*FLIP* *FLIP* *FLIP* | House Flipper

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to a house flipper this game a is a little old at this point in fact I bought it about when it first came out and I've never played it since in fact I know very little about how the game is played considering how long it's been out I've seen it I know the concept I'm not I know you buy a house and you flip it and I used to work as a carpenter building decks so I think I will be goodly equipped to handle the challenges that this game is going to present to me so I think I think that unless there's some secret twist into this game that's like super scary and subtle which it would be almost the perfect game for it I think I'm going to approach this calmly logically and absolutely try to make this house the best house that I could ever flip because I've thought about that in the back before I became a youtuber I was like my boss and the deck building business was like yeah I thought about just over a winter because not many people buy decks in the winter you could just buy a house and then spend the whole winter fixing it up and go in on then I was like oh yeah sure I'd love that anyway what a mess I need to clean this up did I just buy this property did I buy this [ __ ] Shack did I legitimately look at this [ __ ] Shack as an investment property look at the house to yard ratio I mean it's nice but this is a Sims house this is legitimately like baby's first Sims house okay whatever dispose dispose at least it just goes away at least I don't have to walk into the curb check the emails on my love this is my house I didn't even flip this what god damn hope do I have to make a profit flipping houses if this is my house oh my god I was cleaning up was this easy oh my god oh it's so bad please put it in the sink Oh put it in the sink put it in the sink ah God just put it a stop oh my god don't even have a reflection okay if the laptop will allow you to find jobs buy houses and switch between them you cannot afford to buy a house yet but it looks like you already have your first email who is contacting me who did i trick into thinking that I was a good handyman who the hell would trust me to do anything Jesus okay anyway my shock is over didn't get over it getting over it I'm over it all right Sarah Luis ex-boyfriend stole the radiator from my house do I have to run a hit job what did they do I have to kill this guy do I have to break his knees to stop I'd like to hire your company to put my house in order I know from photos posted on face spam that my ex-boyfriend broke into my house made a huge best and stole the radiator it is possible that something else is missing please make order in the house and replace the missing devices I would ask you not to inform the police about the whole matter I will settle it myself with my ex-boyfriend after returning from a business trip there is gonna be some dark secret subplot to this game Gunn amount one knot I was joking I was joking about there being a dark subgun quantity one not enough what honey guns you need all right whatever congratulations you unlock new tool from now on you'll be able to clean dirty stuff using the mop yeah all right just gonna let me in this house huh you sure do trust who all right clean sure no sound associated with it but yeah just slap the mop on the walls that's that's how I clean up my messes I'm not a hundred percent sure how these walls got like this but frankly I guess I shouldn't question it oh my god I just cleaned this [ __ ] stained couch what happened did you live here with your ex-boyfriend you're on a business trip what business what what business okay let me just get rid of the trash first because that's just a nightmare by itself get trash trash the radiator is indeed gone you have a tablet your disposal press tab to use or hide it allows you to buy things it'll be handy for this task yeah why am i buying them a radiator I guess because I can build them for it I searched for a radiator here we go all right um sure right there sounds great oh I actually have to assemble it oh [ __ ] oh oh oh satis facto oh that's nice oh that's actually nice oh that's really nice Hey look at that no no no no this this place is a nightmare I am NOT I am NOT leaving it like this there is no way now am i leaving this place like this holy crap this is bad okay open these stains why don't you have sheets turn on the tablet and choose what point you want to spend a new skill on skill penetrating vision I'm gonna [ __ ] penetrate some vision you don't even need to tell me twice about what I need to pick I am penetrating period take it a picture I don't know why maybe it approved of the client just to shame them of how disgusting this place is alright why do you need so many goddamn radiators ok there's a spot in the kitchen here that I missed so oh wait this garbage got that alright that's good open up here that's disgusting alright good that that okay hundred percent baby why is that there I have no idea alright we're gonna put that right by here there's should that should still close yep so we're good there bathtubs good toilets good that's good that's good this is looking ok let's get this straightened out oh my god the whole thing is wrong let's