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[Music] hey everybody welcome and welcome back to the channel today we're going to be talking about house cleaning I got a request to do this video because one of our new family members here AJ hey AJ she wants to know how often do I clean my home because it's always so clean and also she asked if I could give any advice on how to keep your home clean Miss AJ is trying to become a better hom maker for her family and she wants to have an Immaculate home and so she definitely came to the right place so uh first thing I want to talk about is the initial clean right so house cleaning looks different for everyone so I'm going to talk about housekeeping from a professional cleaning ladies perspective based on my own experience and how I operate in my business as well as using my own home for an example right um I'm going to be using my own handbook for my business to talk to you about the different areas in your home and how you must stay on top of them or the way that you must stay on top of them in order to keep them nice and tidy keeping your home clean on a consistent basis depends um largely on a few different factors do you or do you not have pets how many adults are in the home how many children are in the home and also the ages of the children how many bathrooms there are and how many people uh are using or not using those bathrooms does your master have a separate shower and tub or is it a combination or just a shower and do you have carpet or hard woods or both so the reason these questions s um are asked and this is kind of like my interview process when I have a potential client that calls me is because everything depends on time right and so um and and you know and and also not just time but it also um just depends on how the you know the the overall cleanliness of your house because there's not a lot of people in my house there's just me and my grandson 90% of the time and any other 10% when my husband is home from work um you know he's home but you know it's not it we don't have pets and that sort of thing so that's how I'm able to keep my home clean as much as I do also I want to answer the question about how often I clean I don't have a regular schedule on cleaning my house I don't need a regular schedule I just clean I just you know get tasks done as I see them because I am the kind of person that don't like to look at clutter and you know things laying around and out of place and that sort of thing so I also think that cleaning has to be something that you love to do right but whether you love to do it or not you it's it's something that still has to be done or you're just going to have a nasty house so I'm going to go through some things here on helping y'all keep your house clean now the things that I'm going to be naming in the video today may not be what you see me doing but you just going to see me tightening up my space today um just as I have this conversation with you why because we're a cleaning channel right so the first thing you saw me do came into my bedroom was you saw me put away some clothes that was folded at the bottom of my bed so you want to go ahead and put away uh items that are being left around so that you know um things are not just continuing to build up you also see me making my bed this is something that I do every single day making your bed every day will Aid and you having a home that is not only clean but feels clean and it will leave things less cluttered feeling too right so also with your sheets you want to change your sheets or wash your sheets every couple weeks now I wash my sheets every two weeks um this for some people this could be once a week it could be once a month but for me it's every two weeks I think that's you know a pretty good amount of time to sleep on them and then strip the bed and put them in the wash to get them fresh so this is something that you always want to do on a consistent basis this also will help your home to always feel clean the first thing to understand when trying to maintain a clean home is that there is that initial cleaning which we don't have to get into today we can get into that in a another video because we're just talking about maintaining your home today but there is that initial cleaning that you must do or have done right by a professional of your entire home before keeping a regular schedule to maintain what has already been done so your home has to be in some type of um organization already in order to keep a in in order to keep things maintained it's called a maintenance clean this could be done once a week once bi-weekly or once a month it really just depends on your family situation you also want to keep your furniture dusted so having a really nice furniture polish for your furniture it could be any furniture polish of Polish of your choice whatever your favorite is mine is Murphy's Oil Soap I just take a cap full put it in a spray bottle and I fill the rest with water to dilute it cuz you don't want it sticky it smells really good it's natural it's old school I just just love [Music] it so you also want to high dust in your rooms your ceiling fans tops of wall hangings and this is actually the first thing you should do tops of doors headboards and foot boards low dust touching everything lamps Shades night stands knickknacks dressers blinds shutters open your shutters or your blinds to dust in inside where the window seill is make beds straighten already made beds face all blinds in One Direction open or close fix curtains neatly be sure to vacuum underneath beds and rooms with hard floors vacuum under nightstands and check behind them for fallen items trash anything that is obviously trash empty water bottles wrappers Etc don't trash your receipts though because you never know when you'll need them clean any mirrors and pictures stack and