Trying Korean, Russian, and American MREs

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
no matter where you are in the world no matter who you are you need food to survive that's just truth there's some people out there that claim that they can get by with just breathing energy in which i don't know about that one but i'd rather just have food if i had to choose between getting my energy from breathing it in like plants or eating plants i would rather eat plants specifically in the form of a can with green beans either way this is a long way around to get to a point of soldiers need food when there's soldiers out in the field there ain't no apple tree to pick there ain't no grocery store you can't order a pizza when you're in the middle of a war zone okay so what you need is you need what's called an mre which i think stands for meal ready to eat but i'm sure there's different varieties of it this probably should have been more dramatic rachel you make this more dramatic anyway there's a lot of technology that goes into this a surprising amount because number one mres have to be meal ready to eat us government property commercial resale is unlawful how to do this commercial resale is unlawful i got this from a soldier he said it fell off the back of a truck it wasn't commercial it was illegal so i've actually got a few different varieties of this we got chicken chunk we got tuna chunk lite water packed lemon pepper and we have elbow macaroni and tomato sauce not what i was expecting to come after elbow macaroni this is going to be a you choose your own adventure review where you guys get to choose if you want the chicken chunks comment if you want the tuna chunks add this video to your favorites remember when that was a thing that's a thing uh if you want the elbow macaroni in sauce tomate subscribe if you want the beef ravioli in meat sauce hit the like button comment favorite subscribe like okay cool we're now tabulating your results oh yeah got it nailed it uh beef ravioli and meat sauce so i've actually never had an mre before i've bought them before just casually just because i was curious but i never actually ate them because i wasn't brave enough or i forgot about it and they just rotted away which is weird because i don't think these things are supposed to rot i think these things are supposed to last a long time that's the weird thing about food right some food you you get food and it becomes not food right away like you get it even in your fridge it goes no food and but there's other foods that you put in pantry no fridge it's stay food long time if you get this though it stay food forever okay they have caveman soldier mre that they dig up and they eat and it's like oh still food how is that still food you know food go bad sometimes but food no go good all time i'm gonna try this i'm more excited about the flameless heater in this thing oh looks like a med bag i've never seen a med bag before but that's what smells like nothing i bought this too because on the back of the truck that i bought it from the soldier who gave this to me non-commercially said that people frequently buy this together and i thought sounds pretty good to me anyway i better hurry up how long has it been [Applause] [ __ ] oh that is a nice spoon no fork though i don't know why i couldn't have been a spork but this is just a i guess if you're you know in war and you're in mid meal you want to be able to actually like fight so you know this could definitely double as a weapon do not over fill that's right this needs water military rations are good performance meal food gives you energy the more energy you burn the more food you need you are more active during field training deployment and combat than in garrison you need to eat more and drink more water or other fluids in these situations when you don't eat enough you beat your body's energy needs you lose weight this can lead to a bottle of body fluids and degrade your performance in field you need three meals per day one meal ready to eat contains 1200 calories hot beverage bag a bag for my beverages i don't know if i'm gonna need this but i'm gonna just hold on to that for a second everybody hold on i'm gonna get a big old mug of water i have water okay i actually don't know how to do any of this this is the beef ravioli chocolate banana nut muffin top tooth chocolate banana muffin top nut help turkey nuggets orange flavored no fruit juice okay well that's good cheese spread and white wheat snack bread i don't know why i was hesitant to open that that [Music] i love that they shaped it like bread i mean it is bread but i love that they shaped it like a loaf of bread you know there was probably some psychological analyst that was like hey soldiers will love this even more get a little morale boost if it looks like a slice of bread that they got from a grocery store remind them what they're fighting for or a really wide penis okay uh bread bread do i need like more water i don't know it's a lot of pouches i'm just gonna say that right out loud it's a lot of pouches vapors released by the activated heater contain hydrogen a flammable gas do not place an open flame in the vapor vapors released by activated heater can displace oxygen when 10 or more heaters are used inside a vehicle or shelter ensure the ventilation system is operating or a top hatch or door zone water leakage can burn and cause a cold weather injury use caution if carrying activated teeter and pocket after heating the heater bag and mre pouch will be very hot use caution when removing the mre pouch from bag discard heater and bag after use do not drink the water remaining in the bag or use it in food items what the hell do i do with you here's the complicated instructions you get all that cool uh i'm gonna wing it how many soldiers have said that open this is the ravioli and then i put water up to a fill line lean the heater up against a