Cooking Simulator #2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
the best kind of love story is a self-love story you can take this from me i've learned this through many hard lessons that it's not about finding true love it's not about finding your soulmate it's not about you it's about me hello i'm back with cooking simulator i said that i wasn't gonna or i said that i might or i said that if there was enough demand i would i don't remember which one of those scenarios was the case but largely independently from that i decided to play it again myself modern is what i was gonna do no tutorial needed here so i'm not cooking in the 1950s like some old guy i'm cooking in 2021 like me and i'm gonna keep calm and cook on so i'm going into this with the knowledge that i kept from the last time and i'm going to make modern dishes in a modern kitchen and i'm going to start right from the get-go when there's actual customers on the line oh god here we go within an hour we'll be open for business use that time to get ready for it yeah i know shut up go away oh wow i'm going to be using that a lot where's my up oven and oh it's side oven interesting right do i still have my talent i probably don't uh prep phase well i don't really know what i'm doing recipes right recipes i know those okay not owned let's make grilled t-bone steak and baked red potatoes that's uh i have no i can't own that fine no i don't have any skills either why did i start a new one why didn't i just do the same one i wanted to be in the modern and it's very pretty this just looks like a house kitchen this doesn't look like a is this a restaurant why is everything over there that's very inconvenient modern kitchen my ass this place sucks is this what i have oh this is a house kitchen this is a nice kitchen give me where's the jank i'm out of here this is garbage you're garbage that is garbage i'm going back modern is stupid i've always said this i want the classics i want to go back to the time when cooking really was about something special oh my god terrifying hi new or new order new what what are we going now is it now now is happening but i i but uh trout okay whatever it's fine i don't remember how to play trout right black pep per five five okay man i have completely forgotten how this goes um this kitchen's a freaking mess why did i come back here this clearly is not working out for me dill dill okay dill do i pay for like gas and whatnot whatever i don't know those shouldn't be here why aren't they here they should be here why are they there why would they be over there they don't need to be over there let me get my head on straight here okay put on baking tray bake for 90 seconds okay maybe i should get my phone and i should have timers so that i know why no oh i'm not done wha what what what wait a minute hang on hold up there do i need to keep this closed or is that okay just to have completely out in the open don't put it on top what is wrong with you hang on i'll just go i'll i'll do these both that's fine i'll do these both right now and then i can put them in the oven at the same time okay so now i got both of those so i just need the baking tray where oh it's in here don't you dare do anything to destroy me one two okay there you go i could have gotten two baking trays i guess but it'll work i don't have a phone i forgot about the phone bam go okay so when that hits 90 i know that they're good to go um i need to get lemons okay lemons lamin okay okay here we go cut into quarters which means that i need to cut this way unlike what i did before steady hands baby oh yeah steady hands baby and then hey yeah okay perfect we are in business so i'm gonna get two plates one's gonna have four of these do not chop the plate put that there put that there put that there put that there yeah uh-huh oh it's fine it's just a floor lemon i need to season with horseradish and garnish with parsley so horseradish after it's baked dried horseradish where's that horse right there oh it's burning it's burning it's burning it's hot help hey it's fine okay pop that right there horseradish horseradish horseradish the radish from horses whatever that even means i don't really know [Music] bam what what why would you accumulate them they're two trouts it's not one tre you better that that is six and this is okay whatever it's very hot okay and then oh my god this is the most annoying thing it's fine okay so now i just put one two three okay plop that there for now just a second one two three order up baby order up ding ding ding boing boing boing donk you got a baby okay and then yes yes yes yes perfect this one's not gonna be as perfect because obviously it gets complaints none what do you mean technique on the parsley what's wrong with the parsley what's wrong with the parsley what's wrong with the part what's wrong with parsley what was wrong with the parsley what was wrong with the parsley hmm that one was perfect even though it had a little too much horseradish apparently but whatever okay but i made money and made moolah killing it do i have a power built i bet or not if i do i will murder matameto soup chicken broth which doesn't make a lot of sense do i just dump it throw it get out of