Curious George 🐵 Charkie Escapes 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Music] dog city sure didn't involve any sitting or soccer practice he kept her from going under or through the gate now he had to keep her from going through the window this metal desk was heavy enough to keep charkie right here [Music] it looked like George had to just sit there and watch the dog because every time he thought he had every escape covered charkie escaped anyway he didn't have to watch her if he could hear exactly where she was now he can practice in peace George realized a good player must learn to ignore distractions like mooing dogs [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] George really lost Truckee this time he couldn't even hear that dog moving anymore she lost her mower she's the best soccer goalie I ever saw with four legs George didn't think sure he even liked soccer he didn't need a leash or a fence to keep charkie from running away charkie didn't want to escape she was just looking for someone to play ball with [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you are oh I'm glad I came back when I did this gates open oh good thing charkie didn't notice she's very lively once or twice she's run away we're going to the park George would you like to come if you fall behind look for us in the park George would get lots of practice now charkie was the greatest soccer partner imaginable except for the dog drool on the ball problem [Music] that sounded like a chicken in trouble George could see those six chicks needed to be rescued George took two because it seemed safest that left four on the island unfortunately the chicks enjoyed being rescued by George too much to do it just once so now he had six chicks to rescue they didn't need a rescue ferry what they needed was a way to cross back and forth for fun [Music] they needed a bridge he couldn't think of any way to make a branch longer he could make this longer [Music] but good chicks walk on it now he just had to repeat the same pattern until it was long enough am I the first one here oh are you making cocktail wieners yep [Music] no toothpicks it's not a proper party if you don't pick up small food with toothpicks I know bill George will be back any minute with plenty of toothpicks George had made a bridge but was it long enough now all the chicks had to do was walk across the bridge wasn't chick safe yet what could he do to make it safer [Music] that bridgehead sides made from triangle shapes [Music] Hey [Music] George suggested they crossed one at a time in case the bridge wasn't strong enough to hold them off but the bridge was plenty strong it even held a whole hand a job well done George can now rush home with the marshmallows toothpicks and cards maybe not straight home there must be some party if you need more marshmallows toothpicks and cards already [Music] now it's officially a party oh we're gonna play go fish mama come see what the chickens built and that's how the Lincoln's college fund for gifted chickens got its start [Music] he'd found the pandas that map really worked George could watch the panda for hours [Music] and he did [Music] until he felt like that baby would never get any leaves to eat [Music] nobody here guess I can lock up time flies when you're watching pandas George realized he'd better go before they closed the zoo keys there were lots of other doors giraffes look much more peaceful than rhinos and lions George would just have to keep looking [Music] but he didn't find the way out he didn't realize he'd left the door open he might have left more than one door open well at least the meerkats we're home it wasn't easy but he put every last animal back still the animals all looked unhappy maybe meerkats don't live on ice where did he first see them [Music] this map was good for more than just finding the Panda it showed where all the animals belonged Oh George left that panda cam running say where is George the zoo must be closed by now George [Music] the animals were happy to get back to their own environments so just by following what was next to what George got everyone home everyone except himself this map was the most amazing thing George had ever seen except for the baby panda George George are you in there after all he'd done George didn't want the man with the yellow hat to wake up the baby well come on out of there the zoo is closed did you like the baby panda [Laughter] the orangutan liked his home but he thought there goes the luckiest monkey on the face of the earth a big duck would make it to a British photo a giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all the strange tracks suddenly stopped did the duck footed snake fly away or maybe it was because nothing could leave tracks in hard stone you can't leave tracks in water but you can make tracks with water George remembered he'd seen big tracks like these there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur George got a photo of jumpy by leaving out food couldn't he do the same with a dinosaur what prized photo that would be he didn't have any dinosaur food but maybe they would like fruits and vegetables George was thinking about something bigger than a fawn much bigger those tracks couldn't possibly belong to a meat-eating dinosaur could they could that be the dinosaur [Music] George decided to warn the man with the yellow hat that a hungry dinosaur might be visiting the dinosaur had returned from the water and the tracks were headed towards Bill's house hiya George did you see the farm [Music] yeah I guess those do look like dinosaur tracks yep my new boots were hurting my feet so I put these on to walk to the lake I told you I was going swimming remember hey now I know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps with no hungry dinosaurs around George still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again but George had enough pictures of that squirrel for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks Hey deer tracks Wow you use fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos look at these wonderful dear how did you manage to capture such amazing photos George oh you know George he just used his imagination isn't that right running errands did he give you a note as usual George must have accidentally mailed the note how could he get with the man with the yellow hat needed now he had to demonstrate what was wrong with the man with the yellow hat you need something for a Blowfish sniffles big sneeze finger in the nose runny nose you need something for a cold the man with the yellow sleep cap took the medicine and went back to sleep and he slept a long time ooh you sound worse than I thought now I know you're working hard on those changes but we need to change the changes yes turn the charts counterclockwise turn the odd numbers even and replace 26 with 19 5 & 2 we need it done by 8:00 a.m. ok and remember you'll feel better if you feed a cold and starve a fever to make sure his friend got really well George would feed that cold plenty George wondered what he'd put in his mouth was he already feeding his cold oh this is a thermometer it helps to tell if I have a fever yeah normal is 98.6 degrees I have a very slight fever of 99 point two degrees George had to starve a fever what oh well yes I'll figure it out what I feel better hi George know anyone who wants a kitten Shh somebody's sick oh sorry when my best friend's cat flows he was acting sick we