OJ Simpson Blocked Ethan After Getting Burned On Twitter - H3 Podcast #181

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the zach on a cruise story was gold. papa bless him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/juneskon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loving the return of the Vin Diesel soundbites.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LaPuissanceDuYaourt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'd like to thank Vin Disel for coming out to this episode of Zach Loveboat Adventure.

Edit: Ethan fucking loves zach lmao.

Ethan: "I'm surprised you didnt just throw her overboard" Gold

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExtremistHippo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

the ASMR stuff was pretty gross but the episode overal was good, a return to the laffs and gaffs!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/laticiasbear πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

omg this trisha ASMR is the worst

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thicclashxo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Right Hila?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1ROYinHD1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best part was really when Dan was trying to drag the Vin Diesel Wikifeet page onto the screen and accidentally made it one of his bookmarks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/star-gazed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

skip to 22 mins to avoid all the ASMR if you're not into ASMR

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ikealgernon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SudokucideBonger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- hey papa here it's Papa John and you're listening to the h3 podcast go Ethan go ela well thank you papa John I appreciate the intro how nice now Papa John personally endorsing this the H flute podcast the greatest show undisputed undisputed night on the street it's just it's a household name people say the greatest show a street podcast a household name a today's episode is sponsored by quip who we know and love peopIe was docketed to be on our show today but unfortunately he cancelled brutally I thought thoughtlessly on the last minute we had him all ready to go and he said something came up so very rude it was very frankly was offended but that's not here no there I'm trying to keep the show wholesome and light today despite the fact that there is a a entire country of Italy is shut down everybody is instructed to stay in their house in Italy and there is a sociopath verse a literally senile man running for president calling Bernie a sociopath not burning no I mean look we've got the lawn we've got a line dog-faced pony-soldiers play live in that trap again you're lying dog freeze pony shows me did I play that on the podcast before yeah so we've got so it looks like Joe's gonna win but I'm gonna keep it cool I'm keeping it light and warm we're in 3d I'm not I'm not I'm just keeping it cool despite all this happening in the world and if you're in Italy don't go outside no problem at all you're not allowed to leave your house if you're in Italy not a issue right Zak yeah show me your bag pack yeah Zak's cruises around with the bag yeah but don't say the word don't say the word okay so I got I got wipes yeah are those disinfect it's so hard to get right now is that God you get those Ralphs they just had him around yeah I guess they just need to live with the hug man like he's bought a can for a thousand bucks I was looking Amazon everything is out of stock that's the risk though you have to go into a Ralph's to get it that's how you get sick and then I got it I got gloves to show me are those disposable oh yeah they are so you bought like a bag of a thousand of them or something well I I wash my card so like they're like car washing books so do you throw them out left to use them yeah and so when do you put those on like uh when I go to the gas station anytime I have to like touch it so if you've got if you're pumping gas put on the gloves you finished the job you throw the gloves out yeah and then like you use your like pointer finger to just get the glove off and then goes right in the trash can I'm not gonna lie I've thought about that putting gloves because I I there's nothing worse than touching a gas nozzle dude is nothing worse once you go into this ahold germ alert mode it's like you can't avoid it it's you gonna touch something I don't know apparently Zach disagrees well my hands are also dry as [ __ ] because I've been watching five minutes I know it's the worst man but no we're not taught we're not getting stuck in the hole but zach is carrying around a bag of disinfectant I am Zach how was your hair in the last episode you soaked your hair in Manning's correct tell me about the aftermath well I left and the car ride home was pretty gnarly I had to drive with the windows down got home it took me like three shampoos to get it the all of it out like the smell and all wise mmm but I think the dish soap soap kind of messed it up Oh messed it up yeah because I think it just kind of stripped my hair and made it super dry it was soft but I mean it's super it's so strong yeah there's so so ultimately any benefit you reaped from soaking hair and mayonnaise was negated by washing your hair with dish soap correct but the experience was amazing I mean it's a gentle hand I really loved I was watching it back over the weekend and I was I was laughing a lot it was so it was a great mom I was watching him on TV when the episode came before the whole good and I was like oh my god we know this guy I'm in love with big Edie he felt good on this he's promising one of the best seasons of 90 days yeah I think we have the making of an absolute reality TV superstar I love they get and I love that we're in touch with them you know later in the episode today we will be interviewing the Philly attack right did I was like such an old Brit I'm around a soft brain a smooth brain sometimes my brain is smooth and sometimes it's hard okay boomer don't okay boomer myself okay the the Philly offensive will be joining us for an interview after the break which I'm very excited about he's the man the myth the legend behind roll patrol and stake is for taxpayers love him Oh Zach speaking of May own your hair I saw this on the subreddit and I wanted to get your take on it I thought it was really funny hair either yeah what I would like for you to do is put on those gloves okay this is not the okay here we go yeah and we're gonna get to strip my hair ah the man your hair either you didn't want to get it I've there for you to do it and put on those gloves and start massaging mayonnaise in his head don't worry about making a mess that's totally fine Wow I do not know it's pretty funny fantastic yeah somebody went back in time to Zach when he had the when the mayo meme first was born and he said I don't want to get mayo my hair and now here he is pretty good right so there you go thanks that just goes to show you how things can change how quickly things can Jane very true Trisha is coming on this Friday if you have a less or I guess hurt though it's closed right we said the cutoff was last Sunday so you snooze you lose and I got to tell you we got a lot of applications so tight how many applications it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say hundreds right guys I mean and what's our short stack I think we've got what maybe 20 25 of like whoa like real real solid ones do you think that there's anyone in there that you could potentially actually fall in love with there's some zingers there's some zingers maybe blind Dan you it sounds like you wouldn't [ __ ] any of them uh well most of them are males oh so there are some females I'd all but just a few are female yeah I mean she said that she's not into women at least strong right she said she's not into straight women which it's really hard to keep track with her yeah so if you have a last-minute application go ahead and send it to podcast a shoe a shoe brush come we will consider it if it's fantastic but what I wanted to do just to tempt you all and get hyped up for this Friday when Trisha will be joining us to make defend the herd is to enjoy video from her age she made a ASMR video it's called no talky Trish ASMR and I wanted to enjoy see this this could all be yours so this is awful I hate so this I mean why would you like love it I mean I I doesn't bother me but I don't get love hate you're the producer of the show then you can't think yeah did Dan bounce he's done skis dad I'm holding the headphones near my head so this is like ruining the dish for me that does look good here's the thing this could all be yours if you enter at podcast at a stress reduction calm you could be sitting beside her right now she's eating well let me just describe to our audio listeners there's a giant bowl of tea what kind of pasta would you call that Shell's like a macaroni it's a shell macaroni a super cheesy and she's eating it with a giant wooden spoon like a serving scale I mean love it not even well I'm lucky I just so this is called super cheesy mac and cheese big bites big bite no talking ASMR no I said now what's the what's the purpose do you think the purpose of this is to jerk off to sleep to relax what well this is the same market as some of the other ASMR channel I think it's person and she's combining milk bangs with the bar right nobody so it's for people who like to watch her eat plus there's some more sounds mmm that seems very niche yeah but it has 50,000 views and a lot of life but let's see what other kind of videos she has on no no talkie trick she really isn't you guys have to you guys have to give it up that she is a [ __ ] natural born hustler did she like Oprah sure she's been on every single possible show dude she is a natural born hustler this is let me see I think this is our most popular video here what's the most recent upload one one way so it was that after she announced that she this crunchy says a some our head of crunchy lettuce this is just her eating a head of lettuce all right let's see where this goes taking lettuce out of a bag it's just a head of lettuce you know like a ball why would anybody want want to do that just a big head of lettuce and she's just going in for a bite here we go get ready she's taking her time Ian you listen ASMR does this do anything for you I don't listen anymore me you yes all right I tried it a little bit but it didn't really help I feel like you're revising history I think Ian's it really helped me fall asleep I would be too focused okay dude this is Corey this is gross though I don't like this this doesn't help this wouldn't help you policy no after your easy bro she's just straight up destroying she's just like I mean she's a fart and I don't mean I mean she literally just a farm animal I don't mean that like as it her looks I mean I just never seen an animal other than a farm animal hit a head of lettuce like that right either I mean I'm blown away about what I'm saying right I've never seen some like this you can't taking huge bites out of a full head of lettuce and gives me anxiety I don't know I just never seen anything like and that's 110,000 like so maybe the comics mylord peel off the first layer at least that's what's on your mind damn you should probably watch that first just why are you guys she's that's hardly the issue here well lettuce is famously what people get I'm wash lettuce is what people get e.coli from right well cool by the way probably should have washed I mean well if I'm guessing she probably washed she did wash it and put it in the back because she wanted to look like she just took it out of the bag forever perhaps because that's the whole vibe awesome for her own sake let me give her the benefit of the doubt here but everybody's just talking about ecoli and watch but well okay she is an innovator my dudes that's our most popular one edible dish sponge what like I like this so this one's called edible dish sponge deodorant stick yeah then diesel keep yeah that's what I'm thinking wait so it's food made in the shape of a spine I think it's just a cake that looks like a sponge it says big yeah I don't know why would you make an edible sponge out of a cake why why why would you do this she's trying stuff but why would you make a sponge it says edible dish sponge and deodorant sticks [Laughter] and easels into this he might be the only one who's really into this is VIN whoa it's Vin Diesel the action star is really a fan of Tricia oh my god the vin diesel do you have anything to say I just googled a edible dish sponge and don't tell me that's a genre it seems to be a thing this world why do people want to eat the bun jizz like here this one looks crazy oh here's another ASMR channel oh 1.5 million it's got like Julian in it says ASMR edible cake dish sponge eating show Frank most satisfying than all the