Curious George 🐵 1 Hour Compilation 🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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[Music] the man with the yellow hat always said the same thing about rainy days in the country this is great weather for docks [Music] and when the rain stopped it was great weather for monkeys mud that sounded like untuk when he squished it yes it was duck mud he knew he didn't squish that quack out he had discovered self quacking duck mud okay it wasn't duck mud there were real ducks [Music] [Music] puddle ducks see George I told you it was great weather for ducks you're gonna be busy George have fun jumpy squirrel suddenly became aware of two things the rain had stopped and that hairy duck looked familiar jumpy squirrel usually jumped away from anything new Peking duck was the same way maybe that's why they became good friends instantly George played by the puddle all day he even had ducks in his dreams [Music] I always knew you were meant to be a duck for centuries people have wondered what squirrels dream about [Music] the next morning George raced out for another day with puddle ducks something was wrong the puddle was smile a lot smaller Wow that puddle sure shrunk well puddles soaked into the ground they don't last forever ducks go where there's plenty of water when the waters gone they'll leave it's just what ducks do you want to come with me to mend fences at the Rankin's or play with the Ducks before they go okay I won't be too long then the water was gone there'd be no more ducks and there was nothing George could do about it nothing he could do if Ducks wanted water then water they would have hey George maybe the puddle water was soaking into the ground but the water in George's pool wasn't and if the water didn't go away neither with the Ducks all he had to do was bring it to them at the rate Ducks were abandoning the puddle they would all be gone very soon how could this be hard George remembered carrying this same pool at the beginning of the summer before it had water in it [Music] [Music] [Music] water he forgot to refill it George found out the hard way that the hose was too short maybe it didn't have to reach he could spray it from here George knew they were down to only a duck and a half he had to get water up that hill somehow [Music] he needed something that held water but was smaller than a pail this was going to take a few trips [Music] George knew he couldn't fill the pool in time it was over George I saw you running up and down what are you doing trying to fill a pool one cup at a time Oh city kids there are proper ways to carry water oh I'll show ya or it'll be too heavy well I carry one you fill the other one halfway this is called a bucket brigade [Music] George's idea worked a happy ending for ducks and duck lovers this is way too close to the edge I'll pull it back [Music] that moment jumpy remembered why he always stayed in trees George's that yo my hatch you know there's a proper method for mob squeezin yep I know bill George I want to remind you those Ducks are here temporarily [Music] George wondered exactly how long he could make temporarily last George loved blueberries and the best blueberries anywhere came from Rankin's farm easy where's mrs. renkins today oh she's around other side of the barn with her balloon balloons this day just kept getting better was Bill joking no one had any balloons oh you're just in time to help inflate it that sounds like fun you want to help inflate the balloon George inflate it where was it grab ahold there and lift her up it was right here one great big balloon as big as a barn you can help do George [Laughter] [Music] [Music] George had a feeling this was gonna take a long time or was it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] great huh hot Air's lighter than cooler so when the air inside is hot it lifts the balloon up mrs. renkins is letting me go up in the basket with her to photograph some Scarlet Tanager nests huh they're Birds I'm pretty much an expert about them you can join us if you like George um will you be going far oh just straight up and down we'll be tethered to this spot hmm the tethers that rope it ties us down so the wind can't blow us away oh well if you want to go George I'll be right back boys and then we'll take off [Music] you're pretty agile for a city kid Oh what am I supposed to go up without mrs. Reagan's there are regulations mrs. renkins we may have the rules violation here oh my gosh we gotta follow up oh boy [Music] you [Music] or George I hope he's not too frightened way up there George could see his house from up here no need to panic George there is a proper method for getting a balloon back down on the ground I just wish I knew what it was now they're gonna go wherever the wind takes them lucky there's only a soft breeze today [Music] I'm coming George [Music] [Applause] why'd you stop cuz this is a truck not a dock Oh roll mr. Quint roll like the wind but I have a moat up then you motor like the wind I will as a city kid I guess you're used to tall buildings but oh I've never been this high up in my life shoot it sounded like Bill wanted to go back home this sure looked like a steering wheel so George decided to steer them all [Music] oh no it's going higher the flame George right now the important thing is stopping this blue maybe those sandbags were the balloons anchors [Music] well I'm trying but I don't want those bags to hurt my boat err Clint you know you can't park here loading zone don't drop anything else it makes us lighter so we go up we need to be heavy to go down officer went my monkey is floating away with the boy next door climb on okay okay [Music] okay they're just ahead easy [Music] good luck then I've got you George [Music] I