Curious George 🐵 George Counts for 100 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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[Music] all the stars were in nice rows [Music] all except one george could fix that that's when george learned how windy it is in a moving car can you imagine it took the town 100 years to complete that [Music] folks who go absolutely wild when they see all 100 stars on the anniversary jubilee area how wild would they go when they saw no stars george had to tell the men about what happened just the guy we need can you come help with the costumes sure george do you mind staying here and helping with the anniversajubilaria thanks wow a good place to start was where the stripes flew out of the car [Music] and it was [Music] good old jumpy he'd understand george needed this but jumpy didn't care you wanted it george didn't want to rip it no squirrel could resist a three for one trade [Music] he found two more now he had six getting all the stripes was going to be easy for this clever monkey [Applause] [Music] now the river had six and george had none [Music] this was the safest place for them the anniversary jubilee area will now be unveiled after the band plays that's earlier than planned earlier [Music] those weren't table runners they were missing stripes let's give a warm welcome to our town founders all george could think about was where to look for those last two stripes town here and name it oh by word so the original name of this town was oh my word george already had eight stripes one more made nine now he only had to find one more stripe george had no time left hey george did you see my kite i found a great tail on the ground right in the yard [Music] it must want it for its nest the eagles have a nest on top of mountain never climb [Music] in just a minute we'll be unveiling the anna versa jubilee area now with 100 hard-earned stars [Applause] [Music] ten stripes with ten stars makes 100 stars here wow everyone i've ever known is here but not george he's gonna miss the big 100 oh sorry but we can't wait anymore happy 100th anniversary [Applause] uh george uh careful mr quint wouldn't want a speck of dirt on those this was about the hardest george had ever worked on something no one would ever know about georgia had a great day still even counting by tens [Applause] 100 was an exhausting number [Music] do the tadpoles like the lettuce i boiled for him now remember i want you to watch them closely for me they do some amazing things as they grow [Laughter] [Music] the tadpole's bowl was small george thought they deserved to stretch their whatever a tadpole stretches and decided to let them enjoy a quick swim in the lagoon while he went to get their lunch [Laughter] [Music] look my caterpillar is in its pupa stage i bet kids like you never see that in the city huh [Music] hey have my tadpoles done anything amazing yet [Music] just how big is this fish you're after george well you might as well be hunting for tadpoles hey go try this one [Applause] except that they couldn't help him find his tadpoles [Music] now this was a strange creature it looked like a tadpole sort of swam like a tadpole kind of but it had legs almost no tail not like a tadpole hey george my tadpoles aren't giving you any problems are they oh good bring them over sometime for a visit okay oh [Music] george couldn't believe it that odd little creature was one of his tadpoles and he let it go [Music] [Laughter] but george we just visited the lake we'll go back next month [Music] bill said the tadpoles would grow up in amazing ways but how much would they grow in a whole month and into what george we've been looking all over for you you got like 800 pounds of boiled lettuce now george really had to get back to the lake but it was weeks before he could go [Laughter] luckily george didn't see any signs of jumbo tadpoles [Music] but he couldn't find his friends either these loud frogs probably scared the tadpoles away [Music] it was time for george to tell bill he'd lost the tadpoles hey george [Music] that was a good idea to release my tadpoles into their natural habitat how'd you like watching them grow into frogs pretty neat huh [Music] uh-huh just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly see [Music] the tadpoles were right here all the time they had just been well growing up smile george before long george thought the frogs were even more fun than the tadpoles [Music] well most of the time [Music] what made the yellow hat so great [Music] george i need to wear the hat for an important speech at the museum please don't play with it that's what george wanted a fun hat that he could play with which wanted his fun hat to be more than just a normal hat [Music] [Music] charkie liked to chase things so she liked the fun hat hundley wasn't impressed with george's fun hat until he saw it had doors and dachshunds [Music] so george added more fun [Music] for himself [Music] [Applause] can i see [Music] oh boy this is one fun hat oh surprisingly comfortable [Music] [Laughter] you want me to wear it outside sure why not [Music] good after oh some chapeau george made it having people see the man with the yellow monkey fun hat made george feel very proud hi charkie easy girl oh no i'm