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in this week's video we are going to be doing a massive declutter deep clean and decorate so I hope you guys are ready to enjoy some time with me whether you were doing the exact same thing sitting back and watching or just getting motivated for another time I'm so glad you're here so let's get started so in last week's video we did a closet makeover well it's actually not last week it's it's last week to you but it's just the next day for me so I am now having to clean up after the closet makeover as you see it is an absolute disaster and we got to get this house back in order I get super motivated when Chris goes out of town which is very rare but I want him to come back to a SP and span house and I'm just feeling really motivated the boys are going to help me with Emma and I'm going to tackle this entire space because y'all it's rough we're going to start off by loading up everything that we don't need anymore or we are donating or giving to other people into the car that's the first step you know that all I think about is you say things you say I don't know how you make me feel this way about you inside my head inside my head and you're never coming now I don't know what you do to me maybe I'm insane oh I just want you to [Music] stay baby all night bab I you when I bre you are all I'll ever need ever I want you to stay with me when you're with me I can't breath you all I'll ever [Music] I to St calm but itss like I'm a [Music] ticking this is your reminder that you don't need anything fancy a wet paper towel or even your wet hand over fabric clothes anything we'll get hair and you know all the stuff right up that's just the one two three swoops [Music] seeing of you can come by I don't know why but sunsh right [Music] I can see the pain in your [Music] eyes and I'm right so I was actually in the middle of cleaning the ball pit right here and my camera died so I went and got another battery plugged it in started cleaning some more looked over realized the camera was dead again so I had three dead batteries so I had to let those charge but I had the energy I was in the mood you know what I mean like if you finally are ready to clean and you feel motivated you got to just seee the moment so I cleaned up the kitchen I still have some things in here to do but I cleaned all that up and then I've been making food and we played outside for a little bit but um I wanted to organize this drawer real quick because it looks like that and uh these were $10 and I'm just going to you know I'm going to organiz it real [Music] [Applause] quick beautiful okay next one yes the sun is like blaring on me let's see what we got here we have quart size is this the same typ the last one I had I could never get to stay down so I like this show those in there this is snack SI these knives are incredible by the way [Music] I am going to take this opportunity to vacuum the floor I like doing it at this time because this vacuum does have a light on there it will illuminate any of the dirt or dust on the floor but when you've got that evening warm Golden Glow I'm telling you it just lights up the floor like no other so it shows all the fingerprints it shows all the dirt all the dust and especially all of of the dog hair this is the Shark vacuum I like this very very much I do plan on getting my Dyson fixed once I can drive 40 minutes to go drop it off but I had another shark that one's upstairs cuz the boys actually like to vacuum quite a bit up there we don't have any carpet except for rugs in the house so the Kirby is way too heavy to take up and down the stairs if you know you know so I got this and it was an investment I think it was about two it was $300 I want to say but it is worth it I love it I really love it the section on it is incredible I will say you get what you pay for when it comes to vacuums except with the Dyson I do think you get what you pay for my only dilemma with them is the batteries just wear out so quick and it says it never loses suction it may not because that's what they advertise but they it definitely runs out of battery and I feel like that is one of the common [Music] [Music] complaints I see all the fingerprints and food splatters on the appliances here so I'm going to wipe all of this down this is just a warm rag with a little bit of soap on it I don't have any sort of stainless steel cleaner on here um I did notice quite a bit of like water marks so I'm going to have to really get on this and work a little bit harder but I wanted to try this first because this is the getting to the end of the day and I just kind of wanted to zoom through here now this is when I am going to tackle some of the uh items here that we had from our closet this was Chris's pile and I wasn't sure he was out of town at this point so I wasn't sure what he wanted to do with it so I just made sure that nothing in here was mine which there was definitely stuff that was mine and I tackled that got rid of what I didn't need I've got the kids hanging out with Emma for a bit we are at the stage where this mom can't get a lot done when she's here um I wish I could I'm trying to teach her how to Independent have to play independently she's getting better at it if you have some tips but she wants Mama to play 24/7 and as an older mom and a mom who's had kids that have grown so fast I am so inclined to just do that but then I realized I'm not getting anything done so it's it's definitely balanced he just told me Chris just told me that uh he hasn't gone through that box so I'm going to take all my stuff out of there and put the rest of his stuff in there and then take what I nose dirty out [Music] [Music] I am going to give you some of the craziest viice advice craziest advice ever hear me out when