Firefighting Simulator

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh god i see an emt in a gurney guys we're gonna kill people well we're not gonna kill people i know we're a hundred percent gonna kill people oh what a what a blaze oh that is quite a blaze we gotta do the tutorial first and a single player and then it's multiplayer hold on i'll get you i'm coming i'll take your haligan dude get that halligan dude i'm getting it the music is legit oh my god he's dead it's funny because he seems dead but then he starts talking to you oh never mind just [ __ ] spied oh look at the fire's blazing so i wonder if this is supposed to be a serious take on firefighting because remember the farming was pretty serious but we still arranged to ruin it i wonder how we're gonna ruin this this is not doing a lot gotta be honest is this what real fire fighting's like unsuccessful are you on the hose yet mark yeah i just got on the hose i'm i'm spraying a grease fire with some spit from my mouth as far as i can tell oh it's doing something for me are you shooting the little fire icons oh are you supposed to shoot those yeah uh whoa i'm in the fire fine i broke my leg this poor guy oh you're actually listening to him oh i'm getting success i'm i'm smelling success mark yeah you got your hot tip on shooting the fire icons you're a goddamn genius thanks man man this fire though keeps fire oh my genius shouldn't the ambulance guy with the the gurney i think it's called gurney shouldn't they have come like to get the guy like closer to the house you don't want to get that house is on fire you want the you want the paramedic to get in there you know in case there's something wrong in case there's something wrong there's a fire that's what's wrong there's definitely something wrong the fire is what's wrong oh yeah i guess so i'm just carrying it's just talking nonsense like a crazy non-fire believer is this is why this is why i played games i don't know how to fire denier fire's not real man it's a [ __ ] myth don't live in fear of fire big water just wants you here water wants you to hide in your pool drenched in their product fearing for your life that that fire can hurt you and your family when we all know it can how are you going to build up an immunity to fire if you don't expose yourself to fire yeah if everyone just agrees to to believe the truth that fire is not real it can't kill us all it can't kill us all it's called herd fire immunity it's called herd this is anti-flammability yeah oh my god i did it i'm the best this garage is not never mind i didn't do it the fire is above me holy [ __ ] i'm gonna die okay it's fine well i even have firefighters so we just accept people are gonna die yeah yeah but the death rate for fire is so low everybody's got anti-flammable insulation in their houses already what are you afraid of dude stop saying the truth so hard people can't accept it that's the problem people aren't criticizing me because i'm insane people are criticizing me because they can't handle the truth exactly happening yes i'm fine i'm standing i'm saying oh debriefing dude ooh i got a chief the garage is still on fire you said it was out it is on uh ooh my garage is definitely still burning oh you could change your avatar objective complete the zoom out [Music] oh good job we're done here ball is packing up dude we're taking the rosenbauer tp3 out oh [ __ ] hopefully bill does a lot of the heavy lifting okay bob you drive bill will run everything else we're starting baby i don't know what's happening no training right out the door they need firefighters on the ground we've been trained you open the door carry the dead person to the ambulance right the ambulance to the hand to the ambulance more like it and then you just hose it down individual loading bar so we know where everyone's at that's amazing this game consider it wow where's bill dude bill bill where's he at who are we all driving i'm driving oh i'm driving wow there you go good i think you follow the other firefight well there's a gps on the bottom there's a gps right there well i don't see that i just see a weird yin and yang of red don't worry i got this dispatch all units holy [ __ ] this does not drive like a fire truck what do you know what a fire truck drives like actually i shouldn't question i'm sorry about it [ __ ] oh we went in the ground we're gonna need another fire truck there apparently the traffic accident is going to cost us that's my bad that's not bad do we get paid like from this oh not anymore headlights oh siren oh that's helpful kind of well that person they're not getting over they're just slowing down oh i can drive in first person hell yeah marker do you just see the weird like red and black no i'm third screen i'm third person what are you looking at if you hit you can first person oh yeah oh don't do that oh wow the home crafting screen what is this phone crafting what are you doing what are you doing back there got a weird perspective we're gonna go stealth boys we're to go stealth turn the emergency lights off yeah you don't you don't want the fire to be prepared you want to sneak up on the fire yeah yeah exactly by surprise yeah yeah you know so much about firefighting still bob why are we