Curious George 🐵 George and Allie's Lawn Service 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Cartoons For Children

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[Music] careful george that feels chock full of poison ivy and that stuff will really make you itch see the leaves that's how you can tell there's an old saying leaves of three let them be [Music] hey george you want to meet our new kids [Music] see these are our kids is what you call a baby goat oh look at that they chewed right through the latch and they chew on everything [Music] george had a great idea yeah grandpa we'll keep them out of trouble okay if you think you can handle them good luck thanks susie sammy [Music] get out of my flowers we're coming grandma lance sakes put down that begonia had to be a better way to keep goats out of trouble than chasing them around all day oh that's just the old dog pen we don't use it anymore [Music] george thought he'd solve the goat problem once and for all but the goats thought differently [Music] oh no where'd they go this time no [Music] no [Music] have fun george was going to make sure that this time sammy and susie couldn't escape [Music] wrong again [Music] ah [Music] but where can we put them that they won't get out [Music] ah [Music] it's the perfect place to keep [Music] uh you two better take the goats back home i think your grandpa might be planning to give them away [Music] it's too bad grandpa is giving the goats away just because they eat stuff nobody's perfect i mean look at ulysses he's stubborn but grandpa's not giving him away allie was right ulysses was stubborn but he was also useful sammy and susie would be useful once they could give milk if only there were a way they could be useful now [Music] poison ivy and the goats were eating it would they get a rash in their bellies well they say goats have cast iron stomachs i guess they can eat anything george might have found a way for the kids to be useful oh hi george say where are ally and the goats grandpa look at sammy and susie well i'll be they're clearing my field george figured out a way for them to be useful like ulysses they can eat poison ivy they rip it right out by the roots what do you know hey i can plow this field now i could plant alfalfa or or bean sprouts rutabagas thanks sammy you too susie hey renkins is that code eating your poison ivy she sure is they love it they're clearing grandpa's field for him i got some poison ivy needs clearing out too can i bomb uh-huh you bet mister and that's how george and ali's lawn service was born [Music] best of all george and ali's lawnmowers didn't need gas [Music] yeah well this supplies a rare now just breathe naturally george your helmet contains a camera microphone and headphones this locator will flash when you're close to the satellite [Music] be a good little sea monkey [Music] careful don't get distracted [Music] the reef's home to all kinds of sea life sort of like how a big city is home to all kinds of people [Music] what happened george can you hear us [Music] the coral reef was so much fun george almost forgot why he was there [Applause] [Music] oh george you're near the satellite head to the c4 [Music] can you see it [Music] what did you find it nice but we're not looking for crabs george [Music] [Music] are those sharks those are small reef sharks they're not interested in monkeys the coral reef supplies them with food [Music] he found it that's my monkey george can you see an open place to move the satellite to [Music] good now release your emergency marker [Music] i'll fly over and drop you a line [Music] uh [Music] all right george now attach the hook to the satellite [Music] i was gonna bring you up one at a time but this worked too [Music] hmm the data module is intact our research is saved thanks to george george flying in a helicopter was fun but george liked exploring the ocean better because in the sky there are no sea turtles [Music] so the next morning the man with the yellow hat packed at picnic lunch i think we have all the ingredients it takes to relax one professor [Music] well this is all going perfectly i think you'd like a pickle [Music] turn it like this [Music] this is sure to relax you well honestly i'm just as happy sitting on the ground but what could be more relaxing than hanging from a tree watch you just lie back and let your troubles melt away thanks george george [Music] oh are you hurt no i uh i landed on my hat oh no only an hour left to squeeze in some real relaxation now we're not gonna create any more work for professor wiseman right okay come on come on come on come on come on [Music] feed the ducks youtube fun relaxation ducks okay here i go [Laughter] george carefully no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks [Music] but your hat is waddling away [Music] oh my hat [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't i i should okay how aha we can use the kite string to fish the hat out of the water i just need a hook [Music] perfect choice [Music] okay wanna toss it george [Music] hmm we need more weight okay try again [Music] see that branch we can use it to lift the hat we can [Music] [Music] fantastic [Applause] oh thank you thank you oh this wasn't what i planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what i had a very relaxing day relaxing exactly hands-on problem solving not like work where i just answer questions and