WE'RE A DOCTOR!! | Surgeon Simulator 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
this game does have an epilepsy warning to those watching it says there's an epilepsy warning as you're launching the game so if you guys have issues with epilepsy please uh take note that there is a warning for that on this game good morning okay hi i think i've muted myself i'm gonna do the tutorial this is surgeon simulator too by the way in case anyone's curious i keep thinking it's hand simulator but i gotta remember it's not oh why would anybody be able to jump in this game ow i don't know how to play oh accurate okay whatever what am i doing some kind of a tutorial but i don't know what heaving troubles with the doors i'm afraid the unlock button should be nearby interesting okay oh interesting excellent question you're a natural oh i suppose i would have been better that's not right how would you put your hand down no this ain't right sorry i'm being immature i am sorry about the mess uh-huh bob i think it is are they all the other guys doing the tutorial as well what oh that's how you do it [Music] oh [Music] interesting it's oddly intuitive it's not hand simulator that's what i gotta remember any game that's not hand simulator is gonna be perfectly fine because that game was intentionally garbage so this actually feels like it controls kind of nicely that door requires an id card i'm sure i left mine around there somewhere why did you leave everything around here for me and not necessarily for something that i could actually use why do you have three id cards that doesn't make any sense at all whatever who cares i'm dr pamela preston one of the founders you'll be the very first to trial our surgeon simulator training program all right cool it's literally a surgeon simulator huh all right cool also this game does have a multiplayer mode so there is a purpose of this we're just going to get through the tutorial and then we're going to go to everything else hello am i missing some important story is that a poop pan i think that's the technical term for that excuse me pardon me i'm gonna break everything as i said it's a work in progress uh-huh yeah sure everything seems to be a work in progress is that jello there flan there that i can bust through this that's so bad i can bust through this and i bust through it i mean clip through the universe and actually make it into this room oh i didn't bring the id card i'm always losing those things yeah good thing you have 10 000 of them huh don't ask me why i want to bring this i just do hello this is bob a barnachier local you'll get to know him very well indeed through the course of the program the surgeon simulator training program is a groundbreaking new approach to surgery real patience real conditions simulated scenarios soon you'll be able to tackle all kinds of medical emergencies with ease and confidence it's all terribly exciting we'll start your training with a quick heart transplant easy i'm not sure why that door's locked me neither julian why is that door locked okay well i guess we'll have to come back later let's try something a little different onwards what do you mean onwards this game is what oh that cannot be me the litter legitimately cannot be me why am i in a tube [Laughter] okay cool hey tutorial done hey guys hey how's it going dude hey i just finished this tutorial i think all three all three electrons there's three things you have to do what uh a leg and two arms or something i've never even done anything yet it didn't let me do anything oh all right i'll be back then all right cool see it bye bye all right so we're still going on this all right here we go hey what do you got for me where's my mallet i don't know why i wanted to bring the mallet i just wanted it okay i was hoping to drum on some ribs or something i don't know duck yeah this is my friend now this is my friend hey that gadget with the screen is a diagnostic scanner it'll tell you what's wrong with your patient lesson one keep a close eye on bob's blood level big leads right leg rip it off his right am i right all right you uh actually hang on you observe the operation wink there you go oh frick off and put it in the chute uh yeah okay i don't like the way that duck is looking at me because it is definitely looking at me i hate him all right uh his right okay got it let's get a good get a good leg i am so strong i was expecting this to actually work yeah [Laughter] that's all right oh that's not right at all okay he's fine not losing a lick of blood oh my god no no no blood level he's losing it oh no put it back okay oh no right leg i punched it off that's fine in you go buddy great well this is horrible use a yellow syringe to stop bob's bleeding huh oh never mind we'll patch him up for you rip his right leg off and put it in the chute well he died all right cool thank you i guess i got a hurry or some stupid crap like that right in the dick in the dick get it in the dick he needs more there we go that's what i call good what am i doing lag [Music] kobe lovely work remember when you rip off an appendage bob will bleed out very quickly let's continue so why am i ripping off his legs all right whatever anyway okay carry on i guess you're coming with me okay it looks like bob's low on blood why do you want a red syringe first why is he low on blood why would he be low on blood first actually he seems fine on blood all right you you watch from right there point uh nose top bob up with the red syringe i don't think it's supposed to go directly into the brain his arms seemed to be already rather than just ripping off a limb use a little more finesse this time why don't you grab a saw why don't you wearing technique grab the saw straight on if you need to realign your grip drop it and try again align the saw with the cutting line place it down gently and sew back and forth until the limb drops off sure we're gonna go with sure if you use the saw bob will bleed out much more slowly which arm did you say which arm right arm you got it okay perfect ev everything about this is perfect can i thank you his right arm off and pop a fresh one on working on it this is easy this is going so good maybe i should go this angle would make a lot more sense oh yeah that's that's really doing it okay pop for uh arm okay arm i probably should have popped i thought that was gonna be like some kind of a shoot that i needed to dump it in buddy i didn't put it on right remember for a successful appendage transplant bob must have all of his limbs and head attached let's