It’s Finally Happening. We Knew This Day Would Come!!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel thank each and every one of y'all for clicking on today's video today is the day we have been waiting for for a very very very long time and uh we're excited that we get to bring y'all along but most of all the video is um for us to look later on down the line with the kids and stuff we've been waiting for the house they contacted us um we got our meeting today and then they contact us again saying we need to pick the colors to the house um don't know if we get to show um any footage but we may get to take some pictures of colors and stuff but um anyways we're going to go in and pick her colors then we're going to go to the meeting then we'll be back at the farm all right guys so we just finally made it home and uh what a great day um is pretty neat we had to sit sit through a class and they tell us you know the things how to take care of the house and this and that um but it went really good we got to go pick the colors of the brick the shingles the siding the siding um the carpet countertop countertops flooring it was it was pretty cool so um it's just right around the corner guys uh we've been waiting for this for so long this is um a dream um I guess it yeah it's a Dream It's finally here you know we've been waiting I think we've been out here almost 2 years now and um we're so so thankful for the chicksaw nation um which you know I'm I'm proud to say that I'm an American Indian and um you know I I know back in the day that wasn't something I know back in the day talking to a lot of older people that you know that are Indian but they don't have a road card because that was something you didn't do back in the day or they traded it for land or whatever but um yes so it's here it's so when they that lady asked what was she saying when are they going to start and she said September or when are they going to be finished yeah and then she rephrased when some of us was looking on this other side and she said but no that's that's uh Carter County there's two different counties so so I think they're getting ready to start in Murray County yeah yeah just not we know they are starting on uh ours is probably going to be the last second to last or last one but that's fine when they get in there they get to get get everything done I'll see if I can find get some pictures from Steph's phone and uh we'll kind of show y'all um I man it's just so exciting and and just kind of explain this to the people that are new this isn't something we get for free we basically mortgage it through the the Indians actually carry the loan we pay the loan we pay everything there is nothing free on this so please I know before people was like must be nice no there's nothing free we have to pay for this and uh we're very thankful um you know what Co kind of messed this up we would have already had our house and everything yeah but um that kind of put everything behind so anyways we're home um we're getting ready to get some chores done but we stopped at the post office and um got a couple boxes in the mail we got a couple boxes in a mail and I told y'all here the other day that um Chestnut Hill Farm dead was going to be sending us a surprise well some of y'all guessed it right and some of y'all didn't but we're going to go ahead and open this up and we're going to check and make sure everything made it here safely take a guess what what you think it is log it down in the comments oh wow I like how they pack them there it is right there guys we have got some guinea eggs we got some Alabama Guinea eggs how about that it looks like all these made it um there's none cracked on the top I love how he he actually did these individually that's uh pretty pretty neat just taking one of those uh pool noodles and cutting it so I will have to remember that Cassie did you know did you know anything about that pretty smart that's pretty smart so the first box looks really really good and I believe the second box let's get in it real quick okay I make sure his address wasn't on there and this box looks like the same way looks like one of them popped out but looks like the rest of them are good yeah that is like the perfect thing that is perfect they just kind of like pop into it yeah that is guys that is that that's awesome thank you so much Nick and Zoe and um for the ones that don't know uh Chestnut Hill Farmstead that's Nick and Zoe there are friends from Alabama um they always come up here to the Oki Homestead Expo we went to the pedals from the past last year and um this year he told me he was going to bring some eggs but they hadn't received them in time the wind's really really really uh crazy day makes me look good no they said um he'd get home and get some I think like two days after he got home his friend had 60 of them and and brought them over so we're going to end up what we're going to do is take these we're going to put them at egg carton we're going to set them still for two days and then after that we'll will load them in the incubator and then we'll have a bunch of guine so um I'm going to do that later well I'm going to do it here in a minute I ain't going to show all of y'all bore y'all with that and uh well actually I need to check all these eggs let me grab a egg carton real quick so anyways guys they're great friends of ours and like I said they got a YouTube channel as well Chestnut Hill Farmstead I'm going to leave a link down in the description box we encourage you to go over there check them out we're very thankful of them sending us these Guinea eggs you know and this was before we started having all the problems with the Predators taking them but now um hopefully we can hatch a bunch of these and we can get them on there so go over there check their Homestead out um kind of like us you know they got some property they're not living on their land yet that's the way we were at the very beginning so always encourage