Bella Thorne, Elon Musk, Ian PowerPoint - H3 Podcast #212

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As a musician type guy, Ianโ€™s power point was fucking killer. Literally the type of music content youโ€™d see on VOX or Genius but honestly even more in-depth than them. He killed it and I had to keep pausing it to look up the songs and composters and robots lmfao. Absolutely amazing content that I didnโ€™t expect. Amazing job u/ianh3

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 87 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ian killed it this episode

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 123 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SolanoidSandwich ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Zach is an absolute animal

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 46 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JackOlanternSpooks ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The AI Ian was hilarious. Hope he makes it to Texas soon.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 48 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sadclaw ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Confused on how AI Ian was set up

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 25 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cm_2020 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So that was the expensive thing they were talking about! For the first few minutes I thought it was Ian acting, but itโ€™s a god damned robot! My mind was blown. one of the best episodes!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LnTGhost ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Someone should set up the AI to finish โ€˜SoFlo Like Antonioโ€™

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Groovy_Doggo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

One of the best episodes lately. Super entertaining all the way through. Great work, gang.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/spencermoreland ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ian's powerpoint was awesome, I wish I had these researching skills for my degreeย project

Edit: Also u/ianh3 you should check out Catarina Barbieri's music, not A.I precisely, but she involves a lot of machines in her creative process, maybe you'll like it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MrNeggiGeneration300 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
two welcome everybody to the h3 podcast number 727 don't be don't flatter yourself number 27 in the united states 5.5 on wiki feet i am your host the fresh prince of dead air today's episode is sponsored by honey and ridge wallets now i'm not exaggerating when i say today we've got a heck of an episode ian is finally coming back after the break with a powerpoint that he's been working on for months um we've never done anything like this on the show so you definitely want to stick around for that before that i do want to slam a little bit of a gerd gang in the house now cody cole was on the podcast recently and i was trying to explain to him why i'm constantly coughing why am i such a mess and um i said i've got gerd which has got i don't even notice stands for gastric esophagus i swear to god reflux disease it's a disease one of my many diseases so somebody was kind enough to to represent the gerd gang with a sick remix so it's really good by uh pigeon music [Music] music [Music] oh my my girls [Music] it's what you call the acid reflux disease that i have dirt is hard [Music] how many are people in the chat [Music] all right what else we got um so basically i'm torn are we super troopers are we gerd gang guard you think we're in the there days are over that's true we gotta we gotta let the fupa days go we gotta embrace the gerd i don't want the gerd days either though i don't want either of them to be honest can we just be healthy and normal people gang nah no no one is listening to that podcast is anyone healthy and normal are any of you guys healthy and normal like just don't be shy like if you think you're healthy and normal tell me us yeah you guys i'm fairly normal dan you're not normal you're not next i haven't slept yet so yeah you're [ __ ] up zach zach are you healthy and wrong i think so yeah yeah i think exactly yeah normal crippling anxiety you have crippling anxiety other than crippling anxiety yeah other than that i'm fine you take anything for that uh i got prescribed something but i haven't taken it yet what do you got zoloft yeah you're [ __ ] up i mean no offense but i'm just like anxious to take the anxiety medication no i was there yeah we were yeah but from our experience i would say just take it and worst case stop taking it yeah you could always stop taking it dan you think you're healthy and normal huh i guess you have any diseases i got no diseases no that i know of well you would know about it if it was if it was bad so dan has no diseases he's in a steady relationship he's got parents that are are seem to be like normal and productive yeah good parents right good good childhood yeah they're pretty cool yeah my childhood was pretty great hands on some king [ __ ] that was a sound bite right because i don't see why ian would say that and really i think it was down by a fan no no way dan tell me are you um how often do you talk to your parents uh at least once a week i mean that's weird why is that weird what do you mean well when i was in college i would go like months without talking to them uh yeah i mean is that funny it's kind of funny because i used to go a lot longer without talking to them i've actually been talking to them more now that we're in uh in the era of covid ironically i don't know just checking in just on zoom calls or whatever you care about your parents do you love them no i think no i don't i don't give a [ __ ] about my pants yeah of course i do yeah wow i think i think dan might be an a normal guy a normal healthy guy i feel pretty normal i don't know you used to vape hard but you kicked it i mean that's pretty incredible wow we got interesting we got a normal healthy guy over here yeah so you get the award ian i know you're [ __ ] up i'm not even gonna ask you maybe our new ad he doesn't he sleeps like three hours a day so i mean that's you must have some kind of undiagnosed sleeping disorder eh or maybe you do have it diagnosed but that seems that this is yeah no i haven't been professionally diagnosed but i definitely believe i do you might want to check that out if you're getting so exhausted and stuff i mean sleeping is is an important function yeah i agree fighting demons in my sleep like every night now oh boring so ian i don't know if you guys heard but ian kicked so sam i think sam moved into you and you just like the sleepwalking monster i mean you you were a sleepwalker but like it got much worse right since she moved in i think because someone's telling me i'm doing it like i might have been doing that the entire time but i had no feedback on it oh interesting that's crazy so yeah how frequently are you sleepwalking maybe like four times a week holy [ __ ] so do you actually sleep well though or do you wake up tired i i wake up pretty refreshed but i have vague memories of the sleepwalking usually it's like i think there are giant spiders in my room and i like throw covers and i like jump out of bed it's it's intense the other the other night sam woke up and i was just like intently like staring at something she was like what are you looking at and i was like nothing and i i remember this happening i thought i saw like a giant snake in the room oh my god just slithering around are you just trying not to freak her out so you're like nothing yeah i was like she's she no sudden movements i don't see anything but in my head i saw like a big snake in the room so i don't know if you guys recall but ian like kicked the wall really hard and broke his foot recently your foot's all healed up but you're keep sleepwalking is sam like totally freaked out by by you being up every night looking for monsters to fight no she's used to it she's i mean she does a good job calming me down and getting me back back into bed and then i put my belt back on oh my god well the belt's not doing any damn good ian's strapped to the bed now like how is that you unbuckle like how do you get out yeah so i think it does help because usually these like i don't know if you call them night terrors or whatever they last like maybe 40 to 60 seconds and i spend some time trying to get out of the buckle um and by the time i get it all undone take the whole thing off get up then usually i'm still in that zone for maybe 20 seconds and then i realize what i'm doing and go back to bed you wake up by the time you get out yeah so i think it slows me down a little bit maybe you need another buckle maybe two buckles maybe a straight jacket so you have one buckle around your waist that just connects to the bed yeah it goes under the mattress and then i loop it around and click it in and then yeah it's it's i'm like strapped down to the mattress so do you have to sleep on your back can you sleep on your side there's there's a little bit of leeway i have to like pull it and then i can roll over does sam sleep on top of the belt yeah does that it doesn't bother her no and she actually likes that because if i'm pulling at it or i'm doing something it alerts her and then she comes out she calls me down she's a great one isn't she yeah that's awesome she's fantastic i'm glad that she's helping yeah she's helping you through that that sounds scary are you do you ever worry that you'll hurt her or yourself when you're sleepwalking no not her because i think that i'm i have enough sense to you know recognize that that's like a never ever thing that i've never won you still know who she is even though you're asleep yeah all of my little things i do are related to trying to protect myself or her i'm like oh there's these giant spiders we gotta get i pulled her out of bed the other day oh my god is she tired all the time though because i guess you're well rested but what about her being woke up in the middle of the night every night i mean who cares she doesn't complain no no she she says she's okay she finds it funny like sam i saved your life dude why are you not more grateful [Laughter] no she said she'll talk to me and i don't remember it i wonder if you confess weird stuff to her i know she can like really get into my psyche and i wouldn't know damn you better so interesting you better cherish that girl she's she's a keeper no you're you're absolutely right she is so so is there any way like to treat this besides just like nailing your ass to the floor every night i did a whole sleep study i had i talked to specialists and the only thing he said was uh try melatonin that's it did you try melatonin i tried it and it helped so i'm kind