THE LADY AWAITS | Resident Evil: Village - Part 1

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to resident evil village also known as resident evil 8 also known as the game that i have been looking forward to because of its incredible gameplay graphics detail and the level of quality that you can expect from whoever the hell made this game i can't wait to play this because i love the resident evil series and in the past i've played it before therefore it would be expected that i would play this one there's no other reasons besides that no other reasons at all so without further a do we're gonna get into this um well you know ah you know i'm just gonna go standard i usually like to play the i every other resident evil game i've played again um and i usually do those on the higher difficulty levels just because once i get my feel for the game i really want the challenge uh but for this experience you know i'm just gonna just gonna play standard oh long ago a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work but the forest greeted them with a dark cold silence the bushes empty yet determined to find the berries the rascal broke free from mother's grasp and vanished into the trees mothers worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on over vine and under branch and into the forest deep feeling strange eyes upon her the girl recalled mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry then the pat lord appeared he greeted her warmly and bit his own wing come child quench your thirst he said so she drank the thick dark blood and smiled with joy passing through the graveyard menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold the girl was shivering in her thin clothes then a dark weaver appeared and with a click of his fingers crafted mist into a beautiful dress come child warm yourself he coaxed so she clothed herself and smiled with joy across waters deep and ominous she went hoping a boat she found would carry her home but hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy then the fish king appeared and offered one of his many fins come child eat your fill so the girl ate and smiled with joy once more continuing on she soon entered the forest dark where is she going then an iron steed appeared bearing a beautiful golden gear the creature said nothing as the girl approached and snatched what she thought was another gift the horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters terror filled the girl's heart as the wild wind rose around the beast suddenly a witch appeared dark yet regal oh and that's that and then the girl died because she was just constantly wandering into oh the more you took she snarled you read that to a baby in a blink the girl was trapped inside a mirror there she's asleep yes with the creepy story she's only six months old that's what i'm saying woman at the store said it was traditional a local tale yeah that doesn't mean it's good for a baby rose doesn't seem to mind okay because she doesn't understand it thank god we moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember there's nothing wrong with my memory you're just being paranoid it's not never mind i'm sorry yeah but i'm not paranoid i'm just cautious then go cautiously take your daughter to bed okay sure i'm sure this is gonna go great you know given that this is a resident evil game some don't seem right about this baby you know i'm not going to lie about this because that don't seem right if you don't remember this is actually continuing from the story of resident evil 7 so i believe the ming want to remember it i can't blame her uh remember what the horrible events of that family in the woods in the swamp nothing nothing i don't put her down wow you know i do always appreciate the detail put into these games like even though the majority of it is obviously non-interactable man we sure love plants in this place honestly actually it's pretty cool i like the amount of detail put into it baby wants some fud you want some food you want some pickles yams i don't know salsa wine baby wants some wine oh big zoom our taste in music's definitely improved over the years [Music] i don't know who the pale boys are um man we drink a lot of wine in this house i'll go put the baby down to bed wherever the hell the baby goes upstairs i think possibly there's probably some secrets that i could find right off the bat but you know i'm not gonna dig too deep wife whatever your name is i know i'm ethan winters once things warm up we can go for a walk yeah yeah cold of winter seems to have lasted unnaturally hey baby shut up shut up baby the ghosts you don't understand it's like i said to your mom that book's too scary for you yeah well you know the the moral of the story is um there's nothing free in life so don't assume there will be am i hearing baby wanna shower baby want a nice refreshing shower shower for the baby okay and i do not know how to take care of a baby baby you want a pill mia's medication she's been a strict regimen ever since the incident yeah the horrible fungus that infects your brain i'm assuming that's the same mia from the other game as well almost there honey almost there oh this looks well okay it doesn't look bad but in any resident evil game any like childhood home room or anything is never good why did they cover the mirror up to save resources or to save me from looking at myself rose is closed for tomorrow will we ever reach tomorrow oh wait no it's it's the parent's room oh okay weird uh uh i do not like the look of this baby uh there's a preview picture that we saw of like the very large man uh baby kind of looks like that but it might just be the baby fat who knows me and i had another fight i accidentally mentioned what happened