there that's one way to do it i guess okay is please tell me this is like an unlimp nope it's not um okay i should probably like buy oh my god shut up wrong with you people are trying to work here 700 milliliters okay slow it down a bit and [Music] there we go nice that's pretty good okay probably should have finished off my other chicken broth before doing that but i didn't so whatever okay we need um 12 of this and then 12 salt oh my god cooking is like no no intricate stop what is wrong with you what what is wrong with you how much is in there wait how much is in there wait stop how much is in there how what how much is in there how much did i i think i only got five in there did i i don't know 960 of tomato okay 960 of tomato this looks like tomatoes what okay eight four five six seven eight okay eight of those and then one onion what is with these people outside no respect boil for 60 seconds you got it plopper on there stop crank up the heat did i need to blend that wait did i need to blend that no boil and then blend then sour cream how much scream i got not enough this is so bonkers difficult okay you done yet done yet you done should i have time that i don't know but when when is it how do i know when it's boiling is it boiling taste [Music] what do i have a spectrometer on my tongue that's incredible that's nuts but also how do i know when it's hot what it's not but what my head my head is so in pain oh but it's over boiling i don't know blend it blast it turn it on grind it well that's done taken care of time to put some sour cream in that bad boy 100 and uh whatever something i don't know yeah get in there that was 97 so i need 53 53 okay [Music] i got it okay cool good all right and we're done i think bull in a deep plate okay can i get like a ladle do i have a ladle can i buy a ladle how much time i got on this enough to buy i got i can buy a ladle ladle ladle ladle three yeah ladle give me a ladle oh yeah okay ladle did i do it i did it apparently okay good blasto pop her down get it off look this soup might be just a way a bit on the garnish do you garnish soup nah of course not order up it's perfectly perfect anyway i'm a goddamn jesus this was the last order for today when you're done prepare for tomorrow how i can't be more prepared does this keep can i put this on this pop this away yeah that's all i know this guy oh my god my floor ah whatever who cares what is a stain but another memory on the road trip to your success right remember that someone get that tattooed please now immediately don't do it actually god please don't skip cleaning phase why would i clean whatever perfect day this was not very much money it's not very much money i killed it i get a new perk i killed it ooh skilled yeah i'll do that i don't need to be faster i'm going to break everything oh i could never break it nah i like economy based uh yeah sure income boost level that up sure i think we should expand our menu do you simple ukrainian borsch duck broth roasted christmas ham how about simple ukrainian porsche that sounds pretty good you're gonna need some apparently someone said this is like uh gordon um uh gordon ramsay i don't see the resemblance beetroot carrot can now be found in the shop in the lard of beetroot that's not beetroot that's beetroot our guests are more likely to order dish of the day don't be surprised if they choose what do you mean dish of the day how do i know what the dish of the day is our main dish of the day is borsch it's borsch is our dish of the day i just got that recipe why would that be our dish of the day who the hell made that choice is this soup still good how's that soup oh yeah that's some good soup well oh god it's actually scared me okay trout got it close that plop around nope almost made it plopper on there i know the ratios yeah black bloom black blue black blue i got that yeah and then five of this i know the deal blunt blue blue blue blue blue five of this bad boy here blink blink blink blink blink blank and then that's good there pop that on that bake for 90. i got my timer here oh my god i'm gonna not screw this up boink oh okay i know that um yeah horseradish and then uh lemon lamb and lemon forgot the lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon if i was smart yeah i guess i would be like prepping all this stuff ahead of the time you know like cutting a bunch of these or you know try to predict what i'm gonna do that's what restaurants would do but i also like living vicariously and stupidly my cutting is a little off there they're probably gonna dock me on that one but whatever well i'm bored oh my god oh my god why does it take so long okay three two one ding ding ding ding ding ding got it bam put it up i knew it was gonna happen before it happened i knew it was gonna happen before it happened i'm just that smart oh god oh my god i will never learn my lesson okay horseradish i need not i forgot i need this not to be on the lemons is that not correct there we go oh boy put that on there well okay here we go and then one two three okay there's a quality wait where did it that's two one two three okay do it it's falling off that's fine order up oh what is up how big you got it baby i guess i'll pick