downwards and then it has like Korean and then it says Moo ping oh that looks like a real sponge Tricia's didn't this looks like she just strip eating a sponge that's pretty crazy it's just preview what is this hey I need a preview Oh No why she's got hold on what the and we just stumble into it so she's got a thing of dish soap that look has it filled with something that looks like she'll dress just like sugar water yeah with food colors this is a whole fetish and so she's a really cute young girl who's thin and slender and fit and she's just eating sponges I guess some people have a fantasy of eating sponges but this has 1.5 million to 1.6 million views there's no way let me read comments mmm I mean people are maiming on but but clearly people are maybe it's just shocking and people click it like what well when I is if you just do a Google search for edible dish sponge like the the image results there's like tons of thumbnails from videos like it seems like it was a trend or something I have to give it to her though these look fantastically real they do I mean those are what dude this is your life imagine your mom sees this like how do you explain this to your mom she goes crazy how many views is that 1.6 million you show her the reference tab yeah it's not enough oh I guess you're right that's happened to us your dad goes why is Ethan showing close ups of his dick on screen that's probably worse than eating sponges yeah for some reason I find this harder to explain yeah cuz you don't get it what would your dad think I was eating sponges like this are you you not me doesn't care if you were eating sponges I [ __ ] it's easier and a way to explain cuz it's like look at this illusion like she baked or whatever I don't know how it's made like it's impressive it's kind of impressive it's very impressive I don't know how to make this okay you like my mom would be like wow how did you bake it you know what can I get you to make a video like this cuz I'm cuz like oh like if we hire a baker I feel like we could generate like a whole nother revenue stream with you doing videos like this yes mr alright yeah a Samara and just get someone to bring us some fixed why did you sit there maybe like you know die eating and I hate eating sounds as everyone knows I hate our eating's and I get you two in a white shirt without a bra huh a white shirt no bra okay well I'm trying to entice our viewers okay to watch the sponge eating because they are all wearing like like you know what stuff waters venting so think about this Vin Diesel time today all right well then Diesel's a fan of edible cake dish what what look at the thumbnail these boomers what is happening on YouTube look at these people like people will do anything to make money what is this can you see this thumbnail yep we can see pretty well Oh scroll down just a hair perfect burp this thumbnail what that look how do you not click that here she's eating a shoe oh cool you see it's like a king no it's cool I agree what's the word you know it's a piece of art in the baking words probably I don't know I agree I'm just I just impressive the whole thing is crazy dude the a Samar the eating the sponge is just so crazy I wonder if she bakes it do you think she just hired like she's eating a cold and MasterChef where do you find someone to make this well with that kind of views she probably has 39 million a crew of chefs alright let's watch I'm gonna click that one now I didn't even plan to watch this stuff by the way she's like Willy Wonka yeah you know that scene where he like I love that scene he was the first ace of our food fetish sure that scene Willy Wonka where he takes a sip from the teacup and then eats it yeah I love that so he's the man she's eating a calm does she just puke I mean how do you work off calories like that what has been diesel think about this videogame predict guy yeah I thought that's true she is pretty Vin Diesel anything else yeah he's talking all right he doesn't have met Vin Diesel only says he doesn't have a large vocabulary yeah I know I I know I I get you Vin Diesel I'm gonna have to work on educating him some more it's a more vocabulary I lost my place where well what are we doing again I don't know we have a document oh yeah we were watching Trish's the winner I'm happy to announce the winner of the Tricia Bachelorette season will be what we will be sending both of you all on a beautiful cruise we looked up cruises as you know we found a beautiful 20 day cruise that stops out on China beautiful China see the walls the wonders of the ancient civilization China China as Trump likes to say Trump as he likes a China for only $300 okay man we've been we've been laughing about all the other rates to China like you can fly directly to Shanghai for like 300 bucks that's that's rounded coronavirus is gonna be the answer you can't say that Oh you can say it like that but you can't talk this is YouTube they go you said you can't say caching but don't say more than that so what I did okay but what were you gonna say now do you think the viral now you can't talk if you can ask me a question about it otherwise we get yellowed do you think yeah this situation yes is gonna be the end of all cruises I hope so okay so it's so I see usually not Ted Cruz Ted Cruz isn't you know that Ted Cruz is in quarantine Brown I get my news from then nowadays well I have to say if you go on a cruise you deserve anything that happens to you on that cruise cruising is like the bottom of the barrel of humanity just think about whatever I have good friends that like just went on a cruise and before the end do they like it though I think so I think what I've never been on one so I would never say no I have been on one when I was like 12 but I didn't find it let me describe a cruise to you you're on a boat with a bunch of cheap [ __ ] you eat at buffets have you seen the room you're stuck in a time you can't leave this is the first thing you have to know romance someone who hasn't been I can imagine there's probably not a space Hania tell me about it it's like a cubicle with just the bed it's like you got bunk beds and that's your room so that's where the people that can't leash it's yeah it's you see sleeping what's essentially a prison yes it's a prison I'm in a larger prison at sea you can't leave that's the thing you can't leave people call in 20-day cruisers can you imagine whatever happens to on that see you have it coming well a lot of a lot of cruises that they make stops in like ports and stuff that's a wire off right that's what we did it was like this every day was a stop somewhere four - left keep that off you get on well that's what I was a kid you don't as an adult - everything seems like a schlep yeah that was what when we were looking at these ones that are dirt cheap right now a lot of them yeah are like the one we saw it was like twenty two days I can't even if you like cruises how could you not who's got time for that yeah retirees I guess was so wait when you get off a port in another country do you have to do like immigration [ __ ] no I don't know you just get off walk around security scan because I would have to be some sort of yeah how there's gotta be some that's that's my point is that it's got it because your parents probably filled it out there's it's gotta be so annoying because you getting off in another country you got to do some kind of declaration and then you bring [ __ ] back on the cruise you got to do some kind of declaration you can't just be coming and going bringing crazy [ __ ] with you everywhere yeah I used to sneak booze and Cuban cigars when I went on that cruise Oh Zach you're a cruise a veteran I know that time of my life on a cruise I think it's fun for kids and old people I was 15 I told everyone I was 17 that's actually pretty cool good you got to drink and smoke and stuff like you would never be able to do yeah yeah plus that's when I lost my vCard on a cruise we've I told the story you didn't tell me that story that was like the whole blood thing with the popping of the hymen you didn't connect how was I supposed to know that was on a cruise bro how did you seduce a girl well hold on did you man we're on the cruise yes it was like was it - I was Caribbean wait hold on you met her on the cruise she was from England and you took her virginity no she took my virginity but why was her hymen yeah broken no no yeah yeah so she's a virgin yeah what you guys took each other's virginity on a cruise yeah that's and then you never saw each other no what oh my god maybe she's watching right now Zach how did you meet her how did you seduce this girl how did you know I mean I I brought me every thought my guitar state I did you first meet her where'd you meet her so they have like a club thing and it's funny it was a Princess cruise too and that's the one that's here right now did you call her a princess and like if they had like club things and you know you just go around and you're up till 4:00 in the morning or at least I was and I would just take my guitar all over the cruise and just play it was like during New Year's too and like there was a dude playing bagpipes as well that guy never had a shot no what's your room also like a prison completely yeah okay wait wait you had your own room cuz I'm imagining you with your parents well no no it was my grandmother went my parents and then my brother and I had our own room but once I started like you know I met this girl I kicked my brother out of my parents and your branch knew what was going on I would assume yeah because why would their brother be with them yeah exactly your parents knew you were you were screwing some rent girl on the cruise yeah I mean my dad was cool with it whoa that's great that's a pretty gnarly sorry Zach how did you guys have did you guys do it more than once or was it just traumatic and then you never did it again it was traumatic and no no what was going on yeah what did was she how was she after you talked to her afterwards uh yeah I mean it was like I mean I wasn't like a dick I was like yeah that happens you know no but like after so so you guys have this really crazy oh you mean like laughs stayed friends yeah yeah she like she got kind of weird and wanted to start like dating me and [ __ ] like you got clingy on wow that's super [ __ ] clinging on the cruise yeah what were she gonna go it so hard that I don't crib I don't you guys had sex way it's weird that she wanted to be with you after well well but she maybe she was just being really like like really clingy I mean I but you were a stuff on the cruise so even on the cruise you're like listen baby you were kind of and off listen princess I was like you know 15 she thought I was 17 you know so so so wait you guys had this night the next day she's intensely wanting to be with you yeah and then your reaction was was what you know I wasn't like a dick I was nice but like I just kind of distanced myself mmm hung out with other you know she you know she has distrust of men ever say I think you single this girl now now why is it you don't want to spend any time with her you just weren't into her and you're just over it I was freaked out because it just and I understand I totally understand that Wow so um crazies are crazy man and like I met all these people from like Canada and England where you trying to smash other girls yeah oh man you are a wild man and did your parents even ask you like what was what happened well I they saw me walking around with my guitar and like talking to other girls so they had to assume what was going on Wow Wow did you smash any other girls on the person no it was just a few kisses here and there but dude so that that I know I never got damn your bald young man I thought you were pretty big yeah I was very big I was a freshman in high school nice memory Danny thank you thank you for well I think it is a good detail yeah you know I was bullied in high schools yeah this was a pretty awakening and then Kate's tried man and came back to you know my shitty life in high school and you know you're like did I [ __ ] like 20 girls on this nobody believes you yeah so wait was this girl did you was she trying to get in touch with you during that whole time I mean was she just kind of went her separate way when you were flirting with other girls yeah she kind of took the hint and you know made like a tree and leave you know I wasn't a dick I wasn't like get the [ __ ] out of my face Zack this is an incredible story do you think about her do you ever feel bad about how that went down I do feel bad but I also feel bad for myself because I was a very traumatic situation yes you were definitely the victim this is such an incredible story this episode is gone everyone we are totally off the rails Brickton oh my goodness I don't want to stop sorry this conversation is just well zackin is the sack I love you buddy you give and giving I was such a nerd at that age like I had I think I had the opportunity to have sex at that age but I was I I felt like I