Curious George 🐵 The Uptown Band 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Cartoons For Children

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[Music] you got it oh Mr yellow pants his guitar isn't all shiny like the pretty blue grass one huh George couldn't wait to see the man's guitar All Bright and shiny but instead the bath made it lumpy and peely and then he remembered anyone can make a guitar you just need the right parts George would make a new one great idea George we'll make a new and improved guitar [Music] the one that was sturdy and did have a hole wasn't really a box at all [Music] but the wood thingies they found were too skinny ah yeah [Music] George's guitar looked almost like the man's guitar [Music] except for those bumps these strings were attached to something that turned if only George could find something like that [Music] oh yeah [Music] that's good George turning it tightens the string George's guitar looked great and it even had lights play it George huh oops George's guitar looked great but sounded awful now the man would never be able to play at the hoe down hey gang George did you find my guitar Jerry and I wanted to practice yeah I don't think you'll be playing with this well it was uh it was nice of you to clean it for me you're welcome three old pants you can still play George made you a new guitar show them George [Music] this is great huh oh Bluegrass has a fine tradition of using handmade instruments of all kinds washboards spoons but this this is the only shoestring fishing line yo-yo picture wire tennis racket birdhouse rubber bandolin hey I think I've got the lyrics for your song [Music] and tell y'all a story about a monkey he built an instrument to play with the birdhouse Racket and a mess of strength that boy was strumming every day he had a monkey built birdhouse Mainland it was the strangest picking things I ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber band and yo yo [Music] let's go [Music] well you don't need to take no music lessons you don't even need to tune it all a birdhouse mandolins a cinch to play just pick away an Avalon he had a monkey Bill birdhouse mandolin it was a strangest picking thing that's ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber band and yo-yo that monkey birdhouse mandolin he had a monkey feel free [Music] birdhouse [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] only one room had an echo like that [Music] he thought he had it but all he found was a tiny insect that couldn't possibly make such a big sound oh that's a nice recording of a cricket was it one of these you know hundreds of crickets chirping together can make a soothing peaceful sound but one Little Cricket in a quiet house can drive you bananas [Music] now that the mystery was solved and George knew what he was looking for this was going to be easy foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hahaha right oh [Music] then a strange new sound and then George set the cricket free to happily hop back to his Cricket home foreign did you free that Cricket what what good work I am sure that's one happy cricket [Music] hey um that Cricket left us some cleanup work don't you think George [Music] foreign [Music] sleep tight George [Music] are you sure you put it outside you know George if we don't catch that Cricket we'll never get any sleep [Music] [Music] I've got it the man with a yellow hat didn't have the cricket but he did have a solution [Applause] [Music] Honda could finally reach that itchy spot which felt great until he saw that he was out of uniform [Music] are you trying to drink that dirty water oh how sad no collar oh you have no home oh you can relax now I'll get you clean water and a loving home oh there was no Hundley ah he'd never left his post before [Music] Hundley couldn't understand why this nice lady would bring him to such a terrible looking place oh my God oh what a handsome guy you are and you look so dignified well maybe it wasn't all bad one had excellent taste [Music] Huntley was never so happy to see George it was pretty obvious he wanted to go home excuse me please do not shake up that nice dog [Music] we could find him a new home easily we have an open cage right here [Music] next he had to explain his Hundley escape plan to his team of experts he showed them where the cages were and which one had Hundley in it oh how sweet yeah phase two The Escape Artist [Laughter] s [Music] who is that we'd better check the cages [Music] there's no one missing [Music] now gnocchi was getting locked up and George couldn't open the cages [Music] or maybe he could oh please thank you if you squeeze this it moved those things and unlock the door [Music] was he forgetting something like the sliding bar across the top [Music] he was so sure it slid out maybe he pushed when he should have pulled [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] George hadn't figured out phase three how to get out unseen would you please go see what's upsetting them [Music] oh it's just the cleaning lady oh the cleaning lady stop her please I got to pay her too late she's