We Got Scammed Out of $500K Buying Pokémon Cards - H3 Podcast #236

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you hello everybody and welcome to the h3 podcast the only show where the host has a perfect well really a more than perfect score on wiki feet and so i think that makes this show very special and worth watching it definitely affects the show and knowing that you have a good rating number one on your feet i is the only show with the number one wiki feet and just helps yeah it just makes the content better i think so thank you we've got a lot to talk about today we are avoiding drama because it has been so much drama i hear you guys i know what you're saying good luck ethan thank you keemstar thank you thank you today we are looking going to be exploring the pokemon card craze ian prepared a presentation for us which we all love we all get very excited when ian presents for us so do you want to explain why your room is turning into a jungle people are wondering that i i don't know it's getting out of control it's i found a board game and i you know i shouldn't have played it i'm bored oh like are you making a jumanji i just i gotta roll five why does it look like you're jerking like what are you doing with your hand dude okay did you do that on purpose to mess with me or what it looked like you were stroking it bro i'm i'm stroking [ __ ] down here oh my god how dare you say that [Music] um do you want us to call you mowgli i was just saying i got a roll of five or an eight i haven't rolled it yet so the room's gonna progressively get worse also i'm really curious about your green carpet because i've never seen green carpet before can you show that i don't think people have seen that uh let me yeah ian got even put in green scraps it's great it's a little just green carpet oh it's actually grass yeah it's a grass or it's a astro turf yeah what does your girlfriend think about all this sam sam actually called me out because i came home with this thing here and she's like zebras don't live in the [ __ ] jungle right there they're like highland creatures right savannah but uh you know there are zebras i still have my gift to give you i just wonder if we can do it on the show somehow what gift for his jungle room oh right right right it's really good yeah well we just got to remember next time you come over to drop something off okay okay all right i'll remind you well anyway ian has a presentation for us about pokemon cards i'm really excited in fact um you guys are going to be super stoked to hear we got in on the craze ourselves and ian was able to procure two boxes like the original boxes um i don't know how you did that i mean we spent like 100 000 or something on it wow we don't need to get in the exact numbers but well it's my [ __ ] money i'd like to know how much for the segment well i'm just trying to get people hyped i don't want to click away i want to get you know what i mean i want to stay tuned so we're going to unbox that we actually have like a whole unboxing rig so you know do we have gloves i don't want to touch these things with my bare hands we'll we'll get some uh yeah we're going to get some gloves all right anyway super excited um oh another thing i don't want to forget there's a new teddy fresh collection on teddyfresh.com by yours truly eelocline fashion icon legendary designer right here to my right this is part hello you like that old gothic it's like a applique felt patch come on forget about it don't just go to teddyfresh.com what up and then come back here peeps what do you think about my haircut i got a haircut too i feel like you finally uh made my week doing getting a haircut really because i always beg you to get a haircut and then you always just you grow it out and then you just shave it all off but you always tell me you don't care but now it makes it sound like you don't like the buzzing no i like your hair and i always feel bad when you completely shave it off i think the haircut looks good it just makes me look so fat i think the hair i wish if i could transfer my hair onto someone else's head more handsome then i'd be happy with the haircut daddy what i mean yeah well i can tell you it does not make you look fat but on my face it doesn't i don't know that i like it but i like the hair cut itself so props prop so shout out to her family who cut my hair you look very handsome thank you zach i would expect you to say that though okay we've so we have some free brittany update cool and i promised you guys i was going to follow this story i am not going to let this go i am free brittany all the way leave brittany a lot leave her alone but you know so people are looking into all this like britney spears era misogyny and there's a video that's adjacently related that i want to watch first of david letterman in 2013 interviewing lindsay lohan which is really bizarre just gives like kind of the same energy right so here it is let's let's watch this and comment this is 2013. i don't think anybody cared about this interview at the time right the thing about lindsay lohan liked britney spears she was like just a popular media punching bag for everybody and um but now looking back on those behaviors it seems so wrong to do that it's hard to watch because you're like wow this is yeah like this is so obviously wrong uh i just feel bad for her frankly but here it is yeah now uh aren't you supposed to aren't you supposed to be in rehab now do not watch anything that goes on i do tabloid now here's one wait a second i was looking give me a little volume dan thank you may 2nd yes but how long will you be in rehab uh three months how many times have you been in rehab several and what what how will this time be different what are they rehabbing first of all what what is on their list what are they going to work on when you walk through the door we didn't discuss this in the pre-interview so she's yeah they do i don't know if you know this but on talk shows they do pre-interviews where they're like oh this is interesting that's not interesting yet so they have this whole pre-interview so they like prepare something to talk about so they just could not be awkward and so it's a little unethical first of all to switch it up on her like this the other thing is that well it keeps going in on it i think dave dave's thing cause like listen i like dave letterman i think his thing during the late night show was always like i'm gonna ask people what they everyone's really wants to talk about because in the news it's all about rehab he's like oh all these questions are dumb i just want to know about her rehab but like obviously the way he asks is is not that but it'll be three months and no i think i think to be honest i'm i'm the happiest when i'm working and the healthiest and i think this is an opportunity for me to you know focus on what i love in life and i don't think it's a bad thing i think it's a blessing do you have addiction problems what did you say bro do you have addiction problems she's going to rehab don't [ __ ] wait you can tell listen to the clapping this is like right out of the brick already do you have addiction problems bro obviously like what that's what kind of question is that yeah look at his face too he's going like you have addiction problems i like dave you know maybe it's more of a statement on the time than anything i feel like it is every like it's a combination of everything it shows what it seems like these things were kind of like more normal at that time but it shows how awful it must have been especially for the the females this is a bad question though do you have addiction problems like what the [ __ ] you talking to you now you sound like dr phil yeah alcohol this is a late night show not dr phil thomas we've discussed this in the past who did we really when did we decide because when you when you go to the rehab let's this is we have to work here for a movie we have to what let's stay on the positives that she's here for a movie because she's because when you agree to do a film they include in your contract that you have to do press yeah so she's here probably against her will to begin with but also she if she's trying to promote her movies messing up her career it's like they're not going to be happy with this yeah it's [ __ ] up it is [ __ ] up that side of the positive yeah all right i have a list here of things that you've you've endured can i run down a few things you can read them or not read them okay hmm up here i know these are the appetizers up here these are the main courses there's your desserts down at the bottom those are the jokes are you okay now it feels like people should be helping you do you have money saved therapy money that's yourself why always in trouble you can't make a joke of it i just want to i just tell me i don't i'm not joking oh you're not doing that we're not doing that maybe one or two no this is my show now look she ends up crying oh she did yeah oh she's tearing up a little bit god bless you i love you oh why is he waiting i'm so [ __ ] up the way he like patronizes her at the end oh god bless you the little old lady yeah oh women yeah women's are so emotional again like i hate to go to this card but like if all so many hollywood dudes are such [ __ ] [ __ ] shows and he doesn't get he doesn't grill them like this i don't think what do i know maybe he does what am i not david letterman expert but i'll tell you this about brittany the the brittany uh uh conservatorship they gotta like streamline that word conservatorship just for you i just feel like they need to streamline it a little bit does anyone else have a problem with the word it just feels a little dang can you say that conservative oh i [ __ ] it up see jack but my point about okay so the britney spears thing dude kanye west is as big a [ __ ] up as britney spears you don't see anyone's coming in and taking over his [ __ ] money yeah or martin sheen or gary or or what's the tiger blood guy the charlie charlie you don't see anyone coming in taking charlie sheen's [ __ ] estate or gary busey's estate i don't think it would happen to a man i agree kanye west is way is just as [ __ ] up if probably more [ __ ] up than britney spears ian would you like to be his conservator