Curious George 🐵 1 Hour Compilation 🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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[Music] for a professional Lobby dog like Hundley it's nice to catch a nap when the lobby is peaceful but when George lives in your building [Music] guarding against monkey mishaps is always more important than sleep good morning headed out to have fun no going to dr. Baker for my annual checkup [Music] right on time as usual what didn't you bring George hello have a seat in the waiting room I'll call you when the doctors ready George learned that the thing you need most in a doctor's waiting room is patience huh a mysterious sound George listened as quietly as he could dr. Baker will see you now oh great come on George we're finally getting out of the waiting room [Music] George gave up hope of hearing any mystery sound past that sneezing I'm still waiting for doctor gesund well I'm sure he'll be right with you excuse me as dr. gesund seen you yet no where is he he should be right with you you're waiting for dr. gesund - he should be right with you oh hi doctor you remember George oh how could I forget before your last checkup I never knew the x-ray machine fit out the window [Music] dr. Baker have you seen dr. gezond his patients are waiting hmm no you should check the x-ray room and you should take off your shirt for the examination yeah sure doc George thought he'd like to be a doctor because dr. Baker seems so smart and he got to wear a really great white coat okay let's get started up on the scale [Music] whoa I think you need to cut out the desserts you've gained some weight what I have maybe one doughnut a month I run marathons it's impossible same as last year whoo this is how I check his reflexes George um my knees starting to get sore oh sorry I never get to play with a monkey doctor gesund okay take a long deep breath I don't like the sound of that breathing no George was whoa never use the stethoscope George I use it to hear things that I can't see [Music] that's the sound of my heart you can play with your heart while he go to the x-ray room not everything had a heartbeat but George found sounds he hadn't noticed with his bare airs a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] doctor coat just didn't sound the same without a doctor in it before he was just a young monkey with a stethoscope now he was george md monkey doctor dr. George had just the tool he needed to track down that mysterious blue P sound [Music] he made a lot of noise maybe she was emitting some blue P sound [Music] here duck doctor gizzard are you really a doctor I've been waiting so long I don't even care it goes away it comes back it goes away the sweater was muffling the sounds inside there was one way to fix that [Music] shall I keep breathing well it might help if I take this off [Music] I'm cured you're a genius monkey doctor monkey [Music] you're the best doctor I've ever had and I'm not just saying that because you're a monkey George had cured his first patient but then doctor is that you [Music] a doctor never ignores a patient in need [Music] hey you're a monkey my problem is my arm not my throat I'll wait for dr. the Zune because you're a monkey did you hear that weird noise - what is that I've had the hiccups for two weeks I get stopped [Music] well aren't you gonna help me monkey doctor are you [Music] that's him that's the monkey that tried to make me go he's a genius monkey doctor he discovered my allergy George do you have permission to be a doctor [Music] it's going on out here George what are you wearing you haven't performed any operations have you what was that you don't know I figured it was your medical machinery [Music] hello I came in here during my break to play just one round I must have lost track of time nothing feels as great as monkey curiosity satisfied oh my [Music] George liked the stethoscope and doctor coat so much that dr. Baker let him keep them and though Hundley was grateful the lobby was peaceful he started to worry that Sunday George might really be his doctor [Music] George loved spending time in the country where there was nothing to do but nothing George the grapes have come in what a taste George was busy doing nothing but he could always drop in for some grapes George hadn't stepped in any normal hole [Music] somebody was living down there - which wondered why his new friends ran away when they heard mrs. renkins you all right George I see you found one of our many gopher holes so those guys were go first never seen Gophers yeah they dig a tunnel and travel on the ground now those mouths are the entrances to their tongue Oh Gabi grape grabbin Gophers grab my greatest grapes relax dear mr. calhoune the Gopher getter is coming to take him away I will pay double if he NAB's ever nasty no fur guy gopher don't you'll have to excuse mr. renkins Co furs got his goat is here your go fur problems over no that is the biggest gopher I ever saw oh this is George he's our next-door monkey ah there's your Gophers you see the entrance mouths giveaway the boundaries of their tunnels hmm there are no mounds outside this yard that means they have no escape by the time they realize they need a new tunnel I love them all yeah we don't want the Gophers hurt naturally I catch the little sweeties and take him to a new happier home [Music] George felt it was only fair to warn the Gophers torch in vited them