Cooking Simulator

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is um cooking simulator now you may be looking at this oh my name is markiplier by the way now you may be looking at this and you may be thinking wow markiplier is not good at those types of games don't call me markiplier just call me lexi and cut all this out cut everything out cut cut the whole intro just cut it out man just really cut it out man cut it out man let's cut it out stop it get some help hi welcome to cooking simulator this is again where you cook and i know that you might be looking at me and be saying to yourself wow that guy he's not good at simulator games well that was the old me now i'm going to try to really do this i should do the tutorial because i want to take this seriously if i was just [ __ ] around then i might be inclined to skip over that's the old me right old me would have gone into the modern mode and been so frustrated because i didn't know how to play but now i'm gonna play this and i'm gonna cook me up a meal welcome to the welcome to cooking simulator as you've already noticed the restaurant you're now employed in does not have the greatest rating i didn't notice that at all where did you see that did someone tell you is this where this was oh what i wasn't done saving what hi i'm the manager of this place since it's your first day i'll show the ropes before we start three important things you need to know in case you get lost lost i'm in a kitchen key bindings are always displayed in the bottom right of the corner during this tutorial you can view your task in the bottom left corner uh-huh huh looks like the last owner left this place in a sorry state you bought it like this oh here i go go to the marked area hey ding dong i need to oh what a mess we need to get that gas cooker running asap throw i don't want to throw it follow the marker take the phone it will take ages to repair that thing we better hire someone fast while hovering over the cooker use to select company then press pretty nice corp what what okay so if i'm thinking about this lot yeah you know what yep i was about to say if i'm thinking about this logically i should definitely not pick the cheapest option but when you got a sign like rape hair i'm not gonna pick that one how bad could it be try not to go did i go bankrupt almost everything in the kitchen costs money plates products especially repairs don't take more than you need and keep an eye on your balance once you're out of money you're out of business well yeah that's why i got the cheaper pair are they doing are they in the kitchen repair upper of upper oven up oven why do i have an oven up there oh up oven lower oh it's two ovens okay i see okay open oh did i do that yep we're going cheapos done baby oh busy well i can wait lixian please make time go faster okay good hey that's awesome thank you uh repair that okay great job put the phone away we won't be needing it anytime soon i hope you got it find the cardboard boxes hover over one and press left mouse click to open the shop the shop the shop the the shop the shop oh the shop select the utensils tab and buy a blender okay i bought it an immersion blender you're good now put the blender away where do i put it away okay it'll be faster if we move the box hover over and press e to pick it up and put it on the countertop why did you put it over there why do i need to put is this really that far away that you can't possibly come over here that's so far how lazy are you i guess you bought this place without even seeing if anything was broken pan good excellent excellent is there like oh do these can these no no no bachelor i'm like homes uh spongebob wow sorry sorry bud special is a little wild sure ah grill i think it's hot fast oh how do i pilot light what oh there's fire i thought it was just gas never mind it's fine i'm fine we're fine hello recipe manager okay that took me a second click on the not owned you're in the way buy recipe for baked trout did i go to cooking school is this cooking school but you know i could just print it out i don't have to buy it i could just take it you know i mean i could just download it legally lexington fbi is going to break in fbi open up okay i got it unlocked steak and salmon steak and boiled potatoes okay got that tomato soup not even a tomato bisque who eats here i used to play a game way back when called restaurant tycoon 2. i really liked that game that was not enough stuff to do this is too much once we're open there won't be no time for shopping best buy well we need for now okay bye put there for now let me just buy them all peppered by the salt okay pepper uh this is tea oh this tedious shut up i'm spicing i'm spicing it up buy listed liquids oh okay chicken broth that makes sense bone broth sour cream that makes sense i'll keep that there i should keep these in the fridge shouldn't i shouldn't oh someone ordered a dish what the hell you mean who's in here who's in the restaurant who opened the door you only have a minute to come i don't know right what buy a trout i'm not a trout trout but i got a fish who are you oh what do you mean who are you okay let's reason this out black pepper thyme dried dill dried five grams of each i know so i should put this over here i didn't know that it was i just put it over there i'm trying i'm really trying to plan this out properly okay i'm really trying to be efficient about it okay pepper you four grams on this cutting board it's gonna be delicious damn it okay we're good jesus that was so that was the most stressful thing i've ever done in my life okay okay on the cutting board right okay funny i heard five shakes there weren't five shakes it put on the bake tray okay good thing i got the baked tree put the baked pin um you can use many trays at the same time i bet i can't how do i throw it oh no my trout where'd my truck go where did my trout go hello is that true i didn't need a boy look guys this is going great and there's no problems because i remember the recipe you know what i'm not even gonna try the bottom one turn it on put it