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Hey Baba's joined I'm coming icy blackness ah hello hi oh it's been a while oh yeah I don't remember it's done I guess see it see you guys heard Wade Wade there's a shark no he's attacking you oh okay wait for you in here and I can i snatch you know I don't just jump right up there and gotcha where's the rock where's the ref there's a shark ow oh my god mark have you played before yeah bleed wrap before my wrap pro right good sure yeah yeah we all know what we're doing everyone knows what they're doing we both missed it all right so feel like we're put the cart before the horse we we don't even know why we're here we haven't established the who we are and our relationship to each other I mean I thought I was here by myself and you guys really popped out of the woods what are you talking about brother wife mark we're here on the brother raft I think that you are the best raft tier in the world ah that's mighty kind of you brother husband sure was strange for our sister why husband to make it here with us wouldn't sister husband Wade well that's me sister husband Wade I'm glad to be here I just liked building wood so when you guys told me you're gonna get lost in the middle of nowhere with nothing I was like man can I build some wood and know the rest is history I think I think I think this might be the cringes bit we've ever had I'm gonna die no brother sister or husband I don't I get more health look you got it anything I'm otherwise eating yeah you know why I don't know why they don't make that shark like three times its size like really beefed up this scares that sure it's a shrimpy baby shark I wanna oh no beefy shark I'm gonna be scared of something it's got to be big and beefy I've got a hammer so I can build the raft for now if you guys want to waste resource on the hammer hey what's gonna be important soon food and water we don't this island I don't think we got a choice I think we're gonna no we're gonna have to fly by it we don't have any paddles or something we need like an anchor could we build anchor right away throw ball anchor we need four rope four stone six point something I don't have any stone I need one more palm leaf and I can build us all right Zeron well that kind of got thanks for your help mark you're welcome I will I was about to salmon to God yeah now you get it wait how are we driving over to the island are you doing that no we just are looking into it this time but it's not gonna stay we're gonna bounce off of it as we don't have an anchor I think you okay he's fine he's just doing stuff where are you guys oh geez don't leave me we have no control over this we're just talking about this where it goes you guys are gonna love me because I picked up some watermelons dude nice I'm pretty sure we can plant those all right keep the sugar going for me the shark away from me make sure yeah I need more plastic we have a bunch of barrels coming up better get some get up get back get up gets barrels talked about that I just got another plastic I'm about to get this barrel over here feel free to help mark I'm looking at the crafting I'm looking at you're not getting my watermelon I don't want your watermelons I want weights watermelon this you had my watermelons you wish I got a spear all right I can make another cup already Oh mark I made you a cup thank you thank you you can throw it on the ground okay hey with a shark I don't see it anymore I'll find it hey I got a stone is that good there's two stones good sure did you go underwater no I came out of that barrel I just snagged though okay gotta get those sweet barrels bro do these barrels are sweet brother wife sister cousin Marcus your cousin that's mr. sister cousin to you I have a lot of rope do you want a closet or something why did you want us to like acknowledge that in any way because I didn't feel like it spare some just can't stand the sound of you talking okay someone put something in the purifier perfer someone actually I'll just drink my water and then put it in the perfer the perfer I don't even make a hammer I don't have stone yeah no need to repair this I threw my oh no my hooks here Oh what my hook is in the in the infinite went into their way we could make a paddle to get over to that Island we could make a paddle yes we need six plastic and two ropes that's not happenin I have enough planks I don't have enough plastics or ropes where I don't have much plastic how many ropes do you need to make a paddle I make two rows got one rope too late chumps is too more accurate new mom rowing we're going to the island baby maybe us is really cool no it's not you're really you won't get us away from all this good loot I was trying to okay well too late oh I'm sorry do you want to get it no no it's just some plastic paddle away sister brother will I'm real good at battling to make a normal anchor I need one more rope and two more stone and then I can anchor our jam I've got one rope and one stone sadly oh hell yeah I have everything now I'm making a throw blanket [ __ ] sweet nice nice nice that is nice max we can cut down those trees for even more wood and there should be underwater maybe access to stuff we can who wanna see stones right right below us I think they look like stones there Rakesh alright hit that anchor I'm not sure how but yeah hey there's stuff down here is so fast I've got a fishing rod you do doing a fish mark yeah we sure also I'm an excellent I was always about the fishing crossing Valley I do the fishing I did it I did the fishing professionally I don't know how to fish in this