to come live in his yard of course Gophers travel by tunnel so he told them to tunnel over to his yard but golfers don't speak monkey so he decided to dig the tunnel for them George look at the size of this squash I pulled out of the garden bye Wow I wish it was yellow [Music] okay time to break out the heavy equipment [Music] [Music] Jewish felt like he'd been digging for longer than he'd done anything ever he had to be at the rankin's yard by now [Music] hey George digging a tunnel to your house lost your way huh Oh city kids don't have compasses huh a compass helps tell which direction you're going well it always points me you figure out which way you want to go and you can tell where you're facing because you always know which way is north oh yeah that'll help you why didn't I think of that hey can I have that dirt my bunny dug holes all over the lawn and dad says I have to fill them up boy can that bunny dig thanks anything you wanna borrow just ask [Music] what you think of something you want to borrow already okay Gophers stroll in eat delicious crepes triggers a rope gate slam shut and Wham got your Gophers hey go first come on in here have a delicious grape are you here to catch him or feed him just testing out the gopher cage it works pretty good oh boy back so worried I'm gonna go get the extra heavy equipment which has never ever failed I'll just be back [Music] George had everything he needed a compass a professional digger and a way to get rid of the used dirt [Music] all he needed was enough time attention Gophers all aboard the Calhoun crane [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can't hide anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I did it I caught you you great stealing's monkey I've got you George Calhoun I have decided the Gophers aren't as annoying as you you go the Gophers can stay what a mess so uh who wants to help me clean this up I can be in graves [Music] it was a beautiful spring day and that meant one thing ravioli huh oh hi are you closed is there some holiday I forgot about ask her the chef what happened please please just taste a tiny little taste [Music] nokey approves all of my recipes but for the best few days she likes nothing I cannot serve unapproved food to my customers yoky lives on Italian food of course dad she merely gives approval one leek good two legs excellent three legs magnifico oh the three leaked recipes always approve to be the customer's favorites I have lost the ability to cook [Music] now my cooking is what is than to get the food well it sure doesn't smell worse yuck hmm and it certainly doesn't taste worse not that I've ever tasted cat food you're just being nice if gnocchi won't eat my food there's no point in serving today flower delivery was a nice selection today it just I put them down Hector thank you okey-dokey no no no no chewing under the flowers today we just started using a florist new yorky thinks the flowers are snacks for her you might as well let her eat flowers she will did my food oh I will talk to chef this is what comes of letting a cat make cooking decisions George wondered why gnocchi wouldn't eat the chef's cooking when it was clearly delicious maybe tomorrow would be better maybe not I'm guessing this means no ravioli for anybody daddy's in the hope we were left to close the restaurant I'm gonna retire to take up ice sculpture closing the restaurant would be a disaster we're with the chef and net ego I would George get ravioli George needed to find out why yogi had stopped eating the chef's food she must be doing something different George would watch her and see what she was up to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe she wasn't hungry because she was eating somewhere else George could smell the delicious sausages but gnocchi had no interest [Music] so it wasn't just the chef's food that didn't interest her yard if you would like to stay Neddie is making a farewell dinner my cooking is too terrible to serve I read that cats sometimes stop eating if they're bored maybe Nikki needs some new toys bored bored with my food no no not not with your food you know maybe bored with life [Music] yeah have a seat you might as well enjoy the last dinner before we close may as well not let them go to waste if Yogi's eating cat food she's not sick what could it be what will we do without ravioli oh I think I'm allergic to something in here yeah I have an allergy it's when your body over reacts to something like food or a plant or flowers some types of flowers can make some people sneeze and cough well not you some people don't have any allergies and some have a lot hmm I have to move these away from me or I won't be able to breathe it all that seemed familiar but George couldn't remember why some nice tangy antipasto for you hmm kind of bland George knew that tangy eggplant wasn't bland oh it's the stuffed-up nose without a good sense of smell everything tastes boring here's a your dinner but for the best few days she likes nothing no no no no chewing under the flowers today [Music] George George had the answer [Laughter] [Music] of course you can take the flowers home if you like them well that didn't work George what are you doing in here what are you i think he's allergic you shouldn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] your cat is allergic to certain flowers here is a list oh really but she tries to eat them don't let her here's