no i don't want to be anybody's conservator good for you that's the right answer love me daddy love me daddy zedzie do you want to be a conservator of the jungle i just like trying to say the word conservator wait whoa whoa answer the question do you want to conserve the jungle conserve preserve the jungle is forever thank you that's ian right there ladies and gentlemen that's the sound of ian's room do you have white noise machines like that you should get no that's gonna something i'm going to add we're actually going to put a fog machine in here too yeah get some milk not a fog machine that'd be awesome we're going to put like we're going to hang like birds from the ceiling and put a little like amazon echoes in there and make them all like chirp and stuff maybe hang some ferns from the ceiling do you have any for actual plants in there or ferns not yet we're we're building it piece by piece until it's going to look like the tiki room in here interesting are you gonna be having any open flames in there like tiki torches or anything i mean one one step at a time okay fair enough let's you know you gotta have goals right we gotta set you up like an actual live can to the amazon rainforest or something instead of that instead of that shitty youtube video behind you oh i really live feed yeah let's get him in the jungle for real yeah that's temporary we can slowly watch the deforestation of the amazon happen live nothing more inspiring so there's updates on free brittany apparently david lehrman did another awkward one of janice jackson that i kind of want to watch because she had this notorious like what is this story do you guys remember what's the story her nipple came out during a super bowl live show and justin timberland was involved timberlake timberlake yeah she was doing a duet with uh justin it was janice jack janice jack janice jacqueline and and johnson timber timberland shut up such a [ __ ] janet jackson what did i say janice you said janice jackson yes um and timberland right now both names okay you want the truth the michael jackson's sister and the ramen headed guy that's how that's the real truth to them so what happened uh dan well they just they were doing a duet at the at the super bowl and um there was a at the time they said a wardrobe malfunction although it was debated whether or not it was really that or if it was planned and just because of the backlash they decided to play it off as a wardrobe well why would they want to leak her nip that doesn't seem like that well it wasn't it was covered with a pasty it what oh her nipple was not exposed they just pulled her dress a little bit why were people mad at timberlake for that well because he was the one who did it oh he he reached over grabbed her dress and pulled it to reveal her breasts if you watched it though it was clearly part of the choreography i mean it was just it was supposed to be like a sexy thing and uh you know uh conservative america felt it was disgusting to show that on a television project so did they escape ramen head a little bit there it sounds like well moreover i don't think justin got anywhere near the backlash that yeah it was ramen well this hearing lies uh the issue here with her boob coming out joey he hasn't forgotten wait are we able to watch that or no i mean if it just i mean there isn't any nipple just well let's watch it here send me the link i will watch it off okay all right off the screen there but let's watch this interview let's run through this now tell us exactly why people are mad at her for [ __ ] like it's not it's not her fault she's weird let's see let's see what layer mask to say about it happened from the time you got up on super bowl sunday to the time the the episode took place during the halftime i i don't want to relive any of that you don't mind if i ask you some questions about it first of all you you know that's dave he's like i got you're here we're going to talk about this this is what everyone wants to know that's annoying you didn't know it was going to happen no i didn't you didn't know what was going to happen no i didn't it came as a complete surprise to you garth is interested garth why are you interested in this particular conversation i like that whoa garth brooks ladies and gentlemen garth brooks was not a stunt it was not premeditated no it was nothing that you would rehearse no yeah so so how how did it happen what what exactly transpired dave you're gonna make me relive this i i want to put all that behind me well well not me [Applause] stop [Applause] just indulge me situation they look so uncomfortable but the audience is kind of like encouraging it you know what i mean it's like i'm giving the people what they want well it's like she in both cases both of them are just kind of like trying to still stay kind of positive and laugh it off but they're clearly uncomfortable it's live right so what are you gonna do you know what i mean so they're trying to be like but the thing is if they are like you know what i didn't agree with this i'm gonna leave then it's like there's such thing in the media yeah they're crazy storms out we'll do it live you guys should try to find if david letterman's ever done this to a dude i'm curious um i mean yeah i'll look i'm pretty sure he has okay there you go well just because david leverman is kind of a dick like that's kind of his thing right sure you know i don't know what i've never watched those shows so i don't know what's his people liked him for being a dick i mean that was kind of part of his thing exactly but painless as possible uh so it truly was a wardrobe malfunction it was just a mistake is can we talk about something else please i've had a day of interviews and i'm sure you guys are sick of hearing about it i know i am [Applause] i'm not so sure they are sick of hearing about it you guys are [ __ ] vultures bro this whole thing is like a hyena here's the way i look at life sometimes things are good sometimes things are bad and when things are bad it's always important to have someone to blame so just a nip bro it was covered i don't know that's why i believe that it's this uh timberlake guy timber timberland i think where god i thought his name was timberland really my whole life no my whole life timberland you're making justin timberlake no way you're confusing him with i know i'm wrong now i'm looking at it i'm just saying i don't care about justin timberlake or his [ __ ] roman head do you want to show your reference to the roman head in case people don't know everybody knows what i'm talking about right justin really justin timberlake i know what you cause you showed me here but i think we should show this is like how do you outlive this bro he literally his haircut was [ __ ] ramen he had literally top ramen hair like how do you outlive that how do you recover from that look at this i feel like i could do i feel like i could achieve ramen here like i feel like i have the right hair for it possibly you think i do you think my hair's curling off yeah it's like what you have right now but in yellow if it was just bleached no look at this one that's straight up top ramen my dudes i'm sorry this guy is not cool he looks like on his bar mitzvah day he got all dressed up but it's like you're not a man you're just 13. i know they said you're a man but you're still only a kid you're 13 years old would you do you like justin uh yolo i was never really into the boy band stuff yeah boy would you [ __ ] him no no you're not mine being nice not that i care whoa yeah so that's why i call him roman hood this is this is evil's guy right here okay wait how about this jack jack have you seen jack nicholson young did you [ __ ] him oh he doesn't actually look that hand maybe he's kind of old already though he's sexy he doesn't look that good does he hold on let me find you a really good harrison ford young i'd [ __ ] harrison ford young was like yeah i'd [ __ ] him here look at this yeah that's a cool guy i feel like jack nicholson is kind of cool too i remember being more handsome jack nicholson young but he didn't look that good in that photo problem is he's always been old i feel like you don't need to be that perfect looking but you can have he's got swag cool factor yeah of course he's got swag come on daddy here you want to see jack nicholson's swag daddy have you seen jack nicholson eating a burger here now that's swag no stop it that's swag what do you mean stop it no love me daddy that's not a real photo yes it is look at him that's swag bro god damn it what's got what are you what are you excited i'm upset at fast food look what it does he's at a bar he's at a ball game he's watching a basketball game you see what he's eating that's the devil yeah you're right if there's a devil on earth it's in it's in between two [ __ ] hamburger buns [Laughter] it ain't the demons on the tubes it's in the happy meal yeah for sure it is i'm gonna agree with you there i love that photo of him no i don't apparently there's like people just apparently he just gets down front people just documenting it it's awesome but it doesn't look like that today did you lose all that no i think he's just he's just loving life in his old age i don't think so bro look at this guy i felt like i saw him it's your boy jack nicholson remember me is that his son uh i don't know maybe he's such a badass i mean he's so old he's like the coolest dude ever yeah god he still got the tinted glasses and everything that's awesome who is it now oh yeah let's go let's go jack dude they're getting the worst photos of him at this ball game this needs to be deleted so he's front court and his stomach is hanging out the bottom of his shirt no that's not him it's a devil daddy dude he's like 80. what do you why are you giving him a hard time what's his current photos you really fighting me on this he's like 80 years old what's his age anybody here i was thinking more like that see that's he's younger than those it looks old here no he's older here bro damn you just can't give up on jack you still want to [ __ ] him so bad look look here's your boy just let it happen either i don't wanna he's just an old man he's living in his life can you show the picture i sent you a discord yeah yeah yeah