Curious George 🐡 1 Hour Compilation 🐡 HD 🐡 Cartoons For Children

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[Music] it was a perfect day to explore lake wanasync lake bill called it picture perfect you know george nature photography requires skill patience and timing [Music] remember george to cross a log you need exact foot placement and keen sense of balance [Music] those are tadpoles george a common form of pond life i guess a city kid like you never sees any real wildlife huh hey why don't we take some back home and observe their growth while collecting tadpoles both proper neck control and collecting jar placement are crucial [Music] oh hey how'd you like to look after him for me [Music] do the tadpoles like the lettuce i boiled for him now remember i want you to watch them closely for me they do some amazing things as they grow keep them safe in that bowl and they should be just fine and so on that gloriously sunny day george became the proud caretaker of a bowl full of tadpoles [Music] [Music] the tadpole's bowl was small george thought they deserved to stretch their whatever a tadpole stretches and decided to let them enjoy a quick swim in the lagoon while he went to get their lunch [Music] huh where could the tadpoles be what would he tell bill hey george lagoon exploration is fascinating isn't it oh by the way how are my tadpoles doing see you soon [Music] time to go back to the city george [Music] george hoped the tadpoles would be okay without a monkey to feed or protect them [Music] george look my caterpillar is in its pupa stage i bet kids like you never see that in the city huh [Music] hey have my tadpoles done anything amazing yet weeks went by before george returned to the lake [Music] george still couldn't find the tadpoles but they had to be in the lagoon [Music] unless [Music] they'd swum into the lake but the lake was much too big for a little monkey to swim around [Music] oh [Music] ah what you doing there george checking the water level or washing your hair oh yeah there's a lot of fish in the waters around here trowel salmon haddock huh oh of course you can borrow it my gear is your gear [Music] instead of a blur george now saw an exciting underwater world he couldn't believe his eyes he finally found his tadpoles [Music] just how big is this fish you're after george well you might as well be hunting for tadpoles they go try this one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] george knew nothing about water beetles except that they couldn't help him find his tadpoles now this was a strange creature it looked like a tadpole sort of swam like a tadpole kind of but it had legs almost no tail not like a tadpole [Music] hey george my tadpoles aren't giving you any problems are they oh good bring them over sometime for a visit okay george knew that someday he'd have to tell bill he'd lost the tadpoles and he knew he might never see his little friends again back in the city george tried to take his mind off the tadpoles it wasn't easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] george couldn't believe it that odd little creature was one of his tadpoles and he let it go [Music] [Laughter] but george we just visited the lake we'll go back next month [Music] bill said the tadpoles would grow up in amazing ways but how much would they grow in a whole month and into what george we've been looking all over for you you got like 800 pounds of boiled lettuce now george really had to get back to the lake but it was weeks before he could go [Laughter] luckily george didn't see any signs of jumbo tadpoles [Music] but he couldn't find his friends either these loud frogs probably scared the tadpoles away [Music] it was time for george to tell bill he'd lost the tadpoles hey george [Music] that was a good idea to release my tadpoles into their natural habitat how'd you like watching them grow into frogs pretty neat huh [Music] uh-huh just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly see [Music] the tadpoles were right here all the time they had just been well growing up smile george before long george thought the frogs were even more fun than the tadpoles [Music] [Music] well most of the time [Music] [Music] y'all [Music] [Music] if you ask yourself what is [Music] george always liked to visit the man with the yellow hat's old neighborhood and that used to be the bookstore and look that's where i saw my very first movie [Music] oh this used to be a great old theater maybe some days someone will fix it up [Music] hey what's going on progress that's what where do you see the unique self-cleaning parking structure i planned for this site but this old theater is full of memories you can't tear it down tear down this theater you're not serious look at the beautiful lobby this bijou is what inspired me to become a doorman in the first place but it's tired and run down it's a hopeless broken old theater george didn't think it looked hopeless he'd seen the man with the yellow hat fixed things up before why couldn't he fix up an old movie theater too [Music] repair the theater us hmm you're right george if we don't do it who will how about it mr glass let us put on a special screening we'll show you that this theater is worth preserving i don't want to go out to a movie with one of these why bother [Applause] but a movie is always more fun on the big screen it can be a truly unique event unique hmm hi you're a monkey aren't you uh-huh okay it's a deal wait if you clean up this place and put on a unique one-of-a-kind show i'll save the theater mr glass i promise we'll knock your socks off [Music] uh maybe this is hopeless well let's see it with the lights on [Music] see it just needs a little tlc tender lobby care you know it'll take some work but i bet we can put on a good show [Music] cleaning up a movie theater was a major production thanks [Music] we've never played for a movie before [Music] here it is isle of dinosaurs one of mr glass's favorite movies [Music] hey great work you two i can't believe this is the same theater wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] huh [Music] george come on up and i'll show you how the projector works a movie is made up of many small pictures these gears pull the pictures past the lens [Applause] when we turn on the lamp it shines light through the film ta-da there's the movie [Music] and your toy dinosaur shadow too i think we're ready for show time [Music] places everyone he's here [Music] welcome to the bijou mr glass uh isle of dinosaurs seen it a hundred times no no enjoy the show george will show you to your seat [Music] live music nice huh [Music] everything's fine nothing can go wrong oh there we go [Music] oh wrong music watch the booth for me please you got it [Music] oh no george i forgot to start the popcorn machine thanks it's all set to go uh can you change your tune lest he has more mystery perfect [Music] this didn't seem like enough kernels to make popcorn for everyone [Music] now george had some free time to go watch the movie too [Music] yikes the film broke uh just a minor problem sir we'll have it fixed in no time quick fix the film mr glass is watching a blank screen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know it's no use let's start reel number two [Music] hey what's wrong with the movie [Music] george tell the band to slow down once i fix the projector speed [Music] oh boy here it is [Music] oh [Music] was afraid the popcorn would never stop it was time to get help stopping this mess [Music] so [Music] hundley wasn't going to let a bag of popcorn and a monkey stop him [Music] uh mr glass i'll i'll be in the lobby if you'd like to talk oh well what did he think now that was unique i've never sat through anything like it you folks truly knocked my socks off yes you've convinced me that this old bijou has got to stay uh just one thing next time when the volcano erupts how about a little less salt on the popcorn in the city all kinds of things make music in the spring birds bees bands and a certain monkey named george [Applause] thanks it was for the band [Music] hi guys gotta run it's mother's day we're running to get out margaret a card see ya we forgot about mother's day do you want to buy a cart too yes but mommy does so much for us i wish we could do something more for her [Music] that's a great idea oh papi could we oh yes let's give mommy a party we can make all her favorite foods okay but mommy will see us cooking and then she'll want to do the cooking and then it won't be mommy's party at all we should cook another party at someone else's house oh great idea george let's do it at our place yes then it will be a surprise that is very nice of you thank you come on let's get moving but [Music] while we are cooking mommy will wonder where we are so poppy should say we are on a play date with george and for her to come get us at five o'clock but we may not be ready at five so papi should take mommy for a walk on an avenue and then when we're ready we will signal from the window like this and then she should come up and then we'll yell surprise wow only now because there's no time we should decorate while you go shopping okay i'm always thinking mommy is going to be so surprised george huh we should make a pinata george had popped pinatas before but he'd never built one this was gonna be fun [Music] i once helped my uncle make one i think i remember how first you blow up a balloon [Music] second you mix glue and water then you dip strips of newspaper in it to make paper mache like this then you cover the balloon with the paper mache [Music] we have to make a donkey pinata because that's the only kind i know how to make [Music] avocados habanero chiles onions eggs sugar frijoles negros queso tomatoes we're done oh hot diggity plenty of time to spare maybe now our pinata is dry enough to decorate i forgot it takes a long time for paper mache to dry sometimes days if the pinata isn't dry when we hang it it will just fall apart [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe there was another way to make a pinata it had to be something you could put treats in and be made of paper that could burst open with a stick [Music] [Music] for the pinata oh yes but huh a raisin container doesn't look much like a pinata [Music] oh once it's decorated it won't look like a raisin container at all yeah but we won't be able to fit many treats in our pinata [Music] good idea we can use both you're always thinking too [Music] you know the best thing about your idea george [Music] our pinata is already stuffed [Music] okay two hours left we've got to get cooking [Music] this was a great idea george the cardboard rolls make good legs hi george hola marco oh no hunley picked up a pepper he needs water [Music] oh coming right up [Music] george our pinata doesn't look like a donkey marco was right a donkey didn't have an extra long body in short stubby legs but hundley did that's it thank you for posing for us hundley hundley was thrilled dachshunds were getting the attention they deserved oops and he was even happier to help in the kitchen [Music] wow [Music] oh this looks great now we just have to wait for everything to bake yes but this would be even better if we had mommy's serving bowls in sarapis but how will you get them without mommy noticing we think that since mommy loves walks you could take her for a longer walk in the park before coming to an avenue [Music] now everything looks just the way mommy likes it we should have gotten her flowers hmm we can make some [Music] oh [Music] it won't be long now ah everything smells so good what's this tasty looking stuff [Music] oh glue water i i need something to get that taste out of my mouth maybe a pickle [Music] that was not a pickle huh oh no look they'll think it's the signal [Music] i miss the kids why don't we go get them now we'll go to a nice restaurant [Music] they're coming oh [Music] quick everyone hide george wait oh okay oh my what a wonderful surprise happy mother's day mommy and look we made your pinata it is beautiful it was a masterpiece [Music] nothing says party