proceed not the left arm it's the uh finally an organ transplant remember to check the diagnostic scanner to perform a successful transplant the sick organs must come out the rest of the organs are optional crush the ribs with something heavy to get at his lungs grab a scalpel and stick it into a lung to remove it i can't just rip organs out but bob will bleed out much more quickly uh-huh okay i'm assuming it's probably smart for me to get the organs ready for transplant by having them over here okay and then i just gotta rip them out right is that what you said that's what they oh wait no was wait was the good organ which one was a good organ it's probably fine can i have this can i have this can i have this can i have this crack the ribs remove the old lungs i forgot i forgot i forgot i forgot i forgot i'm coming buddy now [Music] i'm sorry that it had to be like this i'm sorry that we had to say goodbye i'm sorry that we didn't get our chance i'll always remember you old friend farewell all right whatever let's move on bob and wade are probably waiting for me okay what was i doing rip it off okay rip rip rip rip rip letter rip remove these ribbons rip in some new ones i wish i had my mallet this will do thunk flank flunk flamp that'll do good enough is he bleeding not even a little bit move the old ones pop in some new ones uh okay long lot long is this a good long it's bad lung how can i tell pop in some new ones okay yeah that's good enough bleeding a bit but not that much okay other other other okay well this seems pretty simple a lot easier than the first game i'll tell you what beautifully done remember removing an organ with a tool will result in much lower blood loss we hope to open up the mysteries of surgery to the world we believe anyone no matter their background can become a surgeon as you can see all it takes is a can do attitude okay good oh god jesus christ hey hi how you doing this is what the duck saw every time horrible absolutely horrible hey hi oh hey sorry loser it took me well am i done i did the legs and lungs are you to the point where you can get into the lobby yeah i see a i see a mirror uh okay so you can customize your character there bob can see an invite you can join us now okay that's that all sounds great hitting on pick one of four characters i know you love character customization yep yeah i know you really care about that so take your time uh-huh i want to see if i can just what did you guys do did you guys move the duck the what what the duck move the duck is that code your door was locked until just now yeah we can't we couldn't go in your room so your room is however your room is did you guys move the duck oh no you didn't okay cool did you make a friend oh no my jello is on the floor okay cool all right i'm ready to go guys i think we must enter our tubes enter our tubes okay for what to do it to do what said go what do you think what are we doing chat went o for two they thought bob would be heather they thought mark would be the character i'm playing as okay why why would they think that bob probably the glasses you the mustache sounds suspicious to me spacious to me as well hey you guys look at how strong i am look at i can't see the narcissism in the mustache is the two answers narcissism and the muscles so your character is narcissistic according to cinemasins if i'm carrying around an apple to make myself look more like an [ __ ] so oh wait i thought i thought wade was the other person i'm sorry i have no idea who i'm the chica are you prepared yeah i'm ready did you guys select the level already are we good yeah i'm ready wait get in your tube i'm ready why is this the transportation mechanism because tubes oh i'm not lined up oh i was not lined up with the opening i straight up have a concussion from wanging my head on the edge of that that opening that's okay you don't need a brain to do surgery apparently i don't like that the guy on the table is named bob i don't appreciate that well i mean that's how it's been the whole time so i don't i don't like that can i just be honest i don't appreciate that yeah you can you can be as honest as you want it doesn't change anything um i don't know if you guys noticed mark you probably don't care but if you complete the missions and they do like the secondary objectives you unlock more cosmetics and stuff wow i care in a certain amount of time limiting loss of blood yeah we're going to get that is that a baby oh it's a bear i thought it was a baby no it's a perfectly good baby look at the baby i thought it was the heller you want about it yeah let's find a baby baby look at my baby here mark mark wait oh what wait a minute oh no i got you come here baby come here baby this is adorable this is wholesome this is good anybody see a card i found a card what are we looking for card got it done we're looking for the best well i have an id card right here too late it's too late the way you guys kind of lag through everything it's just very juttery look i just do i put my card and not these books i don't care to help at all here lady what are we doing here bob's got a bad heart uh can i just pound his ribs open with my fist dude pound try why not oh oh no don't grab the ribs pound them really really get in there oh oh god oh i got his blue what did you give me that oh he's bleeding out uh um i have an axe mark what's blue do you guys know what's blue no way where's the stickers where's the prickers the prickers there we go no you got to get the you got to get the prickers yeah we're going for the quickest what's up mark do you know where the heart is yeah sure it's in this this area you gotta really go for this area trying to get wade can you you doing it man that head was sturdy did you get this head off yeah dude the head is where the heart is here i'm going to put some blood in where the heart is mark i think you're not helping as much as i mean like i don't think this is mark's fault i think we all have our own shortcomings here yeah exactly hang on i'm very tall oh you know what i should probably put the blood in the head hole what oh shoot i look so sad i vote we try again yeah that'd be nice yeah that's a good that's a good vote yeah all right i think we should definitely make sure mark doesn't get the ax all right i just wanted to see what would happen just uh well i think you knew what would happen i didn't know what would happen i think you knew science is about exploration and discovery i write down my conclusions and then we're good you know for somebody who suggested we