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we are back in this bathroom today this is our guest bathroom and we had done a project on this wall right here uh I took all of that off yesterday so I'll have that video at the end of this one if you want to see it and today we are at the point where we can paint so I already cleaned all of this up it looks dusty but I promise it's just from where the goo off took some of the paint off of the wall and behind that is it was like a creamy white color so um that is what we're doing today this color that's on the wall is storm cloud Blue from vpar and it's really good coverage I'm praying that we have enough to do what we need to do and then once that dries I have a peeling stick uh material that I want to start here and go that way and then we have some Decor too so we are just going to start out first by getting our paint and our tray there's my tray right there I cover it with a trash bag for easy clean up and if you've never seen this either for our I almost wanted to say utensils cuz kind of our roller right here I put in a sealed Ziploc bag that has the easy closure on it and they stay wet which is a perk because there's also a little extra paint on here that I can use and then we have a brush in the fridge if I need to use that which some of y'all told me that you don't have to stick these in the refrigerator that they'll stay wet um but that is where I house mine in the fridge so let's go ahead and get this painting started Aaron is in the kitchen cooking uh our first meal so I'll show youall that when it's done because it's going to be so good it's a breakfast and then tonight we're going to have sausage dogs again so I'll show you all that I like to share little bits about our day in with whatever project we're doing oh I think this is empty y'all I think this is empty so I'm just going to let gravity do its thing and I'm going to see how much I can squeeze out of of that cuz I really really need to paint this area this is going to be covered with a peeling stick but still this is not good we have other color paints but I really want wanted to use this cuz it matches the rest of the room and then I won't have to do a huge amount of painting okay let's see I definitely need it here for right now cuz even if we can't get to everything I I just need this stuff covered up so that we can go ahead and do the peeling stick cuz I can paint the bottom whenever I go get another thing of this okay see the coverage that's like so good okay do there first to come over here with it I'm glad it's it's covering well y'all can see how dusty that mirror is hi I think this is the first time y'all seen my face today by the way for y'all it is my birthday I am uh 33 yeah this is good we'll use what we we got for today cuz I know I'm not getting done with everything today we have a tub and tile not tub and tile we have a tub kit like a refinishing kit and we're going to use that on our sinks so we've got plenty of projects to come and so we're just doing what we can do every day little by little cuz that's just how it goes and real life not you know sometimes you may only have 30 minutes on a weekend to do something and then that's what you get and that's okay rightful I don't need to put it up there Kimmy what are you doing okay y can see it I've got a brush too and hopefully we can get a little bit out of our container this is being covered up anyways by the peeling stick I just I don't think it's transparent like I don't think you can see through it so that may be fine okay I'll get my brush for maybe oh we didn't get anything this is dry as a bone it's not coming out it did even go down a little bit all right I'm silly that's okay I'm going to go get my brush and do this down here and there was a little bit a little bit under the or behind the toilet that I would like to get and then I'll just get more paint another day that would be the plan cuz I want this strip y'all can kind of see where I went that's where the peeling stick back splash is going to go so that's why I wanted that wet and covered so yeah okay well now I know that we're completely out of blue okay I went and got my brush I to see I told him I said that's me starting a project and not having enough stuff to do the project we'll do what we can get to though okay I've got my brush is right here I told Aon I'm going to see if I can get anything out of this even though it looks it looks like there's nothing in there oh there is it's not as liquidy it's thick I guess once there it gets to a certain point the latex starts to get more whatever okay you know what I'm going to try something cuz this would go this this is going to go do so much better if we can y'all see up there okay y'all can see it I'm going to try to get this out and just get it working good on my roller because I do not want to waste anything and although this isn't like super liquidy at this point it should do what I need it to do CU I think there's enough in here to do that I put some of that stuff on here even though it's it's Thicker Than a Snicker are we I think we can say that it's a sneaker is it's thick okay oh well really thick all right y' I am impressed that it actually works even though it was thicker there's some uh leftover pieces of stuff over here in the corner and I'm going to go over oh no I've got this one last area over here here I need to do and I hope we have enough stuff to do there's a little bit of stuff left in here I'm going to try