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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to flashing lights which is a police fire and ems simulator i'm going to try the ems simulator because i've tried the other two in various other games but i have yet to try to save people's lives with a uh with an ambulance besides uh surgeon simulator but that was many years ago and that didn't go out so well no i'm ready i'm not saying this is going to go well but i've grown as a person max vehicle traffic 5 max pedestrian parked vehicle density i can't seem to change oh yes i can max 99 12 max 99 20 okay i'm day friendly friendly fire with my fire fuel consumption uh sure i actually um like most games don't know how to play this one but i'm gonna try really hard because i keep going into these and they have so many complex controls but i don't know what i'm doing half the time but this time i'm gonna do what needs to be done which is save lives also apparently there's a multiplayer version of this okay medic i want to get people up off the ground i want to save lives my name is done no my name is mine my name is uh i have no name you need me my motor kits bam okay cool hat okay glasses nice face mask yes ah nope responsible i like it done well the glasses kind of clip in was it really only like one option i don't want anyone yeah like i'm overriding no serious business uh yeah that's fine okay good my name is not important i'm a faceless nobody but i save lives i'm a hero actually i'm a hero i really hope someone's not gonna be dying right off the bat okay here we go emergency medical services dispatch vehicle incident at address screen tag two vehicle collision call id for okay okay wow that is sensitive controls oh all right okay turn down my mouse sensitivity okay let's yes i missed it by that much that's okay i still need to get familiar all right so it's a nice town we got mega cola we got louis vuitton tvs stop and boobs okay unconscious person yes player 205 a4 like i said name's not important left mouse button left mouse button yes yes yes yes i'm already way ahead of the other games that i had before because i'm in the car it turns on i love it this is intuitive control this is intuitive i'm intuited i'm in tuned okay green okay i see the green dot [Music] oh we're gonna say how do i turn on my lights [Music] all right let's turn that off um i missed my turn hang on wait [Music] what is that what is that it's a toy if you hear this coming down the way and you're injured you are about to die i oh sorry hang on [Music] okay hang on where are you oh i see unconscious person okay you're gonna be fine i'm here let me just back up to you yeah one sec all right yeah all right how do i get out uh left click so easy so easy hey what's up hey how's it going what is up how are you uh interact with a med bag right med bag med bag okay med bat med bag med bag med bag med bag okay i'm inspecting you look at your head you got a nice head on you not breathing no pulse unconscious oh god oh god are you dying this is my first oh this is my first possible bone fracture no pulse okay this is a problem we need to get a pulse going this person needs a pulse do you have spare pulse right click to stop inspection perform super remove top part okay why okay close off perform cpr i don't think my hands should be going through your chest sir but i did it defibrillator do i have that don't mind me stepping on you it's fine uh trunk uh items ah no no no no no no no no defibrillator you get defibbed okay we need to put the ecg leads on doink doink doink oh we got a pulse you don't need to be shocked do you good cause i'm not gonna do that all right fracture kit uh you got some broke bones there buddy you got broke bones all right uh cancel that wait oh removal okay i'm gonna put this away seems like seems like i could have done this all like at once and it would have been a little more efficient but whatever all right you got that broke bone nice now you i don't request for transport or grab stretcher i'm gonna i'm gonna deliver you myself i always finish the job that's what i do professional it's just how i am let me get this oh man i'd degrading gta rp as a medic med man med man incoming med man all right you ready for some you get get in come on hop up and hop up hey dude you're gonna help out or something just come on just kind of heave home i'll grab his broken arm you grab his legs and we'll just kind of walk all right thanks dude i did it all myself all right [Laughter] i love how intuitive go around all right whatever i'm gonna close this up you good there you go yeah you're good you're good close that up let's get to the hospital that's me running all right by the way is this the uh the ambulance drop off or what do i drive in do i go do i go in do i gotta go in doesn't seem to be anybody in there i don't know about this i don't know about this place guys i don't know about this this doesn't seem right but all right i'm gonna i'm gonna uh i'm gonna get you into the the haunted building with nothing in it don't worry bud you're gonna be just fine in you go i did it oh my god another day another job well done i have officially hospitalized one person i don't know if i should be proud of that but boy howdy am i man what a day what a day my dudes what a day let's turn those lights off we don't need him anymore i get a left turn signal right turn signal emergency lights awesome what a good day vehicle incident driver trapped i'm on the job where is it where where is it where's oh no i didn't lose any reputation for that noah because no one saw it respond code three i don't know what code three means does that mean lights on yeah you better get