game though why I never mind I figured it up I got a rod to lap out propsal a fee oh we're eating tilapia tonight I'm gonna go under and just do doobie resources [ __ ] all right you got it how do we keep forgetting I just Oh somebody drank the water oh no I needed some of that alright to lap you boys my my god guys there's a shark in the island it's a Land Shark no don't lie there was an EVP swim walked away oh it's cuz the waves are sloshing up on the island knew this shark is out of the water there's more of a land shark that's what I'm sayin he's back kind of a land is shirk alright I'm gonna hop out of the water yeah but if I draw it over I can stab it whoa I'm in the water bonds for us I am risking my buns for us and I don't know why I don't make fun of me when I mean [Music] just destroyed my ass you saved mine because I was in the world tilapia that I was cooking that I caught I literally just announced that I stole your - laughing holy [ __ ] the shark just jumped through the wrath to try and get your ass mark Jesus Christ didn't get close I got pretty close my pro digis ass you guys were I just fight it the F Spears we could just no you're the only one with a spear alright don't fight it I'll go find it here we go this is it oh my god I think you would sure wish I had my tilapia oh my god I just picked up a giant clam look out Oh incapacitated Oh No wait wait someone miss me gets me deeply hmm you need to bed wake me up maybe you need a bed do we have a bed ah bed bed bed I need nails nails I don't need it's the second one it's other oh god okay pick up the anchor we gotta go guys help help help well help you're we need to get a bed we need to get nails just lift anchor anchor up like I can't surrender I think you have to literally jump in and get Wade go get that whoa was it who's that anchor one-time-use Oh maybe well thank yous go no its one-time use I either that or else I [ __ ] it in the help picking it up it said remove no no not remove you picked it up when is it in your inventory it sure is not the anchor no we did not get these barrels I'm paddling us towards these barrels these barrels look likely have the nails what happens if I surrender and respawn is that bad you can't respond that's cheating okay okay you missed the barrel Wade it's right here got it yeah I know I'm got it so you got it man Bob your corpse system right in my way it's not as course he's still alive he's gonna make me probably stop that all right we stopped it all right time to put a Pompeii on that I can make two nails okay you have any scrub no I don't everything I would have told you if I had it I got plenty nails Oh bed so I need four palm leaves do four palm leaf uh yes here I'll drop them there oh yeah lady in there baby laid out did you honestly doubt that we're trying to make a bed for you yeah a little what a good friend you are you know what a good friend I'm alive that's fast all I needed was like five seconds of nap guys taking a nap on the ground you were you were complaining about your grants too hard hmm you can now research antenna oh I have a blueprint what does that do receiver you used to locate nearby radio signals what do I do with that I didn't knew we could learn it I don't think we can craft stuff like that till we have more sophisticated things on this boat sophisticated word yeah yeah I used it yep you did sorry our conversations are really good starting to lose it on the other is alright so there we go I extended this a little bit around the bed we could probably another linebacker I got no water I need this we need to start boiling water like crazy Ben I've been cycling the water there should be some in there did someone take it and not refill it how there's water on there fill your cup oh right oh god I drink this water drink it I drink the seawater I didn't mean to fill your cup with fresh water I'm gonna keep the I'm food man's well no mark has the fishing pole though well it's almost dead actually it died it really died well I can't make one because it meets a trope which is unreasonable amount of rope well make rope then how in God's name do I make rope with the leaves oh you do look at that I only have two palm leaves that only made me one rope well listen you could keep finding things to complain about her you keep finding solutions Bob can everyone make some rope I have a giant clam can I cook my giant clam just pop a bad boy on the grill ride down distel need food wait I ate one of the fish I should be okay for at least a minute I didn't need some water though waters ready take the water all right I took the water drank it down wow that's pretty Savage mark thank you from a man such as this nothing blue you know I'm pretty I'm pretty crazy in savage blow [Music] you know what I mean yeah bro you know what I mean bro yeah yeah bro you know blah I honestly feel like this is how we might be if we were stuck on the open ocean it's very slightly slightly insane yeah slightly I'm going for full insane that that's my I'm not insane I'm fine I'm going once a night you me doctor no mock me I address you by a proper [Applause] doesn't feel good I'm just out here trying to grind ropes storage baby I'm gonna break this store is gonna be base materials like planks plastic and palm fronds and rocks so feel free to take or give oh look at all those poem things you a-holes holding out on me you got it I sure did all right I extended this out another way this way now I guess I'll go this way to picture we protect the chest yeah and also make it wide so we can make those nets being a good man and I'm glugging up the