were ready I never seized it because yeah I guess I wasn't ready yeah which is weird because that that when you think of yourself you're like I don't know I just knew I wasn't ready somehow I don't know I was not ready to even make eye contact I was born ready man watch out for him [ __ ] surprised you didn't throw her overboard and move on [Laughter] all right let's go to a quick break when we come back we're gonna take a call from the Philly offense so the legend the roll patrol and so stay tuned we'll be right back if you care about your mouth listen to the words that I am saying you know that I live and die by the quip electric toothbrush it's a vibrating little tube it's got the softest bristles in the game to keep your beautiful sensitive gums that do not grow back by the way safe and not receding Equipe electric toothbrush times and pulsates first of all it vibrates dentists all say vibrating toothbrushes clean better here's the trick though here's why it's so cool it pulsates and it tells you when to switch quadrants to make sure you get that perfect two minute dentist recommended brush every time you brush your mouth thirty Seconds murmur switch 30 seconds we're airing switch that's why quip is amazing it keeps your mouth clean and it keeps you in good shape my dudes quip also has a floss dispenser that comes with pre marks string to help you use just enough make that easier on you plus quip delivers fresh breasts head brush heads I can't say brush what do we keep saying breath bus brush heads they deliver fresh 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he's a sketch he's a sketch comedian which we were all blown away to find out I want to jog your memory before we bring him on the line this is Rolle patrolled the video that that captivated all of our hearts minds [Music] yo bro you suppose we'll use the wax paper when you touch the rolls I'm role patrol dude no but seriously the wax paper and you're sniffing them and then you're touching them and you're putting them back they smell like [ __ ] this exchange just real the ones you touched and buy them because I don't want I don't want it I don't know where your dick beaters bends you mean [Music] listen cuz pick them the [ __ ] up and put them in your bag or I'm going to even you up [Music] I'm Tony right now he's look at like he's scared right so convincing pick him up it's disgusting I know [Music] so use the wax paper next time dude so good it's so good it's so brilliant I have so many questions for the JJ also known as the Philly offensive so without further ado Dan can we get our boy JJ Philly offensive on the line and here we are with the Philly offensive JJ is that right is that what I should call you yeah JJ works welcome I do it how are you let me ask you something the roll patrol had captivated our hearts and minds we did it we were almost none of us first suspected that it was fake at all I tell run me through the production of that video so that's my buddy Jim he was in a couple videos of mine and I went to meet him and we went to Home Depot to try to get an apron to do a video there and we were told to just walk into the break room and steal one and we didn't feel comfortable doing that so I was like alright well let's just go down there was an ACME down the street let's go down there and do this roll video because I hate seeing that yeah you know it uh it just drives me crazy and I'll be honest I never say anything when it comes to the rolls I mean yeah so you're not patrolling in your free time right certain things I will speak up though like in a lot of my videos I I speak up it's because it's how I feel like I'm very feel very passionate about that certain things like littering or you know someone hitting a doll or mistreating an animal but anyway we went in and he was super nervous Jim because he hasn't been in a video in a while and I remember making his eye black I wanted it black her but he was shakin putting this ink on his eye but I guess it looked black enough because you know when when I said I'll even you to [ __ ] up people understood what I meant his nervousness was so III was for sure like the look that he gave you was so genuine I thought for sure was real and I thought I'm gonna be honest I thought you are a huge black guy or something that wasn't like a mobility a scooter or something and you stood up and just scared the [ __ ] out of him well yeah the way I was holding my phone I shoot all my videos on my phone it did look like that it's like after we shot it when he laughed at the end I'm not a failure I'm like man how no and I was like you know what like there was people watching us and by the way we did by the roles he sniffed oh yeah very good you didn't become the PERT the monster you despised and I loved the line the role smells like [ __ ] now how bland is that what did was that improviser did you say tell tell me the role smell like [ __ ] I just said sniff him and he went with it dude what a legend and who's someone behind this recording who's that that's Kristen oh my girl she's chasing the dog I creepy hi you don't sniff rolls and put him back deal kids dogs babies and put them back no she's not that person yeah that would never work out between they tell you have a feeling if she was so it do you fool a lot of people into thinking your videos are real but it seems like you are so talented at making the semi realism kind of sketches that yeah I've had the steak is for taxpayers that was the first one back in 2015 and that was the first viral video I made meaning like I remember I can't remember like yesterday because it was like so shocked I posted it at like 8:00 p.m. and by 8:05 and had 50,000 likes wow are we talking about on Facebook or where and then but I and most of them like the roll Patrol one take one take it's done yeah same with steak is for taxpayers so on so you're private right you're primarily on Facebook because on YouTube I noticed the views are quite low yeah I really didn't focus on YouTube they removed me I used to have a real big problem trolling people respond to every comment like it's one yeah [ __ ] you it didn't work out because it just makes people more mad and the same thing with Facebook I've probably had about five different accounts now and certain videos they always go viral you know and I learned my lesson and so are you able to make money at all to people are you making money on Facebook I sell merchandise but now that Facebook has the monetization option which they didn't before mail there'll be you know a huge potential to make money yes so you didn't you weren't able to make money because those videos are old but now you do have active Facebook page that you want people to come visit and follow absolutely it's the Philly offenses Philly offensive well I think it's a goddamn shame you're not a billionaire by now I think you should be a billionaire I'm being honest skip their Millions and and do you find your videos get stolen posted around a lot now if you go on Facebook and just type in the Philly offensive there's so many that are you know posted and most people that I you know if I might go can you give me credit they'll be like oh I'm sorry I didn't know it was yours but people like worldstar and all they posted them countless times and yeah you can't get ahold people I mean yes a whole engine of theft they're really not even stealing rolls they're just stealing videos which is arguable even worse worse yeah and can I ask you of all your videos because I've only seen you have a lot of these little sketches which is your favorite which is the one that you recommend that we go watch now after this video is over if you have one I would say besides got milk the one with the drugs in an arcane yeah just it real quick the only people that were with me was the guy overdosing yeah Mike broke oh and the guy who got kicked my buddy Pat oh other people were doing exactly what they were doing before I asked him to be in a video oh my god they were sold it so that is that my reality yeah legit there and one guy was running around he kept screaming what the [ __ ] oh my god he's like what do you want me to say I was he just keep saying what the [ __ ] hey so is this whole concept like what's with them yeah what is how did you come up with the idea to pour milk in the mouth of someone Oh Dean I find that to be so specific I am almost convinced me it was real I I see I think I seen a meme or something or no no it was a video where someone was overdosing on dust angel dust yeah and they somebody said you need milk for some milk and some yeah for the guy to get kicked in the nuts yes that videos my masterpiece truly I really appreciate that and I really appreciate you put me out there and I would say the best video to check out is do you have health insurance oh okay I love the titles yeah I'm gonna look at that one um let me think I think we're gonna watch it right after this call cuz I want to know what I'm missing okay so the the one I just posted I think it's it's about dog poop dog this one was played on MTV did they pay today credit you they did they did not they didn't pay they won't mention my name I asked them MTV yeah the show ridiculousness yeah how can they show your [ __ ] and not even ask for your consent they don't oh no no I got paid for that okay okay they want to plug though you know why because they wanted to all pretend like it was real probably right and they said their producer said we do not we don't credit websites did they pay you fairly you got a good nice little check from them no no of course yeah I don't man what's your goal with with this stuff you just want to continue like making sketches and comedy yeah I mean I you know I I've been doing it so long like I mean I've been doing it before social media just messing with people and then and then I found this platform where I've reached so far that I would love to like you know have something on Netflix or absolutely you know something like that but uh yes check out um do you have health insurance and the other one is picket to [ __ ] up they're the best I'll think about that I was at the mall tear garbage no no this is dog [ __ ] yeah I can tell that all these are inspired from your everyday life yeah oh yeah if I see someone letting their dog crap and they walk away I'm saying something how does that usually go down probably more polite than what's depicted in the videos I'm assuming or maybe not depends how I feel ah yeah honestly you know I mean I'm not a tough guy but when it comes to like you know you're gonna leave your dog crap on my payment and walk away like no you're gonna pick it up I am with you a thousand percent I'm gonna wash these I'm gonna watch these segments lastly let's plug we've got the the Philly offensive you can find JJ everywhere people are found is that right that's right okay to Facebook you tell I don't need to spread I would like to keep in touch with you I think you're a hilarious dude and I'm trying to think of ways that I I want to pay you more than ridiculousness pay deal and I want to try to think of a way that we can work together hey man that's another goal is to write for someone so oh wow nice so but if I'm guessing on what ridiculous paid you then I'll be then probably for like 20 bucks per sketch does that sound good if I'm trying to tell you more and finally well as a token of gratitude I just I want to do something that's you are you and your girlfriend they're interested in going on a cruise and I send you on a cruise or maybe a round trip to Shanghai we're just giving out gifts you know it doesn't sound like I like that's what you do to your enemy let me take you on a route we were just looking up cruises the guys found to 8:20 night cruise for $300 to China so if you and your girlfriend should I'd be happy to front the money [Laughter] everybody round-trip all expenses paid no I actually I value you too much I want you around I want you we can't afford you being in quarantine all right that's right all right well JJ thank you so much for the wonderful content thank you for calling us and thank you we'll be in touch I think you're amazing dude and you're doing God's work out there so thank you thank you thank you both thank you thank you all right thank you god bless what a joy what a treat the Philly offensive I have a feeling that is not the last time we will be hearing from him he recommended these two videos I want to watch them he recommended do you have health insurance I haven't seen either of these so this is exciting try again dude you try again my man you taking up you taking up two spaces no listen listen yo they're here for a reason they draw these lines here yeah the PTO the people that are organized and have common sense yeah listen yo my man listen you got health insurance why because if you don't get in that [ __ ] car and report your car you're gonna need it all right just get in the car you're [ __ ] everything up someone's gonna want to park here and they came un-fuckin'-believable