so far from it yeah why are we so far away is this what normal firefighters have to do to get to a fire the whole place is going to burn down well we were eating mcdonald's get out of here apparently 61 is top speed i'm trying to hammer it boys good driving there bob really good stuff this is why you hired me yeah i really like that this game has integrated steering wheel settings i feel like i should get my steering wheel set up so i can be our wheel man you could get a whole like driving racing sim set up with like moving chair and screen just to be a farmer it's fine it's fine kicked out what i don't know did you oh yep sure did can i rejoin you guys uh try maybe oh my god okay made it um i clicked join nothing is yet happening you tell me that we gotta go back out and then drive all the way back here yes all right son of a [ __ ] all right fast driving driving time expired what did i bomb my hallway what are you doing any all right we got to do that over again because you didn't get the fast driving to get another chance at uh yeah yeah fast driving time make sure you got plenty of practice look i say just screw the other cars just freaking go for it yeah i wish i knew what happened whatever happened don't do it again yeah don't do it again really seriously well at least we got bill back all right let's go bill so your guys's screen doesn't have like a red on top and a black on the bottom and it doesn't say home crafting across the whole thing that's like the pause screen or something isn't it all right i'm hammering it the whole time oh it's gone now what's gone now thank god this is what it's like to see the normal game screen oh you had like a bug the whole time yeah i had like a pause screen over my thing the whole time all right that's sirens real loud yeah turn that off yeah stealth mode's the way to go whenever you're in a fire fire ambulance we know if you would have been here last time also known as ambulance i think into oncoming traffic is the way to live yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect perfect that's not bad hey this thing handles real good the traction like a dream look all these [ __ ] in the tunnel don't they know there's fires don't they know yeah idiots we're 3 000 meters away jesus isn't there a closer fire station to this problem no no it's just us all right we're going bold boys oh yeah do you get bonus points for this god i hope so i hope it's like burnout paradise i don't know if it's a slow or fast response time i feel like we're winning i feel like we're basically i don't know how you going fast universe or cranking top speed of the truck in general here we could chuck bill out the back if we could drop one of the hoses we probably don't need six hoses yeah it's only one fire right yeah exactly we could dump some of this water that's in the truck we don't really need that much oh yeah there goes our money i don't do this for the sake of being a good firefighter i do this for the money well i mean what do firefighters do it for for the fame no the money only one accident so far not bad that's a high score [Music] i thought after last time you would have nailed that left but turns out now left trigger lefts are harder that's fair that's fair sky is beautiful where are these california uh yeah obviously based on the trees i mean we don't take those kind of trees in the midwest look man slight traffic accident that's fine this is a minor three traffic accident i think you're gonna get the bonus sign who even cares think you're gonna get the speed bonus they look at fire hey look at that yeah dan park nice do i get out all right where are these who are these other firefighters get out nerds are these are these the the north side firefighters what's going on here that's a pretty small fire we got here pretty cool yeah only like half this house is on fire just spray some water in there who's what's this what's everyone doing it's like a dining room fire it's probably intentional this does not look like an accident all right i call dibs on survivors do we determine that or is that someone else i call dibs all right enough looking at the house can we get in the house how do we get the hose out we need the hose okay i'm called dibs on survivors oh here's a hose oh okay we got the hose uh i'm going in i'm going in i need a hoser i need a hubent stank where's the hungalo where's the the uh the supply hose the i got the attack i've equipped the attack hose i'm attacking oh no i need my tool oh we need to breach we need to breach the windows i'm getting there i'm reaching i'm not excused what the hell excuse me water's not on how do i turn the water supply on oh oh is that a wait can you turn the water off fire i found the ax circular saw foundation water carrying out a victim it's gonna be okay oh [ __ ] yeah where's the nozzle you guys putting out that fire you see me saving something we're gonna go there we go we're good no we got the nozzle i've coupled i've coupled oh yeah it's not stopped why just need you to cool down all right cool thank you these windows all right save someone nice oh wait let's wreck this fire firing this is anybody still in this room we're real awkward if you were we oh it's coming for you teamwork yeah could not