Curious George 🐵Follow that Boat 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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the subway will take you anywhere in the city even to ancient Egypt thanks to the museum this looks great it looks exactly like the real thing see oh it's a hawk it warns people that this is the pharaoh's barge ha my history teacher is gonna love it at least our hope she'll love it I've really need an A there's only one thing left to do huh see if there folks oh man this is great I can see if my bar holds up in bad weather [Music] she takes it dripping and keeps on well my history teachers gonna be so impressed I mean I actually did my homework I need an a to pass the class George was sure Steve would get an A his homework floated really well unfortunately it was floating away you can't go down there you don't understand my history homework is in there and I've just got to get it back I've just gotta otherwise I'll be stuck in classes like kids sister next year that's rough yeah you're telling me hold on anything that goes down a drain goes to the wastewater treatment plant maybe your homework is there then we're going there too boys mostly from car and truck engines and sand and grit from construction or sand used on icy roads in winter and solids that means pretty much anything else that ends up in the water old shoes spare parts boats boats they'd all be right here wait your boats not here it's raining but the sanitation workers said everything that goes down the drain goes here it does except during heavy rains the system can't handle all the stormwater and it overflows right now the pipes and tanks are backed up so anything on its way here isn't going to get here there it goes down the river to the ocean at least I think that's my boat oh and ancient Egyptians use them and stuff so when it rains everything goes into the ocean that's awful somebody ought to figure out a way to warn people yeah they should paint a model boat with an X through it on the street drinks so some other kid doesn't lose his history homework like I did and while they're at it they should paint like birds and fish and and little wavy things for water on the street drains and then like paint a coffee cup with an X through it so people know not to litter because it'll end up in the ocean [Music] that's a very good idea Steve it is I mean yeah it is yeah does this mean I get extra credit perhaps this was a terrific idea for a class project Steve thanks of course the bad news is you won't get to be in history class with Betsy next year Steve's grade was looking better and so was the water because when it comes to litter monkeys don't monkey around [Music] neither rain nor snow north turkey could keep George from watching his favorite band Lobos de plata perform an endless park [Music] yes thank you so much and now I'd like to ask if George would come on stage and play with us you yes our number one fan coming up Oh George I have a drop for you oh here it Marco [Music] thanks so much for coming play anywhere you want adios okay maybe we should just play right here George is right this room is too big and this is like George's Lobby too much carpet the food court reminded them of pisghetti's [Music] once again the Lions were too loud finally next to the t-rex the band found a perfect spot [Music] nice he said the dinosaur that makes it sound so good George knew it wasn't the dinosaur it was the size of the room no carpet on the floor and the height of the ceiling this is a little tune we wrote called hooray for George [Music] he's sorry he's sweet quite light on his feet he's got a smile for you and an honor for me you don't know what he'll say but you'll brighten your day with a big monkey friend well he can show you the way [Music] [Music] he likes our songs and he bounces along we have so much fun that we can hardly go wrong so it's time to play [Music] [Music] hey where can we see you play next we don't really have a place to play not since they tore down the bandstand hold it hold it hang on this band is unique if George is your number one fan then I'm your number two which is why I've just decided to build a new Bandstand and I'd like you to perform on opening day really okay it's a deal thank you thank you and welcome to the all new glass Bandstand please welcome Lobos de plata hit it George thanks to the new Bandstand Lobos tape lot that sounded great I even 100 joined in George was trying his best not to wake up the man with the yellow hat but today was Saturday and the man was taking George to the zoo to see it dragon whoa okay they weren't really going to see a fire-breathing dragon they were going to see a Komodo dragon which is more like a giant lizard excited about seeing a dragon so a subway is a huge network of trains that runs under the ground yeah there's a subway right below our feet it takes thousands of people and the occasional monkey to places all around the city like the zoo and the entrance is right down those stairs hey wait up Oh George stop we have to hey hey sorry about that officer it's his first time on the subway oh not to worry on my watch monkeys ride free oh thanks George George wait my monkeys on the train George get off at the next station and wait for me there oh boy [Music] George hold on stay on the train and go to the zoo [Music] [Music] yes I know it's a giraffe it's the only thing I know how to make your attention please one hour delay on the Uptown line one hour that's it Subway's out running Zin see original jr. George loved riding on the subway but he also couldn't wait to see a dragon [Music] not only to gorge sea dragon on his way to the zoo he also saw an Italian opera singer some Russian dancers and a Swiss Yoda [Music] finally George had arrived at the zoo [Music] oh no George you made it George all by yourself and faster than I did now let's hurry and get over to the zoo because I think they close at 4 p.m. sorry but it took us all day to get here and and we really wanted to see the Komodo dragon isn't there anything you can do well nothing wrong with a monkey in a zoo I suppose so why did it take you all day to get here