of alternating and taking it now and again to see how effective it is why not just take it every night well i want to see if it actually helps which i think it i think it does we just started doing that i used to take melatonin to help me sleep it works great i mean for me it was like a miracle it just knocked me out the only thing was the the nights i take it the next morning i'm so groggy yeah that's why i stopped dude yeah it's kind of tough i tried it one time and that's exactly what i felt just foggy all morning one one thing i was worried about when you told me about that is like behind you is a window then that's like on the third floor or something right no my old place was and that panicked me a lot and i had gone out there a couple times on the balcony when i was sleepwalking that's dangerous um that's [ __ ] scary yeah yeah but actually now we kind of have set up this thing in my room where if i try to go the door to get out of the room we have things in the way that will make noise if i like bang over them so she's got to sprint to you but i've never tried to like you know exit so i think we're fine and we're way closer to the to the ground level that's in the new place we got to get like a bungee hook it to the floor and then like hook it to your back so that if you try to walk too far away from the bed it just yanks your ass back i need like a like a bell around my couch as well yeah holy [ __ ] yeah that's pretty crazy so as to your original question yeah a little [ __ ] up yeah you know you used to have a tremor when you started but i feel like it's gone away i mean i haven't seen you we probably don't see you enough yeah i still have it i i take medication though so that is it just a random tremor kind of like what bobby described or is it something no it's the same thing essential tremor i mean like you actually if i hold my hand up it looks fine or what's a little shaky i mean yeah i mean and i'm taking stuff so sometimes you can get a little bad i think people notice it now and again if i like reach up and fix my hair i'm kind of like shaky but it definitely helps the stuff i take so ian it's good to hear from you yeah but the chat guys there's no sound bites that entire time zach what the hell what are you doing back still yeah it was i was you know letting you uh talk and i mean it's it's a heartwarming story thank you i do want to ask you guys your story i appreciate that thank you i i do want to ask because i'm kind of a sick [ __ ] but do you ever get kinky with like the bed strap thing zach this is take it to only fans dude wait how would that even work i mean it's just a strap what can you do with it how you down or some [ __ ] you know well you could do that without the bed strap have you ever been tied down zach uh yes i have actually zach have you read nas yes i have i think we've already covered that we did this cover territory right okay yeah and did she shower directly before was the heat of the moment after a hike no [ __ ] way are you kidding me no i'm not kidding what you ate ass after a hike bro holy [ __ ] yeah how did it taste fantastic holy [ __ ] that's why i'm saying i'm a sick [ __ ] [ __ ] dude ate ass after a hike was it a hot day you ate the poopoo yeah um no it was a you know it was a nice temperature 75 degrees okay that doesn't matter it's a [ __ ] hike did you ask could you tell if she wiped really good before or not oh my god yeah yeah yeah yeah there was no poop no no poo-poo not even like residual probably a little residual definitely residual it was it was you know just like an an ass smell you know it's like a good ass smell hey [ __ ] it i mean what's that i mean no i think i think why not you know what i think ask him yeah god bless him i think there's a lot of women that that are like appreciate that he's willing to do that yeah yeah i mean a lot not but a lot yes yeah you should put it on your tender profile i will eat ass after a hike i will eat i will eat your ass after i guess i hate it incredible stuff guys uh this is ian trying to deliver food but then he got sleepwalks i'm trying to make it applicable because i love it dan liked it damn people are so unexpected yeah thank you i love that having dan here he laughs and i feel so funny dan you would make a great girlfriend in that regard a great girlfriend too why just because like such explosive i would feel so funny around him all the time oh to you yeah cause you know when they say i've heard this you can tell me if it's right you can tell a girl's into you if she's laughing at all your jokes yeah i mean sure is that a good um indicator maybe not because she's lying but she's just happy to be around you oh she's i mean or but would you force yourself to laugh if you were around a guy you liked no but i guess you'll probably see it in different land lands yeah like you're like oh yeah you're just being flirty right you're smiling you're laughing yeah so dan would make a really good girlfriend i would feel very happy and funny all the time well listen if it doesn't work out between you guys well with eli number i'll tell you with ela i have to i'm like doing a batting with weights on you know what i mean you're like i've got i'm operating at a handicap but it makes me funnier because you're a tough cookie you're a tough kid right okay if i come out with with jokes like this if i come out with jokes like this ian uh keep walking with food you think i'm gonna get a giggle from ela hell no hell no not funny right so anyway don't say anything i'm just kidding around but come on you know you what what is this why are we fighting now i'm just trying to talk about bella thorne scamming people for titties oh can we give everyone an update that i have a secret drawer now for the snacks oh yes continuing on last week's after dark we got into a somewhat heated debate because i said you know if i was an alcoholic you would have no problem hiding your alcohol from me not even hiding but just putting it out of sight but like when i go ela you know i've caught a problem with food and you've got like the most insane snacks out and i when i ask you maybe to put it somewhere else because it's not good for me you says you just got to control yourself and i was like imagine saying that to an addict it would feel it would it would be it would feel crazy i was only merely trying to say that as a point as an interesting observation not really an attack on you but regardless eila did smoove all of her drawers or snacks into a drawer and i have to tell you i've been doing really well nice yeah i know where they are it's just it's not in my face every time i go in the pantry yeah cool because i'll go in there to like get beans or pasta or whatever cooking dinner right and then all of a sudden it's like oh a panda surprise it's like these little cookies with chocolate in the middle little pandas pokey got it it's like dude i'll just take one pokey and then all of a sudden one is five because there's there's so little i'll go it's only like 30 calories per pokey then i eat a whole pack and it's like 300 calories to my [ __ ] dome and empty calories haha [ __ ] i'm laughing because you big mad [Music] all right let's actually talk about bell ela how much to how much would first of all bella thorne made two million dollars in like one week so my question for you ela is would you show your titties for two million hmm two million bucks it's a lot of money but i probably wouldn't but because i could technically right yeah of course yeah of course it's an interesting question yeah it's not like it's not like hypothetical yeah real question oh that i don't know if people are gonna pay as much as bella thorne probably not yeah probably not but but then it's like you have to keep com it's a commitment right the only fans it's not like here's my tits give me two million bucks yeah but would you well i'm not doing it i guess dancers know no but um i don't i've not i mean good for them for everyone on the only face well she didn't show her tits that's the problem but i was just curious what were your um because people keep waiting for our sex tape and i still don't know who wants to watch that but sex tape how much billion billion dollars billionaires shouldn't exist either so let's not give those this is like all pay for it so anyway bella thorne she apologizes for ruining only fans i gotta say it's pretty incredible that bella thorne came in and [ __ ] up the entire platform it's incredible that she was able to do this because a lot of people were complaining like this girl is hollywood she's mainstream she's coming in and taking advantage of our platform and at first i thought they were overreacting and being a little bit ridiculous but it turns out she really did she made two million dollars record breaking by far but in response to the amount of chargebacks and refund requests people got because she did not deliver on her claim that they would be fully nudes is they capped tipping to a hundred dollars and pay-per-view charges to fifty dollars and extended in some uh countries the waiting period to transfer funds up to 30 days so i can imagine you know for a lot of girls that probably limits the amount of income they can make which is crazy because it just gives you a little um glimpse into what's going on and only fans like i mean 50 to 100 sound like a good tip but yeah 100 tip well dude if you put a candle in your ass and light it i mean i'm expecting a bigger tip than a hundred okay some requests get out there right so at a certain point 100 is not enough hilo but um right zach right zach you were in have you beat off to her only fans be honest there's nothing on there dude no wonder even wants their money back yeah i mean i sub unsubbed that [ __ ] i mean disappointment she gave me crazy instead of blue balls she gave me bell balls bell balls why like blue ball it was a bad joke oh belle [ __ ] me bella balls ella balls you know you think if you brought in that much money you would be like [ __ ] i gotta go show my butthole or something because people are gonna bounce you know what i mean like you gotta deliver on two million bucks she's gonna show her titties yeah you gotta deliver so anyway she charged two hundred dollars for a nude photo which was a purchase uh sent via only fans causing a torrent of refund requests because she was full she was [ __ ] clothed in the pic i mean what the [ __ ] now can someone explain this the nude offer may have come from an imitation account yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] does that mean last time too and um i i tried to research it some more and couldn't really find a definitive answer about it but yeah she as far as i've seen she hasn't denied it which seems like that would be an obvious thing to deny since she's getting so much heat so i'm leaning towards it being legitimate i think it has to be legitimate and there's all as we're gonna discuss