Corpse Husband, Psycho Twitch Streamers, Joe Rogan Is Tiny Joker - H3 Podcast #233

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They were talking about how Israel is weird for not putting people under for wisdom tooth surgery, but America is the only country I know of that does it so often! In most countries is normal to get them out while awake, unless itโ€™s a more complicated surgery.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 88 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/riotclit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This episode was all killer no filler imo. Really getting in the groove I feel like, the crew dynamic is so fluid now! Wish Ian would chime in a little more but part of his charm is being shy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 70 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/reconrose ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

These are the funniest when itโ€™s the whole crew just talking. The stuff about ABโ€™s streams/Ian and Danโ€™s podcast was hilarious

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 125 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The "I accidentally sent too much, can you send it back" thing is actually a pretty common scam.

Whatโ€™s happening here? Scammers connect stolen credit cards to Venmo and use them to transfer money to unsuspecting users. If you send the money back to the scammer, they will delete the stolen credit card from their account and add their own card in its place. Then, the money you are sending will go on to their personal card. Eventually, the stolen funds will be removed from your account, and you will be out that money.

This scam is just one of many cons using digital wallet apps, such as PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, and Apple Pay. Be aware that unlike credit cards, many digital wallet vendors will not shoulder the cost of fraud. If you pay scammers using a digital wallet, you may not ever get reimbursed.

Stole that from Google. But idk if it would work the same on twitch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 49 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MissPookieOokie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Canโ€™t wait for Dan and Ianโ€™s soon to come scooby doo content

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/izzyfromth3block ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This episode was so fun to listen to. I thought only 30 minutes had gone by, then the next thing I knew it was over!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/riiiiseup ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It's not a huge deal but I just wanted to clarify who Daniel Preda is (around the ninja bit) he was in a really long term relationship with Joey Graceffa and worked on escape the night with him that's why he was talking about escape the night. After him and Joey broke up he did a little bit of a expose. (Including Gabbie being one of the worst to work with lol)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/someslytherin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

With peace and love: AB really be simping so hard sometimes!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 49 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rave-light ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

with peace and love, zach is annoying as fuck.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/laticiasbear ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
two it's been a long time since i've boasted but we are number 27 in the united states podcast you remember that i remember and i think you know we're having a good year so far so you may well be watching even better than 27 podcasts in the world maybe 26 maybe 25. good luck ethan thank you keemstar even keemstar supporting us at this point welcome everybody to the h3 podcast today's episode is sponsored by and eli klein oh teddy fresh not really sponsored but but show off what you got i mean we've got a huge care bears collab coming out this thursday at 10 a.m that we've been working on for a long time it's very special it's very beautiful it is very exciting let's freaking go oh that's hot and you know what look at our website i got it i just i know there's nothing on it yet but we did this really cool thing i want to flex a little bit we have a countdown timer mm-hmm i mean one day 20 hours 59 minutes four seconds it's so cute i love it you know the website's so boring everything's sold out since black friday and one day anyway we've been working a lot on it how are you doing today how's everybody else doing no actually i had the whatever surgery and it's all fine you had your your uh genitals scraped hysteroscopy or whatever it's called wait they scrape your you make it sound so much worse than it is they remove polyps and then they remove it i don't know they scrape it like a [ __ ] cleaning a grill i don't know i don't know about that come on man yeah so we're gonna try to get pregnant again but i had it and they put me on there and that was my first time and that was really cool oh eliza never put under she in israel had her wisdom teeth taken out while she was yeah people are really afraid of putting you under it's like uh you gotta save it for a last resort why i don't know you bet you wish you were put under during the wisdom toothpaste i wish i would be put on there for every little thing i wish i was under right now yeah this is painful every process podcast it's like the only thing i remember is them rolling me in into the room and they're like okay this is the room that's the last thing i remember and then i woke up and it was after it's beautiful yeah i know it's amazing dude israel is so is a weird place man they have like so many conspiracy theories they're like superstitious i think that's what it is well where does superstition end and conspiracies like when i was in israel there was literally stickers in every elevator saying warning do not tuck in your cell phone in the elevator because it increases the chance of cancer okay somebody will get really upset at you if you use your phone in the elevator so somebody slapped these in every elevator all across israel and convinced everybody in this country that talking on your cell phone in an elevator caused cancer to the point where if you talk on your cell phone in an elevator people will yell at you because they think you're endangering their health this of course has absolutely no basis in science it's literally from nothing you ask them why they go the beast bounce around the metal the radio bounce around the metal it's like i don't know it kind of sounds like it makes sense but i mean right that's the spaces of all conspiracy things right is that it sounds like it makes sense but it's actually not true it doesn't really make sense though if your signal was bouncing around the metal how would it wouldn't work huh that's a good point also radio waves don't cause cancer like we we live amongst radio waves constantly always what about standing in front of the microwave doesn't cause cancer what about hitting your foot in the microwave it doesn't cause cancer it probably hurts though i feel like those are also kind of like well microwaves i don't think microwaves cause cancer they're not high enough energy energy beam can only cause cancer if it's high enough energy to block to blast apart your dna what the f was that it was like computer science fiction i thought it was a mistake yeah the only the only [ __ ] like a x-ray and like a you know all this kinds of [ __ ] these are really powerful and they can cause cancer because they can blast your dna because i feel like there's a lot of people in israel or like um they think they're kind of like woke so they're like um i don't use the microwave we know big microwave doesn't want you to know i mean i'm almost look i don't want to sound like an idiot like i mean look we all have microwaves in our house right does microwave i remember the first time i heard this was one of my teachers when i was in like middle school and he was like he was like trying to be like oh you guys don't know anything he's like dude you think you know you stand next to a microwave you get cancer he's like there's a lot you don't know in the world i was like really and i went home and asked my brother because my brother knows everything and he's like your teacher's a [ __ ] idiot but your writer is wrong sometimes this isn't my first rodeo trust me okay here's the answer that's what he said there's no evidence they pose a health risk to people and the us federal standards limit the amount of radiation that can leak from a microwave oven to a low a level far below that would harm people can microwave food cause cancer even deeper down the uh bravo the bouncing around of these heat water molecules result in warming of food since microwaving does not cause changes in food that are introduced by other methods of cooking it doesn't make food any likelihood to cause cancer it literally just warms food up by jiggling the water okay okay okay israelis are weird yeah and they are very superstitious they all is and it's true with um arabs too because they have like the evil eye they all believe they're like super yeah either wearing evil eye right now they have this everywhere they got it on their on their neck they got on the wrist you walk in the house you've got the evil eye it's to stop the haters i mean that's the they think that people being jealous cause yeah people if you like if something's going good in your life it's like oh careful it's a very it's not gonna be jealous it's very cynical because it's like they assume that if anything good is going on in your life that everybody's going to be hating on you and so it's to stop there but it's kind of good because it kind of just teaches you to be modest i think when we moved out here um some of lena's family gave us some of the evil eyes to hang up over our door there's also um you shouldn't pass a knife to another person like you should put it down on it i think i did that once and someone got mad at me because it's like you're gonna argue you're gonna have a fight if you give someone a knife don't ask me