to get out the only thing about it is um make sure is really good on the the roller um because if there's like excess and it gets on the wall it's hard to spread it out because it's almost like a paste at this point [Music] all right everything's painted just waiting for it to dry I didn't worry about this right here because I'm going to cover it up with the pilling stick anyway but I'm just glad we had enough to stretch oh my goodness look at those country southern biscuits earon swe it over just kidding they're pillsberry um we got some gravy here I made this I made the sausage I made these hash browns in here did you want eggs I didn't make eggs I can make them do you want eggs by the way I didn't make anything I will make the eggs but he made everything so here is the peeling stick tells you where to overlap and then for the first one which is by the sink um we're going to have to cut these off and then it says to save this because the last one you do you can use this piece to fill in the gaps of that piece so that's the plan we going to cut right there to the shortest probably better sort of fa yeah and then just cut that so either you you feel comfortable cutting it Mo cut this [Music] one cuz it's just that one piece say might be oh you know what let me try I'll try so Aaron said wait why don't we go look for this this is our crooked and it cuts the stuff he said that might work you just have to line it up right no don't worry cuz that would be neat if that if that works cuz then we'd know it's a straight [Music] line so you want to cut on just the edge like I'll show you the the I'll show you the paper in case I'm filming uh claim with me soon here's the paper so he may he can go off of [Music] this this is what it shows to do up here it shows you where to cut I don't know how much of it so you don't have to I don't know how much of it worry about where it is then okay how much of it you want to cut off of it but it doesn't matter because I can use I'm going to start and even though they say start left I'm going to start at the right and go towards the bathtub so let's cut this much yeah if it even works is it because this plastic is on here yeah cuz that's okay well let's take that off or not oh that's weird it did create a line but just remember I have to still use that so let's not damage it yeah so scissors it didn't cut a thick enough thing I think scissors would better I don't want to mess the kitchen scissors up these are the only ones I have I don't know if you you might I don't know what you've done with this scissors but I know I know that's what I was just saying that I don't want to use my kitchen scissors and those are the only ones I have I broke the other ones I'm leaving that in the video I told you I'm leaving everything in the video [Music] she's staring at me Margaret was staring over here she's still you still staring at Mama dinner time but it's not really dinner time cuz we got up late today it's the weekend normally they eat at 5: but I'm just doing it based off how many hours ago did they eat stuff is pretty thick which is good and I I believe in this I believe in this because the pink in our bathroom uh it's held up so good so I I have a feeling that this will too so I need that piece that you just cut off it may not be 100% that's okay where's the piece that you just cut off 100% cuz I'm going to save that it's pretty close I'm going to save this for the end cuz what it's talking like is basically at the end you'll have a piece like this and then you can take this and fill in the gaps hopefully it's not too hope I cut it enough oh I think so I'll figure it out okay I'm excited but that thing did give me a straight line to cut yeah well that's good all right let's do this last time I did this I focused on making sure the top was even and then I left these like gaps down here this time I'm just going to go with the I'm just going to go with it okay this is thicker than the pink was which is nice it's not going to oh this is so good it's not going to curl up on me oh I see it literally has it still says all way over here cuz my pink went over mine over little thing over here and I have that's that this came in a kit but I also have a roller in here that's works really good for this stuff this whole room I'm going to clean up this room before we start doing any Decor okay once you stick it to the wall oh yeah you should be a to around it I think I hope so anyway yeah have to try and get it on the edge but it look good I'm nervous with you help her in ear in they can hear this my gosh I I can't I can't sensor you you done said the s word the d word oh yeah okay I need to make the good thing about this is the good thing about this is it actually um I don't know what I was going to say oh it comes off easily like if you need to pull it off and adjust it does that I'm just okay here we go overlap here oh shoot why you're making me nervous I'm under pressure I crack Under Pressure he started singing The Under Pressure song okay I'm nervous because I have to get this D up correctly [Music] oh I see I think it has to [Music] [Music] go like the mo Sun we don't other I just want to love you just want to hold you you just want to be with you till we grow old please tell me stay or take me away I want you for myself every single day you sa my world on my [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what I do Without [Music] You Smile what is it that you do my life was great till you added color like