oh how old is he can somebody tell me he's 83 thank you that's really old this is like probably 65. you know what i mean got it why's he always gotta have orange tint like is that just how he wants to see the world you think he's still funks yeah he could yeah you know you think so oh dude would you still [ __ ] probably i mean look at zach zach would go for it you think exactly he probably had so many like girls that would just die for him even today yeah i mean he's pretty cool today even i remember i remember he was in a rom-com that i saw that i liked when he was like [ __ ] 70 and he was in a rom-com it was about old people dating though so or well he was he kept [ __ ] all these young girls and then he fell in love with one of the moms that was the plot oh as good as it gets i think yeah it's good that's a good movie i like that movie you know okay here's here's my pick for do that [ __ ] um i think we already talked about paul newman yeah yeah we've talked about it paul newman young is the most handsome guy no look at this is he in um he's in the west world right or am i getting it paul newman no jack nicholson no so what are you talking about i'm thinking of anthony hopkins oh anthony hopkins okay i don't think he was ever handsome but he's always been anthony okay he's on tick tock bro he's doing dances on tick tock yeah he's got a pop and tick tock account i swear to god i'll show it to you anthony hopkins young oh man yeah he was never like a honk but he's kind of a cool old guy yeah for sure i feel like he's here you all want to see anthony hopkins tick tock i swear to god daddy zeddy it's poppin anthony hopkins tick tock here let me find some of the original [ __ ] this one has a million views let's see what is this hello everyone good morning welcome new york it's been a tough year full of grief and sadness well you can't do a white crayon but 45 years ago today no i wanted i had a wake-up call i was heading for disaster now drinking myself boring okay well that's not no he does dancing videos dude i liked it on discord oh you sent me a dancing one here's one with three million what is this thought sila that's kind of funny he's still got it folks [Laughter] two million hey just had a thought [Music] these coming days are going to be the best of days boring chicken in his eye no you're [ __ ] a hannibal actor what chick oh chicken in his eye it's just a photo it's just a photo with no sound anthony what the [ __ ] i have no problem with him being boring i think that's great no i gotta show you the dancing vids yeah but i like scrolling here it is five million views yeah hit that slide boy ooh ooh how old is he i mean he's still got it he kind of seems like a fun dad you know yeah i looked at him [Music] is he painting yeah i think he is painting cool daddy i love anthony see i'm jealous of that uh kind of like if i could be that cool when i'm old that's so amazing i feel like i've never known like cool old people this is you yeah that's my fear that's the wrong way look the thing is look how happy we pledge right here the both of us do not be that look how happy he is i don't care not be like one look how unhappy i am looking at it i pledge nothing when i'm old i'm just gonna take a bunch of heroin and die stop it i agree with you about the paul newman yeah he's the hottest right i have a poster of paul newman oh that's kind of good but i mean nothing wrong with that but you have a poster of young paul newman in your room uh it's from when he was 50 and he's sitting in a car and you can see his rolex oh you ever beat off to it jesus no no no but his rolex sold it's the highest selling watch ever sold how much 16 million what holy [ __ ] paul newman that's swag right there can we see a picture of it oh my god is it a special rolex or is it what it looks like it's a 60s rolex daytona 6263 model and we'll never just know the model answer the question dude is it a special rolex or is it just special because it's paul newman's well it was special because it's paul newman's and he put on the back he engraved drive safe me and because he used to race cars and he was just like this badass [ __ ] paul newman young versus okay who would you [ __ ] paul newman young i feel like we've had this exact conversation paul newman young are you want to see him shirtless or not dude was a stud there's a good photo of him so paul newman young get out of my life facebook forever stupid or yeah marlon marlon brando young and i got news for you that means you're gay hey come on i'm just thought experimenting why you got to be such a i think newman i think brando oh really you think brando's more handsome i'm gonna contest that really it's got too much forehead or something if you look how they age paul newman aged better than brandon oh come on marlon aged like jack nicholson like 30 years before he did did marlon brando brandon wait brandon old this is really what our content is dude him old just look at this let's that's my boy right there that depresses me look at this now is that a god or what bro i would not date a man yeah oh you can see his gut spilling out the bottom beautiful icon oh he looked good and godfather though don't even hate on that right you come to me you come to my house that's his son that's his son i'm just saying that he got he was like the most handsome man alive like it's obviously click stop skip the generation just turning into a main meaning segment what is he what are these people are like dead what are we doing we're being made [Music] and you come to my house and you call me fat you come here no no you come to my house no and you tell me i don't like this conversation this is not for you well it is our house it's not europe and i ask you this would you rather [ __ ] [Music] marlon brandon or brendo it said marlon brandon that google corrected me i thought i always thought it was marlon brando and google [ __ ] wrote brandon so what the [ __ ] it says right below it did you mean brando no let me go back let me go back because i swear to god it did that that's impossible i swear to [ __ ] it did that and you come to my house it's our house you come into my space and you tell me we can have this conversation yeah would you rather it's my show too and i can't tell you what paul newman or marlon brandon stop or just in timberlands ramen head would you rather [ __ ] sting he's here for some reason sting is my idol man why you have too many idols you have way too many idols dude you gotta you can't have like 20 idols you know my two idols if i had to narrow it down yes sting and dave girl stop no that's like do you you've been talking on the show about all your idols for too long for you to come at me and say sting yeah one that you've never mentioned police is like stop talking i don't believe your favorite stink is not your idol no i i stinks on you know every police song you need quiz me i don't i'm not gonna quiz you and then you st i'm just telling you right now sting is not your idol i forbid it he is he's not all right let's move on nobody cares all right oh we're watching this i totally forgot we don't have an ad today so who cares you're coming to my house and you tell me sting is your idol [Music] i thought i was your idol the papa father am i not your idol zack am i not your idol everything i've done for you you are one of my idols is that one one of a billion zack answer immediately what's sting's real name gordon sumner damn it nice try dan yeah i thought maybe i'd get him on that so just to sum up that whole segment i just want to say anthony hopkins in west world that's my goal you want to be in west world yeah his logan west world okay that's what we got out of here i'm going for jack nicholson courtside i'm already sad because i know it's not gonna happen you'll look good in old age i'll do i'll be like jack nelson's in a court side no no it's just not fair like i already can't control my weight like what am i gonna do when i'm 80. do you know what i mean there's no [ __ ] hope for me to do it now i am going to die no you're not jack nicholson by quartzite you're a fat fat fatty no it's just not you're already doing it you're losing weight already you see what i had for what i have for breakfast i'm on this nutribull this nutra torture nutrition should be put out of business i'm just saying what they're doing i did i cut oh yeah nutrisystem [ __ ] is a criminal enterprise and they should be put out of business you can't put someone 1000 calories you're looking good though no i'm not i'm still bad you are losing weight bro it's been like months to be like i'll be good on the peloton i'm making on the treadmill i'm gonna get all the [ __ ] jetty craig [ __ ] you jenny craig you [ __ ] takes time just mad i didn't do jenny craig but i wasn't doing it it takes time how much time does it take elo i mean how long did it take it to gain all the weight years a lot of times right so what did i have for breakfast it was what did i have oh oh my god dude it was a bag of granola i used theodore's bowl and it didn't even it filled up like maybe an eighth of theodore's bowl they go and then on the back they have the balls to say pour it in a bowl with a fourth cup of milk and enjoy it's like [ __ ] i am not going to enjoy this and how dare you even write that just say and just i really don't think it's a good idea no try [ __ ] it should be outlawed you can't tell someone to put on a thousand calories a day it's just not okay maybe it's not approved by anything i assume it is that's why they get away with that i go these [ __ ] know what they're doing you're talking about how it should be illegal how it's dangerous like why are you doing it it sounds like you're so did you talk about how they tell you not to exercise yeah they tell you the first week when you're on a thousand calories they say minimize your physical physical activity you believe that [ __ ] because you're on so little calories they so they go try not to move shouldn't that be such a minimize your steps they say like what the [ __ ] that's gonna be so bad like the other thing is like i hate access did you understand like of all the things like there's certain things that i can do there's certain things that i don't like doing like for example