this up oh borsch the meal of the day okay hang on yes can wait there's gonna be more anyway what do i do i care okay chicken broth i don't have enough of that okay you're telling me that i'm not gonna use this amazing tomato soup okay i'm gonna use up the rest of this well this is precarious here we go that's fine [Music] okay there's 580 in there i need how much i don't know something a number i need a number what's the number hello a thousand i could have just gotten a new bottle and that would have been a lot easier all right a quick math oh damn it it's fine it'll be fine i'll take some out and drop it okay that's gonna taste good okay 45. bump oh wow that okay cool all right uh uh uh salt pepper okay let's get the beet root first so five beet root one onion one carrot okay one two three four five one carrot yeah one carrot one onion okay ah [Music] parsley root parsley parsley oh my god okay parsley root 80 okay put that in oh my god no no no don't put pot on floor stop stop stop okay boil for 120 seconds got it okay so i'm gonna boil it and then add the salt and pepper while it's boiling because i'm efficient like that stop reset go okay hundred and huh many seconds 120 okay i need 20 of this okay [Music] okay oh well i got it on the beetroot but i think it'll all mix anyway um and then 20 of the pep 20 pep [Music] oh god oh no oh my god it's oh okay yeah yeah yeah okay oh my god that was a terrible idea i'll do it anyway but that in the future do i blend this is this getting blasted oh god it's not what do you do what do you do with yourself who even are you okay this is empty blam this is not empty get good thank you okay so [Music] i don't know what's supposed to happen because this don't look like it's anything i guess i just put the soup not any of the other things there's a point waste of my morse they're wasting my borsch taste it nice sweet sick stuff awesome epic and yoinkus right off of there save me money on that get me a bull or as they call it a deep plate which is kind of dumb but whatever okay put two splashes of these bad boys in there sploosh and then a little bit of a sploosh pop that back up there and then uh author up for your porsche don't ask me what accent that was boom you're welcome you're like [Music] it's fine you know typically in life if you put the salt anywhere in the liquid it'll get around i don't think that the beet was perfectly floating with the pile of salt on the top of it at all times without ever shaking any in there i don't think that's how that went but okay we'll go with that reality high pork chops i'll take one please one chop of pork one pork of chop what salt you got it four grams of blam blam blam blam done pepper i bet i'm not upset it's nice i'm not i'm not not upset you know it's just about learning okay sunflower oil to the right pan sunflower oil 30 right i should have kept what was in there before third e2 perfect uh 90 on each side oh god i have to flip it oh god oh my god i forgot what if i just toss the pan oh god the time what if i chuck you know oh you know what if i what if i do that thank god only one person comes in here at a time but uh i could try that i mean most good chefs they end up doing that so oh and potatoes oh i forgot about the potatoes oh my god i forgot about the potatoes oh my god okay okay i gotta hurry okay steady hands activate bam what was i supposed to cut this into chunks i don't exactly know what chunk mean chunks i'm assuming chunkus is chunkus right okay that looks chunky uh salt six i need more than that you there how much time i got oh my god i'm running out of time i gotta flip that i gotta flip that okay yeah okay yeah good uh chunk chunk and then okay flip flip time flip time put it down put the knife down okay flip time how do i oh i'm doing i'm not gonna flip the air i don't have time i'm a god okay salt six grams of salt probably should have salted it beforehand because apparently it doesn't distribute probably gonna be too much too little salt too little too much it's too riddling too much okay uh what am i doing oh god it doesn't say how long to bake those oh it does oh god okay it'll be done when that's done i'll get a plate ready for that we'll plate it up blam easy almost too easy you know what i'm saying where's my knife put that back where it needs to go i shouldn't run around with that and we're just about perfect got it okay step away how are we doing okay not quite there yet okay so i'm just keep a respectable distance at all times perfect you know you love it and i'm not moving that is so much potato that is so much any garnish on this no okay here we go god it said 300 grams of potato that's what it said it's not like the picture but the picture is a lie it's that's one potato you said 300 grams bad cutting eat my no no it's fine see i don't know how to rotate them that's the thing whatever i don't know how that go we expect me to know how to rotate potatoes i can't and refuse to salmon steak boiled potatoes ah okay you know what and borscht i have borsch i got borsch okay so that's going i can just i'll put this in the pan screw it it's uh blam okay borsch already got the borscht ready to go so just need to let me shake the pot a little