straighten any books and magazines with labels facing forward Place throw blankets in a decorative manner do not fold them no tags or zippers should be showing on throw pillows rugs or throws face pillows with zippers down when making beds and changing pillowcases all tags should be placed inside the pillowcase away from the opening of the pillowcase all of these things will Aid in you having a beautiful magazine look home right I'll say that so let's talk about these uh hight trffic wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens but we're going to talk about the bathrooms first keep your mirrors wipe down a lot of times we go in the bathroom we brush our teeth we floss our teeth we use hair care products and all of that sort of thing and then it splatters on the mirror and we just leave it I don't know about you but having too toothpaste on the mirror or any smudges or anything like that it's just a real big pet peeve of mine it makes my bathroom feel dirty every time I look at that mirror and it splatter or smudges so cleaning my mirror is a daily task for me because I don't like to see those things so just keep you a really good glass cleaner on hand underneath your sink in your bathroom with paper towels or whatever cloth of your choice that will you know help you get the mirror clean and shiny look to the side for smudges on your mirror like look at your mirror from a side angle just to make sure that there are no streaks and that you have remove all of whatever splatter on the mirror take your paper towel just go over your countertops wipe them down wipe down your bottles that may be sitting on your countertop as you see here in my bathroom and again I am a stickler for facing all labels forward also wipe out your sinks on a daily basis because those accumulate grit and grime so you want to just go ahead and kind of wipe that away and it'll keep buildup out of your sink always empty your trash on a regular basis some of my clients I go to their houses and I'm there every 2 weeks and the trash in the bathroom is running over because they are waiting for the next visit of mine to get the trash empty I cannot do that so I have to empty my trash on a regular basis before it gets full also your bathroom will sometimes collect that little Meo smell like old water or something change out your textiles take those out of the bathroom every couple days and put in fresh ones because what's happening is they're hanging there to dry and so of course you're going to get the meal do because you have wet um towels and washcloths hanging around so go ahead and take those out and put those in the wash and just get you some fresh ones to keep down on that smell in your [Music] bathroom let's talk about the laundry area so laundry can be a very daunting task for a lot of people for me it is not here I am doing two loads today I'm doing towels and I'm doing DS I'm not doing all of my laundry but to keep my laundry down I go ahead and do about one or two loads you know as I see it starting to pile up and get out of hand so actually this will probably end up being three loads because I have a lot of towels piled on top of the basket as you can see so go ahead and do your laundry more often than you do it right now because most people are going you know two weeks uh uh on doing laundry and so you have all of these clothes piling up and this is why you don't want to get it done so when you do your laundry what it does is it makes your laundry room or your laundry closet feel less cluttered also keep your laundry items organized I keep mine in two clear totes here so what I have is some cleaning rags uh my mop pads for my boner mop I have some towels here in case of spills that sort of thing I have a roll of paper towels my bleach and my detergent for my uh doing laundry right and so I just keep everything neatly on top of the wash machine in its containers also keep your appliances wiped down and neat keep your floors swept and Mo and then that will also help you with keeping the laundry space looking nice and beautiful at all times [Music] so finally we have made it to the biggest traffic area in the entire home and that is your kitchen your kitchen is where everybody spends most of their time for whatever reason the kitchen is just that place that everybody where everybody gathers right or you know cuz you're eating all day snacking cooking you know just everything is done in the kitchen all day every day so you keep down uh buildup in your kitchen by go ahead and um emptying your dishwasher and putting the dishes away in the cabinets I I just took some dishes out of my dishwasher which are Plastics that most of the time don't dry in the dishwasher so I'm going to lay them there on the drying mat and let them lay there for about an hour until they completely dry and then I'm going to put them in the cabinet I'm not going to leave them on top of the countertop because I don't like to see a lot of clutter on my Island so go ahead and putting the away your dishes maybe not even having a dish drain in your home also keeps down clutter cuz you clut keeping down clutter is one of those things that you're going to need to do in order for your home to feel clean every single day or at least uh between whatever schedule you choose to do your cleans [Music] right so with kitchens as with bathrooms you're definitely going to do a lot of wiping in these areas so you just want to to wipe the faces of your cabinets on a consistent basis right maybe not all the time because they're not always going to need it it just really depends on how much time you spend in your kitchen like I said how often you clean your home depends largely on your family situation so just keep a eye out on the faces of your cabinets and the fronts of your drawers as well keep a eye out for the backsplash when you're cooking go ahead