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hey guys my name is cine AK and welcome back to another city skyline experiment where today we're gonna be creating the world's greatest city on an island there is so much that's gonna be experimented all kind of tested in this experiment today than ever before because now I'm going to try and build a city in an island that kind of means there's no in or out kind of routes via the road so we're gonna create like a ferry system to the main kind of continent area we're gonna try and cram as many people as we can on this island and I wanna try not to kind of like terrain the island so we get more land I just want to kind of work of what we have I want to turn it into like a metropolis and like a beautiful place where it's just perfect the perfect city but the only downside is it's on the island in the middle of the ocean it's gonna be kind of weird so we had a cram in residence we got a cram in commercial we got a cram in industry try and get some good transport links I don't see it being overpopulated traffic because there's not a lot of vehicles that's gonna be there but you just never know this is the island right now there is the kind of main content as you can see it I spray if I kind of do it like this there's the main continent we've got like a little highway connection that's gonna simply drive down here where they'd be able to get on and off the ferry so they are connected to the mainland and this is our little island look how beautiful it currently looks so what's an answer like it like like a haven like it's literally the best of the best so we're trying educate all the citizens so they are super smart have high tech industry and it just to become a perfect place like the lost city of Atlantis that's kinda go that far but you just never know you just never know so there's lots of things I need to do to it and before we even get started with it so I need to grate like a transport network so we'll drop down some roads and set up the grid I have how I want it to be laid out it's probably going to change as we regress for it then I need to work out I need two things to begin with straightaway one a ferry system so you know people can get to and from the island that's the only way we're gonna get citizens over here and we also need a cargo Harbor so we can also transport goods on and off the island as well so that's probably you know what we want to tackle first but before I do any of that we need to sort out a kind of network of roads so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use the big six-lane highway now again we've got money on this game too we got the super demand mods we got people coming in but we've got money so we could lose money fairly easy and what I'm gonna do is this is gonna be the main route that runs through the center of the whole island so if I start about here and let's say comes to about we're kind of girly I try to get it centered as possible there and then filters down to here that's gonna be the main backbone of the island so we you know we have like roads coming off it that's me the main root fruit now because only a small island there's gonna be much traffic and a lot of people be able to walk to where they need to go which is a really good thing for us we shouldn't see that much traffic hopefully so let's just see them let's get this to about here now I don't like the angle of that let me delete this there we go we'll create our own angle so let's say we have this going up someone it dead flat almost - there that's good right there we go so should I create a curve on that let's see what it look like yeah why not there we go perfect so now we got that set up then we should think about where beyond these connections so I'm thinking we have all the residential this side then drops into commercial then it goes into industry that would be a good thing to do so I want to create a Ring Road that goes around the edge but let's first create the little connections like the little side part so we'll have one that comes down go this one there we go so there so this is where the main part of the like connections come off the big main road we'll do one here bring that up to there so then everything in these little areas comes off these rows keep this road completely free and then we'll have this one just come to there bring that to there perfect so now we'll create the Ring Road going around and we'll use this route here so once you've got an idea of how we want this to kind of go and look almost so if I have that see this this is the issue we're gonna have now is where'd the way how far do I take these so you have that one side there that's are there create a connection like that okay we have to play around with this there's so much actually works pretty fine pretty fine so we'll have that said there we'll have one that kind of we probably best doing this ourselves all right hold on hello Dan get this gonna crust and stop it there that's as far as the one that to go I bring that said there bring that bike up by one now what kind of see it looks good but we can bend that a little bit more there we go so you can kind of see the idea that I'm going we've then so I'm gonna go on the road set up and then we'll look at like transport connections and eventually get okayed in so we've got the grid now all set up it's got the main floor going through and then off each one as the few little connections got some like little two-lane roads whatever done a grid connection he kind of maximizes the majority of the island in beam zoned we'll have some big gaps like here here in here and then what not to get in some parks and stuff out just to kind of boost up the leisure and stuff like that so it's all looking good so now I'm pretty much ready to get the connection set up so this is how I want it we've got to destroy a few more roads now just get the connections in but you kind of get an idea of how when it all set up so let's fast them because this is going to be the industry area over here let's first get the connection set up for imports and exports so we're