out of the way yeah you better get out of the way you better get out of the way this is my turn it's my turn not that turn i need the other turn man when we drive back from whatever this incident is this guy is going to have quite the trip didn't lose any reputation i can't hear a goddamn thing in fact i might have gained reputation from that because i'm just so cool uh hey what's up guys what's up inspect the person okay uh just gonna warm my way here all right good stuff good stuff good stuff turned on my right blinker but that's okay all right not you oh ma'am ma'am oh boy well if only i had help but i don't but it's okay ma'am you okay looking at your face breathing pulse found conscious possible neck okay neck injury that's no good that's no bueno we don't like that okay pulse found right arm okay you got pulse but you might have a neck problem uh neck collar do i have that here okay uh neck collar boom okay neck collar is on there okay we're gonna go for a ride okay hop in well yeah i i do this a lot i'm a professional you guys see my sick drift tricks you impressed pretty cool right i drift with this [ __ ] yeah not bad anyway stretching eight how do i stretchalize you hang on let me move my med bag out of the way okay put this back in the oh man being a medic is so hard here we go and you're in perfect i'm uh reverting my eyes in there all right you ready all right we're going hey what's up weird triple vans i'm sure you're up to no good how did i turn my blinker on oh oh here comes another one yeah that's not concerning oh there's a van that got in the accent oh another van oh good what's with the white vans all right anyway lady lady lady hold your neck hold your neck lady oh no i will not be thwarted by one single barrel i will not and we're good and i even reset it damn i'm good am i going the right way i hope so do not you you you go to the right i go left around you i am not wrong in that all right lady hold on to your neck because it's about to get some whiplash in here sorry all right so how you doing uh you having a good day i mean obviously not but you know yeah you uh you from around here you you just visiting you uh deliver what are you delivering in that van it's very strange actually that so many people have those white vans anyway we're coming in hot and heavy a little reputation loss but hey i've got plenty you are gonna go into the fun building it's a very fun building trust me it's a very fun building uh it doesn't seem like a lot's in there but that's just your neck telling you lies so don't lie to me and i won't lie to you all right let's let let let oh let's go okay hang on one second oh that's worse uh let's go let's go and you're gonna and you're in there all right cool all right well this is actually a well put together game you know what that this this actually gives me hope that if i go and do the fire fighting one i'm actually going to be able to fight a fire all right so i don't want no car accident i want like a 10 alarm fire that's what i want all right what do we got what do we got what do we got perfect big man all right oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah now we got it oh hey cool nice nice change roll change roll oh i i could have just changed roll oh okay select vehicle um oh well that's not what i'm looking for come on what's that all about yeah yeah that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about where is it vehicle ready but where but where is it garage there she is there she is my beaut my beautiful baby now this is a beautiful baby all right all right vehicle incident nah nah nah skip skip skip we are not looking for no vehicle incident we want the big fire okay i don't know how to open the doors all right we're kind of trapped oh boy do i get out and push you to butt door okay push the button okay all right cool vehicle fire nah no vehicle fire i want the building fire big building give me big dildo i'm a huge build-up now any minute now there's going to be ho a conflagration vehicle is no i don't want a vehicle instead come on arsonist ooh arsonist you say well looks like some arsonist's ass is about to get blasted full of water we're about to shove a hose so far up them that they it's fine fires put out 15. oh [ __ ] that sounds like a lot of fire unless it's not excuse me pardon me gotta go up this windy road i'm sure this is meant for trucks such as me lights on horns on nice not as nice [Music] what is that [Applause] there we go that's more like it okay get out of the way man this road huh why the artist arsonist have to do it so high up look who lives up there god damn nice view oh never mind there's a horrible fog rolling in that's going to destroy everything and i hit the only tree in the area god damn it what's happening i hear something oh my god i hate oh oh no please no no no no no i'm turning right and yet i go left what what is happening there's an arsonist there's an arsonist there's a noise what is happening okay all no we're right it and now we are meg okay stuck on that yield sign yeah that makes sense get out of the way my dude get out of the way i believe there's a shortcut here fine oh no are we stuck again oh no oh no oh no no please and we're on it i think i still think it was shortcut all right i've only burned up 10 of my gas shortcut all right i'll never learn my lesson as far as i live as far as i live not as long get out of the way my god my dude my dude get out of the way dude get out of the way all right arsonist here we go we're here who could disturb such a peaceful abode arsonist my ass all right what do i do um okay uh uh okay vehicle that's if i wanted to clamber in but i don't um trunk here we go uh fire uh water hose