rip the hearts out of people and eat them earlier you kind of suck at getting the heart well i mean no i wasn't trying i wasn't no you didn't get me you didn't get me yet i wasn't trying to get the heart i was trying to cut off all the limbs i got the id cards this time nerds i thought yeah i thought you got it last time there was an id card on top of the spot bob fox of biles but i got the fox the biles you you got the biles but that's the idea guys secret secret okay you gotta let me go first my god you are just the worst you are literally my secret you're literally the worst we're inspired give me a boost i'm discovering my secret you are literally you are literally the worst you know mark you're right you want some of my secret food you are literally the worst i discovered you're literally the worst why aren't you participating in my life literally the worst you know that's not the entire thing but there's more secret oh there is more secrets literally mark wait it's my secret let me go first nope aha it's so amazing it's incredible oh wow wait you're really on me right now i am literally the worst wait a minute my dudes mark what have you found my dudes my secret senses are tingling so intensely we need to find like a button or something okay we need to find there's got to be like something out here there there must be a button yeah there's some kind of a button or something of the like screw bob forget bob forget about he's fine he's he'll live for this is all that's fine huh what's this there's some kind of a button there's got to be a button right well so there's an id thing on this door do we have any more id cards well just bring the other one doesn't it no that's no that's a different doctor that's different there's got to be some kind of a there's something you're sure it's a different doctor yeah you need to leave the id card on the station or else it doesn't function oh i can lock you guys in there whoa oh look don't believe [Music] hey can we get up to that door lord yeah go for it there's lore i found the id card but here we go here bob i found this id card i'm bringing it to you you take this door where are you oh hey take it okay there's another secret over here too soon to plan ahead i want to see a secret ow sometimes these doors these doors like to kick you real hard wait a minute oh some kind of button over here yeah trying to that's that thing you were asking about yeah ah ah oh very good stack ah i'm stuck help i think you did yeah did i push the button is it pushed i don't know if that counts as a button or not i don't know if it does anything yeah but i think we probably need to move these bookshelves i think that's the thing is there some secret in the bookshelf i don't know but they're set in the wall it's too suspicious everything about is suspicious did you go away let me let me give you a boost let me give you a boost oh thank you why didn't you just go up this way wait why didn't you just go this way all right i'm going to do the mark's way because i'm an idiot i hate that you're right i hate this well why do you hate that i'm right ugh here i'm going to bring some light okay i've got the light source okay what oh apparently i can't do this mark how'd you do this what are you i am stuck what do you mean how'd you get up there i can't i can't jump i can't oh never mind i did it what what is over there what's it say it's just like i got the light source guys it's a sticky that's a face i don't know here look at the book is there anything on the book that's nice well about the back what's the best is all blocked out it's just it's like censored out what do you mean it's censored out it's called alien it's not yeah it's just lines oh well that's dumb all right there's no secret well guess who's trapped in here nerds no no i guess excuse me excuse me excuse me okay there's an eyeball all right did we find all the secrets oh wait the door i put the id on the door and i didn't even go checking out yeah i think that's just to get the heart anyone want an eye oh wait that's not i used to work with eyes i would take an eye there you go the door is the door's not open oh it's both things are required to get into the door we mean both things what are things we need a heart and the key to get into the door a heart and the key well you guys see the big red button here right one that i pressed to get bob up here before that's not what we mean right now there it is mark will you come help i'm here i think it's surgery time i think it's surgery o'clock there's got to be a button around here all right i'm going to wang this button all right wang away oh i'm going to do it you ready sure before we do anything let me let me play a little ditty uh-huh it kind of works oh god okay like you broke your eyes you knocked his arm off what how did i put it back put it back on um put it back on he's bleeding he's bleeding he's there we go okay suck that suck that baby right back on there yeah no he's not actually okay yeah arms are naturally uh naturally they just come right off what the hell yeah and they alright so which one of these [ __ ] is the heart that's my question i think it's under the lungs so do we need to take the lungs out or temporarily we just shove them back in when we're done uh guys i found something obscene dude it's worse than it did his arm off again ah freaking no guys mark help what's up oh don't show me that's you're gonna give me band yeah i know might want a blood syringe to get blood do we have a blood syringe listen oh what's the other objective here huh take the heart although you open the new door is there another one i got the heart look oh [Laughter] that is so jiggly we didn't get wade plus plus what under five and a half minutes losing no blood damage you like pot for it's like it's like a helmet oh that's the a plastic okay there was a secret there and i was about to find it you're on the verge margaret you're on the very top on the cusp yeah i was cusping cosmin bro i was about to cusp i'm gonna cusp yeah that that is what i was gonna say julian this one should be tip top i find this offensive to imply that i could somehow be improved with surgery i don't like that i don't know why you're projecting so much this isn't about you there are other people named bob around here no there are not don't worry guys i'm gonna check literally every filing cabinet that's probably worth your time hey they made these they made these for some reason so there's got to be some secret in here i know there's secret there's lore going on here loremaster