DIY HOME REFRESH ! Painting my own art , custom diy frame, & diy headboard on a budget!

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[Music] [Music] you're my music but you tear me to Pieces so where does it come from Hey Y'all welcome back to a new video or welcome if you're new here to my Channel I'm Carrie Lynn and today I'm sharing lots of DIYs with you we're going to be painting making a frame for the painting and also working on a DIY upholstered headboard so I hope you enjoy today's video hopefully it's very motivating um but for today's video we are going to start off with a landscape painting but first we got to go over the paint colors got this Castle color we have a coffee bean French linen olive green Golden Sun sun set country twill and I like that one and raw umber oh that's one way to do it what you threw the paintbrush at it so I personally like to use acrylics to paint and the first thing I do is I wet my paintbrush I dip it in a little bit of color whether that's white a cream in this case I'm using that first color I shared which is called Castle it's the folk art brand of acrylics I got those from Hobby Lobby they were really inexpensive there um but I'm basically just kind of painting this on in different directions giving a very moody Sky cuz I wanted it to look like a cloudy sky but in order to kind of create the layers you have to layer on your paint as best as you can um and I like to use the water cuz it helps you smooth out any like harsh lines accidents [Music] happened sure do it's definitely time to invest in an easel especially if I'm going to paint any more large Landscapes like this um because the whole painting just kept sliding off the chair but you know sometimes you're just got to work with what you got but um I will say this is the first big painting I've ever done I typically paint like 11 by 14 or smaller and if you are a beginner painter you have to paint on a bigger canvas I'm telling you it is a GameChanger it it's so much easier to paint anything when you have a larger area to work with I always thought like the bigger the canvas the more work but really it's so much easier cuz you can see what you're doing a lot better okay so at this point I have mixed a couple different colors together to create multiple different beige colors I wanted it to be very layered have um def like look like there's layers and layers of clouds on the sky so at this point I'm taking a tissue and I'm kind of buffing in all those colors together to kind of blend them together and it's really funny cuz some of you actually commented over on Instagram saying that this looked like a uh stone slab in the background cuz I I shared a quick little um picture of it on Instagram and y'all were like oh is that a countertop I was so embarrassed I was like no way but I mean I can see it who knows maybe I should paint my countertops like this but I will say with every painting you just have to trust the process it's not always going to be perfect at first it's going to look a little crazy but just trust the process that is the key um at this point now I'm just taking my paintbrush and stippling on a little bit of that dark gray that I mixed with a little bit of green so I kind of created like a grayish green to give the illusion of rainclouds that was the goal so I wanted to add some more of that dark color and then I'll just keep going in with the lighter colors and blending it out clouds are really tricky to be hon Hest I've noticed that sometimes I can do them really well and then sometimes I'm like what the heck am I doing start over um and don't ever worry if you ever are painting and you mess up with acrylics what's great about them is once they dry paint right over it back with white and just start over so since I use acrylics I'm able to kind of add a little bit of water to it to help kind of blend things out but always keep in mind that the more water you add the more it is likely to kind of run down so you'll notice that sometimes I add too much and you'll start to see those drips once again like I said earlier do not panic just take a piece of tissue or take your paintbrush and kind of just stipple right over those areas and it'll clean that water right up and it actually creates almost like a watercolor effect I think it just turns out really pretty and everything just kind of flows so nicely now is a good time for me to add I am completely self-taught with painting okay so I've never taken any art classes or anything like that so please do not take advice from me I probably do not know what I'm talking about and I'm sure if you are an artist and you're watching this right now you're probably cringing at the fact that I'm adding water and there's drips running down my painting but I don't know it just it always turns out okay and that's just how I've always done it at this point I'm adding those fine details I'm taking a really tiny paintbrush and I'm just kind of marking out where I want the um grassy area to start and end and I also kind of add like a little mountain up here going up to the top and I'm taking a larger paintbrush mixed with a little bit of water some brown greens and I'm just blending all these colors together to create all that depth that's really important when you're painting a painting in general I feel like the more layers you have the better and better it's going to [Music] look music but you me to Pieces so where does it come from scene that keeps playing on repeat ignores the rule of thumb oh where does it come from oh where does it come from all your emotions with your heart on your sleeve it won't fade until you pain it f i let it burn you call the fire be G but I feel that it will come by oh where does it come from oh where does it come from oh where does it come from oh where does it come from I'm calling [Music] you cuz I need you to play on play on yeah I need you to play on you cuz my heart is on hold on hold on so I need you to play on play on I'm your limbo you're my in just look at the state we're