going to go for a cargo harbor make sure it's the right one yeah cargo ha bhaisaab pretty much I don't want it there or maybe over here now we'll take it he rigs it's a flat road there and it would fit him perfect so let's bulldoze this road and I mean replace it back in so where is it again there it is Oh so I could have got it in but now I can't maybe you might have a slight do some slight terraforming just to get that in I'm not doing it to like mainly clean the land black back it's just to kind of get the tough edge there we go don't soften it out there just get the flat edge there so I can place this in where's that going to all the connections over there so he doesn't like it being over there so he's gonna have to be up here then isn't it that's that's what the issue was right gotcha gotcha gotcha sweet me so we'll place it then okay what's best here well they're probably thinking here maybe or should Nabu go for this here on the on the edge will go that because the traffic's bad we can tell it's a one-way system we should be pretty cool so all right we'll place it on the corner there we go and you know what we will do a one-way system we will do a one-way system to this just keep the traffic flowing just keep the traffic flowing so they're always going to come down here and exit that way and go back up that's pretty cool so that's one connection there then and all that connection is to get the imports and exports that soli all it is for the goods of the industry so we can add a connection then for a ferry system so we're going to need a ferry depo and we need a ferry stop so I'm thinking we do do two ferry piers so this literally could go anywhere we want and I'm wondering on a good little section for our connection so maybe I drop it up here or here maybe that would be a good spot there it's almost centralized to the whole island or maybe here now I think that one's are good I like I like the idea of this one here so let's bulldoze this road and push it as far forward as I can ferries in so connect these roads back up I'm obviously of course we want a connection over here so really over here we can do pretty much anything we want but what I will do because you just never know how it's gonna expand and progress forever will drop a roundabout here and what we'll do we'll have two roads coming up so we'll have one going this way because you never know what we're gonna do with this place one going that way connect up the highway into the roundabout there we go and then from this then we're gonna have the what we want to get the very Bush exchange children that will go for this very stuff as well so we'll place that we'll just place it here there's good enough you also need a little Depot too so your mother's drop that next to it that's where the furries are gonna come from and then just connect these roads up so something as simple as that not too bothered about this area in general it's going to need some water which I've already got the pipes set up in it on the island so that does kind of boost even more and we'll power these with a wind turbine so they've got power and that pretty much is them good to go so we'll sell the connection for the roots now and then we're pretty much all done and dusted and we can focus on building the island so just do something completely random like that and this literally all the way over here like that and then we will create that little loop complete the line and we'll do two because you just don't know how much traffic there's gonna be for the ferries and we leave it like that and so they are pretty much all set up but they're gonna need power I've got the game currently pause not go any further so let's take care of the utilities next so we need a water pump and a sewage plant so we'll go for the big boy one now I need to look at where the water's flowing it's semi flow in that direction because I got to think of sewage and that's going that direction and we've also got to find a spot to place this down as well now if I put it there and then the sewage on the opposite side yeah let's drop that there hopefully the two don't affect each other and I mean the two I mean like the sewage doesn't go into the water pump so that's them taking care of we're gonna need some power so hmm I don't know how much money we're gonna be making so just for now we're gonna have to do something like this oil plant here now place it there we need to take care of garbage on the island so we'll go for a nice little recycling pen I'm trying to keep these away from the as much as we can away from the residential and commercial and stuff like that so to there hopefully that kind of satisfies those guys and I think we pretty much ready then to start the zoning so what would do is we're doing stages so we'll turn let's not do that bit no stairs no residential all here there we go we do higher residential here so we do like this as we progressed with the island we do lo commercial will do lo commercial here because we're not going to be educated enough to do higher commercial just yet so as I'm going to get those in which would be good and then industry now I don't want industry just there just yet replace some industry here fit up all these little gaps and that they see all this is doing now he's making the power touch everything when it's all built and we just get in some low commercial there too okay so power set up then once that little gap there fills in we're up and running which now power is looking good right back into play then so we've got quite a few boats coming to and from now if we just to see if anybody comes down here to get onto these ferry to get into the city so we'll just see how this progresses but ultimately it's going pretty well so far but we'll just see would we would just see we've got a thousand were losing a week Manisha starts coming very soon so will anybody decide to turn off this and grab on and jump on the ferry I don't know the money we're losing weekly now we started to go down as more and more stuff gets built once a cargo ship arrives here we've got one vehicle there that's for the