three years ago and she blew up at me we finally settled down in our new life in europe and can bring rose up properly but i still feel like a part of me is trapped in that hell hole back in louisiana i know mia doesn't like to talk about it but can we really just forget everything and pretend it didn't happen shouldn't we face what happened out there so we can live our lives with rose without it hanging over our heads i mean what do you mean by face do you mean like face like face it off again go back to lose we lose never mind i'm not gonna bother we owe her that much at least i know mia knows this too she wouldn't have exploded like that at the hospital if she didn't care at the hospital in the hospital weird how that weird how that desktop screenshot looks like the developers just angled the camera like this and took a picture i mean i might too rosemary winters uh height weight screenings all no issues results for additional fungal pathogen tests will be provided by the bsaa so those are inconclusive rose is fine rose is fine rose want a monkey with bigger monkey well hi there little rose that's horribly cringy ethan winters mr winters gun survivalist it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you yeah you know what you're right about that oh look at that why is ethan's face all blocked out why is ethan's face all blocked out i don't like it no i don't i don't feel right no i don't feel right i wish i could stay like this forever well it's a lot of poop to deal with but you do you man most times just keep your mother waiting she's scary when she's angry yeah you know what i mean yeah most most first-time parents usually want sweetheart phase to end as soon as possible don't you worry i'll be right downstairs skip fully won't let those weird never mind no photo fairy tale monsters get you i got an achievement for photographer i didn't i didn't do anything okay whatever all right honey how's dinner coming along smells good babe oh there you are okay i thought for a second maybe oh no no no is she okay sleeping like uh well like a baby look at the liquid physics that's amazing it smells good what's that oh hands off mister it's choba de la gum hand right in the soup we've gone full native haven't you local wine too but if you're gonna keep sulking all evening maybe you shouldn't have any you really have to stop worrying it's just finding you in louisiana the pregnancy chris moving us here military training it all happened so fast you know well at least we're all together you me rose now everything's going seriously think we can just forget about what happened in louisiana it happened so long ago i just i don't understand why you are so yeah get down oh god oh hey bud chris what the hell sorry ethan no what why man chris looks different he looked different before now he looks really different all those steroids finally worn off go move or maybe he doubled up who knows my baby my baby this seems like kind of a dick move the hell you doing with my daughter package secured sir package how'd you know her middle name i said get your hands off her ethan no okay well he said no can't do anything [Music] i'm assuming mia is fine and i'm assuming rose is not fine because i mean if mia is still feeling the residual effects and by that i mean total infection of this fungal virus but she's normal now probably means that the baby uh ain't so normal she'll see us next week hey now think positively all right we talked about this i know we hardly talk about anything else i keep telling you it's not rose that i'm worried about well then what are you worried about look she's gonna be fine i just know it what else matters we matter ethan you matter you just remember me what are you talking about is there something you're not telling me come on talk to me damn it i have to take this yeah this is definitely more important than this very urgent conversation yeah that's definitely a priority eve in winters why is this why does that make me uncomfortable oh it's just a baby oh where am i now i have to take this work is calling chris buddy babe thanks for shooting the wife what are you talking about where's chris redfield and rose you really just gotta ask who is this i think that if it was a secure channel you would stop talking and then hang up immediately what the hell happened here yeah well nothing good usually nothing good happens in resident evil games uh well looks like this dude is all dead uh eliminate target recover body secure rosemary winters and ethan winters okay so eliminate target i don't know if you eliminated the target move the two winters winters to sight see for further investigation at least two transport officers to accompany them yeah well that didn't see did the baby break out did the baby hulk out boom right out of the back door i'm thinking the baby i think the baby blew up i think the baby blew up all fungally a great fungal explosion all right well i can't wait to go up and find someplace warm hopefully like a castle or something you know oh that's kind of creepy yeah hopefully like a castle with like a warm welcome like a a welcome that feels like a great big hug you know just a smothering embrace of a place just kind of like a something very like large you know with with tall ceilings and big doorways huge knockers on the doors you know really good welcoming sight hey is that the thundering footsteps of one of those mountain giants i've heard about that i've heard so much about and respect i've heard and respect about oh oh i can crouch i'm going to be doing a lot of that well it wouldn't be a resident evil game if i didn't hurt myself stupidly right off the bat all right i'm up i'm moving i'm mobile i'm gonna ignore that oh yeah i'ma ignore that definitely a