you're doing this I would encourage you to do it in a swimsuit I know you're thinking what are you talking about but hear me out when you're going through your closet or your drawers and you are wanting to get rid of stuff and you see something you know you're like hm I probably need to try this on but I'm not really in the mood to have a swimsuit on I know it's crazy have a swimsuit on so you can just try it on and then make a decision right there I know I can just Envision just the way my brain works I can just Envision all of you all you all just standing there in swimsuits going through your closet and your spouse come in or your partners and you're they're like what are you doing they're like oh ly told me to do it I'm telling you I'm telling you because when I was going through this process there were a lot of things that I was looking at and I'm like I was trying to remember how I felt in it and how it fit because I am completely guilty of just throwing stuff back in my closet so if you have a swimsuit on or something like that you choose what you want and like do a little cover up over it while you're going through your stuff so you don't feel so exposed um then when you see something you're like oh I think I like it I'm not really sure I can't remember how it fits me oh I'm a little different I'm a different size now go ahead and try it on right then and there and that way you can make a definitive decision to get rid of things you see it try it on take a look how do you feel and then move on I saw that I heard this I think it was from do it on a dime please don't quote me um but she had said somebody said if it got red wine on it would you want to save it and if the answer is no if it's not something you grab it's not something you love it's not something you feel so good in then I want to encourage you to get rid of it now we will all have dresses in our closet that we need for like you know events or funerals or weddings or whatever the case may be but I want to encourage you that if it's just a shirt or it's just some pants or something like that go ahead and try it on right then and there and decide how you feel look at yourself do you like the way you look in it do you like the way you feel in it if you had somewhere to go would you pick this up don't keep it if you're like well I got to lose some weight or I've got to gain some weight or I've got to do this or I've got to do that don't keep it I want to encourage you don't keep it and you're probably thinking well what about all the money don't worry about it don't worry about it because when you get to the place that you need to be in to wear those things and and utilize those items then I promise you it will feel so good to be able to treat yourself and go and get whatever you need so that is my encouragement you guys know I will never push you buying stuff but don't hold on to stuff for the someday you and if you already there and able and you can just try it on right then and there and then you don't have to store it any longer take it easy take it slow we end it up just before so take it easy take it easy I could keep it l take it easy take it slow take itow end it up just like before take it easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you know how to forget all the wrongs in every reason why changed there's it's time to take care of this back porch we have more that we need to do but it is it's a work in progress and we're just getting started side note we have put pesty around the perimeter I don't know if you've ever seen infomercial not infomercials but as on Facebook or Instagram for it pesty p s i e I believe and it's something that they send to you this isn't sponsored they don't know who I am but I decided that I was going to use it and I want to just tell you it works great it works so great and if you know how much it is to have Pest Control I feel like it is way overpriced but it's a necessity especially if you're in like hot humid climates like Florida like the bugs here are wild but the pesty really really works you mix it together and then you put it around the perimeter and they send you you have like a subscription then they send you more within I think three to 6 months and I think the initial investment was maybe $150 I'm I'm thinking for the year for the year it might be around like $250 $300 for the year for the year and when I use it I have more than enough so I do the the perimeter of the house I also do all the window seals and the door openings and I'm telling you I'm telling you it works beautifully it's also safe around pets so double whammy it's amazing I wanted to throw that out there especially with Summer coming up y'all already know like when I showed you that clip a moment ago that was a dead spider um we have spiders like crazy we've talked about that I don't really see them in the house as much but I have been finding dead ones at the door a lot a lot a lot a lot or dead roaches now here in Florida if you know you know you can have a sp and span house and you will see a roach from time to time that's just the way it goes so um but we've been I saw two dead ones two dead ones and they're actually they're roaches but they're called pet bugs they're Giant and they fly and they're scary but um sorry if that triggers anyone but yeah you got to check out pesty I just wanted to throw that out there so Chris is going to pressure wash everything there's so much I want to do out here so the next project so we're still in the work it's a work in progress to do the boys room we have the dry walk eyye com in because we can't do I don't we don't know how to do spackle and texture and stuff that is literally an art so we also don't have the scaffolding to get all the way up there so the walls up the door's up we just need someone