markiplier in the house the worst dj name ever okay well it's not that bad number one and it's the worst it is dj name hey they've got a book about my career kind of just being rude here what does it say i got a whole book about my career filler failure yeah you know what you're right you're right hey uh what do you see wade i see a darkness enveloping light but the light is already being infiltrated by another darkness oh wow okay um holy [ __ ] come on come on you know you like me to just tickle you with the needle come on why can't i not get through here too big mark for once you know what it's like to be too tall it's not fun it's not fun i gotta admit it's not fun how much how much blood can this man's have that's my question he's pretty low as it is he's got he's only got 800 blood all right i'm on a mission no he's got 1800 blood no no i read it i know how numbers are apparently not sir come here come to daddy oh that's the spot it's if that says 800 blood is there a way to shrink ourselves down definitely not that i know of i think she's playing grounded over here the more important thing is the secrets guys i don't know come to the bathroom mark there's a secret beer in the middle of something the secret is going to be wade's butt no i can't oh look at this i will literally kill you man i will i will go no hang on mark i found a secret i can't i found i found a hang on i caught a secret here no are you gonna put these boxes up here will you help me with the boxes or what i won't you know i won't i'm not going to i'm not going to entertain i found something cool why won't you just let me have that i am not participating in anything of this and i'm not a part of this there is lore here and you're just getting yeah i'm getting it there's a secret in the bathroom there's no secret in the bathroom there's a secret out here for sure mark i don't know why you're being such a naysayer about this oh naysayers come look in the toilet i really don't want to look at your poop wig it's not actually in the toilet look right there all right there's gotta be better stuff to find this secret it's not pleasant since mark won't help me with my secret uh and do it on my own oh yeah perfect secret was the paint perfect hey ducky perfect yes listen mark just because you can't appreciate how perfectly perfect my secret hunt is going uh-huh mustard no thank you okay i just used the mustard wade mustard me bob i actually don't think you're gonna get through that hole seems to have an impediment to progress wait maybe maybe it's a maybe it's a game maybe we need a dunk in it just nba jams on that all right that's bigger than i thought it would be there's a button on the other side of it oh there's a button you got to drop throw something in it you gotta throw something on it you guys i don't know but who just said that secret bomb there's balls the balls are the balls are too big i don't wanna i don't wanna let you get too excited about that the ball slam dunk baby this is just brutal how amazing i am oh yeah this is how we do that oh someone seems to be upon me oh my god oh my god i'm amazing the secret way to get the limbs we need oh okay yeah this this doesn't this doesn't seem like a secret i think we need to pass the arm through to get minimal blood loss well he only has 800 balloons so i'll be i'll stand by here you guys start slicing those what who wants to do the ripping who wants to do the blood hang on i've got the saw let me let me be sawdust before you saw where's the are there syringes in here dum-dum in there dum-dum all right all you gotta do is pass me the arm and i'll give you something but you gotta tell me which arm it is before you pass it because each one goes into a different hole which one are we doing we're doing we're doing both arm's coming baby arm's coming hey thank you get it got it okay get ready for the pass okay arm is fully extended here we go take it baby get get take it hang on take it don't be gonna get you're pushing it back all right yeah push your foot i'll back off back up there we go how's he doing wade great i mean how am i doing great how are we doing great slap it right becoming good okay great say great we good everything good we're good we're good wade you're just standing there shaking are you okay all right ready for a surgery number dose wait we're at 4 000 blood okay you're just standing there okay you're moving okay i got myself oh that's not right uh what is that okay he doesn't need that he doesn't need that that's fine nope no did you get his br well that's oh this lower intestine i thought that was brain it's fine yeah let me just apply a little bit more pressure and you're going to feel it it's gone baby all right add them in the dick ready to receive this is a right arm correct okay that didn't go very far a little more please there we go all right cool got it plap i'm actually going to give him some blood see if that helps he doesn't need blood never mind we can't give blood bam perfect nice nice surgical revolution i like to think of my life-saving procedures from this one hi hey oh what are you talking about hey oh oh it's a mask with eyebrows or what is that that's a mask with eyebrows you got it right what did we make under seven oh okay we did it again we know how to get the thing unlocked i we're just really taking it all in yeah there's lore to be found no one has tried to kill anyone yet why would we try to kill anyone that'd be horrible yeah well i mean each other amongst ourselves we're working as a team did you just show us what we got just like and then go on very important to the unique nature of our facility thank you okay thank you pm pam yeah thank you bomb don't you need an arm to get through here oh no guys i got an arm door why does she guess what does she guess so much stuff sometimes why do they have doors hanging on i got a dropping arm i got a little you guys want to see my show all right mark look you want to see a good [ __ ] yeah i would do oh oh i think there might be a secret sort of i see it i see a i see a drop in i thought i thought you were about to do the ending of the tour oh [Laughter] all right what are we doing here gentlemen we need an army there's arms and there's there's arms in this room we just got to go get it yeah but if you look at the top of the room with the arms there's one of those doors like a secret door i think it's just operation no no it's a secret mark mark the one who hasn't found any secrets of course he wouldn't in the operating room there's one of those doors too i'm