in there i don't know what happened to my other fish but that worked okay put in the upper oven i did i'm really trying to serve me a big trip oh you oh it was you you did it oh you did the thing how dare you okay put on the cutting board buy the cutting board miss that by that much uh put it here instead not like a dummy all right now we go in oven and fit [Music] fish no disappear pop that bad boy on blue yeah okay we need lemon buy one okay bossy [ __ ] i have a lemon brown cutting board okay four p i should not have a knife how do i know oh shh shut shut up shut up right now hey is my trout done uh oh you not done yet almost there there we go all right bam plate buy a plate i have a plate oh that cost me money why did that cost me money pop oh it's hot oh i just burnt my hand by plate you can transfer a health container even when they're hot oh good good finish it off with some chunks chunk nice i use lemon quarters oh just dump them on there what is that whoo what parsley what who just puts lemons who just lemons it up ding ding order up hey you're gonna like this whole lemon click the checkout app we got an app for this apparently check out there's your drought i am a god guest is pl perfect perfect perfect i am a god that's it for today we'll be open for business tomorrow i'm uh goodbye and for each day you'll be presented with a summary there it is i lost us so much c oh and please don't go bankrupt why are you leaving this all to me shouldn't uh i didn't buy this why is the financial burden on me the tutorial is done it's not done i see tutorial window and she's talking let's make this the best restaurant in the city open right away let's get cooking what are we opening we need opening now i thought you might still need me today so i'm here but only for today i don't want you here first order salmon steak with boiled potatoes i need a big pot we need to boil where did i put my big pot oh yeah okay we need to boil uh oh fill it all right water i need to boil water right handle okay one liter exactly oh i did it i was so stressed right what do you mean i got ex i did exactly oh huh okay whatever i i don't understand i'm going to put that there i'm going to turn this on i'm going to add this to that and i'm going to put oh come on fine whatever it's good enough all right we need to buy two potatoes oh my god do i have to carry them one at a time that's the wrong burner hold big pot why do i need to hold it why do i need to hold it i right salmon from the refrigerator god you are just a dick season with uh salt and pepper yeah okay don't need to spread it evenly it's fine frying pan with oil okay frying pan no stop oh god boil the foil okay we're gonna put some oil in there why does that do like that why does that do like that oh don't put it precariously on the edge if i say for 60 seconds what do you mean what do you mean oh god i'm too late oh sure it's uh sure i'm never gonna be able to grab those i need a plate plate i don't know what plate i need wait was i supposed to heat up the oil first and then put the salmon in i don't know soup what kind of lame-ass soup you eat in there oh okay the sauce is done i guess [Music] god you didn't tell me before good [Music] i've flipped no what are you doing don't boil the plate no what are you doing there we go okay i hold the plate and then i as soon as it's done pop it on this thing this is actually complicated i thought that this was going to be a bit difficult but i didn't think that it was going to be this complicated i um hang on it wasn't quite done okay put the plate on the serving shelf use the app to pick up the order you're about to complete you got it buddy order up attack taste is complete too much too much so what are you talking about it was one gram too much in the water your taste buds are that refined that you can detect one gram more salt than necessary in the water wow whatever it's fine no time for slacking off why next order's here who is in the restaurant big pot make sure it's empty well you don't want to mix it in with the potato soup okay pour about 700 milliliters of chicken broth till the you know where did i put the this definitely doesn't need to be refrigerated i don't think i don't know here we go yoinkas oh that is fast i can't see your big dumb text is in the way of my par excuse trickle on the stove i'm guessing but what do you it's in they're going to detect it's too much broth i had exactly 700 and you're telling me that was wrong i don't know whatever i i don't know i can't see how much i need 12. you got that great cayenne pepper you got it oh god you didn't why is that less than the pepper 11 12. it's gonna be too peppery you didn't tell me that can i get more than one at a time really this is how they do it in restaurants they go one at a time there's really nothing else i can do to get more than one at a time whoa wait a minute i'm smart i'm so i'm a genius oh my god i'm so smart not all recipes call for all products to cook through okay so i just need the what what needs to cook through this do i need to put an immersion blender in there it seems like i would need to put an immersion blender in there okay so i'm gonna need sour cream but afterwards i'm gonna need to bowl but deep plate deep deep deep deep plate yeah they better pay big bucks for this because i'm losing money turn off the heat and blend the contents of the pot okay turn off the heat blend they're gonna detect just a little too much cayenne pepper how do i know i what how do i how do i know i guess i'm done oh there's one milliliter too much sour cream how do i oh take the pot and aim at the bowl i think they have like ladles or something oh god no not through the handle you behemoth you behemoth now god the handle what am i pouring on my hands i really do my god there's so much soup okay good order up oh my god oh it's incredible they love it and they got a bigger portion that's what they love the most about it technique wrong amount of product well don't complain that i gave you too much [ __ ] one big trout you'd be wrong you'd be wrong okay it's five