Cringey Imagines 3

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hey guys really quick before the video starts I'll be doing stand-up in these cities on these dates so come out come see me come meet me chill laughs and just fucking vibe all right see you there enjoy the video I'm back hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's so good to see you again dude I hope you're doing well folks we got a big one we got a big and good one it's big and good so if you are actually new to my channel to let you to fill you in I have a this series I guess you could call it where I look at imagines and make fun of them essentially and to those of you who aren't familiar with what an Imagine is someone will like make will do like picture like a scenario scenario a scenario in in their head but make a picture of it with like their favorite celebrity or something so it'll be like imagine you see Shawn Mendes in the grocery store he he throws a pineapple at you and now you guys are married a little bit it'll be something along those lines and they never make sense and I love them so much I've already done two of these videos in the past but I get at least one tweet every single day telling me to make a third one so here we are it's a it's a trilogy now trilogy time okay oh man okay wouldn't it just be so fucking sexy if he showed up to your door in the middle of the night after your first date crying because he realized you were the one and couldn't go this long without seeing your beautiful face you know what yeah wouldn't it wouldn't that be so fucking sexy picture it all right imagine it if you will you go on a first date with someone it goes all right you go home in and you go to bed few hours later you hear scream crying from a man and he it's the man you just went on a date with and he's crying because he thinks you're so beautiful and that sounds really cool but what makes it even cooler is that the man who is crying the crying man is Logan Paul just kidding if that happens just please call the cops cuz he's probably gonna like a murder you and then film your dead body right there's a new sheriff in town he's fresh out of chill my thumb crack imagine you are going on a date with Harry on Friday night to his kin cert sin cert concert I guess and this is what you wear so you're going on a date with Harry Styles V Harry Styles and that's the fit a stitch shirt desert themed jeans and low top burgundy converse bad outfit okay well I'm not gonna oh no me too mean because I'm sure a child made this well I really hope that a child made this I really hope to god there isn't just some fuckin adult that dresses like this oh wow after a long day at my office job or I have been for years and years because I am an adult it is time to unwind at the concert gosh I just hope there's no traffic well this is gonna take a long time I can excuse the car but that shirts set up it's nice also another weird part of this whole thing you're going on a date with Harry Styles to his own concert that's weird right that's his job dude that's like if a fucking window specialist like brought along their first date to like a sales pitch right just talk to talk about a blind date [Music] [Applause] [Music] lines - okay joke is over imagine jungkook takes you to a fancy restaurant you order a filet minion he pushes you up against a wall roughly you try to grab his dick but it is gone jungkook what happened to your cocker spaniel you ask babe what did you think was a mistake okay well that has to be like a parody right there's there's no way I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna believe that someone actually imagined that and it's also in the format that's like kind of memed you like the Harry Styles one it's like what you think was in the oatmeal or the the teeth surgery one I mean he's like who you think gave you to TAFE so I'm sure this is like a parody of an imagined but I'm still I'm gonna treat it as if it's a genuine thing okay because I'm very confused by it I'm confused by the the timeline of events if you will [Music] sorry I was feeling just fine when I started recording and then I read that jungkook imagine and now I'm I got a runny nose and I'm coughing so that's pretty cool this is a cursed image and I've cursed myself for life okay so back to it the timeline of the event right they order a filet minion which I'm guessing is some sort of cut of minion meat and honestly dude where can I get that drop a drop a pin drop opinion where I can eat some minions okay I'm a hungry boy I want Kevin and Phil and none of the other ones despicable meat shoot and then immediately after he pushes them up against a wall roughly may I add so this whole imagine it's tough to imagine you know it's just it's just see it just seems so a far-fetched and a little a little clunky if you will okay and I'll show you here is a dramatic reenactment of this imagine yeah I'll just get the fettuccine alfredo please yeah and I'll do the I'll do the filet minion please they one second where's your wiener well yeah what did you think was in the steak your dick is a minion yeah so what that's despicable you know I really wanted to make a boner joke in that sketch about you know the other main character and those in those movies but I don't know you know what I'm gonna do it anyway okay what did the minion penis do when it saw jungkook it grew [Music] stupid alright next one imagine Niall keeps on flirting and pointing to you ever since he saw you in front of the row in a 1d concert oh god that's so creepy oh look look at the girl in the front row oh wow what are you doing later on after the show well if you're not doing anything come on crawl this sorry I'm kidding obviously Niall obviously isn't that type of person he wouldn't he wouldn't say that he'd probably say it would probably sound more like what you doing can I crawl inside you here I can't wait to win the award for the worst Irish accent of all time [Music] did also the the pictures of Nile and this imagine are very creepy for some reason it's him pointing and then the next one is closer to the camera imagine you just witnessed Neil from 1d murder every single person you've ever loved in cold blood he then points right at you and says you're next night like the jungkook picture made me all stuffy had fucked me up right and my sinus but this one is kind of making me like nauseous and it's giving me a headache by the end of this video I'm gonna be a puddle of skin and bone and I can't wait and you're all gonna cum mop me up you and your boyfriend Jacob go to the same high school but he's popular and urinary at lunch you avoided each other away from each other but always look at each other longing to be with each other one day in the middle of class science class biology to be more Pacific his friends was making fun of you lol look at the nerd she's got big eyes and lips and long hair what a nerd and you just sighed in