know now don't worry I'm gonna help you [Music] this is what happens if you don't follow the rules the winds getting stronger you can tell from that flag down there could be worse huh at least the winds not blowing us toward the ocean oh no the wind changed it's blowing towards the sea you know that mean well yeah seagulls but also we're gonna float across the ocean some other pushing right on you and speak the language and hate the food I wanna go I wish I knew how you said he could stay so cool under pressure [Applause] [Music] what is it what is it hey pull that cork it will open up the net and you can fly out the top the vet it lets hot air out [Music] so that's how you make a balloon go down George you said to us [Music] oh no the wind speaking I've got you George I was a little worried but there's a proper way to worry without panicking my camera oh I forgot to take pictures haha that's a great one George you took the pictures for me if I didn't and you did [Music] on their way home from the circus the monkey with the yellow balloon and the man with the yellow hat noticed that professor Wiseman's light was still on don't tell me you're still working professor of course it's only 9 o'clock what's this a foot race mm-hmm we're trying to raise money for an expedition to the lost city of Oh mom great cause I'll sign up for that hey you want to help me train George great what about you professor are you going to run me oh I can't run I've got way too much work poor professor Wiseman she doesn't know what she's missing the next day George couldn't wait to start training hey wait up I need help this was strange the professor who said she couldn't run was running terrible absolute disaster what did the t-rex collapse Oh worse anonymous donors they won't contribute to the expedition unless I run the race no but that's great races are a lot of fun can you help me train I don't know a thing about running no problem let's meet in the park at lunchtime tomorrow terrific I can't wait oh boy what he sprained his ankle how can I train for the race without him hmm you want to be my personal trainer okay well let's get running [Music] hey wait for me George thought that to be a trainer all he had to do was run and professor Wiseman would follow simple [Music] George wait hop hmm maybe not so simple oh so thirsty do you have any water okay that's it I'm done sorry George I'm too tired to run anymore we can try again tomorrow George's first day as a trainer had not gone well [Music] hi George professor Wiseman called she said you tried to help her train for the race well don't give up I think it's a great idea and I found something that might help it's an old training video I used to watch called run for your life are you ready to run like you mean it you might want to take notes tip number one before you hit the road you gotta get graceful [Music] when George met professor Wiseman in the park the next day he wanted to be ready [Music] stretching does feel good okay what's next George [Music] time to run oh but not too fast right alright then let's go [Music] I'm getting thirsty [Music] ah thanks much better so far professor Wiseman's training was going great and then not so great [Music] I don't think running is for me George I find it well boring yeah I'd much rather be carbon dating uh stromatolite [Music] the training coach didn't say anything about boring the problem is I don't have time to be bored I should get back to the museum thanks for trying George George couldn't understand what she didn't have to run running can be so much fun make running fun it just might work oh you want to show me something George okay let's go [Music] oh is this a ferris wheel okay I've never been on one of these before what an amazing view Hey look there's the museum I can see my window it looks so small from here Hey the professor had so much fun on the ferris wheel that George took her to all his favorite places [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day the professor outran him George knew she was ready for the race oh I never knew running would make me feel this good I have so much energy now thank you George for the ferris wheel for the balloons for teaching me that running is fun good evening professor oh hi everyone I'm running in that race tomorrow will you be there yeah we wouldn't miss it for the world [Music] on race day George couldn't believe how many people showed up okay I'm ready I forgot my water Thanks so you really think I can do this go professor Wiseman go professor Wiseman sis-boom-bah sis-boom-bah runners take your marks the race was on [Music] the professor's seem to be doing everything right she ran at a steady pace and there she was drinking water so far so good George wanted to see the professor crossed the finish line so he made sure to get a good spot do you see her I don't see her she looks tired Oh something's wrong maybe she got a charley horse hmm that's a cramp in your leg George and they can be very painful hi there I thought it'd be fun if my personal trainer finished the race with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I actually ran a race I got a medal for finishing and the race was a huge success we raised enough money for our trip to Oh mom oh that's terrific and I found out who those anonymous donors were apparently they thought I needed to work a little less and have fun a little more that's right because all work and no play he's a crummy way to spend your day - thank you for helping me learn that lesson I want you to have my medal [Music] George had been drawing all morning but when he drew too long he got a cramp in his foot [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's funny a banana driving a car oh it's me well George I am honored to be in such a