i don't like doing the dishes and so or i don't like doing laundry but there's certain chores that i don't mind doing exercising is the thing that i hate the most in life it's misery do you understand it's misery that's how you were enjoying it when you were yeah i was i was trying but i do okay i don't like it i just where are these people that like running like [ __ ] you well those people are sick i love it feels good yeah zach you don't run anywhere stop yes i do where do you run to [ __ ] i run my neighborhood really how often uh three times a week what how long does your run last um half hour how long you been doing it uh since i initially dropped the weight so a couple years oh my god wait why don't you get some of zach's knowledge on how did he look zach just tells me to like eat butter he's like telling me to do the keto [ __ ] i was like if you want to see results you got to cut out carbs for a week trust me trust me that's true and just do everything normal yeah just no carbs no sugar that's true what does no sugar mean does that mean no fruit and [ __ ] like how drastic are we talking about try and avoid fruit whenever i tried to gain weight i gotta eat carbs like if you cut that you're really eating so i can eat everything i want just not bread or fruit or or anything yes anything with carbohydrates which is sugar but doesn't that just end up with you like eating like bacon with butter and turds and a [ __ ] thing doesn't have to do that's a choice yeah like just chicken and vegetable i know it sounds bland and [ __ ] but it believe me it works i guarantee you will see results in a week you did try this once before though like this isn't a novel thing i remember you did the keto thing a couple years ago i don't think i really committed what you said you did i don't remember i know i did but i don't remember what i did that's it you just cut out carbs i just i don't buy it i don't buy it no bread no um sugar pasta or anything you don't even like that stuff so i mean bread you do i love bread or if you have to limit it one bread a day to help you [ __ ] because i know like it's a lot but i feel like you really want to see quick results i think your problem right now is you're not seeing results so maybe also i'm afraid i'm afraid to weigh myself to be honest with you i haven't weighed myself in a long time because i think once i get on that scale and see that i didn't actually lose any weight i'm just gonna like get so discouraged and be like [ __ ] this i'm going straight to taco bell don't weigh yourself exactly don't weigh yourself don't weigh yourself because it's disgraceful dude i swear to god in the future someday they can have like nanobots that you eat or like nanoparticles or whatever and they will regulate your metabolism you can eat whatever the [ __ ] you want and then your metabolism will take exactly what you need and discard the rest amazing it will happen and in our future within 100 years people will not be fat we'll we'll discard every extra or too skinny like you can just eat exactly what you need well you have to eat enough calories still it doesn't create calories so you're still gonna have to eat unfortunately there's no solution to that hilo freak he was thinking oh my god i don't think yeah i thought i thought you were solving my problem here the problem is like i get so much pleasure from eating you know too it's like the only thing i have in life do you understand it's like all i have i really have this feeling like you need to talk to a therapist it's like it's like more than anything it's in the head like psychological exactly because of what you just said oh yeah your parents don't love you so you replace their love with food how's that going to help me no you know how's that going to help me ewa they'd be like oh your parents didn't spend any time with you and you were just happy when they brought you home fast food because the only time you actually got they did something for you and so you think about that and you eat trash how's that gonna help me ela you want me to revisit that trauma you think that's going to help me do you think that the only time i can fulfill my soul and feel like i matter at all is when i eat fast food you want me to think on that [Music] um sometimes i cry when i eat fast food because no i'm kidding [Laughter] [Music] i just want to say that i don't necessarily support you doing the nutri system nobody does it's bad for you it's stupid it's horrible it's not it doesn't make sense i can't eat a thousand calories a day you dumb [ __ ] and also like they it's also like kind of demeaning how they do the the diet because they go okay fatty here's like here's a chocolate chip cookie because i know your fat [ __ ] ass wants it so they feed you like unhealthy food be like look see you can still eat whatever you want it's like i don't want that yeah they go here's the smallest little muffin but stay right here i'm gonna go get i'm gonna show you stay here i feel bad have you tried any of it ela no looks like [ __ ] my cousin i was just curious before it was horrible when i tried it it doesn't and the whole thing looks so depressing yeah in the comments of the last episode where he said that there was tons of people saying please don't do that that's so unhealthy for you somebody should not be eating like that and he's talking about how it is here's your breakfast and it's like this tiny thing with cereal like super plain cereal and then um i don't know he has like meal options like pizza and it's like this tiny thing it's really thin it's like how is that gonna do anything i don't know and also what's the end goal if you lose a bunch of weight how is he supposed to maintain anything afterwards like it's not actually it's like educational yeah it's just regulated not practical it's not practical at all [Music] how did you manage after you lost weight to maintain well i i admit i'm somewhat of a yo-yoer um so you just gotta monitor it you know the you know working out yeah no one working on [ __ ] sucks but sometimes you gotta do it but you know you just watch what you eat i stick if i if i'm gonna have a bread one bread a day you know i'll cheat like yeah but it's just watching what you eat that's what it comes down to it's like yeah you know splurging is fun and you know you feel bad after it but it it just you just gotta monitor what you eat and i truly feel keto work i swear by it okay here we go look at this [ __ ] okay you want to see my meals here these are all meals okay here i haven't had this one yet you go oh a honey wheat bagel i can eat whatever i want on on nutrisystem this is breakfast this is breakfast this is a meal okay let's see how big it is seems reasonable this seems reason this is a meal dan what the [ __ ] this is reasonable cookie i mean i was expecting it look like tiny i mean it's like that's not the worst one because breakfast breakfast doesn't need to be that huge okay yeah i've been eating a bagel for breakfast that's the problem okay calm down you guys here's dinner ready thick crust pizza you go oh yeah now we're talking [Applause] okay well that's just false advertising that's not false advertising yeah no that's not the crust it's so thin that's a dinner bro does it balloon up when you cook it it is fraud no this is it bruh how can they call that thick crushed pizza yeah that's not thick they're like we make thinner you want to see breakfast how about this for breakfast look oh bowl cereal this that's like one bite of cereal that looks nice eat it then [ __ ] that's just sad looking dude it's so sad that's my problem it looks so sad yeah this is a breakfast muffin this one seems kind of legit actually oh that but that that's breakfast the chocolate muffin [Music] this is what i had this morning you want to see granola look on the back it says it says add a half cup of fat-free milk and enjoy [Music] enjoy here this is the whole path you can fit in my hand enjoy i think i'm out i don't think this is sustainable and also it does not teach you how to maintain afterwards like what are you going to do after eat pizza and freak out how about companion attack i'm not going to hate on this muffin actually okay well we're actually recording here and i'm not going to stay here and let you chew like you do in frenemies i get anxiety when i hear chilling sounds you don't like asmr tricia likes that she encouraged me to chew on the mic anyway we were watching this dave letterman interview said no no i had nothing to do with this it was not not my deal i hadn't i didn't know what was going on that's that's what i heard now did he know what was going on no it wasn't supposed to happen the way that it did but you know it it looked like it was supposed to happen that way oh it was supposed to happen this is part of what justin uh apologize for by the way well by the way they cleared it with somebody like why are people blaming them i mean somebody put this together it's a super bowl like there's some someone green lit this i was i was reading up about it again i mean this was so long ago that a lot of the details were hazy for me i i guess what seems to be the consensus now in retrospect is that justin and her planned it themselves oh they did it all secret yes and then they got all these back corrupting and so they denied it but yeah i mean that's what you could kind of tell when dave right there was saying justin so he's saying he had nothing to do with this or whatever you can kind of see on her face it's like kind of [ __ ] because um she knows that he totally did interesting can i play this do you think well you can just i watch it i mean you know i just want to know what we're talking about they're gonna rate it so whatever yourself [Music] i'm gonna cut the sound what are they gonna just what's right now was weird it was definitely oh it's definitely planned you can't just like tear off her outfit yeah i don't people don't plan for that an alf top malfunction i think you got to build it that way the lyrics also say i'm going to have you naked by the end of this song and then he does it so i think like the senate put together like a 200 page like report like benghazi or the 911 commission they did like that on janet jackson's teddy janice jackson