in I breathe you in and I can tell where I End and You Begin where I End and You Begin where I End and You Begin oh where where does it come from oh where does it come from I'm calling you cuz I need you to play on play on yeah I need you to play on cuz my heart is on hold on hold on so I need you to play this next step was extremely important so I wanted to explain what I'm doing here so I noticed that the clouds were not looking like clouds it just kind of looked like a marble countertop so I took some white paint and it's the only white I had on hand it's actually not even acrylics I just went out to my paint stash this is white paint that you use on your walls y'all okay and I took that white paint and I was kind of dabbing on the clouds to make them look like actual clouds also I just got to say and I I try really hard not to cheat my own horn or like you know brag or anything like that cuz I don't want to ever be that person that comes off is like super cocky cuz I listen I am 99% of the time I am winging it I don't know how it's going to turn out it I get lucky sometimes and this is one of those moments y'all I killed it with these clouds I'm not going to lie these look so good these are the best clouds I've ever done in my life also I think a lot of it had to do with the type of paint brush I was using too this is the first time I've ever used this particular paintbrush this is actually for chalk paint but I feel like it has the perfect texture to create a soft effect and so I using that wall paint I was able to kind of go in a circular motion to create softness you know because you don't want it to be too harsh of lines you don't want it to look like you stippled on the white paint you can kind of see my hand but I'm going in like a circular motion very lightly over the grayish Brown clouds that I made and that's gave the illusion of those soft flowy fluffy clouds um definitely will be using this paintbrush in the future [Music] [Music] I really hope I am not annoying the heck out of you guys with that song but I've played it in like the past five videos probably more than that I love it so much the song is called play on and the artist is duplex it's from that's where I get all my music I have a subscription with them and that's how I'm able to put music in my videos um because music is really hard to find as a content creator um sometimes I struggle with it I actually recently played a really really bad song in one of my videos and didn't even notice that I played the bad song I sometimes I don't listen to the whole thing I just kind of listen for Beats and anyway this is one of my favorites right now this play on by duplex um but this is the next day I let the canvas fully dry overnight and now I'm adding in the oak trees which was extremely terrifying if you have ever painted before you know that whenever you are done with your canvas and now it's time to add in those fine details that is when it's really challenging because there is so much potential to mess up all of your hard work um I have done that so many times I have painted some of the most beautiful sunsets and ruined it with like botchy trees oh I can't even I should show you guys some of them it's really funny actually because I do get pretty mad I'm not going to lie especially when especially whenever I'm like working really hard on something and I go to fix a small tiny little mistake and I accidentally go in too heavy and then it turns into like just this muddy mess oh it's so frustrating I get so mad and I just want to cry but I know that happens you know it's they're not always going to work out and I have been recently trying to teach myself when to stop because I will keep messing with things and just keep adding and keep adding and that's where I mess up because I never know when to stop and I actually started to do that with this painting I kept adding more and more shadows and I was like oh man at one point I added a shadow and it got too dark and I thought I was headed down the wrong path so I was like you know what nope stop stop where you are stop adding give it a day add a frame to it and then see how it looks and something I've shared before in the past is if you're ever painting something and you don't love the way it looks the result put it in a frame putting it in a frame it turns it from a basic painting into a work of art it really does elevate it in so many ways all the colors just pop better and it just looks incredible so if you're ever just feeling like oh this is not my best work make sure you put it in a frame before you start [Music] judging I've been feeling so small watch the clock scking off the wall but tonight I'm letting it go spend my coin for show I'm going to be myself or I could be someone else one stoping me now I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I just want to feel it like it's just what I do when I'm out so try not to hold me down feel alive when I'm in this town look at the beautiful stars I want to drive a faster car nothing can break me no nothing can break me try not to hold me down feel alive when I'm in this town look at the beautiful stars I want to take a trip to Mars Nothing can break me no nothing can break me [Music] o [Music] o look at beautiful stars I want to drive a faster car they my Tres to rest smoke through my c r City that's looking fine and I know this is my time now I'm going to be myself I could be someone else no oneing me now I'm going to skip my breaks I'm going to make mistakes I just want to feel it it's just what I do when I'm out so try not to hold me down feel feel alive when I'm in this town look at the beautiful stars I want to drive a faster car break me break me TR hold feel I am about to show you guys my masterpiece and I am genuinely proud of this painting there's not a whole lot of paintings that I do that I don't mess up along the way and have to like paint back over like a dark spot and and then like redo it I didn't have to do that at all with this one I took my time it did take me all