tuck it so that's accessible on the side but not too much let's bring the center to that spot got you no other game actually meticulous about this [ __ ] I do not know why I'm this way here I really don't know this is not like me in any way I mean legitimately this is not this is not me glad yet Here I am this doesn't make sense here because there's not a lot of space hmm this is just a very sincere lack of space going on here why am I thinking about this so intensely yeah I think that's gonna do close the doors on the wind house the backyard well I don't need to worry about mowing that's for damn sure Plus that up this looks pretty good let me see what it looks like all right um yeah that's about as good as I could hope that this was oddly satisfying I enjoyed this way too much and this is a really nice little space they got here it's basically just like all you need this has got that HT HGTV vibe doesn't it it feels like one of those shows that you just like you really love the process and there's something very satisfying about the end result I get it I didn't think that I was the type of person to appreciate it but looks like I am okay I think I'm done complete the order completed food it's enough to survive oh my god thank God I could afford a mop oh lordy loo oh thank God I got penetrating vision oh the ceiling oh my god it's awful Oh guys also horrible oh these cabinets suck they're all broken oh this bathroom is awful this is so horrible how did I ever survive all right I need to get over it I'm not gonna get through this game if this is like the worst I've ever seen oh my god I guess I'll put that up now even square anymore broken mirror jeez the outside I mean it's just it's a freaking shed it's a rusted-out disgusting old shed I guess I must have bought it but why was my laptop already in here that's indicative that I've been here a while got that got that okay just one more in like the bathroom area oh there yep okay thank goodness my freaking house is at least livable whoo all right what do we got mail radiators I will pay you if I am fully satisfied or you get nothing winter is coming the winters are hard and there are no radiators in my house mount them expensive stuff modernity ah modernity okay great baby all right this at least it's not a disgusting nightmare that's the one thing that I'm pretty happy with it's not a disgusting nightmare okay store or radiator by for some reason people just don't have radiators in this building you're in this neighborhood or in this life or in this world in this world there are no such things as radiators this is oddly satisfying I I do have to admit something about this very nice very very nice okay handyman ooh ooh well right now I'm mounting and I've always wanted to get better at mounting in general I think I've got to go with the numb in bonus I would definitely like to get better and mounting that wouldn't want the baby to get cold here put that bad boy on there oh that is much better look at the speed this is most indubitably the good choice that's a good stuff perfect perfect perfect what do we have here can buy a sink towel radiator towel radiator mountable towel radiator Oh interesting yeah I've seen these before it's like a full-on IKEA simulator thing this is nice this lovely man I wish it was this easy to install stuff in my home I just put in a some blinds for my window and I ended up breaking off the drill bit into the wall and then I just had to drive a screw up in there and kind of just like push it up to the other side so yeah I didn't really um I didn't really do that very well oh my god HDTV what the [ __ ] it is HGTV I didn't know that oh my god it does have the HGTV vibe because it is oh my god I just came sponsored by HGTV find and unscrew the cap oh that makes sense interesting all right okay I don't know what I just did oh right okay washer nut washer nut this thing that thing this thing clunk that screw this thing plunk this thing plunk screw this thing that the faucet the handle the drain the drain the drain the the drain the drain the drain the drain well looks like I'm gonna get better at mounting that's literally the only thing I care about excellent everything's in order better close the front door what a beautiful home what a lovely baby room the walls should be immaculate who are you talking to I don't know what you're talking about yeah you can take pictures great that's that's great why would I do raid eater in my own place is the question am I eventually gonna be able to sell this place is that the lesson that I need to learn here is that eventually I need to sell Oh option negotiate price nice 10% extra payment well I mean that seems like the best base thing right just 10% more money [Music] I'm gonna move the bed okay so I'm putting a radiator in my place in the hopes it's gonna increase the value eventually I'm guessing that's the point all of this is like a tutorial that teach you all the stuff that you could do eventually to get your own place in order god I'm strong goddess God is strong I am so strong by the gods look at my strength Wow all right there we go that's nice wow that's nice well that's lovely it's very lovely what else can I do oh sink that's right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there