sorry okay so now we know that it was obviously not a mistake i mean how do you you can't just tear off a whole piece over floating like also so but why did justin apologize to her he did he apologized to her but i don't know why she got [ __ ] she didn't do anything he cried he ripped her titty well they planned it together they should both get [ __ ] for it together i just don't see it i think that was the thing is is at the time for whatever reason she got way more backlash than he did yeah and that's weird like justin is skirting always skirting out of controversy i mean he did the action mm-hmm by the way it's not that it's just maybe the times change i don't know but like it's not even her bare breast it's covered it is it's definitely a times change kind of thing because i agree now by today's standards this is like nothing but i guess during the super bowl you've got like 100 million people and kids and all these christians who are like the devil's in the titty and they they did they got um they got fined by the fcc but for a ton of money for this for oh really can you tell me how much i think it was like i mean in the scheme of the super bowl it wasn't a lot i think it was like half a million dollars or something but i think at the time it was the largest um fine that had ever been issued for indecent dude our country is such a [ __ ] where this is like a big scandal i mean really i mean they have nudity all over tv and europe and stuff exactly i remember when i went to germany there was like titties on the tv i was like what the [ __ ] there was like hardcore porn at night they were very conservative i was like it's titties it is you know 550 thousand no it's not a big deal it was uh 325 000 actually so less than that even so anyway yadda yadda it's just alone [Music] man this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] show of an episode i didn't even know why we're here i don't know i forgot okay so anyway we were talking about free britney right so yeah justin made an apology okay yeah justin timberla justin timberlake apologized to uh brittany he said to janet in the same apology janet i was like oh okay that's what you're talking about yeah and that's why i was asking why did it's like bro a little [ __ ] late to apologize to janet like holy [ __ ] bruh so here's his post um god i'd love to read the comments did he has he been erasing comments i wonder it took you 17 years for this that's the top comment yeah it's like a little late for janet i've seen the messages tags comments and concerns and i want to respond i am deeply sorry for the times in my life where my actions contributed to the problem where i spoke out of turn or did not speak up for what was right i understand that i fell short in these moments and in many others and benefited from a system that condones benefited from a system that condones oh like i see misogyny and racism i specifically want to apologize to britney spears and janet jackson both individually because i care for and respect these women and i know i failed i also feel compelled to respond in part because everyone involved deserves better and most importantly because this is a larger conversation that i wholeheartedly want to be a part of the industry is flawed it sets men especially white men up for success it's designed this way as a man in a privileged position i have to be vocal about this because of my ignorance i didn't recognize it for all that it was while it was happening in my own life but i did not want to ever benefit from others being pulled down again i have never been perfect in navigating all of this throughout my career i know this apology is a first step and doesn't absolve the past i want to take accountability for my own missteps and all of this as well as part of a world that uplifts and supports i care deeply about the well-being of the people i love and have loved i can do better and will do better why yeah why did he apologize to janet i just i'm reading about it so the it seems like for her it was super awful and humiliating experience that resulted in her being banned from the super bowl and he just kind of like went off with no punishment or anything it just didn't affect him i mean that that is so messed up because like but if you look at he's the one that like i think that's why he's saying i think and it's i don't think he's apologizing specifically for the action of doing it he's apologizing for not for not standing up yeah her basically she got the just being like yo i was part of this too okay but let's let's assume that what they said was true that it wasn't meant to go down like that so basically what they're saying is yeah i just i just essayed her he went and grabbed her boob and pulled her top off like i'm sorry and somehow well they again and i know watching it it's like absurd but at the time they were just playing it off that it was uh that it was a mistake oh no i was go i was just going to tap her shoulder and say good work keep in mind too coming out this was like free uh video sharing sites i don't think youtube existed at the time it wasn't being rebroadcast oh for real yeah so it's kind of a different time they were able to sort of memory hole it because people just saw it live and that was it so a lot of people i don't know if you guys know this but a lot of people attribute the creation of youtube to this event because the creator of youtube was looking for this video and he couldn't find it anywhere in line that that titty moment changed the whole world and that you can even say that titty moment gave me a job in the future that's titties that janet jackson's titty gave me a [ __ ] purpose in life in a weird indirect way i'm working now you guys are watching this podcast because of janet's tit it's awesome titties well um is that true that's really true huh yeah i sent an article the owner of the founder of youtube is a little bit of a perv or what he just wanted to find her tit online and he couldn't well not perv maybe like just out of like well he's like why can't i find this tit and now here i am talking about on youtube like 20 years later wow man it seems like it really affected her career at that moment like it was a really bad moment for her that's yeah i mean that's horrible yeah and he did britney really dirty dude he did a really dirty so anyway there's updates on the actual free brittany case which i will share with you guys here today good news for britain alone i agree a judge decided to he's all of us now isn't that so ironic yeah we laughed but now we're all together on this a judge decided to deny britney spears father increased power over affairs a rare move that could indicate diminishing faith in james spears fitness for the role experts say it appears the court lacks some confidence in the father there must be some level of conflict and some level of confidence in the father's financial decision-making clearly there's a conflict like what are you [ __ ] psychic i mean they've been saying it from the very beginning she's like please anyone but my dad there seems to be a little conflict the ruling was not a total victory for brittany however the court chipping away at the sole control that jamie has enjoyed over her affairs for many many years he believes that this will not be over for any time soon he will he will continue to oversee his daughter for some time you would think it would be an idiot why is it he's going to continue to oversee her for some time yeah it's insane he should be gone dude yeah i do not like him it's like hey we're not sure that he's actually responsible enough but um can you please endure him for some time it's like so vague don't you think it's such a good comparison though that like kanye managed to keep his estate you know the worst part for me watching it was the part when she lost you know um custody of her kids yeah so sad so sad anyway let's move on to something fun all right ian i'm throwing it to you so you guys are not really super familiar with logan's pokemon thing going on just that he's apparently making bank selling pokemon cards i didn't know pokemon cards were worth so much money uh at all so yeah there's a little video if you want to pull that up that kind of summarizes it that av put together okay what do we got here breaking open a 200 000 box of first edition cards so what is this like some so this is like what does first edition mean it's like the first run of the cards um so the card isn't better it's not like a better card it's just more collectible there's a little icon on it that says first edition it's only on the first run and then every other reprint doesn't have that okay so this is the original [ __ ] interesting okay and boy was i wrong for the next three hours three hundred thousand people watched a grown-ass man open shiny cardboard oh he's a grown-ass man now logan's always like hey i'm just a kid now he's a girl in this man okay good to know i'll remember that wait are you strawberry a grown-ass man okay sorry i'm just gonna watch it i'm gonna watch it on the planet why is this so hard to find these boxes the people who have or want to keep them i cracked it open to confirm that all the packs inside were legit hey what did i pay for this you paid 350k it's a lot of money for a little box of cardboard million dollars in the hole i still had yet to complete the biggest transaction of my life two boxes at 6.75 it's done gotcha gotcha gotcha all right all right all right all right all right let's lock it [Music] yes let's do it let's do it i i do want to say that i am willing to go along with this segment i am curious but i cannot concentrate on anything else but but logan logan just ignoring that kovit exists like he's meeting people they're all sitting in a room celebrating just like having a party well wait his original video that got all these views tell me about that ian was kind of started this whole or did it start the cruise but he had this huge opening party where he bought a box for like how much was the initial box and then it was 200 000. and then he apparently pulled a charizard which was worth like a billion dollars his guys said it was 350 000. uh but logic bought one a few days later for 220. so so that was proven to be in the words