shuffle paper ah well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting [Music] come on george i think it's time for a nap hello baseball fans looks to be an exciting contest of bears versus babies it says our scorekeeper has a boo-boo and can't make it george could be scorekeeper you think you can do it kid you have to hang a new number each time a team scores a run then what are you waiting for go keep score [Music] will marco be able to score from first base [Music] time to put up a number [Music] ah folks uh i gotta clean my glasses because i did not see five runs being scored hey george that's the wrong number lower kid [Music] i'll show you you start with one then comes two then three oh then four five six seven eight nine and ten that's the right order oh i know whenever i can't remember something i make it a song because songs have a way of staying with you but what's a good song how about one two three four five six seven eight nine nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten then you sing it again oh you try it [Music] good job george here's the pitch looks like it could get out of here it's going going a fantastic airfield my mom's on the phone and i have to talk to her i wish there was someone who could help you but there isn't really you can help awesome but but first i have to see if you're qualified [Music] ah it fits you got the job good news people this very nice monkey is taking my place [Music] after seven comes eight then nine then 10. this was going to be easy [Music] george had no idea what number came after that um excuse me i'm number 16. i should get my drink before 17 gets his pretzel hold on you can't serve 16 before you serve 14. do you know your numbers [Music] cool so what comes after ten well i'll show you it's easy just cover the first part of the number with your hand and look at the second part c one two so eleven then twelve [Music] awesome do you want me to take over hey kid where you been um i'll never mind that it's clutch time it's the last inning bottom of the ninth the score is tied four to four there are two outs and marco's up to bat but he hurt his foot playing shortstop and now he can't run can you run the bases for him [Music] so if i hit the ball will you run for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if bases were like everything else then george should win them in order in first base first second base second and third base third freaking home kit freaking hole [Applause] [Music] and i couldn't have done it without you george we're so proud that was a fine hit marco and a fine run kid kid there he is [Music] [Applause] the n avenue animal shelter scavenger hunt is about to begin boys i tell you team pisghetti is going to do very very well today maybe we won't win but we're gonna raise a lot of money for a good cause who says we won't win ah well we're pretty good but we're never going to beat my cousin you have a cousin chef pisghetti i thought i knew all about making the mud pies [Music] until i saw cousin nilgrayness you're each being handed the list of shapes some are easy some are hard and worth more points whoever has the most points at the end wins the golden rectangle you have one hour ready on your mark get set hunt four white rectangles it's worth four points but you have to have all four well hi george [Music] four black five squares [Music] one two three four five six seven eight octagon eight more points good work giorgio [Music] eggs that perfectly egg-shaped 12 points for a blue ring let's go [Music] hey jojo what is that the balloon head kind of nice [Music] giorgio did you see that how clever you are a blue ring ah i bet we win yes we have a total of 48. 48 points and 21 minutes left what's next oh only hard ones eight things that add up to one huh what else a hundred diamonds ooh they're worth a hundred points but you have to have all 100 diamonds hmm george remembered a diamond that's diamond-shaped all right only 99 left to go you rescued it thank you so much nice breeze our octagon oh [Music] all gone ah maybe we're not as clever as i thought george wished he could cheer up chef pisghetti then he remembered the one thing that always cheered him up why worry about making the best mud pie or winning a race i got all my good friends and if my pizza makes you happy well then what more could i ask nothing like a slice of pizza or two or sometimes all eight huh it's true sometimes i eat all my goodness eight eight pieces eight slices that add up to one one pizza that's the answer nettie i love you oh [Music] ladies and gentlemen we have a score as you know the sponsors of the hunt based their donation on the number of points the teams accrue this year i'm proud to say the shelter will have the biggest donation ever thanks to the winning team team pisghetti [Music] the animals of the n avenue shelter thank you oh i'm so happy george was glad he'd helped the chef with the contest but win or lose the chef was always a champion to george george was too excited to sleep he wondered if it was time to start 15 more minutes he decided to let the man sleep until the alarm woke him up george could handle a little farm work alone sinchie [Music] the rankins didn't say whether he should wake leslie up before milking her they said remember to milk her from the side [Music] except george forgot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one two three four