and wipe down your backsplash because splatter will get there um every time you cook it just does it's inevitable wipe down your counter items like your hand soap that may be sitting there and your dish soap uh wipe your countertops your faces of cabinets below the dishwashers inside and around sides of the door I showed you I showed you all this in a previous video how to wipe down your dishwasher clean your microwave if you're using using it on a regular basis don't let the inside of the microwave have food build up when food starts to Splatter in the microwave go ahead and take care of that immediately because what you want to prevent is the food sticking inside of the microwave and then it's just completely hard to clean it clean the stove top remove your grills and burner caps and knobs you can do that on your maintenance clean this is not something that has to be done every day but this is just a good way to keep your stove clean when cleaning your cabinets and your drawers in your kitchen another thing that you must do is open your drawers and open your cabinets and clean on top of those um spaces because you'll be surprised at the food flatter that gets there as well also make sure you're wiping down your knobs and your handles on your drawers and your cabinet um when you clean your refrigerator dust on top and clean the dispenser tray if you have a dispenser a water dispenser or ice dispenser on your refrigerator always make sure you keep that little tray clean because that that water will turn to mole and you'll be surprised how that looks once you take that off the amount of G that accumulates underneath that tray right um rub your hand across um your countertops just to make sure that there's nothing left right because if you still feel grit on your countertops after you wipe them down then you still have work to do so rubbing your hand across your countertops to make sure that you don't have stuck on food is a good way to make sure your countertops are completely clean especially when you have gr granite countertops because it could be kind of hard to see uh the stuck on food when you have granite countertops make sure you're wiping out everything on your countertops also make sure you're wiping down your chairs that may be pushed up to your Island and your table and chairs that may be sitting in your kitchen as you see here with mine remove your trash all the time don't let your trash uh run over wipe down your trash can the inside and the outside and keeping it um you know uh free of smell because sometimes our trash bags will leak so definitely make sure you're cleaning out your trash can on a conce consistent basis if you have a trash can like mine that is a stainless steel and you have uh the lid that lifts up when you put your foot on the step pedal right in those grooves you can see where crumbs and trash and that sort of thing will collect and so just always try to vacuum that out and keep that as clean as possible the other thing that will help your kitchen stay consistently clean is to clean as you cook I cannot not stress this enough clean as you cook so many people cook and they just have dishes everywhere all of their cooking utensils that they're using to cook flour you know all that stuff that you you know pull out as you're cooking in your kitchen people will have that stuff everywhere dishes piled up in the sink if you clean as you cook it makes sitting down to dinner feel a lot better and it makes clean up less difficult after you've eaten and you getting ready to take care of the kitchen for the night and go to bed right so definitely clean as you cook I even try to wipe around the stove as much as I can without burning myself of course as my pots simmer and that sort of thing and any dishes that I'm not using I'm always cleaning and wiping down the countertops I just want to take a moment to show you this item this video is in collaboration with a company called kitchen stamp they sent me this beautiful um Ziploc bag organizer it came with these cute little Panda stickers I'm not really sure what they're for because I didn't get any instructions as to anything inside of the box so I'm not really sure what to do with them but they're cute and they came in this box with the um Ziploc bag organizer also these came in there as well they're little Zips but I don't know how I would use those with this item again there's no instructions so they were just in there and they came in this little foam um uh holder and also what I like about this is that you can mount it to the wall so that's very unique it has the grooves on the back where you can uh put the screws in the wall and mount the the uh the item it's also really thick the wood is great quality it's sort of heavy so I really like that anytime something has little weight to it I always you know it's always good quality right and so you can see the thickness of it when I show you here from side to side you have um the place where you put your plastic wrap and the foil it has these two little golden locks on the side which makes this um aesthetically pleasing and so you just just unlock it to place your foil and your plastic wrap inside and then you can latch it back also everything is labeled your gallon size bags your snack bags your quartz your quartz bags and I forget the other one but anyway everything is labeled so that's really nice um it fits really well inside of the drawer I guess you do have to have a big enough drawer because um this is such a large item but as you can see right about now I am just keeping my items in the drawer as you can see and so this is going to really help me out with being able to organize my Ziploc bags and my aluminum for and my plastic wrap so I got this from Target and I've had this for a really long time the bags are just now getting low so there's of course uh they already