Curious George 🐵Hundley Jr 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Cartoons For Children

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ah i forgot this bag of marbles for mr zubell is the doorman here yet first a dog's in charge then a monkey next it'll be an elephant sign here please weirdest day ever [Music] george started delivering the bag right away he was a great door monkey things had to be going better for george hundley jr was a fast eater good thing george got some leaves from the tree but hundley jr didn't like the tree leaves he only liked the leaves from the flowers hundley understood he only liked one kind of dog food he and hundley jr were exactly alike and then something strange happened hundley jr dangled down off a stick and stopped moving maybe hundley jr needed more food hundley had to get more leaves from the flowers fast when hundley got to the lobby he couldn't believe his eyes nothing was [Music] wrong george couldn't believe his eyes either hundley was dirty and smelled like trash [Music] hundley needed that food but george didn't want a dirty dog in his clean lobby [Music] it was hundley versus monkey hundley who would win oh my flowers miss klopotznick that's who aren't today oh dear there's milkweed in this bouquet i'm allergic to milkweed well at least the lobby smell better now when hundley got back hundley jr was in a tiny sleeping bag oh where did he get that hundley would just wait until his friend woke up he was sure it wouldn't be long [Music] okay there's trash all over the floor george is in the lobby and you're watching a stick i'm taking your temperature hundley [Music] days and days went by but hundley jr stayed wrapped up in the hard little bag hundley tried to get hundley jr to come out and play nope hundley tried to get hundley jr to come out and sing nope george kept watching the lobby in the mornings while the doorman was at his class he did a good job [Music] most of the time two weeks later the doorman was back to work in the morning hi george but hundley jr was still sleeping george knew how to wake him up it looked like their friend would sleep forever [Music] but then the sleeping bag opened and out came a butterfly [Music] where did hundley jr go [Music] it was empty but that must mean the butterfly was hundley jr no wonder he'd been so sleepy it took a lot of work to grow wings their little friend had grown up puppies turned into dogs baby monkeys turned into bigger monkeys and caterpillars turned into butterflies hundley was happy his friend was awake but he was a little sad too because hundley jr didn't want to live inside anymore it was a beautiful day a perfect day for flying they'd miss their friend but he was ready to leave and go see the world thanks to them hundley was proud he'd been a great caterpillar daddy hey lobby monkey but he'd also learned his job could be done by a monkey [Music] hundley still did it better though [Music] oh thank you george what are you looking at spider webs well spiders spin those webs with special spider silk they live there and the webs catch their food [Music] hold it spiders don't eat apples they eat small insects and flies [Music] george didn't want to eat flies but he likes spiderwebs so much [Music] that he wondered why he could make a monkey web which would catch monkey food [Music] [Music] yep it passed the dachshund test but it did the opposite of catching fruit [Music] twine was strong not rubbery and it was all he had left [Music] but would food stick to it [Music] it would if he made it sticky stickier than honey [Music] this would be the perfect test for his monkey web nice web george playing spider [Music] all right spider monkey here comes a big fly food didn't stick to the web and the web couldn't stick to the wall because george was too heavy you get those to the park wow you even brought plenty of extra strong tape so it won't blow away thanks you really saved the day you want that uh-huh sure i have maybe george didn't have to give up on his monkey web yet here was a chance to see how an expert did it george let's get home before we get caught in the rain oh hey what's this [Laughter] [Music] well that is a pretty good monkey web george [Music] [Music] can we help oh yes please this is my grandfather's collection of antique postcards they're priceless we'll never get them all oh it's hopeless the museum wanted to display them now they're going to be lost oh my what luck that this big sticky web thing was here oh that wasn't luck that was a monkey [Music] rain i've got to recover that statue now ugh and i'd better get these to the museum fast [Music] thanks again [Music] the spiderwebs had to be saved from the storm too [Music] making webs was hard was impressed little spiders could do such amazing things george got rid of the rainy day [Music] and gave him a sunny mountain view [Music] george figured a smart monkey all by himself should be able to work this thing [Music] now what did juicy j say he put in that drink it's got five fruits and vegetables plus a special secret ingredient five fruits and vegetables and all of them seem to be red apples are red and peppers and strawberries [Music] and watermelons [Music] george didn't know what cabbage was but it was the last red thing in the fridge five red things hmm now all george needed was a special ingredient [Music] a red fish why not [Applause] [Music] okay so maybe raw fish is not a special juice ingredient george decided he'd try again and make a fish-free juice he started with one of everything one apple one strawberry [Music] that wasn't it at all he had the red ingredients hmm what could be the problem [Music] [Music] george decided to experiment with different amounts of each ingredient he used a big piece of paper to keep track [Music] too sweet george added more peppers it still wasn't right and it certainly didn't pass the hundley test maybe george needed more of these things close but george thought more apples might help [Music] george's juice was perfect well almost it still needed a special secret ingredient hmm where could he find one of those [Music] hello diardia say can i interest you in today's special special that's exactly what he was looking for it's eggplant picata with extra amounts of pigatta oh those are radishes try one try one oh but careful