going to open the arm door okay your dear brother's old office what did you do hey look i found a way into the operating room oh oh that's the door i just saw it banana mark yes oh i found a ducky you like the ducky yeah that was my ducky i'll bring you ducky no i don't need the ducky i had enough here mark no mark now these book shelves look awfully removable no here hey thanks man but i i had one i had one here i had it mark here i had one i had one i had one i don't wanna ladder don't move it don't move don't move don't move it don't move it don't move it stop moving it i'm moving it down one is don't move anything don't move it don't move it who moved it don't move it don't move it don't move it don't move it you do it why are you so bad at this look it's harder than it looks don't move it i don't believe you move it there we go all right i'm gonna do this in two jumps ah i see whoops it does go down here it does wait wait give me a boost oh my god i mean it's not going to be any surprise it just goes to the arm room how did you do that mark you're a wizard i am bra yeah i see it's not so easy hey i'm trying to give you a compliment okay it's not so easy here let me get this out i'm never gonna compliment you again you never compliment me anyway so what does it matter wait oh okay oh never mind hey what we can get in i know that's what i said when i got up here we can get in now a mark should we do the surgery yeah i don't know what the benefit of going into the arm room would be from there but that is the thing oh hey duck yeah yeah i'm stuck hello i had this struggle in the bathroom earlier i know cap yeah i'm gonna hit this button and let's do this all right let's do this what are we doing surgery i am sorry to report this all right i'm here i'm in the hole ready to take whatever you need to give me what there's so many voices what are we seeing we need to do his right leg his left arm and it's some kind of middle part organ uh his blue or is lower looks like it's blue what is that blue usually the large intestines are below the small intestines i don't know what that's about here wait do you stay over there the game devs are here we need to know their secrets why are they here they're watching why all right well where do you have way do you have arms uh i can take right leg left arm and large intestine okay i'm going to do right leg mark let me get something yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm standing by i'm ready oh apparently i'm in are you in oh delicately delicately yeah and put a little force on there yeah you're doing any little strokes yeah that's getting her this looks very i cannot tell if he's bleeding or not so i'm just doing this intermittently there we go and i'm assuming he's good he's good he's good he's good good let me just give wade the little stump all right i'm gonna do his arm while we're here hang on well hang on let me give him let me give him a booster shot oh oh oh get him i got you a leg for my peeping hole here we go all right thank you thank you yeah you're welcome you enjoy that i'm gonna go back to people now slap this [ __ ] on there yep whip me just get hang on i'm getting it you got it that's getting it you're literally getting it come on man there we go and he's full of what wait i'm about to bring you a blue thing i'm ready oh that leg is not on there i hope you know oh whoa hey it was on there there we go mark he's going to need some juice i'm juicing dude i am god he is juiced up juicing him up yeah i'm going to give him i'm going to give him our usual injection here you're good you're good it's it it's in all right all right so then it's left arm yeah so you want to do some sawing marking no i'm good i got the syringe all right going and going for arm i want this too oh that's not cooperating a little all over the place there's a little aggressive i think i've run this thing out of juice already i don't know how yeah yeah good well oh that's a spicy one oh it's fret's out of here all right we are out of blood except there's one on the ground excuse me can't you push the button no i pushed the button there's a limit man in the way here wait come on get it wait hurry up wait here okay i'm coming i'm coming hurry up there you go don't you hear the dramatic organs they are kind of dramatic there we go clean off the smudge from my breath there we go of surgery well done well done let's continue [Laughter] yeah wow hey hey dude killing it right now wow that we're pretty good sorry i i i neglected not to press the button but we're pretty good i haven't pressed the button a single time i just realized that existed okay and there you go that's what we get this is what you got at the end of the night how many is this all the same mission how many is this i got this for you oh thank you enjoy that perfect perfect it's like you're natural it's like you've been doing it your whole life very bad knees i know that's a real lie it's reality stares my nemesis you all right there gramps yep doing great lord please pretend you're not seeing this oh um oh frick the eyes mark what you doing lore look i found a thing nor lower lore oh wait we need another one wait wait before we do that one this more lore oh no this is not secrets this is just a different place more lore not lore but game lore oh no this doesn't mount up nicely like i thought it would lore boop no bob found i'm right here thank you very much mark are you um where you at bro hello are you in the door are you in the lord or lord mark yes what's up that's not you wait why are you uh why are you is that where mark is wait are you completely by the way wade oh yeah i was trying to say we were in the hole follow us over here why am i always muted the wrong time lore no other way hey hey mark dang it i just oh there was something at the end of this oh oh you're are you good there was something at the end of this conveyor belt and i got the lore wait a minute you want me to argue yeah oh wait no wait there was something that fell down the other way wait yeah that comes out in the surgery wait you're literally stuck there if i don't throw the switch i but i it was all of his own doing it was literally his own doing can i reach the oh no i can't what's going on i really can't get out of there high fives casey neistat wave you don't want to pull that lever for me no is it this one yeah you just you just smack it that way oh oh yeah yeah there you go no is that what you want to do and then yeah you smack it so delicately no i think we should just leave him there and