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oh my God hello my name is Markiplier welcome back to three scary games and to me spooky intro did I scare you welcome to Mother's Little Helper which is a game about me being Mother's Little Helper me being a mother and I have a little helper I'm assuming it means that I'm the little helper [Music] we've got company coming over hello child here to help out I don't know my mom sounds so old your father's guests are ravenous looks to our best to please them don't worry I'll always be here to help no Adam this recipe is simple even the child can do it um some herbs would be best they should be in the cabin mom why are you floating mom why are you why are you floating why why are you breathing like that oh you uh [Music] all right hey don't you worry about a thing that's what I'm here for I'm your little helper Jesus all right you know how your father can get I don't remember the beatings you know I just don't remember I'm still here waiting okay you can cut the attitude a little bit Ma I put a drop in the whole bottle do I just drop the whole bottle in mom why you why are you breathing like that why mother give me some vegetables from the shelves where are you looking away from look me in the IMA look me in the eye like saying you know she kind of looks a bit like you the resemblance is uncanny no I can't tell the difference okay well I don't know all right I bet that's I don't know if you think that's supposed to be a carrot um this ain't no carrot carrots aren't orange all the way down to its flared base all right fine Ma okay sure whatever this whatever you say or you say drop it here I can't go and hold chop it up nice okay you got my oh my God ah yeah I love it when my carrot explodes into blood balls and bounce into infinitesimal small faces on the floor I love that that's squeaking I'm crazy just squeaking oh I'm done now can you look in the Lord I think is what has what we need Ma I don't think it's been called the Larder since 1682. I think we call it the pantry but all right you got it Ma look at the onions this is where I die this is where you kill me why aren't you looking at me mama why we mustn't Terry you might get across oh no what what is what is why is the air snowing upwards okay that's not him huh that's a pumpkin but I don't know what's wrong with you Ma I think that quickly or it won't turn out right uh all right you know what my oh just drop it in hole like the canis by okay just pop all right yeah don't cut that off oh no ma wait no hang on pick up meat you're uh um your worms are loose you got Ma Ma how you uh how you breathing you breathing good you breathe good you breathe good oh my God I promise him where you left me what okay I wasn't worried about that why am I holding it like this I'm not holding it by the eyes who holds a fish by the face oh they are ravenous okay Ma I'm gonna chop this one up dude we can't leave it like that carve it into pieces okay you got my Wampus lumpus lumpus grumpus zombies fiddly dumpus dumplius flumptious why is that all right he'll agree there should be dugged away in the corner of the water oh no okay oh whoa oh okay all right oh oh my you got some Schmutz on your face let's see now the the resemblance is uncanny you're beautiful just like oh my God I thought you were here to help ah you know oh dude hey you know yeah of course I have pick up bleach oh good that's fun you got it mom huh Mama's Little Helper find your way back don't leave me alone with him okay hurry man you got it I see why you're making me do all this I see you oh oh my God ma ma ma where'd you go pick up meal yeah delicious Fish Head stew I love my mom's authentic Korean cooking here where are you uh did you run oh god oh no oh the eye regular dinners ding ding Dinners Ready everybody eat up yeah I have a good one [Music] and the lesson here is that there's nothing quite like a home-cooked meal made by family I love that that was fantastic I was weirded out the whole way through just disturbing but I liked it that was very good I thought that was fantastic really did a good job on that one thank you George Simpsons and Jay clipperton All Right Moving On oh I don't like that I don't like that at all welcome to black eyes I don't know if this game is going to give me black eyes by punching me or there's something with black eyes that I should be aware of don't believe her remember she's always whatever you do don't love her in don't answer the door to your room whatever you do don't let her in I'm thinking I should answer the door to my room I don't know what you about you guys but I think that I should really let her in I should really open the door to my room ERG I can't sleep might as well explore my room am I supposed to be a child is that what I'm supposed to be ah is this a race car bed oh no it's even better it's a boat bed holy crap that's awesome got my fidget spinner I got my UK plugs this is dope 20 C's oh this is oh yeah look at this little cutie wait it's got black eyes demon all right okay oh wow Giddy Up horsey man I really like boats apparently look at me look at you look at you look at oh look at you oh my God don't look at you this could be a