seawater me being a good man's in the storms yep I'm whoa there we go extended the boat once each direction there you're the greatest seagull what do the seagulls do can you [ __ ] can you hunt them I think you could eventually make a nest and they give you eggs or something but also hell yeah come lay your eggs over here so I can eat your babies who's who's hungee Bobby got cooked tilapias Wow yeah I'm gonna make a small storage no I'm not can someone make another small storage and I'll start filling up a food store and you took the plastic who took I'd another right all the plastic here it's five more in there five is not enough we're really out of plastic right now we are because the first reason Wade used it all I was told to extend the boat on the side no you sent me then yes we don't have enough resources to make a small box as we live in [ __ ] [ __ ] plan I wanna make it very clear wait gave himself that job no one gave him that job girl Meghan Meghan another small storage goodness calm baby I put four more plastic in there no I got it the swords done you rest your weary head you fool the left storage is for food my dudes all right food big barrel over here on my side don't make fun of me no no oh my god Wade help me out triple triple barrels there's also a raft straight ahead we're gonna want to go to that raft okay my paddle is almost dead so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to help on that we're kind of headed toward it anyway but some will have to hop up and loot that raft alright I see it I see who you're volunteering well there's no need to be rude I was Road Marc I will so be it your throat tonight I will be all over your throat you will so be it oh you wish you knew how in the throat that would mean yeah okay the same wid you better you better you better be careful that made it fun a Wade and you're jumping in and attacking me and I don't know why cuz I just I just hop on whatever side seems to be winning hate for you to have to experience that they do for me to have to experience your throat that's what I do things to make another container some sort no no container we need more plastic have all these flowers and seeds do we need flowers and seeds and things or is that literally just cluttering my mind I think it's decorative my inventory is filled with seeds I don't need yeah oh this [ __ ] that raft is sinking I've got nothing that good from it I got some scrap metal I guess that's kind of underwhelming just like you Wade Wow and your throat why can't make another chests do we need that oh no no no I made it okay okay BAM so I'll have you know under tools there is a thing called shark bait Bob if you get a palm for an ax herring and that can distract the shark if we don't want to kill it some you're looting underwater for a bit interesting I've not used it all that much I think it is useful but I'm not personally crafted or used it you know all right I'm alive that's right we're gonna have so much food guys in the food storage I love it I love no idea no idea that I love how our team just works hmm I love our team just box yeah come here friend mine give give to me damn you it's my with the spirit help Wade you try you couldn't you can't kill a shark so how would you be able to kill me this Aston is watching streams alright okay yeah sure oh wait whoops I'm stupid I put this in the wrong chest respect the organization I'm trying to but Wade's idiocy is bleeding over to me anyone needed to rank anyone need a drink there's a drink free I'll get it dranks is up my bros room log and I'll replace it because unlike Wade I like to keep things nice and organized look at this guy what a bro that's me a bro well I was gonna get that Abraham Lincoln you need some food are you gonna eat the potatoes no I was gonna get the no the the stuff that Wade stole from me this food storage is not even gonna be big enough once I get all this stuff yeah we should start researching how to do like a planter and stuff like that and yada yada ya I'm gonna make our own research table I think we need that right yeah that sounds good whoa this thing's big right at the head of the bed so we can think and we can work while we sleep you see perfect we can funk and slop at the same yeah I love a good thong and slump please wait a minute a slot to research place item 800 I'm researching would did the Woodman sorry I looked at it real good oh yeah there's a raft over there he looks like a big huh a big soccer big honking boy over there although all of my resources are in the chest so I don't I don't have anything to make anything I learned table no I holy [ __ ] my knowledge spread to you guys mark you're infecting me with your knowledge sure ah corona style I can't stop it even if I want to yeah the bass student nothing what is this a my inventory that I have right now inventory scrap mechanic duck an old plastic duck seems to originate from the game scrap mechanic what what the f what what what is this and why do I have it Stones beer stone air oh dude nice nice nice a smell paddling over there paddle away for ya there's a real man okay my paddle broke anyone see my duck and can't explain why I think it's just a little cosmetic things they put in here starve and dehydrate their food in the left one and I just drank the wire Wade you're being real pathetic hey being a real pathetic I'm cranking on the foods there's no way you should with a violent plastic we need plastic repair Han I'll let me get these barrels more more grilled up pom-pom from grill net home and grill them baby yum yum yum wait get the water wait get the