Curious George 🐵Hats and a Hole 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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brought my trusty wheelbarrow and buckets help us haul the dirt don't you know well there's gonna be a lot of dirt to because it's gonna be a deep hole what was a deep hole good for oh these are hard hats [Music] yeah same day nobody goes down in the hole without okay I think this hole is deep enough deep enough for what the hat made a pretty cool sound but his hat didn't make the same sound what did it hit to make that cool sound he could find out if he hid things to leave heard that sound again what was down there anyway [Music] if no one could go down in the hole without wearing a hard hat and all their hard hats were down in the hole how could they ever get them back the longer one should reach deeper what he needed was something long that could grab like his hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] George knew this turned the water on and off long way the hard hats were floating like boats and they looked closer the shovel reached him now they were closer [Music] I gotta change that one - Oh George never knew it could take so long to fill a bowl with water sure but he waited patiently and the hats rose on top of the water mr. Quinn's lucky float could it be [Music] George knew what made the noise and he had the hats back so it all worked out except how could he get all that water out of their brand-new hole did I drop that again oh thanks hey you guessed this was gonna be our new pond [Music] well let's clean up and we're done yeah I thought I was gonna surprise you but I guess you surprised me Oh twice [Music] ah huh exactly those down there are low notes and up there are the high notes you can practice with this George took conducting very seriously and practiced all the time [Music] he felt ready to conduct just about anything except charkie that's not yours here's your toy sorry George when Showtime came George felt like a conductor oh you look like a real conductor George no problem here use mine [Music] hey George hey is that George leading the band I saw him out here yesterday conducting pigeons let go lass I didn't see short he'll find it and bring it back to the way here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there she is Turkey George [Music] [Applause] two things George learned from that experience timing was everything and people love watching a flipping god [Music] [Applause] [Music] George come on up and I'll show you how the projector works a movie is made up of many small pictures these gears pull the pictures past the lens when we turn on the lamp it shines light through the film there's the movie [Music] welcome to the Bijou mr. glass I love dinosaurs seen it a hundred times enjoy the show [Music] Oh Oh wrong music watch the booth for me please you got it no George I forgot to start the popcorn machine Thanks it's all set to go [Music] can you change your tune les jazz more mystery this didn't seem like enough kernels to make popcorn for everyone [Music] just a minor problem sir we'll have it fixed in no time [Music] [Applause] [Music] George tell the band to slow down once I fix the projector speed oh here it is [Music] he was afraid the popcorn would never stop it was time to get help stop in this mess [Music] [Music] Hundley wasn't going to let a bag of popcorn and a monkey stop him [Music] um mr. glass I'll be in the lobby if you'd like to talk oh well what did he think now that was unique I've never said through anything like it you folks truly knocked my socks off yes you've convinced me that this old Bijou is got to stay just one thing next time when the volcano erupts hmm how about a little less salt on the popcorn [Music] George's mouth felt glued shut George are you okay I think it's the cake my cake [Music] George weird professor Wiseman is a genius but she can't bake a cake that doesn't bode well for the bake sale what could have gone wrong with the cake George didn't know enough about cooking to even gasps but chef pisghetti knew about cooking [Music] the first thing George noticed was all the chef's cooking tools some spoons were very deep thud ohh Bodo but I had had that the chef's seemed to put in whatever he wanted ah ha ha in any amount he wanted George knew professor Wiseman had scientific tools like did she own the right cooking tools oh hi George George wasn't finding many tools [Music] the cookbook hole that was there when I moved in I never use it if one is truly creative there's no need for a cookbook we're making carrot muffin so we'll need carrots what do you think one carrot per muffin we have everything we need to make a nice pan of muffins [Music] hmmm did we put a bit of salt in the sugar or a bit of sugar in the salt I can't tell okay George turn on the oven oh I so enjoy being creative I think our muffins will be a huge success [Music] maybe the muffins would taste better than they looked oh dear [Music] [Applause] perhaps chef pisghetti would know what went wrong with the muffins I will make you a favorite dish of my grandmother Tim Barlow they'll get the bardo Sicilian pie let me just check the recipe and I will begin recipe okay [Music] thanks a billion so that's what that thing was for I think this is my best team below ever thanks to my new assistants hmm torta de coeur ot oh that sounds good whatever it is mm ah carrot cake George and the professor had the same thought at the same time Thanks the kitchen is yours [Music] maybe we should just go pick up doughnuts yeah doughnuts yeah that sounds good [Music] that sure looks good professor Wiseman made it look at that cake we made two one for the bake sale and one for rescue squad 86 mmm I want to try some of these formulas I mean recipes and they seem so easy now like jeans splitting now that George knew all about cooking he didn't need to ask the chef about the failed muffins [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those shorts were a gift from my grandma George wasn't thinking about funny shorts now he needed a new soccer ball and if a lemonade stand worked for the boy with the yellow hat it could work for George hey George who's the real scorcher huh oh you want a lemon crate sure go right ahead [Music] George now had his very own lemonade stand this was pretty easy Wow hey is that lemonade thanks but I can't drink all that don't you have any cups thanks still a lot how about huh there that's a good amount George never knew you could make one cup of lemonade into two delicious let me give you a little something what a great business George wondered why everyone didn't have a lemonade stand here ya go Thanks [Music] George I saw the same lemonade how would you like it if I came to your house and did monkey stuff before you could get to it unfortunately some people didn't want competition [Music] some people were just too busy [Music] hey we have a present for you a brand-new soccer ball [Music] well you guys are fantastic let's go play soccer and some people had soccer cars George was ready to quit but he decided to try one last location there you are charkie I've been looking for you all morning hi George oh is this your lemonade stand are you making much money you have to charge money George now George realized with the man with the yellow hat meant he earned money and bought a ball a nicety truck sprung a leak at the zoo and the elephant's drank it all aye aye that was on its way to the construction site now