big black eye for all I know oh look at you look at all of you who's bling blonging I got a lot of toys what more could I ask for my my room all right oh no where did I put my key my key my key to my own door is it like under something hello oh what the hell what what oh hey oh hey oh hey okay nothing to say about that not a thing where I gotta find my key where is Mikey yeah good good question where is my key okay at least I got a sword to defend myself with well my room is now an absolute garbage heap I'm not sure if that's what I was supposed to do but that's what I why who did that oh you closed why'd you close why have you closed your doors to the public oh what uh I'm dead I fell through the floor what oh come on are you kidding me I just spent like six minutes wandering this room oh man oh man no where did I put my key squeak oh so that okay so it's okay so it is triggers okay so some oh okay weird all right oh my goodness I just used the big wheels [Music] bad wheel to use that was a bad wheel that was the bad wheel that was the bad wheel oh that was the ball oh hey hi hello hi oh hi oh [Applause] oh hey my stuff what the hell why did I not notice this before I'm guessing I need to find more Wheels oh seven three one well that seems important now where would I be of oh I see okay my secret toy chest uh well seven three one and oh yay I did it I did it and now I will open it up I will open it up I will open it I will open it up now I will open it up oh there we go okay hello oh they look so grumpy oh no don't cry you grumpy gushes oh don't cry I'll take that thank you oh don't cry Grumpy's oh don't cry it's totally fine hello hello ah good yes this is fine hmm oh no hello kitty kitty pretty kitty cat where are you at pretty kitty cat oh when the drugs kick in oh my God I think that's something that's nothing that's nothing to me seen that a million times whoa hey wow oh wow oh okay uh is this my sister's room or something um man my Robo brain oh hi the baby is crying baby you okay baby well I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to see or do but I'm not seeing a whole lot and I'm not doing much of anything oh okay what was that oh hi protect your sister at all costs whatever you do don't let my sister what what on June 5th two kids mysteriously disappeared from a residential house in parkerville police are investigating the case no suspects have currently been found yet police suspect Foul Play kidnapping or Murder One police officer found a picture of a kid with black eyes the picture was found at the doorstep and laid in a pool of blood forensics are still yet to confirm who the blood belongs to the parents were out of town and have been notified of the horrific incident [Music] well that was black guys I think I got punched in the eyes with spoops that was pretty good I had minor death from fall through the floor syndrome but I'm gonna assume that was Canon and supposed to happen I didn't break a game again it just happened that way but I like that I like that a lot that was very good moving on all right welcome to Veiled now veiled is a point-and-click Style Adventure horror game much like if you remember way way back when like uh what was the name of it help me Lexi and help me what was the name of it the point and click oh oh Max mortis there's ex mortis right but it looked like exmortus I have no any idea if it's anything like that but given that it's point-and-click and it's kind of retro I think it's gonna be pretty cool hello oh wow look at this dial-up modem it has been one year since the incident one endlessly long year of looking for the truth you know your child is alive all the answers must be out there okay oh your bag is empty I didn't know I was playing now oh hours pass you're exhausted [Music] that looks like a pug you finally arrive at the location you've been given better keep a low profile and go through the woods why go back in the car you shudder at what you had to do to obtain this address no way you're backing out now are you sure about that you sure about that okay okay Enter the forest you enter the forest like so you make sure that scary music and Ambiance is really pumped up to the max we need the soundscape to really encapsulate people so that they get the full immersive horror experience ominous Twisted trees get like creaking and swaying of trees in the Wind Watch you venture deeper into the woods give me a hooton of a howl of an owl of a owl hoot now everything looks so quiet here you shiver give me a man shivering actually record yourself going good thank you continue until you reach that the property is closed off by a large gate is that a rabbit it is too high to climb over is your child really here abandoned tools among the rusty tools lies a big iron bar this may be useful to break the chain seems sturdy enough not very subtle but you need to get hit okay there's also a rabbit look at the gate it's locked by an old rusty chain it has seen better days maybe there's a way to break it well I got it you put all your weight on the bar the chain finally surrounds the gate opens with a creaking noise you enter from the front yard put in a clang and a creek oh that's lovely art this Mansion