save the entertainment system but honestly you should probably get a flat screen at this point anyway do you guys have another hose is this all the hose you got there's hoses on the other side of the truck but you had to connect the supply hose and then you got the whole thing i'm going in with a hand extinguisher wait there's still electrical stuff is this the cause of the fire still causing fire yeah are we are we supposed to turn the electrical off is that what we're supposed to understand with this yeah i feel like the cause of the fire is still causing the fire oh yeah we oh we need to turn the power off mark we have a new objective for you buddy what do you mean how am i gonna turn the power off the switch i flip that never mind is there like a circumstance there's a [ __ ] chair i just told every ai to come help us quench this fire okay fire yeah the fire guy there's a dinosaur in the bathtub the activated fuse box where's the fuse box we activation i know i'm looking for it i found it oh my god i got it jesus yeah my god it's done there you go big baby good one thanks i know finally oh look at this fire going out now there's not even a problem yeah this extinguisher is pretty good this is good water this is high quality h2o weight gain oh actually we're pretty good yeah this is very effective water oh well actually it's mostly my extinguisher that's pretty good yeah dudes damn let me close the fridge i don't know why i was hoping all right i climbed out the window look it's me in front of the house hey wait can i make my way let me just do a little more spring i made my way perfectly sure hey good job everybody wow that water really just goes for days look at that we learned something today that causes a fire can recause the fire we did pretty good though i'd say we did really we won that fire so yeah you saved somebody's life mark thank you i know he did yeah he did do we got to pick a new mat i think we got to back out and pick a new map no no stay stay never mind so now we're doing batten down the hatches okay i'm ready another 4 000 meters why can't people have fires closer to the firehouse i know well you could see the smoke in the desert oh yeah we're going baby this does look like california i will admit yeah yeah you like you would no like you would no all right you're ready for me to rip are really cutting into our response time here my friend i'm just gonna sneak right past you yeah do that so much for our speed accomplishment yeah our speed bonus really going under that was a good turn right that was a nasty sick turn too bad our idiot companions are [ __ ] idiots it's wiggly oh my god yeah a little bit these pedestrians do not know what is up they are really really risky what if i mow down a pedestrian ah is that a hospital that's good to know yeah well if i if i run someone over that's a really great spot we'll be sending someone to you later or sooner insurance money either way he was fine the fire is still burning this time i can't believe it's not putting itself out it's pretty rude you're getting good at that bob you're getting good at those left turns i'm really proud of you that's should have been murder oh oh well it just prevented me from murdering that person yeah i guess they don't want a gta yeah i think that was your right turn wait a second okay hang on yeah fine you're clear you're good you're good you're good on this side pop a quick three-pointer there yep you didn't even hit the bush that was an accident-free three-point turn what are you looking at get out of here i don't even see a fire where's the fire all right why is that not count go on the spot get out okay how oh there we go emanating from the middle of the house we didn't even park in the right spot this guy did so well i mean they didn't assign the fire's out the fire we did it we win i i'm gonna preemptively just break open everything all the doors and all this stuff just break just go around the house breaking everything you're gonna need to anyway might as well right you know what you're right i'm gonna get an axe and i'm gonna help you with that i'll go up to top i see a ladder there i'm gonna take conveniently i've got it i'm just going to walk around swinging my axe you do the top i'll do the bottom you got it i don't know that i need uh there's someone here hello no don't okay i dropped that tool hello you okay oh power just went out there's two people up here what the is someone breaking bones out there what is happening i'm breaking in the door so that the fire can get out you're right you're right when you're right you're right and you're still fired i'm coming in oh my knees oh my god did you just hop out yep sure did why are these windows barred like a prison cell dude i don't know man there's someone else in there you guys i don't know why you're unconscious nothing seems bad up here yeah i think they're sleeping i think they're weirdos and sleeping pop off the roof is that a viable yeah yeah definitely yeah it doesn't hurt at all wow wow jumping off the roof hurts me more than fire does oh thank god you heal right back up my ankles are fine yeah i told you man told you all right let's see this fire is very hot i'm uh it's a warm one good man's good high temperature oh i'm