they're all these they're all these blinds for a reason not good no no you must have sucked at coloring right you know he it's really just acting out the fantasy that we all have when we see someone doing something like that and it's and I love it it's cathartic it's like a it's like the same energy as like curb kind of wounds like a cathartic like yeah what we all wish we could say mm-hmm very true there was one other one here it is pick that [ __ ] up all right calm down let me know the same people yeah I'll be right back baby Wow show up that minute yeah hey hey hey listen you were here last week and you let your dog [ __ ] on my payment the same you just did you need to pick that up it's a chihuahua okay I don't care if it's a chihuahua or a [ __ ] Great Dane when I step in it all right I got kids in there when I bring it and step in and bring it in my house the kids are rolling around in it you mean okay so you need to pick it [ __ ] up listen you're gonna pick it up I'm gonna knock your junkie boyfriend the [ __ ] you really pick at your [ __ ] no picket the latrine oh yeah it's bad with their hands yeah over people that are like so committed I mean the guy's a genius he's got a talent he does I could totally see a TV show well like I said I am gonna do I want him I want him to be I'm gonna do everything in my power which is very little man I hope he doesn't run into Zach on that cruise I'm sending them both on a cruise zach is gonna go on the cruise I can't get over the Zach Cruise story still in my mind let's move on to our main oh I wanted to talk about this actually before we move on to my main segment of the day Wiki feet before we do I wanted to show this really funny chain of events that happened recently you guys saw Khloe Kardashian she posted I paid partnership with Febreze first of all weird I mean who's twice Febreze even doing like influencer marketing it's Febreze it's not cool you know what I mean but here's she posts a picture but they have like diamond covered bottles yeah yeah it's like rhinestone what are you supposed to do with that it's just bling bro it's just like it's like just bomb its Febreze it's for stoners and for hiding the smell of [ __ ] you know what I mean so here she is on her bed with a bunch of Febreze so I said when you [ __ ] the bed which which was funny I thought dude wipes you know this is a company I've seen on Shark Tank oh yeah they make wipes for dudes and they call mitad and they said now is this is good advertising I it with like one hand because I was holding Theodore or something that's why like there's a period and I was like where's our dude wipe sponsorship and they DM me and they said that they were down to sponsor me I was like holy [ __ ] dude weird let's do I've never I don't think I've ever done a sponsored tweet because yeah we maybe did like one or two on Instagram but that's it right I did it a long time ago yeah I did not like that though where it's like Haley I remember we did one for like the video movie or something I thought I was off a video game I don't remember it was awhile ago anyway so I thought this is great I'm going to do this with dude wipes so this was the the end result was me on the bed with a bunch of nude wives and I don't know if you noticed the detail here a dirty wipe growth sexy you mean and it's titled now dude wipes has me covered when I [ __ ] the bed somebody paid me to do this I thought it was awesome some people were wondering if you were wearing underwear and there yeah you can see my under can you I mean I was wearing boxers I wanted it to look I wanted you to see as much leg as possible like her I got a fat thigh bro I'm [ __ ] fat but anyway lots of compliments on your legs I think they were probably goofs cuz I got fat legs back maybe so okay I'll take it you know how to take a compliment that's what this learn to take all that well we tried our best to match it so I think we did a pretty good job what do you think yeah but like going through this I mean this this whole premise of this photo is so stupid yeah and how much money did they pay her for this I bet you they paid her like half a million dollars for this Febreze I got paid substan got paid substantially less I did this for the gifts I think dude wife's got a better deal than the edge then Febreze I don't get worried what do you do with the rhinestone bottle like when you when you're done do you use this Febreze with the crazy bottle or do you what are you supposed to show it off in your house yeah I think it's designed to make you feel like you're doing your elevating the experience of masking the smell of [ __ ] because it's not a lady thing to do so you compete Khloe Kardashian and still be for breezing [ __ ] she I hate them I really do I'm sorry and I just I just despise this I really despise everything about this you're on a bed with Febreze bottles like who [ __ ] cares god I mean it does it bother anyone as much as it bothers me this photo you know it's so stupid why is Febreze what the campaign doesn't make sense why is Febreze the caption what's the caption I'll tell you for Twitter right now and it's all sponsored by the way way back this is from before so this I posted on February I think it was February 26 I think I or the day before I think it was on Instagram no she posted everywhere for some reason I I don't have a link to the original photos yeah but it was so I do remember what it was it was something like something like wow for Bri imma for Brees partner for life I can't believe how great it smells and I just squirted all my bits for like squirting on your bed or something okay which is why my joke was so funny regula Paradis so you found it yeah so you wanna go ahead and read it 1 million and 100 likes who would like that poster I mean genuinely even if you're a fan of her but listen to the copy like D it's like haunted - like she cares so little about her like her audience she thinks there's such sheep that she it's so obvious she didn't write this and yet people still liked it listen to this I mean it's pretty just like transparent that it's an ad she didn't really try to make it but why would you like what you've engage with this heart the best ever I've used at Febreze fabric on my bed for years try it out and let me know what you think crowned king of a crown hashtag Febreze partner forever buy my favorite scent at but I don't find it particularly dumber than about this photo here she is in the Swiss Alps with Febreze she out on her balcony getting but but breeze do you need in your house why is there a breeze everywhere what pisses me off more about not just these advertised posts but just always the comments from like not just her in particular but like mega superstars people on the level of her yeah he's just looking at like the top responses like from like I guess I have to be logged in to see cuz I just see the plebs Kim Kardashian and her sister I need that rhinestone bottle you've been using this forever neat freak so I my theory on that Dan is that that comment is part of the disk part of it yeah probably at least from her but like OMG this is iconic I use it too I think they're all paid to say that which is actually even more insidious because they don't I don't think you need to disclose would that be Rossum if they had to start disclosing and they go oMG I need this - hashtag add I don't think the comments are paid for but I think it's their way of supporting each other because they know I would anyone say oh my god I need that foot breeze too because there is it pouring oh yeah Wow yeah it's like mega porn I want to look good well too bad you got a show to do wait it's dude it's so loud is it like anyway boring no it's gnarly it's like really coming down I don't know II think in here it was so exciting they hold on so we we hear it on the mics yeah we'll definitely hear that oh yeah yeah - what's like a low Rumble I didn't know there was expected so much rain um anyway I was saying I don't think the comments are paid I think they're just supporting each other girls party girls what about the sisters so here's a photo of her she's here's a photo of those who reminds me of the Tyra Banks write your own Vaseline this one is even worse it's because the Vaseline you can carry with you and you like take it out it's a beauty product kind of rabies what do you do with this it doesn't look good it's not like I would live it out for decoration I just can't cook I'm sorry you guys this just bothers me a lot hmm Febreze I mean how much would it be expensive to bedazzle whole bodies a full body of Febreze and all that's inside is like [ __ ] water with chemicals in it all right so dude why shut up - dude wipes thank you I thought we did it pretty good and I stoked to get paid to goof on Chloe Clair - Ian Clark - Ian another in other Twitter news Oh Jay Simpson they thought it was impossible I was challenged by someone to get blocked by OJ Simpson and I frankly didn't think was possible because every response on all of his tweets is just relentless clowning on him and so I figured there's no way he even goes into the comments because it's just so brewed but here we go I was blocked by OJ Simpson he posts himself in front of Costco he said coronavirus who's afraid he's got a mask on and a shopping cart full of toilet paper and I was like oh J wait he had the toilet paper yes he's one of the people okay and I said to him well statistically I prime a have a better chance of being killed by you than the virus because you know in my age bracket I don't I don't think many people died but OJ has killed two people at least so two statistically he is more deadly to me than the virus I thought it was a valid observation to make and OJ blocked me so there you go I achieved the impossible Oh Jay Simpson I'm on his kill list now yes okay we uh well I'm sad I can't be with sweets anymore so you guys are gonna have to keep me updated if anything goes on there nope dude alt for all these people blocking you I can't manage all these I can't manage all these Twitter accounts but uh the people have spoken Eva and as 238,000 like so it's a hit on Twitter yeah oh is Jake Paul but they've all blocked me unprovoked it wasn't what I mean what I mean by incidents I think there was I showed you one oh that I tell ya I just don't think you realize that he blocked you at the time right probably relegations probably the relentless mocking for three years straight well that could be true I'm not sure I would probably block me if I could can I block myself be good hila blocked me last night in real life I mean apologies so that's exciting I was kind of proud to be frank then the woman and what's funny is that you know he read it so it's funny he's like I already thought this guy got me good or he's like man idea I didn't kill anyone no he knows he killed someone he's like damn everybody just wants to talk about that I murdered two people and not that I'm buying toilet paper from Costco isn't it so crazy that he's just out cruising around and joined life yes it is Tom Segura left a funny comment I posted on Instagram and he goes he's like excuse me Oh Jay Simpson was acquitted in a court of law show some respect and people were all like I guess who didn't know who Tom was really he's joking to calm down I can't believe you're defending OJ is good aids will anyway Oh Jay Simpson blocked me that was very epic and before one more thing before we get to wiki feet you uh I have one entry for worst tattoo as you will note ela has a very strong opinion that bent Kathleen has the worst tattoo in the world and this one our subreddit it's someone they have zippers on the back of their leg that opens up into a camo pattern I don't understand it is so bad why do they have a mall under their skin I don't know the zipper is so ugly too I just I don't get the the message the message in their skin like what does it mean the skin is over the camel is the skin there cam out there pretending to be human but they're actually they're actually a soldier actually a soldier I don't get it because soldiers have skin to the heart of a warrior it's really sophisticated and it's also wearing flip-flops which is a very warrior ass I'm just saying wait that's a sheet you know what do you mean he that's like female right that makes it even worse I agree laugh at the bottle where's it stop the bottle I think this one is might be the worst really oh don't make any sense it's so it's so ballsy I mean so bold and it's so nonsensical it's huge it's ugly still getting images by the way how did this end up in the Getty Getty Images archive so this is another celeb no no way I should get everything man how was this a Getty Images archive I refuse to believe that also I think the Ben Affleck tattoo kind of Lee headed out of the what was under the green part Oh interesting um since I kind of heard his story that it didn't actually lie about the tattoo his writing is kind of changing for me you just feel bad for him yeah you saw yeah he's in tough shape