garbage disposal once the cargo ship arrives there we just start seeing like lorries and stuff coming in right anybody coming just yet no it's just leave now just playing a waiting game until something happens which is really exciting so now we just wait and I got our first cargo ship docking so now we're gonna get our first set of trucks and stuff now in we still got no population coming in just yet which is crazy so it might be the fact that even the ferries they're just not working all day on the water what happened there hold on let me just raise these slightly how did they manage your underwater there we go they still underwater no real good real good so we're still waiting them but we got one population per how do we get one population where is that dude I have no idea where that we've got one person living here how I have no idea I have no idea so we've got to try and figure out then how are we gonna get residents on me because it looks like it doesn't work via the ferry system which you would have fought you would have worked like that because we've done experience before in the past where we've only entered by via plane and that worked that worked really really well so this ferry pier doesn't seem to want to nope hold on is that a dude right now where's he going but he's getting off there he's an angry jump on the ferry he's gonna jump on the ferry that's our one dude who is going to be living on the island could you imagine living on this island and you're the only person that lives there that would be fairly weird wouldn't it so it does work because that dude is now on the way so we'll see we'll see we'll drop down some more of this residential stuff anyway just see we can up some of the taxes now do I go yeah let's do this as well oh hi so I'll paint all this in and then we'll try and figure out then what's the best way for us to get residents so what I've done now is then I place a little train station here in the hopes that that will also bring in more people and it seems to have boosted it so I don't know if the train station fixed it or whether I just enough time has passed by to allow people to move in I assume I mean I can't see where as they're coming from there's no one's in the city just yet so he's got a bit a train hasn't it because no one's pulled off here to jump on a ferry just yet but main thing is we're now making profit so it's literally a waiting game to see how the residents and stuff arrived in can't see any trains come in at the moment I think is the train station that changed everything there we go never wanna riving now by car so he's jumping off and game there hmm this is very interesting so you can make him arrive by aeroplane you can't make him arrive by ferry this is what we go for it at the moment this is where we're gonna find out right now do a ton yes so you literally you can make them arrive by plane you can make them arrive by train but you just can't make them arrive by ferry and what I mean by ferry is like I'm thinking I'm well I'm thinking was they come via car then get on the ferry in and travel so now no that doesn't work we kind of understand that but we're gonna get so many people using the ferry right now IRA I probably transport system it's gonna go for the roof it's gonna go for the roof but that's good for us Stokes it means really making some money but it also means we've now finally got all the residents moving to the island so can we have some more boats come here please so many people right now wait we might even turn a profit on the ferry system as well because of it hang in boy so give them time to get him and then we're gonna have a cargo drop-off there we should see this all start to rise and then once we can afford it we're gonna start placing in the services so I think let's never look then we can probably get away with just doing like the bigger versions of each one so once we got 60,000 there we can drop down the big boy Detroit fire HQ so it'll be gone so now we've got the clear so now we've got people now officially moving in I can see people walking around this is good it's going so so well already okay so we have that in mind them now it's working what I will do is place down now the higher commercial here now even though we can't get the people to work here just yet because they're not educated for while the buildings are active and like kind of there we can collect the tax money which then also gives us a little bit extra money back in return so we'll take advantage we take advantage of that right let me need the police station first as you can tell how much that big one that big ones quite a lot though it's ninety thousand you know what I'm gonna pull out a few loans so take those two loans because we're gonna need the services or everyone will just move back out again so I'm gonna drop this here and that should satisfy the whole island we need again number 60,000 and for that so we're actually can now start to lose money but it should slowly turn itself back around eventually so how is the ferry system today we're making profit the ferry system not quite parently you only made $100 an income maybe just not charging that much for the ferry maybe maybe but it's something that we need we go week actually making profit again now so it's come back around this time now we're taking care of the police in demand so it's quite important I should actually got that done so my choice has been doing money on fire then we would be hemorrhaging into debt right now so let's finish straightaway is def care people start to die already so let's get a chromatophore iam in them and we can start placing some of this stuff on the outskirt so the majority the residential is here so let's place it with a good Road connection so that's a good broad connection there it kind of filter straight down there and pretty much anywhere it needs to go it's not really have another def care then we're still losing a little bit of money but if it has mainly def care garbage trucks are now gonna be picking up the garbage let's take a look then so we're pretty loose in enough power pretty cool water