Curious George 🐵Monkey Down Under 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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here we are all the comforts of home even a shower [Music] george [Music] no worries george we get rain six months out of the year so the tents are waterproof what's that cook i've never heard of an animal called a cook cook isn't an animal cook's a cook wow that was neat thanks that was a great meal okay i'll set up our beds [Music] these were the biggest footprints george had ever seen he wondered who or what made them oh yeah everyone else's footprints went one in front of the other huh but these footprints were side by side and they were really far apart [Music] was by hopping rabbits hopped maybe it was a giant rabbit or clowns have big footprints maybe it was a hopping clown or maybe it was a giant hopping clown rabbit [Music] george it's bedtime you want to stay here are you sure uh-huh okay oh wait better leave my hat here since you won't be around to get it back for me yeah bye george be a good little monkey [Music] there were those footprints again only now the giant clown rabbit had a tiny friend [Music] it looked like they'd stopped here for a drink of water but then [Music] the smaller footprints disappeared could it be when clown rabbits drank water they could fly [Music] the footprints weren't made by a hopping clown rabbit they were made by a [Music] whatever this little guy was they were back at camp hopping sure made a monkey thirsty [Music] maybe his friend was thirsty too [Music] if only he had a bowl to feed him with it'll dry out and be as good as new [Music] george's new friend looked cute in the man's hat but he couldn't keep it [Music] it was the bigger whatever it was [Music] ah his small friend couldn't fly he'd just been getting a ride george had to get that hat they were pretty still when they were drinking but that watering hole was too far away by the time george got there the animals might be gone if only he had his own watering hole [Music] and then george realized he did he just needed someplace to put it [Music] and a lot of water to put into it [Music] he hoped his friends were thirsty [Music] george was happy to have the man's hat back but he was sad his new friends ran off george you won't believe it sea cows are amazing you want to see sea cow that didn't look anything like a cow george what happened to the rain cover on the tent no worries mate yeah long day i could use an ice bath [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this day just keeps getting better turn around and i'll show you my favorite australian animal his friends were back those are kangaroos so that's what they were called they really like to eat grass just put it on the ground right beside you [Music] and that's when george decided kangaroos were his favorite australian animal too [Music] it's a super spy's job to discover secrets and double o doggie is the best he has lots of tools to help him oh that's a periscope remember [Music] well inside the tube are two mirrors the mirror at this end reflects whatever it's pointing at to a mirror at this end [Music] that way double-oh doggy can see things without being seen himself [Music] all right good night little spy monkey [Music] can we meet an hour later a super spy had to be smart quiet and quick with his hands and feet he'd only been a super spy for two minutes and double o monkey already had his first spy mission find out what the man with the yellow hat was going to get him but he had to make sure he wouldn't be seen [Music] george hi how you doing what george [Music] a barking charkie was even worse than a puddle the last thing a spy wants is to attract attention [Music] it should be here somewhere [Music] george [Music] huh that's funny your baby looks just like my monkey i i mean uh he's he's a good-looking monkey i mean oh boy [Music] [Music] it was hard being a super spy without the right tools [Music] george's periscope worked great he could see between things [Music] over things [Music] and around things [Music] [Music] how could he keep his eye on the man with the yellow hat now [Music] [Music] a broken periscope can't stop a super spy with tools like a mirror and the brain of a monkey [Music] [Music] you wouldn't be a spy monkey would you he did you make this huh wow this is very good really but you know it's not nice to spy on people [Music] and can ruin surprises like this now do you want an official double-oh doggy periscope or would you rather just make another one [Music] you want both when you're a super spy monkey you need lots of ways to keep your eyes on things [Applause] [Music] come on in guys thanks for letting hundley spend the night while i'm gone [Music] and this is a list of everything hundley needs and when he needs it [Music] oh that's quite a list bye-bye bye we'll make sure he has a good time hundley was used to keeping everything in its proper place to make him feel welcome george decided they should play with hundley's toys [Music] so while i do laundry would you like to feed hundley george according to the list it's time [Music] the cup had to be filled to the top line with dry food hundley didn't want it above or below the line but exactly right [Music] next add one half cup of water [Music] huh whoa hmm ah [Music] and to chew his food thoroughly waiting for hundley to chew wasn't george's idea of fun george couldn't wait to find out what was next on the list [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hundley didn't seem to like the monster show maybe that number was his favorite channel oh george was sure hundley would enjoy the monster show more than poodle groomers [Music] it's bedtime for monkeys [Music] oh dachshunds too [Music] hmm [Music] just to make sure hundley wasn't trying to tell him something important george checked the list [Music] hundley didn't want to play he always slept with squeaky mouse squeaky mouse helped hundley sleep and