on fire i'm gonna break open the window so there's more air to put it out okay there we go oh left rear oh left rear oh they're just standing up get out of the house grandma oh sorry grandpa what follow me i can't get there okay get there boys i can't get there boss uh follow me i really like when you when fire touches you as a character your guys just all right hey can you get that fire out weight i got a survivor that needs to come through there can this guy follow me through here follow no he went back this oh this jerk excuse me ow ah oh god well this is out for a moment where did he go where did he go where did he go anybody see a man run by here did you lose did you lose his mark did you lose oh there oh he's here i don't know where you were i'm gonna do this downstairs room i think try and get this bad boy extinguished if we could just you know clear this path so i can get the survivor out where's the path do you need a competent fire who has an axe what is happening i don't know man there's a lot of smoke in here all right this room is this this room is persinguished well not the hallway to the front door thank you wade thank you thank you working on it just keep lighting myself on fire don't mind me we'll put out the fire i'm ascending why are you ascending because there's the stairs is on fire and i assume that means the upstairs is on fire too because that where i is needs out you've got wade wade's got you wait does not got me it's not my fault you chose a teammate who doesn't play the game very well sorry i'm doing my best here there's a lot of fire and it keeps re-spreading again well i'm gonna try to make it through hopefully that guy doesn't get burnt too bad where'd he go he's gone again he jumped out the back window this he jumped in back through the kitchen window what is wrong with you oh did he get out i mean that's what you're going for right but but he wasn't able to get out before well okay wait a minute wait good job all right come with me sir come with me bill is still standing here like a dingus just want you to build your bills how do we get bill to do stuff oh yeah don't run man don't run just walk yeah that's great all right we're getting it we're getting oh yeah look at that oh wait we're almost to the end of the foyer yeah should we let it spread i mean kind of enjoyed this time together should we oh my god it's over oh you did it good wow hi i would like to relive this fire with you guys again this was a pleasant experience for me and i just miss you all yeah it seems to still be on fire is anyone curious what happens if we don't put the fire out i think it burns down but you know i can't say for certain explosive hot dogs unlocked fast excuse me explosive hot dogs that's been a cause of many fires in the white house that is yeah i mean i think i i think we all know which mission we're about to have to do you guys want to watch some explosive hot dogs i guess explode yeah oh wait can we change our trucks what's the exclamation point on our rosenbauer i mean oh don't know rosenbauer walk-in rescue oh oh look at that we've got like a blood mobile i like blood oh snap i can tell bill what to help oh no i can't tell bill what to do okay all right well that's fine uh everyone ready mark you ready to watch a fire um burn down a hot dog stand where are we going next boys explosive hot dogs in our new rosenbauer blood machine oh bloody wheel yeah baby we got the blood mobile oh it is a blood mobile how is this going to put out any fire don't ask questions obviously you haven't received proper training excuse me you're right sorry boss sorry boss you're all really dick into physics yeah i don't know if this is the way boss that's not what the gps says that is what the gps says what gps is yours looking at is yours okay boss i honked why didn't they drive out of my way well now the gps has changed to take this into consideration at least that's good yeah mine has always said that this is the correct direction i don't know what you're talking about you're right we don't knows what we talking about yeah that's why you're the driver you're the driver we're the non-drivers we're not driving that's a fact you can't argue also different from what my gps called very different dps and gps here i'm so confused why is your why is your thing so different i don't understand hey we're stupid you smart that's the difference i mean i agree but i just don't understand why hey we don't either that's why we're the passengers we're the passengers honk so on and so forth get out of here okay yellow line mean hello new vehicle it's a new vehicle everyone sorry blood bank we'll give you some later wait chuck a blood bag out the window everyone we had all right there you go here i have some universal recipient here's some a b positive there you go that's good that's good that'll help them oh that's a poll i think they're in the next parade we're invited to we should toss blood bags instead of candy much more useful that's pretty useful actually yeah it's fun too fun for the whole family the kids chucking around it's great i really wish that like the light posts would break gta style yeah pretty much what is on f i don't see no fire why are we here oh oh it's in the lob it's a campfire