had this little one that you know came in this box but if you just want something to make your home look really nice I would say that this is a great item it fits in the drawer perfect it closes and voila thank you kitchen stamp for sponsoring this portion of the [Music] video so another way to keep your home clean on a consistent basis and keep down on the Clutter what I do is when I see things downstairs that need to be upstairs I will just put them on the stairs that way when I go up I can take them with me the items that you saw in my hand are items that needs to go in my office and so they don't need to be downstairs because there's not a place for them downstairs right um so I go ahead and grab those and bring them up with me also there's some things that are laying around over here on my sofa like arst pajamas that he took off this morning before he went to daycare his little books and again some more of my office stuff where I was sitting and watching TV all of that stuff needs to go in its place we have some things like Carter flash cards sitting up here on the ledge of the stairs this needs to be removed and it needs to go in Carter's room in his basket underneath his little night table because again this will keep down clutter in the home if you just put these items in their designated areas I also like to go ahead and just freshen up my couch I'm not going to be sitting up here that much today um I am going to take some time out to relax later but I want to relax on a freshly uh vacuumed couch if you will I'm not actually vacuuming but that's what I like to call it when I wipe it down with my microfiber towel and straighten it up because I'm going to sit here later and watch a movie so I always like for things to really just feel fresh and my home which is why I'm always cleaning right and this is why I don't have a cleaning schedule because again it's always something to be done with cleaning you have to understand that if humans live in the home it is always something to be done there should never be any downtime when it comes to trying to keep your house clean at all times there's a laundry to be folded uh you can clean the inside of your your so s for cushions you can wipe down your windows you can wipe down the seals you can dust your furniture you can wipe down your doors and knobs because those are touched all the time wipe down your light switch plates wipe down your light fixtures get the Cod webs off of those you'll be surprised at how card webs accumulate on your light fixtures in your bathrooms your pendant lights over your Island your chandeliers that sort of thing in the corners of your rooms always empty trash cans around your home I like to keep trash bags in my office in the closet because I like to go around when the trash cans upstairs gets full and I just like to go around and um empty them with this bag to make sure that they are not running over keeping your trash cans from running over will Aid largely in keeping a clean home um I didn't wash Carter's tub out last night after he got got out of it so today I'm just going to give it a quick little wash I'm going to take his towel and I'm going to fold it I need to really buy some hooks for my doors because right now I'm keeping Carter's towel over the door and I really need to keep it on the back of the door so I need to add that to my um things to buy list um so that I can keep his towel on the hook behind the door but anyway while it's there I want to keep it folded that's making it look neat I'm going to get the things off of the counter from this morning that I use his chapstick hair brush his hair moisturizer all those things and I'm going to put them back in the drawer this is the way you keep things from building up and just accumulating and having clutter about you I miss could it be we never had that kiss well I don't usually get like this get like it like [Music] this like this as you will notice I haven't done any vacuuming or mopping in today's video I don't need to vacuum or mop today I only mop my floors about once a month and that's only because it's just me and Carter here but I do try to keep them vacuum or swept you know just to keep all of the crumbs off of the hard floor as far as the carpet goes I will vacuum the carpets about once a week just to freshen them so cuz I do like to see the vacuum lines in my carpet so I'll go about a week before I uh vacuum again but I did just vacuum a couple days ago so you won't see me vacuuming in today's video I wanted to bring that up because you may be wondering well why aren't you vacuuming your floors why aren't you mopping why aren't you talking about that well because I don't vacuum my floors but once a week and I don't mop but once a month and again I want to say that may not be true for you because you may have more people living in your house or you may just like to vacuum a mop a little bit more often than I do but I do those things on an as needed basis especially mop when you keep your home clean on a consistent basis you will find that these are tasks that you don't need to perform all the time because again you are constantly cleaning and staying on top of things it's all I got I'm Dreaming or could it be a future for you and me she loves me it's I did want to go ahead and wipe down Carter's countertop because there was some toothpaste left behind this morning from him brushing his teeth I didn't need to wipe down the mirror because there's no splatter on his mirror but I don't want the toothpaste to be stuck on the counter or in the sink so that's what you see me doing here just go ahead and getting that taken care of and again it will keep buildup from happening get like this get like it like this [Music] oh get like this no get like this yeah get like this get like it like it like [Music] this [Music] so let's talk about how to