kept nightmares away hundley was very happy to have a friend like george who would get out of bed to kick squeaky mouse off the balcony [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] hundley knew george was having a bad dream and he didn't have his own squeaky mouse [Music] hello hundley how you doing boy was he any trouble not at all right george [Music] hundley says thank you dogs and monkeys don't always understand each other but sometimes a squeaky mouse can tell you who your real friends are [Music] every weekend after that george couldn't wait to play with the band until one day [Applause] [Music] sorry but the bandstand had to come down it was old and unsafe he had no idea where they lived george did know that they sometimes played in the plaza del sol subway station he decided he'd look for them there george was at endless park plaza del sol was the next stop so all he had to do was take the subway uptown this was plaza del sol all right but the band wasn't here is that you george [Music] what are you doing here [Music] i think you're saying that they took down our band stand i know we were sad when they told us and i wanted to tell you but i didn't know where you lived the burritos are vegetable and cheese wrapped in a tortilla [Music] that's my mom maritza and you know my dad luis and my uncle felix and my sister cecilia marco tells me you're feeling sad about the bandstand george we are sad too yeah we tried playing in the street this morning but it was too noisy it's worse than the subway it was nice to have a place where people could actually hear our music [Music] eating great food talking about music it reminded george of the last time he'd been at pisghetti's excuse me coming through excuse me georgio isn't it great everyone has come to him pisghetti's might be fine for a man with a violin who could go up to each table to be heard but it wasn't working for a whole entire band okay so we need a room big enough for the band but not too big a high ceiling but not too high and no lions or carpets or waiters [Music] hi george and hello friend of georges hola are you coming to the opening tonight marvels of the maya it's our biggest archaeological exhibit ever there'll be food and lots of people bring your friends lots of people was marco thinking what george was thinking yes um do you think you might want some music tonight my family has a band music oh fantastic idea seven o'clock see you then this is a little tune we wrote called hooray for george [Music] he's sorry he's sweet quite light on his feet he's got a smile for you and an olaf for me we don't know what he'll say but he'll brighten your day with a big monkey grin well he can [Music] [Music] that a monkey can print [Music] he likes all our songs and he bounces along we have so much fun that we can hardly go wrong so when it's time to play we give a great big lay he's our number one fan and we all want to say hurry for george bravo fifa you clap and i'll sing let's make the song really swing so hurry for george brothers nothing that's so spunky that a monkey can bring nothing meets a funky that a monkey can bring nothing bit so funky that a monkey [Music] all right hey where can we see you play next we don't really have a place to play not since they tore down the band stand hold it hold it hang on this band is unique if george is your number one fan then i'm your number two which is why i've just decided to build a new bandstand and i'd like you to perform on opening day really okay it's a deal [Applause] thank you thank you and welcome to the all-new glass bandstand please welcome lobos de plata hit it george thanks to the new band stand lobos de plata sounded great even when hundley joined in [Music] hey allie george bill what are you doing up so early looking for the perseids oh they're beautiful have fun yeah this way keep your eyes open the perseid should be around here someplace grandpa said you can't miss him [Music] shooting stars wow [Music] be sure to save some pictures for the persians george okay they're here somewhere do you see them oh bill you go that way me and georgia go this way aye aye [Music] he's waving bill's trying to tell us something huh he's saying don't go this way [Music] that way yeah that way hurry george oh what is it where are they oh i was saying there weren't any it's my new signal watch shazoo shazam no perseids over that way flim flam or that way oh oogie what a game what's that mean it means i can't tell what you're saying it took both hands just to keep his eyes open what are you three working on so hard it's a surprise grandpa hmm well this should wake you up my super spicy hot curry soup be careful it's sowie hot no problem i love spicy stuff the spicier the better [Music] bill do you think you should [Music] there see [Music] huh what is it what do you want a napkin was pointing because he needed a glass of water hmm what is it george how is pass me the water our code [Music] george realized their code could be a lot simpler [Music] one flash meant nothing here two flashes i heard a sound hey it came from that direction okay it came from that way [Music] george that's great it's so simple and clear not bad for a city kid so the next morning with their flashlights and their new secret code the trio set out to find the perseids [Music] okay [Music] sorry [Music] wow [Music] hurry up [Music] operation persians is on go go go [Music] nothing here one flash bill says there's nothing there [Music] oh [Music] two flashes that means they heard a sound [Music] it came from over there [Music] you ready george okay [Music] george nothing nothing nothing all we have is a bunch of pictures of persians what where right there the perseids is the name of a whole bunch of shooting stars that you can see every august ah wow and george caught them on film pretty good for city kid [Music] you're the best george oh what a nice surprise you three now how about some cocoa to warm you up aha is it