like a dachshund pinata [Music] oh you just missed just a little bit more [Music] ah this is the best mother's day ever and i couldn't have done it without george [Music] the apartment building where george lived was a very orderly place and that's how hundley liked it they're here to clean your carpets [Music] people came and people went [Music] the elevator arrived [Music] and people came down the stairs everything in hundley's lobby was orderly and neat [Music] well almost everything we can't go back into the apartment until the carpet is dry george so you stay here in the lobby while i run my errands all right okay oh oh and in case you get hungry i won't be long [Music] hundley didn't think george should be eating a sloppy apple in the lobby [Music] george decided it would probably be better to eat his apples someplace else hundley had never been through this door before [Music] but he was pretty sure it was against the rules to be out here [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hundley didn't think george would ever get in that way [Music] so he'd find a better way [Music] all right move it along at least there was one thing hundley knew for certain home was this way or maybe that way [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hundley was getting worried he could just imagine the terrible things that that sloppy monkey was doing to his lobby when hundley found his building it was even worse than he imagined [Music] but then hundley saw that it wasn't his street at all oh but that meant he had no idea where he was [Music] lots more coming stick around come on guys let's go [Music] hmm [Music] hmm huh [Music] they found each other at last time to go home [Music] but where was home george realized that finding someone works better if you're not lost too hundley worried what if he never found his way back [Music] hundley what'll i do without hundley hundley and george weren't just lost [Music] they were lost at night [Music] they may not be able to see their way home but maybe they could hear their way home george tried to remember the noisy stuff he'd passed [Music] here they were lost at night and all this monkey could do was whatever that was then hundley had an idea they might not be able to see their way home but maybe they could hear their way home [Music] he tried to remember what he'd heard [Music] [Music] now it was up to hundley's powerful dog ears that wasn't the right sound so the musician couldn't be in that direction that was either the wrong sound or the musician got his tongue caught in his trumpet [Music] hundley knew they were getting closer because the sound was growing louder and louder but then it grew softer and softer wow hundley tried to figure out how to explain they'd pass the sound [Music] but there are some things a dog just can't explain to a monkey [Music] and so by working together as a team [Music] george remembering what they had heard and hundley using his sensitive powerful dog ears hundley and george found their way back to the alley behind their home [Music] [Music] they were home thanks to teamwork hundley couldn't remember why he ever thought george was troubled rugs all clean sir you should see the dirt i picked up this barrel probably has the filthiest water in the world george really wanted to see the filthiest water in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] it was the monthly open house and potluck at the firehouse here's our fruit salad the elements of our food set are complete desserts oh wow leaving power of dessert i think my oven rack is off balance by 35 degrees i'd say it looks delicious even or not oh just something i threw together baking is so creative well if you'd like another project there's a bake sale this week at betsy and steve school oh i'd love to help out [Music] george's mouth felt glued shut george are you okay i think it's the cake my cake george [Music] it it seems a bit sticky oh dear well a scientist isn't discouraged by a minor setback i'll be extra creative when i cook for the bake sale [Music] weird professor wiseman is a genius but she can't bake a cake ah that doesn't bode well for the bake sale [Music] what could have gone wrong with the cake george didn't know enough about cooking to even guess but chef pisghetti knew about cooking oh sure let's stop in and say hi [Music] hello how are you george headed for the kitchen to watch the master in action giorgio [Music] the first thing george noticed was all the chef's cooking tools some spoons were very deep others had holes in them some pans were big some small [Music] that looked like a saw [Music] maybe some vegetables were tougher than others [Music] the chef seemed to put in whatever he wanted [Music] in any amount he wanted [Music] all anyone needed to cook were the right tools so george decided to draw them george knew professor wiseman had scientific tools but did she own the right cooking tools oh hi george [Music] george wasn't finding many tools [Music] the cookbook oh that was there when i moved in i never use it if one is truly creative there's no need for a cookbook but it looks like you've been studying cooking hey wanna come help me buy ingredients for the muffins i'm making for the bake sale [Music] we're making carrot muffin so we'll need carrots what do you think one carrot per muffin [Music] we have everything we need to make a nice pan of muffins [Music] ready [Music] oh right but i don't have any aprons or hats [Music] we're ready to begin [Music] now i know baking soda makes muffins rise muffins should be high so we'll need a lot [Music] did we put a bit of salt in the sugar or a bit of sugar in the salt i can't tell [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay george turn on the oven oh i so enjoy being creative i think our muffins will be a huge success [Music] maybe the muffins would taste better than they looked oh dear [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i'm a terrible cook i must not have a creative bone in my body george was confused they had the right