last night I basically spent about 3 hours on it and then this morning I've spent about an hour and a half almost 2 hours so about 5 hours to paint this um and not bad I think it's absolutely stunning but this is how she turned out I love it it's Moody it's light and Airy still I don't know I just like it's everything I love it so much let me know what y I think um but now I just got to build a frame so I need to go by oh my gosh there's paint all over my couch thank goodness it's leather and I can wipe it clean by the way I paint with acrylic um acrylic is like the easiest for me to paint with I think I might may have already mentioned that in this video but I can water it down I can almost turn it into like watercolors in a sense and I just I love the way that acrylics look um plus I like that they're easy to wash and the acrylics that I buy are like non-toxic so I don't have to worry about it you know breathing in a bunch of crap but um yeah I'm gonna go to Lowe's though I want to get some like framing to frame it out I want to do like a really beautiful um thick chunky gold frame I think would be just absolutely beautiful for this piece um maybe something a little bit like dark bronzy gold would be nice I think that's what I want for my bedroom so I'm going to run and see if I can find some nice trim like at a decent price and um I also want to work on my headboard cuz I do plan on using this piece of art above my bed um I've had this canvas sitting in my closet for like weeks and I just finally got around to painting and actually my daughter's the one who inspired me she's like Mom let's paint I want to paint with you um and look at her painting I love it she's not completely done she had to like you know whenever you're painting you got to wait for the layers to dry but she's doing a sunet so she was waiting for the pink to dry so she could go back over it with like whites and blues and I think um it's going to turn out so cute so I'm super proud of her I love that she loves to paint with me so that's something that we definitely Bond over and I love that but uh yeah we'll go see if I can find some trim frame these out actually I might get some Gibs a little extra so we can frame hers as well but that is The Game Plan [Music] all right so I just made a quick frame for the canvas out of these 1 by two boards um I just cut some 45° angles just so that way that was everything was nice and seamless when it's all put together and now I'm going to take this decorative trim that I bought and I'm actually going to Mark here like where I want it to go and then the plan is to just nail it right to the top of this that way it'll hold the canvas in place from the other side and I can put like a little um like board or something to keep the canvas from falling out but this is going to be my frame so we'll see how it turns out so what I like to do is cut one 45° angle on The Far Side of the trim First Once I have that piece cut I then laid it here on my frame and I'm going to Mark with a pin where I need to cut my other angle I have found this just to be the quickest and easiest way and once you get your length and width cut all you got to do is just basically copy and paste that one more time so I take what I've already cut here and what I've already cut here for the side and I basically just take those two boards lay them on the other trim and that's how I get my perfect length and width for the last two boards so that I don't have to keep sitting over here like trying to measure it out like really perfectly um you just can use the the two that you already cut as guides now really quick I did want to mention whenever you are working with detailed trim make sure that you are cutting your angles the right way I have made the mistake before working with crown molding or not crown molding like the molding trim where the detail was on the wrong I just cut the angle the wrong way so just pay attention because when you are using trim that only comes in a certain length you want to try to get the most for your money and you don't want to mess up so always double check so that way you do not have to make mistakes and waste product and then once everything was cut it's time to start nailing it in place and I had every intention on using the wood glue you can see it sitting right there but I don't know I was just one track minded and I was nailing this bad boy together so yeah I got it done um without wood glue you could totally use wood glue to make it even more sturdy but it's fine I just use Nails um so I'm popping in quite a few Nails along the side um this also helped reinforce that original frame that I built it was really not sturdy at all so just keep that in mind if you do try to build a frame like this that's large it's not going to be super sturdy until you get your canvas in there and then you add the pieces on the back that give it more stability and to make the pieces for the back basically I just took some leftover 1 by two boards and I cut those on each side at 45° angles so that way I could staple them in place on the back side and I'll show you guys that in just a little bit but before I decided to add the boards to the back side for the stability and to also hold the canvas in place I tried to take a stapler and nail the decorative trim together I don't know what I was thinking y'all will not believe what I just did so I was stapling everything together and it stapled straight through what was I thinking everything looks so good and I just ruined it with staples that sucks so bad I don't know what to do oh man so the only thing I can think to do is just take some pliers and try my best to like pull them out okay so they came right out it just kind of splintered the wood just to hair but I think it'll be okay just add some it add some character oh it sucks right here it got it pretty good well so that's what I was talking about with the staple gun I like stapled the corners of the decorative trim I don't why would I think that would ever work I knew that