whole lot of nothing yep whole lot of nothing weird growls in the forest afternoon well that's a bunch of dead crows oh hey uh oh ah hmm this is uh normal um very normal i miss you just gonna just gonna crouch just gonna crouch you know i was caught out of crouch this is a lot of crows that are dead i don't excuse me thank you i think it just decided to be quiet now definitely nothing else happened to it come back here are we playing tag oh man i didn't know i was interrupting a game of hide and seek i guess i'm it uh okay cool river sure sure is sure is dark at this night and this looks vaguely familiar this looks a lot like the intro to resident evil 7. i'm just going to bars my way in here i never asked for permission to enter a home although this doesn't look like the castle i was looking for so to be perfectly honest i'm i'm very disappointed i'm like exceptionally disappointed this will come in handy or not or absolutely nothing in there was useful i love fiddling with random crap as soon as i enter someone else's home i mean i got such a warm welcome last time blood's a good sign that's a good sign maybe i'll take it it's fine it's fine hide in the closet inside the closet in the closet yep totally fine okay hey i'm not robbing you i am looking through all your stuff but i just like to observe how tall are you whoever you are this is curiosity ah good mysterious basements i'm so hey fox i'm so glad that mysterious basements are a very important design feature in every home i go into banana okay this is good yeah this is good i'm sorry i'm sorry i know how far down you'll have to stoop over to pick that up i don't want to burden you looks like uh this game of hide-and-seek is coming to a conclusion hello peek-a-boo well that was hardly scary would be a shame if something behind me was scary so i am i am kind of questioning why i came out did someone very tall just arrive home did someone's rather wide upper body area break the door frame on the way in was that the sound of a very warm embrace coming to welcome me is that what that was oh uh what wrote ah what lovely art you've made i love it i love it also checking to see if recording is going smoothly it is this is good good recording okay um well that's cool and all that but also garlic no vampires here and i do know that this is kind of a whole werewolf versus vampire thing which is dope not sure how it relates to the whole did i see someone not as tall as i was expecting run over there did i see that did i see that also how did i thought i was nevermind hey i'm not nearly strong enough to let i'll just crawl apparently i'll i'll i'm crawling now heavy box what did all this oh only something about nine foot six ah nah this is a disappointingly small silhouette it does look like someone just sideways who should rather wrote on just went straight through the wall but i'm uh just oh it's day uh uh it's it's day now um oh no a barrel's in my way okay well i'll go i'll go it is dramatic the difference of being in first person versus like third person with resident evil two and three and this obviously the story here is very far removed from that i did love those remakes but resident evil 7 having that first person perspective and just like remembering all of the like promotional stuff and the demo that came out when like re7 was being teased in just that house it was like just such a dramatic shift i i i really do love it like it is something fascinating the way that they're able to completely change the experience that looks like a lovely castle i love the buttresses and the crenellations who is crinkling oh your friends are all dead you might want to run away spooky okay ah so what you're saying is fly to the cat well your loss i've heard there are great things grand things at this castle like about two incredibly grandiose things waiting for the brave to appreciate the art of oh no they didn't just get the crows still warm huh well if this is like most survival movies i'm supposed to crawl inside its corpse and uh stay warm that way but no i'm i'm not gonna do that yeah i'll go in hey what's up anybody mind me breaking in anybody gonna stop me pig pig pig oh yellow well i know yellow needs some kind of other item yeah sure uh-huh good thing they also have marked all their important things with yellow tape blood great good oh handcuffs even better double extra good oh outhouse well oh it's occupied dammit if there was another door to this building let me just quickly check that one i don't think that they're going to give me anything particularly important this hi windmill okay hello maybe maybe they're out yeah maybe maybe maybe they'd left in such a hurry that they splattered their stew oh that looks like a punch that looks like a big pouch someone there yeah that looks oh that looks like someone got pouched holy crap someone got pounced oh my god someone got freaking pounced hey there's that painting again all right so i'm not gonna bother with it peekaboo hide and seek champion 2021 ah they're good they are good not gonna lie this year it might not be such a cinch for me to win this uh ye here is the he who oh boy oh no those aren't crows you know from a distance i thought them's was crows turns out them's not crows thems is uh goats well parts of goats half well i think total they add up to about one goat what oh yeah if i couldn't read that thanks for the subtitles i guess okay there's a light on over there that usually means place i'm supposed to go if my gamer instincts are kicking into maximum gear which they are locked due to missing homeowner these other missing homeowners don't seem to be locking their homes i don't know who's doing that as a favor that looks fun probably some part of some collectible or something