Curious George 🐡 We Otter Be Friends 🐡Compilation🐡 HD 🐡 Cartoons For Children

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[Music] not a pup like a dog young otters are also called pups ah [Music] from the look of him he's a very young pup he must live around here they usually have homes called dens along the shore [Music] otters are very playful and very curious almost as curious as a monkey [Music] i think he likes you better put this someplace safe [Music] see you soon the man said the otter was a pop [Music] maybe he liked to play fetch too [Music] fortunately he also liked to play catch [Music] how would they get home and even worse what would the quince say [Music] george was a super good swimmer but the otter was even better [Music] okay swimming was out but george had a lot of other tricks up his furry sleeve otters might be fast in the water but monkeys were fast on land george just had to get the otter out of the water but how what did otters like [Music] maybe they just liked keys because they were shiny george had the beginnings of a brilliant monkey plan [Music] oh if otters liked shiny things then maybe he'd follow the fish to land and george could get his key [Music] he did like shiny things this was working better than george had hoped [Music] but the otter was pretty fast on land too and now he had george's fish fog not only were otters fast in water and on land but they had really great hiding places [Music] and then george remembered he must live around here they usually have homes called dens along the shore maybe that was the otter's home [Music] oh no the otter was underground and george was out of shiny things to lure him out [Music] his only chance of getting that key was to find something else the otter might want [Music] and then he remembered otters like to play they played peek-a-boo hide-and-seek keep away in chase maybe otters would play trajan the trick to trade you was to make your toy look a gajillion trillion times more fun than anyone else's toy and george was an expert at that it was by far the most amazing toy the otter had ever seen [Music] the otter hated to give up his shiny key but the ball was more fun [Music] oh wait till you see the pictures i took i got a rose-breasted gross beak a pie billed grib and a coot you ready to go home ah mr quint's key you kept it safe george [Music] the otter loved both his new toys and he didn't miss the key at all especially since his dad had four just like it [Music] george knew he could find things shaped like the robot's parts [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was only one way to find out if this would work [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh it worked hundley thought george was a real robot [Music] being robotic for a whole hour was tiring george was ready to get out of that thing but he didn't want to ruin it for hundley by letting him see the robot wasn't real [Music] since he couldn't reach the button george decided to relax and wait till the elevator came oh no i must have left the xf-17 at home it's my favorite too i can go get it while you finish setting up what's it look like well it's two inches tall uh it's red oh oh and it has no legs [Music] george waited so long for the elevator that he fell asleep [Music] oh hi professor hi i just came to pick up a small red robot you mean the one in the lobby he said two inches tall but i guess he meant ah two feet [Music] did you find my xf-17 yes it's so cute how old were you when you built that six i was 22. it's cute i left it by the elevator because it got heavy heavy there was the elevator finally george could go home [Music] oh i left it right here oh no someone must have kicked it check the floor i don't think you could kick that thing across the room oh sure you could it's only two inches tall you mean two feet i know the difference between inches and feet professor there's a runaway robot upstairs it's small red and says xf17 on the side you got the controls what controls it has no moving parts i'm so confused [Music] this sure didn't look like home who were all these strange people [Music] that's not it is two i know that handwriting anywhere [Music] george professor wiseman brought you to the museum because she thought you were my xf-17 [Music] yeah your outfit's so good you almost ended up on exhibit [Music] hey that's a great idea huh we promised an xf-17 model we never said it wouldn't be monkey-powered [Music] and that's how george became a museum exhibit for a day [Applause] [Music] hiya george huh man with the yellow pants he said i can go see if you're awake are you awake finally oh you were sleeping forever so you know what i want to do today huh wait don't monkeys go out the window [Music] all that morning george showed ali monkey stuff like how to eat strawberries with your feet [Music] how to swing on a rope how to sound like a full percussion section in an orchestra and how to blow bubbles with an extra big monkey breath i'm going to the store do you want anything george did you know that monkeys can blow bubbles longer than anybody [Music] that doesn't surprise me how about you ally you need anything from the store oh yes um a flying trapeze and a walkie-talkie please um i'll see what i can do [Music] is that a squirrel i love squirrels whoops hi there [Applause] i found him george george it's kind of weird the squirrel won't answer me [Music] but then george remembered how he washed mr glass's windows on the very tall building this was going to be easy all george had to do was find his life vest tie a rope to the front throw the rope over a branch and bring allie down okay [Music] you missed but don't you worry i can get it [Music] this is too small it looks monkey-sized [Music] the rope was a good idea but george needed to attach it to something that ally could put on or [Music] get on [Music] oops this raft is too flippy george [Music] okay let's think some more [Music] george didn't have that many choices only a two short ladder