for a knife get it yourself then what the [ __ ] you want from me also if you walk under a ladder you're going to have bad luck that's the same thing that's a superstition here as well yeah um having a mirror inside or no a broken mirror yeah you know i literally i've had people yell at me because i got on my phone in an elevator and they're like they get into this like this whole thing and i'm like what are you talking about so i assume you don't believe in superstition i don't really since i met ethan what does that mean superstition are you talking about like everything like just you know ladder mirror do you use that i don't i you think walking under a ladder can give you bad luck well you're the guy that can't even hear the name of the band clarence please please please i said clarence please i said clarence it's just on clearance at the outlet wait do you believe if you walk under a ladder you'll have bad luck for seven years or whatever the [ __ ] they say not seven years but how long uh if there's a what are the rules it's just a bad day you know like that day yeah it's like that yeah or like if a black cat crosses the road i will not drive that way no [ __ ] way what if i turn around at the corner of the table is that here too no remember if you sit at the corner you're not gonna get married for seven years give zach a whole new pencil as you know yeah that sounds like [ __ ] okay that one sounds like [ __ ] but i'm just saying [ __ ] they're all [ __ ] well spilling the salt is a thing like that's one i live by what about if you can't find something take a cup and flip it upside down say what that makes sense so wait zach what superstitions do you believe in because i know you are kind of a superstitious person well there's obviously the band there's the ladder there's the broken mirror um i have to get out of bed the same way i got in what is that a superstition or is that indeed that's a part of my ocd thing i think super okay interesting um stealing the salt like if i spill the salt i have to throw it over my shoulder like you have to take a handful of salt do you do that yeah yeah all over my room your mom your poor mom does your mom clean your room zach i know you live with your parents still no i uh okay good you're a big laundry cleaning my room that's good my family thought i was cursed by my ex once because the same week my house got robbed my car got broken in two my parents got a divorce and our family dog died on the same week what in seven days so it was your fault your parents got divorced i mean i don't believe in it but they thought that's funny because if you get cursed to cause your parents to get a divorce come on you just don't [ __ ] with it you just can't [ __ ] with it i feel like i met ethan at such a critical point in my life because i was like 19 and i was just kind of like becoming my own person and ethan was like showing me the truth eating meat and there is not gonna do anything to you were you superstitious about eating meat and dairy yeah i was like i was like sometimes i may have not followed the rules and it's like i don't know if it's six hours or three hours they're supposed to wait and well you get into these rituals you know but like yeah you just have to think okay there's just you grow up thinking all of that is true so at some point you're like wait all of this stuff is nonsense and yes it is but it's like you're used to thinking that it's a problem so it takes a minute to be like oh it makes sense everybody around you do this you have to think there's like seven billion people in the world and the vast majority of these people are pouring milk and cheese all over the [ __ ] meat you know and none of and they're not walking around cursed apparently they're all out there living their life you just have to know they're all cursed you gotta think well maybe they are cursed i don't know you know what i mean i mean what does bad luck mean zach it means you lose money it means you get cancer what does it mean like what's the severity of it just anything that could go wrong goes wrong but clearly that's not true by that very fact that you're sitting before us now by the way i don't wear this because i actually believe it will do anything it's just like the evil eye no it's just a family thing for me like these were my grandma's bracelets that she gave my mom and then when i was 12 my mom gave it to me and we we added the hand so it's like it's more like a what do you call it it's an heirloom heirloom it's a treasured possession yeah and you may not even be here if you didn't have that evil eye around your breath well zach will only know so zach the very evidence of you sitting before us now was kind of evidence that this bad luck theory is not true right well it doesn't necessarily have to mean death um it just means [ __ ] goes south like just just something you want you can't get or just the universe just works in a weird way don't you think it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy that you were looking out for bad luck and so you find it everywhere i think i mean it could be it very well could be but i mean that's just the way my mind thinks and works and um joker brain baby don't stay there that triggers everybody by the way can i show you a funny one one day he's just gonna kill someone it'll be like joker brandon joker we're like we should have believed him i didn't take him seriously here's a meme zach for you from the subreddit saying this is what they think of every time zach says joke or brain here you're going to pull it out here's zach the image in my head when zach talks about his joker brain wait can zack see what you're showing can you see it's that yeah i see it yeah okay i saw that yeah that kid's a badass it's true he is bouncing i don't know what they mean by that because this kid is kind of spooky i don't think it's funny it's like children of the corn or something yeah all right we do have stuff to talk about today oh we do we do i thought this was the superstition hour look i i know what it's like sometimes i feel compelled to superstitious thinking but i don't want to go down that rabbit hole and so i resist it and to the point where you just kind of forget it sometimes i just kind of like my mom is super like that so sometimes when she goes and talks about it i just kind of go on with it because i don't want to like what does she say to you um like what kind of thing would she say what that's a bad luck oh just like uh hmm like when we said that you like be modest don't talk about your success don't say what do we do um i don't know she's it's like even if i talk to a friend she's like okay don't but don't show off don't don't uh like be but you don't i don't i know but um she i think what she is she's so she's guarding your success she sees it as this delicate thing that she just wants she almost doesn't want to say to anyone yeah she wants to protect this success at all costs that's funny so i just go along with it i don't i don't know don't tell anybody that we're doing good don't let anybody know it's just between us um yeah okay we've talked about this as a [ __ ] let me get your take on this twitch streamer we're going to talk about twitch streamers now okay here's the thing about twitch it's live ah excuse me and somebody i'm just thank you it's live and these people are sometimes not the slickest people in the world so it's prone to all kinds of insanity going down on twitch right okay right uh there's a couple of really wild incidents i'm going to start with this one that's lest wild somebody donated 350 to this twitch streamer and then he said [ __ ] i only meant to give you 350 can you refund the other amount and he told him to [ __ ] off so i'm curious what's your take on this who's right you tell me who's right well obviously watch the clip watch the clock out of here bro get the [ __ ] out of here you want to pay for the fees give me the fee money and i'll give your [ __ ] [ __ ] back w movie and w get the [ __ ] out no dude i've been a nice guy about this too many times i don't care anymore how many reasons all donations are non-refundable what's up you like are you trying to sue what's up bro he's a fan yeah he's trying to support you no i'm sick of this [ __ ] he sounds like uh charlie for now this literally happened last week which kind of makes me wonder if he's like sort of trying to be funny no he's genuinely angry i know for a fact get the [ __ ] out and there's another clip there's a whole thing like he was talking about it on twitter and this and that so it's definitely real now here's part two but you said 350. do you know how many like confirmation steps there are just like three no dude no no no i'm in three blocks he's literally charlie [Music] come on man come on come on we'll deal with this we'll deal with this we'll do with this i don't care about the money i don't need the money it just pisses me it's a donation it's it's a it's not it this is this no one has to donate you don't have to donate it's just like why do people do this and then i'm seeing people in the chat spamming you're a scammer dudes are calling me a scammer i did nothing so wait i feel like dreaming a bit it's not bad oh [ __ ] thanks bro [ __ ] 10 minutes later saying oh no i didn't mean to do that the [ __ ] literally charlie this is charlie the stream you know okay so i i have a few questions yeah they're calling him a scammer i thought they were calling the donator scammer because here uh i'm not quite sure how that scam would work though but i don't think it would because you have to refund it to the same card like i could see world where i'm assuming it's paypal right yeah it's just paypal so you just click refund like the same thing so there's so they're calling the streamer scammer which is funny so he gets super triggered look i mean what's what's your take on that either well obviously you should refund it's like it's like customer support you know it's like some people are going to make mistakes like i know i i find mistakes very confusing but sometimes it happens and people will do things really quickly you know because they want to do it fast or something and so it doesn't matter you are on the receiving end and i think you have to give customer support so yeah