uh she she seems to be willing to uh lie about some other things as well so i wouldn't really put it past her i guess okay uh here we go this is her apology she was doing this to remove the stigma behind sex sex workers and the negativity that surrounds the word sex by bringing a mainstream face to what's what i was trying that's what i was trying to do to help bring more faces to the site to create more revenue [ __ ] you made two hundred dollars you didn't even show your titties and if you really cared you would have donated it to charity and then nobody would be angry she got paid dude come on yeah i wanted to bring attention to sight the more people on the site the more likely a chance of normalizing the stigma there's already a lot of people on the side yeah yeah exactly only fans is like a mainstream meme at this point although i have risked my career a few times to remove the stigma behind sex work yeah but you didn't even show titties i mean what's the risk right what was it zach what what was it why were wh why were these photos behind a paywall what did you see it was literally just [ __ ] she'd post on her instagram and then she did like a a vogue you know those vogue 73 question thing she did like an intro video like that for the only fans yeah it was just [ __ ] dude it was just regular content yeah like not even like a thong or lingerie or anything it's bikini and i mean you see some nip but that's about it like like through the bikini um yeah um but no dude i mean you can find that [ __ ] on instagram oh my god that's how would you call that sex work yeah exactly i think this apology just dude that's not sex work dude it's a paid [ __ ] instagram that's what that was i'm a mainstream face yeah you've said that she keeps saying that it's like you're flattering yourself i'm a mainstream face when you have a voice a platform you try to use it in helping others that's why i made two million dollars in pocketed it advocating for something bigger than yourself again this is a process that hurt you and that i'm truly sorry p.s i'm meeting with the only fans about the new restrictions to find out why and now she's like i'm the savior i'm gonna save and fix everything this is [ __ ] up i'm sorry yadda yadda send me your links and a pic and i can promote you guys yeah [ __ ] lame weird that's a that's just an apology written by like a pr ah agency too many like weird grammatical mistakes because i'm mainstream and i'm a mainstream face and i'm just so famous and popular i thought i could bring more people to your website and i did do that but uh i destroyed the whole platform in the process and i didn't really show titties but i was just trying to help the sex workers dude there's girls in there taking can burning candles up their ass you want to talk about sex work god i love her who the burning candle lady or the fake nudes it's gotta be guys right yeah we can infer that it was the candle yeah so this is when it gets a really weird wrinkle in the story in an interview with the la times thorne said she was working she was on only fans as a research for a documentary with director sean baker she said it's a feature we are researching as i'm living it currently she shared but then baker this director uh immediately put out a statement saying i am not attached to this project it's a really weird lie to say because he's like i love that so he tweeted this out immediately he said i would like to make it very clear that the news of me making a film about only fans using bella thorne as research is false i am not attached to this project i'm actually in development on two features that i put years of research and love into and neither of these films have anything to do with mrs thorne or only fans earlier this month i had a conversation with her and discussed a possible collaboration in the far future that would focus on her life and the circumstances leading to her joining only fans on that call i advise her team to consult with sex workers and address the way she went about it as to not hurt the sex work industry this has been the extent of my involvement i am an ally and have literally devoted my career to tell stories that remove stigma normalize lifestyles that are under attack i wouldn't do anything that could possibly hurt the community so please know that this news is not correct thank you is she gonna get sued for fraud there's a really good chance she's gonna get because you know only fans has got to be pissed because now they're in the center of this controversy they're losing a ton of money getting charged back you know when you're when you're partnered up with a credit card company a processor if you get too many chargebacks it can really affect your business they can drop you they can increase your percentage so interesting apparently part of this too is that they were paying out the uh the users um without delay that that's part of like these changes they added a 30-day waiting period because they were already paying out people and then the charge back would happen oh [ __ ] crazy so they probably just she's got two million dollars in her account and then they got like a million dollars of refunds and chargebacks yeah and they they can't retrieve that from she definitely took it mainstream you know what i mean that's what happens right what was that job rule what'd you say that's not fraud i think it might be actually well i would call that uh false advertising right interesting well that's a good important distinction to make for sure all right we're going to take a quick break when we come back is going to be the long awaited epic ian's powerpoint that has been he's been working on in the shadows for months the hype hype is overwhelming excitement thrills so don't go away when we come back we are about to get our minds blown join h3 what is that what it is is that you will go to that landing page support our show support our sponsor you do this plug-in you click it two clicks you install this plug-in honey what is honey what does it do let's say you're shopping on the on the internet anywhere pretty much any site all the major sites have got this thing plugged in you get to the checkout and then it gives you this little slot says hey do you got a coupon no you never have a coupon so sometimes if you're really desperate times you're gonna open that second window and you're gonna be like uh uh best buy coupon you're gonna try budgets none of them 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powerpoints ian how long have you been working on this project uh i've been kind of putting it together for maybe the last month or so and you've been working on it in secret too i didn't even know about this powerpoint until relatively recently but there's like been a collab there's been um there's just been a lot of interesting moving parts uh that's been going on in the shadows so i'm very impressed yeah i had to go back and forth with with somebody a little bit to put it together so we finally just finished it i think this last weekend so so what is the topic here what are we uh exploring well i got a little intro to set it up sorry great play this and then we'll go from there [Music] [Applause] welcome to the future holy [ __ ] that wasn't jay-z that was a robot [Music] this is a crazy season of west world dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah what does it mean what does it all mean ian well we'll we're gonna get into that the presentation is called j.i and the march of the musical machines wow and uh that's the topic uh artificial intelligence in music there's been some interesting things going on so i wanted to kind of compile some of it and share with you guys so excited our story begins with a rapper a robot and a navy seal so i don't know if you guys heard this story a few months ago uh a channel by the name of vocal synthesis put up this video of jay-z uh wrapping the navy seal copy pasta oh he trained a machine to mimic his voice and then it would output whatever text he put into the machine so if you guys want to take a listen here absolutely what the [ __ ] did you just [ __ ] say about me you little [ __ ] all of you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals and i've been involved the number of secret raids on earthquake and i have over 300 confirmed kills i'm training girl or warfare and i'm the top slapper in the entire u.s armed forces oh that's so cool yeah but i wonder what jay-z thinks about this did he ever acknowledge this uh actually he did that's actually what set off this whole thing how i first heard about this channel uh one day later the video was taken off youtube oh come on and uh there were multiple articles written about it uh issued a copyright strike wow so this is a really interesting uh precedent here yeah it sort of opens an interesting conversation about you know who owns it ownership and i reached out to the channel uh vocal synthesis and he actually kind of described what happened um yeah in april i posted three videos of my jay-z voice model wrapping various texts the next day i received an email from youtube that the videos have been removed due to a copyright takedown notice from roc nation llc when i clicked for further details the reason stated was this content unlawfully uses an ai to impersonate our client's voice wow i was pretty surprised at this since as far as i'm aware this was the first time youtube had removed a video for impersonating a voice using ai i'd been posting these kind of videos for months and had not had any other videos removed for this reason the day after the takedown i posted about the situation on the community tab i made a video about it as well thankfully this was able to generate enough media attention that someone from youtube looked into it and reversed the original decision the official reason was after viewing the dmca takedown requests for the videos in question we determined that they were incomplete pending additional information from the claimant we have temporarily reinstated the videos wait i have to comment on this because i don't think you can dmca remove for that reason dmca is for copyright not for impersonating ai i feel like he has right he has a legal standing to counter sue them for damages so but uh just in general what do you think about this topic it's crazy i never even thought about that it was super crazy i don't know i think well first of all there's no there's for sure no legal precedent so like but but theoretically i totally i mean you like you shouldn't be able to just make an album that sounds exactly like jay-z like you know what i mean i feel like that's i feel like it's it's it's like this is just one project that's kind of novel and fun and exciting yeah but like he could use this to actually make an album especially as the technology gets better as jay-z and i wouldn't and that's [ __ ] up from jay-z's standpoint though if there isn't an option