you know wavering i suppose i'm a mother freaking blueberry he's a blueberry or a grown man can you be both anyway sorry let's see there's a point anyway we got we've got trade cards here to talk about uh he bought the original box for 200 000 he may apparently made a lot of money selling packs individually right ian yeah that was the whole thing he he advertises that initial price tag of two hundred thousand but he auctioned off every single pack um for the opportunity to get whatever's inside and i he auctioned them for 11 000 each each box has 36 packs in it so all in all he made a around 390 000. that's so interesting to me that he's able to make mon like if why would the people who own the box sell the box instead of just selling individually packed packs if it's so valuable to you know i mean if it's so easy to make money from it yeah i'm not quite sure i think this auction off unboxing thing is kind of a new sort of trend so i don't know it's interesting i'm surprised so many people have that much money to spend on cards yeah so the new one he's doing i saw paxton going for like 40 000. i was like who the [ __ ] got that what kind of money you spend on pokemon card [ __ ] i'm fairly rich i wouldn't drop to 40 000 on a pokemon card but i guess it's an investment i don't know he kind of inflated the market after his initial because he said that he got it for 200 000 and then when he went to do it again he was buying boxes for around 350 to 400 000. yeah that's interesting he drove the entire inflation himself and now he's continuing to drive through inflation although it's it's benefiting him because you you said like this next one he's doing he stands to make like three million bucks or something uh yeah he he now has six boxes uh he spent two million dollars on on six of them uh as i said there's 36 packs per box now they're averaging around 38 000 each pack wow how can you find that many people wait how many packs is that that's six times 36. who is that that many people willing to drop 40 grand on the demographic you know like well logic bought one so i mean he's like a rich dude who liked pokemon yeah but still no yeah he's doing i think he's just doing one box uh next week but he said he's raised over a million for that one and uh so if all if every pack so he's gonna make like 70 on that if he's spent like 300 000 and he's gonna make 700 a thousand bucks yeah if that if that average holds for all six boxes it would be around 8.2 million dollars that's crazy okay listen i can't hate on the guy it's an interesting vertical i can't hate on him for that there's plenty of other things i can hate on him for but the pokemon thing i can't hate on him i mean maybe you're a collector what do you think about all this well i haven't collected since i was a kid but i could see the pool for an adult yeah it's much fun i mean obviously there's interest there's 300 000 people watching yeah so i highlighted the part about mcdonald's which this whole craze has kind of been messing up happy meals for kids so what happened with mcdonald's uh it's pokemon's 25th anniversary in like a couple weeks so mcdonald's is gonna include little cards uh in the happy meals and yeah these scalpers are going and buying like 50 meals like people are buying like 100 happy meals and you know they're not eating they're just throwing it out from the [ __ ] car it's like and now all these poor kids can't get their goddamn pikachu happy meals crazy are these cards they're putting in the happy meal is really valuable like what is going on with these happy meals i don't think they're valuable now but i think that it's the same as i mean neither were the these pokemon cards in 1999 you know what i mean let the kids have their happy meals man well first of all mcdonald's can you just limit it to one like or two per customer like why are you selling 100 happy meals to some teenager come on yeah they probably should eliminate it i thought that was me for a second hey dude listen god bless i know it's your hobby and stuff but i mean come on i don't really give a [ __ ] that's true logan's got people all over the country scooping up like [ __ ] happy meals huh okay well with all the hype i want to get on i see how excited people are logan's making like millions of dollars so i says i'm rich i got money laying around i want to make money so we bought our own first edition pokemon packs ian somehow was able to locate this i think what did we spend we got two full boxes we spent about five hundred thou our yeah five hundred thousand dollars tell me about the handoff i mean it was it was all very sort of backdoor you know a lot of channels i had to go through this guy named the pokey pimp actually the pokey pimp wow the problem for real damn okay so we have two boxes so i'm really excited we actually have this rig here i'm going to do an unpacking and everything so here [Music] right off the bat i have to tell you that i'm a little skeptical of whatever this is because their boxes seemed like have hard plastic and stuff but this is just saran wrap so maybe they just were extra safe well there's no plot it doesn't why is this saran wrap dan i mean it looks pretty secure to me mm-hmm it says pokemon yeah i mean legit yeah vr yeah i got the gloves on our top camera yeah uh here let me activate it one second okay we've got the overhang overhead camera and as you guys can see this is us this does not look first edition this is saran wrap ian you didn't ask any questions when you saw this this doesn't look right i i mean he looked looked trustworthy to me this is the pokey pimp i mean this is yeah it's interesting was he wearing pokemon merch was he dressed as a hatch or what or rocky yeah rocket team or whatever the [ __ ] yeah he was decked out okay okay let's see dude i think i feel like you're not taking this seriously i spent 250 thousand dollars on this game you guys be gentle no it's 500 000 for both i'm not saying [ __ ] okay and by the way you gave me a [ __ ] 200 250 000 pack that's wrapped in saran wrap ian maybe this is being extra careful okay here go ahead to the overhead all right extra careful what are you talking about be very gentle and be very gentle yeah well okay oh it says first edition here it does it does say first edition so it says one edition oh [ __ ] i ripped them oh my god the boxes oh my god all right let's see the overhead okay here we go oh my god huh oh [ __ ] just what the [ __ ] is this yo ian this is robin hood prince of thieves no no no no that can't be right there's no way was that one of the um the generations of pokemon was there like a like a robin hood like spin-off kind of thing that happened at one point or something i haven't followed pokemon in a while so i don't see any mention of pokemon this is literally robinhood prince here show this ian what the [ __ ] is ramona why are there robinhood prince of thieves playing cards even maybe open one and see if it's like mistakenly yo did you steal you know what's gonna be special yeah it could be worth more if it's a misprint actually so are um are robin prince of thieves cards worth anything can anyone look those up unboxing here see what we got are you supposed to tear i'm not sure how to open it these packs are ancient okay i guess there's a yeah all right here we go now it's worthless nope these corners look good to me we're gonna have to send these to get raided for sure oh here we go is that the cause this is we got kev oh it's just the sticker it's just a sticker oh okay okay so that's that's that's like a bonus that comes in there let me put this like here let's get the pack okay we got the cause yeah here so this is a sticker but here's the playing cards okay here we go so we've got um can you see that dan they average from five to ten bucks on ebay per card i know for like a whole set for a whole set ian what the [ __ ] did you buy it doesn't it cost like 10 just to get it like rated i mean that doesn't even cover the whole set what do you mean the whole set like every card it says trading card set 55 cards for five dollars oh [ __ ] god that's the whole set bro why am i even wearing these gloves these gloves cost more than the whole set well hold on let's see if we got any foils sure what a blaze especially doing a pandemic sure with a blaze you still there look at the image it's so stupid it's just a dude on a bridge it's on f like it doesn't make any sense how is that a trading card it's just a frame from the movie it's so dumb maybe the charizard is buried a little bit yes oh happily ever after they're not characters why are these like a battle for nottingham england at last what the [ __ ] bro where's the goddamn a plan is hatch they're just describing the plot of the film that's a good card i think that's a worthy what's the stats how much hp does uh it's just like a plan is hatched nah that's like 25 that's actually that's that's a lot of um that's a lot of key points we will set traps then you'll take that to the robin hood the restaurant you're putting too much pressure on it you're like gonna bend the corners what and if you take that to robin hood the restaurant you know how many burgers you can get you mean ron robin what do you mean round robin not robin hood the restaurant gila round robin red robin red robin red robin oh yeah can i please read the card a plan is hatched we will set traps and then hide among the trees and bush brush of the force explains robin why are you even including explains robin just do the quote like how dumb they they expect me to like they expect me to like watch the movie through these playing cards well if you haven't watched the movie you need that context when the share i think they're just quoting the film dude when the sheriff men come into sherwood to capture us we will surprise and catch them instead so it's like an ambush card it's a trap card what am i going to do with all these packs can we acknowledge robin hood the theme being stealing from the rich true i feel like you got robbed yes somebody robbed for me and i don't think it was robin i think it was ian like where's the pokemon pack that i spent 250 thousand dollars on i mean i'm not super familiar with the pokemon lore after i could tell you for sure that robin hood