Oh perfect garbage not so good we producing a lot of garbage but we'll build more garbage or recycling centers or maybe you know it's probably best we built an incinerator one they're a bit small what's the difference here there's 24 see there are bits pizzas it's smaller also produces power and it has more garbage trucks but it does cost a lot more to run a hell of a lot more ok see how it goes then but we're losing lots more money again right now so maybe it's worth slightly up into let's go 11% for each of the taxes there we go even though we've got no offices inward was further up there anyway and that should make us a bit more money without upsetting the residents too much how we doing over here by the way we got policing and stuff make it Slee affecting this but we got 7,000 people living on the island I've got dirt patch right now it's not great is it maybe I shouldn't move that over there should we do that yes right place it there just so we can keep this island nice and clean and he probably won't negatively affect the island as much no more will it hopefully ok so now we're making some more money we should probably get an incineration plant down so how much is that that is 30,000 okay right I'm going to accept that really really high loan so I've got the maximum at and where can we draw from this but now then can I place on them on the edge I've hoping get away on the edge somewhere no I can't cannot I can't get away on the edge I mean I could slightly nope flatten it out a bit more just because this is the I probably need this more than anything is that enough yes I'm not gonna do any more land reclaim than that he's just solely for the garbage needs right an incineration plant placed down so how does that affect the garbage needs now puts up a little bit more also buddy's a little bit power but will give us a lot more trucks too so now I got that down we need to think about then ways in which we can make money so we're losing quite a bit of money it's let's see where it's all pretty much going so a lobby is gonna be going out from the ferry system and whatnot so it's probably worth us with juice in the amount of ferry routes that we've kind of got going on so yeah we do need it no that's the wrong one hold on let's get rid of this one line and what does that do brings it down to walks it was that free files and some things that should then start to reduce that and we've got four vehicles on that ferry line so hopefully that is still it's gonna slowly drop the expenses right now I was seeing till all until the ferries affirm his bridge gone we got policing issues over here how much for a very very small police station it's all quite expensive isn't it that has no monthly finger hold on replaced by a roadside does that actually produce hi me pause that for a second cuz does it produce up a police car I think miss knees yeah it does and now I handle the police needs there and there's no monthly expense from that Wow okay so they're listening little bit of garbage needs but we can handle that when we started ventually making money that's quite cool that was right where was he yes so okay the budget now is it still dropping okay it's flat line said there so it's quite expensive to run that isn't it yeah we reduced it a little bit which is all good so now is there ways in which we can make a profit so one of them would be to create a small park somewhere so where will be the best place to play I'm thinking up here maybe we Dee's own this or maybe with Dee's own one of these IV pause Indies own that I'll give it to the finger there and then we are gonna zone a little park here so I get the small one out and we can charge people to come and chill in the park and have some fun so city park we need a main gate and we'll place the main gate here center there and then we do a few little side gates there we go side gate one there one there one there and then we'll have half there connecting so let's throw some stuff in that's gonna increase the parks rep and all that and ultimately we can then charge more money for people to come in and that is ultimately gonna make us a profit is that enough stuff in there what's his I'll leave his good olive garden if I up that now to $20 and that all he means we make a profit straightaway and it should only increase and go further up the entertainments high enough that then it will then level up as well so we're placing one of you two more things does that add to it by the way yes so this can be free place or get these another lawn nooks and crannies oh they need to be connected to a half fair enough I'll go to now by the way I got 2000 so we're making profit just at the sea park alone guys oh my goodness me that's kind of cool can i zoom like but the residential back in here yeah so we can actually put some more houses back in in that Park gets used very impressive so once we got 500 guests that will then level up and that's another way in which we are now making money on the island so with the profit that we're now making that will then be put into starting to educate everybody so we're about to cross over now where that $20 should go up $24 so all it's only four dollars extra but that $4 adds up guys okay so now we're making profit let's think about education so we're gonna start with schools so can I squeeze anything on any little area maybe up here well yep get one in there so let's start there so that's one in there how much of these 160 okay so we'll drop to there okay yeah go get another one in there that puts that up a bit more there we go so we got free and in total free elementary school was thrown in into the island and then if you start to see some increases we can locate a gap there so we could now the entertainments high enough to get to the next level so can I squeeze some extra stuff in we run something quite narrow don't we what's that just fifty entertainment it's like what do I demolish all there we going get him perfect there good stuff so that then ups it to five five six still grinding our way to of the ticket price but it's all good though because the more entertainment