apparently he got this 350 donation did this whole hubbub about like thank you to this guy we love him and then 10 minutes later he's like oh [ __ ] i didn't mean to give that but the guy's trying to support you with three three dollars fifty cents which you know it's not it's it's money right yeah and now he's telling him to go [ __ ] off toms what do you think about this this isn't my first rodeo yeah yeah i mean he should donate he should the thing also he goes pay me the fees you know and paypal i don't know what he's talking about because it's making [ __ ] up yeah i don't think they take the fee from you if you refund there's no fee yeah you just hit refund it literally takes two seconds and it reverses the fee yeah and also even if you just wanted to send the money back straight to him you can just if you're like [ __ ] it i don't want to pay the fee you just send the money and the fee comes out of it so the whole pay of the fee thing is yeah that fee doesn't make sense he's a scammer they're right los poyos tv and by the way i think you owe breaking bad i think you owe patrick gilligan or whatever his name is what's his name vince gilligan vince gilligan gilligan like gilligan's isle i don't know uh maybe not it's vince most likely you're wrong gilligan based on our history look it up well come on everybody's sitting on their hand what's the name it's vince gilligan oh gilligan yeah that's correct gilligan okay it's kind of funny names like how you gonna walk around being gilligan change it it's his last name he's walking around and he made a great show so how about that he he overcame becoming being a gilligan it's a real inspirational story would you say be about twitch policy i'm i'm wondering if he's referring to you know twitch takes a cut of every donation thank how are they going to take a cut of paypal donation oh i don't know if it maybe if they did it to twitch but interesting no they don't take a cut of paypal donations that's i don't know how they would do that i don't know yeah i mean if they're going around they take a cut of subs yeah they make it out of the subs and probably even like in platform donation but no he's bullshitting he's just he just doesn't want to give the money back because like i was thinking because like you know on youtube if you get a donation they take their cut but can't you use paypal as a source to donate like it's not directly through paypal but as a payment source that's why on twitch it's separate on twitch you need like a plug-in right to receive donations so it doesn't come through their platform where on youtube it comes through their platform gotcha youtube smart so they're like i'll take some of that wait people donate and youtube takes a cut that can't be true yeah the super chats that's right they take a cut how much they take of the super chat like thirty percent nah well i did look that up look it up i wanna know what youtube's up to i wanna know how deep their hands are in my pocket those [ __ ] it's 30 they're taking 30 of donations that's some [ __ ] right there yep i thought that was a membership yeah they take 30 memberships dude they got their hands way too deep in my [ __ ] pockets what yeah that's kind of yeah i trust them i think i don't trust them tom said like what the [ __ ] do you know go sell some life insurance to all people why youtube got their hand that deep in my pocket bro no if people are donating to me they expect that money to go to me not 30 to youtube by the way that's like worth a trillion dollars yeah what does susan wojcinski need with three dollars for my 10 donation call her up and ask that's a lot i have questions i did a stream the other day where i got like yeah what about it no nothing i'm just saying i made like 800 because i've never i haven't streamed it forever and then when i went to go check they only put in like 500 in my account 800. what the [ __ ] yeah you ethan should get 30 of that i think yeah where's my commission bro gotta pay the family man listen you gotta get your [ __ ] together this no you stop you stop and you listen to me okay garbage thirty percent is ridiculous okay you're trying to directly fund my streaming operation how you can take 30 what oh you're busy no you know very hypocritical no don't do that please no i'm sorry no i won't call you again i'm sorry all right yeah apologies all jews and i won't call you again all right oh thank you i love you okay i love you talk to me she's she she scared me she scared the [ __ ] out of me okay guys well we got our answer right nice did she mention something like deep platforming yeah anything about it the [ __ ] i don't know anything about what she said but she got it she struck fear in my heart amy you made 800 streaming what is going on are you gonna still work for us i usually i yeah i don't stream all the time like that's the i've probably streamed twice in the past like a month or so and yeah i don't know who's giving you all that money who are these people starkiller sims if you have sims what does that mean if you're like is there some transitive property of symptom like i mean yeah we're all i think we're all under the h3 umbrella like you're the simple over the leader ruler emperor god king zach was on the stream too right he was guest zach do you get a cut of that i haven't received a [ __ ] penny maybe does that get a cut of that i mean i feel like his presence probably helped drive donations no that it wasn't the one zach was on one zag was it the one that i popped in it was the one dan actually oh i should get a cut yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait what yeah there's a hole i mean first of all well i didn't appear on the stream i just saw that he was live on youtube and then i i went on and commented in the chat i was like what's going on in here to be fair to be fair he did hit when i was on i think it was almost two thousand viewers and that was around 2 000 trish is right there they're promoting starfarer you're gonna be having your own [ __ ] you're gonna be leaving this show soon you don't need us no never i did almost hit 20 000 so i appreciate it i need that clown so wait did you get donations when was that that was the clout pill yeah stop so wait zach did you make any money when zach was on your stream i did so what's going on with that money how much money you make there i mean 300 that night what the [ __ ] throw a couple bones over to zach yeah whoa whoa whoa dude you're making more money from streaming what the [ __ ] is this then you want from payroll at this point i need that clout how much money are you making from streaming i just maybe on the weekends like on saturday nights i'll go live like here and there but i've made i don't let me check my analytics i think i made thirteen hundred after youtube's cut where's my [ __ ] cup yeah i feel like is zach and i don't do a piece of the action sure yeah zach what do you want i don't know i mean i'm just trying to ask you exactly i mean i i'm not gonna i'm just i mean zach how do you feel about the fact that he's rolling in all this doe while you're there i don't it doesn't it doesn't bog me i'm just curious i just want to get to the heart of what's going on here i mean we just had a good job 20 people for zach during that stream yeah you what and a b played some of my tunes so i feel like it's a fair trade a little fair trade you scratch my back look at this ian you getting any ideas i feel like you could pull on some viewership ian came in with the first uh yeah ab i've got an appearance fee so we can work well you are on the stream too you guys can't be doing a whole show without me what the [ __ ] is this no no no no no you are on stream what's going on here it's always just me no zach dropped this is the first time zach was ever on it but it was just for like what not even it wasn't a long time actually what are you talking about we did an hour someone posted about it on friday they posted they posted what me and zach were saying you're like you're like you want to join my stream i'm like oh sure like i'm not really doing anything and then like it turned into this hour like thing which wasn't a good time you know i'm not denying that but um exactly are you thinking of going streaming now no no no is it a b are you a clout goblin i think you think i am but i'm a star i might really start selling the clout pill i'm just asking questions i think you can't accept my love you don't think what do you want to do you want to [ __ ] me how much love do i need except wow that's awesome no i'm happy for you man that's crazy all right we do have stuff to talk about we're like getting soaked we're actually uh pretty much at break time 30 minutes there's already been three months we haven't talked about anything all right okay let's talk about stamps time for daddy to get paid well you should throw it to break oh we're gonna go do a stamps read we'll be right back eli you know what everybody needs stamps that's right you may have thought air water food shelter love nah stamps if there's one thing we learned in 2020 is that the internet is even more awesome than we thought there's groceries online movies online doctors online and of course going to the post office online with allows businesses to do all of their mailing and shipping right from their computer no need to leave their home or office or home office has saved small businesses all over the country thousands of hours and tons of money and now you can too with you get the service of the post office and ups right at your computer plus big discounts on mailing and shipping rates brings the service of the us postal service and ups right to your computer wherever you are it's a must-have for any business whether your small office sending out invoices or an online seller shipping out 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top of the home page and type in h3 that's promo code h3 never go to the post office again so we're back we're talking about los poyos uh los pois hermanos exactly uh he did he so he started tweeting about it because you're saying is this guy serious or what so here's his tweets he actually erased them but and then zach god bless him he actually got the backup nice so good work to zach king [ __ ] right there bye so he