomorrow he was the one who couldn't sleep [Music] the next morning george was there to cheer on the man as he swam [Music] and ran his way to the finish line oh did you see that joy eh george [Music] the pigeon made his choice [Music] the pipe cleaner tree looked nice [Music] but a tree needs to be bigger [Music] so [Music] for research [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it wasn't perfect oh yet [Music] george's tree had everything a tree has including a homing pigeon in his new home [Music] oh look at this look at this wow that's a lot of dirt i left hundley in charge and when i came back dirt everywhere if only i spoke dachshund i wish you spoke pigeon [Music] is that a tree george had never felt prouder now that he had the perfect home the bird could live here forever [Music] compass good to see you yeah compass is an almost homing pigeon he won't admit he has a weak sense of direction george the doorman is the pigeon's friend he came to take him home to his real home [Music] everybody look who's home [Music] see he's back where he belongs [Music] i bought it for birds to sit in so you can draw them nice effort george but birds want to sit in a real tree [Music] compass look a real tree for you make yourself at home [Music] the pigeon still didn't know what george was but he sure made a good tree [Music] george look at the size of this squash i pulled out of the garden [Music] lost your way huh [Music] well it always points north you figure out which way you want to go and you can tell where you're facing because you always know which way is north hey can i have that dirt my bunny dug holes all over the lawn and dad says i have to fill them up [Music] boy can that bunny dig thanks anything you want to borrow just ask [Music] what you think of something you want to borrow already [Music] okay gophers stroll in eat delicious grapes trigger the rope gate slam shut and wham gotcha gophers [Music] hey gophers come on in here have a delicious grape oh no [Music] are you here to catch them or feed them just uh testing out the gopher cage it works it's pretty good [Music] oh oh boy i'm back don't worry i'm gonna go get the extra heavy equipment which has never ever failed i'll just be back i'm gonna go [Music] george had everything he needed a compass a professional digger [Applause] [Music] and a way to get rid of the used dirt [Music] all he needed was enough time [Music] attention gophers all aboard the calhoun crane express [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you can't hide anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i did it i caught you you great stealings monkey i've got you george calhoun i have decided the gophers aren't as annoying as you you go the gophers can stay oh oh boy [Music] oh what a mess so uh who wants to help me clean this up i can pay in grapes [Music] this was wrong apples were still at squirrel level there had to be some way to restart everything [Music] [Music] all of the rankings beautiful apples were being chopped to bits [Music] a squirrel proof lid george thought that was a good idea it sure went on tightly [Music] too tight what a mess george had to do something the golden liquid tasted good a lot like apples but there was just too much of it luckily someone had left behind some empty milk containers [Music] [Music] a few more [Music] there had to be a way to stop this thing [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] finally huh that's odd george do you know where my yellow hat is [Music] oh boy where is it how did that happen no more bottles [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh gee he hasn't filled the card yet hey up there no playing in the trees till all the pickings done thank you oh i i'm just getting my hat [Music] i'll be the rankings would surely be mad that george ruined all of their apples you've done a fantastic job all that cider already pressed and bottled oh thank you george george so who'd have thought a monkey would do the hard work while his human friend was outside swinging in the trees but i i just need oh the important thing is the harvest is in [Music] that was fast wow this is some operation designed and built up myself see the apples are washed here and then we lift them up to the chopper chopped apples give more juice that's right we press the juice out of the apples here and then bottle it down here so george didn't ruin the apples after all he just turned them into cider [Music] you've got an unusual way of stacking [Music] yeah george if you weren't careful the renkins could have had quite a mess on their hands oh look an apple got caught i'll get it no don't [Music] here george you earned it george appreciated it but he'd had enough apples for one day the contestants lined up and the signal was given to start the race the leaning tower team was the first to take off [Music] what did we say about claws in the balloon they landed in florence italy nine minutes later lieutenant doxie was sure he would win the race [Music] and then he wasn't sir the drive belt snapped we can't go if the prop don't spin there was no chance of winning now but then the monkey tightened his rubber band one turn too many chuck monkey had to help but his plane couldn't fly fortunately duxy's ship was still on the ground [Music] he explained the emergency as they took off but lieutenant doxie didn't understand [Music] the monkey ruined his ship and now he was about to do the same to the doxies i got a belt sir come back but they couldn't go back because they couldn't control this ship [Music] if they didn't get a belt quickly they too would blow into the eiffel tower [Music] clothes for a belt what a great idea oh [Music] go [Music] how can i ever thank you putting the baron in an emergency life balloon the clever flyers use their ship's propellers to create a wind to blow him back to the landing field [Music] they save the baron but they were in last place [Music] still no obstacle was too big for chuck monkey and lieutenant doxie [Music] maybe together they could win this race [Music] oh it wasn't 1909. hundley wasn't in a race and his balloon was still stuck oh but if it was a dream why could he still hear his airship's propeller the fan it sounded a lot like a propeller and it looked a lot like a propeller and if it moved air it would move things that were in the air right george raced back without the fishing pole because he had another idea and it was the same idea that hundley just had [Music] george