once opulent looks rather abandoned a towering statue seems to watch over the property right maybe best not to knock on the door you know what I mean examine the statue strange slender dark silhouettes they represent a family but their alien looks give you chills Let's uh let's not knock on the door let's go around the right corner I'm sure knocking on the door would probably be okay but I'm not gonna risk it at this point the weight of the back is blocked by a large empty ditch a moat do they have a moat at this Mansion it's not dry enough to cross it's a moat you caught something moving on the first floor what are their kids moving on the first floor exam in the building crossing the ditch does not seem like a good idea how big is this ditch is it actually a moat you wouldn't want to get stuck yeah sure [Music] you can distinguish a ghostly figure through the window that's always good you call it out but it suddenly Fades away why would I call it out if I'm trying to be quiet why wouldn't I have just driven my car up here if I was going to shout at the windows all right I'll go back to the front yard then I guess maybe there's another way around how about the left side you walk along an overgrown French garden there is a shed on the left shed is not locked okay cool [Music] the thick layer of dust covers everything nothing has been touched in a long it's weird considering I saw people in the house a ladder rests on the side of the bench it could be used I'll take that it's heavier than it looks hopefully you won't have to carry it around all right interesting hmm search among the Clutter warped wood planks and broken windows nothing useful in there right I guess I'm done here there's a shed off to the left okay let's just go to the backyard real quick path leads to the backyard oh my goodness a tiled Terrace is nestled at the back of the house okay inspect the window the shutters are not fully closed in the window behind them seems open if you had a way to get up there you could sneak inside I'll do just that you put the ladder against the wall it is tall enough to reach the window you climb the ladder and enter the house always a good thing this was the objective as you enter you see someone rushing through the door just below you who was he you brought after him why would you do that why would you do that terrible idea the man has disappeared through the door in front of you surely he must know something or I'll follow the man you throw yourself at the door in vain it is desperately shut but as you inspect it you find strange Contraption beside it there's a small box besides the door this high-tech device feels out of place here yeah a little bit strange it seems like some sort of biometric device apparently it needs to scan your eye and your finger so I need to get an eye and a finger is what you're saying simple as that all right let's go to the left lock from the other side never mind let's go to the right you grasp the cold handle the door seems to weep as you push it open that's not what normal doors do in my experience but what do I know a classy dining room silverware has been set and the dinner is ready to be served but while this decorum was someone expected maybe I should have knocked look at the buffet you take a closer look at the frames on the buffet a few family photos are on display okay good look at the photo the smile on the man's face makes you uneasy smiling kid pretty uptight the wedding photo catch your attention why okay a happy couple it's the same man that the other photograph only much younger maybe they're your hosts I don't know because she found breaking it the frame is missing a glass panel that's odd yeah a little bit I'll just take this for myself thank you broke into your house gonna steal your wedding photo hope you don't mind your wife might be dead or something but I'm taking this for me not even gonna sell it you uncover a hidden compartment with a tape in it perfectly normal you take the tape and inspect it to my baby is written on the label yeah it seems important I'll just take this looks you'd record yourself being indecisive kind of like oh well I don't know if I should do this you know what I mean put that in there also Lexi and feel free to completely ignore everything I'm asking you to do I don't know if this is too too cumbersome just I apologize I humbly apologize I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry inspect the table only one plate has been served okay oh is France causa apparently it looks like a foot is that a foot is that a foot yikes no thanks yikes French food no thank you yeah I think it looks like a foot sort of foot to the foot maybe a foot or is it a foot okay let me go back to the main hall I think I can go upstairs maybe because I got this tape I just need to find a place to play it I didn't think that this was kind of time period that would have tape cassettes but whatever you may find some leads on the for I guess I did drive here so yeah okay what a stark contrast the Persian Carpets on the floor feel rather nice but the ceiling however is falling off the door is locked from the other side you hear humming coming from the room oh interesting you knock