it's a long story ah a little advice next time take the subway it's faster [Music] [Applause] it was morning in the country and George was eager to get outside it's just a little rain I'll get you an umbrella I know let's check the Attic I knew I had an umbrella George thought the carton was wonderful it would be perfect for carrying stuff I really should get rid of some of this annual swap meet tomorrow only one person's junk is another person's treasure oh this is great George I'll bring all the stuff I want to get rid of oh no no that's the keep pile that's the get rid of pile of course you never know when you might need a sombrero [Music] the next day George hoped that between his sticks and the man's stuff they'd have something that bill would trade for I like her sombrero though you want to trade the sombrero sure you want the cart oh wait I just traded it to mr. Quint don't worry maybe you can make a trade with mr. Quint well that's a dandy fishing reel but unfortunately I just swapped the cart with my brother for their singing whale 49 tons of krill on the wall 49 tons of crew [Music] George found mr. quints brother Flint but Flint had traded the car to his other brother winch for a back massager [Music] winter traded the car to mrs. renkins for some soap on a rope and mrs. renkins had traded the car to Vicky sorry George I just traded the part to some people from the city George had worked so hard to get that cart back now it was gone for good [Music] [Applause] there's nothing here that I want see I'm an artist I work with wood and what I'm looking for are unusual sticks these are the best sticks I've ever seen thank you [Music] at last George had a card of course he no longer had anything to put in it but that wouldn't last one George was excited because he was going to see his very first baseball game Marco's team the cubby bear's versus the tiger babies I just wish I could bat as well as I catch I still have never hit a home run you'll do it someday Medical and in the meantime you're still our favorite shortstop hey coach this is my friend George put er there kid if I'm going to get good at batting I need more practice would you mind pitching hey who's running this outfit nah that's a good idea what about you kid you want to warm up with the team [Music] [Music] okay Marco keep your eyes on the ball [Music] nice blood work kid [Music] warmups over guys it's time to play ball [Music] awesome do you want me to take over as fun as it was to hand out popcorn George was eager to get back to the game hey kid where you been I'll never mind that it's clutch time it's the last inning bottom of the ninth the score is tied four to four there are two outs and Marcos up to bat but he hurt his foot playing shortstop and now he can't run can you run the bases for him hmm so if I hit the ball will you run for me thanks kid let's go this is it folks after two scoreless innings it's the cubby bear's last chance to break the tie wish me luck George [Applause] just a reminder folks three strikes and you're out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] faces were like everything else and tortured when a man ability first base first second judge loved the museum every time he went he discovered something new the new North Pole exhibit was frosty fun with its igloos and polar bears and so is the South Pole exhibit with its penguins [Music] but what was this exhibit well these are the museum's new vending machines George they dispense food like milk fruit soup sandwiches Oh all you do is insert a coin and oh here let me get you a coin here's a coin George my treat hi professor hey how are your plans to explore the polls coming along you mean operation snow go oh it's a no-go the Arctic and the Antarctic associations aren't getting along each thinks it's pole is the best Pole George wasn't sure if he wanted a sandwich or soup or milk or George wondered what was inside the vending machines and how they worked I bet if both groups sat down and talked over dinner they'd see how much they have in common exactly my apartment is full of expedition gear so would you be willing to host a dinner um well sure I guess wonderful here's a timetable recipes menu and a guest list for tomorrow night tomorrow tomorrow it's the only day both groups are in town I represent the North Pole of course the one on top of the world mm-hmm it all depends on how you hold the map yes well thank you for joining us tonight and may I just say what is that is that a vending machine Wow Georgia's special dessert started with a special coin Yogi's love of toys was exactly what the George o matic needed thank you oh why this is snow on a mountain my mommy used to make that what do you mean you forgot the entertainment this is perfect [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's like the Arctic in here now I'd say more like the Antarctic Oh frostbite in icicles snow is snow right right butter they're happy - well George thanks to you operation snow go is go going George as for George he was busy perfecting his plans for the next George o matic [Music] in the city all kinds of things make music in the spray birds bees fans and a certain monkey named George yeah thanks for the band huh hi guys gotta run it's Mother's Day we're running to get out Margaret a card see ya forgot about Mother's Day mommy is going to be so surprised George huh we should make a pinata George had popped pinatas before but he'd never built one this was gonna be fun thank you for posing for us Hundley Hundley was thrilled dachshunds were getting the attention they deserved this looks great now we just have to wait for everything to bake yes but this will be even better if we had mommy's serving bowls and set up this but how will you get them without mommy noticing we think that since mommy loves walks you could take her for a longer walk in the park before coming to an Avenue [Music] yeah now everything looks just the way mummy likes it we should have gotten her flowers we can make some it won't be long now everything smells so good what's this tasty looking stuff Oh blue water all right I need somebody to get that taste out of my mouth