oh okay well this ain't a problem oh the hot dog stand is on fire are you in the spot i i guess there we go oh no oh no oh the humanity he does all those commercials like you need a log i sell the dog come on down i'll even cook you a frog hot dog randy i love that one i love it yeah it hasn't changed nope not in 30 years looks like he was just about to get off work he's all dressed up to cycle home oh wow what this what's this pov of the sub things came dramatic they paid the cinematographer in this game like ten thousand dollars per shot really milked it out here all right hey wade you remember the other one the hot dog for me is that randy's hot doggery i love that that's a good one it's a good one all right guys i've got a circular saw wasn't that one in montgomery and he didn't used to have his hot dog standing yeah yeah of randy's hot doggery can be found in montgomery you know it's really good stuff everyone loves it guys in the interior compartment randy are you seeing this i don't know what that's for but it's open i mean i could stuff randy in there whoa we could give blood or take it we can take blood oh no objective complete oh wait i thought we were gonna not do anything i guess i'll put randy back down i honestly didn't expect this one to work what do you mean a fire extinguisher you didn't expect it to work i could just change up equipment with bill hold on wait mark go up to bill see if you can swap your person for the extinguisher nope just nobody just took it from i want to point out some these aren't hot dogs these aren't hot dogs these are not hot dogs what are these not hot dogs it looks like kombucha also completely undamaged by the fire yeah well it was a trash can i guess whoever put something something ruined i guess i didn't know it was going to go out so that's all right it's all right i'll take randy back with us you guys okay with me dropping randy off here he's kind of heavy too many hot dogs i kind of already ruined the whole point okay all right randy there you go incapabilizated that was really kind of a letdown well maybe maybe a house would be more interesting to watch burn anyway than that tiny little stand okay so we'll let the whole house burn down wade got it i if you have anything that accelerates the fire truck that on there i think opening windows does right giving some more oxygen that's a good thing for that that's a good point yeah that's true that's a good point that's true so i'm only going to help add oxygen and fuel yes so there's wildfire park unstable rooftop ooh training facility and burning news i want to do the house i want to watch a whole ass house burn down yeah let's do that house oh you didn't like the blood bag truck it's on the list now but it won't let me pick it it wants me to take the tp3 oh we probably have to take one that has yeah yeah yeah private stupid yeah whatever i guess we'll take the one we're supposed to take that has the right equipment whatever we'll take the actual fire truck and not chuck blood bags they they should make a mod that's a bloodbat gun and you shoot that at the fire i wonder if we're gonna have to um go through training again if we fail horribly and let a whole house burn how are we going to stop bill well bill doesn't do anything bill's kind of disgusting i can tell him what to do i'll tell him to just do dumb stuff good okay oh man a lot of body roll in this truck yeah this city sure does love lion statues see a lot of them maybe it's lion city oh good good point what you okay sorry that was such a close call it made me jump okay i like how we're always unit one these guys know how to try to treat their top talents yeah true enough cop wait wait girl wait wow [Music] well they got a big old hose thing do we got a big ladder hose thing oh wait can we go up there and use that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah call him off the ladder boys why does unit 2 get all the good equipment well our budget gets cut every year whoa get over it give us your ladder don't even hook that up don't even hook it up don't even hook it up you can't you son of a [ __ ] we can sabotage their stuff we can sabotage their stuff yeah we're gonna this is our territory now oh you put it right through my legs all right i'm oxygenating the house okay good good cause i'm gonna i'm gonna steal all the attack hoses from this truck and go hide them places okay i'm taking their axe and piling up their attack hoses in a place where they oh are you trying to kill them i want to see if i can you know hey no one will know it might have been the fire that stabbed him with an axe what grease fire oh put water on the grease fire yes yes spray the water onto the grease fire that's oh wait hold on uh bill's fire fighting right now oh my god at the ceilings collapsing that's so loud oh my god that was really something to see dude i wish i had like a mavic mini or something i could fly around oh yeah is someone fighting fire sir bill phil bill bills bill bill bill bill can we turn the power on stop that [ __ ] mark what what what i'm walking just you axing the [ __ ] civilians oh you don't know who this man is it could be horrible could be a murderer i'm gonna waste all the water from our truck all right bill bill