that poor Ben yeah tough shape and he actually seems like an okay guy yeah you know he's an alcohol well whatever I don't care I'm not I don't care about gossip and let's see youtuber of course been a lot down I'm all about it but okay so because to me that was one of the factors he lied about it yeah yeah and I thought that was so funny but once I understood it was like sticking it to the paparazzi people yeah those can't blame him for doing the visit um yeah so um but what is this tattoo mean this one is way uglier and actually you cannot really hide it even like as a female she's gonna wear I mean she's wearing short pants in the summer she thinks it's awesome well you know what she does she's trying to appeal to some like she's probably in like Arkansas and she wants some redneck to think that's the coolest thing ever some Budweiser drink and redneck don't want to mount her like a stallion someone will think that it's the coolest thing ever right there is someone for that to to and I just and I just I'm not trying to get I'm just saying you know I don't have to put this but you know whoever thought this tattoo was awesome and you know whoever got this tattoo you know who they vote for political I'm just saying I just think it's interesting but you but don't you find it interesting you know did somebody who would [ __ ] this and think it was awesome with both Trump and I'm not saying that's a bad thing it's just you know using someone that would mount this with vote Democrat ever am I going is this funny or abettor stupid then you telling them we're not going no it's not meant to be cheap shot you think it's mmm it's not that funny I guess mmm cheap shot no good yeah are we in revolt yeah you asked no I want the honest truth I don't want to know if I should abort or personal board board's acting in you guys all think abort step up guys come on yeah board but do you agree it's funny it's funny it's not funny I like it I don't like it I don't like it I don't like it I like it I like it I like it everything I like country I don't know way to call can we just talk about it too - I want to talk about feet especially all day to talk about this feet well here's affair what do you think of this one ice room show I promise it's again the show I problems with doing a show keep it wholesome and light okay but I just thought I was like you know what nope yeah okay let's move on let's talk about Wiki feet which is what we've all been waiting for now camel and a zipper in the back of the leg you know what I wish I wish that whoever made Wicky fit would make Wicky tattoos mmm rating of the table you can't you have because you can pee it off two feet and therefore it's more popular of course so there's a site called wiki feet now blows my mind first of all that this site exists it's a Wikipedia dedicated you can find any celebrity big or small pictures of their feet on this website and apparently has a very active community because they have like a whole catalogue I mean it's so dedicated for example I looked myself up and I'm thinking to myself I have never I don't think I've ever shown my feet I say I can't recall one time I've ever shown my feet on camera yet when I post it up these guys sought it out click on every photo and sure enough I was like oh yep yeah and but like here this is like today is the money shot but are you sure that people are jerking off to feet why else are they on wiki feed there there's no reason for this website to exist if they're not masturbating I don't know guys guys speak up because the men there's no women masturbating on this website only men are sick enough to do this game what what damn I don't know about that this is your look at your own wiki for gay men women would never masturbate to this I'm sorry you can call me judgmental a woman or would not come here and masturbate to a man's feet I it's gay dudes we're gonna get multiple emails now dude no no emails I'm calling it it may be like I'm saying 99% men on this I'm just saying guys we'll only disgusting enough people on said jerk off the feet maybe I don't know I mean it's all it's all bizarre to me so it's hard for me yeah so Zach do you have a thing for feet I feel like Zach might know not in the end be honest with me and don't lie to me no I don't really get it I gotta be honest I don't get it I kind of hate it I don't hate feet but I start like an aversion to it yeah but I'm certainly not into it I don't definitely like not look at it I kind of avoid looking at the sobolik so I'm not a sex I by any means but people have gone through my videos and found this specific frame where you can see my foot the best your ratings pretty good dude look at that well whoa I have to in Milan over four stars I have to admit that I am so it's a four-point for it there's a lot of well you'll see I mean I I'm wow that's some nice feet man well thank you very much Dan I take steroids writer III Frank I do I do think I have nice feet if I may say so here's what confuses me about all of this so and I guess we'll we'll see as we continue I'm so baffled by all this I I don't even understand the rubric like I am not really sure what makes a foot nice like obviously if it's like really then I think women can be pretty judgmental of feet no but they don't jerk off to feet they don't masturbate to but you decided that this is a jerk off website I'm not sure that's true Wiki feet are you bro I think that women are voting here why would any woman come to this site just for a hobby why what are they doing here these are dudes with their hand on their penis jerking off I'm I I'm so sure I'm so sure you guys have to see what I'm talking about backstage I see what you're talking about but I think they you would be surprised that it's not the only thing happening here I could only give to know who's been on the side you know what I mean I would love to see the demographic how many ratings do you have oh it's only 15 votes wait where do you see the votes I just I pulled it up it's on the top right but that's a lot for me right who's coming to my page I don't know where do you see this on the top right of the website my rating stats 15 total vote oh yeah here no I have no 1 or 2 stars that's pretty good yeah a lot of average people say I'm just average so about 8 5 stars that's very good ok by the way and by the way by the way you have to login to vote so these are people who have an active yeah so I'm just saying there's this and there's no reason just wrote no no no no it says you have to again Wonka here let me refresh just to prove it Oh what they just I just saw that uh I'm on your page the suggestive one is PewDiePie and he has almost a perfect score yes so what I've noticed about it is let me just go computed by here there's a lot of foot shots I think it's really just based on how attractive people find them I don't think it really has aimed to do with their actual feet I could be wrong but PewDiePie here's a 4.96 you'll notice throughout this that some people have a 5.5 and I don't know how that's power but some people I yeah how could you go over five you'll see that oh is it six stars in total what no it's fine you'll see but let's see I mean how would you rate those either yeah I mean yeah nothing no weird hits shapes but I think you had a lot of feed pics did I think oh so many people's jerk to this so many right so anyway let's get off Felix he's not part of the game plan so then I says okay well obviously eva must have one witch but then i was like i also never show my there's no weight you know ever showed her feet like I'm on Cameron way more dude look on me feed pics there are view ela crazy it's from your like look you have a hundred of five ratings people are jerking off to your feet 105 ratings and it for some reason on the female side it doesn't say this specific number but it says you have four and a half stars oh you're right beautiful beautiful maybe they don't want body shame the women but look how many feet shots there are the shoe size seven us is that accurate seven seven us wait um do you do you want me know um oh I can edit it you want me to correct it here I can change it is this I mean I'm assuming women's size right now I'm nine you're nine okay we've just updated it but you gotta be like me oh you know like yeah I love that anyone can change it can you believe how many feet photo yeah but you know it's not that many they take like screenshots from one thing I know but still and you've got a hundred this is your fault those are your Instagram stories oh my I'm not thinking about you your feet are in the shot and let me see wait where's the money shot like if I'm trying to jerk off your feet which is the one I was there mmm probably one of these huh Hey look how pregnant I am and I know I would probably jerk off to this one cuz you sounding like someone that would almost jerk off to fit I'm just I'm yeah well I'm putting my mind you know I'm putting my mind then maybe this one too it's like a weird like there's like a weird like so weird corpse fetish where is this what is god it's from our dumb products video right I'll see there you go mm-hmm yeah I jerk off to your feet okay so but then I'm like okay mean you're on there dj khaled I look up next dj khaled three he's got a three so dj khaled they've got all his feet and then I says to myself okay John Jafari jontron I start looking at my friends poor John he's got a three point three not many shots here's one you can't really see much yeah but this one oh you can't really see anything well they've they've stamped in with the three point three they said no to John's feet then I look up items idubbbz is one of these beautiful feet it has over a five and I don't know how that's possible he has a 5.3 five out of five I don't get that yeah what that bothers me this website is not making any sense it throws it all in the questions you know but limp but okay his feet are so much more beautiful than mine let's have a look so if I was jerking off to his feet which one when I choose of this one for sure he'll discuss time it's kind of a weird look I feel like my feet are more beautiful than his why does his good why does his feet get a better rating than mine I think people are just here's a good shot on the bottom left a you jerk well no I mean where you can really not that one this yeah that's where you can really see his fit nobody see people who drink off to this it won't like the really [ __ ] disgust to him because I think the foot fetish that's according to you I listen I think it's about the fact that it's disgusting no I don't think you even know what you're talking about all right keep looking right in and say he was right and he was wrong okay everyone tell me what's up with his foot [ __ ] but I think my feet are more beautiful than Ian so they're and he's a 5.3 five well he seems to have hacked the system or something extraordinary so we we are accusing in of sabotaging his wiki feat for sure possibly buying votes yeah well I wouldn't put it past him he is vain like that Philip DeFranco wiki feat a three point six eat it Philip Wow I use alike why he looked jacked his legs like jacked look at him let me get a look at his feet let me see you yes he I gotta be honest Philip I probably wouldn't masturbates here please if that was my thing just being honest right it almost looks like it's kind of been off like the two onions back in that picture Wow oh it's a good yeah so Philip DeFranco has less beautiful feet than me I'm happy to say owned own thank you Dan Daniel came for a friend of the show obviously 4.6 now this I'm gonna have to login to Ray to one cuz who is it he has seven votes yeah I'm star yeah this came star his name's Daniel oh yeah no I didn't know we're gonna have to luck can we Brigade his wiki feat it's only seven votes we could swing this okay so Zach and in and Dan I want you guys to log in a wiki feats and give him one star okay yeah I'm just getting on it no I'm on that back is a 4.6 I mean come on yeah they're not bad feet honestly III I'm not gonna hate on the guy I would I was squirted on him on his feet I can't even see this for you this one I was in the bottom they're not that bad pretty regular yep they're rigged I'm not gonna hit on his feet you can hate the man but love the feet I've learned that through life of law so then jennamarbles starting to look at the females jenna Marbles has a perfect five star rating oh I actually only pull this up because it's too weird but I wanted to show like this Oh God or she you did like her oh no and that that's how you get a five star now that's hot that's actually terrifying she has a lot of feed pics man look at Jesus Jenna that's pretty funny though oh no wonder she's got five stars she's given the people just what they want you know what I mean like damn and I don't look to launch of that because it is weird cuz we know her but now I want to get funny okay we know all these people yeah but it's weird cuz you like I'm obviously joking what to do is but I feel like