my bill so George's theory who was right and a lot cheaper one leek good two legs excellent [Music] three legs magnifico this will be our special tonight if they're not afford you're JH we would never have known that gnocchi was allergic to those flowers Georgie you have saved the restaurant and my reputation I'll give you a free pizza [Music] the day started with a wham wham Wham lots of people heard it but only one is so curious he had to go see what it was [Music] [Music] Wow pretty impressive construction site huh George [Music] that's what it'll look like when they're all done my hat [Music] [Music] these metal boxes looked important metal on the outside tasty sandwich inside with all this great equipment to see George didn't want to waste time on food [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Machinery is more fun when it's nice and loud [Music] you see there it goes again why is my building groaning and quaking I think the ground under the foundation is shifting but I can't figure out where or why I want this place to be safe we'll have to shut the site down until we find the problem George George get down that's not a playground [Music] hey buddy this your monkey and is this your cat no but I am I I know her oh not good cat well looks like lunch is on me the next morning the man with the yellow hat was doing a little constructing of his own good morning George what'll it be for breakfast waffles or pancakes waffles and pancakes it is I'm sorry George but there are no blueberries we'll just find something else fun to put on top before you could go down to the store and buy blueberries okay George this is a 10:00 so be very careful George suddenly realized something was missing no wham wham wham maybe they were done the building was built the blueberries would have to wait the building wasn't done but no one was working today maybe this was a perfect time to look around without distracting anybody how would he pay for the blueberries George was definitely going to give compass blueberries for his help [Music] [Music] [Music] the money was ripped but at least George had both halves [Music] [Applause] [Music] compass was a homing pigeon what George needed was a retriever no one wanted to go in there maybe there was another way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was no way George's arm could ever reach the bottom of that hole hi have you seen George I sent him to the store a while ago and store I saw him running past the store down the street Oh the construction sites that way I hope he's being a good little monkey [Music] this wasn't as easy as it looked [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there had to be a machine for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] I inspected every girder last night I can't find the problem and the only way to be safe is to tear it down and start all over otherwise a big wind or strong shaking might make the whole thing fall down what's that sound [Music] the fights closed [Music] this site isn't safe I'll turn off that jackhammer a broken water main is what we can the foundation it was hidden [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I hope George had nothing to do with this mm-hmm I am so sorry I didn't know one monkey could knock over a building can I pay for lunch no George didn't cause that that side of the building was unsafe now I'll have to knock it down and start all over no you don't we can save the whole thing by changing the design hmm very angular modern and it would save money I love it how can I thank you I know here well what are we waiting for we'll bring back blueberry waffles for everyone and that's how Curious George helped design a building and got blueberry waffles too [Music] [Applause] George was happy because he had a very important job to do today very funny George and no it wasn't doing cat impersonations his job was to watch professor Wiseman's new kitten lucky who was too young to take care of himself we have to go now can you believe city workers digging a new water pipe found dinosaur bones yeah George we only have a few hours to rescue the bones before they start digging again we're lucky to get even a few hours speaking of lucky you're too little in too silly to come along aren't you aren't you by lucky who thanks George see you back home George and please take good care of lucky good George planned on taking excellent care of lucky [Music] you're in charge of the lobby till I get back Hundley now what was that monkey bringing into his Lobby probably something that spills or smells or fuzes or lucky had no idea what Hundley was he'd never seen a dog before but he liked the way it smelled he liked the way it felt and he liked the way it sounded in fact lucky liked everything about Hundley [Music] Hundley wasn't so sure of dignified dachshund should allow a kitty to walk on his back bless you is this your kitten George Hundley is allergic to certain cats and that cat must be one of them please keep it away [Music] [Music] lucky missed honey already but how could lucky be with Hundley if he wasn't allowed near him George could build lucky a perfect sneeze free wiener dog lucky seemed to like the way Hundley sounded what did Hundley sound like [Music] [Music] George had to find something that made up bump-bump sound no what else did lucky like about Hundley lucky like the way Hundley felt and now just a few more things and George