rock or something no put up against a rock or something i don't know put it up against a rock or something what do i have that's something i don't know all right let's freaking go for it baby i ain't here to [ __ ] foot around i'm here to eat do not overfill i overfilled oh i overfilled put it back but oh they said not to drink it i overfilled it i'll just get more water later hold on top of mre put into sleeve sleeve okay i got it up against the rock or something so i do appreciate by the way there's a lot of effort that goes into just making this so that soldiers can have a hot meal that psychologically is very important if i'd imagine going a long time without just a warm meal that would affect me how long am i supposed to wait for that i'll probably know anyway just like a warm meal you know people take it for granted this is muffin top very squished but smells delightful well okay hang on a second starting to smell not so good turkey nuggets that looks delicious that looks delicious look at that i don't like that i can smell it through the plastic that's probably not a good sign but hey ain't no [ __ ] i can't open this i'm not a [ __ ] all right no bacteria getting through that so we got the um nuggets yeah they smell okay ooh yay oh i remember thanksgiving dinner this is definitely the color of the turkey that i remember eating dark meat for me please and then cheese spread which i'm guessing goes on the bread pepper sauce made with tabat okay dude tabasco pepper tabasco thought that it looks like it opens i'm guessing it doesn't open very tough i think that's oh we got the orange water so tang i've mentioned tang a lot in these videos for never really drinking tang well that's a sweet treat that can't be beat you know what i'm saying but i like the idea just like powdered drinking it in a hey tastes fine okay let's see if the ravioli is done i don't know how to tell i guess it'll feel hot are you warm oh it's very warm i don't know if it's quite ready yet so i'm going to start with the bread because that's what i opened first so bread and cheese bread first tough bland doesn't taste a lot like bread there's a weird sweetness to it and i don't like that also there's a slight taste of [ __ ] i thought that the bread i didn't like in the cheese i didn't like might combine to something i i like but it turns out two negatives do not make it positive in that case let's go skip ahead to dessert first that's not bad the banana not quite banana it feels like untapped potential you know you know it feels like that kid who went through school in all the gifted classes and like went into all the like exceptional classes and did really well without even really trying a lot of effort and everyone told the kid like oh hey you're doing me something someday you're really smart you're really clever you're really going at it but they never replied themselves after that because they got in their heads that they didn't need to because of all this praise and it kind of got to them and as things got harder they never really knew how to cope with it because they didn't really know how to put in the effort in the first place they were so used to having things be easy for them to be to shine through and it's not that they got dumber it's just that their expectations of themselves were so high that they expected to be able to pass flying colors without any effort but as things got harder and they needed to put in more effort so the effort needed to scale proportionately to where they were and yet they kind of drifted and then they didn't really know what they were doing with their life and they they they felt like you know if they weren't going to get it on the first try they might as well not try at all and they kind of like faded out you know it's not that they like ended up like completely downtrodden and all they just never lived up the potential it was there but never acted upon you know what i mean turkey of hmm what pepper you done i'm gonna guess yes need mre to ensure uniform temperature yeah this definitely ain't uniform temperature that's for sure okay i'm pretty sure i did this wrong okay this is supposed to be ravioli remember that that's what this was supposed to be [Music] okay so i must have done something wrong there because this did not heat evenly but it does kind of look like ravioli and it does smell kind of good still cold like someone's cold but hey much like my green beans i can eat this straight out of the can if i'm eating some chef boyardee or something like that which is what i'm expecting when i take this bite you know that is not bad it's not the greatest thing in the world but it's nowhere near the worst this is fine this tastes normal if you told me that this was like some off-brand ravioli in the can i'd believe it and i'd be fine with it because it's quite good oh that's quite good all right i need to clean this out because i need to reuse it i only brought the one i should have brought more now pretty good that sets the standard pretty low it's okay you know it's it's all right i imagine myself out in the middle of nowhere i'm hungry i have this to eat it's nice it's all in one you got your spoon you got all your things it heats itself if you got some water you're good to go which hopefully you have some water if you don't have any water you got to make it with piss and i don't imagine that's good for anybody probably very unpleasant especially if the smell isn't you're in a closed container like he was talking about and you got no ventilation because you can't let anyone know where you are you got to make it with piss i guess it might work i'm going to leave that to someone else to try that but just saying that i this is what i imagine all right but we're going somewhere else because america is not the only military in the world and all soldiers need to eat at some point in some time so we're going straight over to russia russia