was something in here that I can do a towel radiator yes yes yes perfect good thing I'm so fast at this perfect wait where'd that third splott come from when did this get dirty who came over and shat on the side of my house who the hell did this Oh kind of realism of this so I gotta do maintenance on my house I'll give right okay all right yes sure who stained up my house all right looking better hopefully this thing is worth a little more now how in depth does this game go how deep is this baby on the way my beautiful wife is pregnant with our first child we have also just bought a new 3-bedroom home which requires some repairs and decorating we have no spare time to clean reven evade the house so we need your help can you please clean the house and set up a nursery complete with crib changing table and maybe some toys we know we will have a girl so can you please paint the room light pink yes please teach me how to paint a lot of toys at home means a lot of fun please tell me that's not the baby's house with all those horriffic things paint the walls cool I can oh my god don't look at the mini-map guys don't look at the mini-map it's horrible oh my god oh my god you know if they're supposed to clean it when you buy it you know that right holy [ __ ] oh my god what happened yeah god I just need faster cleaning because I can't do it what do you mean see some dirt on the minimap you mean I'm not seeing it all oh my god I'm not seeing it all what have you done at least there's a radiator God the one thing I know how to do is not as a radiator why is there no sound effect the mopping either gonna slapping a toothbrush over on the walls there [Music] clean the window Oh interesting Oh interesting I didn't know that this was a separate thing I thought my mop was a one mop all kind of deal oh this is satisfying oh that is very satisfying oh that's very nice oh this is lovely oh I see why people love this game I oh I definitely can see that oh my goodness I see that pretty good game pretty good game guys pretty good game pretty good game you guys got here a pretty good game oh my god yes please yes please oh my god I don't even know what device this is was a like a hand vac oh it's amazing oh my god I want one I I have an anionic smile on my face I don't like cleaning I really don't I don't know why I'm enjoying it in a video game I don't know but I am and it's very lovely but also I'm very mad at the parents who bought this Oh make the bed yeah that's my job I'm I'm a maid that's what I am [Music] I think these are smoke stains on the window there's no way this is just normal dirt this is a habitual smokers literal smoke oh my ghoul what is that that's not smoke the other knows very clearly smoke this one no way Jose I gotta go slow on this one all right good great glad glad glad glad very glad very glad very glad this is the bathroom oh god I almost threw up Oh guys guys guys why is it green oh they don't even have a mirror oh my god why am i bothering why why am i bothering this far beyond a handyman's repertoire good I better get paid insane for this oh I am $2,700 [ __ ] okay yeah love to clean I love cleaning I get paid three thousand dollars to clean house I ain't gonna be making YouTube videos anymore that's for damn sure you catch me good I've been cleaning for what 30 minutes Jesus all right give me the mop wanna do a lot of did it lots of did it needs [Music] okay that looks pretty good except for this windows [ __ ] disgusting good I think this is going to be the baby room then let's get to painting first and foremost panty panty paint how do I get paint do I need to buy the paint first walls pale pink what exact paint did they want pastel pink of course of course all right pink pastel pink by three [Music] dabbe oh this is satisfying nice even coats nice even coats is real nice [Music] painting you won't waste paint on an already painted wall hmm bye say paint more that's doubling up that's better boom baby [Music] dammit I'm out hmm guess I need more paint this is I hate say it very satisfying [Music] now I definitely need to get this skill that's not wasting paint on an already painted wall because this doubling up technique is just wasting paint on already painted walls but I'm faster now an amateur might neglect to move the dresser to get the space behind but I am no amateur ah that is for sure [Music] that is a nice-looking room no need to paint the ceiling because that would look ridiculous so sell that BAM oh I didn't know that I could sell this stuff oh you don't need a dresser do you I didn't think so did I just sell their crap can I actually please tell me I can oh what the damn it alright crib crib you got it cribs apparently this is my job crib crib get the crib in here right below that window no right right by the radiator you want you want a warm baby you want the warmest baby you could possibly get this baby's gonna be toasty all right maybe not maybe not right there maybe mmm adjacent to the radiator maybe near by the radiator but tucked into a corner so it gets a little waft of the radiation that's what you want okay Skol interesting interesting I don't know why it's called that a poof poof poof sorry who the French I mean pink and blue or kind