can't can't fight fire even if he wants to good luck idiot i wonder what happens if i burn myself alive here and i die wait i'm actually curious about uh hitting this with uh hitting the grease fire with the water i want to see if it looks like yeah let's go test that if it starts putting it out there's no water in the truck so you're currently sol this fire is getting kind of big i don't think it even needs me helping it i think we literally just broke the door to get the hoses wait i can i can wait the supply line's in the back we all right we all right let me just go ahead and prank this bad boy uh you're strong you just rip those bolts off with your bare hands bare hand baby damn that's why you're the boss all right so do we have water now uh maybe but that that kitchen fire is pretty beefy i don't know if that's necessary oh there yeah that's good we got this oh there's people in here oh yeah there's this fire it's real beefy where's the uh where's the grease fire at it was it you you see where all the fire is over there it's this [ __ ] has litter in his garden there's a goddamn what a [ __ ] are we are we rescuing this man yeah you're all right sir you're okay oh no somebody wet the bed hey bill look at this bill bill bill's just giving me death glare over here yeah bill don't look so good whoa look how shiny this gets if i get it that was dirty is this supposed to be chrome oh my god this is a mirror you need to dust home owners yeah somebody needs to take better care of their belongings i think they did this to themselves look they've got an overnight they've got suitcases packed they were ready to go in this fire this is insurance fraud oh my god i think we are getting to the bottom of it let me show you what you've done ow fire's hot yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna are you setting me in the fire yeah don't worry i'll save you oh dear don't even revive okay well just you and me now mark and bill i don't feel so good huh oh your body disappeared is that good i'm back what the hell you all right i know you reincarnated oh i was wondering about that so these people clearly don't don't take care of their own home i'm going to water their backyard yeah might as well little pig let me come in oh oh no we didn't rescue the victim well i mean did they deserve it this was clearly insurance for us no they wanted their world to burn we let it burn we didn't actually check if anyone wanted that what do you mean no we did we did a thorough investigation mark and i are qualified investigators as well as firefighters yeah we checked it out really yeah yeah we looked up to it you're a driver we're investigator okay yep so we supply hose to the big nozzle remove that cap connect line take that over to this oh this oh there it is that's the thing all right so i assume we're actually putting it out this time i suppose oh i've got um insurance fraud guy well we'll let the courts handle it i guess we're not meant for that disconnected electricity don't worry about it cool all right coming in with the second hose sir take this guy to the hospital but i do volunteer to testify against him once it's all said and done there you go very brave of you man very brave i know i that's what they say about me i'm quenching this fire just keeps kind of growing uh wait i have a nozzle with no with no hose i'm just carrying around a nozzle oh that's sad oh boy all right there's a grease fire somewhere in here away just so you know now bob turned off the power grease is only flammable when it's connected to electric or something i don't think that's i well it's probably really good in chemistry class i was good at balancing equations i know what i'm talking about okay trust me i'm professional greece the grease fire do we need a special thing for it or uh maybe a fire extinguisher instead of the host i don't know yeah it does did you guys not read the briefing no no oh okay did you yeah but i mean no unless it's cool too then i did and if it's not cool definitely knocked out stupid nerd i don't even know what a brief is what is it underwear no because only dads wear briefs okay yeah so you're like a dad briefings oof dad's gonna be cool by definition that can't be okay all right i'm just gonna stare into the fire for a while as soon as you decide to have a kid you basically sign a contract saying i hereby declare i'm lame all right who's authorizing said contract who's the other signee you kids everywhere the child okay oh you're right uh the grease fire turns out the grease is flammable yeah this fire doesn't seem to be on firing itself we need do we need some other sort of stratagems here uh no this is just flames yeah i told you i eat a lot of fast food i'm very flammable [Applause] okay i got most of this stuff in the bathroom but the the roof is still a problem oh my god i burst into wayne help yeah jesus i'm working on it but um yeah apparently this is not gonna keep this fire out well i have a fire extinguisher why isn't that working who's bursting into flames uh bob and i depending on the moment i think that roof is upstairs there's an upstairs no i'm just trying to shoot the roof from outside but this freaking show-off up in the ladder is just giving me the business do we