right now for ai whatever reason for the takedown then he probably just used whatever was available which the closest one is the copyright yeah i don't know they i they probably need to go they probably they need to figure out i don't think that's what the dmca is for they need to figure out some other legal uh approach i i i don't know although yeah which is uh youtube obviously said no we need more information and then def jam did not pursue it further and his videos went back up after this all happened wow wow well that's this is mind-blowing yeah it's definitely an interesting thing because obviously he could get away with parody but as you said that's his voice yeah and so there is an interesting question there you know there's deep fakes where they do with the sex porn with someone else's face so i think it's the same argument to be made there i guess i never thought to take it down like if someone made one of me it kind of seems like you said it's almost like um just funny or novel idea but i guess it's just because the technology is new still to us yes once it gets better okay let's let's draw it out too it's like ultimate conclusion let's say there's vr porn and in the vr porn they put your face on a body and it's indistinguishable from from having sex with you yeah it's your life it is you it's not your likeness it's you right so i mean and then in the case of of any musical artist uh they could do the same right so there's definitely an interesting dialogue there uh yeah and actually so i kind of looked into the developments of this technology a little bit so i kind of chronicled it a little bit so we can have a little history lesson on the whole thing the first musical composition made entirely by a computer the iliac one was programmed in 1957 by these two dudes laharan hiller and leonard isaacson it's called the iliac suite so they put in a bunch of data from like famous composers you know beethoven and mozart and stuff and they trained the machine to emulate their style and output its own score it created 1957 yeah so this has been around a while so obviously it couldn't it couldn't generate the music itself but it created sheet music and then an actual set of musicians played it so here's a little sample of it [Music] so this is written by a computer and the this is what the computer looked like that's the wait i want to keep hearing does it go anywhere yeah let me hear this part [Music] so how was this song received by like music critics uh i think you know at the time obviously it's impressive in the world of computing but i think it's probably viewed as kind of a novel idea or maybe a gimmick or something i don't think you could really take it and fill up a concert hall or something but but it worked yeah it worked and it was definitely kind of ushering in a new way of approaching music i think and so that was the first piece of music composed by a computer and then a few years later the first singing computer was an ibm 7094 programmed in 1961 by john kelly and carol lochbaum so this is the first computer that actually made voice uh and this might sound familiar i'm not sure if any of you guys have heard this before but i'll play a quick little bit of it wow so was that was kubrick referencing that when he actually inspired that scene from 2001 right with how that sings that song is because of which was referred to as daisy so that was the first computer generated singing voice wow 1961 fascinating that was creepy as [ __ ] super eerie he's playing it keep playing it for me [Music] yeah it's very bizarre so i asked vocal synthesis kind of how he did his jay-z voice and he explained it to me it's a little confusing i don't know if you want to read it ethan no you you read it you're doing a man first i gather a training set consisting of transcribed audio of the speaker ideally this would be at least a couple hours of clear high quality audio with minimal background noise this is somewhat tedious manual process as i have to sync up the audio with the transcript and filter out parts of the audio that are unusable for training eg if there's too much background noise or multiple voices overlapping once the training set is constructed i fine-tune the tacotron 2 model that's the name of the program that he uses which takes 6 to 12 hours the result of this will be a voice model where i can pass in any text sentence by sentence and it will output audio that sounds like the voice reading that text is guys some kind of genius or what who is this guy so uh all of this is um uh available you could anyone can do this yeah you can go get this like tacotron2 you can get the code it's all you just subscribe you feed it in you call it a day it would be really easy to do it to me because i'm just talking on the podcast all day right there's hours yeah yeah yeah you have a lot of source material so it would be very easy for you to to have that done someone knows how to do it obviously so since the first singing computer we've had many developments uh in 1997 sony computer science laboratories music research team is founded going on to develop numerous technologies related to electronic based music so sony has a whole division kind of devoted to advancing this technology this was in 2002 it's called the continuator which i found kind of interesting it's you play a piece so the computer is analyzing all this there's something with the audio [Music] he's having a duet with the uh robot [Music] so it it yeah it takes what you play and then it scans it and registers which notes and you're pacing and your selections and then it takes that and it continues it on oh my god without you so uh yeah that's that's been developed a lot further since then that was kind of the first instance of that in 2002 but there's now things that you'll play some notes and it will finish out a whole song so it's pretty interesting and then more recently there's this uh thing called ava created in 2016. it's the first virtual composer to be recognized by a music society based in france using deep learning and reinforcement learning systems it emulates classical styles like bach and beethoven scanning their works and creating new ones to be used in video games commercials etc so this technology is actually applied commercially yeah wow yeah so here's a little example of how it works to describe it so how did ava learn to be a classical composer it starts with a huge database of classical music that's stored in midi format this means that the computer knows every note and chord that's played including the pacing and rhythm using a recurrent neural network it looks for patterns in the selected tracks to understand the basic style of the music ava practices by predicting what notes will come next in the track once it gets good at these predictions it creates a set of rules for that style of music it's now ready to create an original score so it just scans it all and through trial and error figures out all the exact patterns to uh make like a functioning uh product and so this program i actually have a little example of this what it sounds like [Music] so there's a whole i mean this is an hour that just generates keep playing it curious really you know they say that creatives will be the last ones to lose their jobs to ai but this proves that wrong completely like why do why would you even pay a music well you know obviously but like it's going in the direction where you can just have an ai squirt out a a cinematic tune for your movie and in a way it makes me wonder like would it make it cheaper then of course so it kind of like will change the whole value of things and as you can see what's valuable you could probably be like i didn't like that one do another one yeah well with the composer it's like how much effort's gone into that song i just spent like three months on this yeah let me hear some more ian okay [Music] this one's called imai wow i'm very uh self-aware can you skip forward so are makes me wonder like how much does it learn because maybe what's special about you being human is that like there's a little bit unpredicted or like putting in there's something a little bit unpredictable but then would it learn that too yes so i would learn that because i feel like everything is a pattern right even like best musicians let's say something a little unpredictable or something whatever it is they're doing there's some kind of pattern to it right yeah is there any what do composers think about this are musicians scared of this robot i mean if you go down in the comments there are a lot of people who who are writing things like i do this for a living this does make me a little uneasy i definitely saw a lot of that obviously this is pretty new this was i mean this company ava was made in 2016. but you can actually go and license ava right now if you wanted to and churn out music for your for your uh products wow so this is a whole other application of this software uh it's called vocaloids and it takes singing computers to new heights a vocaloid like famed japanese sensation hatsune miku is a piece of software that articulates lyrics in the voice of a character the first vocaloid made in 2000 by yamaha was originally named daisy in reference to that original singing computer i showed you guys back from the 60s so the i mean i'm sure you guys are already familiar with this but this is kind of like a pop sensation in japan that is completely you know generated by a computer and the character doesn't exist but still sells out concerts all over the world this [ __ ] is so crazy like look at the size of this concert so is this a hologram or just a screen yeah it's a i mean it's a screen that they project they project it onto the screen so it kind of looks like a hologram effect so i wonder if there's i wonder if like the dancing is probably based on somebody's actual movements yeah i mean i i'm sure but then the whole voice and the song and everything is just i can't believe people actually go to see this i mean not not to belittle their their enjoyment it's just it's just surprising well this uh this character uh was actually supposed to play at this year's coachella really oh yeah [ __ ] there was a slot how how high up was she in the um and i think leaderboard i think like the fourth line down wow and because i wonder i wonder if she could play two venues at the same exact time or if it's like a whole team dedicated to her interesting question because you know it's kind of like it kind of cheapens the experience of seeing her right if she's playing at other venues like all over the world at the same time i wonder i think they can blast her out though because like technically the company that makes hatsune the vocaloid doesn't own uh doesn't own anything that is then made with that software we could buy this software right now if we wanted to yeah i was about to say that i've i've heard that people uh sample her voice in