water get back to the boat mark what you do why I okay we're good we're good we're good oh there's some water up and there's lots of food going on I just can't the boat is get on the boat yeah age it deep can I help you in some way okay there we go that's shark what's so close to just yankin yeah sure Lowe's sure just ignore the system just eat those right off there that's fine sorry Wow ooh collection net oh nice he doesn't be good rug what an aesthetic we're building an aesthetic on this raft and I appreciate that my luggage I'll uh cast etics collection net baby they're facing the wrong way aren't thank god they're good they're good they're good collection net baby yeah baby yeah baby baby shark baby hey can I put on the side oh I can't ah mark why are you sitting in a chair contemplating life but I couldn't sit and throw my hook at the same time did you just make this a brooding chair on the edge of the earth wait all the fish waited so many fish here's some more here's some beets for you bud thanks bud which way let me extend mark toward your thinking chair the other way ah mark wants a space don't extend into a sigh don't get yeah it's my phone I'm sorry that's rude that's pretty yeah yeah yeah back off my territory shark attack just try and repair the shark got good news guys more collection nets oh hell yes get those get those things I am getting those things bucket no [ __ ] way bro [ __ ] it baby we have crop plots by the way in case you guys wanted crop points citizen beets that way yes we're currently low on planks just as a FY FY you well the collection nets are sea be doing pretty spicy I'm getting stuff oh look at this a surplus if we build crop plots I think we're gonna need the Scarecrow to keep the speech the seagulls off of them right that makes sense that checks out that's logical I like that I can fish while looking at my friends later I like looking at you fish so it really works out for the both of us you look at me fish I'll fish while I look at you we look at each other so now I catch fish and I catch your gaze does anybody have clay do we make clay or I sort of make a wet brick oh yeah there was what we need like one more clay there's sand in here I put clay in there in research clay so we need two more pieces of clay so we need to find an island I guess to get more clay is that where the clay is I think it's like you can go get stoned you can get sand or you can get clay from like the ground plus there's like random scrap metal and stuff fun did we kill the shirt cuz I don't see you then him he's swimming around still you can kill it but he comes back even if we do yeah but they buy give us a chance to go down once we get close to an island we should try to kill him can we build like sails or something yeah can you give me some palm fronds Wade yeah I just need three thank you and sail and this bad boy where we put nod I figured out where I got the duck from it's the same place that I got this cat from anybody have any opinions on where to put this sail before we just go for it somewhere in the middle I don't know I don't know any think about this no one can tell us we don't have a sail oh [ __ ] I'm mid barrel I tried to that was my hook got stuck my hook got stuck can you make like a like a lot like a long seeing thing what's that go along see my glass for optical purpose I see I link to the due to the off the poet side right to the right to the right yes the sail is oriented properly all you do is hold our and you move your mouse and it'll move got it got it got it do me play the paddle there's it actually gonna take us just put the sail face I don't know she's like it's taking us toward it yeah we're extended another row this way I don't know how far you want to go each way before we put collection that's on the sides and stuff I mean do we need collection that's on the sides I agree that's my opinion as well all right that's a little too much I'm gonna adjust our trajectory in a moment here all right you got it navigator Bob navigator chef Bob that's me boys chef chef fisherman navigator um how about a droplet well I've not been drinking gotta gotta eat and drink keep that strength up my dudes no way please you promised you'd stop good the anchor cuz we're we're just about here my dad my chef Bob I've I've made you a treat a treat if you investigate the ship there's a new device yes how does this work Oh for growing what knots you gotta attach it on the deck and then you pick up the bucket and go swim down and drop the bucket somewhere I mean I could just keep the sail aimed at the island it keeps kind of kind of makes you sure if he made it just go just go stick that down there and now we stuck okay so now we should try to kill the shark and well we could wait till daylight that way we can actually see what we're gathering underneath Oh see Shmi Shmi like mannequins bone yeah that's the first thing that I thought of too but I didn't know we're thinking like gosh me was my wife your mom I loved her she's dead now no father yeah what a body she had that's me your mom let's fight Oh your mom yes I know great tits god damn it I can't hit the shark to save my life anyway about your mother's tits oh yeah please go on great pair age didn't do nothing knows you've got the force you can read my mind just look at the body memories look at my memories all the great all the great images of your mom's great tits are in there yeah yeah sure we do Oh chef Bob we've got some shark meat all right I'll let you cook it up chef Bob so unfortunately with the shark meat we have the bigger grill but we should be close