uh we should go do the same come on wait we open the bar come back this way you can get out this way wow he believed me that's weird oh my god wait can you open that bar huh no uh no way oh okay come on all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right hang on i'm having some real trouble with this yes a free no i'm not free wait did you did you really not get out i left you i lost you like two seconds oh there's another conveyor we gave him a shot we didn't give him a shot for this well let's just see where he's at let's see what's going on here hey excuse me let me just get this out of the way where oh there he is some kind of idiot trapped over here wait here wait take my check my box wait don't don't fill me up oh god here does this help here wait take take this [Laughter] all right if i throw this switch is it just gonna be getting sucked in is it it's your box hang on i'm gonna really smack this bad boy in here slam that thing in there okay let me just hammer this in please what else do we have what else do we have hang on i don't want i don't want anything to happen we can flood him no no i mean i want to i want to stack stuff up in front of uh in front of that and see uh why do you want to do that exactly i just want to i don't want you to get out accidentally i want your i want your home to be your safe space with yeah okay i actually wonder if you could get out that box on the other hand mark do the do switch the conveyor belt i want to see what happens i'm standing down here holding the box okay hang on you can do it i believe in you oh it's got speed controls oh no this one's not moving i can't the bottom box i'm giving him full speed full speed oh no i'm holding i'm holding i'm holding on i'm losing it mark i'm losing it i'm here to help when i clip into the box i can see wade's suffering hey this is what was on this there's bread wait i'm giving you a piece of food okay oh hey brad hey all right are we ready i spent a long time setting that up thank you okay all right let's set a little bit that's not how that's not how it was it's perfect shall i karate chop this surgery into existence yes yeah let's play the actual game i guess so who's gonna tell me what they need so i can drop some organs on the conveyor belt um we need a left leg uh and some middle stomach what are those got a cart there's a leg on the way what else hang on hang on you gotta get his chest open hang on heart heart stomach how many times anything too drastic there bob uh to yourself um how about some syringes uh whatever okay do you know where they are we already found those there's dispensers in there oh you're right you're right you're right you're right hang on let's try it here he goes no he decides oh that might be one of the things i need to no that's not a thing i need to replace mark get this orange get this right here i gotta get us i'm getting a there needs to be a gurney i needed okay well that's lost cause no i don't need i don't need long suede he just doesn't need like i don't know what this is is this candy i think i found some candy all right i'm gonna get rid of that get rid of the stomach brains oh come on these tables really okay mark are you coming with those three i gotta get the table first mark um uh mark where am i where am i i'm pretty sure that was mark's fault i'm just gonna throw out there that that was not an ideal surgery i don't know where the syringes that i was calling for i was trying to get a table ready i don't think you needed this table i think you needed to bring me some syringes all right fine you know what whatever i replaced the fuse in the place you stole the fuse from uh-huh yeah and hey uh just now i just gotta figure out a way to get up get up come here well yeah you saw the hole in the ceiling here right pick it up huh i think you're going to be proud of me i am proud of you you have my proudest what are you doing you're getting all your syringes out here yeah yeah but apparently there's an up you know wade's on like you know how he is well the whole time he's been all secret secrets that's like yeah i know it's like shut up that's what i was saying like just shut up let's play the game yeah we're here to do surgery it's called surgeon simulator not a secret simulator idiot she's an idiot anyway i'm gonna unmute and talk to him now hey wade oh wow this is cool yeah man that's nuts so cool hey buddy uh you think that maybe we should like you know play the game a little bit that might be how dare you you stay in here and you think about that why don't you okay uh hang on i'm gonna lift this to you [ __ ] are we not we're ready baby we're ready let's do this sure there's still syringes in here let's do that table ready table we don't need a table what do you think we need a table yeah who would you who would have a table yeah i'm kind of where my mind is being [ __ ] come on watch your language okay i did i said la surgery o'clock baby oh hey i see you uh took my job of dropping organs on a belt yeah real tough yeah i know how much this must have really trusted you yeah okay all right anyway we got all the organs don't worry i'll keep doing the real hard work real dog oh hey why did you drop me my syringe is on the ground my dude i had those nicely they were on a table actually this is uh this is not as effective as i would have hoped what is it what are you used to trying to get through these rails yeah let's be let's be smart about this what if i excuse me surgeon coming through is this uh is this just getting it that leg is stuck in there i don't know if that's a common occurrence i'll go in and grab it too late what's wrong with the solution i've sent guys we don't even need more legs it's fine i got it so it's really some kind of hammer device wait wait did that get it yeah yeah it's out okay i told you you cleared this oh there we go is anyone else that's an arm is anyone watching man uh if you could please uh uh we've lost two thousand blood but blood is stopped now if you were paying attention you would have noticed that it started at 2800 idiot thousands of bloodlines all right so what are we yoinking out of here heart and stomach stomach okay the blue one that guy no that's the large intestine okay okay this seems to be our believers okay wait did you not just see that i was already doing that one so why would you put more antibodies i didn't see which one you grabbed i was just helping you weren't actually that's maybe all right now would be the time way to do whatever you were doing my professional opinion is give him