AT 30:50 WE ALMOST LAUGH OURSELVES TO DEATH | Scrap Mechanic: Challenge Mode

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
where are we what is this is challenge mode challenge mode is a series of levels where you start with something in this area sometimes you start with nothing in this area you're given a case of parts and stuff over here so this will have any number of things in it and basically we're just supposed to get from here to the goal and so weight doesn't have this but mark because you and I are guests in your inventory you should have a toilet which is where where you sit sure all right I believe you come on put your toilet up here how do I rotate it out of you next to it [Laughter] anyway what you'll you know you'll see oh my goodness something seems to be missing from this car right a toilet seat hey Mark you want to see the best place to put your toilet seat yeah well it's too late but okay hang on I'll let you so you want to be front buddies yeah if you don't mind I mean I don't know we could I'll do straight next to you no problemo now wait be aware our brains are currently at risk and exposed oh you can fall oh don't worry it's magic what's wrong with this bad boy he seems whoops the steering column I think the students not seeing what the problem is if your third slot is a connection tool oh you can see all the connections so you gotta have the steering wheel connected to the tourney bearings and you gotta have it connected to the engine so you can do the gas and the brakes also it's totally worth spending a lot of time on you can paint things in this game load for free Wow red mobile are and a little pink on the front a little wharfs ash on the front you know if you don't mind oh don't worry the Shan against will ensue I know this is not never seen how a car is built in this game and I played it for three hours with you guys really yeah what I was forming yelling about the robots ten hours until robots come kill us how do you know that there's a timer on my plants it says see about the robots I've pissed you for a reason so what's wrong with this one wait I already put the engine in it's all done Nevermore you know I'll just you know what it's all the next time you drive put your toilet alright the toilet you driving you to smell the next one I'm driving alright thanks hold you drive the next one thanks bet your power is not high enough alright we're doing this in one shot boys hmm that engine is powerful hey wait give you a reset us mark would you like to put the engine on what would I do it it's in the chest this is the big arrow pointing down to it how do you guys know all of this oh and hang on wait do you want to reset this nothing happened it's fine mmm what's the lever there's a lever here it's a hint so it's showing you the engine right and it's like you need to turn the power up on the engine but not all the way not all the way I did not put it all the way so now that your connector later oh I'm doing all right okay mark to the back eaching dear learned it to the back oh it's why is it going you have to connect the engine to the driver's seat first or on so what wheels notice that the wheels the arrows are going to different directions they'll be pointed forward on both weight this way there you go oh the rotating okay listen guys yeah I went to engineering school perfect perfect you'll love to see it it's easy easy oh yeah now we're getting to the go why wait so tall alright let's crawl it up here oh that might not be a nice power this is really how they made a tutorial for their broken physics engine and they're like as a feature oh look at this hill we're supposed to about to climb up I don't agree with this so what does it even do you place it's over a bearing what it is yeah so now that bearing connects those blocks together that's how you do steering that's what the steering is so now if you connect those bearings to the steering wheel it'll just power them that's gonna power the wood Wow today we learned the bottom way to the true engineers thank you no no I don't like it I'm the one calling out all the illogical miss can I steal these and is this still structurally sound there that's what physics is supposed to be yeah sure that's physics oh wait you mean that bearing does actually rotate that block of wood there so the bearing in between the inner and outer blocks of wood will rotate the wood like as a pivot point oh I didn't know that I thought the wood was just slapped glued on there oh that makes more sense but it's actually connected by the bearing okay this is this is now physically sound I declare the physics appropriate mark doth declare doth declare it physics approved and I think we can do this yeah yeah why engineering can't possibly be bad can I try one thing yeah I want to connect the bearings that are on the rotating parts to the steering and see if that physics approved man physics approved now I have full control let's face we're going it's fine we're going okay now turn oh I turned don't even question me on that you just have to bounce it a little look all right now we just got to do it down and then a much bigger sure this will be fine do we have a time limit no it's just like the fastest you can do it is preferable this is the fastest possible this is the optimal solution is physics Lord cannot question that the genius I didn't want to flaunt it I like mingling with the regular people there we go there we go you straight up the mouse to a problem as an arrow the wind of God compels us this is hey God what if we go up this way yeah see this is how it's designed to work in many ways it's an AM be upside down us so someone else want to try and change up that front everything here Marco tossing some stuff for you yeah let a real