russia i can't even come close to reading russian so i might do this completely wrong also look how freaking big this thing is that's huge i actually don't know if this is gonna also have like flameless heater or stuff like that i imagine it will this is resealable what the hell this is a ziploc whoa it's reassembling this oh it's a box [Applause] it's probably like four in one no no i just realized i won't be able to read any of this so i really don't know what this says you've got this stuff you've got apples what is this oh god no i have to burn it we've got this this is going to be a mist this is going to i'm going to die we've got it's like tea or something tea bag tea we have this thing we have tub of meat i think more tub top of thing we've got tub of thing oh we've got a spear they really do have a spoon spear got three spoons can you attach this to your spoon spear no i gotta admit this spoon very flimsy this ain't near the kind of wumpage that you can get out of this spoon here nah nah oh see just cracked so clearly there are some crackers here so i'm just going to go ahead and try these as they go i'm not going to try to lay this out because there's no way i'm going to be able to do this crackers once you get past this exoskeleton that's a decent cracker okay so i got this weird flaming thing there's a smell emanating from somewhere this one doesn't have a picture i think it's coming from here kind of smooshed kind of leaking i don't know if i dress this one is that how oh look it's like a little uh little uh little table and um i'm thinking these must be solid fuel tablets this feels like a bad idea oh that feels like a bad idea so you take the tub of i'm guessing meat let's just try this one i'm assuming you open it first otherwise it might explode upon heating let's see what that oh that looks good oh oh that that doesn't smell that bad so i'm guessing you do that and you light it and it heats it right this is super stable i'm gonna get the fire extinguisher just be ready be ready i'm gonna have a hot meal okay here we go three two one burning very quickly i'm back i'm going to lay it phosphorus down strike this lay it in here sideways so it's up against it very close at the bottom and then hope [Music] hello did i do it oh i think i did it oh did i do it oh wow that's so cool am i supposed to like stir it probably well you know what maybe not that ain't exactly stable that's so cool though it's just a little fire you can smell it the food or the chemical all right cool i should probably say this i'm a professional reviewer and i know exactly what i'm doing at all times so uh don't do this while this is heating up i can always try some of these other things we got some kind of a dried fruit bar i hope oh that's not bad garlic apples and stuff in it i actually like that a lot i like that a lot better than some of the fruit bars i've had i don't know what's in it maybe not even fruit but i like it i feel like this is some kind of drink mix definitely some kind of powder let me get another cup oh no what is it what's up yeah i opened the lid was i not supposed to oh i've been instructed to not eat this based on research that i'm doing it completely wrong and apparently it can create some pretty bad stuff to put inside your body so i'm not gonna eat that but i'm gonna let it go because it smells good it doesn't all right i'm assuming this is some kind of a drink thing if it's not then i'm very way off base oh no it's just sugar is that just sugar is this just sugar why would they just have a packet of sugar yeah it's got to be a drink mix looks like a drink mix it's got to be a drink mix right that doesn't taste like anything what did i just put in my glass i don't know what is maybe applesauce applesauce maybe oh no oh no what is that what is that what is that what is it what is that that tastes like apples so it's fascinating right it's a very very very different approach cooking with an open flame these weird tin things as opposed to all plastic pouches some paste some kind of whatever that is i don't trust that the thing is like i none of these are a recognizable food so i don't know what to trust the only thing i recognize is the crackers and i think there's some like something in there i think i might just rather try the other one cold i think this might be old what's this supposed to be this is another powder how many powders do you need what is this looks like flour what's the flour for what's that flower cocaine flour cheese this is weird man this is weird it's weird what is this it's another powder it's more cheese more cheese no that's the drink mix i'll be back but that begs the question if that was the drink mix what the hell did i put in that last cup of water what that's definitely a drink mix right is the flame dying out flames finally dying okay here we go here we go here we go yoinkus doinkus it doesn't smell bad might be okay let me try the drink mix first not as good as tank i hate to say it but that is not as good what is this right i'm gonna try the food have an ambulance on standby it doesn't smell bad it's warm too hey that's actually not bad there's some kind of meat at the bottom it might be old who knows i don't know hopefully i cook the any bacteria out of it but it seemed to be oh it's just i definitely cooked this wrong it just crushed it at the bottom burnt but the top layer that's okay much like the ravioli and the last one the main dish was actually the best part i'm not even gonna bother trying this because i'm this is taking way too long and i'm running out of time and i've got so many crackers and i don't i can't read it but i have one more okay i think this is out [Music] oh [ __ ] oh no oh boy you don't tell us all about this okay i'm gonna put a doily on here i'm gonna put a doily on here no one's ever gonna know about it okay especially not amy okay cool we're good last but not least maybe maybe