give this man some more blood trying to get the blood but it's just hard to grab there we go let's get that in there hang on i'm trying to get my hands on this little heart muscle i need just needs stomach all right he's good hang on hold on hang on well the leg's really getting away from me here hang on get that leg back oh i knocked the other leg out and then there goes the scanner okay normal it should there okay oh well wade listen my man you don't have any police on a surgery or surgery i'm gonna kalima you you don't even know how to pronounce it right kalima kalama kalama damn it i think we were pretty close on that we were pretty close yeah yeah if if a dumbo over there would stop slapping around you're not that bad mark stop being so hard on yourself maybe someone else should be the surgeon should i i want to be a nurse i would like to be a nurse please i will take over the surgeon's role finally like you deserve this for some reason actually yeah about time eight years of medical right you don't even know how to set up a nurse's station i wouldn't do a nurse's station because i'm the surgeon how can you call yourself a surgeon if you aren't even the the first evolution of a surgeon that's it's not pokemon here it's it's i had like a great great grandpa who was assertive i'm like a surgeon twice removed or something that's definitely not a thing i'm going to drop stuff on the conveyor belt ah you're going to drop the right stuff uh you need a heart right leg yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go with yeah i think this is a it's either a stomach or a penis i don't know what this is it's definitely i don't know if we should have weighed identifying body parts in there all right surgeon your nurse is ready yeah yeah i'll be right there uh-huh sir surgeon man uh-huh are we ready to start this i've had my shots i'm good to go let's get this yeah all right we're looking at an old left leg uh ectomy nurse oh i'm ready i'm ready be ready i'm ready okay good i'm ready ready and then normally slicing currently slicing and uh injecting in the neck and this is a left leg indeed i know it from the smell stop doctor let me inject this man whoa wait a minute oh no oh dear what kind of nurse am i can you please give him some blood i'm i'm getting it i'm here to help have i ever told you about moe's hardness scale i am familiar with your affinity for bose hardness scale yes uh in any way yeah you would know that hardness scale only the thing on the same hardness level can break the thing that it's on so obviously i've gotten this skull to break the bone wait why do you okay you have yellow i have yellow you get red you could have used the partially used syringe a nurse a nurse would know that look once something's been used you you recycle it you go straight to a new one listen how's that bose gardness scale working out for you supremely effective thank you perfect see how it's worked out all right be ready with you just use uh billy's skull okay i don't know who billy is and i don't care is our friend i don't care forgotten about them don't care all right we are all right please stop the bleeding i'm um i'm behind you doctor but it's not creepy don't worry about it stop the bleeding i've got my blood done i'm ready to rock all right where's the new heart it's over here on the floor next to the bread all right get ready with the bleed stoppie and blood give yeah i'm mom remember i'm itching to stab you here we go and where's the new korean nuts on the ground thank you that's very good on the ground look it's a clean floor okay i don't know what you want mm-hmm yeah what's one of those practitioner school look i got nothing wrong with nurses why do you hate nurses so much look i don't but hey shut up i'm sorry what hey all right take your blood wait a minute uh you guys seen what i'm saying i know you're creeping around oh ruining everything dr josh was in the robert oh robert uh bob i'm guessing oh my god robert's short for bob hey bob it's me hey look at us see that's what happens when you have a competent surgeon yeah you know what when you're right you're right i sent julian in to tidy up in here so this one should go very smoothly building this place has been difficult certain friendships are particularly difficult i know how that goes everything is fine well certainly we'll be fine oh i wasn't muted right jillian yeah hey mark yeah what's up secrets no way listen listen there's no time for secrets we got to get down to business it's about business this is a business secret everything else so it's going to be run efficiently and optimizationally okay you all feel optimizationally yeah uh-huh the hell does that even mean listen i'm gonna do my catchphrase in this game and you're gonna listen to it okay all right shut up nurse i'm a doctor okay that's pretty good right uh why is that what is that at all that's my catchphrase that's my catchphrase it's my catchphrase shut up first no marker does a lot better than you that that's not the way it's said i'm just saying that's my catchphrase i've watched all the animateds and all the surgeon sims and you say it with a lot more venom i don't say it with anything you've changed why would i why would i say it with any venom why would i use it yeah new nice kill you is the worst you cancel i am a doctor boo i'm just gonna get the patient up here let's just get this started i want to ride him do it okay whatever man do it oh all right well that's left arm your feet should definitely not be in the patient whatever left arm is that the syringe is over here and such a terrible is this it or by left i meant right arm did i say left left that's right arm all right how about we just do this rip it and then i'll slap it rip and slap we'll do it all right no i'm not ready to slap i'll comfort the patient i'm not ready to slap all right we're ready ready for the the slide are you ready doctor yep rip it you rip i slap uh out kind of interfering with my grasp of the arm grip it hang on grip it all right ready yep we're done record time baby that's what i call a good surgery well done well done halftime's all around him [Music] yeah yeah yeah oh wait here we go let me we'll get to you look at this i'm gonna give you the old backhand i didn't even feel anything i did that's just because you're a heartless monster yes but i'm also rich and well paid as a doctor right now shall we get on with the next surgery um oh up here secret door on top yes i know i'm aware get the secrets go ahead oh thanks for opening the secret dude that's