man take care of this bad boy here actually wait genius its genius strike it's genius o'clock oh my god yeah what a machine yeah now you're jealous now you're jealous you solved the steering issues and one fell thing exactly Punk exactly yep we're ready let's split you draw you drive mark I think you deserve you're right yeah I'm ready now we're ready and just as an aside just as an aside I'll crank this thing up to now yeah overdrive now we're gonna set some records here we go I think we should put the back wheels up to max power but how will be a little more relaxed die that is actually I set that up as a test and you passed I'm the very brave you ah teacher are you proud of me call me sensei please serenade the trick that you all missed you're not ready to learn you're not ready clearly not ready we just need to turn the back wheels off I think having powered back wheels is making us launch awkwardly off the ramp you might be right I did this already well I just turned the power all the way down I'm just sorry off we're basically on skids now hmm that may have been my fault you know what that may have been my fault I think it was actually son say yep me know you asked I answered told you to forgive me you a-hole such thing oh wait no inline interior you're right that is what I was doing the whole time that is what I was in fact doing you're you're just testing us I know I love testing you are we ready oh look at how really it this machine is yes is self-correcting - yes yeah this angles that such an angle I know right elegant I hope you're taking notes hold up daddy then say not daddy oh yes yes come on please ooh boys look at the map over here look at what we got going on what do we have going on I mean sensei and douchebag oh all right I went too far the other way I'm sorry that's a Edie honk man I mean teacher oh please please please call me daddy all right no I think you guys got this you guys got it take over see if you can execute what you learn this one wait I got spectacular last round Hey you're such a hunk of a man I think you could do it hunk man have you tested your steering oh dear you know I wish my toilet my toilet seat had seatbelts so I could really buckle myself in for an intense [ __ ] you know if I ever have kids I just hope that I pull pranks like that like I'll put a seat belt on the toilet seat and I'll teach him no you do something like that you know the first day of school they walk into the bathroom teacher walks them over the bathroom they come back out three seconds later like you can't do it safe if you're not buckled in yeah we'll just put power on all the wheels wasn't it already on all the wheels cuz I did that maybe was before I moved them about this [Laughter] [Applause] yeah oh yeah got a point get alright I got this one wait don't even question it this is exactly as I intend this will be it's a purpose-built machine there's a button you want to press the button right you got me feel me I feel something now we're just gonna make a little a little booper you know what I mean I like the boat Burke are you finishing the delicious paint job no I just like to see the action when it happens oh yeah the most flawless execution that was ungodly what if what I am the master now you have nothing to teach me sir says my god words are done grovel at my feet suspension worthless man I grow all right I got this one guys you just sit back and relax I like this compact I like it yeah I'm well I'm thinking more like a spider you know I draw my inspiration from real world creatures so it hits a bump it just springs into the air yeah random no that won't work wait I'm an idiot why would this work [Laughter] reading a comic book I'm sorry for my inappropriate laughter [Laughter] comic you're giggling at oh goodness oh can I sit on the part that's tears Oh Bobby you want to sit on the part that's tears Bobby will never refer to himself as Bobby again Bobby wants it on front no well it stands yeah look at that steering tests technically this is amazing it's working perfectly I'm fairly certain your long shocks in the front are not attached to anything because that bottom bar is not attached to anything but that's your business good catch good catch hey even masters make mistakes teaching Wilson every mistake is an opportunity to learn [Laughter] but it's ok it's ok listen it'll be a two in line here we go now oh that's I don't know how from that to this left out your left window you'll see grandmas of the workshop oh we're not done you you made them perfectly wide perfect smooth solid minute forty seconds Ceylan minute thirty nine thank you Oh thrusters hey where did the good part guys yeah Bob do you want to you want to see my you want to see yeah yeah oh no ready to succeed on the very first attempt yep yeah we got it perfectly symmetrical symmetrical okay reset this reset this this needs to be slightly more complicated I've got a solution I got a solution all right you ready boys yeah yeah no don't worry hang on we got some Emmett I think it'll help if like we're both like assistants of the steering that'll dampen that'll dampen the thrust control alright this will work hang on I have a plan [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] you know what feels good when you really persist and you really just come up with something that's brilliant yeah I am impressed and I respect Oh God from layer to layer thrusters get way more complicated I'm glad you gave me the easy one Oh rotating right my turn Bob does that history now it's your turn you know what you're right you're right and you're lucky then I'm here for this one do I have a like a tendency to make spider-like vehicles is this like it's because you've mastered the art it's your signature right you're