radishes are a little especiato that means spicy radishes were spicy but spicy might be good in a drink i know help yourself georgie [Music] just the radishes [Music] bye-bye george hoped that one radish would do the trick [Music] george had done it his juice was just as good as juicy j's better even george [Music] oh no [Music] oh have you been making juice [Music] oh oh my goodness this juice is amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] george thought his juice was so delicious he decided to give it away at the next farmer's market get your george juice it's made with apples for strong bones cabbage for vitamin c and a bunch of other healthy stuff [Music] oh thanks oh this is fantastic can i get the recipe sure george started with your juice but added a few new ingredients a radish oh that is brilliant a revolution in juice making to george and his delicious george juice [Music] hey george would you like a subway map as a souvenir of your first ride okay wait here i'll be right back george couldn't wait to get on the train so he didn't [Music] oh good the train's here now where's george george wait uh here you go george [Applause] [Music] wait my monkey's on the train george get off at the next station and wait for me there [Music] oh hey there i've never had a monkey on my train before would you like to see how i drive this thing [Music] oh maybe you'd even like to help [Music] okay the workers are done and the lights green so it's time to get moving so let's blow the horn [Music] now move the lever forward easy and get this trainer rolling [Music] great job you can drive my train anytime bye now hey it was george's friend marco hola george do you want to play with us [Music] george excuse me pardon me hey george i'll wait for you at the next stop petite paris don't worry george was confused he heard the rumbling and the screeching so where was the train [Music] wait a minute huh george was confused this looked like where he'd been before and that was the same clown which meant george was back where he started how did he do that why hello there i thought you were going to the zoo [Music] i don't understand where's george i told him to get on the next train [Music] if george didn't get on the uptown train then maybe could he have gotten on the downtown train by mistake because i never explained that there were two trains that must be it no hang tight george i'm coming [Music] george hold on stay on the train and go to the [Music] zoo to mechanical difficulties there will be a one-hour delay on the uptown line one hour that's it subway's out running's in see originals george loved riding on the subway but he also couldn't wait to see a dragon [Music] not only did george see a dragon on his way to the zoo he also saw an italian opera singer some russian dancers and a swiss yoder [Music] finally george had arrived at the zoo [Music] oh no george you made it george all by yourself and faster than i did now let's hurry and get over to the zoo because i think they close at 4 p.m sorry oh but it took us all day to get here and and we really wanted to see the komodo dragon isn't there anything you can do well nothing wrong with a monkey in a zoo i suppose thank you [Music] so why did it take you all day to get here it's a long story ah well little advice next time take the subway it's faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i can't even make my first delivery how am i gonna finish my whole route in time hey if you're not delivering papers wanna pull me around in the snow i've never used a toboggan before but so far it's great thanks for thinking of it george [Music] good morning thanks boys hang on gotta steer around this curve [Music] how do you steer [Music] hey you boys all right [Music] i don't know much about toboggans i'm not much on snow sports i guess i spend too much time playing with my trains maybe there's something else you could use in here instead [Music] then george realized you can steer by leaning [Music] george you're a genius why didn't i think to lean that's how we can steer the toboggan [Music] oh you better keep the blanket you might need it [Music] hang on george here comes the lake street curve clean george lean harder than you've ever leaned in your life [Applause] [Music] only two papers left golden pouch here we come only they weren't going anywhere they had run out of hill [Music] and then george realized great idea george we can turn this blanket into a sail and we can zoom over the flats if only he had a couple of poles [Music] from the recycling bins take anything you want [Music] once their sail was sail shaped they needed to attach it to the poles [Music] attaching it to the mast and boom was a breeze with their sail in place they'd soon be moving quickly but their mast blew past so george found a way to hold it fast ready [Music] okay what if we let the boom out so the sail catches the wind [Music] [Music] here you go mr torsten [Music] it's 4 45 only one more delivery but we'll never make it all the way around the lake to windmill lane by five o'clock [Music] they didn't have to go around the lake they could go across it good idea george [Music] [Applause] [Music] you do the honors [Music] not bad for a city kid [Applause] [Music] she's a real beaut couldn't have done it without you partner [Music] so george day one of a new golden pouch delivery year starts today think we'll win again george was certain because when it came to paper delivery it was always smooth sailing with bill how did bears do it [Music] george had to find out just teddy a bear how do bear sleep do bears sleep in the woods hibernation [Music] well to hibernate first bears eat a lot then go into their dark quiet caves and then now his room was exactly like a cave except caves were quiet [Music] [Music] george didn't know whose dog this was but he knew what stopped charkie from barking peanut butter [Music] well no more peanut butter how could he quiet the cows [Music] hmm [Music] he couldn't hold the blanket on his ears in his sleep but maybe there was another way to use it to keep sounds out [Music] ah [Music] [Music] hey listen to this george i've got that tough part down oh cool muted sound finally everything was perfect for monkey hibernation when george woke up it would be springtime [Music] when george woke up he realized