the staplers were pretty big but I was probably I was just working too hard and tired and I was just moving too fast not paying attention but now it's time to move on to paint so I took some black spray paint that I had on hand I actually only had a tiny bit left and I started to get worried right here because it was starting to not come out of the can I was like oh man I just messed up I'm not going to have enough paint to even finish this but thankfully I was able to stretch it just far enough to um paint the entire frame black the areas that really needed the black more so than anything and then I'm going to go over all of that with the gold spray paint to create more of an antique gold instead of like a really Stark Shiny Gold [Music] I used to think I had plenty dreams and light in my life still my glass was empty but you came along and showed me how to love without our limit to have a good time my glass was always laughing see but now you're in my life we're far away from the SE light so small under the night sky it's just a to but I don't mind you could never wear me out even after all of these years you still look at we were the same it's just a to but I don't mind you could never wear me [Music] out you could never wear me [Music] out we have come all this way love so I don't see us stopping now my life's in [Music] ADV this is the perfect example of why you should always double or triple measure so the canvas was like just barely like not fitting I was like oh my gosh how did I mess this up it took me a little bit of like squeezing and pressing and pulling and I finally got it to go in so this canvas is probably never coming out of this Frame but hey at least it looks good um and then here is where I was taking those extra pieces of wood that I had I cut those at 45 degrees and you can see I'm just adding them here to hold the canvas in place although it's not budging and um really this is to also kind of give the frame itself a little bit more stability at first it was feeling a little wobbly and to be honest now that the canvas was in there this was probably just an added step I didn't need but I already cut them so I figured why not I started to get really impatient and I was really excited to see how it turned out cuz this this is the first time I even saw it with the frame so yeah here is how it turned out wow where you going to put it my what do you think I like it it's so all right so that is how it turned out I'm in love I think the frame just really elevated it so much I cannot wait to get it on the wall but before we do that it's time to work on a DIY headboard earlier when I was at Lowe's I also picked up some materials to make this headboard and I just grabbed some really inexpensive boards to create just a basic frame so that way I could add foam to it and then fabric the goal was to create just a basic Square upolstered headboard and I probably could have done this a heck of a lot cheaper but my original plan was to do something a little different and last minute I ended up going with the safe option and I kind of regret it because I feel like my more uh intricate type of design probably would have turned out really nice but I was kind of panicking about time and I'm kicking myself in the butt for that because I just had this conversation with myself and with you guys not too long ago about trying to take my time with projects more often and not rush them because basically what I've done in the past is I've hurried up and rushed through a project just to to do the project cuz I'm like impa I'm extremely impatient when it comes to certain things and I rush them and then I end up tearing it apart and redoing it shortly after because I don't love it the first time so basically that's what I did I rushed this and I was moving too fast I should have just waited um I personally think that it had a little bit to do with like my I was at my creative um limit I had already painted previous to that too we just built a little mini shed for our water heater and we've just had a lot going on the past couple weeks and I think that I just I was at my limit with being creative so I was just trying to rush it but I'll share with you guys how I built it in case you are interested in something really simple like this this is the most basic headboard you can build so all the wood here that you can see in this video right now I have 2 1x4 by 8s 2 1X 8 by 8s and then two 1X 6 by 8 and 1 1X 2x 8 I know that's a lot I'll just have it listed Down Below in the description box I don't even know why I tried to read that off but that's the sizes of the boards that I used and all of that wood together was just under $40 so not bad at all for a basic headboard and there was some scrap wood left over so I was able to use it for other projects um and now I'm just taking some wood glue and some drywall screws to attach the wood together together you could totally use wood screws but wood or I'm sorry drywall screws are just cheaper in my opinion and I just like the way they work much better I use them for everything um and adding the wood glue just gives that extra security make sure it doesn't wiggle around or anything like that you're the Reas why we're far away from the city lights so small under the night sky it's just a but I don't mind you could never me out even after all of to look at me with it's just but I don't mind you could never we me out you could never [Music] me okay so I ended up buying this project foam I'm not sure if this is going to be enough I'm probably going to have to go back and get more we'll see I'll do my absolute [Music] best before I start laying down the foam here's what the headboard look like I should have probably gotten a better overview before I started this but I was just I was on a roll trying to get this done um so I took my little foam here which is not thick enough oh my gosh number one mistake trying to be cheap um I was like I am not buying another 10 bag of foam I'm going to make this work that's what I was saying in my mind