firming they love it absolutely love it that was perfect too for a lot of parking wasn't it okay so now at the parking we've got some education in well let me now simulate through again we can actually increase our weekly income even more eventually when the loans are paid off like a pay this off now and be four hundred yes let's do that I pay that off I won't pay this off because I got it's quite a bit money to pay off just yet but now we've four hundred a week better off so that puts me now over a thousand education has been taken care of now four percent educated and then eventually they'll start working in the other commercial area unemployment's at fifty one percent but once we educate them more more jobs will become available suitemate so let's see what happens seventy percent of the population is now classed as educated so we kind of need to push that a little bit further so the scores are got we got in they're doing pretty well it's time you got like a high school and isn't it right okay high school where can I squeeze me this is gonna be even this is gonna be so much difficult right now try and squeeze this in I can't physically pull it did I gets more in them I know if he was going there alright so you can't really go anywhere then Oh perfect okay so that would give me a thousand students that it would be able to teach which I ain't gonna push it any further because it went in it's all good it's all good look at the pollution right now Randy yeah not great is it good the pollution over here though that's even crazier so oh this needs water how did I forget this needs power on water I don't know add that in we're making quite a bit of money now too as well 2,400 if I'm gonna drop now knows flirting around team hasn't Voyager there that's because I love olive garden park over here round up to the next stage three dollars is now charging and I think what we're gonna do is take a leaf out that book there that good park and these on this area here so let's do that now these are in this whole area and not a park but I'm thinking maybe maybe turn into a zoo or something why'd you reckon checking out very good don't give into the whole whole thing I mean I use that out there yeah well get rid of the whole section here and we'll do what we did in the last one we like we've cracked used a path well I can't get rid of the road what's going on oh honey I was underground I don't know how that happened let's own this to be a park them I'm gonna listen to a zoo and if that is gonna be as successful as the other Park then we are laughing all the way to the bank guys all I'm saying right now so let's go for zoo we need the main zoo entrance which will take that from this side over here that's where the high velocity of traffic could be coming from zoo side gate small main gate yeah side gate so I want there one there one there we do the crisscross ease again and then he's gonna try and squeeze as much as we possibly can in so what's high entertainment that is a zoo calf squeeze that in 2010 now this is what gives us the oh that's huge maybe is zoos not the greatest idea to go with well then I could squeeze that in there some bison that's huge as well what building is this the reptile house I can get that in there gonna be huge I can already tell you that already a monkey place so I could squeeze a monkey place in there but it means that I've read now designed the path and I don't mind doing that if it means getting something extra in there we go so we got the line enclosure this stuff's gonna be way too big yeah so maybe really reserved back then to these small buildings I mean we've done the best we can we've literally done the best we can that's 1/10 tainment 20 it's the calf that's a big entertainment boost so he just got Dingling upgrade Oh soon just got knocked down or burned down well quite a few things have been knocked down a bird down why what happened did they burn nano yeah burnt down is that oh we don't have fire coverage do we know where let's drop this in the police is over here so we drop the fire just there on the whole island now has fire coverage right hemlock Park well up this the $20 it's got enough entertainment now to see it through for maybe one or two levels it sort of leveled up y1 so now he charging $20 the prices should increase even more I'm gonna see what happens we reach 500 I am the next ones 500 art we can rank up to Fey dollars as well this one's gonna work out perfect so then we're rezone back then all the commercial and the gaps that we can and get its money back after that so two parks in the island is slowly upgrading let me check out the leisure in this island is it that one or this one or is it that one that one I figure out which one's leisure levels no I'm and I forgot which one that it's leisure see when I don't want to look for it I always click on leisure and then when I do want it I don't even know which one it is outside connection land value Natural Resources leisure there we go oh okay so it's parked on some big changes to the party we drink up here too so another part that we could squeeze him he's a nature reserve or a theme park then the theme parks going to be big stuff isn't it where's the rides yeah that's me too big whereas a Nature Reserve has all the tents and whatnot and then like these and we can probably get away with that but it all comes down we could just place the Nature Reserve up here within the industry section that would be he'll there would you at the theme park in the area that I don't know I don't know anyway let's check out the education so now only 70 percent were educated so in terms of jobs we now ten to twenty eight percent unemployed so that was that fifty percent it's now reducing quite a bit this Islands working very well guys it's working very well how's it going over here these guys okay it's a mess over here we don't need to know what's going on over here what about transport give or take you get some peeps on on that we've got tourists coming which is linear we would because we got the park and the zoo so we would get tourists now coming understandable population