late george i've got five minutes to get to the museum for my speech i i have to make a good impression [Music] [Laughter] george was tempted to play with the yellow hat but the man had asked him not to because he needed to wear it to give a very important speech at the museum oh boy [Music] hi george hi george and if an apple traveling at the speed of light hits a static banana oh everyone's here already great uh professor wiseman asked me to speak today about the scientific method [Music] of course we've all heard the saying what goes around comes around um haven't we [Music] um did i say something wrong no continue this is fascinating oh what stuck to my hat oh [Music] i'm wearing george's actually i can explain [Applause] the scientific method is about thinking creatively taking chances and being willing to fail and you made that point very dramatically i did oh so modest now where can i get a hat like that well george made it i want one i want to [Music] [Applause] and that's how george got his picture on the museum wall [Music] george remembered seeing that thing on the boat it must have fallen out [Music] [Music] since hundley was an experienced sailor george followed his lead [Music] unfortunately the wind blew the wrong way [Music] wow it sure got foggy fast yeah hey where's my boat oh no george hundley george and hundley were fog bound [Music] another island [Music] how could they get there without blowing away again [Music] the motor oh [Music] george had a feeling he should have left this where it was [Music] sure sand was messy but hundley would rather be dirty than float away again now they couldn't have gotten far the water's too deep we can't follow them without another boat [Music] or a raft come on we'll need more wood and vines if he was going to be stuck here hundley wasn't going to sit in sand the whole time [Music] that was when george realized he had no idea how to get back to the man with without the yellow hat okay we'll need just a few more then we can tie them together into a raft [Music] this rock looked familiar [Music] the unusual rocks were almost identical [Music] could it be george needed to get up high so he could see far [Music] those trees could only mean one thing [Music] footprints meant feet feet meant people because you don't see a lot of feet on their own [Music] do we have enough logs i don't know how many more i can drag we need more oh thanks george george look who found me look who found me [Music] i thought you were lost um you wouldn't happen to have my boat with you would you [Music] next stop home sweet home [Music] hold it my yellow hat [Music] george thought all night about how he could keep his toys set up the next day betsy and steve rushed over to play [Music] let's set up as fast as we can no time to waste [Music] he already did it it's not as big but it's also not on the floor does that mean we don't have to spend time putting it all away you're so smart why couldn't i have had a monkey instead of a brother [Music] you guys will never escape there's no escape [Music] but george had an idea [Music] [Music] fearless george had to think fast okay now we're tied to the robot huh you'll never get the one [Music] balcony great idea i'll help you set it up out there you can leave it as long as you want [Music] this is great george we don't have to waste a lot of time building it and then putting it away [Music] polar bear with a suitcase the same size as the one of ones this needed investigation [Music] where'd all this water come from uh rain get everything inside george wondered if the store might have a solution to keeping his toys out of the way hmm a vacuum might pick them up [Music] but then again maybe not the pyramid was too tall [Music] now it was perfect [Music] how did this one move so smoothly [Music] it rolled things that roll move smoothly [Music] but train box cars were just right [Music] we want to do something for more than three minutes let's play catch [Music] what are you doing george [Music] wow why didn't i think of that face it you're no monkey [Music] the storm's over he found it the missing one [Music] that's the world's crankiest polar bear guardian of the one [Music] [Music] can fearless george ever get out of this yes with the aid of his loyal pterodactyl pencil well that was certainly an unexpected twist he returned the missing one to where it belonged another mission accomplished by fearless george hero of heroes [Music] let's play again this time george is a wizard trapped on the south pole by penguins and if we run out of time we just roll it under the bed whether he was being a wizard or cleaning up toys fearless george was up to any challenge [Music] they found each other at last time to go home [Music] but where was home george realized that finding someone works better if you're not lost too hundley worried what if he never found his way back [Music] oh hundley what'll i do without hundley hunley and george weren't just lost [Music] they were lost at night george tried to remember the noisy stuff he'd passed [Music] here they were lost at night and all this monkey could do was whatever that was then hundley had an idea they might not be able to see their way home but maybe they could hear their way home [Music] he tried