to getting there now is exactly when we should be underwater gangshim underwater I am well I'm getting sand is there clay too hopefully I got some sand oh yeah there's goodies down here my oxygen does not last yeah I guess drowning is an ideal metal ore interesting interesting interesting hold your breath better yep pansy that's what's wrong with you know what's wrong with you when I suffer from rude disease that sounds legit I believe that where's clay what does it look like it looks very similar to the sand for when I could tell if I thought it was just sand mmm that's not helpful Oh see go get out of here go away how do we make a scarecrow the sea girls trying to mess up my jams or spear to like hidden told the [ __ ] also who the hell drank the fresh water and didn't refill it wait can I have always where you feel I've been refilling it unless I might have forgotten once but I got another clay I think the clay is a little bit know that one looks just like that okay use words come on give me something looks like saying it's clay I guess that's what that's what I deserve I mean these are force but like you know I deserve worse now Bob why do I deserve worse huh that's pretty harsh judgment pretty harsh judgment okay I'm picked up one clay and I know how to describe it it's a slightly darker shade and it's a bit more rigid yeah rigid that's the word I was looking for I can't tell the color but it was a little bit more rigid that's true Wow I mean oh [ __ ] I should get out of the water oh hi shark the surface of the shark giving him the full business so there's a wet brick laying right here next in the research table to dry how long does it take to dry I have no idea never mess with the wet bricks before shall we sail away or are we good here another fishing pole soon and we're or our fluid supply is gonna I will get you that bye bye I got you well if we get the big grill then I'm actually pretty pretty rich with food cuz I got three raw salmon three catfish and four shark meats to cook up those bad boys mark white white point oh there you go I'm just trying to make more storage because we keep running out yeah for how much space the storage takes up it doesn't actually store that much better when we can get later on I'm sure there's a better everything we can get later on mark your sail placement really did [ __ ] my grill placement oh I'm very sorry I did ask I did ask you did ask is there a way to wait can i oh wait oh I can move it oh I'll put up my chair so I can I can navigate without anybody getting mad at me people in this third bill of the second-to-last storage container here it didn't magically appear I made it I wasn't taking credit that's one didn't know it was there get out of here seagull those seagulls really don't like you guys I'm growing us a watermelon and a pineapple yeah praise me like you should all right we get out of this beast yeah Nicole my a bow is all right yo shark attack shark attack comment I was here ready for you you ain't gonna get new with them that's what you were all over that dudes bag so ready this is nice guys this is honestly really nice it's too relaxing you know that's very nice I see skies blue I picked up a drawbridge should I put it in the research table and I research to myself we learned a smelter how do we make that oh it needs six brick oh boy I don't think we have that much stuff oh we didn't get enough clay clay we did not get oh man we got so many cooked wall fish shows why not dude only because our resident fisherman is so good at his job I am fish main you better watch out and me as our resident gatherer and the best I'm great at my job too wait what's your what to do a residency and apparently nothing just uh you also get select have some ambition man I mean I've been in the raft I guess yeah resident hammer man resident bill burr man I like that what menial labor the blazes have been I feel like we're doing a bad job of encouraging wait I was trying to be encouraging it really didn't pan out [Laughter] hey guys I can harvest the things I got one pineapple and one watermelon for all of my troubles that's pretty good no I get I guess how close are we to big big big boys big what grill big grill all right let me let me see if I can find where the big is okay big grill here it is advance grill we need a metal ingot which means means we need the smelter which so we need to make our smell yeah another island for or we make shark bait and go down and go get it I don't know if we can go down we need wrong pomfritt and raw herring oh I'm cooking though it's all God we need some kind of a snorkel ah forget it because we need the snorkel to go down here I bet anyway yeah I would think lovely deep here would it help if we made more grills you know and and pretend it's bigger grills no the problem isn't the quantity of grills I can run them both myself right now it's just that I have all this stuff that I can't cook on this size a grill all right well I've got something else that'll make you happy happy defi [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,236,809
Rating: 4.9697638 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, raft update, raft markiplier, raft playthrough, raft walkthrough, raft lets play, raft multiplayer, raft online, raft game online, raft game markiplier, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, collab, multiplayer, ocean, f the ocean, screw the ocean, i hate the ocean, ocea is scary, sharks, sea monster, cast away
Id: huhoUI51R5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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