some pool toys and a rope [Music] what could be easier than holding on to a [Music] but we rope tried the rope george [Music] okay now what george [Music] you want me to hold on while i'm climbing down huh [Music] whoops i ran out of rope george hey look what you did george let's do it again [Music] hey it's mr yellow pants did you get me the flying trapeze sorry the store doesn't carry circus equipment for some reason but i found these oh wacky i have to show my grandmother bye-bye i'll call you later thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome so george did you have a nice time with ally that night george couldn't wait for lights out and so the little mouse roared and the house fell down [Music] good night george happy dreams [Music] [Music] oh [Music] clearly this was the start of a beautiful and curious friendship [Music] these flowers will look beautiful in that old kayak hiya mrs quint guess what georgia me we're building a car so we can race in a race all we need are car parts well if you see any car parks lying around just help yourself [Music] the broken boat and the car body looked a lot alike [Music] they're almost totally exactly the same and and look it it already has two seats one for you and one for me [Music] she will it cuz what on earth happened to that kayak george and ali had found a car body [Music] now they just needed steering wheels [Music] this barn had wheels and a steering wheel with a horn [Applause] unfortunately their car wasn't whoops [Music] george got to thinking if you want your car to roll the wheels had better roll too [Music] we should use the wagon wheels [Music] first he put the steering handle through the hole in the bottom of the boat [Music] then he nailed the boat to the wagon [Music] the car was almost ready okay we've got one two and three [Music] but we still need [Music] hey kids aren't you entering the derby race it starts in ten minutes oh no but we're missing a car part and we don't know where to find it well i'd offer to help you but um we know we know no help allowed well if you see anything you need you're welcome to it thanks grandpa whoa forgot to put on the brain did he say break [Music] george and ali had their break well it looks okay we can test it on the way to the race [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah the racer's ready on your mark [Applause] that said it works hey guys you made it oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gracious that's my fire and that's my wagon oh go george that's my buggy [Applause] [Music] for a while george and bill were neck and neck come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's meet the winner farmer rankin's wagon it was a rather unusual entry but it meant all the rules and i'll run us up george and dally and bill [Music] [Applause] what hole huh that means hey what's up a dragon is on the loose don't want it getting into the castle again [Music] the dragon it followed us to the castle good guard george had to stop the dragon it would prove his bravery and the king might make him a knight nothing is worse than dragon breath except maybe dragon slobber my banquet stopper [Music] [Applause] [Music] the king would never make good guard george a night now how can we have our celebration with that beast destroying the castle all he had to do was put a bathtub in front of the castle and the kingdom would be safe but there was more than one way for a dragon to get into a castle oh is it me you or is it humidity my castle she's all broken again what you really needed was a tub that went all the way around is that a bathtub that goes all the way around the castle uh-huh oh great idea where do you get one of those [Music] thankfully dragons sleep a lot what's this oh it's a bathtub that goes all the way around the castle good guard george thought of it dragons are afraid of baths hmm i do not like this name bathtub i think we should call her emote oh nice uh how do we get water in there [Music] oh i got it [Music] she's back so why uh we got a moat but you're on the wrong side [Music] [Music] luckily dragons can't climb trees but they did eat loots the moat had stopped the dragon from getting into the castle but it stopped them too and it was getting late and cold good guard george saw it it was the perfect bridge for dragons [Music] george you okay george was better than okay he knew how to keep charkie off stage [Music] [Applause] you're a genius [Music] what is it it's a drawbridge to build a drawbridge you need some wood and a way to keep the wood together and a hinge so your drawbridge can fold up and some rope [Music] and a pulley so you can raise and lower your bridge and you have to get rid of your stairs that way knights could enter but dragons stayed out sire two riders approaches [Music] something was wrong this wasn't in the play come come hmm for building a dragon proof drawbridge i knight d ser giorgio [Music] [Applause] george had saved the play protected the castle and become a knight [Applause] and he did it twice on saturday benji and willie were george's favorite mice in the entire world [Music] and bruno was the only gopher snake he knew personally so when mr zubal asked him to pet sit for a day george was thrilled now bruno has already eaten an egg so he won't be hungry anymore today don't feed him the mice must be fed but i'm out of food so i told the pet shop you'd be coming by to pick up mouse food george was determined to be the best pet sitter ever george i have to go talk to the park director about heritage week will you be okay by yourself be a good little monkey pet sitter of course they weren't happy they were hungry time to get food [Music] when he went to make sure bruno liked his new spot by the window [Music] he noticed bruno had changed [Music] what happened to him hey snake when bruno saw that warm sun he wanted to be in it [Music] the sun was warm but city life was too noisy for a snake he wanted to find somewhere quiet came back for this [Laughter] ah