what i did for you get out of here i don't want to drop down i want to go over here i swear it sounds like art schwarzenegger what is yeah what is it help wait stand over where that little glow stick is stand over where that little glow stick is not that one the one on the side yeah okay and then go back through this as i pull it okay okay where's it go there's this is just there's nothing all right see you around hey see ya no see oh come on where am i wait where am i all right cool oh hey guys i'm here look guys i'm here i've got a power rod what do i do with this nice rod what do i do what do i do with this oh wait there's a there's a power input in here gotcha oh mark mark we can pry this open we can pry this open uh excuse me maybe this will open when we uh put the plug in or something yeah yeah you know you did it yeah don't worry i got it no strength did it mark yeah i was in there good job guys excellent job uh-huh we did it we did it wow wow wow all right laura call laura ma tell you what's going on um i have the power thing and never mind i'm [Music] uh we must need it to go down in the hole there's more back here something else back here can you move this barrel for me i'm swanging the wheel hang on oh there's secret bread secret bread that's it there's nothing else okay uh i guess whether there's this hole who wants to go in someone with a fuse get in there uh where that's not me where i'm going in the hall i'm going down am i going to die this is where i get cracking okay now if i do this to you a lot of body parts down here a lot of body parts how'd you how did you go down there i fell you were whoa what but wait wait let me in wait keep going oh all right nice wait i don't think you're making it oh no it's monsters inc in here uh-oh lore oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh dude wait he's in the hole baby uh guys look uh around the corner did you see the shadow on the wall i see it it's spooky wait wait it's spooky come over here oh hey you're very oh can you can i pick these oh look at me guys look i got a light source no more spooks for me oh my god oh no no oh my god wait wait wait no no no no it's great it's incredible no no stop oh stop me there you go perfect watch this and wait excellent work man uh-huh uh-huh you hear that beautiful it's it's really it's really good man look i've been looking forward to this all the time they put it in the game damn it man we're musicians not doctors okay you guys carry on i'll be here [Music] the bird the bird is so free free the bird the bird the bird free the bird i actually have never known what free bird sounds like i honestly could not tell you even how it's so you nailed it okay didn't we play guitar hero 3 in college a bunch was free bird on there yes oh that's free bird oh okay yeah the one where he says free is a bird a lot no that's free as a bird not free bird very different he's free as a free bird okay great i'm free free bird free the the song can only be named after the only words that are in oh this looks like some underground surgery shifts yeah i had a fuse that in the other room i brought it down um never mind there might be one here oh there's a fuse here's a fuse we got a fuse i knew there would be a fuse diagnostic there's a diagnostic and there's a fuse is there a second fuse hole i only see the one why oh okay interesting did you get the diagnostic okay i'm coming good good please slap it in where do i slap it in on the uh well i guess i'll just put a slap in the basement put it near him yeah yeah it only needs to be near that'll work oh here's the button blink there's a button over here oh no the button i just pressed opened up this area with this big lever oh look legs and stuff oh here's a button how wait oh do that some more that's how you get stuff off the conveyor belt okay how are we gonna convert about running uh this why is he gonna be noting our techniques eject the legs wade get him uh you guys are right i'm trying to try to help wade here all right wait now go uh guys we actually needed the leg uh the intestine we need the intestines we're getting pretty much everything yeah we got all the parts over here in a neat pile on the ground wait wait wait wait we're ready wade ready wade get him yeah you got any syringes or something um i don't think we need those okay oh yeah we got all the bits yep so we're just going to yoink them out and then we'll have to get rid of the ribs to get the blue intestine no you can get it without getting rid of the ribs yeah we can actually do both of these great i'm pretty sure okay actually yeah here i'll grab the large uh bob you just yank we'll slap in he won't even bleed i got i got a grip on the blue guy i'll wait till you get both out and then we'll just yeah get balls all right so i'll do the yoinking yeah do both the oinks all right i will come in hot and wait wait wait wait until he's done and then and then and then and then yeah yep okay here we go get them in there doesn't matter make it dirty wait you have literally one job we've got about 10 seconds wait wait oh my god shove it in oh boy oh my god wait how are you my god i don't know just put it in put put it put oh thank god okay first try it's the pa system but don't worry about that exactly it's designed right train our friends again what surgical revolutions can be an emotional business what this isn't pam what do you what what what's up let's get out of here spooky hey a plus plus you're welcome by the way a plussiest all right oh i guess that's it oh that's it yeah that's it for that's what all they got for the full release that was fun thank you for the that was a lot of fun that was good yeah that was pretty fun actually i was curious how multiplayer would work for this i like the puzzle it works like the added puzzle solution it works good it works good i want more secrets mainly just to distract marks and bob and i can get the work done yeah definitely [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,268,058
Rating: 4.9550486 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, surgeon simulator 2, surgeon simulator multiplayer, funny games, surgeon simulator 2 markiplier, markipliergame, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, collab, surgeon simulator 2 online, funny moments, laughing, surgery, simulator game, simulation, surgeon sim, surgeon sim 2
Id: E0pnd8VHRaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 56sec (4016 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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