to remember what he'd heard [Music] [Music] now it was up to hundley's powerful dog ears that wasn't the right sound so the musician couldn't be in that direction that was either the wrong sound or the musician got his tongue caught in his trumpet [Music] hundley knew they were getting closer because the sound was growing louder and louder but then it grew softer and softer [Music] hundley tried to figure out how to explain they'd pass the sound [Music] but there are some things a dog just can't explain to a monkey [Music] hey [Music] and so by working together as a team george remembering what they had heard and hundley using his sensitive powerful dog ears hundley and george found their way back to the alley behind their home [Music] [Music] they were home thanks to teamwork hundley couldn't remember why he ever thought george was troubled rug's all clean sir you should see the dirt i picked up this barrel probably has the filthiest water in the world george really wanted to see the filthiest water in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] george thought he knew all the animals on rankin's farm but maybe he only knew the day animals [Music] george had never seen a bird like this in the daytime it must be nocturnal too [Music] [Music] the possums family wouldn't live here it was too noisy when the cows had heard the bell they thought it was milking time [Music] did the possums family live here [Music] nope not george remembered that the possum liked fish sandwiches so maybe it lived in water like beavers [Music] raccoons must be nocturnal too but his possum showed no interest in living in water unless he lived in a boat [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] clint that lake creature seems to be stealing our boat maybe this possum's family lived in town george held him high so he could help look folks remember the lake creature is just a fisherman's legend he doesn't exist here except there he is it must be 12 feet tall and as terrifying as a shark holding a harpoon [Music] it was getting later and later but george still hadn't found the possum's home [Music] homes [Music] he found daytime creatures homes too [Music] but he couldn't find the possums home he was so tired he was imagining possums everywhere where was he [Music] the possum family lived in a tree [Music] george kind of late for a stroll this has been quite an evening citizens report and night creatures [Music] george had seen knight creatures too bill was right there were a lot of them [Music] but bill was wrong about the lock your town no telling where the creature will appear next it wasn't at all quiet at night night george you sleep well [Music] george would sleep well and with the possum gone he'd fill the feeder and wake to chirping birds [Music] morning george time to get up [Music] george oh george learned one more thing about nocturnal creatures little animals that stay awake at night sleep during the day [Music] ah i can't get a picture with all those trees in my way [Music] george didn't see any gold at the end of the real rainbow from here so he'd just have to go there [Music] george knew he was close to the pot of gold now [Music] because he saw a leprechaun usually george would be happy to meet a frog [Music] but it was no leprechaun [Music] that's not another rainbow it's the rainbow's reflection in the water huh [Music] i can't leave trail markers for steve on the water hmm the rocks in the country look almost like cookies this is a cookie huh talking monkey prince and sister prince [Music] betsy [Music] for real moose [Music] nice moosie back away from the moose slowly and don't look him in the eyes can we run away now no that might make him charge us this is the proper way to flee a moose [Music] you're lucky i was out practicing for my galapagos county tracker guide rainy day pathfinding badge uh can you help me find my little sister charkie and george they're lost the proper thing to do is get adult help come on the village is close [Music] steve where are george betsy and charkie no they ran off and got lost and i saw a moose from way too close up wow a rainbow say george saw a rainbow right before he ran off i bet he went to see the gold at the end of the rainbow i can help him get home you have any helium balloons [Music] we're getting close to shore here's our chance to get out no matter how far they traveled the rainbow still seemed far away and now it was fading [Music] once the sun sets there won't be any more rainbow george maybe you should lead us home [Music] are we lost [Music] there really is gold shining at the end of the rainbow [Music] that day george really found treasure at the end of the rainbow [Music] george over here here they come [Music] well this is an adventure we couldn't have back home in the city you guys are city kids but george is a city kid we're city kids just like george [Music] i don't think so oh it's true we moved there when we were little oh that explains it george is a real city kid you just live there [Music] foreign
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 12,457,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: IKU_N5vzjeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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