now ten to twenty percent unemployed Wow guys we're making all the jobs right now this is crazy right I'm trying to build a little theme park here and I don't know how much of it I'd be able to get in I haven't done as many kind of side gates as a doom-doom before because I want to try and maximize the mass space we've got what's that there is a cafe whatever this place down there the plaza where's the rides that's what's really gonna make us the extra entertainment value all right we dropped one there what's this one I'm going to hear two rotating tea cups that's quite small to hold on these are what's small I could get away with some of these oh let me delete that I could get an input like a low side gate here no I need the path I need the path in alright there we go we're just kind of place that's up there so where was we do this so you'll rotate teacups no a pirate ship what's this one the piggy train I can't quite get it at the end there that would've been kind of cool the carousel squeeze you in there bumper cars we have the drop tower ride which that looks scary and what else well asking me squeeze just in here so I've spent quite a bit of money right and teacups we've got in game booth right one there and you've one go there even though they slip to the same one but hey ho and what does fantastic mend know that's a high entertainment I didn't expect it to be that high Wow okay and then now we're gonna get the original zoning back in for the residential so free parks now we're in various different parks you're dropped in this should now also make a ton of money that's watching that nag go up so one two the expense on this a lot higher than the other parks because obviously we've got to maintain the rides and whatnot but it's making somewhat of a profit not much $100 as we get more visitors okay maybe it's not making profit as we get more visitors what I was saying is your level up charge more for the ticket price and that will then go up over time but we'll keep an eye on that we'll keep an eye on that Park apparently we don't have enough educated workers what's it at Navin so 60% well educated it's doing all right 7% unemployed we need more residents at this point damn we right I wanna see when this goes up to the next level we need 500 how much we're then gonna make this parks making okay so it's actually dropped the amount of visitors is that because we now have them spread out over free park so I've then all go into two or one I think could we spread out the visitors right now haven't we so it's but the name we still making 4,000 fringe in a week which is pretty damn good if you ask me what's the ledger like now so it's just up here that maybe we drop swing up here like a park or one of these how big as a bouncy castle robber squeeze one of these in just there that's how much is that gonna charge me okay 48 a week why does that satisfy their leisure needs it should do yeah I'm actually worried about those last ones this is now at level two so no charging $24 which only that your price increases we need more people living on the island don't mean so a good thing to now do or think about doing is Zone in the edges of the island so if I choose this here and kind of go wha-bam and choose two there and go wha-bam that puts buildings on the edges of the whole island there thus boosting the population so yeah 8200 right now let's see where that thing goes when it boosts the population more citizens we're gonna see a drop in unemployment or a rise in unemployment and a drop in education as we get new people moving to the island but more people on the island more people could see these fun parks and whatnot more money that we make more is more money and we make this our islands actually turned out to be really good really really good I can't wait so we can eventually replace the industry down here the dirt industry for actual offices but we can leave we're gonna need a university to do that so maybe you should think about the university so the university is there which is Allah is there anything smaller that still classes University that's that's a big building I'm sure we have like wings for university that's hmm this wing here and see that's a smaller building for a university how many people is it capacity 4,000 that's like half the island but it's a smaller building how much is it again 80,000 oh you and actually how far off it so we could drop that in somewhere like here up here maybe or over here and then that will satisfy our University needs on the island thus educating everybody and then about offices down so the additional now residents moving in the population Boosh now I'm at 10,000 nearly at 11,000 but some of them that I placed around the industry area here now you stance gets sick which made me realize only power - it made me realize we don't have any healthcare we have deaf care but no health care so we need to get something kit so we can go over this basic hospital here it's actually quite expensive it's all our cue pied oh yeah we hang on we'll get it in this side oh that's kind of annoying how it's placed over one gap there we go perfect do I need to rezone this bit there yep so that should cause a lot more upgrades as well to the buildings but ultimately you know gives the island healthcare we just put a brick up so I'll be ready to start replacing industry we've offices that is the question right now if I take a look at the education well educated still pretty much high but that's solely because we just had a huge in wave of new residents but we start to get some highly educated ones so it's probably were first starting to look at changing the landscape area now so let's get the offices ready and we'll do this back one here to begin with so d-zone all of this as industry and then rezone it as offices so completely different we got a huge death wave coming through now I mean it's very all the residents start dying out because of the super demand mud our house traffic traffic seems to be a carry I mean it'll be a traffic building up over here but eventually as we start to phase out the industry and I've