yellow ladder all right well we got to the village park boom i'm here someone want to tell me what my grand mission is where's my baby knife where's my baby someone better give me my baby well i'm glad they gave this to me i certainly won't have to use this is this going to be explosives i just remember that ethan winters must die i did love all of the dlc and like bonus rounds in resident evil 7 that was something that was missing from resident evil 2 and 3 it's like all the different bonus things especially three like i feel like three was a digital hurried get punched they might have gotten punched this is a hard blanket a really tough blanket oh my god holy [ __ ] why would i open it like that who sent you nobody there was an accident down the road what's going on [Applause] good thing he's a bad shot oh no they're coming who is what the hell was that do you have a gun what please tell me you have a gun no why would i well i'm about to i think i really do think i'm about to have a gun oh i've taken it i'll take it okay hey are you listening hey well there he go goodbye friend goodbye european friend with the mysterious american accent wow that is hope that's not your blood well you know they really did the two-pronged attack is my blood going to shoot upwards dead party well you don't know that wait there's more do you need to say all this out loud is this necessary yeah them some deads maybe that old guy was uh not so good excuse me sir pardon me you look a lot like that other guy christ yeah what the hell is wrong with this place probably the same thing that's wrong with everybody [Music] hi over there i see you squiggling what you doing well that's a bad start am i infected now oh my god holy crap [Applause] hey only one person in this game is supposed to be able to do that to me [Applause] okay well good thing i got this boom oh my oh [ __ ] you kind of quick bang okay well you got more life in you a little more pep in your step all right that took a lot of bullets good thing my hand is missing maybe double tap just in case maybe a little slough slightly slip slivly slowly all right well i am bleeding profusely maybe i shouldn't have come back in maybe coming back in was a bad idea let me see if this guy got any more maybe coming back in was a good idea i don't think there's anything else all right well yellow shovel there's something here there's something secret damn it they can't just put a yellow shovel like that i'm always gonna think there's something all right bolt cutters always gonna have the bolt cutters on oh i don't like how slow that opened i'm not gonna go there just yet there's gotta be something else here some bullets or something cam i got kim got a whole lot of chem [Music] i got herb and i got chem my two friends in this sordid affair of death and destruction all right is that all their woos anything in the pot all right let's yonder hello sure do love cricks that's fine that's totally fine i'm going to try to kill the next one with a knife even though it's probably going to end up with me like taking a lot of damage i just want to get used to the idea of killing things with knives because i'm going to have to do it when i run out of ammo which is going to be soon i'm coming in there bam boom bam oh i'll do this no i'm not locked in here with you you you in with me i'm here we're here together hello okay well you're done come at me [ __ ] that's a lot of blood you want some stab soup delivery we're fine startled you didn't i you [ __ ] come here get some stab you want some stab it's some stab whoa what did you deliver that for me like a cat thinking that i can't hunt for myself did you feed me probably not well that don't sound good where where hello stop stop let's get back get back no no where why am i here oh hello wow you are real you all are really like okay can i like probably not worth it probably not worth it definitely not worth it is this worth it this is not worth it it's gotta be a way out oh hey bud okay hang on yeah get back get back get back man jeez what do we do uh oh hey button oh my god when did you get here okay i got a guard okay i got a guard on that this is why i'm practicing why i'm practicing okay let's try guard regard i'm guarded okay there's really no okay i'm gonna restore my health where did i get goof where did i get goose fluid okay that still happens he had that in his neck i exploded his head i took all the scrap out they're robots that's the secret truth behind all this they is actually robots over yeah when they see me explode their friend's head i i think they all were dissuaded from their course of action hello what if there are any survivors out there come to my to louisa's house near the fields uh-huh all right okay well i guess it's all done now i guess i'm free to go that's what i'm gonna do i'm leaving yeah good thing i used my healthy hand to be able to do that what's back here a boot hello someone in there okay whatever i don't know why i have a proclivity to go off the beaten path but i do love exploring i hear something i don't know if you guys can hear it my keen senses you know tuned from here bang hey bud you got someone oh no oh i didn't know that oh i didn't know that's that's what this was oh no oh no they have weapons they have weapons i'll take that oh yes i'll take that all right buddy looks like it's time for me to kick ass and kick ass and hide i'm a [ __ ] i'm very cowardly i got gunpowder i'm gonna blow it in your ears and then blow your brains right out create attack oh sure i know what i'm seeing i'm so stealthy am i is anything actually coming after me i mean they sure sound close was that a safe was it safe i don't have a combination for that no it was probably a cabin no one's here no one's