spicy [Music] oh quite a show huh [Music] [Applause] even though they weren't creatures who looked like purses the perseids or nature's own flashing lights were pretty amazing to see why don't you go hit a few while this fella and i pack up for the move george had no time to lose it had been hours since he last golf bill had warned george that a golfer had to be careful he could lose his ball in a sand trap or a water trap [Music] or a squirrel trap [Music] an old agreement says the castle's owner must show the deed every year or pay the back taxes and i cannot find the deed oh oh i could help you pay the taxes we've not paid in over 400 years laddie i may not be good at math but 400 times anything is a lot of haggis well maybe i could help you find it what's the deed look like it's very old paper and it has the family crest on it the dragon in the yellow town [Music] [Music] it was a secret passageway [Music] there was nothing like a big stick to get you out of a tight place or into one luckily george found a bridge unluckily it was raised [Music] if you could push windows and pull bookcases maybe you could spin wheels too [Music] [Music] george couldn't figure out why the squirrel wanted his golf ball since he had so many of his own [Music] looked just like the dragon uncle tam told the man with the yellow hat to look for [Music] we're out of time give up i have to give him the castle i won't give up is this it no a dragon's in a red tam is this it not blue yellow yellow have you looked in the mirror today laddie um [Music] master time i'm here to claim the castle hand over the weekies george knew they'd be happy he found the dragon and wanted to show them right away oh [Music] he needed as much leverage as he could get for this shot [Music] [Applause] here you go it's all yours [Music] i cannot believe it it's a deed where did that come from [Music] oh this is great they looked even happier than george expected not only did uncle tam get to keep his castle but george had his first hole in one now if he could only get his ball back [Music] a big duck would make a terrific photo [Music] a giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture [Music] but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all [Music] the strange tracks suddenly stopped [Music] did the duck-footed snake fly away [Music] or maybe it was because nothing could leave tracks in hard stone [Music] you can't leave tracks in water [Music] but you can make tracks with water george remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur george got a photo of jumpy by leaving out food couldn't he do the same with a dinosaur what prize photo that would be he didn't have any dinosaur food but maybe they would like fruits and vegetables george was thinking about something bigger than a fawn much bigger [Music] [Applause] [Music] those tracks couldn't possibly belong to a meat-eating dinosaur could they [Music] could that be the dinosaur [Music] george decided to warn the man with the yellow hat that a hungry dinosaur might be visiting the dinosaur had returned from the water and the tracks were headed towards bill's house [Music] hiya george did you see the farm [Music] yeah i guess those do look like dinosaur tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so i put these on to walk to the lake i told you i was going swimming remember [Music] hey now i know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps [Music] with no hungry dinosaurs around george still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again [Music] but george had enough pictures of that squirrel [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos [Music] look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos george oh you know george he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] the eggs were still warm but if dumpling didn't come back soon [Music] george decided that if dumpling wasn't going to sit on her eggs he'd have to do it [Music] carefully [Music] well sitting on a nest hatching eggs is actually pretty boring hmm no this i've got to get on tape bill here bringing you a city kid sitting on a nest of duck eggs george why are you sitting on a nest of duck eggs [Music] i don't believe it a duck is hatching right before my very eyes on camera uh mr mrs rankins you don't want to miss this your ducks are hatching we'll be right there [Music] all the eggs are hatching [Music] there's the proud mother dumpling duck and here's the fourth duckling being reunited with its family [Music] [Applause] [Music] did the duckling think george was its mother [Music] george had to set this duckling straight his mother was a duck not a monkey i'm sure your little duckling will be a regular duck family member by tomorrow the next morning george was eager to see how his duckling was doing with his new duck family here we are on day two of the ducklings chronicles look at that the fourth duckling is with it oops spoke too soon [Music] [Music] george had to show the duckling that monkeys are one thing and ducks are another farmer life magazine how is that going to help oh george wanted to show the duckling that in a typical duck family there aren't any monkeys [Music] that wasn't working either [Music] maybe if george showed him how to act the duckling would get the idea [Music] it looks like george is trying to make like a duck maneuver [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh i should get this on tape you're watching dumpling duck saving her baby like only a mother duck can and so the ducklings were brought together by this daring rescue and by the kid from the city who helped to hatch them fantastic [Music] [Music] this is bill and the city kid [Music] bringing you one totally happy ending [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 13,507,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 0Hd53k-wWBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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