offices we're gonna see traffic slowly die down anyway and I don't quite think we need a subway system or do we like a little stop there one there and then one here maybe one here too it would be cool wouldn't it the temptation to build a subway system I don't know if it's needed it's probably not but while he's needed though is some more crematorium so we've got one crematorium there and we'll just do one on the opposite side over here so you pretty much only destroying one building house there it's a goner so this is all low residential is it now time to remove this it probably is isn't it let's remove this low residential did he even remove it press the wrong button and - there we go and then replace it with the high-density one thus creating more skyscrapers in the island higher population more residents that is literally all we're doing right now so we've got a huge deaf wave that'll eventually clear because you know all the seniors are starting to die out and whatnot that'll eventually clear City will then stabilize but when it comes to it electricity we kind of good water sewage treatments borderline their health care now we've got a lot of people deceased but we we don't really have the capacity to deal with them but I ain't gonna place anymore down race ride the wave out I got the new offices in which are they got people working there they pretty much have so I think I'm gonna phase out quite a bit and over time we should then start to see the pollution that the industry's caused disappear so get rid of all that and replace this as offices noise the noise noise noise looking great apart from them the Deaf wave is happening but I haven't added any more residential in but somehow my population is now like skyrockets in over 220 thousand I finished but ever since replaced in the light hospital it's now like provided a lot more upgrades for the buildings they're like on their final upgrades meaning there's so many more people live in there the Olive Garden Park here look at that 4500 rating 23,000 a week in income this is ridiculous what about the theme park that's doubling its money too what about the zoo that's yeah it's like more residents more money I really done anything different I'm placing a few little extra wind turbines here just for clean like you know any empower these are complaining there's not enough educated workers fair enough I mean none of educated workers all your jobs are taken and now you're abandoned what happened no idea what happened but it's probably worth then actually because this is all low commercial so it's probably worth getting rid of it all now and then changing it for high-density commercial as the city is kind of transforming in that way right now I want to see how many people are using the ferry system because I'm handsome up the amount of ferries on the route because of that def wave brought obviously new people to the city I just want to see if all these ferries and I have been able to handle it no there's still a ton of people there waiting Wow there's also a dead body over here so again needs a boss some death care over here too there we go I think people just got after oh my good god why is so many people getting off this where they all come around 22,000 population these upgrades expanding the island ridiculously I can't believe you guys I cannot believe it right so population so apparently forty I don't know how this happened as well because now that 48% are now unemployed no idea how is that because I just got rid of this whole section here oh is that is that why I don't know we have a lot of adults so we're gonna experience an another deaf wave fairly soon upgrades for days right now the zoo's just ranked up - it's going great it's probably very crazy design in the name look at this summit replace on an island rise probably time that we start thinking about getting rid of this industry bit - don't you think I think so we're gonna replace it with offices so we'll start with this one here start with you slowly progress for it step by step I see we lose jobs then we gain jobs back not bad not bad not bad so let's check out there's the statistics them so powers good what is good oh yeah what I did for water too is I replaced them with the Eco pumps so they're not producing as much pollution now which is good garbage is off and off you're okay education for free percent uneducated but the highly educated is now seeping back in there's a huge population which is crazy happiness is good how we have a lot of sick people but it's mainly that the people that are sick of the ones near the industrial now all these are sick here but we just replace that of offices so they should get better over time deaf care is good any six deceased bodies levels keep tingling wind traffic we are experienced crime a traffic will be enough here I don't know why there what makes that the big traffic hotspot no idea why pollution is coming from this area I've see we've completely got rid of pushing up here that where was the industry this is now starting to go down I mean eventually get rid of all that as well now do I put what's all these bears s smoke do I put a subway system par me once Tunip army doesn't once you were making favor you thousand a week I'm gonna do it what does levelled up then oh is the theme park damn boy what we gonna do it I'm gonna do it right just for the sake of the fun so can't place it there we can place it one there then the next one will be here and then the next one would be so if that one's there it's a walking distance around there I kind of want than this one to be just here next to so it doesn't destroy anything so connect you and then connect you this is gonna be quite cool isn't it I like create a line so I wonder how much that will cause upgrades I wonder how much it will be used as well now we got that in so let's take a look at this people people use cuz it's a small island and they will walk but if you're over here you won't walk over here and vice versa and if you're here you might not want to walk all the way up to here so you know you can get on a subway get off there then