i see bruno shed his skin mr zubo was waiting for it huh as a snake grows up it wiggles out of its old skin did you think this was bruno i'll bet bruno is under his rock that's where he always goes after his sheds huh george was relieved to hear bruno would be safe in his animal habitat until he remembered he left the habitat open bruno must have crawled out [Music] the mice thought the big smiling monkey had come to set them free [Music] the sun was gone now it was too noisy and too cold after life in a habitat benji and willie wanted to explore and they discovered a new world [Music] bruno got out of the apartment [Music] [Applause] being near a snake makes any mouse nervous but bruno wasn't interested in mice his stomach was full and he just wanted to find a comfortable place to relax [Music] soft soil is always inviting to a gopher snake [Music] why thank you george how nice [Music] thought the mice might know the way home so he hurried to follow them [Music] the mice had never seen a furry plump snake with feet before and this was the first time hundley had ever seen mice in his building [Music] hundley didn't realize he'd run outside until it was too late to get back in maybe those mice would lead him to an open window [Music] ah [Music] hmm [Music] hi george i hope bruno benji and willie didn't give you any trouble everyone was happy back exactly where they belonged um why is hundley in our sink well almost everyone hundley planned to stay put until he recovered from his adventure [Music] if there was one thing gnocchi couldn't resist it was a toy clown [Music] now where was that cat [Music] oh what kind of chef forgets his garlic hundley might be a door dog but he wasn't very good at door knobs fortunately monkeys are excellent door openers [Music] unless the door is locked is [Music] gnocchi thought it'd be much more fun if she and hundley played outside [Music] poor hundley clearly hundley needed some monkey help huh [Music] gnocchi was surprised that hundley was still in the basement [Music] gnocchi was sure that a game of chase would make hundley feel better [Music] it did it took his mind off basements [Music] hmm george could build a ramp to the window [Music] hmm a ramp stronger than a pizza box [Music] hundley was beginning to like this game [Music] george had to remind him that he wanted to get out of the basement gnocchi had a lot of fun with the clown but now it was hundley's turn [Music] maybe hundley just needed a push [Music] george needed to think of something else ah maybe he didn't have to go straight up to the window [Music] george didn't need one ramp he needed a lot of ramps george's ramps worked [Music] linguine [Applause] what did you do to my basement jojo [Music] dylan and his mom were back hundley had to hurry [Music] gnocchi didn't know what was going on but it sure looked like fun [Music] hundley oh thank you i thought we'd lost this forever look dylan you are the best door dog another job well done well almost done [Music] hi george where's the librarian oh i see can you help me find hundley's favorite book it's called dachshunds and dandelions a yellow book no problem george was very familiar with that color [Music] nope not it nope and nope no no that said dachshunds and dandelions finding books was hard [Music] but george had an idea if books were sorted by color they'd be much easier to find [Music] it took a lot of work but the library was fixed it would be easy for people to find books now oh georgio georgia you know i can't find the book ah it's gnocchi's favorite book too it's called mice everywhere [Music] are you asking me what color the book is i don't know but i do know one thing it's very very very very big big is not a color that's it oh thank you giorgio you know i got to get some cookbooks too so i'll check this out up front bye bye little buddy i mean bye-bye [Music] [Music] organizing books by color didn't seem to work maybe they should be organized by size instead [Music] little books medium books big books humongous books george had fixed the library again [Music] ah george what happened the books are all messed up come here i'll show you this is where all the outer space books are supposed to be but instead you've got bunny books train books bug books pink pony books ah where are all the outer space books [Music] george tried to explain to steve how he had organized all the books [Music] did you arrange all the books by size [Music] that's amazing but i don't think that's the way libraries work see outer space books are supposed to go on this shelf and books about dinosaurs go on that shelf and all the other books uh i don't know where they go george wondered if outer space books all go together and dinosaur books all go together well then maybe train books go with other train books no matter what size or color they are [Music] yeah train books probably go together hey i get it maybe all the books are organized by subject cool [Music] yeah you've got a lot of rearranging to do but don't worry i'll help [Music] we did it the books are back in the right order great job you hairy librarian [Music] i'm back george my it looks neat as a pin in here all the books are back where they should be on the shelves according to their subject uh right well mostly right books are typically arranged by subject then by author alphabetically [Music] except storybooks they go together by author i'm sure i can put things right in no time [Music] great sounds like you did a great job george hey maybe you'd like to help out at the library every saturday [Music] helping mrs dewey was fun but exhausting yoo-hoo george you forgot your book [Music] on the other hand only a librarian would give you adventurous henry for another two weeks what could be better than that [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 4,757,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 28HjpsrzvUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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