people uh to go over and and they're great people they're they are who they are in person fun to be around be sure to tell them uh you came from Eddie Family Farm just I just want to see how many of y'all actually go over there come on now so let's go ahead and check these real quick yeah I want to see how these Al what do you call alabas Alabama iian alab I don't even know but um I want to see how these eggs from Alabama hold up to our Oklahoma guies we'll see it'd be better in them them Oklahoma OU Sooners yeah at least he packed the right color yeah that's what I was about to say he he packed the right color yeah they look good I'll be 42 yeah three four five 6 46 46 that ain't bad one of them out of 46 that ain't bad at all one out of 47 one out of 47 that ain't bad at all so and it's really good because it's only like that top layer which I mean you can't incubate it but it it didn't pop as if it was like no pop that I'm going to take them in there and put these up and then I got a few other Cho I got to do and uh I don't know if we'll actually start any more of the garden we got some plans this weekend so we'll just play it by Year all right guys so we have arrived to our hotel we're going to be staying at for the next couple nights we this is massive it is it's massive ain't it um we're going to go hang out with a a bunch of people a bunch of our friends um a lot of people don't know that we are making this trip so we're we're making some people know uh we're making a a surprise appearance at the late tin killer YouTube Meetup so um we wasn't going to come up until yesterday but I was watching Mike with mt Homestead and they was live on their way to the um Lake 10 Lake 10 killer so I was like man people are com and Tony was coming up too with our uh our cabin in the woods and I was like man everybody's comeing up night 4 I don't wanted to drive so um we decided to drive up tonight stay in the hotel and go to the YouTube meet up tomorrow so it's going to be a lot of fun um it it's going to be amazing I can't wait to get to see everybody but um yeah so we'll see yall in the morning we have finally made it um this is the first day we have made it to the uh Lake 10 killer YouTube Meetup it is beautiful out here um this morning it was raining we all got wet but hey it's starting to dry up now and um just got done eating so now we're going to kind of go through and see who's all here and I've met a lot of people I never met before but um that's awesome that's why you go to meetups so um we're going to go through here and just visit and have some fun so hopefully you enjoy look at that guys Cas I'm making a hand he's always out to help somebody that awesome you have fun yeah that's awesome I opening them out that's awesome all right guys everybody has signed the lake team killer Banner we signed it right here on the E what a better place to do K what you been doing today been playing with your friends you've been helping out he has been a big help I did get a little bit of footage of that when we actually showed up earlier um I'll see if I can find that like I said earlier when we uh showed up this morning it was raining but it has finally went away and uh so most of y'all didn't know last night we was in a hotel and we told y'all we was going to somewhere but I was throwing y'all off on purpose just have fun you know well I mean that's what it's all about but um what do you think about the day Kevin it's been pretty good busy like I said this morning it started off pretty rainy and dreary and cold Butz after lunch rain went away get cool a little now but it's a lot better than what it was but it's been a lot of fun yeah it's a lot of fun and then I think the rain's supposed to hold off for tomorrow too so um it's it's going to uh be fun and we're going to try to show y'all introduce y'all some new people throughout this uh weekend so I hope youall enjoy all right this is Jan Jan tell them a little bit about yourself and what's going on well I'm simply Jan Homestead and I have uh chickens and ducks and a donkey and three goats and we garden and uh just living that Homestead Life currently have the Family Farm yeah she got the last one she got the last one for the day uhhuh I guilted him into it I did but yeah we we're just living the life and trying to you know be sustainable for our family and I do canning and dehydrating and pressure canning and all the things y'all yeah grow your own food we'll definitely have to learn how to do that eventually if we get a house one day all right guys this next person here I've been visiting with him today this is Jesse and his lovely wife here um Lisa um kind tell us a little bit of what y'all got going on well we're lazy days ahead with Jesse and Lisa and we're from Houston Texas and and we started our Channel what two years three years ago well during Co like everybody most everybody did right we started doing we started out as moderating I was a moderator and started doing that and then we got talked into making a channel and I said well we fixing retire and we didn't know what we're going to do when you retire you think you can just kick back and not do nothing wrong yeah it's another job it's like another job but but no so we said that what we going to do let's just going we're going to have you know lazy days ahead right that just stuck La days ahead so that's where we got our our our channel name cuz we were thinking it was going to be Kickback and it's not uh YouTube YouTube is a it's another job folks it we love it we love we meet a lot of people Lazy Days Ahead J we've met a lot of excellent people we uh we've met a lot of people through through YouTube a lot of great this community is awesome the the homesteading the gardening this community just they just they come together they have a great time uh and and we we love it in our Channel we we do a little bit of everything we you know we show our family we we do we travel this is our RV we travel