in tights is not part of pokemon lore yeah i mean okay can you show the overhand cam please don't get me what's going on arthur is so ugly oh here's a character made marian okay i got it made marian so i got a character card that's good this is my second sherwood ablaze that unfortunately is that's a common that's a comment yeah that's a cool about make way for the beggars that's what this one's called here whatever that means oh i got azeem azeem azim praised by night here i want to find at least one robin hood well look at all these packs what what is this what is this oh you know what i just remembered i used to have barbie cards i wonder if those are worth a lot no they might be i'm here for pokemon cards i don't care they might actually be worth money it's probably my mom yeah i doubt it it's like oh barbie how many how many options are there barbies really sick cards i'm like this ugly yeah these are disgusting i don't know why what is this design of the red and green and like why don't they change colors they're all the same i think i damaged the corner all right where's robin hood come on you [ __ ] a hero's death who's this [ __ ] when since when was what's his name christopher columbus i think that might be pikachu that's not pikachu ian this is uh what's his name you guys know his name what's his name uh uh christian mewtwo oh why is christian slater in this pokemon pack hatch a plan got it face of terror oh the evil guy you got to show it literally says the evil guy the evil guy evil guy read it it says the evil guy oh maybe maybe god is an evil guy well whatever i don't have watch a demon die all right look okay i mean maybe it's just a collection of misprints which would be very rare but we do have two boxes so yeah you know these aren't misprints these are robinhood prints of thieve packs all right let's check the other box yeah just check the other box here ethan okay this doesn't look much better i'm gonna just say that out right now i think the packaging looks way cleaner on this one you think so yeah i got a good feeling it says first edition limited printing it's a little distorted okay let's open it up carefully carefully printed and stretched in photoshop or something that might just be because it's old you're not distorted yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right it's kind of falling apart too looks legit got to catch them all go ahead show that [Music] gotta catch them all all right yeah that looks real okay this one was 250 please don't [ __ ] me again ian this is not pokemon desert storm the invasion desert storm trading cards coalition for peace is this something you can't tell me this is a misprint um hold on i gotta make some calls can we call the bank and cancel the um no i gave him i mean i'm gonna have to do something because i gave he i gave him a check for half a million dollars he gave to the pokemon pimp um he already cashed it like last night i saw the money exit our bank he's gonna really try to tell me this is a misprint here show me opening this why is there desert storm trading cards isn't that weird like glorifying war what is this it's like what is this it's not even a complete image what is that is this the back oh it's like a sticker but it's just a piece of an image all right guys you get get excited you think this is rare the chinook you guys say they look a lot more machine gun ready this is kind of sick like why are we have war trading cards this is some dystopian [ __ ] isn't it i'm hoping for george bush senior saddam hussein is the mewtwo saddam in a hole is a trap card heat storm in the gulf what the [ __ ] who's doing what oh i did get a player card here we go who's that chief of staff general charles gabriel chief of staff can you look up if this has any value i hope you'll find a schwarzkopf he he was the big man is this worth anything this is general charles gabriel chief of staff let me check it out on the uh on the on the auction sites oh scud missile in did you get a hold of this guy cause these are not pokemon cards this is a scud missile uh i'm having a little trouble getting through pokemon [Music] yeah it sounds like you should just try again no can you stop payment on a check that's already been cash how much is this how much is a scud missile worth baby uh two dollars i'm actually seeing two dollars yeah for some reason no one has more value the cheapest dev f15 fighter plane whoa is that a rare can i get some value check on this please at 15 i mean that's a good plane moving in baby oh [ __ ] let's kill some iraqis hey can you say that i don't know that's what it was though right they were killing iraqis uh that is what operation desert storm was i mean i'm not condoning i'm just saying that's what moving in means they're like let's go [ __ ] let's go get it done moving in here i'll read you the caption yeah formation and carriers of planes shown here a carrier ship with its escort ships and planes travel in breathtaking formation across the ocean the planes take off for their mission from a runway although things appear quiet servicemen are constantly monitoring all systems within the ship moving in baby damn i like the use of breathtaking i know these people are like such weird military fetishes i want to find a rock and a hole let's see i feel like that one's going to be worth something i mean it's the yeah as long as you're wearing gloves well well hold on yeah yeah yeah that's the wrong war but yeah what's with the first one being a complete random cut uh i think here here's my one i got i don't even know what this is but they all come with like i guess it's a big maybe together an image right okay i'm having a good feeling about this pack canadian air force what about anti-aircraft chemical gear chemical gear interesting oh chemical warfare that's got to be worth something yeah who's patriot control center that's good they love their country he's like oh is that a young coin pack general colin powell rookie card [Music] this was the very early years of his war crimin a criminality this is before he was wanted by the world by like uh for war crimes this is pre-secretary of state i'm just kidding i don't know if he's a war criminal or not but probably oh he definitely is yeah that one is four dollars four bucks oh now we're talking i'm almost forgetting that ian wasted 250 000. maybe by the end this will only be out i mean a colin powell rookie though i mean that's pretty that's hype is that oh that's nice that is a dick cheney rookie that's pre-vp oh wow that's pre-vp of course that's i don't know if that might be pre halliburton secretary of defense dude i gotta send this in for raiding can i show you we have to get this rated and sell it and auction it on logan's ball show me winks over egypt [Music] it's like we could have bombed the pyramids but we did it we had to let them know that we could you get it can i get a price check on this dick cheney dick cheney is three dollars oh [ __ ] bro hold on we have to send these in to get ready look at this one you ready then kill me wearing the gas mask yo i've got okay we have all of our great fun like our premium first editions or whatever right here we're gonna send all these in to get rated for sure and then like you set the value right so i feel like if we get these rated and put them on the auction site and the whole like premium package and the rating and stuff then i feel like we could fetch a nice are you including this one in there no no the plan is hatched okay let's get this one right let me check the corners those are pretty good corners the dick cheney card is the funniest thing i've ever seen so wait we're gonna do robin hood play hash is a plan as well by accident i looked up dick cheney rookie card when i was searching the price for some reason yo i've got to see if we have a george bush senior in here because that would probably i mean we're kind of hot right now like we're on a streak let's see here uh any of the crew auction uh purchase a pack pre-purchase like auctioned out park just ian you [ __ ] i'm down half a million dollars are you talking about purchasing you owe me money dude this is so random night vision goggles it's a trap card looks great oh who's this i'm getting duplicates yeah who's this general richard g graves oh that's a that's a third tier general that's don't worry about richard put him in the graves let me know when you get a schwarzkopf that's that's the that's the big boy okay i'm actually i'm pretty i'm rarely psyched on this do you want me to open one of these for you guys so it's kind of a yeah yeah i would definitely love to get all right this one's for you dan sweet come on georgie okay dan come on poppy show the okay so we have manning the m110 [Music] phoenix missiles oh that's a good missile oh sunset in the desert sunset in the desert that's a weird kind of thing it's like we don't own sunsets in there so far this pack a little disappointing [Applause] so in this pack i have this one too you got white hold on let me read his stats oh my god i'm so jealous man i'm literally shaking right now commander in chief united states president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces on january 16th he initiated operation desert storm and was supported by 27 other countries of nato mobilized to protect the sovereignty of kuwait number one you see that number one i had a beat off oh my god is it ready for the value yeah give it to me yeah i'm ready thirty dollars [Applause] are you serious hold on we gotta are we gonna get send both of these in to get rated let me just definitely need to get those right see this corner is not this one might be what they're perfect what are you talking about this one's got a little curve in the corner ethan please be careful all right we're going to get them both the verified wow two commanders and chiefs that is unbelievable that's unbelievable basically back to back that's insane that's like getting two charizards it's i'd say it's better all right wait where did you see these for 30 bucks baby uh i'm checking the same two sources but that one was ebay an ebay seller do you see that there's any hit does anyone actually buying this mission accomplished oh that's iconic that's an iconic card um this one's