right you're right you're right alright wait I left a toilet seat for you in the oh it's tall hey she fires no one touch a goddamn thing here we go three two one a lot of power touching the engines and think they're doing me a favor I swear to God I thought I touched the edge' - turned it down because I looked at it and it was on full power and I was like yeah yeah yeah of course of course of course what the power I'm wiring the button to my seat you okay yeah yeah you're in charge of the job I'll leave it up to your judgement you don't II don't wait for my signal all right do this one somehow you knew that I wanted you to press and never let go I felt it was for good what you were sending the vibe you were sending to me there's a hint this one but I have a much better way to oh my Chad is informing me that Wade has not gone in a while I mean funny interesting it's almost like we've done two rocket levels Bob did the first I did the second and we're on the third can I get some counterbalance on here other toilet have her yeah yeah yeah yeah I got you I got you wait I think you know what I want I don't what I'll guess perfect I want our legs touch yeah man of course I am are you guys a blast-off to do this level in the coolest possible way you do whatever you want to do mark and I'll do it [Music] maybe it's just maybe it was piloting error maybe then maybe it was I didn't mess with your engine power this time it was on full already the brain damage is interesting oh yeah I think this will work not you think a lot of acknowledged okay if it's a spinning that's the problem then clearly we need to be Oh true that's true you know what binning we need to be closer to the axis of spin this is this is coming together yeah all right exactly how space was meant to be gotten to it's more stable this can't possibly take us backwards again it took us backwards again it's a it it's the space shuttle it hangs on the belly of the booster oh you're right you're right when you're right you're right so close man is beautiful - yeah are we oh I just need to get the burn timing right right are you supposed to do this wait we get a reset oh my god spaceship v2 coming up boys all right who's ready for a stupid safe successful ride up a wall I there's still no guarantee that's gonna happen but okay no we're about to see hundred percent all right mmm no you know what no I'm shouting no again physics is the physics Lord I'm gonna have to I don't have to do something here right nice and safe oh you love it oh you'll love it all right okay let's come back I had just done this like a non idiot we would be done already can I just hang myself [Laughter] yeah I like to be this beard like a mist divine happens perfect beautiful see it that was good [Laughter] fine yeah bill boy oh this is oh boy oh yeah this one really hard all you have to do is not be me you got it hello goddamnit we're good I highly doubt that no no we're good we're good Dejan toilet seats I gave you a little side panels for your seats I just want to watch you when you work Oh in the first person and really get a good look at him there is look at this pecs pointy pecs PEC more like it but there is one PEC all across this chest oh I did why we have no power oh I also didn't boost the engine hang on was your hand in the wrong place why is the switch hooked up to mark see there Bob Bob I did it I'm the one yes you've caught me it's always me the whole time I just for my own enjoyment that when we said it's coming back it would even try it back it doesn't even try you know yeah it's cool full turn those up all right are those Jets at full power or not at full power I'll offer out they have a separate power thing same to mess with this thrusters much thing my goodness Bob this amateur here alright wait you got this whoa okay the engine I see I see all my misdeeds are coming back to haunt me this is me the nefarious trickster again I'm far you take - yes - that's accurate come on keep that going Oh baby this is what you like to see that's what you like to see I honestly thought that there was gonna be gaps so we had to boost across oh wow all right there I had my turn turns off I remember this one I'm not gonna tell you the answer to this car long enough and spindly enough [Music] [Music] no nose no nose no bones get your connection tool out [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] and mixed at - static legs then have to walk e legs the motors on the bearings for the front legs just a lot of rip she's a wild one you said it yourself I yield to your aggressive expertise you ready to make history mom wait I need steering I forgot you guys thank you thank you before you hit the gas I just want to see where you're steering does oh now you're good all right okay now reverse all right we're getting there we're getting there we're making progress to the front leg so we can experience do we have any more wood I think I can really do something here oh yeah that was the issues kept hidden itself you know what the almost be like [Music] you know what scoops okay you ready for this I am oh my gosh whoa girl whoa [Applause] [Laughter] she's stuck boys we noticed one more theory hmm and it's it just it goes a little something like this yes got it kind of you know what I mean oh I see I see exactly what you're going for here is it gonna is she gonna stay you know yes I don't wonder if this is the way I gotta be honest would you guys like to know the a clue about the puzzle will puzzle that's not it hmm the thing on the left is a sensor and it likes to see the color on the right whoo it likes blue maybe the blue should be on the stallion hmm also we gonna reset and get rid of this above okay let's get out of here let's go boys let's go home doo doo doo dude dude