a whisper because you have heard it before he just stood up and shouted to the class Curtis I love you ignore the haters stay strong and you stood up and kissed him and your teacher cheered and said true love as teens you feel like your life is complete and you become really popular now that was a rollercoaster do you think you just replace all the rides at Disneyland with just a photo of that and it would beat you'd get the same you get the same experience dude the best part of this has got to be the bully I love you know the bully in science class biology to be more Pacific if I could just be more Atlantic for a second it was in biology the biology class bully who's just like looking you're just stupid big eyes and big lips and long flowing beautiful brown hair you fucking nerd hey man you're the worst bully in the world well well well look who it is if it isn't the most handsome man I've ever seen pussy I bet you could I bet you could kick my little weak ass oh you could kick me all the way to next Tuesday I bet you got among men hey you don't give me your lunch money all right give me your lunch money right now you're perfect and I love you but back to the imagine Jacob declares his love for us and then the teacher cheers and says true love as teens and then after that you immediately become popular it's pretty easy actually some teacher just has to yellow true love as teens and then you are a popular NSFW knild so fucking weird huh you wake up in the middle of the night and you have handcuffs to your bed on your wrists you look up and see Niall stood at the end of the bed he winks at you and you scream for him to take them off not before you get a visit from the tickle monster he giggled in a shout he giggled in a shout before you got a visit from the tickle monster ha ha ha you feel a sense of warmth because he loves you so much he gets on top of you and kisses your neck you are in for a fun night dude I called it Niall is insane and all of these imagines he's unhinged he's a psychopath he's a murderer and yeah I did have to protect my title of the worst Irish accent of all time oh my god your ex games mode imagine you're a Harry's wife and you come home to see him in another woman's bed you cry he pleads you to stay but no you grab your child Hamlet and run out the door and throw the divorce papers on the bed this is it ok this is this is another one where I'm confused about the the timeline so you come home to your own house and you find your husband in another girl's bed so I guess he like brought his b.o.b I guess you bring your own bed and then you grab your child named Hamlet I'll get to that in a second she cries takes Hamlet which is in the bedroom I guess and then closes the door and then puts divorce papers on a different bed that's outside of your bedroom they moved your bed and put the other woman's bed in the bedroom because everyone knows it's not cheating if it's on a different path I know I'm dissecting this way too much and I should feel bad for the person who was just cheated on by Harry but I don't I don't feel bad at all they named their kid Hamlet dude you deserve what's coming Yoos Hamlet did yeah when a pig is dancing Hamlet so stupid all right we got the Biebs we got the Biebs baby this one isn't like the typical format because they're trying to play it off like it's an actual thing that happened but it's not obviously so I guess we're imagining if it was an interviewer once asked Justin why his fans are so annoying so he stared at him angrily in the ID and said my Beliebers are my world and they understand my love and commitment in another word you'll see the true colors in your poor attitude and wrong at pop neons at least my fans do smart it Justin dropped his mic the interviewer started shaking ho man at least my fans do smart oh my god there's no way that someone typed that out and was like yep hey this is good and then after he said at least my fans do smart the interviewer just started fucking shake actually okay actually come to think of it that's a really that is a pretty accurate response to that but if I was doing an interview with D Justin Bieber and he said well at least my fans do smart dude yeah my brain wouldn't know how to comprehend it and I would just start to convulse I think so yeah if you ever see me if you ever meet me in person please don't say at least my fans do smart because I will shake vigorously and die and the blood will be on your hands we're gonna okay let's let's end with this one I think it's a it's a nice finale this is from the account Curtis Connor imagine imagine you have just gotten home from long day of work you see you soul mate Curtis on the couch Curtis hello Curtis you are such pretty young lady I do love you always Curtis you giggle as you sit next to him he has such a way with words Curtis Curtis you marry me and you are such fine girl I will forever love you Beauty you are I mean usually imagines our things that you know that don't happen and like people are like making up these scenarios but this is like a daily conversation in my house with my girlfriend this is a thing that happens pretty much every day like clockwork [Music] hello Jenna you are such pretty young lady I do love you always Jenna Jenna you marry me and you are such fine girl I will forever love you Beauty you are [Music] please my fans do smart why would you say that yeah so that's real we didn't plan it I was kind of like hidden camera footage so alright that's gonna do it if you enjoyed this video please press out like button helps out a bunch and also one like equals one fill a minion that goes in my belly and I'm hungry I'm gonna eat all of them leave a comment let me know what you thought let me know if I should continue the series make a part for you know it make this more than a trilogy of four quad it cottagey and yeah I'm always on the lookout for some hot juicy imagine so send them my way if you see him press subscribe button if you want because I post a video I try to do it every week but you know busy boy check out the description for my Instagram my Twitter all that other stuff I do my weekly podcast called very really good it's a lot of fun if you like my videos you like the podcast I got merch down there tickets to my shows also check out at worst imagines on Instagram that's where I found like a majority of them I actually have to go because nyle is staring at me through my window and I'm very scared so please call the cops for me goodbye [Music] thank you
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,073,253
Rating: 4.9868298 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, kurtis conner imagines, cringey imagines, imagine, kurtis conner imagine, 1d imagines, cringe, cringey, one driection, 1d, harry styles imagines, commentary, reaction, worst imagines
Id: ON20iNmAyrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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