walk where you want to walk so that might cause then oh my goodness me a lot of people are using it it was probably good it might cause more people tonight even use the park systems and whatnot it's kind of cool right is it time now to get rid of all industry manners take the jobs 48% unemployed now there's a sub racism he might drop that because people are more inclined to ought to walk education is still dropping you know what we're gonna get rid of the whole thing say goodbye to the dirty industry it was nice to know you but now you'll come and we'll replace it with offices give this here now my issue is because from recycling centers there and some in simulation plants there we're gonna have to know I go into those because we've got a bit of money they don't put yeah they do make pollution can't how much does it what how much production is a big one do versus this one what's this one that also doesn't knows pollution - right so we'll place one there I play it because I want to see how much production we're gonna be losing place one there one there and do one more I'm trying to all recycling centers so we like the dirty pollution is gone and then whatever's left fill in the gaps with a bit of office and see how that changes things so still connected to the power source there we would keep the harbor in there so the shops and stuff can get products and whatnot but we now have no dirty industry so be interested see what happens and what changes at this point he was complaining over here someone's complaining are you okay right now you think yourself out I think so so transport them is the subway is not making money of course he won't why am i thinking it's gonna make money but how many we got 500 visitors a week using the subway that's ridiculous man that is ridiculous I suppose it's fine with you less people on the road that's their maxed out $40 recharging Wow so a lot of people who get into that where's the other one it's just here a lot of people going into this yes and of course this one now which is heavily downtown in the office area not as many people using this but a lot of people get off this one to get to work which is pretty cool to see I'm seeing that happen again right there there seems to be something not liking something it builds an ad disappears when I started seen a completely different symbol or together maybe I did rise this far off being level five yet never free thousand to go is this level five yet no a free thousand three hundred to go guys look at look at this island this island is ridiculous it is so good so I was thinking I was first I first laughed at the four of the subway system you know 911 passengers free vehicles four stops in this small little island seemed a little bit ridiculous doesn't it until affero die it's making $100 $1000 profit a week what in the world is going on I have no freaking idea it's crazy to see that the cargo harbor here still being heavily used and we've made maybe one and a half million profit so I could pay off those bank loans if I still got them pay it off pay that off as well and now debt free as an island we created our own Leon micronation - this little experiment of building a city in an island has worked out really really well as long as you kind of set up some ways in which you can try and make money it's it's just so easy so simple all the buildings are like maximum levels it's really really good education is pretty decent everyone's fairly well educated but along the board apart from there are the one or two that are not obviously uneducated but that's mainly down to the fact that you know they've only just got to the island because the population is still boost an increase in they have a made it for the education system just yet population wise it's pretty much leveling out that's where we want it to be but this has been a huge success not many successes listen Manhattan if you come and lucky like that don't you it's quite weird it's been a huge success there's still like tourists and stuff come in like off the train and whatnot look at how great and I see the tourism on this place so we've got nearly 200 weekly visits of tourists on boats various spots through the city shopping at the parks and whatnot it's crazy right let's look at the budgets um so we're making a total of 63 almost well 62 thousand a week profit nothing's coming from in this dirty mystery because we got rid of it fourteen thousand of it's coming from parks that's the crazy one mm probably from Transport Systems as well Wow when it comes to public transport it's only the subway system making profit fairies aren't making that much money but you know what can you do about that we have tourism it's all park areas where to spend in the tourism someone pull it transport someone commercial all looking pretty damn good this has been a huge success and there we go we built our very own city on an island we got a little park seeing a bullet look at that look at that there that is a cool little view right there with the big war pump at the end yeah it's crazy isn't it what's our population our population at 27,000 almost 28,000 in the end work that really well industry is starting to deplete I mean the PATA pollution this parks not leveled up to its maximum success all around and guys I hope you enjoyed this fun little experiment and if I simply do more experience like this in the future make sure you smash that like button down below give me some suggestions and ideas of the experiments that you want me to maybe do if you got anything cool um let's try an attempt until next time I'll see you all soon so good [Music]
Channel: SeniacTWO
Views: 1,221,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities, Skylines, Cities Skylines, Cities Skylines Tutorial, building my own city, building, CREATING, HUGE, CITY, ON, ISLAND, BUILDING A HUGE CITY ON A ISLAND, BUILDING A HUGE CITY ON A ISLAND in CITIES SKYLINES, experiment
Id: SmUKd1972f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 58sec (3718 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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