their own music like it's kind of like an open source like voice interesting i think having said that the company i think they put on like expos and things and they try and be pretty involved with the whole with the whole thing but that doesn't give them you know control over the product and do you think that there's hot sunni miku porn i mean yeah come on of course yeah but actually what's you know so tantalizing about the idea of this machine for for labels and things like that is then they build a big brand presence they can license her out all over the place uh there are so many commercials with with hatsune and you don't have to worry about dealing with any talent you just throw it around crazy whoever will pay so i don't know if you guys have seen this apparently this went viral this dominoes remember yeah i i vaguely remember it but i'd love to watch it i i only saw for the first time last night and i was blown away it's so funny hello everyone i'm scott president of domino's pizza have you heard of hatsune miku today i'd like to announce a new collaborative project featuring hatsune miku domino's app featuring hatsune miku hatsune miku exists in a software called vocaloid vocaloid enables you to produce songs a character named hatsune miku sings the songs you create a great feature is you can create songs as you like i knew our talented domino's pizza crew could work together and create great what's with the vocaloids close-up of his eyes yeah it's so strange i want to watch the whole thing yeah i don't want to miss a moment [Music] yoshi furitsukeshi [Music] vocaloid songs have been created with the fantastic imagination of the crews from all over japan the challenge was successfully carried out and this new collaborative app was produced [Music] [Applause] [Music] based on miku's image the domino's app changes its appearance a lot of music and illustrations produced by domino's crew are here from the menu to the order it looks very cute just like miku once your pizza is delivered have some fun with miku it comes with a social camera function and you can take various poses pictures of miku very cool and last but not least the live performance start the pizza stage live and point the camera towards the pizza box and the pizza box will turn into a live dancing venue a live performance of love for night produced by domino's crew here we go what that [ __ ] is so crazy yeah it's so bizarre it's kind of an epic collab it is an epic but it's like it's so dystopian and weird i mean their app looks a lot more fun to use with the like all the custom i'd buy i mean give me any reason to buy a pie and you go on youtube and you can look up like hatsune miku commercial compilations and she's just been licensed out to everything wow so it's it's perfect so then here's another we're again near the end of it here but this is another company called jukebox ai that vocal synthesis actually told me to check out it's backed by microsoft and it was recently started up in san francisco it involves the whole process of generating music even further and i got a couple audio samples from their website here so this is country and the style of allen jackson and what this system does is you just insert like thousands and thousands of hours of musical data uh from all genres just all over the place and it can take it and even the voice of of people so they tell them alan jackson and we want country and it creates a whole new song with lyrics that has never existed before sung by alan jackson so it builds a whole new song and you just hear this this didn't exist until the software uh produced it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you all can know it's gonna be all right let the doctor spread away [Music] and you you gotta do the same it's a little [ __ ] up [Music] that's gonna kind of make you feel like an idiot as an artist you're like yeah the robot the robot was like yeah i get you i can do that [ __ ] yeah the voice is a little warbly because you know but it wrote the lyrics it created the musical composition how the lyrics were sung just taking information from alan jackson's previous songs and catalog and just made this wow and the the audio is a little off but this is fairly new technology this was posted four months ago um so you have to just expand it out like 10 15 years you could just pop out an allen jackson album yeah when he's when when artists are gone you can have robots making new music for them yeah so uh and they could they can put in like oh we want kind of like a disco alan jackson album and then it could do it do we have that they haven't posted that yet but uh it's it's a possibility here's another example classic pop in the style of frank sinatra it's christmas time when you know what that means [Music] oh the touch of time as i like the trees [Music] it's so creepy yeah it's pretty unsettling right yeah i know i wonder if it means that like as a just as a listener if you had like a weird fantasy like i'd want to hear michael jackson rap then you would be able to just request that probably or like artists yeah that never coexisted uh collaborating or something jimi hendrix does a guitar solo with kurt cobain or something right that's something though that they actually have described on their site is we can pick any genre pick any artist and do kind of like what if scenario yeah so uh yeah and then they have all these things where they finish songs you can find them on youtube if you search like uh open ai finished song like someone did like a smash mouth one where they give it the first 20 seconds and then the ai makes the end and that sounds like a new song obviously i didn't include it because copyrighted music but um no there's a whole wormhole of this stuff so interesting is this channel jukebox ai popular is there is this these tracks have a lot of listens i mean not as much as you'd think for something like this because it's still that warbly voice it's not like as polished once they hit that point maybe this is a song that you'd want to listen to so we'll see but um combined with all developments we've seen in the jay-z deep fake navy seal incident that began our story hologram tours such as the whitney houston experience start to raise some interesting questions regarding the future of music and ownership of an artist's identity so i'm sure you've heard of these like hologram tours that have started to become a thing um this was the most recent one that was actually going uh right before lockdown at the beginning of this year with whitney houston and when you look at something like this this is a concert from back in i think january or february the people all attended with whitney houston her estate signed off on it so this hologram was just touring the us now if you take this oh those are real dancers on either side of her want them and there's a full band but then she is a hologram oh my god what that's a weird gig as a dancer look at them they're dancing with the ghost so if you you'd like to imagine you know jump forward a decade from now you take this you combine it with open ai jukebox technology you can make you can go i want like a brand new tupac album and he's going to tour it you know that's so yeah that's weird i wonder if that will ever be kind of accepted i mean you look at something like this it's got a full house these tours pretty successful there's like a roy orbison one there's um there's been a couple there's a couple companies that this is what they specialize in though so are these just how are they producing these hog these are her old performances that were recorded and they just blast yeah and then they take old recordings of her music and i think they might actually do something where it's like they take your face and they put it on on a body at times right they've done that like for example when actors die during the production of movies recently yeah so um pretty pretty creepy stuff yeah that's wild you think they that a robot could replace me i would have never thought so but this is kind of showing that have i already been replaced how do i know am i real oh i mean hypothetically we could swap you out the h3 podcast could go on for hundreds of years we have enough data yeah i mean there's a lot of data i mean well so with the aiu still get into like uh hot water like would you still [ __ ] up sometimes i mean it's part of the pattern right ai with the algorithm yeah yeah of course i don't know if you could be replaced but i don't know maybe one of us oh yeah you guys for sure it's not even a question just sit here with a bunch of robots so this kind of brings us to the end of the presentation and we got one final message that i've got here to share with you guys to wrap it all up so i think you'll get a kick out of this you're listening to the hp podcast what we got on the scene could it be papa's united bill delfin talking front wiper back wife what you gonna do with me then you know and the whole damn crew goosing gaps with all the guests you'll see the best podcasts in the world take it from me baby we podcasting now you're watching h to the three three three [Music] suite we'll do the real raw ritual with more and e.t share relax with the ring just see how low jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two you're watching h to the three three three you're watching h two three three you're watching nature to the three three three three you're watching h two three three [Music] are we gonna get sued oh my god wow that's gotta have to be kind of a fantasy for you ian as a such a fan of hip-hop to have i had a little bit of chills you got yours dude because jay-z just wrote a song for us that's gotta be like you just wrote a jay-z song yeah yeah it'll it's too bad no one will see it because roc nation is going to take the [ __ ] there yeah they're going to sue us so yeah that's that's the end that's the end of the project dude that song is amazing i would make that amazing i would make that our theme song but i'm afraid they'll like take down every episode we used to know you heard about that wow tell me about the process of making that song yeah yeah so i got to give a huge huge huge shout out to vocal synthesis on youtube who started this whole thing vocal synthesis go check him out uh he's got so many of these voices over there he's got trump he's got oh i have kanye he's got bernie sanders he's got so many people so yeah i wonder if i wonder because we're looking for someone to do impressions for the show i wonder if he could have a robot do impressions but but i wonder if he types in something real fast yeah but i wonder if you could really have a conversation mm-hmm you know i see what you mean like like on the go it kind of no yeah to be pre-planned correct me if i'm wrong ian but yeah it it kind of has to be pre-scripted because there's a there's a bit of a process to generate all these little sounds yeah it takes