and then we also uh Lisa likes to she she's known as a jamming Queen if you well she loves to make jams and jellies so she started canning here during during the co break and uh then we got a freeze dryer so then does freeze dry she's on that kick and and but we're actually if you will Preppers I don't to say like we're not Doomsday Preppers but we like to prepare we we got stuff canned and freeze dried it's a lot of fun but and then but we also do um lives every two weeks every other week and uh we do giveaways we we we love to give things away we really do better to give than to receive right yes so yeah but we we have we have a great time and also guys like I say uh we've actually been sitting out here for the last hour hour and a half maybe two hours just sitting here visiting and uh fellowshipping and it it's been amazing so um we're going to show some more footage throughout this video all right guys so we finally found Tony out here and I thought he was looking he he lost looking for somebody but he said his wife's on a ebike ebike that's dangerous she hasn't been on a bike in a long time never mind she her and Tera took off uh yeah I don't know where they're at yeah but those electric bites are a lot of fun cuz if you get tired you can just use the electric but um you're kind of uh help helped put this on you said there was a y there was eight other uh group eight other channels that all got together that put this on here and um this is our first time and we will be doing it again and I was just asking Brandon if there's anything that he's seen that maybe we can do to improve it and we chat about that I mean yeah yeah I mean this morning we got here you know it's just raining and everything but um I think tomorrow everybody be rolling in cuz Friday everybody's rolling in they're just getting off work and so I think tomorrow there'll be a bunch of people here but yeah so far all the kids having fun it's great family stuff your son uh-huh is so good with helping everybody helping us yes he is a big you for raising a great son I love it that's that's what get it all the time is like people like their kids can't be really like that when they do that in public I like that because like he did it all on his own because there he always wants to be a part and always tries to help somebody and uh this I mean he just he wasn't shy or nothing he just jumped in and went this morning y he was after it yeah yeah he was he wants to walk all the dogs uh he jumped in the back of the truck helping us unload it we would get ice this morning earlier and then we were just getting ready for the potlock dinner and he walked up the door he goes oh there's the dogs he goes are you making dinner I go yeah he goes yum and he haul butt over this way he won't pass a meal up but but a little bit of history about me and Tony so if yall remember back in 2019 I believe it was we did a Meetup and Tony came there um but we met Tony when we first started her Channel um from our cabin in the woods and uh we've kind of just stayed in contact through social media and then other events and stuff so uh I encourage you to go over there and check out his channel and tell him Eddie Family Farm sent you so hopefully you'll get a chance to go over there and see some of his content uh next year if you're coming out check out we're going to do this again next year uh Lake 10 killer um it's a blast we have a good time I am so happy Brandon showed up I was hoping he would and he did yeah it's awesome we're having a good time so going to definitely schedule it for next year yeah and I had one of these left so we're going to give it to you you can have that yeah it's nice to ATM person that's really really awesome that's awesome you want to say hi he he watches our our YouTube videos and he he enjoys watching you on the F we got you on video when we take picture too yeah Tony what you got going on over here some hot dogs got hot BRS medium a whole packet of BRS all these hot dogs look this so Tony's over here cooking it up cooking it up well she's the cook I'm I'm staying out of the way staying out of the way where's uh where's the Chili here but we can probably some more okay we're everybody brought a bunch so I think we're fixing to do a chili test off where's the Chili at the Chili's right there all those crock pots are right there on that side okay yeah all right we're going to go test some chili out all right Johnny getting all that CH chili lined up yes there's a bunch of it yes thank you that way [Music] how many more you got not willing to jump in and do it huh all right Jerry look at you Jerry give you one job Jerry i c i Saed okay okay well look at me look at me I had one job one job I had one job yeah we need here let me get me some cups and I'll start at the other end I'm going to just say I'm want to knowy I'm going to hand you some cups be here doces travel expenses anything like that Lord we ask you have one of those Lord we ask that you put a hge of protection around this amen no I think he's got like two that he's thinking of he's had to go back for more I'm done that's a lot of chili it is some good stuff everyone is it this one all right who has this chili right here white crockpot white crockpot the white crockpot all right hey Dana here you go Donna Donna Donna there you go are you sure that's the one that's yours are you sure I got it we got winner yeah we got a winner somewhere come on SO $350 and I know math is hard that's $75 268 yeah we got a winner well I'm not going to accept it I'm going to go ahead and donate it back to um Charles here and hey y'all they are donating back this Kitty back to Charles I'll let you there you go Charles thank you there you go there you go buddy no no I want to I want to yeah I want to and thank you for coming out here and watching for all these years for us I'm just glad we was finally able to to meet you in person and and uh we're going to keep you in our prayers Eddie Family Farm