on the door but no one answers does the humming stop what kind of mad man am I I broke into this house where clearly there are either people or ghosts either way you wouldn't go knocking on random doors no [Music] the door opens yeah squeak hello anybody Here don't mind me a weirdo coming through this bedroom is rather cozy inspect the door the door is jammed the bed it seems to have been used recently yes bed's been used recently there's a family album here great more pictures for me to NAB wow these look precious and valuable to someone everyone looks sad you enter the room thank you wow what is that what am I looking at what am I looking at a dirty bathroom what am I looking at over here search this thing you come closer to the sink I don't know if I want to I really don't know if I want to oh my my goodness hey I need that apparently ew as you try to repress a heave you start to seriously question this place imma take this eyeball but first i'm gonna pick this it's empty of its contents right yoink as gross is touching this eye is it may work on the door scanner still warm great as you take the eye you hear a loud tumbling noise coming from the bedroom behind tumbling someone doing gymnastics over there what tumbling the bottom of the tub is filled with caked goo gross I'll just take yeah it's kicked goo all right very disgusting go through the door why would I go through their store what is on the other side I don't know that's why I went through it oh a small storage room great I love this the gentle heat feels comforting the small iron door is locked maybe the key is there somewhere there where's there okay let's go see what the tumbling in the bedroom was all about okay back to the bedroom who's tumbling in here hey what is my look what is that thing well I don't know what it is you tell me oh the stent from it makes you rush one day what am I looking at you get a closer look and notice its surface is slowly pulsing oh oh Lord something is spurning from one of its pores it's boring approach the dark Heap yep you step closer to the creature trying to control your nausea this is great oh my God hey a key you realize it was a key emerging from the goo I'll take that yoink trying not to touch the flesh you grab the key with the tip of your fingers oh you hear a very loud noise it's waking up [Music] well back to the bathroom you rushed to the bathroom hoping it won't follow you there well something tells me it might all right cool it is following you well great it is still coming use the key a good thing that was the key to that door Jesus he found on the creature oh no you locked the door behind you hoping that it will keep the Hideous thing away it is Pitch Black in there okay is that Bones the bright tube light hurts your eyes what you discover doesn't make you very hopeful yeah it's bones all right planks have been torn away looks like the person here was making an escape you can see a room below read the scribblings the occupant was counting days and many days have passed apparently the skin is shrunk around the skinny bones it's practically mummified wonderful anyway I'm gonna try to go down below you start kicking the remaining planks hard their moldy remains break easily you pass your head in the hole and slip head first crash you fall hard into an unknown room Alexian Atta a crash a thunk and a you grunting oh try to make your emulation of the Roblox oof perfect and then send me that Sound the small Lounge seems to lead up to a steep staircase okay so I'm behind that locked door you notice the lock on the door was on you unlock it and open the door sure yeah I'll leave that open I'm not worried about Jenny giant blobs coming after me look at the hole that's where you came from let's hope the thing won't follow you you cautiously start to climb it's pretty steep it's like three steps what do you mean start to climb it's 3-0 what the hell the stairs lead up to the first floor the first floor up the stairs he's up these stairs as I go okay I'm confused now about the layout of this house a long Corridor spreads before you you try to be quiet but the flooring is squeaky you slowly push the door and enter the room [Music] this looks like a child's room small desk full of toys good I have a cassette your attention is caught by a toy cassette player I have a cassette don't I there's no tape in it play the tape you insert the tape and press play a lullaby starts playing heartbreaking well I'm glad I did that maybe that'll soothe the gelatinous Beast let's break the frames there are frames on the wall a set of formal family photographs in quadruplets how unusual yeah I want you usually almost say okay I guess I'll just go then see you around kids see you around all right let's go down the hallway I love this by the way I I know it's slow paced but it's just it's perfect the corridor turns and opens up into a larger room strange room it looks like a bedroom but the main Furniture are gone okay examine the shelves an odd collection of mismatched books and artifacts you pick one but can't decipher the language you approach the closed door oh big closed door okay a wooden sliding door a beautiful mural is planted on it wait hang on there's