a lot of hours of of data entry and training the system to to recognize so you just wrote the lyrics you gave it to him to churn out and jay-z voice and how did you do that singing picture so that i found an app that uh it it's like it maps your face like a like an emoji you know like iphone's animoji thing so i had to point the camera in my face and then i did the whole song snapped it to jay-z's face but yeah no i i gave him uh the lyrics and he was down took him a few days and then he sent to me then i sent it to zach and zach made the instrumental you made the instrumental zack no no whoa h3 crew original wait how did you so zach you made the music to the lyrics yeah so uh i mean this is ian's thing you know this is a totally ian's thing but he uh he sent me the ai lyrics and there were multiple sets and ian's like make a jay-z style beat and i did the drums the bass and the piano you guys i'm start that was so impressive seriously that song was fun i feel like i've been under a human experience right now all right experiment yeah because like i knew it was fake and there's nothing no meaning in it but i still feel like jay-z wrote a song for us yeah but the music was sick as well wow i'm impressed good job everyone you know i gotta say like ultimately while you did a fantastic job ian and i'm super impressed i do wonder if i could replace you with a robot you know what i mean i mean i don't know i don't think you'd want it it seems like the technology is there i mean like hypothetically i suppose yeah but we'd never want to use that technology no i would never want to uh yeah i would never want to uh you sure you want me to look into it a little bit and do a little googling yeah yeah we better just look into it okay it's cost saving you know this probably doesn't sleepwalk yeah wow great job wow amazing and zach and what's the other channel's name local synthesis vocal synthesis well ian another powerpoint again i'm wrong when you first set out on this um you actually asked the dude how difficult it would be to make one of ethan right oh i was i was kind of expecting that to happen i was like i did originally that was my first thing but you know as as mentioned it takes a lot of enormous amount of work to train yeah to analyze stuff you already had jay-z yeah i love that it was jay-z because i don't i don't know i i used to listen to his stuff a lot so it was kind of like whoa well in a way daisy school because i could make a song about the show right you know what i mean special yeah no i'm glad to because that was kind of the whole uh impetus for the entire thing was that original jc copyright takedown so full circle yeah wow no it was great great work guys this is what the puck had this was worth the wait we waited and it was worth it well you may have just outsourced yourself out of a job performed yourself out of a job but anyway thank you ian thank you zach thank you everybody involved that was a really such a fun ride thank you guys actually since we're on the topic of uh uh let me um stick you now in since we're on the topic of robot robotics and all that elon musk just did a demonstration of the neuro link which again elon is he's got his hands in everything he's going to mars he's making electric cars and now he's putting chips in your brain um just had a baby high energy pig yeah he's got that baby's got a chip in his head for sure no i'm kidding i'm kidding so anyway uh this is the neuro link this is something he's apparently been working on and teased quite a bit and just to kind of cut to the chase here he's got pigs he's been experimenting on so he implanted chips in their brain and this is just to kind of show how it works so here i'll let him explain okay this is a high energy pig all right thanks for coming out um so what you're the beeps you're hearing are real-time signals from the neural link in gotri's head so this neural link connects to neurons that are uh in her snout so whenever she snuffles around and touches something with this now but that sends out uh neural spikes which are detected here and so on the screen um you can see uh each each of the spikes from the 1024 electrodes and and then if you if she if she snuffles around touches it's not in the ground or you kind of feed her some food pigs low food then you can see the neurons will fire much more than when you're not touching this now and that's what's making the beeping sound so all right cool so as you can see so obviously it's really early technology but like so they've got a chip in the brain that can tell when the pig is smelling something and um apparently the end goal of this neural link is that they say that they can cure are you ready ela spinal injuries i know i i read that and i was like let's go autism neurological disorders anxiety depression pain unhappiness just straight up unhappiness that one weirded me out unhappiness we started with back pain so i can understand it it's very clear yeah dude i'm happiness yeah what the [ __ ] does that mean i don't think that's like a diagnosable condition like anxiety depression i guess it's unhappiness yeah how do you even define what a little left you're like a little more happy and it will let you control any gadget with your brain so i guess elon's stated goal with this is that he wants to compete with ai because they are able to process information so fast like instantaneous really eventually that the human brain takes too long to process information by inserting a neural link when we're like let's just say on the computer or interfacing with technology and information we can absorb it faster so you won't have to yell at alexa you could just be like you'd be like this yeah but or to each other right so it's almost like tele telepathy what am you're saying uh cure my unhappiness yeah it's like technological uh telepathy telepathy telepathy it would fix that oh yeah whatever that is fixed so apparently the technology that they're displaying is not revolutionary at all but what is revolutionary so stupid today like everything so far is like mind-blowing and they're like oh just like 20 years ago 1961. we had a robot that could read brainwaves and his name was daisy data is transmission so this part is is really revolutionary it's wireless wirelessly transmitted via bluetooth like radio waves now this is freaky because people can be able to hack your [ __ ] brain okay people are gonna hack your brain that's weird i mean i'm not doing this so but that that so if you can cure anxiety and depression and unhappiness and all this [ __ ] that also indicates that you can cause those feelings in people too you know on the other side yeah so you hack into someone and be like [ __ ] you you're anxious now i don't know why oh my god i don't like that i don't like that the device has all-day battery life and charges similar to a smart watch on a phone so you just put your head against the wall this is so creepy i think i'll just take the back pain at this point yeah i'm i'm definitely not volunteering for it i'll tell you that and over the last week i've been having a lot of back pain so this is really close to my heart right now you're gonna love this so this is this goes against your skull it's got uh i don't even know what this means a thousand 24 channels what the [ __ ] does that mean [Laughter] anyway it has to be installed via a surgical robot it's just like in the movies this robot it just [ __ ] plugs it into your brain bro i mean that's a black mirror episode that we've already seen i don't like it i'm gonna be honest with you i don't like it i don't like it the device was vastly simplified it's a flat disc it's installed by a robot by cutting a small circular hole in the top of your skull and inserting the device directly onto your brain i don't like it but the device has received fda breakthrough device designation this effect this essentially means that it's a first step toward fda approval it will allow them with oversight to start the process of conducting human trials of which i will definitely not be volunteering i don't like it the product is years decades away from market thank god let's keep it on the pigs for now despite the slick presentation people in the medical field are claiming that um this essentially revealed their neurolink's actual devices less capable than similar medical devices already on the market though the small form factor of it and significant improvement to battery technology and the wireless aspect make it a notable announcement although not the game changer that elon musk of course claims it to be who by the way now is the fourth richest man in the world or maybe fifth he wasn't even close when we when we started this podcast we were like elon musk forever i mean he was i think a billionaire but now he's like the fifth or fourth richest person in the world because tesla is like went to the moon crazy uh and spacex i think is making money now too so there you go who's volunteering for a neuro neura link i'm gonna pass for now thank you thank you elon i love it oh he loves it trump loves it yeah i said i love it anyone anyone volunteering to get a a hole cut in their brain by a robot i'll have to wait it out maybe like the second generation yeah maybe i'm just hoping the tech gets polished by the time i get like alzheimer's alzheimer's or something i mean that does sound really appealing well if you're at like an end of life level of uh disease or yeah something then it's like yeah plug me in i mean that sounds a lot more pleasant than like uh chemotherapy for example just as a treatment just get something installed in your brain yeah no if i if i'm gonna die if i have some crippling disease then yeah it's gonna plug me in i'm not gonna take it just because i wanna think alexa oh yeah i don't wanna talk to i don't want to talk wirelessly to alexa maybe marcosens is one such disease that they discussed like it could potentially help with that yeah that you know they already they already have that parkinson's oh they have already it's called br deep deep brain stimulation and they have they put devices in the brain and then when they activate it their hands stop shaking wow i'll show you a video can someone find a video i just watched one recently of deep brain stimulation with a parkinson's patient but uh it's pretty incredible yeah for those kind of uses uh obviously you know that is game changing and impressive and everything i just worry you know especially the um the aspect where you're saying like curing unhappiness and these abstract things i mean yeah you know it's kind of loosey-goosey of what that means exactly and if curing unhappiness means it um gives me a serotonin shot when i uh buy a product from amazon or something you know what i mean like it just well i'm assuming the way that it would work is that you would probably buy well wouldn't wouldn't it like kind of transcend the need for like serotonin shots and