those poor workers have nothing to drink are you thinking what I'm thinking [Music] thanks monkey [Music] Wow we made a lot of money today George we sold every last drop of your lemonade but it wasn't George's lemonade I am really looking forward to coming home and having ice-cold lemonade he had to replace it before the thirsty man with the yellow hat came home George where did all the lemonade go did you take our lemonade out for a walk oh yeah I noticed our soccer ball was flat so I got a new one it worked George ran a lemonade stand and got a soccer ball and the man with the yellow hat learned how to make lemonade come out of George's nose [Music] George noticed that people seem to like red a lot because they all stop to look at it people who like red didn't like green when the light turned green everybody drove away and when it came to yellow so far people only liked it enough to slow down and look a little bit the lights were always changing people didn't get much time to enjoy their favorite colors George made a special green side because someone who liked green was bound to show up a yellow side for those who might prefer yellow and a red side which George predicted would be the most popular [Music] charged iddin understand why they were unhappy if they didn't like it why didn't they just drive past the red light Thanks wind oh did you do this but now George you're from the city you must see traffic lights every day don't you know how they work George only paid attention to the lights that told him when to walk those other lights were for drivers and he didn't drive well you're young and you are a monkey but you should try to be more curious about important things well it's simple green means the car should go yellow means slow down red means cars have to stop [Music] the light was out but that wasn't so bad it wasn't even there yesterday except that yesterday jumpy had his branch bridge to cross the road on then George thought of something he could do to help since George now understood how a traffic light worked he was ready to be one [Music] with George in charge that traffic light worked better than before at least it was better for squirrels [Music] [Music] [Music] well God squirrel chicken and chicks - I am going to see that this situation is resolved that's my job [Music] it turned out they put that light up on the wrong corner it was meant to go up in the middle of town went Quint and Clint Clint put up a temporary squirrel bridge until the tree branches could grow back and George decided to look at the traffic lights back in the city maybe some of them needed a monkey hi George hey you want to try some delicious made out of apples that I pick myself apple cider [Music] that'll be 350 please why don't you and Allie make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids I like it but I don't want to trade for a stick oh I like the cards Oh George wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious once you make a trade it's for keeps and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing like playing hide-and-seek [Music] or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something you want me to trade the cart for a jar of sauerkraut no I'd rather have the cart I'm kind of using it George was in luck he had seen a pony just like that over at Vicki's house you want to trade a jar of sauerkraut for my pony no thanks maybe a dollhouse George didn't have a dollhouse Allie had a dollhouse though if George could trade something for the dollhouse then he could trade the dollhouse for the pony and trade the pony for the cart [Music] [Music] right here you go George like my cart Ali traded it to me for an old backpack [Music] you want to trade that pony for the cart no thanks I need this to help me carry stuff to the swap meet a swap meet is where lots of people gather in a big space and trade stuff you should come it's fun who knows might find something I would swap the cart pool oh this is great George I'll bring all the stuff I want to get rid of oh no no that's the keep pile that's the get rid of pile the next day George hoped that between his sticks and the man's stuff they'd have something that bill would trade for I like her sombrero though you want to trade the sombrero sure you want the cart it's a do oh wait I just traded it to mr. Quint [Music] well that's a dandy fishing reel but unfortunately I just swapped the cart with my brother for their singing whale 49 tons of krill on the wall 49 tons of krill [Music] George found mr. quints brother Flint but Flint had traded the car to his other brother winch for a back massager [Music] winter traded the card to mrs. renkins for some soap on a rope [Music] and mrs. renkins had traded the cart to Vicky sorry George I just traded the cart to some people from the city [Music] George had worked so hard to get that cart back and now it was gone for good [Music] [Applause] there's nothing here that I want see I'm an artist I work with wood and what I'm looking for are unusual sticks these are the best sticks I've ever seen thank you [Music] at last George had a cart of course he no longer had anything to put in it but that wouldn't last long [Music] hi George that's terrific it looks just like Jane take a look yeah professor Wiseman and I rescued her when she lost her jungle home look she's changing color chameleons can do that see she's usually green like her jungle surroundings and that's why we named her Jade but under the sun's rays she got warmer and that made her change color watch chameleons change color when the temperature changes anyway today Jade will get a new home at the zoo that is if I can convince dr. chroma that she's the kind of rare chameleon he's been looking for hey do you want to feed Jade while I'm gone oh great her foods on the table just dropping a few pieces and she'll do the rest thanks George bye-bye Jade had an amazing tongue George had left the cage open [Music] George hoped that squeaky would lure Jade back to her cage all he could do now was wait quietly maybe George could keep track by tracking her tracks Harley didn't know what George was up to whatever it was it wasn't clean [Music] George's plan had worked Jade's tracks went right out the door [Music] [Music] they found the wagon but Jade was gone and now she had a million places to hide hi George Oh what happened here oh boy hey Jade well I don't know where George went but I have to get you to the zoo I can't be late for professor chroma maybe Jade liked to be warm maybe that's where George should look warm plays the georgian mist [Music] now all George had to do was put Jade back in her cage the cage was gone that meant that the man had taken squeaky to the zoo instead of Jade hey George [Music] sounds exciting well hop on meanwhile the man with the yellow hat had just finished telling the dramatic story of Jade's rescue and now I would like to examine Jade if she is the rare chameleon that you say then and only then can she stay well of course [Music] squeaky what was that sound what the squeak oh um hey let's all go to lunch huh I don't know about you but I'm starving the chameleon please show me the chameleon okay George let me see yes this is the chameleon we've been hoping for Oh welcome Jade to the zoo [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,560,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: HFbp4-K7h3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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