said i don't know who hates me and why the only time i'm live uh live stream fails reddit is over [ __ ] can use punctuation let me try this again i don't know who hates me and why the only time i'm on live stream fails reddit is out over out of context [ __ ] claiming i scam my viewers it sucks because now there's going to be a bunch of people who don't know me and will just believe whatever they see by the way i already refunded the guy so why is he again i don't understand why he just i mean i've used old paypal a lot you just hit read i don't yeah i don't understand that what's like reverse that same transaction you don't need to make a new transaction you know also he docks the guy i think that's right he showed his full name in the toilet i mean it's just a name out there but it's kind of funny like this guy this poor guy he's just trying to give you money and now he's doxed and dragged and all this [ __ ] it's like damn had to do that to him you know what i mean there's a video what is this zack the whole thing i don't know if these people want attention oh yeah get people spamming i don't know what it is but this is there's no way that people's multiple times can just send in a hundred dollar two dollars like so oh no bro i meant to donate uh two dollars bro my bad i just added two zeros for no reason get the [ __ ] out of yeah it definitely happened you're in the you're taking their money you have to take some give me the fee just remove the button yeah just remove the button you know we get orders and people i've people will place an order and then immediately email us that they got the wrong address in all the [ __ ] all the time dude like 50 of customer support is literally trying to prevent people from making moronic like mistakes that you think would never happen or like hey i got the wrong size i got the but but it happens i mean it's not my place to be like hey how did you just it's just the law of numbers when you get it did you write a wrong address yeah excuse me that's not your address oh [ __ ] you i'm not helping you how can you make that mistake it's the law of numbers right you say who would ever make that mistake when you get a thousand of something you're gonna have a few [ __ ] ups just because you know we've all been there you do it fast you don't think and you go oh [ __ ] i mean i've done that before in order you know lose hormones too many times i don't care anymore it literally says i don't know what's up like are you trying to sue what's up mm-hmm he's trying to sue you damn bro no i'm sick of this [ __ ] i'm sick of this look i'm dead ass sick of this this literally happened last week cool last week there's a lot to deal with everyone's saying chill too you think he feels like an idiot whenever i have a meltdown like that i always feel dumb immediately i'm sorry oh bro what is wrong with me for this why are you doing this like what's the point of it how the [ __ ] can you mean to send your uh three dollars but you sent because it's faithful you got to put into zeros and you know how many like confirmation steps there are just like three so much less no don't dude no no i meant three bucks i didn't mean 300. it's one confirmation step [Music] it's your homie dude he gave you money he's your host we'll deal with this we'll deal with this we'll do with this i don't care about the money i don't we'll deal with this that's like i got your address bro we'll deal with this i think he meant it will refund he's like i got your dress homie we'll deal with you we'll see about it we'll see who ends up with that 350. donation it's it's a it's not it this is this no one has to donate you don't have to donate you don't have to have a button it's just like why do people do this and then i'm seeing people in the chat spamming you're a scammer they're calling me a scammer i do nothing i mean you're not a scammer you're just i did give me 350 i'm like oh [ __ ] thanks bro [ __ ] 10 minutes later say oh no i didn't mean to do that the [ __ ] you sound so much like charlie i can't get over it hey if you've been in here for a long time you know this has been happening for years back in the day someone would do that bro i would be like oh my god dude i'm so sorry i'd freaked the [ __ ] out right more people do it you're getting nervous man and i refund them not these days though that's funny i used to do that not today though [Music] there you have it let me ask you this ab if somebody donated 350 and asked for a refund would you do it yes i would you would that's good to know maybe now but i don't know when you become a big shot streamer oh it sounds like you're already a big shot streamer you can become more popular than me i always feel bad when people donate you don't feel that bad you collect like 20 billion dollars i need that clout [Laughter] someone tried to catch us slipping on reddit they recorded mine and zx conversation and they posted it to the subreddit but we uh we stayed loyal for the record what does that mean what is that yeah what are you talking about what what's he talking about zach yeah i have literally no idea what the [ __ ] i just posted in the discord uh uh uh uh uh oh what do we got here we're up to something we got some juice can we appreciate how loyal the crew is like for real papa bless these three i'm happy okay let's see um william a b zach and dan should start their own podcast we will never i appreciate the donation but we are loyal to age three and if we ever were i suggest that every single person unfollows us and doesn't support us for being backstabbing ungrateful pieces of [ __ ] hold on save that for later hold on two things i wasn't there first of all yeah you're speaking for everybody you're looking for me we've already been dan's already been working on a podcast for like actually i'm totally down for you guys to have like a wrap-up show or something on the channel that's like baby's already got one honey no we can't do it without you guys thank you for saying that i think that's nice i mean again you can you can do your own thing you guys if you guys started all went and started your own podcast that would be a little odd but i'd be like oh okay so without ethan podcast like what would you call it it's just the same yeah i mean it would be odd i'm not sure yes we asked if we could use the basement yeah do you we're coming you guys are like we're coming over to work on something i'm like okay sure fine and then there's a podcast all of a sudden on starkiller's channel the without ethan podcast we throw it in a ditch podcast i was like what the [ __ ] ela is even in it h3 sign turned upside down oh man this next story i can't even show the video this was really upsetting i can't show the video i still haven't watched it because i don't want to can i show it to you so then they can watch your reaction because i know i can't show this youtube will definitely just take a steamer on me susan's calling wait hold on yeah yeah no i wasn't going to sho i wasn't going to show it tell her about my channel no my god okay i'm sorry no i won't even bring it up i'm so sorry okay mommy okay i love you i'm so sorry okay mom all right love you bye she says we shouldn't talk about it right now you're a good dude i call her mommy because that she just likes that she likes when i call her mommy um i'm gonna show you the video now this guy's not a big streamer so it's not like he has a big audience but but so apparently the context is he's playing a football game online madden 21 i don't know why he gets so heated over [ __ ] madden but what do i know i don't play sports games i'm not and you just watched the clip dude i saw this and i like i just i don't know i feel like crying i can't show it to you guys it's way too [ __ ] but hila you can watch it god damn it he's going to get this 300 [ __ ] controller so he's sitting in his chair with his baby how old is that baby listen maybe a year or less on in his lap right there because he's shouting yeah can i [ __ ] press pause just sit right here stop i gotta go yo i'm about to [ __ ] lose it so he threw the bait he kind of like threw the baby onto a bean bag yeah frustrated baby's crying shut the [ __ ] up and then he screamed shut the [ __ ] up right into the baby's face god damn it it's like [ __ ] really disturbing yeah really sad honestly that's right i didn't want to watch it i can't even watch this look how sad i mean that's just it's just yeah you know it's like it's so heartbreaking i mean the child like you just you can't it's self-explanatory but i can't even say as a dad it hurts that it really hurts more and i'm not like trying to get this guy arrested or i don't want him to get his child taken from everything i just want him to get therapy and help because ultimately this child needs a dad that [ __ ] is whole and can do a good job if he he doesn't need a dad that's going to jail and he doesn't need to be going into foster care i just want this baby to get actually some love and not a dad who's screaming his [ __ ] face like that for some video game like i just want this guy to forget some [ __ ] therapy or something so he can actually raise this child the way it deserves it just makes me so sad mm-hmm oh it's so disturbing on stream yeah how can you yell on your baby's face like you can't and he's crying because of something you did he's crying because of something you did playing madden dude you're playing madden bro anyway he erased his channel and like ghosted out and he would like he just disappeared he like renamed his twitch channel to i'm sorry and erased everything i don't know bro i hope i just hope whoever this guy is is a very strong wake-up call that you need to get your [ __ ] together and that that child deserves a dad who loves him and doesn't scream in his [ __ ] face like that ever it's so [ __ ] up but especially when you have a child it's like you really see they're just they're so pure they're so good they're so loving like you're all he has it's insane you're all to do that he didn't choose to be here and dude everything you put on them at this stage in life they carry forever you can't scream in his face like that dude you can't you're all he has how'd you not cherish that but i don't know i mean people get [ __ ] up all the time you