here yeah no one no one you can't see me you can't see me i am there's no end to them there's no end to them well there's an end to them all right um coming in to get anything supply splash yes i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i'm up i'm up i'm up i'm out i'm out i'm up i hope there's no werewolves waiting for me up here i've made it arrows was that air oh uh okay where do i go where am i going where am i going where am i going why is there arrows shooting okay i'm just uh oh i don't know i don't know where do i go i'm going is that explody barrel is that an explody barrel hey bud take some of that oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ocean ocean ocean i got i got lay where do we go what do i do get out of my way was i supposed to do something else here i probably was i'm probably just very dumb oh it's glody barrel there had to have been something else right i'm just very stupid okay hold on hold on to your horses your horses you know there was nothing my gamer instincts tell me there was nothing i'm just gonna go this way down the road i can't go that way that's all locked up oh my god oh my god oh my god okay well this is uh bad for me um holy [ __ ] okay this is this clearly a dead end oh oh no i'm in trouble okay let's go shoddy gun time okay but how's this and uh some of this you like okay all right good now we got that settled oh my god oh yeah yeah this is bad oh this is open now this was always open oh god now really out a lot of owl okay so clearly not that way this way this way is locked why is everything locked where am i supposed to go i don't know am i stupid oh that one got me yeah the first one really missed but the second one definitely swung me do i have a whoa what did i just do what did i what what am i doing i don't have any healies oh my god i'm so doomed i legitimately have no idea where i'm supposed to go i truly do not know i am in pain oh there i go oh hey buddy was this all supposed to happen fine decoration man that's that's some good stuff you gonna do a sweet jump slam on my skull oh i thought you were going to do a sweet jump straw [Applause] you know you're tall but uh quite tall enough you know not tall enough for me to really respect you you know the respect you got a lot of power i respect some of that but not as much as you might think i might respect that surprisingly i don't find myself respecting you very much yeah hands still borked hand is what some professionals might call borked oh perfect hey santa huh no you're not santa what yeah wait can't wait for me wait for me pal okay so it was all it was all scripted i was supposed to not be able to know where i was supposed to go not liking this you are so funny you are so funny hey what's up ma'am in life and in death uh-huh we give glory great uh hello you shouldn't be out here it's not safe what the hell hey can you hear me it's you the child's father child hey wait do you mean rose is she here rose rose yes she is in great danger since mother miranda brought her to the village we have fallen into darkness hmm what are you talking about the monsters the castle bell herald's danger they're coming oh yeah it wasn't dangerous up until this exactly where's rose who's mother miranda the bell tolls for us all they're coming again [Laughter] yeah i see how this is funny hey wow nice meeting you nice meeting you ma'am nice meeting you okay the yellow is really throwing me off okay hey i'm not threatening boom sure don't slam indoors like i wish i did um so uh where's the rest of this village an easy to pick lock so you say but uh define easy and define pick define lock and define everything else where am i going that is kind of the crazy thing about these games is like it looks chaotic so it is a bit difficult sometimes to navigate but usually there's a lot of sense to it oh except for that last part well i mean that last part was logical in that it was supposed to be confusing because i wasn't actually supposed to go anywhere so it did create a very nice sense of panic as i wandered around trying to do anything and i obviously wasted a lot of bullets that i didn't need to waste because i could have just rolled over and died okay everything's locked from the other side it's amazing how they planned this perfectly oh well probably need a winch of some kind i got ammo hello nope okay open inventory items can be crafted in the crafting menu change menus with q and e okay i can make first aid i could make gunpowder or i can make handgun ammo that's good um i'm gonna make med sun and then i'm going to use it i look like i'm in bad shape right medicine that'll grow my fingers right back right back all right so i'm going to end this episode here uh i've got a meeting that i got to get to but expect a lot more of this very soon we didn't quite uh reach the splendor of the mansion or the castle rather it's much bigger than a mansion way bigger way bigger grand heights soaring towers huge tracks of land really beautiful stuff uh respectable stuff that i respect so thank you everybody so much for watching uh look forward to more of this very soon check out the other resident evil playthroughs that i have linked in the description or they're probably in the suggested videos over there and as always i'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,585,672
Rating: 4.9792986 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, resident evil village, resident evil 8, resident evil game, lady dimitrescu, alcina dimitrescu, big vampire lady, scary games, horror, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, part 1, resident evil village part 1
Id: PvekUlm-05Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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