have ladders can i get a ladder so we can like fly them up top whoa who's shooting from the inside out bill bill's doing some stuff oh wait wait so wasn't there a guy is there not a survivor we got him already was there a guy though do we need to get a guy yeah there might still be a guy if you want to take a look around there could still be a guy i just want to know when we get one of those helicopters that we can dip into people's pools oh hell yeah that's where the real money's at i mean hella yeah because what a lit it's a helicopter so hello yeah no i don't mean that how do we not have this fire on control yet what's all these icons the blue icons uh i was spamming to tell the ai to do stuff okay i'm helping we getting it i don't know man this thing is like virulent is that the right word [Applause] i don't know that it's actually out but it says it is oh it's out yeah it's out i launching my seed into space look at me damn that's impressive man i wish how many keggles you do to get that we unlock oh no those are missions medium wait we unlocked the rosenbauer viper well what's the latter elevation guys we need to use the rosenbauer viper i don't even know what the rosenbauer viper is we need to use that i don't even care okay all right that's fair enough oh i hope it's a dodge viper with like one fire hose in the back or some power viper yeah we do have a ladder the ladder these fires are flocked i'm sorry that wasn't that funny but just it just hit different you know i just imagine you like a rotund 50 year old fire chief steps up to the microphone and just like ladies and gentlemen uh wildfire to the west the city uh scotland's a lot of problems we got some reinforcements uh we're gonna have helicopters tomorrow three helicopters on the scene and i just need to say these fires are [ __ ] i i just need to point out that this other truck in front of us has somehow evolved a step further they look like they got a better ladder than us yeah our competition always gets the one up in the truck nice maybe they should step back and let the pros handle this yeah stay behind me satan i like our ladder hose i'm excited for whoever gets to use that i'm i'm excited for you guys i kind of want dibs on well all right okay you can have divs if you want dibs oh you're the boss marky moo you're the boss you can have it uh stop other cars oh my god not going to let off the gas lining up in the history of turns not so hot now at least the sign broke that was something new why does it randomly increase my mouse sensitivity in-game i don't know i just thought you might we are in the viper now that's true all right who's ready for a spicy turn there's there's nothing ready there's no daddy wow too spicy too spicy too spicy there's no mouse sensitivity settings there are none no there's not the center dpi well i did i have a button that drops it down but it's like it only increases all right well it's going to be very high sensitivity on this one can't you afford one of those like gamer boy bath mice that has more sensitivity i just said i do and i drop it lower every new map it drops it up again and i don't know why but it's all twitchy now apparently maybe you need to get a computer that wasn't made in the 1980s look i have a lovely alienware computer brought to you by alienware uh-huh that show must be nice to have a sponsor it is nice actually it must be great i'm sure that's really cool it is actually really nice and awesome it is pretty nice that's a pretty big fire i feel like we should stop looking at it and spray some water on it or whatever or where is it where's the hose i'm just opening up some compartments do we have hoses in the back yeah where in the back what do you mean in the back like in the back no oh there is a comp oh yeah supply hose and that's a supply house that's one okay whoa guys [Music] dude that's so sexual dude somehow your sexual energy is really permeating hey wait oh my god that's against tos yeah oh wait hey yeah i would have taken on i'm on fire can you bash through the window with that just like i don't think so it doesn't seem to let me do anything to that let me try it out i'm gonna bash open that window and i'm gonna see if you can extend the ladder into the window afterwards i'm just gonna make the thing go as high as humanly possible i love that about you mark and i'm gonna turn around and look in three two one wow it's just straight up you really got a bird's eye view though don't you oh [ __ ] why did that give me no i just teleported from the top eiffel tower yeah man ct's it's just comes with a real frenchman fired up protecting the electricity powers out look at this pedestrian aren't the police supposed to have a cordoned off area why are you here sir where oh dude i could just walk up and down the ladder when it's at a good angle like this there's no police car here to help what are you looking at lady get out of here what the freaking heck am i supposed to do ooh they got a trampoline i don't like this anymore mad mad about it they got a trampoline it's literally impossible to use the ladder because the button to use the hose at the top of the ladder is the same button that makes you get off the ladder [Music] how you doing oh yeah there's a person