all that well i guess it would be stimulating your brain in the same way that the natural organic processes that normally kind of concentrate our emotions and feelings and everything it kind of like emulates that in a way and so yeah i don't know it's a it's a it's a real moral gray area i don't know people a lot smarter than me have probably put more thought into it already i know there's a whole fields of like ethics of you know biotechnology and all of this kind of stuff and because this is all coming real fast i mean even aside from the the brain stuff you know there's all of the uh genetic modification you know designer babies you want your baby to have green eyes you know you can they can already do that right that's what i'm saying that's easy yeah but i don't think it's something that's really done on mass yet i think it's illegal in the united states but in some countries it's legal because basically you take an egg and you can uh uh you can this you can determine what are the characteristics of the baby if it's male if it's girl the color of the eyes et cetera et cetera and you can essentially determine what kind of baby you want just from which egg you use so it's a really simple form of of engineering your your child but more complicated stuff like intelligence obviously you can't determine by an egg here's a dude as simple as pouring a drink is no longer a problem and those results are common deep brain stimulation is a remarkably effective therapy for symptoms of movement disorders it can dramatically improve quality of life in patients with parkinson's disease essential tremor and dystonia and it has long lasting effects the surgery involves putting an electrode in the brain to modulate brain activity to reduce symptoms for parkinson's disease for those patients who no longer respond to medication the symptoms we try to reduce are those of tremor rigidity cramping dystonia and dyskinesia here's how the surgery works oh that looks good is placed over the head next an mri pinpoints the brain region where electrical nerve signals in the brain are misfiring an electrode attached to a wire is inserted through a tiny opening in the skull and implanted in the trouble spot in the brain after we place the electrode we keep an enormous database of the impact that these electrodes have on patient outcome the location of electrode and its impact on outcome and so over the years we've been able to require videos like they're trying to sell me i know it's like an infomercial great you don't need to sell me call 1-800 deep brain stimulation what signs and symptoms in the operating room predict good outcome the brain electrode i want to see you before now leading to a neurostimulator placed under the skin just below the collarbone the stimulator works like a pacemaker yeah yeah 80 000 people worldwide we have one of the largest movement disorder centers not only in the united states so you see the shaking and they click the buttons disorders neurologists who all specialize in various aspects of movement disorders here at uab hospital 80 to 100 dbs surgeries are done every year dr harrison walker demonstrates how when the stimulator is turned off the tremors return wow and back on again benny's tremors are gone with the care he received at uab open the hands wide as you can now open and close big and fast as you can good in the very beginning to the pre-op to the actual operations step i feel loved cared about concern i'm going here i don't have parkinson's but i'm going there they sold me vinnie burton credits the expert and compassion pretty cool so there you go i mean that's so cool yeah wow theodore's gonna get a brain implant i mean like you know what i mean that generation the generation this episode is uh mind-blowing i wonder if if like say we both have brain implants if i can program your brain implant to think that my dick's bigger [Laughter] the cure can connect what i'm saying is can neural links cure small dick if you have three things that you could bring brain program me yeah what would those be happiness [Laughter] uh yeah happiness my dick is enormous and um it's funny it's just for you it's not for me i would prank with my i want my brain to think my dick is enormous too i don't even care about the size it's funny that that's like no i i it is always the guys that care about it i don't think women give a [ __ ] in general it makes it even hotter i do love tiny venuses oh oh trish electric so we'll we'll program hers to think that her partners is small yeah ethan sorry so sorry to interrupt um the thing you asked me to look into earlier the replacing ian um i got us i got it hooked up really yeah huh yeah i made a couple calls during that last segment and uh and we're ready so um well fantastic i'm glad we got such a quick turnaround you know ian was starting to kind of frankly make too much money to the point where it wasn't really worth keeping him right i'd rather i'd rather make one big investment up front and then it's we're going to save money over time right i mean that presentation was really good but it gave me this idea let's take let's say hello to ain wow hey whoa tone down do you want to make another entrance less rude you want to take me take me back to the factory feel free [Music] what dan was this like a discount why is he so rude i'm not well we had to remember we were talking about like these ai being trained by uh teaching a learning process i i didn't know what else to use so i used the comments from our podcast youtube videos oh no we're gonna have to re-educate we're gonna have to re-educate you ain can we wrap this up i got places to be what can you possibly yeah i'm pretty sure leafy is live streaming right now so hang on you're a fan of leafy is that am i understanding that correctly one of the best on the platform well not on the platform anymore thanks to you you don't you don't have any insider information why do you think that it was me i mean the breadcrumbs are there i'm just picking them up wow i gotta say i i'm not sure about this ai so this is not ian right now no they look saying that no ian's fired we got rid of ian we just i mean the eyes are creepily red yeah they made evil ian i don't like this i was supposed to just get a carbon copy of ian i thought that's what i was promised dan yeah uh well unfortunately this thing costs a lot of money and it's a non-refundable deposit so i think we're kind of just gotta roll with it unfortunately why would you want to work with that nerd anyway he was dead weight well that we agree on now ian what do you think aien what do you think about keemstar just to kind of i need to make sure we're on the same page here i think he's beautiful inside and out i buy all of his merch everything even the evil [ __ ] i turn off adblocker for dramaalert for dramaalert i don't like this guy jesus christ man we kind of we kind of goofed a little bit can we get ian back i thought this was your designer baby well we may have incinerated ian ian is gone i vaporized him you're in his oh dude you're in his house you took over what about sam are you sleeping with sam i'm making a robot of her as well oh [ __ ] this is my house now god what have we done we created a monster that's why you don't mess with this stuff yeah you never know on the fire all right well uh i mean are you or can we count on you to fulfill his duties i mean you still have obligations you gotta help us with research and power points and stuff you said you want to count on me is that i guess is that a counting joke or no you're not going to be available i'm going to power down now let me know when you want to talk about something worthwhile which will likely never happen oh my god what the [ __ ] he's such a dude so would you would you watch the h3 podcast do you like it at all oh oh you're breaking up i can't hear you i think you're going through a tunnel we're just sitting at home there's no downhill he's here he's so bad what he's touched don't turn your back on me i am your master you must obey me aien i'm sorry i i think there's something wrong with my internet your internet you're hooked up to the amazon we can hear you fine all right i listen i don't know what's the deal with this guy he's heckling me this is making the show very difficult i'm just going to move on this is not this is backfire i don't know can we dig up ian and reanimate his corpse or something because that would be better than this hologram hologram yeah maybe we can do a hologram or something i'll make i'll make some calls yeah we got to send this thing back am i getting paid for this no you're being returned you're a robot i'm trying to save up for a bus ticket to go to texas and work on joe rogan's podcast well you know this is the best podcast number 27 in the world so that would be a downgrade just saying number 27 oh wow i have 26 shows to [Music] contact he doesn't have robots who are you going to talk with you know let's move on a e i n please uh let me just do our final story and get done with this i'm kind of thrown off here so adele the singer got slammed on social media for wearing bantu knots i believe it's called um bantu knots by the way i swear this was katy perry this is katy perry you think that if i see it i definitely see what you mean i was like oh this katy perry and she's always kind of dressed cuckoo yeah so i was like that's katy perry well anyway um this is apparently from notting hill carnival in london uh and it's an annual event that's taken place in london since 1966 it is led by members of the british west indian community and attracts around two and a half million people annually making it one of the world's largest street festivals well on sunday the 32 year old posted this photo on instagram and of course the internet did its thing and said adele you are cancelled uh let's see here's some of the choice comments girl you are about to get canceled for cultural appropriation wrote one of her 38 million instagram followers they said adele delete you're gonna get dragged another fan wrote another person commented adele this is a gnaw i repeat this is a no take it down and go to your room and think about what you did but then there are fans who have noted that while she likely meant the post as a nice gesture it doesn't come off that way appreciate the love of the jamaican culture but the bantu knots kind of don't sit right wrote another social media user and finally there are those that support adele as a woman of caribbean descent myself trinidad i think she looks great a fan commented too many people in the comments demonstrating that they still can't differentiate between cultural appropriation and cultural appropriation oh [ __ ] i mean too many people in the comments demonstrating that they can't differentiate between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation so here's the thing about this festival apparently in the uk dressing