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hey y'all welcome back or welcome if you are new today we are doing a good old clean with me video I'm also going to share a grocery haul at the end of this video and depending on what we eat for dinner if it's something that I haven't showed y'all before even though I show you them them tacos every time I eat them anyways I'll show y'all what we're doing for dinner so I may incorporate a little bit of vloggin in this video um but the bulk of the video is going to be cleaning and today's video is even more exciting because it is a collab with Mandy Flores and you may also know her as hey it's Mandy that's how I know her from over on Instagram but she has a YouTube channel if you have not heard of her yet but I'm sure a lot of you have and she does cleaning videos decorating all sorts of homemaking content on her channel so I would love for y'all to go watch her video um after you watch this video and if you are coming over from Mandy's Channel thank you so much for being here um I hope you get some extra motivation from my video as well but I really like Mandy's Channel I actually went to her channel the other day and was like I want some spring porch inso and she had a it was one of her like most popular videos she had a spring front porch like a makeover like a decorate with me refresh type of video and it got me so inspired because y'all know I'm doing my back porch right now so I love watching videos like that for inspiration so if you are looking for some info definitely head over to her channel so I'm going to leave her video link Down Below in the description box along with her channel so it's easy to find if you have any trouble find in the description box just let me know in the comment section and I will just tag her Channel there for you cuz I want to make it as easy as possible for y'all to get over there okay with all that rambling the first room we're going to go to is the bedroom we're going to do the main living areas bedroom picking up in the bathroom laundry area actually need to put a load in the dryer kitchen and living room I normally don't clean those rooms back there for videos unless we're decluttering or something like that um but I do always like to show y'all the main Living Spaces okay let's go so before we get to the bedroom I'm just going to get um the clean clothes out of the dryer and then I'm going to go around and get all the dirty clothes and start a load of laundry well actually rounded up all the clothes but I decided to wash which y'all will see my shower liner today a rug that we have and then I thre threw in a towel with a shower liner to kind of absorb the water but um we're going to get that shower liner cleaned up today I'm going to put it back on the curtain rod and all that and I'll let youall know how um it turns out like if it's worth washing your shower liner which I feel like you already know the answer to that um and also like using a towel with it definitely does help so anyways won't spoil anything but that is what we're doing right now and then we will be able to get into the bedroom and get that all cleaned up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I caught it this is my Big Catch of the day's over there there a order anyways I am going to wash this shower ladder um and the last time I washed a shower ladder there was like a blot of water left still in there cuz it's like a plastic bag basically so I've already got a little rug in there the green one with the flowers and I think there's a towel that's thrown in there too so between those two things it should absorb all the liquid and we should be able to get the Mew off of here yes there's Mew on it if you are coming over for Mandy's Channel which I feel like she's so real too so maybe this is normal to y'all I have no filter everything that is in my head comes out of my mouth so there you go all right o clean versatile F remover and my pcel which we're going grow shopping today I need to pick up some more laundry detergent this one's really good but I like to switch up my laundry detergent so I don't get used to the smell and then I can just have a nice smell every day or every time I'm wash a laundry um so we'll pick up something different today that'll be exciting and I don't ever use like a whole scoop of this by the way y'all can hear music in the background cuz I'm watching another YouTuber another YouTuber's video but I'm not going to give an extra shout out today since we're doing the collab I want to make sure that Mandy is the only other YouTuber y'all hear about in today's video I try to remember that whenever I do collabs like I only mentioned the one okay so hopefully this works I'll let y'all know and we can dry it outside as long we can draw all this outside as long as it is not going to rain today I am going to do well definitely cold I'm just it's not heavy normal maybe even just casual and light okay there we go clean up the bedroom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right laundry area straightened up bedroom straightened up and bathroom is straightened up I just put my robe in there I I don't even know when I bought the robe how often do y'all wash your robes um cuz I only really wear them I was going to close this but I forgot I don't have our thing on there so I just cleaned in here the other day so we're good on the rest of this I always like to let this dry out before I cover it and put it back up do y'all do that it could just be me anyway so for get time later on today I'll vacuum everything but for now we're going to go in the kitchen cuz I'm so excited to go get groceries today okay kitchen is not too terrible there are this is for the trim around the garden and then this box is just full of odd and ends so I may end up taking that box cuz it's a i SW I may end up putting it in my office I'm not sure even though I'm going to be seeing it there too just so it has somewhere else to be while we're getting through all the things and I may do that with the stuff over there too okay so Aon said he would do the dishes it's they're starting to pile up but I'm just going to let him still do that and we'll do the rest [Music] a oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] h oh [Music] [Music] after I get done wiping this countertop down I'm going to tweak this area a little bit I have been putting my wax warmer