a trinket over here it's a large seashell with fragrant beads inside the door seems Loosely locked from the other side you can distinguish the silhouette of a simple latch between the two doors you could probably push it up with a thin object do I have I have an eyeball well that ain't no thin objects but I could probably find one depending on where I look of course but I could probably find one so I can take this eyeball at least to the bio scanner and see what it can do about it then try to find something for the uh latch the eye is not enough okay so I can't operate it just yet so I need to get some kind of a fingerprint let me go back upstairs and see what happens if whoa okay that door's now open the creature came from here you would rather not know what is inside I would like to know what's inside what are you talking about there's no way you're going back there oh don't be a big baby come on just go back there come on it's not so bad it's just a big blood blob oh the curtains oh the curtains you slowly approach your hand and pull the curtain open good Lord the poor child what am I looking at quick you must help him who what how is she what are you looking at what with difficulty you untie the Rope on his ankle but it's too late oh he's dead oh no who could have done that you start to weep thinking about you oh it's my kid [Music] are you reaching close job's eyes you know something in his head what is it a card this is a tarot card the hanged man how ironic is it is that a sick joke what's happening his skin is suddenly very hot what oh my God uh what what you can't believe what just happened poor kid it breaks your heart he just burst into flames breaks your heart when your kid dies and then explodes into fire hate it yeah goddamn okay well I guess that's all there is to it then I guess I'll go home maybe I could use a tarot card to unlatch it I guess lift the lock you insert the card between the two doors you gently push the Lash up the slide open the door you're immediately seized by a strong accurate smell hey I like that you only give me a taste of that the memory of the creature flashed before your eyes but you have to press on why does it Flash before my eyes do I want to know something terrible happened here okay look in the mirror let's take a look at me the reflection you see something lying in the tub yeah you gather your mental strength and slowly peek at the tub oh someone is lying inside the tub lifeless am I crazy this right here if you squint hard enough that looks less like a normal hand and that looks like the Amnesia monsters big old Club hand with long fingernails am I crazy or does that look like that I might be crazy little bits of mold are floating in the plastic blood okay let's examine why did she do that what is happening here examine the hand yeah I'll take one of those you lean closer to the hand mind if I borrow one of these bad boys here the hand of the woman is hanging from the side of the tub despite bright red painted nails the bloated skin is dark it reminds you of the Creature if this hand belongs to the owner it may work on the electronic lock if only you had some way to take it with you you're right about that I don't have that unfortunate to leave oh boy scissors what are you gonna do with those scissors you can't believe that you are thinking about this this house starts to wait on you you lean closer to the hand like she and cue up the snip snip sound effect here we go snip snip the horror of the situation is numbing the blade clutch through Flesh easily it feels like there wasn't any solid bones great good you almost scream as the hand retracts and the body disappears inside the tub okay you can't see anything through the Crimson water oh another technical burst out of the Dark Mask swinging erratically you dodged this one but may not be so lucky next time but look at this creature your eyes widen in horror you need to get out of here fast you stumble back paralyzed oh boy oh boy it keeps coming out where is all this coming from I'm looking in the mirror this keeps coming out how is this possible oh smaller tentacles joined the party oh no no oh no nothing dangerously close I'm I'm okay it knows you're here it's coming after you now oh can it be so big oh my God look at that thing adrenaline is facing you that can't be real oh my God I mean you know I'd probably go I'm a go now I'm gonna go you know what I'm not gonna stick around for that oh oh throw up oh head bleeding you're unable to move the darkness reaches your body and Crush you I guess I wasn't fast enough oh here we're here okay good snip snap snip the snopity snap snip snapity Snoop snippety snip snip the snip sap Snoop should I look inside snippity snip stop stupid to snoo okay I'm out here how do you do okay well I'm not paralyzed by fear this time okay goodbye you face back and start to run yeah good move good move good move is it still coming run to the stairs out of breath you rush down the stairs you spend like 10 feet man cool you're dead whoa Ah that's a technical move you throw yourself down but the tentacle grabs your feet you lose balance and Tumble down the stairs Elixir and put in the proper sound effects you feel dizzy