people spend a lot of time on Jenna's jerking off not me I'm not into that you know I'm not why would I do that she has 700 votes so this is like a high traffic page you know so there's that so now let's say okay Shaq hmm Shaquille O'Neal funny he's getting hated on he's the lowest rate I've ever seen one point one you guys what 11.1 was looking for more I figured because he famously has like massive feet so it's Getty Images they own everything and oh my god yeah that's what I understand though it's just like him people that are into feet don't like big feet or something I would assume if you were into a foot fetish you would want to see you like like a big foot you know like anything like I don't think that's too large it could fit look at this he's got a one point one everybody agrees he has awful feet like everybody who's in the feet everybody who knows anything about feet here's some poor won't Asian woman his foots the size of her whole body but they're not it that bad for like a one-star is that's what I'm saying it's no I agree it seems super harsh I don't know what the frig normal oh those are hideous that's bad news right almonds dude wait there's comments yes scroll down wait where how do i scroll down bro there's comments oh I've been missing that there's comments top comment I feel nauseated looking at his feet from the looks of it he seems I've been stuffing his feet and his shoes way too small one of his big toes is leaning too far over like it may have been crushed inside of shoes then there's the fungus infected big toe which caused him to have no toenail absolutely hideous nasty vomit inducing these look like FEMA I was about to say this dispels your theory here wait why cause her name's foxy feet yeah that looks like I don't got a guy am I gonna click Oh her use afraid she's a user rating it shows one-star ugly feet she did talk no no I think that that's oh that's her rating a fan yeah exactly and this is like a comment that was left along with that rating wait now I got to I need to go tonight name that cramming big feet is so I or is so common ruins otherwise large and beautiful feet along is a prime example of this so see I'm starting to get a sense of see there are just criticizing the Fate but they don't like the cramming yeah so we need we need to get big beautiful feet that don't cramp that's the objective Americas like I got to go back and see if there's comments on like years anyway there was I wasn't gonna point it out but well let's see it why weren't oh god they're links oh no that uh oh I got a feeling Ethan's gonna be roasting this site down the line here we are oh [ __ ] this was from four years ago took us a while man I'm surprised - it's not wait that's November 16th of last year I mean I was really sick Steen and I uh well usually put the year last and yeah the order is weird but it's this would have been made a great HD video no way Eli's this a seven and that's true I'm tall okay these people are so dedication size eleven at least yeah oh I didn't I told you bro didn't I tell you this was the one that I would jerk off to this person says foot artist I feel like I've completed my journey on this site and they tagged this photo that's the one they nodded to that's ela I totally called that oh then this is the other one I cut I called out there saying where are these words this picture from they want to know what rape dungeon I don't know what to tell you would have loved to serve under her command with feet like her she'd have had no trouble keeping me in line I'm telling these are dudes jerking off you okay but I think one comes to the guys I think girls well actually commenting on the aesthetic of the foot regardless of what your name right let's look into it but this comment says your savior thank you so much his gorgeous long time Oh gross do that's 2017 that was 2016 Wow wait so wait now I gotta see the comments I'm fine oh my god I wonder there's got to be no comments right yeah there's no comments huh I just gave chemo one star by the way meantime we check his rating you shouldn't know you this process is wholesome you shouldn't you shouldn't do that he says the four points - no I was kidding I said he took it back I took it back they still have four point six maybe it takes a while [ __ ] is gross all right get that off me let's move on to the funny things okay now everybody's on here Oh actually Trish uh Michael Phelps has a weirdest feet ever and yet people love him for point eight yeah this was the other thing that confused me it was like he had the weirdest feet ever bro look at this photo look how look his feet they look like fingers huh they look like skeletons yeah I thought to light him up because I knew that about him he famously has like because Y is like the best swimmer in the world yeah his feet and his hands are like massive they're like paddles it's why swim so fast oh my God look at this photo and tell me you wouldn't nut like made for four feet fish so anyway people do like his feet so what are the comments here because it's literally a bunch of women I don't think so this is a dude good swimmers have good and big flippers and Phelps are some of the nicest big feet I've seen telling else need to be manicured better but otherwise beautiful shape now that I think of it one of my exes was the swimmer and had the most beautiful big feet I've seen his toenails were much this is a gay dude we're much better manicured and toes were thicker it has a male avatar it's just the default yeah yeah okay and here's a picture of a dude I'm sorry but the tops of his feet are terrible yeah cuz people are picky on oh my god this is just so weird you guys I would like he was my very first heavy foot crush after all these years I'm still totally fascinated and hypnotized by his giant elves this is a gay guy that's from young foot lover now can we all agree okay yes this is men these are all men I mean I think in Michael Phelps case it is okay fine let's agree on that point yeah so now we're moving on I say okay they have everybody on this website I want to put that to the test what does everybody mean well let me show you Charles Manson has a wiki feed page one star based on this one photo but they found it Charles Manson has a feed pic and they found it can you believe Harvey Weinstein is no bucky feet he actually doesn't have a one star sum but he has four believe it or not kirbo are five star ratings well but ultimately he has a 5 a 1 point 5 and here's Harvey on the beach a paparazzi photo only comment disgusting feet for a disgusting human being crap but why does Getty Images even on these like what what is wrong with Getty Images what the f is going on with Getty Images my whole business they own paparazzi photos of Harvey Weinstein on the beach hello who's consuming these the media them or whatever you know Wow Trump has a 1 star rating there's only one known picture of his feet he's sitting on a throne of a swan in a white suit this is a bizarre photos the thing I've ever seen that is very strange he's no this is just so weird and he's got bad feet apparently so you won't really want a president with one-star feet okay let's let's put it this way without getting political Donald Trump has one star Joe Biden on the other hand let's see what Joe Biden has no results oh no Joe okay but then let's look at Bernie ya know Joe um Bernie no Bernie Sanders Wow I think Donald Winston cuz he's long when we brave enough to take my two fellas by default yeah but Obama you know check out Oh Boehner I bet you as a really high rating all I'm saying let me open up Charles Manson's Mia let's see Obama Barack yeah yeah you know he's a he's got a four point eight Wow good look at this feet yeah yeah you like that dude okay mama come on oh yeah I did he's done killer he's got some killer feed pal oh yeah look at that you got that she's a shot of his feet there's nothing else in there it's awesome well you guys give me a minute I've seen those pictures of him like paddle surfing like just all just all ideology and politics aside like the contrast between like just the [ __ ] blob of a human being that we have scuse me we're not getting political whoa I just got bitched out you can't say that about our dear leader physicality did you guys hear this fart that Ethan just did oh I thought that was a drop was that really loud it was loud it was loud it was loud enough that I thought it was Zach doing a drop yeah it was like Wendy well Wendy I just got so excited so we've got Harvey Weinstein we've got Charles Manson we've got louis c.k let's see what his feet have for louis they follow yeah I'm not trying to put him in the leagues of such but he doesn't fortunately have a one point four rating and you can only see those you can't see anything so do you think this is an unfair rating for Louis we need more data yeah yeah more data required Bill Cosby has a wiki feed page and Bill Cosby actually has a nice set of feet photos and despite his crimes he has a three so let's have a look I mean these are some really good chief pics man look at that you don't there's a lot of foot pics of you boy look at that one they so crunched together it's probably let's bring him down to score a little yeah yeah that's not a good look here wrinkled yeah well Bill's on here Vladimir Putin has a wiki feed page all right and you'll be surprised to know he has a lot o cuz he does martial arts and and frankly a pretty good rating 3.6 hmm tons of Vladimir Putin pics and I have to tell you he's got kind of small feet what does it say well he's just he's supposed to be this man in a shoe size 9 he's not really because in Russia they're all about like hyper masculinity and he's a short dude with little feet but he bought he's does karate you know he rides around on horseback without a shirt on hmm he makes up for it in other ways I mean yeah the dude the dude shows his feet off mana actually you know what his feet look pretty masculine here I think I've jerk off on those feet give me the opportunity right Dan sure Pol Pot I definitely even thought to look at the Pol Pot the notorious mass murder a wiki feed page one star but here they are nonetheless whole pot there he has killed millions and he has a wiki feed page man somebody can you met I mean to say it's amazing Pol Pot as a wiki feed page incredible oh there's comments too who thought this was a good idea he killed two million Cambodians but feet 5 stars I actually looked up Stalin's he's not on here man that's incredible so Chet it's a full pot guess who else is on here Ted Bundy that's right notorious serial killer Ted Bundy oh and they are hideous the dude did not man oh yeah yeah this guy's give me the creeps let's get off Ted Bundy but he's on here one star ladies and gentlemen Wow I'm feeling pretty flattered with my rating so far yeah well Alex Jones is on here coming out 1.6 and he only has one photo here look at them I love his body type Alex gums body type is epic there's some breaking news about Alex Jones do you see that no it looks like a pillowcase over stuff like a over self pillowcase go ahead what's the breaking news oh you was arrested for DUI last night oh you know what I'm so not surprised DUI what a [ __ ] douche bag I hate that that that's so shitty I wonder how drunk was he I don't know any details I just saw the headline this morning our Jones arrested for DUI Oh what is this Kristen Perez look at this one you know I have to switch the wiki feat women yeah like that's alavΓ©s still image you got it man what has been diesel thing wrote this yeah I agree I agree what oh yeah she's got one star dang well VIN Vin Diesel if he rated this I think he would he would probably give it a you know she it's an image Vin Diesel she can't talk yeah thank you okay that's what key feet so Pol Pot is on here Wow is my favorite Charles Manson is on here Oh Jared Fogle is on here ladies and gentlemen Jared Fogle of Subway from an advert apparently of some sort Jared Fogle yes the affected cereal agent Marion subway and they cut all the frames so what do you say about those feet huh Jared Fogle ladies and gentlemen once one point two there was someone who was like you know what for they're not that bad I can't lie here Fogle and of course Michael Jackson who was that very handsome young man he was [ __ ] he was so fit look at that that's a twink of I've ever seen one of my life that's like the definition of a twink it's such a shame he was a so closeted gay he could have been like such it he could have crushed in the gay community do you know what I mean yo Oh everything is if only he would have embraced the fact that he was just a beautiful twink he would have had so much great gay sex look at those ABS I'm he was such an incredible athlete the dancing it was a very good looking before all the surgeries yeah very handsome guys oh I would jerk off onto his feet everything is a shame about how he was thinking of himself thoughts on his feet though mmm-hmm pretty gnarly what's his rate three low rating for