right near the sink but because we do sometimes do dishes over there and need to put the dishes on the counter to dry this just isn't the best place for that to be so today we are going to be sticking it or I'm going to move my flowers to where the knife set is and then the wax warmer and the knife set are going to be in the middle because the utensils and the flower holder are taller so I'm just gonna put shorter things in the middle taller things on the outside make it more balanced and I also think that possibly by moving my wax warmer over here I can actually use the liners um if you if this is your first time watching my video where I had the wax warmer before had a direct line to the air conditioner and I think because of that the liners that I was using would never melt the wax melt all the way so you could still smell it but it never became like totally liquid so I'm hoping over here that that works and I'm still using the lemon and Sage um or Citrus and Sage it is so good I've been switching between this one and then the lemon scented one but I like this one better it just has that really nice um I know it's Sage but kind of like a a pine scent to it with the Citrus and anything that smells like a tree is my favorite if it smells like a tree or a cupcake that is what I love so all the stuff we are going to get cleared out of here so the first I a I had was to just start organizing all of these things by the room they're going to go in if they're going to go in the bathroom if they're for the Garden or wherever they're meant to be and then eron came in and said oh actually I have a shelf out on the in the shed for all these things to go to so that's why we switched gears I moved y'all to the living room and then y'all will start seeing us carry stuff out and that's where it's it's going it's going to the shed there will be a few things and it's all for aon's bathroom that y'all see me take through the hallway but this is where he came in and said no I have we can put that out there so I was like good I said okay let me put my shoes on and I'll help you take this box out so that is what we will be doing for a couple minutes [Music] oh ho hey [Music] hey hey he hey [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the drawer that I used to put all of our cleaning hand towels and then other just decorative hand towels so I'm just getting all of these folded nicely since it was a little bit cluttered in here taking this stuff out that is not a hand towel because I recently got some new decorative hand towels well they're actually like cleaning towels but they're decorative like they're pretty so I'm going to show y'all these um by the way this was a flag um I'm going to show y'all these and then we're going to just reorganize this area and then I'll show you the before and after when we're done [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here is the before no Rhyme or Reason to it and here is the after so I put the like um those little thin towels they're four polishing polishing towels um a few decorative hand towels in the middle that were rolled up and then I put the new towels on the right and those blue microf ones on the left so now I'm just getting back to getting all this stuff this is the stuff that is going to go in my office until we're ready to do another bathroom makeover in erand room some of the tiles it's only the ones like right behind the toilet I think maybe it's like a moisture thing or I might just not have pressed them down like you know enough hard enough anyways what I'm getting at is I I do like them but I may well I don't know cuz I remember when I tried to pull one of them off um like once they're on they're on basically so I'm I have plenty of boxes of that stuff too so I just try to get different ones cuz those were a little bit warped um I may just open up another one of the boxes that I have and replace some of those tiles that have fallen off but overall they're really good I was going to mention that we have another type of similar to what we did in our my bathroom with the pink like really big tiles we have the puzzle piece looking tiles that are peel stick too it's like a big foot um and they're blue and Sandy Beach looking and I think they would look really pretty in that bathroom so I may in the future do something different than what we had done but it depends on if they hold up or not because I also thought about using the pill and stick tile that I'm talking about on the other wall because it's such a big wall that blue wall that's in that bathroom so anyways there will be a future bathroom makeover in Erin I call it aon's bathroom but it's our guest bathroom it's the larger bathroom that we have and it's a like a beach beachy fishing Vibes so maybe on a rainy day we'll do that I'm saving all of my outdoor projects for the sunny days and then all of the indoor project for rainy days [Music] y'all will see me throw in stuff and that is because I do not fold underwear socks or bras they get thrown even little tank tops they get thrown in a pile Aon has drawer for his I have a little white Basket in the closet for mine and then all of my shirts that y'all see me just kind of unraveling and then hanging over that pillow those are put on hangers so that's why they don't get folded um but everything else gets folded [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm wiping down these two tables because the cats like to walk on them a lot and then I'm going to vacuum the kitchen the living room laundry area and my bedroom I didn't show the laundry area in my bedroom being vacuumed on camera because I was just so fast that it didn't make sense to move the camera and then um it will um almost be time for us to go to the grocery store I think we have a few more things to do before we get to that though [Music] this linen Bliss room spray is by the brand homeline and you can find it at Family Dollar that's where we picked it up anyways and it's under three bucks smells really good oh I know it's got toxins and everything but um we are not a toxin free home um we eat Cheetos and and Doritos and Mountain Dew and stuff like that you know YOLO but I get it I do get it but yeah you will see toxic cleaners in my house [Music] all right aside from dishes the house is cleaned up I want to see how these came out if it's going to be wet or dry well youall know what I mean by that it's