know people don't they have kids on accident they have kids when they're not ready it's hard it's just uh i i before we had kids i didn't care about babies i didn't hate him i just i was like i don't get it yeah i know you didn't i always um because i did babysitting so i kind of felt that already but now i love babies i love children i just because like they're just what did what did this baby how can you do that i mean they're like i can't handle it i think i left a comment i was putting off watching it because i i know i can't handle this stuff i can't even watch it oh here's a i guess people think it's not child abuse i guess that's definitely child abuse like bro you don't have to hit someone to abuse them trust me that's equal to hitting the baby saying shut the [ __ ] screaming shut the [ __ ] up and your baby's face is top of your lungs dude sorry that's abuse somebody said that's not child abuse but okay i guess people are debating with child abuse or not i'm sorry bro that is that is challenging and you know a lot of people so then on the other the most popular reaction is like call child protective services get the and so that's not my right i do not want this baby to go and [ __ ] foster care and by the way the crime is not that severe to take a man's child away from i mean god you all need to get a [ __ ] grip on reality like that is a horrible take take this baby away it's it's based on that clip exactly it's hard to make any judgment based on one clip in front of us it depends yeah i don't know what goes based on that clip that's not enough to take someone's child away i mean that's that will [ __ ] the kid up way more you know you want this dad to get some help and just get a grip and realize what he's doing how he's affecting that child you know some things are workable too like if you have anger problems yeah you can get therapy for you can you can work of course and change like within i don't know not that long you can change he's a young man right so i'm sure he's young he's probably strapped for cash having because it's expensive he's under a lot of pressure i don't know what the relationship is with the mom or with the parents so like he i'm sure like my only hope is that he goes wow i went way too far i can never do that again right and that's and that's good but god i just i hate to see it man it hurt my heart look yeah it just was so it just hurt my [ __ ] my dad heart i have a dad heart now isn't that nice that i have a dad heart now it's really true like ever since theater i can't watch anything that slightly like with kids and inappropriate and it hurts it's like too much well you know it's like they're just yeah they're innocent like you said they're pure they're the mistake of watching that one netflix or dateline or what was it yeah which one is this guy he killed his wife and two daughters that's just that's just like fringe mental illness there's no way to do it i woke up like still depressed from it the next day it was so depressing yeah the act of killing a child is probably the most heinous and he was in such a denial at first he was at first he was denying everything this is the guy who just wanted to start a new life with his girlfriend oh yeah bro that [ __ ] is so [ __ ] crazy so then he said i did kill the wife but uh it's because she killed the daughter oh i saw that yeah i watched that yeah and then it turns out he killed him it turns out he murdered the mom in front of their kids and then took her his beautiful sweet little i can't even talk i can't yeah it's too much you can't you know be being betrayed by your i can't don't put me there you'll no i know i know i shouldn't have why'd you do that sorry we gotta have pizza that's the only antidote to this chaos [Music] blocking it right now so my thoughts tell the thoughts to get out maybe you get any donations since we started no not yet let us know keep us updated oh my god i forgot to mention love was in my stream too just so you know god i am very [ __ ] up i'm the only one loyal i'm starting to get a little bit i'm starting to get a little insecure now it is a h3 show without us yeah i don't get i mean i'm getting a little insecure thank you dan i'm coming for teddy fresh employees next wait dan did you did you um or not dan ian did you say you called in or you said you're looking for an appearance fee that's an appearance view i have not made an appearance okay yeah ian would draw on you would bring a lot of maybe maybe he did try to stream once but then his stream crashed yeah well ian if you i'm just saying ian would bring a lot i feel like he's got a pie ticket well there was that one time in october during the halloween stream there was a guest appearance by mr ian himself oh i forgot about that that's right abe did like h3 pizza party or something it wasn't h3 without using my brand name he did an ethan klein street i was trying to do it you're using my brand name now how many donations you get that day in october you just started yeah what the [ __ ] you're already on the cloud you're already on the cloud bowl i was dreaming love was in my streams before either of us worked for you guys love was always in my streams abe just tweeted please join me tonight on my live stream with special guest keemstar oh dude gonna be surprised at this point i was trying to have a covered safe halloween party on zoom that's what it was how many people used to watch your stream before you joined us not a lot give me the average i honestly don't know come on you know i i don't know but plus or minus 20 plus or minus 20. plus or minus 20. above or below 20. i need that clock um i'd say probably around like 60 and now you're at 2000 raking in that money when i started do you think those people are donating to you instead of me i mean we have to be honest these are these are our fans going over watching your stream they're donating two thousand dollars to you i think that's after dark money that we would be getting like theoretically you know like i wonder now if they're not going to donate to us no i i feel bad because people donate and i always say i'm sorry i don't answer h3 questions but i appreciate the donation if you feel so bad why do you have the button no i'm just saying like oh okay ht related questions yeah what they asked i know it was you they're asking h3 related questions yeah what kind of questions do i ask you here i can answer them now what did they ask you just different things like oh will you show this to ethan or bring this up to ethan will you show yeah oh so they're giving you money to get to me or yeah or they'll ask questions like oh is zach doing this is the best for us so going on so you so now you're the mouthpiece for the show basically exactly i'm an ambassador nice good gig good side gig you've got i appreciate the uh 10 years plus you put into your career that i could call you i'm glad my brain is helping me out a lot you didn't merge for your streams yeah you want any more we have designers you want us to design some merch for you yeah yeah we'll talk ab fresh yeah just let us know we can do whatever you want awesome [Laughter] yeah ian would pull on a lot because ian ian is like this has this mystique where he doesn't talk a lot but when he does it's great so if you could get ian on for a one-on-one you'd probably make a lot of money i'm sort of the rumpels still some rumpels when you show up when your ass shows up magic happens i think it's time for dan and i to start the scooby-doo podcast i purposely didn't bring that up dude why the hell are you [ __ ] airing that you guys can get paid that scooby-doo [ __ ] is off the chain wait what's the idea of the scooby-doo that you guys just said do and do do the do whoa do they do oh i remember you told me once but i forget let's stop secret dan you seem hesitant come on tell me what if somebody steals the idea ian i don't think i think i think there's a big market for this yeah we got something magical abe might take the idea yeah yeah yeah be more cautious of him is the h3h3 is that copyrighted by the way it is copyrighted yeah it is copyrighted but it's all good i mean you're part of the family so you could just make the h3 podcast the h32 v2 podcast fine h3ab podcast thing about starting a joker brain podcast now that i'd watch [Laughter] love that zach came in wearing glasses to my live stream and acting like he had a joker brain yeah it was interesting it was good stuff that physically pains me uh you know it would look badass come on dude i like that i want it why are you zach why are you giving him the good material where's my joker brand we do a [ __ ] show you guys are spending all day trying to bolster abey's [ __ ] podcast where's my joker brain bit i don't understand do you guys not all work for me but what the [ __ ] going on here where's my joker bit do the joker bit for me it wasn't a joker but i just like put sunglasses on and go grab them grab the glasses man i want this show to be better hey okay hold on let's get the joker bit [ __ ] oh my god maybe there's any bits you plan exclusively for your stream that i should know about um i usually put my couch right here that's about it that's my stick on the couch i'm not very compelling all right let's see the show is fully let's see the joker brain zach but telling his act messed up like he did on my stream what even is this you just put your hair down and wear some sunglasses that's it oh man get on my left let zach do his thing everybody says exactly how he was talking everybody settled down we got the joker here go ahead zach what do you want to know what are you thinking about right now oh man you don't want to know what goes on in my head it's it's dark stop really it's so dark man [ __ ] what happened to you it's really dark because you have sunglasses on yeah wow yeah he was like leaning against the wall and like wow so good man things just like i'm just like sitting here all right wrap it up beautiful you asked for this this isn't an av stream we have standards here anyway let's move it on oh so the quartering had you know our favorite the quartering larson psycho if reed larson's murdered it was definitely jeremy just put another if she shows up dead god forbid it was jeremy jeremy's got a gun jeremy's you know that pearl