the we don't other my words of fire you're my heart I just want to love you just to hold you just want to be with you till we grow old just tell me you stay or take me away I want you from myself every single day you my word my world [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm loving this so far this this looks so beautiful to me I so glad we got around that outlet without damaging any of the material but I wanted to pause and just let yall know that right here I um I had to overlap a little bit more and it's weird because this piece of this sheet is not I think it's not angled right but to the eye it looks right you can kind of tell that it's a little angled up like it's going up but we needed to because if y'all noticed that first time I put it down you could see how it was actually down here and it was right it was overlapped everywhere correctly so all this to say if you you do have uneven areas in your home that you still want to do just I would I would take your own discretion and even if it says overlap here if you need to overlap a little bit further or angle it a little bit different to get a straight line do that cuz that's what you're going to notice I'm not going to notice this I'm going to notice that it's not going straight across so right now it's going straight across and we're doing good also I would say with these it's a little bit more time consuming to lay these out because they do have the little edges right here but overall once you get them where like you you can they're easy to work with so some things I've used in the past you know once you put it down it's really hard to get it to come back up but these These are these are easy so just take your time and I I'd say it's worth it 8 out of 10 that's what I would give [Music] it say something that will make my day cuz these memories of her won't go away they're haunting me so I can't sleep she was a pretty little liar who cover me deep cuz she left me here [Music] alone now my bed feels just like cob [Music] Stone where did she [Music] go was I supposed to know that she leave was that t i to think that she'd be the one [Music] w [Music] why I used to stay up all night trying to find my place chasing the your lights and looking for some kind of Trace to Lead Me Out Of Darkness give me a little fi something to make me stronger someone who could Li the way then you came to me you gave me [Music] reason I almost can't believe [Music] it all right so I'm going to roll this one out and then the next one I'm actually going to cut that strip at first I was just going to take it over the strip but it is pretty easy to get this little strip off of here I think they're called Batten strips but um I'm going to go get my box cutter and what I like to do is just cut across wherever you need to cut it and then take the box cutter and go down the seams on both sides that way the paint won't actually come off when you go to pull Off the Strip because I have had that happen before so the knife just kind of cuts that away and then you can pull it off super easy I'm just trimming this excess off right here and then we can take our peel and stick tile and stick that on there and then I noticed that I should have cut just a little bit more so instead of cutting the Batten strip again I just took the knife and cut two slits on both sides that way I could just press the tile uh down that way it's all flush all right so this has been super easy by the way one of the easiest things you could do to a bathroom to update it and I don't show it in the video but when Aaron saw the bathroom he did say that he likes it so much better so I'm so happy that he likes the outcome too and then once we were done we took that one Slither that we had cut at the very beginning and we are going to finish the job by placing it over the overlap areas [Music] all right so that's all done I'm just removing the plastic film from the [Music] top oh right this is looking amazing I'm so happy with how this turned out didn't realize I had the zoom on um and I was a little nervous over here uh with this cuz I had to cut a little more off of it and sometimes when I cut these like it tries to take the paint off um I will say if you do do this after you've recently painted maybe wait another day y'all know we like to get videos out every day so um it was I think it was this one or that one it had stuck and and then it tried to peel off the paint which that was the on the back of their packaging they they do say that the only complaint they've gotten is to do with latex paint so just a precaution but also so happy that this still came out looking good at the end so yay now we need to do one thing that I'm really good at clean up all of this mess so that we can get in here and decorate and I'm also going to um dust [Music] crazy my intention my brain gets blocked at times but now I'll give you my attention you got to know that I I ain't a person who understands all the Clockwork of our romance you make me feel so alive always there in my mind I just don't know I just don't know if I'll dance with the lights on if you're going to be moving Ono wait a second cuz they're playing the best song I'll be there if you reach out to me reach out to me out Rolling Stone tonight never to be said I know I can't deny your eyes I've got this inner battle I don't know how to act I ain't a person who understands the commitment of a romance but somehow I need you close I'll go whever you go but I just don't know I just don't