Michael he's all over the board yeah look at that yeah poor Michael oh wow he's got some crazy feet man Michael Jackson mm-hmm breasts and feet uh-huh well that's it I'm on on wiki feet I hope you learned something I hope you had a couple of laughs I'm sure that a certain percent of you have your dick out an r-group man if you didn't drink off during the segment your own looking for you right now promise me that if you do go - boy keep eating jerk off that you'll come back and finish the episode at the very least I would like some emails to let us know if there's anyone who's listening who is a member of wiki fit let us know what is the purpose of the website for you yeah you can write an anonymously podcast hjs reproductions calm don't identify yourself please well with that being said we are at the bottom of our show and you know what time it is it is time for Dan to send the news that's right mega doodoo I'm sorry [Music] [Applause] how come your desktop is so much more vibrant than my yeah oh because I have a Mac that's the colors are just better it's like way more vibrant what can I say you pay you pay a premium for those colors so um welcome to the news everyone it's good to be back thank you I'm lead story today not really lead story that's not really put in any particular order you guys saw it right mm-hmm the first one either both of them yes not the first one yes okay so what do you think I mean you know the actor that played penny wise bill bill skarsgΓ₯rd mm-hmm you did a pretty good job in that role right yes and you know I think to a lot of people Tim Curry is the iconic clown from it mm-hmm but to the younger generation it's it's gonna be bill and I'm happy to report that he's gonna be reprising the role in another movie mmm it's coming back as penny wise once again it's not a Stephen King movie though he's going to be in Space Jam too Jim still yep is that official uh it's not completely official but but there are substantiate ADRA's laying the clown and patent and yes invasion Space Jam 2 starring LeBron James in the that's stranger than Pol Pot having a wiki yeah it's pretty strange and he will be joining some other characters which it seems I don't know what this movie is gonna be I guess the other rumor is that Jim Carrey will be in it as the mask oh my god he'll be vicious well yeah um this movie has had a lot of problems it was in development hell forever I think that they fired the director a few times I think it's been delayed multiple times probably going to be a design I think they need good I think it's time just yeah abort on yeah well I'm looking forward to that were you a fan of Space Jam the original movie you liked it oh you have like a Space Jam shirt I've seen you wear at one point right I made a Space Jam drawing I loved it at the time I I have not seen the movie you have not never seen Space Jam I almost hate to admit it but here at this iconic r.kelly a great Oh straight onto your foot oh Kelly did it I believe I can fly right oh is it yes all right good I didn't I thought it was so amazing that they brought like cartoon and real people at the same time yeah and I loved the Looney Tunes yeah yeah a lot growing up so you know I had all that going for it in retrospect not a good movie really awful Michael Jordan can't act oh and actually good at all but as a kid it was quite fun all right Oh continuing on in entertainment news you guys are familiar with Dolly Parton of course right it's all apart and don't Lee pardon she's a big I think so yes you really you're not that familiar with her iconic country music yeah oh yeah so she very famously many many years ago was the cover girl to Playboy it looks like he knew it 1978 to but I know you don't think so we thought you know Zach knows of course that knows Zach was she nude in this uh I don't know how you gonna be on the cover of Playboy why not show them titties she's got as she must have yeah well because the cover is different than the centerfold right I mean well men are full of I'm correct no she's not just there's other nudes other than the centerfold well not anymore apparently yeah I know or the story is is that apparently playboy is now woke they stopped showing news I do not realize but I heard that they brought it back because nobody was buying it really I don't know though I'm not I'm not well if they brought it back we're in for something because apparently she's looking to get back onto the cover she had fries the roll ollie is 75 years old now um what a little I guarantee you she's on wiki feed do you want to no no my pardon wiki feet we're finding out no yeah well she's got a 4.3 I have that's about what I have you and Dolly let me see that one with the let me see four zero zero seven zero four nine four that one yeah her feet smashed in there whoa going the wrong direction yes not good that's the shoe my own regardless don't wear it doesn't look comfortable at all what is a Vin Diesel think about about dog yeah yeah of course he does he's a little bit more dog we're finding out today yeah he likes he likes feet what do you think about Vin Diesel's feet hmm he's got to be on wiki feet right yeah yeah sure we've got a he's got four point three well let's have a look instead let's take a look here four point three yeah I've got I mean not bad he's got about the same rating with me yeah hello veiny does that factor in you think I think people like think we're into the van I would guess that yeah okay in the case of guys okay so what else do we have in the news Dan so finally to round out Entertainment News this one is kind of close to home I'm sure you guys have heard and we were all getting like a bunch of messages about it - oh our friend post Malone has been getting accused of I guess not accused us in the right word um there's been an outpouring of concern that he has been abusing drugs based off of his performances at concerts which fun oh yeah yeah bro Crockett this is Philip DeFranco defranco's Webb sorry sorry really why don't you personally care just a lot going on yeah I've obviously been seeing a lot of this yeah so people been posting these kind of pictures right videos of him so yeah let's let's have a look yeah but there's music I think good good Zack he's picking up the mic lovingly I mean you can't really say he's just not doing it back yeah in this case I mean he looks a little loopy but losing out when people are posting this is the water Z I don't think we should play the music oh yeah good so he's singing his eyes are rolling back but then again he knows the cameras there he's performing directly to it for the eye mag you know for the big screen and yes what's now happened is going crazy crazy people start emailing you I'm a sick dude right trust me he's so his his dad kind of got out there and said he's tired of this and posted a video and this is kind of as soon as I started seeing it it was kind of what I suspect it was like where videos from because of cotton you know it's a concert he plays for an hour where's where's the rest of it and again Zack I guess make sure this is muted but you know here's the same show same show well as some of them you know and he's playing he's playing guitar he's singing definitely that looks like a sober man to me right exactly and then he he actually directly addressed it at one of his concert to get worried for a minute when because I got so many messages about it when there's just that inundation yeah and everyone was freaking out but then when I saw his dad's streets there's that one that you didn't show that was making the rounds where he was falling on the stage I don't know if that one's on there you felt like well when I saw that when I was like dude he's obviously just acting not this right the one where he it's not in this oh how did road rocket dropped the ball on this one but anyway he falls on the stage and he's singing I fall apart right house activities obviously just doing theatrics Denny's and I think most of these videos where he had his eyes rolling stuff were from rock star where I mean it's literally a song about doing pills and stuff like a rock star so that seems to be the case at least that's what he's saying is that he's fine he's serious I haven't heard there's his yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] but I mean he seems pretty coherent yeah saying all that he's not slurring at all he seems pretty with it so yeah I think I mean I can understand why people get worried I'll say this about him I don't talk to him I haven't talked to him in a while hmm and his life's just so crazy I don't think he's on drugs in this moment but I can you know the guys he has a crazy life so I mean I hope he stays responsible and stays healthy I hope so too what I mean there's certain you're one of the biggest artists in the world you're what 23 years a young man you've got lots of pressures he's always on the road I hope that but he has you know what I always thought he was good people around him like his brother is always with them who's like so seems like he's okay yet but you know everybody that was concerned in but I do because I do uh you know I do hope that I I don't have any concerns about him I don't know what I'm getting at well good right ela people freaked out well yeah it was crazy with Twitter like and just a couple people probably started it and then it became this whole thing it's a creative that's thing that's the insane that's like the stand the stand tality can I coined that term sanity I kind of liked it again I mean you know there have been a spate of big rappers that have died well that's overdoses in the last couple years so that's obviously why people get concise why I express it in CERN because yeah he's way bigger than all of them he's got a ton of pressure he's always on tour he's always [ __ ] moving I haven't spoke to him in a while so I can't speak any I can't speak from any empirical place but I just he doesn't live in Los Angeles anymore right no right now you know yeah obviously that makes it tougher well good I'm glad uh he but in the time that I've known him he was he was never abused drugs ever no he only ever drank beer you never touched anything else haven't ever anything else just for the record I'll say that and I'm just he's never ever touched anything else then when I've been with them mmm go good to know dan is there anything else yeah this past Sunday was International Women's Day congratulation gradually low thank you they're men's day I think some people would argue most days are men's day would argue that I don't know point them out to me but uh what do I get for women well what I'll tell you what you get you get something I mean you may get a few things but one set of people that are gonna be taking care of you is the Shell Oil Company because to commemorate International Women's Day they temporarily changed their name from shell to Michelle - she'll - she will know how awesome doesn't mine oil and shut up how cool is that why there you go this is who you ELA Hey hail empowered you pump your gas just from there she'll wow I want to blow up a gas station make the future gender balance throw your at Gao station shut the [ __ ] up oh my god about you so don't see it go go build a I go build a couple of solar panels or something talk about shell yeah I would do a lot more good for the world than Allah what do you think you're thinking no one would ever care about this who cares well that is they actually spend money like we went through all this trouble to do this three you bring the stuff and put it on you know whenever I see something like this I always just always think of the meetings in the marketing and all the money spent the time thought and then they have to print all these shells to put over and then they have to take it off I mean wow that's a lot of effort for very little right now it's a it they're all know you missed your opportunity on Sunday they already put him and took him all off it's not International Women's Day we why would they but that's probably not everywhere to know in fact I think it was very limited this one was in San Dimas though which is uh not far from here so we we could have gone show look I may not have to remember but shall shale oil did so congratulations again you did it and speaking of oil the biggest point drop in the history of the stock market happened yesterday what about time people seen this I guess would be two days ago Monday let's just say Monday mm-hmm and the biggest one-day loss in percentage-wise since 2008 October 2008 which I can't really remember what was going on in October 2000 that was the housing crisis oh that's right yeah oh when the economy collapse yeah that was a good one yeah that's so but I will say so when they say that it's important to remember that the point system doesn't it's not comparable because there's and used to be expressed per percentage cuz the points are higher right that's what I was saying the persona the percentage is higher well the it's the the biggest percent