least who knows boom the koreans so these are south korean mres they're smaller i don't think it's going to take as long to go through them it's odd that it's smaller because korean meals usually have a lot more dishes to them what's going on in here spoons are oh this is the worst spoons of the bunch oh these spoons are awful oh they're flim flames oh they're flim flams at least they don't break each other they're probably equally as bad but ah at least it's longer i gotta give it for that it's at least longer so there's a bit more reach to it i'm okay with that all right but these are korean mres we've got young shikhtan so this is another flameless thing you put water in oh my god oh hell yeah so it's it's literally just bibimbap it's got like uh dehydrated rice in there veggies of some sort the instructions say you take the packets out you fill water to the line okay so it's not a flameless thing you need hot water cold water 30 minutes hot water 10 minutes all right well i do have hot water i'm going to add the hot water okay and now 10 minutes on the clock [Music] you know what i appreciate the most about this um is that even if it's a military ration it still has a lovely little cartoon character on it just so you get a little smile when you eat you know that's what i really like about it it's really nice also this is so kogi which is beef beef flavor gochujang which is the chili paste bibimbap which is if you haven't had bibimbap i would recommend bibimbap it's good so this is the gochujang this is sesame oil which is just yeah anything and look at that easy cut i was having a hell of a time with all these other ones easy cut and this is impressive about it because i don't know if this is the standard korean ration but this is really cool because koreans are known as like the masters of side dishes so i thought that the ration might have it and i was surprised when these are so small but it makes sense right it's all in one the country that's really good at doing a lot of side dishes but also they have this lovely thing called bibimbap and if you eat meat and pop it's basically just all the leftovers they had from the meal before you get rice you get bean sprouts you get some of the vegetables you put whatever meat you had last night you add some gochujang to it or some like sesame oil or soy sauce whatever you want to and you just call it a bowl and you eat it all it's delicious and warm too uniformly warm like very warm i mean obviously i had to boil my own water so and there's no drink with this like let's be frank i like the tang i didn't like the whatever the russian that one was but it's it was nice to have a drink but at the same time it's not necessary i mean you're just trying to get a meal the fact that you could make it with cold water i don't imagine it would be as good but uh the fact that you can make it with cold water and it takes 30 minutes you know it's not bad there goes my time so it should be done uh actually [Applause] oh that actually smelled good and that rice it was super like it looked like rice crispy rice but it's actually fluffed up quite a bit okay what do i have first easy cut so it says let's see how easy it'd be that was an easy cut that was definitely an easy cut i like that okay and then the gochujang give it some spice you know that's that's the thing about like korean food you know you had got to jump to pretty much anything it makes it infinitely better when in doubt add heat right am i right everybody mom am i right now the spoon let's see if this lives up to oh that's fine oh that works perfectly it's a little flim flam and minus points on the on the spoon but hey that's it does the job it's doing what it needs to do and apparently this is 400 calories i think it's missing out on a good bit of protein but at the same time that smells good now let's give it a try cheers it's not the best bibimbap i've ever had but it's still really good there's no crackers that are too hard there's no weird paste that i don't know what it is there's no muffin that's trying to be a muffin it's just food it's good food if i was just casually like day-to-day life knew that i had a packet of this that i could make at any time i would actually buy this i'm floored that's actually good out of all these koreans the best package right you just add water you just get a spoon you dig it right yeah i mean you got your sauces but you just spoon water add sauce dig in done easiest to go less mess too there's no cleanup everything else had a million cartons as far as spoons go obviously the american spoon it's like our cars you know too big too ornery too angry but you kind of like it so that's it for these mres i know there's many mres around the world i don't know if i'm gonna do a video about them but this was a fun experiment this was neat i've never had mres before but in reality i guess the end of the day they're just trying to be the best instant food they can and i love instant food with that being said thank you everybody so much for watching uh if you've got other things you want me to review let me know down in the comments below i'm always open to different suggestions and ideas that's a lie i'm not but maybe i am leave a like if you enjoyed this video comment if you want to see more ring the bell to be notified when these things come again and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 8,087,691
Rating: 4.9673133 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, review, mre, mre taste test, russian mre, korean mre, korean food, russian food, american food, trying russian food, trying korean food, markiplier review, markiplier mre, korean russian american mres, mre review, food review, foreign food, strange food, meal prep, weird food, funny, funny review, markiplier funny review, comedy
Id: iDcOrd_fJzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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