great work of art hey and you know we're great works of art belong on the refrigerator what we need to hold that up is a magnet now let me see I remember having one somewhere oh well this is the only one I got [Music] hmm you're right it really doesn't do it justice okay we have a mission go by great magnets so you can hang that careful don't swing from the refrigerator yeah okay two missions magnets refrigerator door handle oh hi professor Wiseman hi guys wow you're in the wrong place that belongs in an art museum we're here to buy cool magnets to stick George's picture to the refrigerator hmm say while you're here do you want to see our new magnet aureum yeah Oh were you talking to George George was in a hurry to get home and hang up his drawing but he was curious [Music] welcome to the magnet or iam [Music] I think magnetism is my favorite invisible force George knew he could spend all day here but they were on a mission hmm oh right we'll come back another day and play with all this stuff before you go try to touch this magnet against the back of the cars now try to touch it to the front everything isn't magnetic just certain metals Oh George check this out this isn't a magnet see but anything attracted to a magnet can be turned into a magnet by rubbing the magnet on it like this in the same direction [Music] it's also amazing oh I almost forgot this what amazing thing does that do this hits the pizza pan you let me I'm returning it thanks George was still in a hurry to buy some small magnets and get home but first he needed to know what else in here was magnetic dinosaur skeleton no stone aardvark suit of armor yes George got it okay pull him off [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay I think it's time to give back the big magnet George George wanted to complete their mission but he liked playing with a big magnet - thank you George [Music] all right let's buy lots of fun magnets okay George wasn't sure if he had magnetized the pan he had to find something to test it on [Music] okay George let's go [Applause] they are gonna look so great on the refrigerator their mission completed George was ready to rush home except we have one more stop remember we need a new refrigerator door handle oh they don't make parts for an ice cubby Omega anymore it's too old how about a nice new refrigerator old it's a classic I love it no I won't give up till I find an ice cubby Omega handle [Music] George felt like he'd never hang his drawing he saw it George told him the whole story and that he'd be right back with the man with the yellow hat yeah what do you say I don't know I don't speak monkey now he got back with the man it was gone um is what you wanted to show me gone he wears the pan and you're drawing George Raymond and putting it down but it was gone too ma'am did you see a pizza pan with a nice drawing stuck to it yeah if before after they took my old refrigerator to the junkyard look I don't know how it happened but if your drawings here George I'll find it [Music] why don't you watch the big magnet while I talk to the owner excuse me George sure loves magnets could he watch well sure now don't go anywhere this is a powerful electromagnet hit that red button and watch what happens you see that turns the magnet off so we can drop stuff hit the green one [Music] [Music] hit the red button and drop her in the crusher George couldn't let his best drawing ever go into the crusher chances of finding a pizza pan at all this start [Music] that's it and that's the exact handle I need how much do you want for whoo I gotta give that crane man a raise George and the man with the yellow hat did everything they set out to do that day good night now he'd done it all good night George [Music] [Music] nothing makes dusk special like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a lightning bug chase and nothing slams the brakes on fun like some strange cat eating your sandwich this was one weird cat but it needed to know whose food that was [Music] George didn't know what just happened but he knew it stunk did did you mean a skunk mmm-hmm if it's about the size of a cat with a bigger tail that smell and nocturnal nocturnal oh sorry that means it comes out at night if it's all those things that's a skunk oh you won't smell bad forever tomato juice gets the smell out to prevent getting smelled up again George created an anti skunk tool [Music] this time he'd scare that skunk so it would stay far away from him this must have frightened it skunks only spray that smell and are scared and loud noises scare them yeah if you see it again Jorge run inside until it passes okay the next night Jorge brought tools to help him spot the skunk [Music] hi George I'm closing this hole because the skunk's been staying under the house don't worry it's not in there now [Music] [Music] you shouldn't do that scopes are scared of bright light you know take a bath did tomato juice Wow well good thing we're going back to the city tomorrow we're out of tomato juice at the end of the night the skunk was tired but it found its old sleeping place sealed up this looked like a dark cozy excellent place to sleep all day [Music] hmm now where did I leave that basket we don't want to wait the neighbors [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome home have a relaxing weekend in the country he got skunked three times say tomato juice gets the smell out hey George would you bring that up to the apartment while we get the rest of the bags out of the car [Music] ah you can relax now George no no skunks in the city George almost screamed what if it woke up how could he keep it calm soothing music [Music] George rush to show it to the man with the yellow hat then he realized he forgot something George what's wrong [Music] someone