not going to be dry but I'm just kind of leaving my hat over here because that's where needs to be put these up there for now okay are you full a little bit it's still got water all over it okay I'm trying to think what I want to do about that I don't want to get warmer everywhere so I'm going to put it in a trash bag to take it to [Music] our bathroom because it can be wet is there cuz it's going to dry anyway and I'll just use this trash bag when I'm done so we'll was it but it's a lot cleaner I don't see any any kind of orangey or um that brown is what I was saying okay this is what I was talking about earlier if y'all are new this rug right here um I was going to put it outside but I forgot we just stained the porch how can I forget that um and I do not want to get any spots on it yet and it has to have a total of like 24 hours or something like that so and I'll just hang this off the side to dry okay it's time for me to buy new towels cuz these these were white and I bought them okay let's go hang this back up and then we will be done with the cleaning and we can get to the grocery haul and putting all the food away and then also most likely I'm going to show you what we're eating oh now thinking back I should have showed y all before clip but if you know you know it's like um like a faint orangey color that I will get around the like magnets on these things and then on the actual liner it will get these little spots which actually there is there is a spot I could probably wipe it off with a paper towel or something okay this make sure I put it on the right way there's two different sides this is the side it goes on maybe I should have done this after I got back from the grocery store because now I'm going to have like soapy water all over my shirt it feels a little me [Applause] [Music] I actually did a really good job wash your shower liner before buying another one because I can see I don't think y'all can but a little brown spot right there oh and it just comes right off okay so I'm going to get in here wipe this down with my micro primer CLS and get all this little brown spots off this is an interesting interesting scene I feel like this is like oh my gosh so many likes this is an intro to a scary movie which I do not watch scary movies I did is like when I was younger cuz I thought yeah I'm going to watch scary movies since we're not allowed to you know how teenagers are anyways um I don't I don't know I just scw out of it like I I really don't want to watch that and as I'm speaking I'm a hypocrite because the shows we watch might as well be a scary movie you know it got all the ones up off of the bottom I said that I am really happy that it cleaned off my magnet this looks like new there's some streaks through here all right good enough for me there may be a spot or two left over but we don't have to tell anybody do we no done is it way better than perfect well my perfectionist out there I've been a perfectionist before and the amount of missing out I experien by trying to make everything perfect like the amount of time that's lost by doing that just too much too much how did I let go a lot of Jesus a lot of leaning on you're just going to have to help me be confident in be good enough you know because I always felt like it needed to be more and then something else that helped me is over and over and over again every time I strive for that perfection it never was good enough you know and especially online like it's always never going to be good enough for someone so why does why does Society put this pressure on us of we got to be on and and do this and make it right every time um because nothing in life is is all the way right so it's like I'm going to do my best I'm not just going to throw in the towel because it's never going to be perfect but I am not going to fret and like worry about if it's not perfect because it doesn't have to be I don't want it to be the grass is never greener on the other side trust me um pick your battles right and that would be my answer a lot of times when it's when it's like well why didn't you do this I just pick my battles if it ain't worth it for me it ain't worth it thankfully for this I know this is like I'm so totally talking about something else by the way this is just a shower Cur um anyway I'm thankful that this came clean there's you know a little bit of sep scum on here but well it's probably laundry to detergent so I'll just rinse it off real quick so that water chent can get out and I don't want a bunch of sub scum but don't don't worry about being perfect if you ever grew up around people making you feel like you need to be perfect A teacher told you you're not good enough you'll never go to college or what whatever it is whatever it was we are older now we are our own person and we get to make our decisions I'm holding up my thumbs we get to make our own life choices so make sure you're living for you obviously live for God but you know what I mean like make sure you're living for you and not living for the world and what the world wants you to do cuz we are not the world okay anyway okay love you oh B [Applause] sometimes I forget I'm doing it lab Mandy well she probably watches my videos if she wanted to AABB with me and Mandy subscribers I'm sorry mine are used to this I'm weird okay and it's this stage in life I'm not trying to be cool not in a MOA okay this is going to sound odd but I really want to rinse the other side too because the laundry turgon got on the other side too just pushing it into the shower cuz I don't want water everywhere I live in a trailer these floors can get soft real fast and I have replaced my fair share of flooring I would love not to have to do that for another years or how long they last I don't know it's CL wood okay yay that makes me feel so much better I not want to be frezon in mold spores it's very common um in our call humidity especially on these hotter days when it get stuffy in here but all right we'll let that dry out and do it thing let's go grocery shopping shall we we're at the grocery store picked out some flowers I was looking at the corn but we still have a Frozen some thing of corn so I'm not going to get any of that I need to figure out what we're even eating for dinner today we came hungry so this is a problem what what oh my and I'm I was like well maybe it's glutenfree no that's just just multi oh wait no it that's