five five chicks and one jumpy squirrel huh huh that wasn't right [Music] george had seen mrs renkins drive the tractor but how did she turn it off [Music] [Applause] maybe working a farm was more than one monkey could handle alone [Music] george cut it out oh hi mike mike how did you get in here the the alarms turned off there's there's a pig in my bed george [Music] george what are you how did okay okay just just sit tight okay [Music] are you okay george [Music] [Applause] [Music] well let's round them up partner [Music] i don't know if you did that on purpose george but it worked [Music] well don't relax yet george we promised the rankings we'd have the chores done before they got back [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a dozen eggs ten plus two [Music] one two three four quarts george nice job [Music] all done just in time too welcome home so how'd he do oscar won he's the prettiest pig you've ever seen it's official [Music] tough morning huh well um actually yeah you know because you're such a good farmer huh yeah that and the fact that mike's on your roof what that's how george learned to always count everything twice and check your roof for pigs can you sign right here but charkie sure seem to [Music] so he had to find a way to protect that box fast [Music] [Music] this bell would ring if anyone bothered the box [Music] now that the box was safe george had to figure out how to get it back to aunt margaret's place what was the right size and shape to carry that box and charkie proof too charkie still couldn't resist a puddle now where could i have put those bowling balls [Music] hiya george how you doing [Music] hmm [Music] wow [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thing charkie never got tired of chasing her toys [Music] with all these boxes how would george ever find the right one [Music] george picked out all the boxes that looked like his but which box was his they all look the same what else was special about his box the smell [Music] oh [Music] hey george wow thanks for straightening out all my boxes you need a lift hop on after all i am a delivery man [Music] have a nice day [Music] hi george did my package arrived [Music] george was proud to give aunt margaret her package safe and sound well i see you took good care of it thank you oh easy girl after i left i remembered what was in this box you didn't have to protect this one from charkie [Music] these are the new dog toys i ordered for her [Music] this was the greatest ending to the greatest game charkie had ever played [Music] all thanks to george hey george [Music] snow blocks i'm building a house out of snow although the correct term is igloo suddenly that was exactly what george wanted to do build an igloo and sleep in it just like bill [Music] you want to help me and sleep in the igloo too [Music] george that's not the proper technique guess i better show you see the first thing you do is mark a circle in the snow that's your foundation then you take the biggest blocks and fit them together like this [Music] yep and when we're all done we can just smooth out the inside [Music] as they built it up the igloo started to look like a volleyball cut in half you have to cram it in so it'll hold the walls in place [Music] now i'll just make a few air holes and once we fill all these cracks of snow it'll stay pretty warm [Music] the inside of the igloo was smaller than george thought [Music] you want to build your own igloo i wish i could help you but i gotta fill up these cracks and then do my chores [Music] and taller and brought in some furniture [Music] wow good window are you sure you want to spend the night in here george okeydoke i guess it's time to make the cocoa wow the only thing is it might get cold at night the bigger the igloo the colder it gets george wasn't worried he figured he'd just wear his coat to bed remember if you get cold you can always come inside all right then be a good little monkey two hours later he woke up freezing [Music] it was a little cold to be doing this and it was too big a job huh [Music] and maybe he still could [Music] he could build his igloo right inside the house a smaller igloo george figured he'd better turn down the thermostat so his igloo wouldn't melt [Music] it's freezing i must have turned the heat down too low [Music] wow the heat is off no wonder it's so cold [Music] we did it george uh oh george [Music] oh hi bill are you sitting down um no okay i don't want to alarm you but george is not in his igloo don't worry he's probably upstairs and [Music] what oh boy george [Music] uh george why is there melted igloo in the living room [Music] uh-huh you were cold outside [Music] so you thought you'd build an igloo inside makes sense for a city kid as the sprout master of sprout troop number 674 i am proud to present bill with his badge in winter camping wow there and now george and i would like to invite you all to a little celebration [Music] george's igloo might be too cold for sleeping but it was just right for a party hey george got any ice for the punch [Music] wow thanks and that was the start of the monkey igloo social club open every weekend until it melted in the spring [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,942,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: eUt1kL8485Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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