jam song all right wait that's not you're mixing two songs yeah he mixed up two songs how does that pearl jam song go well there's a pearl song jeremy jeremy's spoken in class that's what he plays in his head all the time that's what's on the on loop in the shed he has me spoken anyway so he says and get that get a load of this guy you want a joker brain here five hours ago yelling at your kid is not child abuse being 19 and hitting on a seventh-year-old is not grooming relying on ninja to raise your kids is not parenting okay nice half statements that don't really he's making a stand jeremy is making a stand today i love that someone asked are you referring to that one a stream in my basement that was yelling at the kid because obviously that's what everyone's gonna think that's the video that's circling right now i'm gonna respond he said no so what are you talking about what kind of screaming out of on a kid yeah yelling at your well yeah exactly yelling at your kid is not child of you is like okay why are you gonna make that wait you're not referring to the video that just was viral yeah he's being a little bit dude god forbid he ever has kids man his house is just gonna be covered in piss everywhere also being painting and hitting on a 17 year old is not grooming well we said it was grooming because he's also the parents she the girl is a fan of him it could be although i do i do agree that ninja shouldn't raise kids what he said ninja shouldn't raise your kids oh by like them watching the videos apparently anyway i missed that whole conversation by his same logic right like we have the logic here so this is not this this is not this so then then so that's the podcast to it it's fine basements are what should i write basements or not for peeing in basements or not toilets basically irrefutable evidence [Laughter] i mean i'm just trying to continue the saga i'm [Laughter] but the thing is like he did that so he if he's gonna address me he has to own the fact that he feeds in his basement i just beat my basement i just peed in my basement i love all these channels make videos about you for years and then you make one response and they go ethan's obsessed with me oh that's a good point that's all that's literally they all fall back on that like i ignore him i literally ignore his existence and i see one stupid tweet and i say yeah he and then of course he inevitably says you're obsessed with me after tweeting twenty yeah you're right sorry bro i talk about all kinds of stuff oh nobody's liking my time oh oh you're in his channel trailer even is that true yeah unless you changed it dude you're obsessed with me hang up all gas no brakes what's with that what does the quartering have to do with all gas no brakes some dumbass fan edit bro you are weird you're a weird dude man i haven't even seen this video right good review you are one weirdo [ __ ] dude man yeah your tweet didn't uh didn't show up anywhere the thing is does he have you like soft blocked i wonder how do you soft block on i think if you have somebody okay here's what i'm gonna do it won't show up here's what i'm going to do i'm going to delete this reply i'm going to go for my main account i want to make sure he sees this you know what i mean i'm going to go to the decor drink we should have them call in i'd be kind of interested to have a conversation interesting keep the field alive i love the feuds would you let him pee while we talk or is that too far it's kind of gross kind of gross dude this [ __ ] tweets like his life why are you tweeting so much you're so neurotic people who tweet this much are weird i'm trying to find this tweet and you sweet like a hundred times okay here it is what did i write basements or not for basements or not toilets yeah basements are not i just peed in my basement he changed his trailer two weeks ago you're not in the morning oh man covering your tracks hey buddy i know what it is okay there basements are not toilets come on okay we got a link we're in business folks [Music] when's the new starkiller channel trailer coming out oh yeah i'll be in that one when i get you can do a feature you're gonna have to pay up for that you're rich now boy um so speaking he says ninja should not be raising kids and then well what he's referring to is ninja is called out for not being martin luther king jr well no he's ninja that's a hell of a headline first of all people wanted me to bring attention to this apparently ninja's just looking a little frail or something what do you make of that photo you know is it just a bad photo or is it could easily just be a bad photo he's looking very skinny is there any other photo to look at because it doesn't look like a good photo of him no but i think it's the fact that his hair is parted it's not all crazy like super saiyan like usual and he's just looking very staunch you know it's a bad photo though so maybe he's fine and the lighting is all crazy like i don't know but people are goofing on him on all over twitter for that photo really yeah everyone's talking about that everyone got bad photos it's not just jesus it's not just me for some reason that photo was attached to the article about this whole situation i don't know they chose that one that's just messed up it wasn't even people dunking on it was just that was the photo for the article i was like what the hell here yeah i mean that's messed up who did who played him that dirty man remember ninja this is him now i mean it's good but this is like a beautiful photoshop perfect man here how the how the f did my guy ninja turn into a 15 year old substitute teacher the rise and fall of ninja is this the rise man my heart my my heart goes out to everyone who bought a troll face t-shirt back in the day and especially those who took a photo of themselves in it that's brutal thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers for sure they're saying he's on cocaine i i mean looks the same to me just a shitty photo yeah that's nice of you why is he wearing his hair party i know because i feel like i get that all the time like my mom would be like did you lose weight you look sick in this photo so you saw a bad photo i don't know what to tell you yeah i'm inclined to to agree with you so apparently ninja's being called out for saying um apparently his chat is full of inflammatory racial comments which every chat on twitch is and someone asked if he is responsible for setting them straight he says it all comes down to parenting you know who you want your you want to know who your kid is listen to him when he's playing video games when he thinks you're not here's another thing how does a white kid know he has privilege if his parents never teach him or don't talk about racism seems fine to me so his chat is full of like racial stuff i mean as much as anything else i don't think he's like notoriously racist but it's twitch i mean it's a bunch of little [ __ ] in there don't they ban those words and stuff i do but then people have codes for it do people go to like extreme stream likes to be racist online they do like these intricate aci art of like blinchings and i don't know i'm just i'm being they they go to extreme lengths to be little racist [ __ ] just for the troll [Music] if they're gaming and their first interaction with racism is one of their friends saying the n word and they have no idea what it is what if it was on my stream ninja asked is it my job to have the conversation with the kids no because the first thing that's going on in my head this kid is doing this on purpose to troll me if someone says a racial slur on someone else's stream it can potentially get that streamer banned it's awful but that's the first thing i think of yeah can you do it's not your job i agree somebody responded this another youtuber daniel prata apparently who's like some woke ass mother effort hopefully you can see your privileged ninja here let me pull it up got super triggered he's one of these what this my theory on people like this is that he's just trying to get laid it's like this extra woke and he's like kind of handsome too he exercises he posts pictures it's like the anthony padilla kind of thing favorite person on escape the night there were a few escape the night are you even going to pretend to take that [ __ ] show seriously bro that's that youtube joey garcette or whatever his name is show like yeah dude you really like escape the night no he's trying to [ __ ] sorry mr prater get laid for watching that show have i gone yeah look at eerie's topless all looking hunky wait are you telling me you just started filming and you're yawning perfectly you just woke up liar thing i'm gonna say and then i know exactly who it is all right here's my little breakfast smoothie okay well here's the tweet you haven't shown any reason to hate him okay so you saw really okay well okay i know who he is so you saw what ninja said and now this guy comes back and he says correct but hopefully you can see your privilege at ninja as an influencer was the platform of 24 million and educate yourself and subscribe on the civil rights issues in the world some of who look up to you and not their parents as a role model this is your job shut up yeah what is he supposed to do stop the stream anytime he read something off color and be like nope stop the stream we have to talk about this comment i just saw one comment amongst the thousands of walls of coming stop the stream fortnite i don't know that ninja is not thankful for his privilege you know that's what i'm saying he's trying so hard yeah do you agree with me now i agree on that but the rest you didn't make a lot of sense man i haven't thought about trump since he got banned from twitter i have to say the power of a twitter ban is undeniable he is gone it's pretty scary he is gone from the face of the earth yeah yeah it's wild it's almost like losing i don't know what's equivalent losing a tumor getting a tumor removed no that's not equivalent i mean look it's like it's like honestly back in the day it's almost like like dying like it's almost like dying it's almost like i didn't want to say it but it kind of feels like it if you're banned from twitter it's almost like being banned from television it's that severe if you're like all across the tv