all had to be quiet just like that fuzzy stayed in bed a long time the man with the yellow hat was in bed a long time fuzzy didn't act like her normal playful self the man wasn't acting like his normal playful self he must have exactly the same thing fuzzy had hmm bless he wasn't really sick after laying in bed a whole day she had six kittens kittens he wasn't sick the man with the yellow hat was going to have kittens if you know anyone who wants a cat send him to me George had to get the apartment ready for kidneys by morning George had the place ready hello hi it's professor Wiseman it turns out your reports perfect we don't need any of those changes ha ha changes I'll make sure you get a bonus for doing all that difficult extra work while you were so ill I didn't do anything oh you're so modest thanks again changes oh boy milk George why are you now I did did I miss something [Music] George was very happy the man with the yellow hat got healthy without having kittens [Music] uh-oh sounds like you caught my cold come on get to bed hey George would you like a subway map as a souvenir of your first ride okay wait here I'll be right back George couldn't wait to get on the train so he didn't oh good the trains here now where's George George George wait my monkeys on the train George get off at the next station and wait for me there oh hey there I've never had a monkey on my train before would you like to see how I Drive this thing oh maybe you'd even like to help [Music] okay the workers are done and the lights green so it's time to get moving so let's blow the horn now move the lever forward easy and get this train rolling [Music] great job you can drive my train anytime bye now it was George's friend Marco [Music] excuse me honey hey George I'll wait for you at the next stop petit Paris don't worry George was confused he heard the rumbling and the screeching so where was the Train [Music] oh wait a minute hmm George was confused this looked like where he'd been before and that was the same clown which meant George was back where he started how did he do that why hello there I thought you were going to the zoo [Music] I don't understand where's George I told him to get on the next train if George didn't get on the Uptown train then maybe could he have gotten on the downtown train by mistake because I never explained that there were two trains that must be it hang tight George I'm coming George hold on stay on the train and go to the zoo one hour that's it Subway's out running Zinn see original jr. George loved riding on the subway but he also couldn't wait to see a dragon [Music] not only to George see it dragon on his way to the zoo he also saw an Italian opera singing some Russian dancers and a Swiss Yoda [Music] finally George had arrived at the zoo [Music] oh no George you made it George all by yourself and faster than I did now let's hurry and get over to the zoo because I think they close at 4 p.m. sorry but it took us all day to get here and and we really wanted to see the Komodo dragon isn't there anything you can do well nothing wrong with a monkey in the zoo I suppose so why did it take you all day to get here it's a long story ah a little advice next time take the subway it's faster hey George how about taking a bath to wash all that mud off George was puzzled did the bathtub run out of water hey George I'm not getting any water downstairs how about you I'd better call mr. Quint so how's it look mr. Quint did our well run dry oh no no no just a broken poem you got plenty of water now man now this here is your house that's the water and to get to it all you have to do is dig oh well yep oh well see a well is just a hole in the ground that's deep enough to reach water and a pump like that one there suctions the water up and out I sort of like the way you're using that straw every time you suck on it you're pulling the orange juice up out of your glass well your house won't be seeing water for a few more days I'm afraid I have to order you a new pump a few days well I guess that means we're going back to the city George some of us still need a bath [Music] okay go straight in and run a bath George hey George I have to go help professor Wiseman don't forget about that bath [Music] Jude's decided that the best thing to do was to put all his toys in the tub we have to shut off all the water at four o'clock which is now to get to water all you have to do is dig a well but Hundley had finally cleaned up George's mess [Music] George remembered that a well didn't need to be wide it just needed to be deep George had water what he didn't have was a way to get it out of the ground George remembered that people used pipes to carry water from their wells so that's what George needed a very long pipe maybe this would work [Music] duct tape anything was possible [Music] [Music] it worked the water was going up the straw at this rate George would have his bathtub filled in no time [Music] except the well was out of water George had to dig a deeper hole [Music] giorgia struck the mother lode of water [Music] water spurting up 20 feet in the middle of the city not a good sign [Music] see the whole reason we turned the water off was to figure out why we were losing pressure turns out the water main leading to the building had a crack in it I still don't know how George discovered the water main or the crack but it's a good thing you did well I have to say George you haven't looked this clean in days when you take a bath you really take a bath come on in guys thanks for letting Hundley spend the night while I'm gone [Music] and this is a list of everything Hundley needs and when he needs it Oh that's quite a list bye-bye bye we'll make sure he has a good time Oh Hundley was used to keeping everything in its proper place to make him feel welcome George decided they should play with Hundley's toys [Music] so while I do laundry would you like to feed Hundley George according to the list it's time the cup had to be filled to the top line with dry food Hundley didn't want it above or below the line but exactly right next at 1/2 cup of water [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to chew his food thoroughly waiting for Hundley to chew wasn't George's idea of fun George couldn't wait to find out what was next on the list [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Huntley didn't seem to like the monster show maybe that number was his favorite channel George was sure Hundley would enjoy the monster show more than poodle groomers it's bedtime for monkeys Oh [Music] dachshunds too [Music] just to make sure Hundley wasn't trying to tell him something important George checked the list Hundley didn't want to play he always slept with squeaky mouse squeaky mouse helped Hundley sleep and kept nightmares away Hundley was very happy to have a friend like George who would get out of bed to kick squeaky mouse off the balcony [Music] [Music] Hundley knew George was having a bad dream and he didn't have his own squeaky mouse [Music] hello Hundley how you doing boy was he any trouble not at all right George [Music] finally says thank you dogs and monkeys don't always understand each other but sometimes the squeaky mouse can tell you who your real friends are [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,522,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 2nibW2rMy-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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