to come and do the texture and then it's it's all me I'm going to fix the room up for them but uh then after that um I really would like to paint the house but we're going to get to a place for a while just like a settle down place where we're not going to be doing any more projects for a bit um and just kind of saving up for the bathroom renovation but everything we do from here on out is DIY to the Max and so pressure washing is such an affordable way to make your home look brand new whether you like the paint or you don't it's incredible invest in a pressure washer this is a Ryobi brand and it will make your home look so so good I highly recommend it I also highly recommend getting the little attachment when you want to do your driveway it gets a lot more done in a shorter amount of time so y'all seen me pressure wash before I was determined to where shoes this go around but Chris decided to take it on and I have learned in my years that I can be super independent super duper independent I've always had to be I've always had to take care of myself no one ever took care of me ever in my life until I married Chris um and he takes care of my emotional needs and you know we won't even get into that I'll just start crying but when he says that he's willing to do it I'm I've learned I'm like you know what you do it I will go and put my energy elsewhere and that is why we are such a good team [Music] m [Music] m [Music] a [Music] so let me know where you guys are at where you're from if you're new here or if you've been here for a while I am a mom of six for those of you who are new and my oldest is 21 she will be 22 in June and then I have an 18-year-old about to be 19 at the uh end of May then we have a 14 12 10 and 2-year-old and she will actually be three on the 5th no the 6th sorry the 6th which is crazy to me that was the fastest time of my life can you guys believe it those of you have that have been here from the beginning can you believe Emma is going to be 3 years old it just baffles me it just baffles me but um yeah we live here in Florida and we you if you've been here you've seen the progress and the progression of our homes and we sold our home last year our quote unquote dream home to find a place with more peace and in that Journey we have definitely learned a lot about what matters and what does not and we were able to sell that house and find over two acres here in Florida it is like when as soon as you come through the gates it's like you have stepped into a different state it's like you are right back in Tennessee and Georgia and that is what I loved about it so much we are fixing up every square inch of it because this is going to be our forever home so yeah we're just little by little and it is quite different coming from a brand new home we've always renovated homes we've always worked on them and we were tired of doing that so we bought a brand new home and we um gave it all of our touches and I loved it but there was always something missing and that was hard for me I didn't know what it was because it was supposed to be my dream home but I never could see myself there for the long run which was it always baffled me and there was a sense of being unsettled there which I didn't understand either I just chocked it up to just having a baby but it never went away and I can say that moving here was definitely um a leap of faith and I'm glad I trusted what I felt like God was telling me to do um it was hard and I learned a lot about myself and like I said we learned what matters what really truly matters and that house and those types of things just didn't so I'm glad that you're here if you are new here go ahead and hit hit that subscribe button before we go any further like this video If you guys um can do that that's awesome I would love that but we are just making this house our own we D downsized quite a bit that last house was almost 3500 Square ft we I have never lived in a house that size of my life um and neither as Chris um it was it was a dream it was wonderful but it wasn't for us and I'm so thankful we bought it because it put us in a really good place home that we've lived in and renovated and sold it put us in a place to where we could buy the next home and that's always been our goal last house was supposed to be it for us but I am thankful we made the decision to buy it because it got us into a place where we could buy this house and so we are fixing it Up Room by room it was built in the 9s and you can definitely tell but I will have a whole playlist if you want to check out the progression I am going to do a video of an entire Year's worth of renovations um I thought would be a lot of fun because we officially have been in this house a year and the transformation is huge but we have loved it it um It just fits I can't really explain it but it just fits this house is just for [Music] us thinking Chris is washing my uh Facebook Marketplace find I was looking for some chairs or a bench I found these chairs I'll show those to you in a minute but it came with these cushions this is the threshold brand from Target and I'm telling you a good pressure wash will clean up your outside furniture and cushions beautifully if it doesn't go into the wash it makes them look brand new so for the chairs and the cushions it was $50 and I will show you the chairs and just minute because I am going to spray paint them but I wanted him to give it a good wash down or wash up or whatever you want to call it because it definitely needed but you see the transformation it is incredible like you see the difference there you don't realize how badly it needs to be cleaned until it's cleaned so I also want to say I hope you guys are enjoying a lot of the chatty voice over but okay hold on let me get my words in order I hope