in here does anybody want to come save this guy huh uh can we send bill in here on a rescue no i could ah guys i can't get in the trampoline oh he's burning alive i should probably get him he'll see you later all right i'm coming over did you guys get the ladder hose working no mark you try it do we ever figure out if we have noodles i found one on the ground outside the truck that i grabbed but i didn't find him in the truck oh do we need to bring a hose up here what is the deal with this oh wait yeah can i do that can you can you get on the ladder with a hose i don't know it seems like there's a hose get off it for a second yeah yeah yeah absolutely there you go buddy drop hose to control i want to climb the ladder okay you don't need to bring a hose with you onto the ladder ah that's silly oh [ __ ] i figured out how to do the thing how do you do that you hit c while you're on the controls and you switch you switch to ejac mode all right i'm gonna go full extendo i love it it's really the only way now i'm putting out guys look i'm poning yeah i'm happening this new fire yeah man i still have an unconscious person in here but whatever at this point why haven't you carried them out yet uh i figured i'd fight the fire save their house more than them yeah property is more valuable than human lives like what's the point of living if they lose their house exactly warnings are what matter that's true you can only take with you what isn't destroyed by fire we all know that the saying exactly fast mission time expired well we're paid by the hour not by the job so i agree yeah that's one of our private servants for profit fire dude for-profit firefighting would be such a sick job like how much more leverage could you have in a business situation you roll up to some family standing outside their stupid house and you're like all right it'll be probably eight grand we'll quote you might be more oh reflect the total and the accurate total in the final bill they're like wait wait wait we're under water on the house so if it burns down we have nothing what do you mean eight grand i can't afford that well okay i mean i guess service we'll put out half the fire for half the cost you know one of our kids is still in there this this they you can't do that well uh i am doing that so uh you've got spare kids obviously sorry but your home fire insurance only covers us putting out one third of the fire yeah obviously it's naturally selected that kid should have run out i mean you've got the smart ones out here so really what are you worried about but but yeah i don't even i can't imagine what a person would say in that situation oh stop don't stop what kind of monster are you ma'am i'm not a monster i'm just a businessman i'm a former amazon scene ma'am i'm not a monster i'm jeff bezos speaking of fire have you tried the new fire tablet available for 199. if you get a prime subscription you get free shipping on all these things you're going to have to replace firefighter comes down off the roof covered in ashes and smoke like ma'am have you checked out season four of transparent it's an amazon original series we talked about some serious real life issues but also about family issues we can all relate to i think you should really check it out consider watching season four transparent live now on amazon prime video sometimes if i drop this person off the roof what happens if i shut your stupid face i guess it would no longer be open can we try this this roof fire in the back is literally not going out there must be something inside get the the ladder on our truck in a position where i can do anything about that did i break this with a hose oh i was aiming in the wrong spot the whole time are you some kind of [ __ ] sure am there are so many bodies in this house this is much more effective when i actually hit the fire guys uh guys look at me hi did you comment oh dear look at me i'm looking at you look i know where you are oh look i am is he on that one god wow did you hijack the enemy truck now that's what i just asked i just asked hey mark you want to grab the other body in the living room sounds like you need to cool off there bucko all right fine well why god am i baby yeah you're in here delivery service patient coming in hot nerd fire fighters over there all right let me hop out i can't hop out i'm trying to hop out hop right out [Music] what if you just hit hit e to get out i'm hitting out nope not close enough to ground cannot exit the basket all right hang on i don't know how much closer to the ground we're gonna get but i guess we'll see what we can do yeah why do we do that when we've got technology yeah skadoosh how did you get into the basket and then the game's gonna be like no no too high i don't know man can't get back out i don't know man [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,394,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, firefighting simulator, firefighter simulator, simulator game, simulator, sim, sim game, funny, funny simulator, funny simulation, simulation, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, collab, multiplayer, online
Id: LqgCuXz3pu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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