aimed the fan [Music] hundley barked orders like a famous aviator aiming the wind behind the balloon george could push it where he wanted it to go [Music] air conditioning is all fixed hundley you're relieved from duty you want to go to the park and fly that plane george [Music] hundley had something else he needed to do won't be needing this anymore you want it on okay kind of noisy if you want a nap it was exactly what hundley wanted to hear because he had some unfinished business back in 1909 with the aid of a monkey the doxie is pulling ahead folks if they win this one people will be talking about this victory a hundred years from now [Music] the man went home but george chose to stay out in case he could do more good and get more rewards george sure picked the right person to help hi is one of you steve i forgot to leave this for a steve at 11 n avenue if it's not you i'll go back and bring it myself no that's me it's the new game i ordered ozone piercing highway weasels three thanks [Music] isn't that our neighbor monkey his name is george george you're doing that the hard way you need wheels [Music] i think he wants to give these back to the mail carrier lady she doesn't want it back it's her job to leave packages for people see this number is the number on our building that shows her where to leave it the numbers on all of them match the buildings didn't you notice [Music] his pursuit of free fresh fruit had driven him to crime accidentally anything for this building [Music] hold it that says 15. we have to find one that says eight [Music] you're gonna have to move faster than this [Music] while betsy and george searched steve kept on delivering [Music] you organized them good job george none for eight but we have three packages for 14. even numbers are on this side of the street odd on that side so they set out to try their system turkey helped too steve ran fast but his packages were out of order while the monkey girl dog team delivered their packages in a row [Music] i've delivered 11 packages hey where'd all the packages go we just delivered our 11th also so whoever delivers their next one fastest wins 20 back across the street again we're gonna win he's going far away this one is for nine and avenue there is no nine what do we do there's seven and eleven [Music] well now i was there when that package was delivered so someone must have stolen it uh send a policeman uh send two policemen uh no four i want someone arrested [Music] found it [Music] yes it's a tie does that mean we get to play the game no you had to win to play all right you can play i can't believe it was my game i left it here where could it have gone i was beating the record and i was on level seven [Music] me [Music] lucky had never seen one of these before he liked the way it felt he liked the way it sounded but he did not like the way it smelled nope that didn't smell like hundley but what did hundley smell like oh yeah he smelled like that hundley smell [Music] now where could george get something that smelled like hundley this pillow smelled like hundley and then some [Music] [Music] that was the sound of lucky's friend hundley was here no doubt about it hundley was inside this thing [Music] but lucky was sure hundley was in here somewhere [Music] hmm [Music] lucky was somewhere in the walls hi george we're on our way home with pizza and dinosaur bones i hope you and lucky are having fun how could he find lucky behind the wall if he couldn't see or hear him [Music] [Music] at that moment hundley realized every undignified moment of his life involved george [Music] hundley had enough now his nose was starting to itch [Music] lucky recognized that sound [Music] [Music] george had to hope he was right the more hundley sneezed the closer he was to lucky [Music] george knew exactly where lucky was except he was still inside the wall i heard hundley sneezing through the grate downstairs please keep that cat away where is the cat oh boy does nobody move [Music] all right little guy you're free [Music] oh george wait till you hear about the weird digging we did today [Music] i'm learning that sometimes it's better not to even ask [Music] that rock was the snowman's head [Music] that one was his middle and that was his bottom [Music] there was just one problem boulders were heavy [Music] [Applause] making a summer snowman was harder than george had thought [Music] ah all this heat and sand makes the farm feel like the desert now now without this sand we can't make grout for our fireplace huh [Music] wet sand stuck together it didn't melt it wasn't heavy and george knew where to find tons of it ah the summer shuttle's ready george where should we take her for a test drive the beach oh yeah why not hey maybe the renkins and bill would like to come along too [Music] oh there is nothing like a crisp cool sea breeze surf's up oh look at all this sand imagine how much grout we could make [Music] even with the right mix of sand and water it was impossible to roll a ball of sand like snow [Music] then george remembered how he made a sand castle [Music] he could shape the sand without rolling it hi george making a bigger and better sand castle [Music] oh i get it a snowman made of sand neat idea [Music] wow you'd never catch bugs that big on the farm that's cause these are sand crabs don't you know what a crab looks like this can't be the first time you've been to the beach can it no of course not uh we were here not more than uh oh 46 years ago 49. oh what is that oh can't you tell it's a snowman a snowman needs branches for arms yes and coal for its smiling face hey we could find those things let's go why not let's all make a snowman look i've got his arms and here's a perfect nose this count will work just fine hey it's starting to look like winter on the hottest day of the year george this is one snowman that'll never melt my that cool rain feels nice sos save our snowman hurry [Music] sorry we couldn't stop the rain george hey cheer up helping you build your summer snowman kept us all cool he's right the breeze the ocean and the rain made me forget there was a heat wave that's right [Music] come on i'm ready [Applause] george never forgot how fun it was to build a snowman at the beach but on a freezing cold winter day all he needed [Music] was some sand [Music] foreign
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,716,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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