you guys are enjoying the chatty voiceover the video has a lot of similar um footage like a long like a lot of decler in the closet or a lot of pressure washing so I'm trying to fill up a little bit of that with talking so you guys don't get way too bored CU I don't want you to get bored um if that ever does happen though you can literally just skip 10 seconds um that way you don't have to hop off the video I would love that instead of hopping off the video Don't ever hop off the video that is not a good sign on YouTube just little FYI that's why your content creators will say you know they'll try to find ways to keep you on the video because if you do then you know it's just a lot of backend YouTube stuff that people don't talk about so if you ever get bored just skip 10 seconds please but uh yeah I'm going to get this taken care of here are the chairs I don't know what material they are it's not as heavy as rod iron so I can only assume aluminum but a little bit of spray paint can go a very very long way when you run across items like this so I'm going to use my satin spray paint use whatever brand that suits your liking and then just go to town I only did one coat I may go back and do another it was really windy this day um and we've had a lot of super windy days so I just kind of left it until I could get more of some steel air but I really like the way it turned out and this is a super affordable way to get something that looks just about brand new for very little money spray paint does not cost a lot of money I do recommend purchasing the little handle the little trigger that you stick on top of this I don't have it right now it makes this process a lot smoother [Music] [Music] up yours let's get the out of here what if we to stars out of the Galaxy beond get perspective the Earth [Music] disapp the hour of the pressure come off fin [Music] we'll do what we want [Music] us the ferns in here and I just wasn't sure I'm like man I really wish that this was a table so I thought remember this from inside what if we oh that kind of looks silly let me try this again let's Center it a little bit right then let's see what it looks like [Music] now I don't know we'll play around with that so I'm going to attempt to put this in the vinyl siding outside and then do this boxwood wreath that I've had for probably 2 and 1/2 years um it's just sitting in the garage I figured it'd be really nice way to bring in a pop of color above those two chairs so that absolutely didn't work um you can't I I can't nail into vinyl sighing at least and I wasn't going to push it in so I tried Command hooks that didn't work either so I got some hooks for that I also got these pillow covers from Amazon I thought they were really beautiful nicely made um I will give them a spray with some UV protectant on there and those are the vinyl sighing hooks that are incredible so I'm going to use some old inserts that I had and just fill up the cushions um definitely needed cushions when we were sitting out here having coffee the other morning and I just realized it is just not comfortable without a pillow in the back there so these came out perfect one thing that I know I'm no designer by any means I just go off the what looks good to me florals and Stripes look very very good together they complement each other very well so if you can get a very neutral stripe like a gray Navy tan or black those are all considered neutral and then you add your florals any kind it really looks beautiful I feel like it gives a higher end look maybe it doesn't to others it does to me and that's what it matters it's my back porch um I'm very comfortable now in a place in my life to say hey this is what I like and it is it's me and I think that you guys should adopt that same mentality if you love it it's your home just do it it doesn't matter what the world says it doesn't matter what's on Trend or what's popular you do what works for your home [Music] [Music] if you have vinyl sighting those hooks are wonderful they worked incredible I got it from Amazon just put in vinyl siding Hooks and you'll be able to pull it up but I like the way this turned out it's very inviting very soothing and it just it is a wonderful place to have coffee in the morning along with the other back porch I just love the way all of this came out so pressure washing giving it a good clean a couple of pillows and it can make a world of difference including that spray paint it all really really helped so I hope you guys enjoyed today's video let me know how you're doing today would you go ahead and like this video before you go any further and subscribe if you haven't yet already it is so welcoming out here I love it love it love it and I love that pretty is coming back I love that colors are back in because I've missed them so incredibly much but um yeah just let me know what you think of this space would this be something or a place where you'd like to have coffee or tea thank you so much for watching today's video just always remember how much you are loved and you can make this world a better place I will see you guys in the next one love you bye guys
Channel: Lynn White
Views: 19,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning, decluttering, organizing, get rid of it all, throwing everything out, organization motivation, cleaning channel, motivational videos, sahm motivation, declutter entire house, decluttering tips, decluttering ideas, organizing tips, organizing ideas, small home organizing, realistic declutter, clean my entire house, extreme motivation, clean with me, declutter with me, organize with me, decluttering and organizing, Declutter with me 2024, how to declutter
Id: uB_YhwuVRfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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