of black pepper [Music] it was time i said boop i think it was dill yeah dill yeah dill definitely dill i am a genius you open you open on what did i leave that on or whatever okay and lemon lemon where my lemon go lemon lim lip lip lip lemon let i actually felt pretty satisfying uh play to basic plate i guess i should probably set timers or something or if i was really being meta about this and really wanted to min max i would have timers in real life so that i could quickly do that instead of fuddling with an in game [Laughter] what is that you're not even done okay stay away from the door or else it's going to destroy everything you love and hold dear that trout looks done but i don't know hold on what happened to you why did it fall on the floor order up it was not on the floor parsley garnish damn forgot about the garnish you're right but technique was great okay so what's the master plan you might ask well i want this place to go hang on there's a plate on the floor whatever each dish you serve affects our fame score do well in the score goes up mess up and we're going down can i please i can't clean it i did it what did i do all right so i just need to get prep phase okay we're going to get inspected today show them there's a problem ma'am ma'am there's a problem they put this here because they knew that their game made this happen they knew and it's not like in a real kitchen you stand too close to the oven and suddenly a plate gets completed i need to put my game face on i have a food critic to impress appetite's coming through that door and he's gonna have a big ego i left this on overnight that almost tried to kill me ding order up okay salmon steak okay easy i know salmon steak i need to put a pan it's already oiled hopper on there [ __ ] and boiled potatoes easy i got her i got the potato broth going push some potatoes in there bunk bunk bloom bloom easy it's gonna be slightly too salty but that's okay oh i didn't season it right right right i can season while it cooks there's nothing wrong with that yeah i do that in real life there's no reason why i shouldn't work in a game right time to flippy dip if i remember how to do this all right okay all right okay okay okay now shift rumpus that's not at all pick up pick it up what are you doing what are you doing why are you crawling away advanced controls rotate oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay i did it they're gonna love it they're gonna love it plate serve it hot oh it's it's gonna be hot all right and [Music] this critic's gonna love it and they did not enough so oh that wasn't the food okay well screw that person okay uh it's a shame us in front of the food yeah i can't shame us in front of the f we'll screw you i don't know man pork chops all right porky choppies season with salt you got it all right easy peasy two three four okay uh black pepper four not five four just because it's gotta be weird time time dill i should bring these over here you should be here six i put okay six add sunflower oil to a pan let me just rinse this and then rotate get it out get out the hole i want to throw it okay good got it it's empty 30 milliliter in there very gently perfect i'm getting good at that i'm by good at that i mean i have a heart attack every time 90 seconds that he said got it okay now potatoes how many potatoes 300 grams how much is one potato is it oh two potatoes okay two potatoes oh i forgot about that put it on there it'll be fine don't move when you ah why would i want oh why would i want to put anything ever on the floor why would i ever want to put anything choppas choppas how was i supposed to do this as into chunks okay it just said chunks chunky that's chunky i need to flip let's flip you boinkis okay and gently confidently put these on to try all okay put it down okay how much six okay okay six done pop it in the oven i am so stressed porkchop's doing good i don't know how long the potatoes take in the oven god and i know for a fact this is ev this is just a fraction of how stressful an actual kitchen could be but my god it's okay what kind of plate we looking at ain't garnish oh 50 gram chunks i did not see that oh shoot what's gonna be done first [Music] definitely how you doing hey good to see you no one tell me this was on the floor the seasonings looked disgusting oh my god oh my god oh my god damn it how are you not done yet oh jesus oh my god if i was in the bottom one it wouldn't be doing that oh no all done all done all done put it on the plate pile it on there it said 300 grams of potatoes it did 300 grams this is 300 grams of potatoes order up baby order up phenomenal how does this plus this equal that not enough so you cannot have both too much salt and not enough salt you can't you cannot have both too much salt and not enough salt happens okay it happens it was perfect temperature-wise and they have no idea it fell on the floor okay so that was really something i tried really hard i actually tried and i succeeded despite what anyone may think i actually succeeded in that i did everything that i needed to i was perfect the whole way through and i made some delicious food that the critic was too stupid to understand the greatness of so thank you everybody so much for watching this has been cooking simulator i doubt that i'll ever come back to this but write in the comments if you'd like to feudally shout into the void that i should play it again because it's just too stressful unless i could build an empire and be the greatest chef that ever lived but until that day comes i will stick to cooking in my own house and moderately risking burning my house down every time i do so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,115,601
Rating: 4.9766879 out of 5
Keywords: cooking simulator, markiplier, simulator game, funny simulator game, funny moments, funny games, cooking simulator gameplay, cooking simulator funny moments, fail, kitchen fails, cooking, chef, kitchen nightmares
Id: 8dZI2aQMyPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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