attach yes yes yes what happens if we run out of water what oh ah oh oh oh uh huh oh yeah oh yeah baby oh yeah okay all right hell yeah okay all right okay all right hell yeah i feel like i might run out of water before i solve the problem but uh uh oh here we go there we go found it you gotta detect it it only kinda wants to wash oh you gotta be efficient about it ah i wasn't being efficient okay nice any other fire do i gotta go in perfect perfect this is much less thrilling than i had hoped boy howdy this is um i don't know how they made putting out a fire boring but they sure did and i am out of water no water supply okay that's good i guess um i'll go in manually it's it's the same it's the same i got it guys don't worry this fire's no match for me uh okay so this game definitely ain't that game that uh bob wade and i played uh that had the thrilling action of fire putting out i don't even get to go in do i i'm not even gonna go into this thing am i no i'm not the thing is i i'm not gonna do that when i'm out uh okay well you know it's half done it's half done do i have a fan what do you want fan for we'll just get some air on this bad boy oh okay it's gone it's just gone good scuba scuba okay i'm going in i'm going in i can't well i'm on fire oh my god i didn't know i could catch on fire okay there's gotta be like a supply hose um so supply hoes from what i remember from the other games uh maybe here-ish uh maybe in the back out rig oh oh oh oh [Music] [Laughter] well that's just going to take forever to get done i'm not going to do that use ladder okay i'm on the ladder use ladder i'm on well i gotta go back down i'm not quite at the fire okay let's drop her down a bit yeah yeah that's the extent let's suck that back in there and put her down a bit perfect all right let's get a nice flambe on me all right use ladder i'm coming don't worry i made it well we sure did our job here how do i return it to its original position maybe we could drive with it up it might be fun i think that might be it oh yeah it looks good all right let's get up there is this no it's still shaky he's just really nervous about heights is there fall damage in this game [Music] cannot use this seat while using scuba okay put the scuba away scuba away all right let's get out of here job well done gang job well done all right don't worry guys i know a shortcut somehow i don't think this is going to be a problem lovely day for it have fun you're welcome we'll build you excuse me oh sorry oh drifting is a little strong all right gang don't worry i think this thing actually stabilizes us all right i believe don't worry don't don't worry don't worry i know a shortcut oh no oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no my shortcut no my shortcut no hang on oh god please my shortcut oh no [Music] well well you know how this goes we'll just call tow truck and take care of that i can make it down manually where did all the city go what happened while i was away what happened oh i can't jump i can jump wait could i not jump before i thought i could jump man that jump is not okay that jump is not okay city's changed since last i went up this hill dare i try the police dare i dare i try the police dare i to try the police dare i to this is not [Music] i said boarded up why is every window boarded up something's not right here something's going on here okay i'm gonna try here we go you're good i'm just gonna go oh hey what's up register suspect ooh [Music] oh is that my vehicle oh yes please yeah i feel the power already why is it a toy car arse no i'm not responding to no arsonist get out of here just gonna go cruising around let's go yeah this is some pep oh yeah who cares about my reputation i'm part of the police you think we care about reputation oh you watch yourself damn look at me go look at me go damn shoplifting unacceptable yes there shall be no oof there shall be no shoplifting in my city okay arrive on scene talk to staff find shoplifter and arrest them return sterling goods perfect all right all right who's here hello was it you you the person did you do it did you you did you do it watch yourself you freaking watch yourself dude you freaking watch yourself oh hi shoplifter [Music] [Laughter] wow holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay wait do i have uh oh oh my god okay uh weapons uh get number two weapon got it all right you watch a shotgun very accurate very that's what you get well i guess all in a day's work i suppose i can't exactly return the goods cause it's just a horrible incident of twin brothers in trouble you hate to see it you hate to see it i'll leave this for the ems to clean up i suppose well job well done [Music] i'm out of here okay so that was flashing lights there definitely was a lot of flashing lights honestly not bad really truly not bad pretty damn good actually uh well okay not pretty damn good but way better than all the other ones that i've tried so far it had a complete experience i'm still messed up by that twin brother incident man that's going to haunt me on me for a long time but thank you everybody so much for watching maybe i could play this multiplayer i don't know if i'd have the will power to do that but you know like could be fun who knows so let me know down in the comments thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,345,440
Rating: 4.9692593 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, flashing lights game, funny games, physics, simulation, simulator game, emergency simualtor, ambulance driving, ambulance simulator, gaming, gameplay, funny moments
Id: HPotas-kvzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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