know if I'll dance with the lights on if you're going to be moving on solo wait a second cuz they're playing the best s I'll be there if you reach out to [Music] me with searching for the truth somewhere else when I just want you there was a void in my soul now I found my true home I just don't know I just don't know if I'll dance with the lights on if you're going to be moving Ono wait a second cuz they're playing the best song I'll be there if you reach out to me reach out to me [Music] out to [Music] me out to me reach out to me reach out to me [Music] yeah I'm wring so give me something to do yeah I can't stay here because I need to dance jump around and show them how I [Music] move everybody will be on me want to join me when I take a shot [Music] I'll so I brought this Albany shell in here it's really pretty on the inside let me know how y'all prefer it I did end up just putting it on the outside of the shell because then you can tell more that it's a shell and I thought it looked more masculine but y'all let me know which side you like it on inside or out so I just have it popped up against that rock that I got from a lake and um we got the octopus soap holder over there the gone fishing sign which I'm going to move in a minute but we have a new shower curtain holder so I am just measuring the space which is around 55 in and the the rod that we got is adjustable it can go up to 75 in I think um so I'm I'm going to take this old one down and then we're going to put the new one [Music] [Music] up be join when I take show obviously I got distracted but here is the new curtain [Music] [Applause] rod and here are the hooks that we're going to use these were awesome because they made putting the curtain up so much faster and easier on my arms so if putting a shower curtain on your Rod makes your arms hurt definitely look into getting these Hooks and then here is the shower curtain we're going to be using had to find where the holes are and I just wanted to show you how easy this is whoop and it's done so simple so that made that a whole lot easier the ones in my bedroom have like a clasp that you have to click together and unclick when you want to take them down so these were just so much easier I don't know how good these would be if you have kids that like to pull on the curtains um it may come off but I think they'll work fine so I'm just going to get all the all the curtain onto the holders and then we're going to decorate a little bit more I have a rug to put down a kit like a a kitchen towel a hand towel holder to put up and it was peeling stick so it was super easy to put up and then I will show y'all what the bathroom looks like when we're done we still haven't done baseboards we can still do a sink uh like a Refresh on the sink with the tub kit and um I will clean out the bathtub once we get a new building to put all that stuff in which we are looking at right now but that is definitely going to be down the line in the future because whatever we do decide it's probably going to be large enough to where we would never have to get another building again so yeah we've been looking at basically like detached garage um and then other like storage buildings but here's what the um C the towel holder looks like I think it looks so nice over here in this little area and then here is the rug so I still plan to sand and paint that vent that's on the floor but until then I'm just going to cover it up with this rug and then you can see the excess C carpet like around the trim that is going to be cleaned out and we we'll put uh baseboards down we already have the baseboards it's just a matter of doing it so I need to watch a few videos to see how people put their baseboards in so that I feel confident in doing it but here's how the bathroom turned out I think it's such an improvement from what we had initially done let me know your thoughts Down Below in the comment section and here is the decor everyone always asks where this came from it came from Hobby Lobby and they're fishing and like bare section now there's a hand towel if he wants to wash his hands he can dry them off phone not included I left my phone up there but this hand soap we got at TJ Maxx it was for Halloween but we've kept it out because it just looks so cool with a snake I feel like it gives it a pirate theme too um and then these candles are beachy themed so I always have them out in here and then the shower curtain and the rug I love how the pill and stick tile um really did did a good job of updating and like I feel like it looks clean and kind of classy in a way and sort of minimal versus all of those white tiles that we had out we're like woo look at me but here's the verse of the [Music] day when you make that smile stay all right I hope you all have a great day there will be no video tomorrow because I'll be celebrating my birthday but I'll be back on May 8th bye [Music]
Channel: Kimi Cope
Views: 9,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile home makeover, mobile home transformation, mobile home bathroom makeover, single wide mobile home makeover, mobile home, mobiel home, single wide, singlewide, home improvements, bathroom transformation, single wide transformation, old single wide transformation, mobile home makeover 2024, kimi cope, mobile home refresh, mobile home remodel, mobile home renovations, bathroom updates, mobile home updates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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