and y'all know I pride myself on being extremely budget friendly so if I'm going to share a project I want to make sure that it fits for all different um budgets while still looking high-end but I will say I did miss the mark on this one a little bit I should have went with one more layer of foam it would have created a more luxurious thick fluffy headboard effect instead of it just being like a thin piece of plywood with foam on it like I I kind of was getting that Vibe at the end um honestly when the bed is styled with pillows on it you would never know I'm not going to tell anybody nobody's going to know except for the thousands of you who are watching this video right now and I wanted to add it's not the end of the world projects don't always go as planned sometimes sometimes they turn out better than others but there are moments where you end up having to fix or modify something that you messed up on or that you could have done better and that is the beauty of DIY that is part of learning that's part of growing as a person and I mean honestly can you imagine if everything just went perfect all the time how boring it would be um you need little moments like this in life to where you can laugh and look back and be like oh I definitely learned from a mistake so let me share what happened and I originally was going to cut all this footage out because it didn't turn out but I was like you know what no I got to share this because it was creative and it could have totally worked this would have worked if I had an extra layer of foam so let me just say that but what I took here was an old DEET cover I had it was the perfect color it's exactly what I wanted it's soft it's silky it feels great um and the only thing wrong with it is on one side there's a tiny little pin hole where one of the dogs like scratched it too hard and it ripped a small hole in it so I was going to use this as the fabric so I decided to double layer it to make it a little bit thicker and everything was going smooth I was like this is definitely going to work um but like I said the one mistake that I made was not adding the extra foam because it didn't give there was not enough um cushion um how do I explain this basically when I was wrapping the fabric around it was indenting the fabric too much and it caused it to look really lumpy I think if there was an extra layer of foam it would have given it some more firmness so that way when I did wrap the fabric it wasn't pulling in on the foam as much I hope I'm explaining that okay but overall this would have been a great affordable way number one I didn't have to buy fabric I'm reusing something I already had instead of trashing it um I I feel like this would this could have totally worked and I'm kicking myself in the butt for being cheap and not buying the extra pag of foam but it's okay at this point I add I start I start nailing all this uh fabric on I didn't even cut it because I figured whenever I was done stapling I'll go through and cut off all the extra fabric in the end um I'm not really that great at upholstering anything anyway so I wanted to make sure I had plenty of fabric to work with now once I was done wrapping the headboard I brought it inside and I immediately was like nope nope nope nope I'm not even recording this it was so bad you could see all the dips increases and I was going to trash all the footage just being 100% real with you I was going to throw it away I wasn't even going to share all this but then I was like you know what I'm going to show that you can make things work even if it is a temporary solution don't give up just keep pushing forward so I then went back to the drawing board and I grabbed this canvas drop cloth and I wrap that around the headboard that I just wrapped with the deet cover and so what I think happened is adding that extra layer of fabric is what created a little bit more softness so that way it wasn't showing all those dips and creases that I was experiencing the first time around so going back to the beginning had I originally bought more foam I would have never had to do this twice but it is what it is but yeah basically I'm just wrapping that drop cloth around the headboard now and stapling it in place and I also took my small little iron that I have and tried to iron out a lot of the wrinkles um but one thing that really helped was working with this drop cloth while it was slightly damp um so I did wash it and before it was fully dry as when I actually decided to use it um to be able to wrap the headboard and it just kind of helped stretch it out a little bit easier and um helped without having a bunch of wrinkles and in case you curious this is what the back side of the headboard looks like so it's nothing fancy but it does the job all right so now I'm going to go ahead and share me putting the space back together so the headboard is in place you can see it turned out pretty darn good I'm adding my artwork and I'll show you guys a couple overviews on how it all turned [Music] [Applause] [Music] out all right y'all that's going to be it for today's video thank you so much for hanging out with me today I appreciate you being here so very much thank you thank you for always watching The Good the Bad the in between all of it um y'all are just so amazing and encouraging and y'all motivate me more than you realize so thank you thank you thank you I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day and I will see you guys in my next video bye y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Karrie Lynn
Views: 31,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, diy headboard, diy art, painting a landscape, paint with me, custom art, custom frame, bedroom makeover, bedroom diy, diy bedroom, paint, acrylic painting, landscape painting, diy art work, small home, small home diy, home, house, homemaking, small house on a budget, Interior design, diy with me 2024
Id: rIeVbIMFraw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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