refresh your already clean room some of us have rooms in our homes that aren't used that often so you do still touch these areas by refreshing them you wipe your furniture down with Polish vacuum and spray air freshener and so that will keep the room smelling good um you can also put down some Carpet Fresh if that's your thing um before you V before you vacuum but just keeping things dusted is a great way to keep a already clean room clean straighten your pillows on the bed um and in chairs using the Polish go over the furniture in these rooms making them feel fresh and occupied wasn't all like what [Music] you so bathrooms is the same with bathrooms that aren't used what will happen with toilets um that you're not using on a regular basis is that they will collect this film inside of the toilet and so I like to just check on that about once a month up here in my guest bathroom just to make sure that that film is not um not accumulating in the toilet and it usually does so I just take a toilet bowl cleaner and I just clean it out um I am going to let my toilet brush just kind of hang out for a minute and let it you know kind of let the excess water drip off of it before I put it back into its container and then I'm just going to place my toilet bowl cleaner back underneath the sink I'm going to take some glass cleaner that was already underneath the sink in this bathroom and just wipe down the mirror it has a little bit of dust on it and I noticed a little bit of splatter I did have a friend over recently that did use this bathroom so maybe when she uh washed her hands or something maybe the soap splatter got on it and it just kind of stuck so I'm just going to go ahead and get that off and then I'm going to wipe out the inside of the sink with some glass cleaner to keep it shiny in here and then I'm going to place the hand towel I'm going to fold the hand towel and place it back on the sink and just leave things looking really neat and clean but let's get back to Rel Rel talking about that real life holding on cuz it just feels nice but let's get back to real [Music] life talking about that real holding on cuz it feel so since the carpet has been walked on in my guest room and we're never in here I definitely like to keep the floor vacuumed because again I like to see those um those vacuum lines in my um in my rug in my carpet right so since we're never in here I don't want have prints in the carpet so I want to go ahead and just give this a quick little vacuum so actually I did vacuum today I vacuumed in here and I vacuumed the theater room because we are always walking in here so maybe it has been more than a couple days since I vacuum upstairs but I know definitely downstairs I recently ran the vacuum in the living room on the area rug and in the bedroom so up here obviously I saw a need to vacuum the theater room room and so I ran over it with the vacuum when you are vacuuming and mopping your floors always remember to vacuum away from yourself so you're going to back out of the room in order to keep Footprints from being in your vacuum carpet right because what good does it do to have Footprints inside of your vacuum lines or what good does it do to have a room where it look like you just gone in a circle while you're vacuuming so always vacuum and mop backwards or out of the [Music] space don't ask I don't need I like to spray my furniture down the Fabrics of my furniture with a good disinfectant spray from time to time it just keeps things disinfected of course and smelling nice I use the Seventh Generation they have three different kinds I think the one that I'm using in today's video is a citrus scent I think I know that they have a lavender one that I buy sometimes or that I even still have on hand cuz I think I have about two cans and then here I am vacuuming the area rug so I don't know I guess I just I don't know I didn't think I was vacuuming today but I am but anyway we're talking about cleaning so it's all good um but it's the the rules still apply only vacuum or mop your floors as often as you need to this is not something that has to be done every day it really just depends on you and if you do it every day I'm not against that either because you talking to a clean freak a neat freak so if Somebody's vacuuming and mopping every day hey I'm here for it [Music] so I don't mind a little [Music] crazy czy so now that my house is all nice and reset and smelling amazing I am going to to take some time out to sit down upstairs turn on the movie and edit you guys's video which is the one you are watching right now um because I think we're done I think that I have gave you all of the tips that I could possibly give you on how to keep your home consistently Clean cleaning is really not that deep it's just something that you literally just have to stay on top of that's all just don't let things in your home get out of hand and you don't have to worry about getting overwhelmed when it comes to taking care of what you are supposed to love which is your home so that's usually what I do I'm just loving on my home that's it when I'm cleaning I'm just loving on my home because this is My Sanctuary this is my peace and this is where I love to be until next time bye
Views: 654,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning motivation, cleaning motivation 2023, 2023 cleaning motivation, extreme cleaning motivation, speed cleaning motivation, clean with me 2023, homemaking motivation, 2023 clean with me, after dark cleaning motivation, speed cleaning, fall cleaning motivation, deep cleaning, spring cleaning 2023, whole house cleaning, real life cleaning motivation, cleaning routine, cleaning motivation 2021, deep cleaning motivation, amy darley cleaning motivation
Id: zMy1zg9YnZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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