tools why didn't the muffins turn out i have nothing for the bake sale oh i'll have to buy some cookies at pisghetti's [Music] perhaps chef pisghetti would know what went wrong with the muffins [Music] i will make you a favorite dish of my grandmother timbalo delgado sicilian pie let me just check the recipe and i will begin recipe what okay the chef used a recipe oh would you two like to help me prepare [Music] maybe we should just go get some hamburgers hey that's not a bad idea prepare well isn't cooking just throwing things together getting creative ah perhaps once you've memorized your recipe but until then you must follow it precisely you know like a formula for well it tells you exactly what to put in the dish how to measure it uh how long to cook it everything well that sounds like science [Music] like this [Music] oh i see [Music] thanks a million [Music] so that's what that thing was for [Music] i think this is my best timbala ever thanks to my new assistants hmm torta di karote oh that sounds good whatever it is carrot cake george and the professor had the same thought at the same time [Music] the kitchen is yours uh maybe we should just go pick up donuts yeah donuts yeah that sounds good [Music] that sure looks good uh professor wiseman made it oh uh-huh wow look at that cake we made two one for the bake sale and one for rescue squad 86 i want to try some of these formulas i mean recipes they seem so easy now like gene splitting now that george knew all about cooking he didn't need to ask the chef about the failed muffins [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow george's friend ally really flipped for flips even when she wasn't doing the flipping did you see that yeah the annual gymtastic tournament was right up alley's alley next year that's gonna be me here comes another one the gymtastic tournament was for gymnasts of all ages there were girl gymnasts and boy gymnasts and a bug gymnast next up is that bundler dynamite george on the floor matt [Music] i guess i mean the uneven parallel bars or do i uh i mean george on the the rings and there i give up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he didn't mean to disrupt things you are a natural born gymnast you've got to come to my gymnastics class you teach gymnastics i want to come too me too really do you know how strong your arms have to be to do gymnastics imagine how far a guy could throw in newspaper oh yeah fantastic see you at the community center tomorrow for an introduction to the class three o'clock [Music] oh i bet we'll be tumbling in no time [Music] oh cool look at all this gym equipment [Music] but before you can tumble you have to stretch stretching is one of the three s's of gymnastics [Music] stretching s number one [Music] and stretch and stretch [Music] i got it [Music] i guess stretched muscles are more bendy [Music] and walking on a balance beam was tricky too oops find a spot to focus on if you stare at something still it helps you be still too i'm doing it i'm doing it so when do we start with these puppies go ahead give it a try [Music] the rings take a lot of strength we'll work our way up to it that you can practice with a bench until your back arms and chest are strong enough to pull you up [Music] uh this is a good time to talk about our other two s's safety and supervision you should always have someone spotting you [Music] when someone spots you they're there to catch you make sure you don't get hurt [Music] so when is class tomorrow yeah we want to practice lots and get good well the space isn't available too often [Music] once a week gymnastics class is only once a week yeah how are we supposed to get gymtastic if we can't practice yeah it took me a whole day just to touch my toes i'll be 30 before i can do a flip if i had a gym i'd have it open every day and i'd have mine open every night some kids can't go during the day they have paper routes i'd have a mat and a balance beam and rings and a pony you mean a pommel horse no a pony i've always wanted one yep giddy up giddy up ally and bill gave george an idea if they wanted to practice every day [Music] they needed a gym of their own hey it's a floor mat um [Music] it needs more squish [Music] if one sleeping bag was good two were even better because when you're somersaulting you need a soft spot to land okay we've got our mat what do we make next i know hey leslie can we borrow some of your fence for our balance beam oh don't worry we're gonna put it on the ground that way you can do gymnastics too [Music] a balance beam shouldn't tip [Music] when george learned to ride a bike and it tipped over the man put on training wheels [Music] maybe his beam needed training wheels too [Music] only without the wheels [Music] now if only we had some rings [Music] some rings were too small and some were too big [Music] but some rings were just right [Music] huh where did the towels go [Music] [Music] maybe you should do abominable exercises they make your muscles stronger [Music] eight nine ten one more than ten two more than ten now we need [Music] that was going to be a tough one [Music] it'd have to be the right height short too tall [Music] and it shouldn't tilt [Music] once george had a handle on things he added padding because safety is one of the three s's [Music] yes way to go george wow you guys built this yourselves well it was george's idea he's pretty smart for a city kid yeah and wait till mrs somersault sees us next week we're gonna be so jam-tastic at the next class george couldn't wait to show the teacher what they had learned you guys are amazing are we gymtastic you certainly are but how [Music] we found another gym yeah and it's open every day every day do you think maybe we could have classes there [Music] oh yeah we know the owner and he's a natural at gymnastics [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,924,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: QJBrzTxeU-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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