alright yeah we'll get it stirred up in there okay oh boink yeah this is good stuff yeah warm too hot actually uh order up more shot the ready bub lamb get the borscht done out of here thank you um what is wrong with your entire being too cold that's correct 100 agree big agree actually there's no keep warm setting though so ah excellent i will now make this warm you will have a warm delicious soup at the ready it's gonna taste earthy a little bit little earthy uh but that's okay it's part of the experience for the experience you know what i mean all right this borsch is done that salmon probably done i gotta get holy borsch up get it in the better temp was better better fame is so good strong temp is great actually all right it's done get shut up and go oh what you done oh my god you are uh you uh come with me if you want to live what did i do okay ooh i love it i'm so good at that i'll try the pan technique next time or the flippy pan technique next time but i am goddamn good potato oh yo water water water salt and potatoes okay two potatoes okay two potatoes uh potato one is i probably should have done the same time but whatever you done okay you're done pretty much okay and then 20 grams of salt okay get the plate pop this on the plate that's done put that right there ready to go um i need to salt only the water they'll be able to tell they know [Music] why is that getting on the potato i don't want that on the whatever i don't know god i hate everything i hate everything how are we doing let me taste you delicious good stuff good stuff i should probably always have a pot of water boiling and then have a pot of chicken broth ready to go and then a frying pan with oil man this is just tough you know i'm barely juggling one at a time just trying to get by and this son of a whoever wants to eat it this restaurant of mine just throws my life for a loop how how no no oh that is handy that is very handy you done yet you done shut up you done you done edo you done get in here get in here all right order uh order up order up order up bam you're gonna love it [Music] uh okay that i get you didn't want pork chop taste in your salmon but i say the pork adds a layer of flavor to it that really brings out the depth of the fish fish and pork if they could be lovers they would be lovers and in my restaurant they are lovers and their love is made inside your mouth you should thank me all right that didn't go as planned but uh i i guess this they don't like boiling oils i gotta make new porsche oh my god get rid of this yeah all right new borscht i need a whole new leader of god damn whatever the thing my box broth oh i know it's a leader of this is it though a leader is it a leader is it a leader it's a leader baby okay salt and pepper 20 of each i'm doing this before any other ingredients which is why it says that in the goddamn rest oh no they're gonna know they're gonna know they're gonna be able to tell oh god okay beet root whatever one two three four five one of these never mind okay great nope that's again not no you disappoint your family onion that's what i'm missing onion okay onion onion boink okay now we boil dwinkas well i'll set this two minutes bam that if once i get better at that that's gonna be no problem at all that's gonna be no problem dude this is easy dude i don't even know what i was worried about i i was just talking a little bit ago about how restaurants are like all hard and difficult or whatever what does this do i can play darts are you kidding me yes new game where's the darts do i gotta buy darts buy darts hello box light beer firecracker firecracker yes absolutely light the fuse all right how do i play let me play well this is some i can tell you that much oh yeah i know i know i know i i i know i know well i didn't want that what oh what is hat why okay you can oh that's not how those things wise is on the ladle why carrot get off of there you're too hot shut up oh my god you don't need it you don't need it you're not needed i'd all done good yes borscht hello we've got problems everything's wrong what do i do with you nothing repairs anymore help me they're already in the kitchen okay good we i've officially lost it which is exactly what i was hoping to do all right hey that's some good income tomorrow we're getting inspected no i i refuse i'm not gonna be a part of that you take your inspections and sch so yeah that is cooking simulator more of that that's what you wanted apparently and i'm glad i did that because i learned a lot i was getting good i was i was getting better and i can definitely see how this could ramp up in difficulty uh yeah thank you shout if you want more shout real loud extremely loud as loud as you can open your windows and shout if you want more of this so thank you and as always we'll see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,967,612
Rating: 4.9725151 out of 5
Keywords: cooking simulator, markiplier, cooking simulator markiplier, cooking simulator part 2, cooking simulator #2, simulator games, funny simulator games, cooking game, cooking fails, bad cooking, funny, funny moments, funny games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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