yeah you're welcome buddy everyone go check them out on YouTube if you haven't subscribed yet give them a bunch and bunch of love we appreciate you we appreciate you guys yeah okay so we'll take a little break and then there you go she doesn't yeah she got one okay do all the kids have a white ticket yeah all right [Music] all right first off we're going to draw for a rocket something uh copter uh copter 7418 seven no 7409 there you go keep your ticket y'all keep your tickets cuz we might have enough prizes when we're done 7417 [Music] got it okay bubbles next 7413 [Music] 7413 all right here's the last one last one 7409 oh that's him that's what he was [Applause] wanting that's awesome all right that was all the kids PR that's awesome that's what you was wanting wasn't it yeah what you got there hummingbird feeder right oh wow got my cles and I was actually just talking to her husband yeah yeah that's awesome have I won anything yet not yet not yet we're still waiting 01 we're waiting for the grand prize all right guys so they have started the drawings and uh I don't know how how I've already put it in here but if not I'll show you the drawings they had for the kids Cas won something he was super excited he wanted the Nerf stuff and he got it so now they're on the adult stuff Stephanie just actually won something but uh man it has been super super nice here this weekend everybody was welcoming and um man it it's been an amazing time um I'm glad we was able to make it out here this this go around but um the only the bad part about this weekend is we've got tons of storms coming about and it ain't bad about this weekend it's us going home is we got some severe tornado stuff that we're going to have to work through somehow but we're going to get through it um like I say it's been a great weekend this is day two and um you know we got to speak with the Fallen Arkansas veteran um that's his username on uh YouTube he's been with us from the very beginning ever since we made wooden American flags and um he's got some health issues going on and um we had a raffle earlier and they did a 50/50 deal and which we ended up winning one we gave it all back um obviously um I'll kind of go in more of that in one of my lives but um guys it's been amazing and uh it if you're watching this and you was here and we didn't get a chance to visit with you I apologize but um I think we pretty much visited with everybody at some point and uh it's been awesome enjoyed visiting with the Jesse with lazy days uh ahead uh we had a really really good night and um several more that come around set up last night it's amazing Tony um there's so many of them here but I'm willing to um you'll see some of them throughout the video so I'm going to get up here and shoot a little bit more before we got to hit the road Jesse about can give everything away we're trying to give it away give it away give it away now listen yeah we're giving away great stuff look at this is that nice awesome that is that's amazing I've seen a bunch of those that's really NE we get these way we got a bunch of the raffle you might want to show them the stuff we're raffling off yeah I will definitely do that oh wow I love that Lake 10 killer this another giveaway that somebody made this good huh handmade that's awesome beautiful huh that is awesome that's awesome we got this wonderful gift basket here that's about $100 worth of stuff in here donated by Lazy Days Ahead we've been giving all kind of stuff away mik that's awesome hey I don't know who's in there but y'all need to go check out this channel right here folks y right here there ain't n nothing better right here that's right that's right that's a big Sporter that's right 494 here it is Big mik so you need to sign everybody in here winner chicken dinner what' you get he got a tackle hat but you have to email him so I'll sent you the email all right sweet see I wasn't he T Outdoors have y'all won anything what' yall win oh wow we have to keep watching because they put I wanted that I did all right guys we just left the late T killer everybody's buckled up and we are getting ready to head home we got some bad storms that we got to try to work our way through there's just no way um we're going to hit them so it's just a matter of how hard we're going to hit them and what part of the area we're going to hit the storms but um I'm just we're just going to pray everything goes right um I mean for us to get home without beating the storms we' probably had to leave what 2 or 3 hours ago yeah if not earlier but um we had a really good time this weekend we met some amazing people met new friends it was awesome we spent the weekend with uh Kimberly and Kevin and and the two girls and the kids had fun everybody's buckled up and ready to go yeah what did you get oh wow that's it's awesome he won that on a kid drawing but um one person I didn't get a visit with before we left on camera was Gillum farms and um man there's part of it they actually put this on his wife's got a channel and um I'm I'll I'll tell you more about him later on but uh we're going to try to get on the road we're just getting gas right now and try to get home oh look here chicken's crossing the road what's the chicken cross the road for to get to the other side I listen at you no
Channel: Eddy Family Farm
Views: 27,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family time, family fun, homestead, home stead, family vlog, family friendly, family vloggers, farm vlog, cute animals, farm, farming, homesteading, homestead goats, cog hill farm, homestead farm, homesteading family, homesteading for beginners, farm life, homestead farm life, homesteading channels, how to, farm life for kids, tractor, farm work, life, royal family channel, family vloggers channels, off grid, fifth wheel, living off grid, eddy family farm, arms family
Id: kpERKOmxRjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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