ban you know you can't be on tv it's kind of worse though because you could be banned from tv but still have the direct connection to your fans on twitter i'm saying one it's it's great because you could never be worse than television so god there's a lot of crazy stories in the news to like okay so we've we've talked about kellyanne conway's daughter how she's been like exposing her on tick tock secretly recording her and kylian conway if you don't know who she is is a huge deal in politics she was a senior advisor to president trump um she is very famous as well as her husband i've just to give you a brief i mean you probably recognize her from being on tv she's like a trumpy maggot all the way which is super weird considering her husband is one of the founding members of the leaking project so one parent loves is a trump simp and one is a never trumper who he just he literally dedicated his whole career just bashing trump on twitter it's crazy household i do not know how this works but clearly it is not working because their house is in she quit at some point right so she wasn't trump her all the way until then she quitted like the very end though yeah she but i think she stepped down to do something else right or was she because she even now like she i saw her on bill maher she was simping for trump all the way like till the end yeah no yeah just even after she resigned she didn't like renounce him or anything like that yeah she's she's all in you know what i mean she ate the trump steak most people have kool-aid to initiate he has trump steak trump aid anyway i love it so her six-year-old daughter has been exposing her on tick tock and really [ __ ] like really [ __ ] with her you know like here's an example i probably can't even show this it's like abusive but she shows a video of her mom like yelling at her and throwing [ __ ] at her and just like really horrific [ __ ] so this culminated and today kellyanne conway posted a photo of her six-year-old daughter naked on twitter how why how does that happen let me say that again kellyanne conway posted a naked photo of her 16 year old daughter on twitter like naked naked naked naked and so then her daughter made a video is the daughter the daughter's tick-tock here where she's like caressed my mom and [ __ ] this isn't this is absolutely bananas is this it let me see that's real and so here's what i guess happened the pictures were months ago and i'm assuming that when my mom took my phone um anytime she's taken it because she takes it all the time she took a picture of that so that was on her phone um and i guess she accidentally posted it or somebody hacked her but nobody ever nobody would ever have any photo like that ever um so kellyanne you're going to [ __ ] jail i'm shaking i i don't know what to do um nobody would ever have that photo that ever was on my phone i don't think i've ever sent it to anyone um so i'm assuming that my mom took a picture of it to use against me one day and then somebody hacked her or something because there's no physical possible way that anybody would have that photo of me so anyway at first i was like this is not crazy this can't be wrong and then she makes this and i was like oh my god i don't know what's going on i don't think i've ever heard of a more so i don't know what happened but then she's like makes this video i think because then all of a sudden you're like oh [ __ ] actually my mom can go to jail for this so here's the second video i actually haven't seen this hi guys i just wanted to come on here and address the situation uh this isn't for us this is coming completely from me claudia um i have faith and i know that my mother would never put something like that on the internet as well as me we would never do that my mom and i we fight like mothers and daughters but we also love like mothers and daughters you all fight way more than mother daughters i know just saying love her i will be taking a break from social media um because we are really tired of being headlines and we fight like mothers and daughters but being in the public eye exacerbates that greatly and it adds a lot of stress to both of our lives and i don't know what to make all this it's crazy it's it's wild because like i've been kind of following her talking about her mom on social media yeah and somehow it always escalates and to now it's to the point where like i can't even believe what's happening i can't believe that i don't know i mean i don't know how would you post that on accident so did someone hack into her phone and post it but then bro nothing makes sense yeah stories make sense i don't know but apparently when kellyanne conway quit the white house it was to quote focus on her family the daughters seeking emancipation for trauma and abuse sorry i'm laughing it's not funny but it's just crazy um yeah we spoke about it like kellyanne apparently gave her daughter covid from the president which is kind of dope i mean in a way it's like you got covered from the president you got presidential covet yeah not many can say that i mean that's almost as good as a pardon straight from the president from the from the desk of the president it was delivered on letterhead she opened it from the pres from the desk of the president open it congratulations you have covered i coughed in this envelope oh [ __ ] thanks president and now she says she's urging people to stop calling the authorities she said that she and her mother will be taking a break from social media george conway the parents say anything about the photo i wouldn't be here here's her dad and what's he saying oh god now the whole she said our daughter claudia asked me to tweet this statement for her oh brother yeah oh brother what a [ __ ] man ooh families can get wild sometimes come on man you all had a family this wild before my family's for a while there's nothing on this come on man joe biden's like come on man come on did kelly and connie tweet anything since that i don't know i don't be saying [ __ ] i'd be [ __ ] i don't think so she usually doesn't comment on this kind of of the stuff from her daughter i'm on her page right now she hasn't yeah what was her most here let me see when was her most recent tweet uh the 24th sunday those second set of videos from her daughter were uploaded today the ones where she's like don't call the police anyway uh best of the family you know i'm really curious what happened there that's insane some kind of shenanigans dude because it's all shenanigans yeah so ila dave chappelle okay this is a weird one let me pull up this photo here's a photo joe brogan posted on his instagram the woke elite chappelle elon rogan you know the ian made a really good observation about rogan he's built like the joker the smush joker let me pull that up because he's right on man you know the smash joker meme where do i type for that little joker a tiny joker you remember that meme it's a good one they smash the joker i thought it was a funny picture but i wasn't familiar why on earth do i since google update have to look 20 [ __ ] times to get an image bruh bruh oh my god you guys got that here he's oh my god you guys i'm gonna lose i'm gonna freak out here it's and then it's a little joker got it joe broken is built like little joke thank you very much good job ian leto thought it was really funny jared leto [Applause] so joe rogan they had a little covid party they all thought that i don't the [ __ ] these people think man i think it was a comedy stand-up night it wasn't a covert party but it could have been a coveted party because it was a coveted party how many people are there without him dave chappelle got covered after attending this place i don't know what i i'm so tired of people not making any sense this [ __ ] is so it's like it's so simple to understand just use your brain well elon guaranteed us that kova would be gone by like march of last year you one yeah he tweeted out something like i'm gonna i'm over elon man i'm just he's just kind of a douche to be honest with you guys like i like this has been a very do she honestly i like his cars and his [ __ ] he wants to go to mars and all that [ __ ] but he's just he's kind of a douche you know it's just even if you think ron you think ron white's going to survive coverage even if he's all tested it's not enough for you all to be hanging out like that the test could be false well that's how true like what is so hard to understand that's how trump had his super spreading event because they all got tested but then you find out the tests and and also someone didn't actually test that day they tested like two days before you know it's like it's there's all these variables it's too many people you should not be hanging out like that they probably all they were probably playing spin the bottle they're probably drinking and schmoozing i wonder how much alpha brain joe rogan took that day you think he took how much alphabet do you think he's on right now he looks jacked bro he's probably on like a lot of alpha brain anyway i just i knew this would trigger you ela so i wanted to show you it really triggers me i get so triggered because we all like especially people who have the means to be more cautious like they can stay at home they can be more flexible with their jobs you got to do your part it's just so triggering i we have an employee that their dad just passed away from covin yeah super sad so well joe rogan's whole theory is that it's just fat people it's just fat people are okay well they're still people and they're still dying uh excuse me fat people are not people okay that's my hot day no right he's saying people should be just taking care of themselves and getting healthy although our our workers dad who died was a 82 year old who was health who was healthy and didn't need to die so it's so weird i can't go over the fact that people have this attitude that people are just expendable like it's just old people dying like that's still the attitude it's like it's just old people and fat people dying who gives a [ __ ] and since when do we not care about people it's so callous it's so heartless bro it's so heartless well they were old they go i mean when they were old so i didn't have to [ __ ] die you can still be healthy and happy at 82. she does a lot of