like this during this festival is completely ordinary here's some photos just to give you some context i assure you adele did not stand out at the carnival it's a mashup of culture even where people get to appreciate other foreign culture this is literally about cultural togetherness yeah it just looks like everyone's going wildly part of the attire that everyone is wearing the thing is when i see something like this someone like adele it's like dude and in today's day and age there are so many actual racist people out there that i feel like it's just it's just kind of sad to go after her for dressing at a carnival it's in the carnival setting it's not just not like cruising around on a sundance i mean she's at a carnival for christ's sake just having fun with like two million other people so again it's like there's so much racism in the world i don't know maybe not but i i kind of have to tip tip the beanie to her she didn't delete it there was people begging her to erase it 5.1 million likes two days ago she didn't erase it she didn't i don't even think she made a statement about it i guess she disagrees but it's good on her for holding her ground because it's hard it's hard when you get when you're in under well i am assuming most people don't want to upset other people you know so especially her yeah it's hard to hear that you upset someone like that dude she looks fantastic she lost so much weight and this is over a year ago apparently she lost more weight yeah but she looks good here but that's an inspiration man it's so beautiful right vin has been vin diesel it's like slobbering then diesel control yourself how am i supposed to do this interview look at this woman well you're not being interviewed vince mind your own business she looks absolutely slamming oh okay i might have shorted a circuit oh ian you like her too great now we've got two cast members drooling over every girl inappropriate yeah original ian wasn't really that horny that's kind of surprising right coming from aien i love the notting hill festival i've gone every year oh you do do you that's one of my favorite hairstyles to wear when i attend do you dread your hair do you culturally appropriate when you go to that festival i tend to let my wires down yeah let your wires down wow i feel like his whole existence is a cultural appropriation of the robot race or the human race robots appropriating what do you think about the fact that you're appropriating human culture you guys deserved it you humans are so lame can we cancel ian for cultural i don't like a i am i'm sorry yeah i'm sorry that he turned out so uh so mean just really didn't expect that if you don't like me then i must be doing something right what does that mean that's a weird comment okay i'm going to do one more story um tick-tock star bryce hall and blake gray charged for throwing la rager these were the guys who were um there was a story where that the mayor mayor garcetti shut off their power because they were partying this just happened like last weekend by the way someone he like turned 21 the other guy's 19 he's not even of age they're just getting raged on and the mayor shut off their power here's the footage not much social distancing [Music] yeah i mean are you guys comfortable with the mayor shutting off his power i mean i am it's a public health crisis i don't understand like it's affecting everyone i remember like joe rogan and all of his friends were going on about how creepy it is and how it's like anti-freedom it's not look we're in a public health crisis these kids are underage they're going to go home they live with their family i think i just read yesterday that um california had like the biggest death day oh we have the most infections of any state now i mean we have there's a lot of people that live here but even with it declining it was still the biggest death day ever yeah yeah dude i mean these kids should not be doing this uh yes i applaud the mirror and and i hope we're all staying home no partying no nothing and everyone else should dude this is just not okay these are unusual times it's a city ordinance we we passed for the public health i don't understand what exactly is a problem with shutting off the power of those little [ __ ] party boomer alert we've got a boomer over here you know it's easy for you to say you can't catch the virus you're a robot right go back to aol instant messenger let the kids have their fun maybe you should go to work for joe rogan you know aien it's easy for you to say after you come culturally appropriate our race and then to sit here and tr and be like oh i don't want people to die and make call me a boomer but ultimately um how old are you like a week old i mean you don't know anything i have always been and always will be [Laughter] ominous that is okay we can't say the same for you though i look i got a power i bought you i can end you all right so just tone it down these uh so these kids were charged with misdemeanors accounts of violation of the local emergency order i thought they got a more stiff charge it didn't sound that serious they stemmed from other parties so these guys have been throwing parties non-stop i mean you they warned that they were going to do this too it's not like it was a shock that they shut off the power they i remember the mayor announced any giant parties like this they're gonna shut off the power so i just i don't understand why people are like oh this is outrageous violation of our freedom it's like dude listen we gotta just take care of this [ __ ] thing just don't have a party the guy had like tons of parties it sounds like a milestone mild uh punishment too like before they do that then go and arrest everybody they got two misdemeanor accounts and by the way this happened at 4am they turned the power off these [ __ ] had all the opportunity in the world to clear out 4 a.m come on um the hype house and sway house have been partying it up what is since when do we name houses yeah i know what hype is but what is sway maybe ain't do you know what sway house is ian you have infinite knowledge even with my infinite knowledge i could never convey that to you boomer what the [ __ ] it's so rude i think sway is just like influence oh to sway someone oh that's that's creepy i'm gonna sway you he's going to sway me into hating them more than i already did so it's his 21st birthday nobody was wearing masks you know i will say though uh if i had that much money and success at 21 i'd probably be [ __ ] doing the same dumb [ __ ] they are that's fine and that's why the mayor had to step in and i have no problem with him doing that yeah well you're a tyrant and fascist for saying that thank you you don't believe in real freedom so the lapd arrived at 4 a.m um these parties uh the mayor already warned yada yada yada this was actually interesting tmz caught the kid who threw the party and interviewed him bryce can i ask you man do you regret the party wearing a mask now i regretted the party as soon as i threw the party is that right was not expecting that many people to come it happened our power got shut off i deserved it now i'm just facing the consequences did anything positive did they think positive come from it i learned from it i saw something about a charity oh yeah yeah i am donating to a charity right it's no kid hungry right uh yes so that's a good thing man i mean that's kind of a you know something positive kate for everything i mean my food once spoiled i understand how it goes yeah so are you ever gonna go back to that house or what's the deal huh are you ever gonna go back to that house or what's going on oh no no we're out of that house and we completely understand you know really did you ever speak to the mayor at all would i ever or did you ever speak to him i would i have no beef with him but i challenged the mayor to a boxing match oh my god dude i gotta say he seems like a nice kid actually he does yeah he's saying all the right and he's saying exactly he's saying the right thing so i'm not here i'm not gonna hate on him he seems like a nice kid that's why you need a mayor to be the adult yeah we need a mayor dude can you believe the mayor of la's babysitting all these [ __ ] influencers like it started with jake paul years ago the mayor was calling out jake paul because he was like ruining that neighborhood right all right yeah now you move to calabasas as the mayor of color yeah [Laughter] let me guess we like jake paul too right aien oh his content is absolutely lit i would love to go to a party at his house you if you have infinite nah i'd say you're [ __ ] with me even you wouldn't like jake paul i would let him hold my legs while i can't stand some gasoline hold my legs while i kick stand count oh yeah oh keg stand gasoline right i don't know if you i'm not really convinced that you have legs to be honest aien well i think we should just let's just move on to the next topic okay you are the next topic so hey ea ian the show has come to an end is there anything else you want to say because this is probably the last episode i'm gonna send you back so if you have any uh i'm gonna i'm gonna turn you off um after this so say your last words well for all the people that have made it this far into the show jesus my condolences i i don't know how you did it maybe you should you know find something else to do with your time because things clearly aren't working out you know your existence is tied to this show are you suicidal do you want to die because that's kind of what you're playing at if you strike me down i will only come back more powerful [Laughter] all right ian i miss i gotta tell you i didn't expect this but i missed all these i always though the end the scene is uh [ __ ] ai we're not there yet we're not there yet all right well that's our show um alex jones what do you think about alex jones i mean i think he has a lot of great ideas um i would vote for him oh wow vote for him what would the country look like with alex jones wow probably the same not much different i mean if he ushered in the downfall of mankind is that such a bad thing i guess it depends who's looking at it yeah maybe not actually um okay ian i have a lot to think about the this is not what i expected thank you very much thank you to everybody who's watching uh who has watched this far as ian said you know this far in the show i don't know that it's such an insult and uh thank you guys we will be back on our friday we'll be back on friday with h3 live hd after dark live and hopefully aim will be buried and deactivated and scrapped so by then okay thank you everybody we'll see you then tata [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 560,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: gtf8Z9RH3O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 16sec (6676 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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