gone there was one step left to complete George's plan [Music] and now that Hundley felt dignified again George could get back to his game [Music] and Hundley could get back to defending his Lobby's dignity [Music] Professor Wiseman says I should show my drawings to Dr forbin but she didn't say why she only said it's a great chance and I should hurry over come on can't be late I have to be at the airport in an hour I can't wait around don't worry he's always on time ah we're in too much of a hurry to walk we're gonna take the bus [Music] George saw something that really caught his eye bus stop stop free maps George [Music] this isn't our stop we have a long way to go next stop First Street oh my portfolio wait stop [Music] this is not a problem this is not a problem all that happened is the bus drove off with my presentation the one I'm supposed to show in seven minutes [Music] right we have a map so we know exactly where that bus is going we just have to catch up with it taxi tax go George [Music] I have to leave in six minutes he'll be here George needed to find something else moving in the right direction [Music] the truck was going the wrong way [Music] but he did find out how the sand gets into sandboxes is that your bus stop the 10th Street yes that's it do you see George anywhere who's George you want a bust then a monkey then a bicycle then a portfolio now a George [Music] foreign [Music] I must get to the airport oh I'll wait here when he shows up I'll tell him you had to go [Music] the bus is getting away foreign [Music] George was so happy to stop he almost didn't notice where he was [Music] George had done it he'd gotten there first [Music] what is [Music] wow is this yours because I could use this there's more [Music] they're great there's George can you stop the cab [Music] George my portfolio my drawings Dr forbin Dr forbin he didn't tell me to look for a Dr forbin you say these are your drawings they're exactly what I need for signs in our children's museum in Paris I want you to come to Paris right away and work with me you hear that George we're going to Paris yeah huh so you took a cab to catch a bus to find a monkey to get a portfolio to show a doctor to take a cab to catch a plane to go to Paris that's a busy Sunday morning please hurry we have a plane to catch in one minute [Music] wow this is the latest he's ever been for anything [Music] oh a messenger thank goodness you're here why aren't you in uniform [Music] company rules all clown School employees must be in clown uniform at all times now Pepe Loco the world's greatest clown will be here in 15 minutes to perform his amazing show but he'll need this oh I need you to pick them up and deliver them to Pepe George was excited to help Pepe if he moved fast he could pick up all the parts and still make the show this will help you remember [Music] 14 and a half minutes [Music] will be here in 11 minutes and Counting foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] your next pickup is on four George sure wished he had a way to tell what floor he was on without having to start at one [Music] waiters had signs that told you what number came next even if you were somewhere in the middle [Music] George could make a sign too [Music] using his numbered fingers all George had to do was count down from floor 8 to floor four foreign [Music] system worked ah here we go yeah yeah oh you're here hey your next pickup's on the 10th floor no need to start at one George's fingers told him exactly how to count from four to ten [Music] George was on the 10th floor but his delivery was practically on Ten and a half take everything to the first floor quickly pepia Loco will be here any second [Music] made it nice nose hello my name is Pepe oh is that for me my Gadget oh thank you now to get to the ninth floor for my show [Music] you're right the elevators are tricky hold this for me will you can you believe how hard it is to find a parking spot at this joint the elephants need a garage [Music] what door are we on I was busy with my Gadget and forgot to count I was busy trying to figure out what your Gadget was I didn't count either we'll have to start all over I'll be late for my show oh the seventh floor that monkey is a genius he certainly is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now introducing the world's greatest clown happy El Loco and his mystery Gadget [Music] [Applause] and it was all made possible by George a monkey you can really count on [Music] fancy beautiful wrapped present [Music] why just wrap empty boxes this is not a display it's it's a story remains of the birthday brilliant I love it rapping always hid surprises so why wrap these if everyone could see right through it okay [Music] foreign [Music] there you are I've been looking all over for you George wanted to play with the rapper people some more but he had to get these pants home George hadn't been gone very long but when he got back [Music] the present had disappeared [Music] I know how curious a little monkey can be so I put the present away that should take your mind off of it but hiding the present