luck you have good years ahead of you yeah i'd love to see them explain it away when it's one of their parents ah yeah my dad yeah i gave my dad covered and died but he was 82 so i mean kenneth help us now kenneth what are we going to do 19. what are we going to do what are we going to do to cover 19 kenneth i see zach hey man zach what are we going to do man cut it out right now so anyway what else we got uh this guy corpse husband you know kylie man i don't know if you know much about him but he's got like he's got what's that uh k-pop band that i bts yeah you even got like bts level of stands i just i opened twitter a moment ago and he's trending so every time i look he's trending people love him this is something i mean i don't know so much about him so if you're a fan of his please don't kill me i don't i'm not i don't have anything bad to say about the guy i just think it's incredible that people are just standing him so hard like for example here he put out a voice note of him just exhaling and people got all thirsty and like wet over this it has like 450 000 likes 5 million so why people are so crazy about him he has like music and he's got love damn why are you laughing that's not bad [Laughter] he's got like the deepest voice we've ever heard oh my god again the thing is i think all these little girls fantasize about what how sexy and they but like he doesn't ever show his face because you know he's probably like with peace and love he's probably not what you think he looks like you know what i mean the fantasy i feel like if it was good looking it would show his face that's right dila but i don't know we we might be all wrong we're not trust me if you're handsome you show your [ __ ] face with pride and joy it takes guts to go out in front of the camera looking like me and he knows that i think i read that he's um he's got some sort of uh uh not disability but like um some sort of chronic illness or something is part of the reason that he doesn't show his face i just saw he was trending he had some kind of nerve damage where he wasn't perpetually in pain which sounds horrible right yeah i mean here he's trending right now and he was saying something about let go see he was saying that he just what oh he has like an all account bro can you just have one twitter i mean with peace and love i know you're like in pain it should just have one [ __ ] twitter he's got like corpse all like can anyone find me the oh here it is why do you have two oh a [ __ ] bro he has fibromyalgia and gerd oh he's got germs gerd you can complain about gerd what is fibromyalgia that sounds serious do you know what that is can anyone give me a synopsis it's a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by pain fatigue sleeping i'm sorry because i should have read it before i just started blurting it out but go ahead yeah without laughing please it's accompanied with fatigue sleep memory and mood issues oh sounds horrible he said he did a needle emg on my nerve conduction study and got results that are not good i really don't know how to process it or cope with it i still want to participate in everything coming up if i see him off in anything that's why i don't know what to do anyway well that sucks yeah horrible horrible yeah but uh at any rate people love him and i'm not here to [ __ ] on the guy by any means i'm just in awe of how weird his fans are and his damn you don't like his music oh that's hot it's not it's not my uh to my taste no that's fine if you're new to this and you don't know what this is i appreciate what it is that's fine elo knows how to handle this sim [ __ ] i [ __ ] up it just it doesn't seem bad to me yeah i agree there's a million people to hate on you right right right right right now he's just making music yeah you gotta move come on have a heart damn just please anyway he makes like among us videos we have a group of crewmates on a ship who are trying to do tasks so that we can fix the ship winning the game however and then he has music which here's one cat girls are ruining my life dedicated to dance word love i think he's gonna claim our [ __ ] he's not that big is this original animation all that i've got all of these lyrics hold on i want to get the lyrics i feel like we need the lyrics right uh sure dan this one's for you this goes out the corpse everybody loves corpse i need to know the message behind cat girls or ruining my life yeah i like the title i don't want i like the title make a stack pepe laugh make a got all these [ __ ] mad she sucked me and i don't give her bands feel like twitch staff clip that hey this [ __ ] finna give me whiplash finna was he allowed to say finna some bob dylan lyrics right here you know in detroit we say finn all the time oh you do okay yeah this [ __ ] finna give me whiplash took my [ __ ] breath away i'm finna take that [ __ ] back [ __ ] you captain and you big mad i'm just [ __ ] trapping getting cat girls and some big bands pull up cause havoc jack spicy jack spikadi how i whipped that make more than you dad but i know you wouldn't get that thoughts that's hot messed up got me look so this is the chorus maxed up got me looking like no face make it rain leave her wet like a snowflake this this is pretty epic you kind of sound like that white girl i tell you someone's yeah yeah i should do this did somebody please do like the uh yeah the angry mom yeah reading north node i tell her give me i tell her give me space she's like no way that's a red flag [ __ ] olay fine last nice ass cat girl she like ooh [ __ ] around do shadow puppets back of the subaru i got chipped black nails and a better [ __ ] than you so only want me cause i'm sad [ __ ] ain't afraid to lose you yeah should i keep going try it in his voice she almost got her colorado always [ __ ] calling me about what she said yeah so let's listen to him do it you can kill the music zach but these [ __ ] [Music] honestly the lyrics are stupid but it's divorced but it's so cool yeah the voice is impressive i can't do that but they love him so i'm not gonna say [ __ ] i learned my lesson don't go against the stands ever that's what i've learned in my life i love it the hard way it's a really hard way oh well and then just to prove how crazy his fans are so that sound bite that he tweeted out that got like five million views so someone tattooed the sound wave on their arm so there's that hashtag only breath i mean what what am i oh god okay here here's my [Applause] turn what's the idea also he's like snapping he's just emo as [ __ ] bro he's just there's a lot in the side he even responded he said oh my god i'd be like dude you need to get that removed i wouldn't endorse that like i'll be like well someone already got did that too yeah you get it removed i'll pay you to get it removed you don't want to make them feel bad well what can you do you can't go i mean it's like you if that's your fan you want them to be well adjusted to life you can't just go out there walking with the sound bite of someone breathing it's like you gotta get ethan's sound wave now that's the only way to go yeah that you're not going against the family at this point all right okay save this ready i'm just trying to make an interesting sound wave for you that sounds like gilbert grape's mom oh god oh my god forget that copd or something i'm saying he got a sexy breath come to me sounds like you're got a problem [Laughter] is looking like radio picked up we get when we get to 50 000 members i'll do it you know i want to get a tattoo so [ __ ] bad and i'll that that actually sounds like a good story on it too i'll end all authentic authenticize it that's what they say authenticate it you'll sign up yeah i could call the sim but zach is the one who's always down zach is the one i feel like that's not a simple he's a golden boy he's a golden thank you damn damn that's a nice way of saying it i guess yeah there's a difference it's a big difference big difference all right well thank you everybody for watching we'll be back on friday the live show we'll be going live on friday as we usually do thank you so much god bless everyone tomorrow is wednesday i have nothing that does not involve me i will not be here or working wednesday is my day off from the podcast we're working on teddy fresh on wednesday right deal right right you know what a b will be doing but that's not the question now can you stream on days when there's no podcast no i don't only on the weekends only you only live stream on instagram if you call it yeah i guess well it is live [Laughter] i mean but like i'm like target and stuff what why would you stream when you're at target because lena takes forever and i get bored until you want to enter people i know it was you fredo helps pass the time bro i'm gonna take your ass out on a lake like like fredo corleone yeah you never go against your family baby oh [ __ ] find me out baby oh no i'm back what have you done you've given i've given you this opportunity of giving you this stuff and i find out that you you're streaming on instagram live when you're at target wondered i don't deserve this disrespect what have i done to deserve this destructor to stream you're using the h3 brand to build an empire where where is mine where is hiding where's my cuts of tithe you don't even tithe and now you come to me you're asking me to promote your bootleg show and i cannot do this for this thing you ask me i cannot do this nah you break my heart friend careful you can't call people foreign [Music] kill the [ __ ] music or this will never end all right that's about it eh okay well thanks for watching all right i gotta i just gotta walk was this watchable should we cut the end i could take over i'm just kidding yeah of course of course just kidding no no no hopefully this was a good episode of something this is my show enough i'm actually starting my own podcast that's right um with all of us early mornings it's gonna be cold nice um okay i want to smell feet
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 880,553
Rating: 4.6679373 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: vSkmUdAMm9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 43sec (5743 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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