I assumed something was gonna happen if you we tested see if the blue is at the right level for the sensors it's no no no we don't you silly wait for the love of God get out of the way all right yeah that's more like it blue do we need to wait it might still be just a hair too low no it's got no that's right no maybe that's a shade lighter I I don't know that Oh the wrong you know when the developers made this challenge you know they probably push it over my god just go straight this is a trigger this thing right here that you pass through closes the door in the end so we need speed you guys want to see the top top thrill dress I want to see everything drag rail coming in hot I do I have a special surprise in store for the the steering situation on this month masterpiece monster monster piece why do they allow this what's happening why is this alone that's probably not the most stable thing if I if I could request an initial ride on this platform for your for your little baby seats but we can do an initial ride and I'd like to see what the view would be like all right I'm feeling pretty good about this I think what we need is double the amount of thrusters okay you're right I hope you performs for your little seats but that's fine that's fine yeah you need front wait who's ready for this baby I'm having I think this is the winning combination I think I just did it wrong three two one winning it's maybe the ability to steer might be valuable seems normal to me is this not good no this seems great seems right to me seems right like a little lean to the left to proud but that's natural all right cool hey that's nice man [ __ ] this no it's fine your turn how do you flip it wait your turn do you collaborate on this one no you got it okay well paint it happy buddy yeah I got I got my paint gun ready to rock I'm gonna paint it gold color I was thinking the same thing I literally got the gold at the exact same time it's out already hell yeah let's do it don't worry we'll paint this right up boy these fumes Oh God oh it's an atrocity it's a war crime um yeah yeah it's yeah wait I would never question the wisdom of your design you know what I'm not gonna question it I think you're right mark I'm not gonna question it all right you're like I'm crazy because I feel like I'm seeing an obvious problem here yeah well me I try Wade knows that yeah yeah he does oh all right here we go all right it's just a safety feature that it gets caught like this just so you don't get sticky house this next part gonna go oh just like that hmm oh okay well it's locked that's what you want yeah everybody hop back on everybody hop back on okay okay don't need to fix the thing I know what I did so now we're gonna make this a little oh no don't don't don't do that don't do that baby see if we can't flip maybe it's a inverse oh okay I think Wade might be a genius he might be you know well okay or not you might as well have maybe Oh genius right correct you guys are saying blaster you had it exactly right except we were 10 feet short and you could have backed up way further than you did to gain more speed for the jump oh that's fair this is even bigger brain than I ever imagined this is there we go oh why did the beer why did it beer why did it fear to the left I got it I just you didn't why oh you gotta wait I like the mounting of the wall procedurally magnetic yeah yeah perfect I mean this is far enough you can maybe just do it here and you angle it a little to the left that's that's how you do it come back Oh Oh were you trying to use the Jets as a break underside of it an attack angle on that whoa genius takes two steps forward two steps back every time why is one of your jets attached to that pivot did you notice that Bob just his right turn your right turn wigs turning cuz you attach the Jets to it oh did I all right let's do backup goddamn you no more all the way what has been the problem we've not had enough speed until we're in the air turns that explains a lot of our issues do you think the haze of pain is affecting our judgment at all right now hmm perfect that's how they have been turning that's about right yeah ideal but you know what who needs it we'll make it work that's the way it have to be nominal one of those thrusters didn't work like the others that's okay oh you know just go just goes go for it just go alright nevermind I have concerns about your piloting sir should I feel like the design is flawless and the execution yes I would is flawed I would Osio path why holds us to the ground so you don't bounce around like that thank you for turning the Jets on I'm sorry I called you a sociopath it's okay I'll leave them on until it's time to fly this is the way that's big energy right there okay good and conveniently at this nightmare of a level I have to go work ah it's a damn shame Wow you know I would have I would have I have the perfect plan for it it's executed in my brain already I practically at the finish line so yeah but through your process that take you long it's a multi-step process well I would hope so yeah it is is there any clues you can give us as to you know you gotta build a car what was that I can't say it again all right cool anyway good game great job good plays out there all right [Music] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,207,098
Rating: 4.9633741 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, laughing, hilarious, dying of laughter, dying laughing, scrap mechanic, markiplier funny, markiplier funny moments, markiplier funny games, markiplier laughing, markiplier laugh, funniest games, scrap mechanic funny moments, scrap mechanic challenge mode
Id: 65fqhpWntF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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