left that in the elevator George did we bring the skunk home in the basket we have to catch it without scaring it or you know oh we can't let that happen split up catch that skunk the skunk was pretty confused to wake up in a strange new place and had really wanted breakfast [Music] stop cut come back you're caught [Music] oh boy stop I'm organizing one elevator trip for all the floors to cut down chances of scaring the skunk skunk Shh don't do that right sorry [Music] when that skunk finished eating it would have no choice of where to go the coast is skunk clear okay going down wait for me don't frighten it oh this is Geoffrey he's a domesticated skunk he's odorless oh so that's the skunk that George saw wait'll George finds out we were all worried about nothing George's plan was working in another second that skunk would be captured by monkey ingenuity [Music] Oh George you didn't see a wild skunk [Music] yes you did don't anyone move [Music] it's I mean she's happy as long as nothing scares her we're okay that Ian's our program of mellow jazz from the 1812 overture Oh No [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] George was feeling pretty proud he had been made an honorary County sprout today was his first sprout outing exciting stuff on George it's my first outing too is the new sprout master and let me compliment my assistant sproutmaster bill oh yeah reporting for duty sprout master sir look we're here [Music] welcome to the incredible edible Arboretum a cornucopia of exotic comestibles blueberries are my favorite push-based Ruth come on George [Music] it looks like you all forgot the County sprout rules rule number one never eat any plant that you're not 100% certain is safe and that means consulting the edible plants guidebook um no it means getting an okay from an adult right rule number two plants are living things you can kill or hurt them if you're too rough so don't pull on them and don't break any branches come on now let me explain what we will do during our vegetation exploration mr. sprout master we're going to pass through orchards and nut groves after that we'll meet the head gardener dr. green-bean according to my new global positioning system the apple orchard is that way why don't we check the map where is the map it flew out the window sir but this is even better well then as assistant sprout master you can be our navigator lead the way cool [Music] if there was one thing George did not want to do it was break any more branches I think we'll get to the blackberries faster if we go this way I don't know bill that trail looks overgrown a GPS is never wrong it says so in the brochure Oh follow me sprouts why is the screen flickering either the earth is off its axis or I forgot to charge the batteries okay George can you climb that tree and see where we are and bill bill bill where are you going don't worry I've got my handy backup compass this way folks bill a sprout never leaves the trail that that's rule number three in this direction green in this direction George couldn't believe what he was seeing someone was trying to break that branch somebody was not being a sprout no this man was wrecking a tree [Music] hey are you a monkey cool I always wanted a monkey but my mother said no George had to do something and fast this tree was in trouble [Music] Hey return the headgear monkey seriously I need that I might get sunburned I don't have monkey legs you know come on come on [Music] you know this is fun at all George didn't mean for the hat to get wet or the man but George couldn't wait around he had to check on that tree and Vickie please we're not lost we're just misplaced according to my compass this way is north this Way's south and east and west are here and here but without a map that doesn't really help us but you know what we can determine our precise location using an analogue watch but just need to know the true local time do you know the true local time I have another idea let's ask George to climb a tree and oh no I left George in the tree George where are you George George wished he could think of a way to get the branches back on the tree he needed something sticky really sticky like another great monkey invention the tree wrecking man was coming back and he'd probably want to keep on racket [Music] you were one crazy monkey I haven't run like that since hey where's my lopper that thing I was cutting branches with George can you hear me George I'm sorry I left you in that tree Oh dr. green-bean nice to see you sorry we're late we've had a rough day tell me about it first this monkey ran off with my hat and now my tree lopper has vanished hey what's going on put mud on this George so dr. green-bean was cutting some branches and you thought he was hurting the tree you should have asked oh wait oh you're a monkey well anyway this is called pruning you make a careful cut and it doesn't hurt the tree at all he's right George I've pruned many a tree in my day you see George too many branches are bad news they blocked the Sun and then the fruit can't grow but hey I'm proud of you George you behaved just like an honorary sprout in fact I would say your effort on behalf of trees qualifies you for full sprout status [Music] nice work for a city kid [Music] okay sprouts let's go get some lunch and dr. green-bean can tell us everything he knows about trees bill are you coming in a minute I'm still trying to figure out where we are Oh mr. sprout master according to this you're going the exact wrong wait you're going the right way never mind proceed [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,235,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: KilSYa-J3vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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