stand up and run you get back on your feet and run to the lounge yeah you know what waiting probably not the best idea you almost reached the hall room inside the hall and shut the door behind you that'll stop it long tentacles on that one you hear the creature crashing on the door thankfully it doesn't open from this side you are in the main hall all right let's go to the bio scanner wow this was problematic I hope the finger hasn't turned into identical there's a small box besides the door this high-tech feels out of place oh Lord watch what you're doing you press both eye and finger under the scanner you've squished them hard and you eventually get a reading squares I don't think that I you were supposed to squish into there the result of the using the scanners is a bit messy but it worked you hear the door unlock nothing stands between the man and you now this [ __ ] dude you dive into the patches that just opened I'm gonna get you mad all these weird blobs these weird tentacles no good for anybody just as you pass the door closest behind you a huge staircase unfolds before you you delve down down the unknown complex at some point the stairs ends into a large Corridor this looks like Outlast remember in the end when you're in the medical Corridor and someone gets pulled through the vent right there that's what this looks like right now I wonder if it is there's a single door at the end with light coming out of it okay you open the door the light is blinding at first okay you hear the door lock behind you quickly after you enter after a few moments the silence is broken by a crackling speaker sound well we were waiting for you sir please make your grab a seat sure this seems to open up to another room you can't see its content from here draws it indulge me and take a seat please you may have all night but that's not the case for everyone here reluctantly you approach the chair let's make a little experiment you and I once seated you finally get a sight of what is behind the glass oh another dark entity lies inert in the other room you don't understand what is expected of you now after a few moments of Silence the man's voice booms again a touching reunion really I rubbed but unfortunately we need to go on with the procedure would you mind having a closer look at our friend yeah sure you fight your instinctive disgust and try to focus your attention on the creature before you suddenly it starts to move and Rise its shape looks strangely humanoid now almost familiar you start to cry I can fulfill your wish but you need to do one thing for me first check the tray on the board please okay I have no idea what's happening I'm righty and willing oh the saturated voice is more in a more and more assertive you can be together again you know but before that I need you to administrate yourself my special treatment oh goody okay as your will falters you take the syringe in your hand you can't stop the tears flowing down your face what's gonna happen if you do that well there's no other option so I guess you know do it now screams The Voice okay sure your mind is broken there's nothing you can do now you see yourself inserting the needle inside your arm and press the syringe what now I have two heads oh boy uh suddenly a tide of pain rushes through your whole body oh my goodness you can't move you can't breathe and a nightmarish buzzing sound is filling your ears as you feel your body stretch and change everything becomes more and more distant even the sound even the pain is fading out except for a small humming voice [Music] as the suffering slowly Fades you start to remember that voice that you missed for so long now and that sweet face Daddy the help a game made for Remy business and Nicholas Miller thank you for playing I don't know if that was supposed to be a touching moment at the end there but just in the back of my mind I just saw like a big hand slaps on this on the on the window it's just like boom Daddy he was just like oh all right that was great I love that every second of that I loved it was a little slow like with the like the stylization of loading and unloading through the through the different places I feel like it could have been better served if it was just a little bit faster but still for the style I love the commitment to it it was great fantastic I really enjoyed that thoroughly very very good what a wonderful experience many likes for you many big subscriptions for you many ring a ding dongs are the bell for you thank you all right that is it for three scary games with three scary games technically three scary games pretty good deal I've got a huge this has been a heist with markiplier four thank you everybody so much for watching if you want more scary games write them down in the comments below or in the description right down below ring that bell ring ring please do and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,701,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, mother's little helper, black eyes, veiled, markiplier, 3 horror games, random horror, indie horror, markiplier scary games
Id: Bfn2JPEY6v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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