he'd done it he had hibernated six months must have passed [Music] his goldfish looked bigger that meant outside it was spring [Music] nothing was growing yet it must have been early spring good morning george that wasn't much of a welcome back after a whole hibernation well i was thinking of making banana nut pancakes for breakfast but you ate all the bananas yesterday huh yesterday [Music] george only hibernated one night [Music] well he'd just have to go back to bed and try harder oops well it seemed like time to get the winter stuff out just happened a little faster than i intended wait a minute ah george forgot about the winter stuff skis sleds [Music] his monkey mittens no way did george want to sleep through winter and miss using all this fun stuff [Music] maybe someday bears would wake up and see what they're missing [Music] hey george you know why they call me the lemonade king [Music] free samples once people try this stuff they're hooked they can't get enough and they bring back their friends hmm this is the best ever i'll take two please wow sure [Music] that gave george an idea if people got free samples of the man's book maybe they'd give some to their friends too that'd be a great way to spread the bird word [Music] ah the man's warbler book [Music] with each lemonade you're going to give a free book in business we call that a two for one can't miss [Music] but not everyone who wanted lemonade wanted a book either it didn't fit on a bicycle [Music] or it was too yellow [Music] or they didn't know how to read looks like you need to reach more people you should advertise huh [Music] that's the idea you just need to put the sign where a lot of people can see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] bingo [Music] uh george how about you paint and i'll supervise from here okay [Music] don't forget the picture [Music] when george got close to the billboard he could see things he couldn't see from far away like the fact that the billboard wasn't just one big sheet of paper but six sheets glued together this time george was sure he'd get it right [Music] what george come down here quick [Music] look you're painting the rectangles out of order [Music] let's put the pictures back in order uh okay that looks good but how do we keep them in order when you're up there [Music] george remembered that numbers were a good way to keep track of things [Music] you're numbering them huh [Music] good idea [Music] to keep everything straight george numbered the rectangles on the billboard in the same order looking good george [Music] ah boy talk about a slow news day hey there's a monkey painting a billboard i wish there's a monkey painting the billboard pull over [Music] are we rolling this is a special report today live one monkey one billboard one story you'll never forget mr libro won't you please reconsider my book is very important yeah but is it funny well no see that's a problem cause i like funny hey what's everybody staring at is that a monkey what's he doing oh no i know that billboard [Music] look at that a monkey painting a goofy guy with a bird on his [Music] wait a minute you're the guy yep it's me and my monkey brilliant advertising campaign if your book is half as brilliant as that billboard then i'm sold i've never seen anything like it this book is selling like hotcakes well george deserves the credit for that [Music] it made me laugh it made me cry it made me want to donate half the proceeds to the warbler foundation and there you have it one book one monkey one recipe for sales success reporting live from lots of libros don't forget save the warbler and try steve's lemonade [Music] hey george george how about taking a bath to wash all that mud off george was puzzled did the bathtub run out of water hey george i'm not getting any water downstairs how about you i'd better call mr quint so how's it look mr quint did our well run dry oh no no no just a broken pump you got plenty of water down there huh oh yeah [Music] now this here is your house that's the water and to get to it all you have to do is dig a well ah yep a well see a well is just a hole in the ground that's deep enough to reach water and a pump like that one there suctions the water up and out i sort of like the way you're using that straw every time you suck on it you're pulling the orange juice up out of your glass well your house won't be seeing water for a few more days i'm afraid i have to order you a new pump a few days well i guess that means we're going back to the city george some of us still need a bath [Music] go straight in and run a bath george hey george i have to go help professor wiseman don't forget about that bath [Music] george decided that the best thing to do was to put all his toys in the tub [Music] hello is anyone there i just wanted to make sure you saw that orange flyer slipped under your door we have to shut off all the water at four o'clock which is now i'm going in [Music] up to get to water all you have to do is dig a well but hundley had finally cleaned up george's mess [Music] george remembered that a well didn't need to be wide it just needed to be deep [Music] george had water what he didn't have was a way to get it out of the ground george remembered that people used pipes to carry water from their wells [Music] so that's what george needed a very long pipe [Music] maybe this would work with duct tape anything was possible [Music] [Music] it worked the water was going up the straw at this rate george would have his bathtub filled in no time [Music] except the well was out of water [Music] george had to dig a deeper hole huh [Music] george had struck the motherload of water water spurting up 20 feet in the middle of the city not a good sign see the whole reason we turned the water off was to figure out why we were losing pressure turns out the water main leading to the building had a crack in it i still don't know how george discovered the water main or the crack but it's a good thing you did well i have to say george you haven't looked this clean in days [Music] when you take a bath you really take a bath [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 3,260,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: IsS7KGdaHzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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