only made George more curious [Music] it looks like wrapping on top of more rapping maybe there were a hundred layers of wallpaper under here [Music] or not but it didn't want to go [Music] then he thought of a way to make this the perfect bathroom for the professor's birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign make sure you wash up before Professor Wiseman gets here [Music] and would you make sure that bowl of her favorite fresh fruit is out where she'll see it [Music] hahaha you can't get away with that [Music] okay now wow what happened in here oh Professor Wiseman help me hide this mess [Music] hello George everything okay oh yeah I'll be right out I got your favorite fruit help yourself [Music] is this a benangerine you can't put skins on fruit George only nature can do that on the other hand nature doesn't make banangerines sorry I'm foreign happy birthday from George and me oh you didn't have to would you like to help me open it George [Laughter] [Music] I never would have guessed that's what was in this big box that's uh that's why it was wrapped that way oh my favorite Symphony you remembered thanks let's listen to it during dinner oh here I'll get that George figured he'd better eat something because this was gonna take a while [Music] [Applause] looks like your bag monkey's not so good with lunch meat that's baloney he knows exactly what he's doing [Music] fishing is so in the back you almost had it get some rest and you'll be ready for the big day tomorrow oh George sure didn't feel ready he wished there was some way to practice more before the contest hahaha [Music] George realized it wasn't just food he could practice fitting together [Music] welcome folks to the 14th annual bag Olympics our contestants are warming up before the three-round bag of elimination contest foreign [Music] look it's not whether you win or lose how you back the produce let's go out there and have fun [Music] on your marks get set bag [Music] foreign [Music] just do your best in the next round [Music] [Music] looks like we have an egg break that's an automatic elimination doing great all of our hard work must have paid off [Music] the monkey's gotten good but don't worry I'll win this alrighty then it's come down to these two representing large March the fastest bag of the side of endless Park the angsty team from Avenue 14 Rodney and representing Cindy grocery the monkey with Moxie the battling beggar from in Avenue G [Applause] are you ready yeah ready to win Anya marks get set tag [Music] oh no I can't ham the Beast of all processed Meats [Music] George yeah [Music] George realized that ham and cheese always go great together [Music] yes done me it's all me and the winner is no George [Applause] [Music] oh great job George but but how did you get so good I am impressed hmm too bad there's no room for your trophy [Music] okay George time for the seeds we'll start with the eggplant um you didn't dump all six seed packets in there did you together they won't grow right mixing seeds might make interesting new plants well George each type of seed has different needs and must be planted just right I made you a special veggie pizza extra guava the way you like it oh so fast you've already planted everything [Music] well Chef actually we are the melon Mounds soon your eels will be alive with the succulent fruit and tomatoes oh drink deep my rosy Darlings someday you will be in my marinara oh boy I hope the grocer has seeds left sorry George I'm all cleaned out oh [Music] George hated to disappoint the chef he always looked so happy on his box [Music] maybe different color seeds produce different plants [Music] sorting by both color and size George ended up with six piles of different seeds [Music] but George didn't know where to plant the seeds which ones were the corn which were tomatoes [Music] and you forgot about those hungry pigeons nobody could tell what would come from a seed just by looking at it [Music] those watermelon seeds match the seeds in one of his piles [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's going to be one crazy salad George [Music] foreign [Music] there were seeds inside the pepper [Music] and they matched a pile too hmm [Music] the Tomato the eggplant huh and even the corn George Professor Wiseman has a whole book about seeds wow well you don't need my help you've got a monkey well I'll be [Music] that's the last one what should we do with the extra seeds [Applause] [Music] George and the Man with the Yellow Hat took excellent care of the Roof Garden together [Music] um George [Music] until at last the vegetables were ready to be picked [Music] everyone please take my friends for the delicious vegetables you are eating tonight [Music] sorry you eggplant Parmesan ala Georgia and a friend they say the best meals come from a chef's heart but sometimes they come from the roof of a monkey [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 3,643,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: Yj0VrdcDyCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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