mmm maybe a pickle no look they'll think it's the signal I miss the kids why don't we go get them now we'll go to a nice restaurant [Music] [Music] quick everyone hide oh my what a wonderful surprise happy Mother's Day mommy look Romania Piazza it is beautiful mm-hmm it was a masterpiece nothing says party like a dachshund pinata [Music] identity oh just a little bit more [Music] this is the best mother's day ever and I couldn't have done it without George [Music] it's no secret that monkeys like cars all kinds of cars [Music] nice wife that reminds me you should have seen me almost wipeout at the Derby I was coming down the hill accelerating the maximum gravitational pull and then I lost a wheel I think bill is talking about a soapbox derby George it's where kids build and race their own cars and there's a derby today on a boysenberry Hill Oh check it out [Music] bill that is one nice-looking vehicle did you build it yourself I sure did it's got rear-wheel steering caliper brakes and a parachute you have a parachute in there it pays to be prepared oh me too I want to build a car like that and almost wipeout on a hill you kids want to enter the soapbox derby [Music] if you're serious then we'll need the rulebook it pretty much tells you everything you need and how to put it together hey you want some help I was a pretty mean derby racer in my day sorry that's against the rules contestants have to build their own cars oh yeah okay well you're welcome to borrow anything you see around the house [Music] Georgian Ally had their break it looks okay we can test it on the way to the race [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the racers ready on your back dad hey guys No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gracious that's my tire and that's my wagon go George that's my buggy [Applause] [Music] for a while George and Bill were neck-and-neck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's meet the winner farmer renkins wagon it was a rather unusual and prayer but it met all the rules and I'll run it up George and Allie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] few things captured the attention of a curious little monkey I wonder what this could be okay it's from my mother happy birthday love mom oh that's so sweet is today your birthday it is and George and I are going to celebrate I'm late for my appointment hold onto this for me will you George I'll be back at 7:00 and then we'll celebrate bye George if it was my birthday I'd have a party you want to have a party a surprise party even better you know how I throw a party it's as easy as ABCD all you need is a an apartment B your buddies see a cake and D decorations [Music] ABCD that didn't sound hard at all for the people you know at one Joe charm size is perfect for the average freezer [Music] cake decorations it was all so easy with George measurements the cake was in the freezer the poster was on the wall and the star was no trouble at all George was ready for his guests but not ready for their size I hope we're not too early [Music] ah I see you've got a to Georgia's tall apartment and furniture to match very unique he's coming George is right we have to hide hi everybody a party for me gee thanks me too [Music] how about some music a George sighs Department was fine for little monkeys but not all good for size [Music] [Music] this was more like it everything was the size it should be [Music] except maybe the cake Oh [Music] six o'clock only an hour left and George had to start over George wanted to get the sizes right so he decided to measure everything first this time George ordered the right size cake an poster and chose a better ladder George are you home this to celebrate my birthday Wow all my friends and my plumber my dentist my barber they were in your address book George put everything together he did oh thank you George maybe it wasn't so bad being a little monkey in a big world after all and there was one thing his arms were always the right size for [Music] it was an exciting day to be a door dog because he and the doorman were expecting a very exciting delivery didn't you sleep last night oh me neither I was too excited about our big delivery oh boy are we glad to see you the doorman said a big delivery he meant a big delivery what's in this thing my western town whole town in a box mm-hmm uh-huh it's for my train set I wish I could set it up right now but I'm on duty yeah we'll set it up we love trains hey thanks okay [Music] Hundley and the doorman had built the most amazing Train Set ever there was a future town a farm town and even a mountain town the Western town goes right there Hundley George and his friends will be very careful absolutely it's okay fella if you're worried why don't you stay here and keep an eye on them you can nap when they're done I wish there was a quick way to sift through all this dirt [Music] Hey good idea George we can make sifters with our fingers sifting is a slow business and boring it made a sleepy dog even sleepier ah I feel like a miner in some old western movie oh my darling oh my darling oh my darling little pan first we had you then we lost you wish we'd see you once again first we had you and we lost you wish we'd see once again [Music] this was bigger than the pin from the box if the stranger used it to make holes the pin would fall through them but this was a perfect sized nail it would make a hole that would let the dirt out but keep the pin in [Music] [Music] way to go ugly you've got the best sifter of all yeah your nose now who should put in the pin we don't want to lose it again hey my town it's all set up oh and you saved the last pin for me [Music] Hundley was happy the train was back on track this is great and I've got the perfect name for it Hundley Vil what do you think of that Hundley finally [Music] Prairieville was neat and clean had the best sheriff you've ever seen his deputy was on the ball [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 336,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: YmFtxKKxaWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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