going to get certified oh my god i got another one coming another commander in chief no three commanders and chief in one box how rare could it be then and that's unheard of [Music] oh another scud missile nice nice careful all right well we got the commanders in chief yeah so there's really no we got three commanders in chief that's all right you got does anyone want one wow dan i can't believe you could pull the commander-in-chief i'm calling dibs on this pack all right this one's for zach thanks for zach go ahead f18 flying high okay paratrooper in flight army supply ship airborne unit a lot of airborne in this pack should there should be a picture of like a cemetery like falling in battle oh my god like they just i mean if they're going to show the glory you know what i mean like a revive card oh yeah right injury card machine gunner amputee this one is poisoning ptsd this one's called it shows a bunch of soldiers in a support group shell shock yeah marine firefighter and then there's the one after it shows third degree burns what about his body um therapy nothing too good there he was good therapy yeah sorry zach that was a little bit of a doubt it's okay who's this one for i mean we wanna pack yeah i'll take it back all right well you well finders fee yeah okay fair enough sunset on the f-14 pretty romantic what is um admiral frank kelso oh that's that's big that's big i mean it's still not it's still has not a schwarzkopf value i've not heard of admiral frank kelso oh that you've caliso you never heard of kelsey i love dan knows everything about tesla well he's worth three dollars oh the control center it's kind of funny oh interesting yeah yeah it's a nice card yeah all right that's it yeah all right this one's for uab thank you here we go you guys can never say we didn't do anything for you guys maybe i swear to god if you go to schwarzkopf right now the power of the tomahawk that's got to be worth something it's just a picture of it detonating like somebody died in that yeah that's kind of [ __ ] f-14 flies in formation that's the that's the top gun uh jet that's a big deal flying high zach got that one [ __ ] [ __ ] oh is that is that what i think it is because then just said like a b i'm gonna kill you if you get it we did not this is full i can't beat you dad i got i got a poppy bush i i i mean i should be happy but that that that's an iconic card that's nice we'll talk dan we could you guys okay wow this is exciting i mean we'll open these later but look at all these show all these we're going to get all these rated we're going to send these in and get them all like boxed up and if like if we can get pull some tens on these i think we can get some resale value on these we got a long way to reiterate any of i'm going to rate the plan is hatched you know because it's got the costs in there or well here this one's this one might be good with the christian slater as the heroes right that's tragic nice corners i'm kind of i feel like we got to pull a a robin hood card if we're going to send it in to get ready it's kind of shocking that we have it there's some bad luck here i can't do it let's pull let's let's pull a robin hood car real fast here let's just be careful of the corners though don't open it too fast either because i want a perfect 10 on these you know are you mad splaining i'm not mansplaining i'm just telling you to be careful these are valuable oh i got another i mean morgan oh no action escape can see hold him out a little bit more first diet it's just descriptions oh azim okay so i got a zim okay there's the seam that's kind of sick okay i'll save the zim there's too many just descriptions it's like fighting on a bridge it's like okay i want azim now you're living hey okay this is these ones are another azim these robin hood men and tights ones made marriages and that's a that's a yeah that one's good that's that's a decently nice corner too yeah is there a value can i get a value check on maid marian i got someone show me oh yeah i already have a hero's death okay one dollar one dollar one dollar okay working towards your debt ian of half a million yeah chip it away get in there you just need half a million more made man all right this is not going anywhere these [ __ ] robin hood cards suck ass what is this it's nothing oh what never pulled one of those before these are by far the worst i'm sorry another maid marian robin hood why you being so stingy with me dude like you really gonna make it that rare for me nobody cares about your dumb [ __ ] movie yeah i'm getting nothing seriously what if this movie didn't even get good rating like you're gonna make your cards so rare like kevin costner i'm sorry bro attack from above safe at last battle for nottingham like hello i want the cost this is outrageous oh my god do you want to run tomatoes 50 how much 51. that's no that's just about it all right i need like a little john and i need a robin hood oh that's true we haven't gotten a little john yet either i've never seen a man oh battling little john wait it's battling oh that's a battle card that's not a character card spoils war bro i can't do that oh i'm shaking my hands oh my god i am shaking right now bro that is like perfect corners bro robin hood prince of thieves oh [ __ ] careful careful five hundred dollars no why would you jump like that well wait till we get a 10 rating yeah that's that's that's unrated is the one you're looking at certified so you don't know what you're talking about i'm sorry i'll buy it from you kevin costner follows his oscar-winning success and dances with wolves why are you talking about damn i'm trying i'm trying to get in myself and robin why are they talking about dances plugging another better movie in these cards one of america's most admired leading men costner appeared in such hits as water world i'm sorry or something um wait it lists water world no i'm trying to think of one of the terrible movies he's [Laughter] wow this is exciting okay so we're gonna get all these rated you guys agree with this collection i love it yeah i mean that that's definitely the best of the day that we've got here what a poll that's pretty good man okay guys so we're so i'm gonna give these i guess dan you'll take these and get them cinnamon to get raided yeah um okay and and i mean i know it's disappointing that we didn't get the pokemon cards but i gotta say a colin powell a dick cheney a schwarzkopf and three commander in chiefs so hold on wait we got a we got a bush a colon and a dick i think we owe the pokey pimp an apology we the pokey pimp you owe me an apology for this bull i'm trying to make the best of this situation but i am out half a million dollars you get that [ __ ] [ __ ] on the phone he also gave us another present too as a token of uh good business where it's behind you oh what the hell was that he said as a thank you for for a successful transaction it says pokey pack mystery box very rare is that is that it really look there's a pikachu it's literally drawn with a sharpie so it's kind of cute okay what is this joel he biden me it's a pokemon sort of thank you very valuable he stressed that a lot i think he would wrap it a little more secure oh what is this oh it's a pokemon oh yeah that looks legit is this first edition oh wow interesting printing on this one [Music] tom and jerry tom and jerry trading cards those those are cool those are actually uh pokemon i believe right there i didn't know the challenge part of the pokemon universe of course is the overhead here let's see let's go to the overhead oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa careful careful we're getting these rated i seriously want these to be tens hold on let me all right these need to be raped good these are important why are you so serious dude what are you talking about these are we need to rate these they're going to get rated i'm just going to get these rated and sell them if logan could get them rated 10 touching with the pick i'm not kidding i want to get those rated we have to get 10k okay i want psa to give us a special h3h3 yeah i want to get it oh this is actually cool no you're living i'm keeping these oh there's no details there's just a frame oh where'd the stack there's some stats on the back how much health is on this cat yeah how much in the hollywood bowl oh that's an iconic episode dude oh you can pull a holographic tom yeah can i pull a holographic tom i'm here live that's not i'm not a cat is there holograms in here i didn't see any foils on the um oh it's got something holy [ __ ] bro this one is oh yo yo this one is holographic bro it's got a little metallic thing no way oh wait what scene is that which one [Music] no freaking way what does it say what does it say you want me to read it yeah what's this it says william hannah studied to be a structural engineer while joseph barbara was in banking the two met after being hired by mgm studio and thus began one of the most successful partnerships in hollywood history wow that's a hannah barbera origin card yeah bro this is okay we might have to send this one to get rated it's foil so whoa okay cool i guess that makes up for being scammed half a million dollars wake up oh my god all right so i'm gonna get these rated we'll try to get like a h3 thing and i i think we should put them on the auction site for charity and just like we can we can raise money and try to donate it you're not trying to recoup your your losses here well i'm going to see that guy of course i'm going to chase him to the ends of the time but okay just making the best of what we've got here okay well ian you're fired yeah you're definitely fired i say we took a big win today love me daddy all right today is wednesday so we'll see you on live after dark get excited get hyped we'll maybe here on friday live hell yeah for a fun light drama-free episode ah cabbage all right now excuse me i have to go eat like 20 nutria systems alright guys take care tata
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 874,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: 6rXRoIA4EEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 55sec (6115 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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