could build a Hundley [Music] [Laughter] lucky had never seen one of these before he liked the way it felt he liked the way it sounded but he did not like the way it smelled no that didn't smell like Hundley but what did Hundley smell like oh yeah he smelled like that Hundley smell now where could George get something that smelled like Hundley huh this pill was smelled like Hundley and then some [Music] we sure didn't like to share his pillow [Music] that was the sound of Lucky's friend Hundley was here no doubt about it Hundley was inside this thing the bark stopped [Music] but lucky was sure Hundley was in here somewhere [Music] [Music] lucky was somewhere in the walls hi George we're on our way home with pizza and dinosaur bones I hope you and lucky are having fun how could he fun lucky behind the wall if he couldn't see or hear him [Music] [Music] at that moment hundred realized every undignified moment of his life involved Jorge Huntley had enough now his nose was starting to itch recognize that sound [Music] [Music] jojje had to hope he was right the more Hundley sneezed the closer he was to lucky George knew exactly where lucky was except he was still inside the wall I heard Hundley sneezing through the grate downstairs please keep that cat away where is the cat oh boy nobody move [Music] all right little guy you're free [Music] George wait'll you hear about the weird digging we did today I'm learning that sometimes it's better not to even ask [Music] the life of a monkey isn't all fun and games sometimes you have to deal with serious issues like making a paper monkey chain hi boy I'm glad to be home professor Wiseman asked me to bring some rare stamps to mr. stamp one two three four five all there who they're so rare I I was nervous I might lose one Wow George I can't believe you did all that while I was gone you know I think you broke the world speed record for making a gigantic mess George didn't see a gigantic mess just a bunch of little messes that look big together [Music] George you have to learn to clean up after yourself and there is no time like the present I think you're old enough to use the vacuum to suck up dirt and crumbs and paper [Music] the vacuum cleaner could make stuff disappear George couldn't believe it all the mass is stored in this bag when the bag is filled you empty it into a garbage can and start again [Music] okay the vacuum cleaner couldn't make stuff disappear but it was still pretty awe-inspiring okay you give it a try [Music] hang on it's adjustable now try it [Music] [Music] George this vacuum cleaner is too big for you if only there was a monkey sized vacuum cleaner hey I have an idea I'll be right back don't make another mess in fact don't move till I say so just freeze great not moving is tougher than it sounds especially for a monkey [Music] hi what do you think huh oh you can unfreeze now George here's your very own dirt dragon now you can clean up whenever you see a mess George I have to make some phone calls you can clean anything that needs it okay it did matter of George spilled sugar any more he could clean it right up I have the rare stamps call me as soon at George I can't hear vacuum the other room please Thanks [Music] George was running out of things to clean up of course there was a whole city out there for George to clean up [Applause] [Music] you save the big game [Music] my hero vacuum monkey mine too who wants a leafy llama see you later George hi mr. stamp those rare postage stamps are right here on my can I call you back [Music] Wow George cleaned the whole place including the rare valuable stamps that means they're in the vacuum and Tilly empties the bag [Music] trucky couldn't carry all those small pieces of biscuit at once lucky for her her friend George was here charkie hoped he would guard the pieces for her charkie forgot that George didn't speak dog [Music] a job well done George moved on it was a big city and he had a lot to clean up [Music] every day when the nice lady threw birdseed compass flew off to tell his friends it was lunchtime [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gorge anybody seen a monkey carrying a vacuum cleaner is he wearing a cane I don't know could there be more than one monkey with a vacuum in the city got to find George before he empties that bag I wonder how much stuff it can hold the monkey and a cape just take our jacks a [Music] monkey was a vacuum just vacuumed up by winning lottery ticket George was a happy hero thinking of all the animals and people he had made happy [Music] George come back [Music] why wasn't it working what good is a superhero without a vacuum cleaner when the bag is filled you empty it into a garbage can and start again of course it was time to empty the bag and there was the perfect place to get rid of everything that was in it George George saw everyone who gave up today running towards him they must be coming to thank you George have you emptied this back at all today [Music] [Applause] George was happy to be of service I'm happy to say they're all there thanks George would you like to vacuum my place I have lots of valuable dusty collectibles for valuable collectibles sorry gotta go now bye [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 10,356,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 20sec (3980 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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