drop Oh since October 2008 Wow how I guess actual point drop ever I see so yeah probably basic deal it was based on Corona and also there was some issue with oils that right yeah so I guess there is a price war going on between and we also apply pact between Saudi Arabia and Russia collapsed and both countries vowed high-production are too close to Sal eyes right and so oh sure yeah I really wanted to talk about this though in all of these articles about the stock market there's all these photos of like looking frazzled what did you get these I know Getty Images yeah what what does Vin Diesel think about this phone yeah any tell me yeah tell me he's like an old Wolverine he's got like a Wolverine hair can you tell me how is the market done today did it rebound uh so this morning it was fluctuating wildly it was up overnight and then it dropped lost all of that but then later this afternoon it looked like it was back up and at the moment it's back up significantly a thousand points wait what yeah well again and does this affect any of us in any way at all uh well I mean obviously if you have a 401k if you have retirement in stock market it affects you have old brains they'll be dying and they'll be perishing eyes this virus spreads anyway there's certainly that what happens to their money when they all perish the wait do we get it you talking about just old people in general that I mean like think about Corona wipes out all the old people trickle down we're good for the economy old trickle-down economics yeah Social Security all their money trickles down to us my friend they didn't have much money no they do they've got 401ks they hoard it those old [ __ ] they hoard it that's a good question it if I had to guess it probably what I'm trying to say is buy because if this virus comes and wipes decimates every old person trickle down less security okay it's gonna help the economy I think the main thing aside from the oil stuff is the supply chain disruptions which I I'm sure you guys are intimately familiar with for us all kinds of stuff through fresh and everything and everybody's feeling it right now so yeah we're going in yeah I think I think everything will be for a while now so we'll see what happens we'll see how that develops but well I wish the best to this uh this dude on the on the Oracle here I wish him well oh I hope he's having a better day today I thought you somebody was having a better day he had hair at the beginning of the day this guy is 20 my right old am i right nice big news in the world of World Records mmm love World Records on the show yes we do the largest gathering of Smurfs everett's 3,500 people they they braved hold and everything I just I was reading the headline and I just struck by Lices says around 3500 Smurfs set aside their fears of Verona what now did you uh have the Smurfs show yeah they're with it actually you liked it yeah now I wondered if they had it in Israel because kind of famously I don't know if you've guy yeah that's America conspiracy theory I think we spoke he's an evil wizard implication no I don't think Gargamel is a Jewish name however his cat his little cat is named Azrael that's a Jewish name oh yeah Angel of Death God but I can see that does have a big nose magic powers he loves gold Hey kind of looks jewy in general do we know anything about the creator was he and Nazi was he in hell with this show all right I believe it's Belgian originally which does that mean for us but the Smurfs are the good guys and he's the bad guy yeah oh wait wait wait yes that's not good well for the if you're buying into this idea that based on a Jewish integer so what is sold if we flush out the analogy the Smurfs are I don't care to follow it that much to be fun identify personally with Gilgamesh you feel you feel Gilgamesh wants to get rid of these Smurfs we're honestly I just want a solution of this Smurf problem you could say a final solution yeah I would say that it's a very big show in Israel or it was yeah yeah I always hated it as a kid me tell really I didn't really wasn't it too dumb never capture my imagination here's here's something that did capture my imagination in Colorado they they know how to handle politics they have elected you have to ban is turning Parker the snow dog sworn in as the mayor of Georgetown Colorado just take a look that is so epic you know it's funny he will probably govern better than most I loved elected officials he rules look at this guy yeah his own Instagram I'm now a follower of yeah he looks official looks big he is official he is literally an official of so I'm assuming a lot of smaller towns the he's been at Auburn he's gonna sign bail he's been a feat of yeah he's gonna set budget hmm that's a good question about nobody possible corruption the snow dog yeah and but you know has a good point what this actually mean that this dog is an elected official I my in tells me the mayor doesn't hold a lot of executive power in this particular town well if it may be more of like a figurehead of sorts I think in a lot of small towns the mayor doesn't really do it's just a member of the community exactly yeah it's just more of a figurehead like show up for a parade right saying all right and so he can fulfill that value the best way possible exactly if he's not doing a good job Garcetti concepting daddy Garcetti from your daddy and I forget YZ all right what else we got there all right I got a few more this is the only I know this has gone on for a while so this is the only important one there's a in Australia there's this famous artist who very controversial II because I believe some governmental grants were given for that to help create this thing made this giant balloon called a sky the sky whale and it had been gone for a few years but it's back take a look at this thing let me know what you think of this looks like nipples yeah sky whale returns looks like a bunch of nips oh they're supposed to be legs I think they're actually are supposed to be nipples apparently it [ __ ] freakiest thing [Laughter] look out your window and seeing this fly it's for all your listeners there's a giant whale head and then like ten humanoid kind of like a cow like utters almost those look like female titties yeah it's uh apparently can fly it's a hot air balloon this thing flies mmm what is that Vin Diesel think about it yeah it's true right I guess some people just want a lot of nipples right this looks like when you try to bake and it just completely goes wrong so yeah I'm I couldn't find a video of it flying around because I think they're still just testing it I don't think that thing I ever took off to play I don't know man and finally I just wanted to share this story you know things are we're in a political season things get very heated but just as a reminder of how much worse it could be there was just elections in Afghanistan and I guess the results unfortunately are contended and now you have a situation where people are just acting like they're depress it had more so I mean one the Electoral Commission says the incumbent Ashraf Ghani narrowly won but was his name Ashraf Ghani my very positive thing that and the other guy's name if the guy's name is Abdullah Abdullah say it again Abdullah Abdullah what's his last name Abdullah it's pretty common and his first name Abdullah does he have a middle name I don't know I guess what's his middle name this is a good chance so say all three of his names Abdullah Abdullah ah God I'm pretty common for why is that common why have they not figured out to change the name why do you need the same name twice especially if there's so many people with the same name isn't the name to distinguish you from other people it is deep okay it says a lot about the culture yep think about it because we value individuality here hmm but if you over there you have two names let's say your name's Mohammed Mohammed everybody's over there names Mohammed how many people are Mohammed Mohammed what's the point of having names and distinguishing yourself from other people you're just gonna say oh my name's Mohammed Mohammed you got a billion Mohammed Mohammed is running around there's no individuality going on a rant okay apparently Daenerys no look apparently Abdullah only had a first name and demands from Western newspaper editors for a family name led him to adopt the full name Abdullah Abdullah so it was actually his own choice what's your name okay well now I want to know what's his middle name and I demand it if he didn't have a last now I don't think they do me yeah yeah but if the paper can get him to give a second name then I demand a middle name and I want him to say it so no no well it's not a thing there's a lot about your culture well what does it first of all there's a lot less Israelis because in America let's say that in America there could be like you know a million Ethan Klein's that's but there's not many what the same middle name is me maybe one or even zero I guess you don't really use the middle name well if there's someone with the exact same name as you it's helpful I don't know what is your middle name I'm not gonna say it on air really it's the only thing that's all you have it's Edward I think it's I think it's public I got very well no no it's not embarrassing I go they don't every we've um we've said it actually because it's how we came up with a h3h3 right yeah it's we've said it before mmm Ethan Edward so is there anything else in the news as we yeah just one last thing this is less of a story and more I just I I found this so [ __ ] funny that just had to share you probably remember our old friend Representative Paul goes go sir bizarre sounds like a yes remember getting go Zard this was the guy with the family who made an epic political ad oh we're all learned on yes we said with that we call it getting go stars and go Zard okay so yeah mr. Kozar I won't talk in specific he get goes are did well he got something he may may or may not be in quarantine right now from oh no he got goes RT no sorry and then he tweeted this been thinking about life in mortality today I'd rather die gloriously in battle than from a virus in a way it doesn't matter but it kind of does I saw this tweet and he did it along with a picture of what appears to be an ancient Chinese all rattle right you know I saw this tweet and I didn't realize it was gozar but now I understand why his entire family and something else I noticed about this is his tag is dr. Paul Gosar he's not a doctor well so I was curious I looked it up and he's not a medical doctor he's a dentist how do you feel about dentists did you have a degree well I believe you do need a type of doctorate to become a dentist so it's fine it's I'm tied then tie if you have a doctor's degree it's like a little bit of doctor Envy right like I meant don't I that's a Seinfeld thing well if you say is anyone here a doctor and then the dentist gets up it's like don't yell not you right no but a doctor is a it's a title I know I know I know yeah I think he deserves doctor do you think it's helmet how many years of school do you go to for the dentistry me it's the same amount hey that's a good question not years - yeah my instincts isn't it well let's see and then we in decide does he have a doctorates I mean that's really the question four years four years to become a doctor is like eight wait hold on hold on you know what you must there must be some further dentistry school you can do optionally maybe just say sorry you can they had a doctor in four years Google this our dentists do dentistry at degrees yeah right their doctorates a DDS and in DMD degrees are considered equivalent the majority of dental scores award the DDS however some award the D MD I'm assuming the MD is the is the me MD is doctor right then there's some broke-ass for his Doctor of Dental Surgery and Doctor of Dental Medicine so he can prescribe medicine everything that's a dog if you can prescribe medicine your dog okay fair enough I won't take that away from him but but in talking about that glorious that time I was gonna say that being said his whole family did make a hate piece against them anyone by the way yeah he did when he's in Congress he as a representative how do you win when your whole family makes the head piece again like listen nobody knows this guy better than Oscar his whole family do not vote for him any still a little crazy and and that's it for the news today well thank you for the news and thank you Dan thank you thank you thank you Friday Tricia's coming in oh yeah it's gonna be great so do not go stay at your computer until then alright thanks for watching everybody thanks for watching you [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,036,967
Rating: 4.7007875 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan & hila, ethan and hila
Id: _fiKPLXYttw
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Length: 139min 27sec (8367 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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