of a nice combo you know I'm selling this [ __ ] we're not playing thief simulator ah goddamn it I thought but it doesn't fit but it doesn't fit the Fung Shui the room don't worry whatever that's definitely not gonna go there so let's put this right here alright so what this does is it allows this space to be placed based on the toys would go in there I guess toys hanging spiders right above the baby's bed boink you know right above the head there yeah that's nice all right um well apparently I don't have a hundred percent of it completed not a hundred cents sure why ah the dirts is not done in this room that's why well if only I could see it all with my penetrating vision then maybe I might have a chance there's one last piece of dirt somewhere in this room there's one last speck of dirt somewhere in this room and I will find it it cannot ha ha got it got it perfectly okay so I didn't get all the dirt in this room oh definitely did not hey all right on a percent baby baby baby get in here baby hey baby you got a house I'm not happy with it but whatever it's fine all right good completely order six thousand dollars oh my lord one gas mask what are you talking about so what I need to do is I'm gonna sell this [ __ ] sell sell sell oh my god sell sell sell so all of this just needs to go it just has to go oh my god it's disgusting it's awful even this door has to go go get gone get get get get get get get get that scary how long I've been home I got I've been playing this for almost an hour this game is for some reason very fun and all I'm doing is cleaning and I don't know why it's fun but it's it's hardly Fonda and Selma and Selma get rid of that get out of here get out of here chainsaw I don't even know why that's there this rug sucks no one's welcome this door is awful so now that it's nice and bare-bones in here I can actually get some good [ __ ] I want to fix up my house first period because for some reason I live in squalor and I don't like that I don't like that none at all sell a shower hook up I think I need the shower hook up cuz I need to put a shower in here mount a bull shower I don't need a complicated one just need a very basic [ __ ] one well this looks complicated weird whoa I have no idea what I'm doing I'm just clicking buttons sure yeah okay shove it shove it in shove it in shove it shove it in mount it slap it shove it screw it bop it twist it squeeze it nothing bolt it slap it slap it slap it in slap it on slap it around screw it I think I'm getting it glass it crunch it punch it punch it punch it slang [ __ ] lunch it what is that I don't know what I'm looking at what was I looking at what am I looking at what about looking at I have no idea I think this is the door mechanism but honestly who knows the nice a shower there's only a hundred something books what a deal slap it wrap it yeah yeah pit dunzo listen I shower okay okay okay toilet standard old toilet ye old toilet of old let's assemble it malted yoked it jolted faulted all that y'all done Yolo okay cool mirror now what I don't know how to do is tile and that's what this bathroom is in case you're stupid then weren't able to tell that this is a tile bathroom and I don't know how to deal with that Oh door god I don't even play shower it's it's a hand shower I hate that door got door front door slam it in there oh [Music] yeah internal door Brown door if I turn oon this wood it was this easy I would not bunk bird yes absolutely it seems only logical very prison feel in air but you know feels right at home you know I don't want to be too far away from home bedside table Hermes how about a nice pine nah still white that's real nice and that way it can be used by both the ones on the bottoms and also the ones on the tops yes it's kind of British in the gap bringing us closer together you know what I mean yeah you knows what I'm talking about there we go let's get this straightened out finally bada-bing bada-boom all right I think we've turned this house into a home that will probably do it for this episode of house flipper I didn't know what I was getting into I still think there's a scary subplot but as far as this game goes it's very fun there's something very satisfying about just fixing a place up makes you feel like everything's gonna be okay you know so why don't you try polishing off that given the given the subscribe button to do scrub you know clean it out a little bit that Bell needs to be polished so give it an old rub slap it a few times hit it with your mop and maybe you'll see this channel look it fixed right up so thank you everybody so much for watching I don't know if I'm gonna do another one of these unless the game gets super super crazy and interesting later on I think one's enough for me but this is still fun - thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,169,863
Rating: 4.9824495 out of 5
Keywords: house flipper, house flipper game, house flipper markiplier, flipping houses, how to flip a house, game, gaming, gameplay, simulator, simulator game, simulation, simulation game, house building, DIY, fixer upper, markiplier, awesome games, markipliergame, markiplier game
Id: YA37QqEolso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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