why that's why okay so oh no wonder why people make their own sourdough cuz that's wild too y I thought like our $3 bread that we buy is expensive isn't that funny hey did you pick up any gravy packets did you pick up gravy packets you did okay cuz we got that can of biscuits oh I'll just get another one in case we decide to do it twice peppered well we we can Aaron's not a fan of these but I like those I used to eat those all the time with sausage like we did the other day with the sausage and rice we've still got some white rice at home so I think we're good there granny are you calling me a granny yeah I would love to be a granny one day Aon [Music] all right we're back with our grocery haul this is probably about 2 weeks worth of food mine is getting things like um if we need more drinks Chloe gets dog food a couple of times a week so um we probably will have to go again for just a few things but this is the bulk of the stuff got two packs of tortilla shells storage bags got three of these they were on sale and we've been liking the nachos with chip lately onion potato salad macaroni salad I got the big tubs because it worked out last time I know this is random but this is something that if I have it in the house I'll eat the whole thing when they're the small ones so with these being so big it does something in my brain that's like oh I would never eat this whole tub so I got the bigger size that may not work for everybody that has a guilty pleasure but it worked out for me so those two got a pizza these were B one get one free that's why I grabbed them Aaron picked out the red velvet I picked out the Hershey we eat each others I just I was like you go pick out one you like cucumbers mac and cheese hash browns don't mind my dirty dishes here's the flowers I've got them in my water um they didn't have a lot of hamburger meat to choose from so this was the best deal in my opinion cuz it was was 95% lean and all the ones they had were like 83% 73% 85 so we went with these um but we're not picky this just happened to be a good brand this time some fajita steak which Aaron if you don't want we're going to make tacos if you don't want the ground beef I can do the stay kind if you want okay we'll do be then but we got that it's for like fajitas and we got bell peppers too so Miss Chloe I think aon's eating a snack possibly and she is chicken broth mashed potatoes loaded mashed potatoes golden buttery slack Ranch big bag of shredded cheese straight cut fries sour cream sausage gravy I went back and got the correct one he wanted sausage gravy another mac and cheese seafood salad which I'm about snack one cuz I've got a cook and I need to clean out the litter box I don't even know how to pronounce this ladies if you do you can let me know down below this was only $7.99 and it was right underneath my the puril that I got last time purcel however you say it um so I wanted to try it says three in one it's HP or H washer safe and says biodeg gravable so I guess it's good for the environment too um taco seasoning two of those bacon hot dog buns we already have the hot dogs in the fridge from last time Manwich for one of our hamburgers uh buns shredded lettuce ketchup I picked out this Japanese steak uh seafood and steak sauce and then I looked on the back cuz I was like is this like the the shrimp sauce cuz that's what it looks like it says also known as shrimp sauce so let me know if you've tried this and it and it's comparable because I really hope it is makeup wipes clementines or mandarins whatever you want to call them um um this was fun I've never seen these before but I guess food line Pillsbury is ready for uh like Memorial day but this is oh there's a code on the back okay oh oh wow okay don't use that code I'll type it in I don't know if that if you can do more than one I wasn't paying attention but um they got the flag on them so I thought that was cute Tomatoes This is the I don't know what this is by the way I've seen them everywhere they look like little seeds they probably are seeds um bikon chicken breast and then black pepper and herb chicken breast this one's really good it's not as hot this one has a little spice to it but it's not overpowering or anything they're both Tyson um two bell peppers Co flaw although i'' be good with the Sloppy Joe's um we're going to have some of these today this is the chicken Taquito we got some chicken in here that Aaron said we could fry up these were on sale so I just got one bag I had two more of those Aon likes these bul nacho cheese uh shells they're like the Doritos tacos from Taco Bell tortilla chip these were two for four I remember when these were 89 I'm so sad but I love the Ching brand at food line sour cream I'll show you all the other one in a minute here's some more this is this is what I mean by we got like at least we got two weeks worth of a lot of stuff Buffalo and then these were buy 1 get one free Aaron picked out star DCH pepper and I don't drink as much so I just got one thing of Diet Mountain Dew barbecue flavor chips and the clump and seal um kitty litter and then I also got their cat food um that normally lasts both of them it's at least one maybe two months and then this thing will last them the whole month because they use the bathroom outside all the time um actually Margaret was just going in the mulch yeah she used the mulch as a a giant litter box earlier all right y'all we did end up having tacos for dinner so no surprise there I did get my flowers cut and put in the vase and here is today's um verse of the day don't forget to go check out Mandy's video it will be in the description box down below and thank you all so much for watching today's video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kimi Cope
Views: 9,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean with me, mobile home clean with me, home reset, home reset clean with me, cleaning motivation, single wide clean with me, mobile home cleaning, mobile home reset, resetting my mobile home, clean with me trailer, clean with me mobile home, clean with me home reset, clean with me house reset, house clean with me, cleaning my home, cleaning house, cleaning my house, cleaning my single wide, singlewide clean with me, cleaning mobile home, kimi cope, clean with me reset
Id: Fjkf4FlGndE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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